I’m an Iranian Christian so right away I knew he was Armenian - and I know that he’s NOTHING like y’all! Armenians are wonderful, hardworking, loving, generous, joyful, lively, salt of the earth people, and I’ve had the good fortune of growing up all my life alongside Armenians from all parts of your diaspora. There is NOTHING Armenian about this loser except for his name.
I was just thinking this guy seems to be in an ersatz same sex relationship just without the sex, with a whole male group, just to have a relationship he can maintain, but feeling a bit superior to the other guys because they pay him to bake them feel comfortable about being the same way he is.
@@RyzhayaFuria A dollar multimillionaire, the owner of the largest paid telegram channel in the world, the champion of Russia in kickboxing, 16 higher educations, the creator of an online university of remote professions, who from the first stream helped hundreds of his subscribers break out of poverty and finally leave Russia. The very essence of Arsen's activities in the media sphere is to instill in Russians and residents of the CIS countries respect for themselves and for their own borders, which many men in the CIS lack. A person who helped me personally make my life much better, I became bluer physically and mentally, on the advice of Arsen, I began to engage in martial arts, read useful literature, take care of my health, quit drinking. Sorry if it is spelled incorrectly, I am from Russia and use Google Translate, I know English, but not well enough to write such complex multi-component messages.
"If a person has an analytical mind, that person can look at the defecating cow and understand something about that life[...]" - Arsen Markaryan thanks for translating this piece of art
Did you miss the part where he makes 1 million USD a month? At that point it doesnt matter whaat kind of personality you have, plenty of golddiggers around.
Yes! This is what shocked me the most about him. All the things he says, his actions, the fact that he’s a pędo. But his age. He looks 10 years older than he actually is.
I always laugh at the idea that in the West, or maybe just America, people use the word "caucasian" to mean white people, when it literally means people from Armenia, Georgia and Ajerbaijan.
That’s just an American thing. I think the point with term ‘Caucasian’ has been to differentiate white people with European ancestry from Hispanics with light skin. Kinda stupid though since it literally means people from the countries you mentioned.
It's obsolete now, but I was taught in school that there are three human "races" and Caucasian (or Caucasoid) was one (the others were Mongoloid and Negroid).
But not the north Caucasus? Azeris aren't even Caucasians, they're turks. And Armenians aren't really Caucasians either as they don't speak a Caucasian language, but an Indo European one.
Absolutely. It's almost as if 'alpha men' are full of double-standards and never hold themselves accountable to the same standard that they expect women to be. The most infamous one is probably their slut shaming: A lot of them expect women to be 'pure virgins who save themselves for the right man' but then boast about 'how many girls(!) they slept with' and 'how many women they regularly get'.
Those guys are like sexual predators for incels. They keep gaslighting them into giving the money for not being incels which then firmly cements them in their inceldom. At some point that should classify as gay SM relationship.
This was for the paysense nonsense transition period. I have read that works again now, but i decided to send it anyway. Lots of luck! Regards from the wonderful land of Romania.
All these guys boasting about their testosterone will go bald young. My husband started balding at 14 so probably has high testosterone, but is somehow still able to view women as people despite having never kissed a girl before we got together when he was 22. Proof that it’s possible not to fall into inceldom or the manosphere. Fortunately that was all before the advent of social media made young men think women are to blame for everything they don’t like.
Men don’t get bald because of high testosterone.I don’t know who created that myth and why.Men usually have hair when they’re younger and their testosterone levels are higher when they’re younger too cause it declines with age,every year.balding is genetic for men in general
@@jjjiiddppeew1810 I think the people saying that are misinterpreting a 1960s study from a Yale doctor, James B. Hamilton, about a TINY amount of boys undergoing castration who didn't develop male-pattern baldness. (They're wrong and it's more complicated than that and involves genes, androgen sensitivity of hair follicles, and dihydrotestosterone deactivating the hair follicles and causing MPB. Most importantly it's ONE specific type of baldness that's related specifically to testosterone converting to dihydrotestosterone.)
So... Here in Romania, we do not have our own version of Tristan and Andrew Tate, because apparently we cannot generate such characters on our own. So we've stolen the originals.
As a Romanian myself, I'm pretty sure that there are plenty of copycats here as well. The most well-known one is Cezar Ionașcu (with some Jordan Petersonian deepities in the mix).
@@Intelligence_Failurewell actually I would wager that Turks are the Filipinos of West Asia. Because from my analyses and being a turk myself: Whenever Philippines or Filipino gets mention Filipinos rise up from there and it's the same for us Turks.
@@o.w.n.1327 thesis: the despicable me minions saying "papoy" all the time are a caricature of how filipinos comment "pinoy?" whenever they recognize each other online 🤔
На стриме Шевцов смотрел его "стычку" с Ениной, где утверждал, что всегда был относительно известен в Самаре. Несколькими минутами позже приходит такой донат: "Никто, у нас в Самаре, его никогда не знал".
@@SimpleNick1337 если "ноунейм из Самары" пишет "никто ... его никогда не знал", значит никто из знакомых, друзей, родственников ни разу не слышал об этом блоггере.
I bet there are probably more men that preemptively say women don't like them because they are short than actual women who don't like men who are short.
Hagrid - zigma version, if you will! It's truly disappointing to see Arsen Markaryan getting unfairly criticized in this video. I've watched some of his other content, and it’s incredibly motivating! It’s like the video is just a shadow of who he really is. There's so much depth and warmth in his story that’s missing here. People should take the time to really appreciate what he brings to the table before jumping to conclusions!
Guys, I will save you some time. It's not Russian Andrew Tate. It is Russian Hamza Ahmed. He says absolutely identical things and they both appeared nearly at the same time (2014l. The only difference is that this one is fat and betabux
It's so true how these people always say that women in their own countries are the worst. As an Israeli, I heard it a lot about Israeli women, especially from those 50 year old men whose favorite destination is Thailand.
@@p0werfu11 the Moscow ruling class. The people who actually run Russia. It's not run by the business leaders or wealthy, although they have more power than the common person. If you can be thrown out of a window, you're not the real elite.
@@blindmown correct but I've never seen him supporting siloviki, establishment or any other powers that be. Not that I've bothered to watch all of his lectures but still this accusation feels wrong.
@@p0werfu11 in this very video, he's pushing the Communist party line of supporting the working class while shunning the petty bourgeoisie. That's literal communist manifesto 101 and you only say that if you're looking to stay on the right side of the ruling communist party. As a concept, being on the side of the people is often a good thing. But that's not what he's saying. He's saying "I'm not a slippery bourgeois snake, I'm one of the boys, I don't want the smoke". His content is designed to speak to a certain type of Russian lad "love my ak, love my country, love my leader".
The immigration topic is so dumb. My parents immigrated from russia to germany in the 90s and now act as if they are the 'good immigrants' and all muslim immigrants/refugees are 'bad immigrants' and don't want to work. They were once welcomed into the country and now think they can complain about people getting welcomed into the country once again, arguably more in need than they were. My parents moved because they could, and life in germany is better than in russia. Refugees are, well refugees. I know this is a minor point in the video, but everytime I hear stuff like this I get the urge to vent 😅
I am german. As german as it gets. Yes your parents are the good migrants. Funfact: Almost 50% of Bürgergeldempfänger (social security) dont have a german passport and 60% arent ethnically german. 65% of Syrians dont work. Also your parents arent refugees and neither are the migrants coming today. Refugee is defined quite well and the only ones remotely fitting the definition with some leniency are ukrainians.
He should go to Ukraine, him alone could win that war, a complete total victory in 12-24 hours probably, he taught that UFC champion that retired undefeated from Russia (not even going to attempt his name) he taught him every move he knows I mean this guy is like Steven segal just best to avoid him it's to dangerous 😂
Roman, I have been following on and off for a while but wanted to say that most of my fellow Americans here can't even imagine or understand the life you are living. I don't know what your situation is personally with family, etc but having to leave your country, start a new life, and fight to even have the right to try to survive. There are many of us who understand the beauty and heart of the Russian people and know governments don't represent who the people are. I wish I could say everyone believed the same. I am proud to support you and I am sorry this situation has fallen onto you. You're funny, open, and intelligent... you are a wonderful representative of your people to teach others not to hate on innocent Russians who had no part in events. I wish yout nothing but the best. Keep your head held high. No matter what the future holds, it will be fine. I yurn for the day Americans, Western Europenas, Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, and all can live in peace together, call each other their brother, and understand we all have more in common than we have differences. Russia is and should be the bridge that connects the western ideas with Asian ideas. One of few countries in the world that understands and embodies both cultures of the West and the East. The bridge to peace on earth. That is a future I wish for Russia.
@@GrinOfficial Видит бог, не совру, хорошо у нас в аду Видит бог, не совру, хорошо у нас в аду Видит бог, не совру, хорошо у нас в аду Хорошо у нас в аду Хорошо у нас в аду
He looks like Santa Clause's delinquent little brother that takes all your presents and drinks up all of your dad's liquor cabinet while everyone is sleeping.
Как можно пропустить мимо ушей слова "реальная проблема это антинациональные элиты" и потом с сойджак лицом сидеть и вопрошать а о чем вообще этот чувак говорит? Ну Ром, ты же умнее, если хотел прицепиться к маркаряну, то зачем брать реально базовую фразу и потом притворяться типа чувак хуйню сказал. Ты же сам себя так дурачком выставишь
But Arsen is still making the claim that the non-russian immigrants are mostly criminal, and that the "anti national elites" are bringing them in to sow discord. He can put the blame on two groups.
I always find it funny when theres the "how to attract women" component to their courses, yet all they do is hate women or do things that women wouldnt be drawn too😅 Like what do you want? Women or no women? Cause mixed signals be mixin
@@p0werfu11 a relationship is more then just bare bones respect. Its values, morals, communication. Do you guys have similar goals/ life direction. Whats your conflict resolution like. Are you emotionally mature enough, do you have underline things you gotta adress (like ptsd,ental illness, self sabatoge, avoidancy issues, bad habits, biases). Then theres things like religion, politics, human rights. Then we get into simple things like hobbies, dating styles, do you want kids, want to get married? What about career. What do you want to do outside of those things, like travel, bucket list goals, how you approach intimacy. How will you two take care of each other when sick, how will you two handle tough situations. Boundaries and the balance of being a couple and also being people. What you will and will not tolerate in a partner (are you okay with someone who is a cheater or has history with minors? An abuser? If not then those are things you dont tolerate) Do you even know these things when it comes to yourself? From your comment i can assume you probably have a lot of thinking to do and inner work to do. That you arent ready for a relationship and others can tell that. The only people who are willing to be with someone who doesnt respect them, are people who dont respect themselves to begin with. And you can meet tons of elligible people and good people, but that doesnt mean you guys are the ones for each others. Relationships are more then just feeling entitled to one
Best way to get around youtube censors, auto delete. its pdf-ile.. Its nothing new really with these "conservative" leaning guys, you'll always find it common staple with them.
Let's see if it works! Also, any man claiming to be an alpha or sigma male is just a barking dog who would die if they met a real human wolf. Wait, can we just start calling "those people" adobe acrobats instead?
It depends on the situation. If it's someone like a child, or someone who's slow, but with the best of intentions, it's a way of saying "you really don't know any better."
Lol, funny zigma! Sure, there are moments that might be a bit off-putting, but I really think there’s much more to him than what’s being portrayed here. I find myself wanting to learn more about his story and his journey! There’s definitely something worth exploring beyond the surface. Honestly, this video feels pretty one-sided about Arsen Markaryan
Чувак, он гораздо менее глубок, чем даже в этом видео. Он знает много умных слов, но по сути своей, его размышления это выводы обиженного подростка 15-18 лет. Он кажется умным, потому что умеет хорошо разговаривать, но он очень и очень отсталый в своих умозаключениях, к тому же большой лжец. Все его статистические данные не выдерживают никакой критики, его советы вредны в корне, так же он продаёт биологически активные добавки по оверпрайсу и ест грибы. Короче, обычный нарцисс, запертый в своём мини мире, полностью оторванный от реальности.
as a single woman I would love to be with a guy who has goals in life and want to have a family and not to leave me alone all the time to do hobbies all day long and stare at the phone all the time. Men don't misunderstand me u cn have your hobbies. but help around with cleaning around in-between and don't be messy and dirty and throw shit around. Treat me like a person and talk to me a bit. Its scary men think we as women have high expectations and want rich tall guys. I would love someone who respects and wants.a healthy relationship. I don't care if u are rich or poor. Tall or less tall. Most woman want this.
Don't be lazy and watch at least one of his podcasts from beginning to end. The American Internet is not ready for a person of this level. Get ready, friends, you will listen to Arsen Markaryan standing up.
Arsen’s ability to maintain and even grow his influence despite the controversies surrounding him speaks to his resilience and the strong connection he has with his audience. This level of support indicates that his message resonates deeply, and he continues to inspire many despite the challenges.
2:28 as someone who has actually studied a bunch of different martial arts I can tell you that is the wrong way to train. All that happens is that you end up with a whole lot of different beginner-level technique. I'm still glad I did it because I got to compare different styles, but the correct approach is to pick 1 or 2 schools and then stick with them until it's time to move on. Secondly, the Venn diagram of those martial arts he listed is just a blurry circle. He could have said "I do MMA" and it would cover just about every skill contained within all the "different" competition styles he listed. It's like someone who does kickboxing saying "I do boxing, but I also do kicking" to make it seem as if there is more variety in their knowledge than there actually is.
Sweet pea, you okay? Have you seen art depicting greek gods appart from Zeus? Oh, and are you saying he has a small Johnson? Because that was the greek ideal.
I think my monetization is BACK, by the way.
Try doing a Super Thanks or joining as a member to see if it works!!!!!
Good news!
Finally some good news for your channel!
How did you do it?
now the turn of Alexey Podnebesny - the Incel King
shieet that video would be crazy for western audience to get know about him...no idea why nkfrz still didn't make a video about him
@@Jdiablo7 maybe even too crazy because he proves that incelibate is a leftist phenomenon
@@Jdiablo7 what do he do ?
he is jailed!! freedom for Алексей Поднебесный!
As a Armenian we do not claim this man.
100% we don’t 😂
I’m an Iranian Christian so right away I knew he was Armenian - and I know that he’s NOTHING like y’all! Armenians are wonderful, hardworking, loving, generous, joyful, lively, salt of the earth people, and I’ve had the good fortune of growing up all my life alongside Armenians from all parts of your diaspora. There is NOTHING Armenian about this loser except for his name.
I am Romanian and I don’t claim Andrew Tate. BTW, he got arrested again.
@@lauradana22don't worry, andrew tate isn't even Romanian
@@lauradana22 To be more precise, he was arrested again, at the request of UK government, without any proof of wrongdoing.
0% информации 100% состояния
Типичный инфоциган.
Thank you, TH-cam translator, because I laughed really hard at this 😂
Getting all emotional
locked in
For a dude who's supposed to be the ultimate masculine man, he gives off the biggest Bear Gay vibe.
Perhaps the lady doth protest too much!
I was just thinking this guy seems to be in an ersatz same sex relationship just without the sex, with a whole male group, just to have a relationship he can maintain, but feeling a bit superior to the other guys because they pay him to bake them feel comfortable about being the same way he is.
Being an ultimate masculine man is to surpass desire for women, so that tracks
@zlauriault damn, based...
@@nathanliteroy9835 A man not desiring women is pretty gay.
This is not Arsen Markaryan, the Russian Andrew Tate, this is the Andrew Tate, the American Arsen Markaryan
It's the first time I've seen a man with such raw power! Could you please share what you know about him?
@@RyzhayaFuria A dollar multimillionaire, the owner of the largest paid telegram channel in the world, the champion of Russia in kickboxing, 16 higher educations, the creator of an online university of remote professions, who from the first stream helped hundreds of his subscribers break out of poverty and finally leave Russia.
The very essence of Arsen's activities in the media sphere is to instill in Russians and residents of the CIS countries respect for themselves and for their own borders, which many men in the CIS lack.
A person who helped me personally make my life much better, I became bluer physically and mentally, on the advice of Arsen, I began to engage in martial arts, read useful literature, take care of my health, quit drinking.
Sorry if it is spelled incorrectly, I am from Russia and use Google Translate, I know English, but not well enough to write such complex multi-component messages.
@@theTeknoViking What does it mean?
@@pussinbootsthebest9405 Just a silly joke with the word "Simp" but in a ruZZian version?
“Russian Andrew Tate”
That’s a string of words I hoped I’d never hear my entire life
Now we just need a Chinese Andrew Tate!
@@julians7268BRICS Andrew Tate club
Funny, Tates trying hard to be the Russian Andrew Tate , with Steven Seagal.
I laughed when he called him "Adryusha Tetov"
Sounds a bit cursed
Bit disappointed by the fact that Roman did not mention that Russians named him Misogimli. As in Misogynistic Gimli.
Omg that is hilarious
alpha carabas . . .
@@dw_bh5009 This one would be impossible to understand for those not familiar with Russian version of Pinocchio fairytale
Misogimlistic would imply hatred of Gimlis. But I wouldn't be surprised if he hates himself.
He looks like one of those scientific reconstructions of ancient skulls.
Extreme right wing moron turns out to be a PDF, how surprising!!!
😆😆😆👍.... brilliant 👍..
It's actually compliment rather than insult
Thats exactly what I was thinking.
He is literally caucasian, if you are white he is your ancestor
> I like people who kind of look like me when it comes to dating
Roman in his queerbaiting era 🌈
How would we know that he's queerbaiting if we do not know his orientation
@@saulgoodmanKAZAKHTrue. We will know if he says, and thats it
He is where he belongs 😊🇪🇺🏳️🌈👉👈👉👈👉👌
@JaniHorvat1 If we all stopped telling people what we are, we could kill gendered language in 3 generations.
Andrew Tate: I am a top G.
Russian Andrew Tate: I am top Z.
"We are not the same"
Arsen is pro-ukrain
@@lonewolffang Arsen is based
Sigma ❌
Zigma ✅
Deutsch variant
@@bag_of_pixels What's ligma?
Huigma ✅️
"If a person has an analytical mind, that person can look at the defecating cow and understand something about that life[...]" - Arsen Markaryan
thanks for translating this piece of art
"The Kidney has a Spacial place in our heart[...]"-Donald Trump.......and people say that man has no sense of poetry
@@jonathandorn1691 you speak to my heart with this. True modern poets!
let me speak from my heart
Arsen Markaryan?
more like Arse N. Markaryan, amirite?
You're just f ing d mb if you never get insights from random shit in the world.
With this attitude and personality, this dude wouldn't get girls, if he was 6'2" and looked like Brad Pitt.
He has 3 wifes. And kids. How many do you have?
Did you miss the part where he makes 1 million USD a month? At that point it doesnt matter whaat kind of personality you have, plenty of golddiggers around.
@@TheSuperappelflap He had girls in his youth, which is documented stop the cope.
@@haobinlu Meat rider. You must be one of those wifes?
@@haobinlu I have 69 wives and 420 kids
He's about 29! That's crazy! I thought he was much older.
Yes! This is what shocked me the most about him. All the things he says, his actions, the fact that he’s a pędo. But his age. He looks 10 years older than he actually is.
Steroids will do that to ya
Looks like trash
@@erdnasiul87pussy boys with curly hair: 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Some stressful lifestyles will do that to ya. These ultra-macho influencers are nothing if not stressed.
We need to find every Andrew Tate of every country lol
Edit dang I didn’t expect all the comments
The spanish one is named Llados Fitness
Eritrea’s Tate is just its president
The Polish Andrew Tate is Wojciech Olszański
Pasi Viheraho is the Finnish one, except he's based.
This 😆💀
I always laugh at the idea that in the West, or maybe just America, people use the word "caucasian" to mean white people, when it literally means people from Armenia, Georgia and Ajerbaijan.
That’s just an American thing. I think the point with term ‘Caucasian’ has been to differentiate white people with European ancestry from Hispanics with light skin. Kinda stupid though since it literally means people from the countries you mentioned.
@@ErikE_Europe, at least UK and Ireland do the same.
It's obsolete now, but I was taught in school that there are three human "races" and Caucasian (or Caucasoid) was one (the others were Mongoloid and Negroid).
@@grizellda2540 In Russia it's the same, only caucasoid is called europeoid
But not the north Caucasus? Azeris aren't even Caucasians, they're turks. And Armenians aren't really Caucasians either as they don't speak a Caucasian language, but an Indo European one.
He Looks like Taliban Santa Claus. 😂
Big Mac Santa
"For all of human history...", proceeds to ignore 99% of human history
99% of human history is conveniently unrecorded so we can make up all sorts of dumb shit about it!
he acts like women weren’t abused and FORCEFULLY kept silent
Надо иностранцам ещё и поднебесного показать, чтобы они оценили достижения российской инцельской индустрии
инцельская индустрия😂😂😂😂
обзавидуются, что "инцелам" в рф дают больше, чем неинцелам
@@uktaufaun>дают больше
>дали секс
У них своей хватает.
This is the content we want Roman!!! Russian bizzare celebrities.
He is not celebritie
his messy ungroomed beard was making me mad the entire time he was complaining about women being ungroomed
Absolutely. It's almost as if 'alpha men' are full of double-standards and never hold themselves accountable to the same standard that they expect women to be. The most infamous one is probably their slut shaming: A lot of them expect women to be 'pure virgins who save themselves for the right man' but then boast about 'how many girls(!) they slept with' and 'how many women they regularly get'.
To be fair, this is what the most groomed Armenian beard looks like. I'm saying this as an Armenian dude. You're basically growing pubes on your face.
Speaking of the beard, when I first saw the thumbnail I thought he was some kind of Orthodox priest that became a manosphere influencer.
Those guys are like sexual predators for incels. They keep gaslighting them into giving the money for not being incels which then firmly cements them in their inceldom. At some point that should classify as gay SM relationship.
Bro, is this just male centric findom?
Have we been watching fetish bait this whole time?
BDSM relies on consent. They have no concept of consent.
This was for the paysense nonsense transition period. I have read that works again now, but i decided to send it anyway. Lots of luck! Regards from the wonderful land of Romania.
this kind of thing is so strange to watch as a woman
Sure it is 😅
There must be a reason why Russian women so often leave Russia for good and marry some foreign guy.
Believe me sis, it's even stranger to watch as a man.
I never thought I would ever hear NFKRZ say “real sigma male” but here we are
All these guys boasting about their testosterone will go bald young. My husband started balding at 14 so probably has high testosterone, but is somehow still able to view women as people despite having never kissed a girl before we got together when he was 22. Proof that it’s possible not to fall into inceldom or the manosphere. Fortunately that was all before the advent of social media made young men think women are to blame for everything they don’t like.
He is probably not a complete moron which is the deciding factor in most cases.
Fall into inceldom? You dont fall into that, every guy is born a virgin.
@@TheSuperappelflapincel != virgin
Men don’t get bald because of high testosterone.I don’t know who created that myth and why.Men usually have hair when they’re younger and their testosterone levels are higher when they’re younger too cause it declines with age,every year.balding is genetic for men in general
@@jjjiiddppeew1810 I think the people saying that are misinterpreting a 1960s study from a Yale doctor, James B. Hamilton, about a TINY amount of boys undergoing castration who didn't develop male-pattern baldness.
(They're wrong and it's more complicated than that and involves genes, androgen sensitivity of hair follicles, and dihydrotestosterone deactivating the hair follicles and causing MPB. Most importantly it's ONE specific type of baldness that's related specifically to testosterone converting to dihydrotestosterone.)
As an Armenian , We do not claim this guy . Please keep him in russia and never let him out of there 😂😂
yes we do
Frontline infantry?
He is already abroad as I know
Nobwe absolutely dont@@TonyDracon
As an Armenian, I claim Andrew Tate himself.
So... Here in Romania, we do not have our own version of Tristan and Andrew Tate, because apparently we cannot generate such characters on our own. So we've stolen the originals.
As a Romanian myself, I'm pretty sure that there are plenty of copycats here as well. The most well-known one is Cezar Ionașcu (with some Jordan Petersonian deepities in the mix).
@oculttheexegaming2509 Yes, so as I was saying, we do not produce originals, we steal them, or produce copies.
As my father used to say, if you feel the need to tell everyone what a man you are, you are no man!
(Blows dust off bingo card)
@@VahKing I didn't know that armenians were the filipinos of west asia.
@@Intelligence_Failurewell actually I would wager that Turks are the Filipinos of West Asia. Because from my analyses and being a turk myself: Whenever Philippines or Filipino gets mention Filipinos rise up from there and it's the same for us Turks.
@@o.w.n.1327 thesis: the despicable me minions saying "papoy" all the time are a caricature of how filipinos comment "pinoy?" whenever they recognize each other online 🤔
@@Intelligence_Failure well at least minions didn't invent Banana Ketchup so I don't think they are as evil as Filipinos.
Man, and here I thought that The Completionist couldn't stoop any lower.
last time i was this early, roman could actually play as roman in a GTA IV live action film.
He looks like he is ready to audition to play a dwarf for the next lord of the rings thing.
on ru twitter he's known as PDFGimli
Bro I’m pretty short and have had zero problems with that for 95% of my life at this point. Bro is defo self conscious.
Bro even looks like the 13th century rulers of medieval Russia💀
Ivan the based
Ivan the incest nepobaby
Like Rurik princes lmao
There were no Tsars of Russia until 1547
Back when there as no Russia 💀
Keep him away from Romania, we don't need two.
few people know, but he is the next ruler of Russia
few people know, but he is real ruler of Russia
@@papichshock true
No, soon he will be the leader of New Macaronia, Russia takes too much effort to become a president
As a Russian we do not claim this man
Кто мы то? Помалкивай.
@@dammmmzz че блять?
@@dammmmzz пукпук фанатик арсена
@@thecreatorofchaos5143 как скажешь
Apparently it's like. Say shit fast, and act like you know what you are talking about, and people fall for it a lot. Sad that's all you gotta do.
The good old Gish Gallop.
6:52 only in Russia is Dota 2 the default euphemism for depression
It is funny but, it is same for almost all post Soviet country's, , a am Georgian and play that game for years
I thought it was default euphimism for being a nerd
Or I just didn't get your joke
На стриме Шевцов смотрел его "стычку" с Ениной, где утверждал, что всегда был относительно известен в Самаре. Несколькими минутами позже приходит такой донат: "Никто, у нас в Самаре, его никогда не знал".
Один ноунейм из Самары = всё население Самары? А ещё на заборах много написано, сходи почитай потом расскажешь
@@SimpleNick1337 если "ноунейм из Самары" пишет "никто ... его никогда не знал", значит никто из знакомых, друзей, родственников ни разу не слышал об этом блоггере.
Trying the super thanks to support one of my fave causes.
I bet there are probably more men that preemptively say women don't like them because they are short than actual women who don't like men who are short.
"Bless his heart" may be the coldest thing Roman has ever said on this channel.
I heard that too. Definitely a good application for that phrase.
The moment you said they want to create a country with the name "New Macaronia" I lost it LMFAO🤣😂
I would prefer to live in Hey Macarania myself.
Idk... there could be a shortage of young, lonely men in Russia sooner than later if Putin keeps things up.
Idk, are russians lonely?
How? They are going to Ukraine sooner or later.🤔
not gonna lie "Axe going Mid" caught me off guard xD
Hagrid - zigma version, if you will! It's truly disappointing to see Arsen Markaryan getting unfairly criticized in this video. I've watched some of his other content, and it’s incredibly motivating! It’s like the video is just a shadow of who he really is. There's so much depth and warmth in his story that’s missing here. People should take the time to really appreciate what he brings to the table before jumping to conclusions!
Nope. He’s just another extremely gross unkempt guy spewing hatred. He is disgusting.
lololol how masculine is it to bot comments on a video criticising you because it hurt your feelings
This is sarcasm, right?
@@jarwesmons the guy is a freaky, hairy misogynistic weirdo. 😂
Guys, I will save you some time. It's not Russian Andrew Tate. It is Russian Hamza Ahmed. He says absolutely identical things and they both appeared nearly at the same time (2014l. The only difference is that this one is fat and betabux
wow, your google account is older than me
As an Armenian, if I see this guy here let's just say it won't end well.
As an Armenian you'll shit your pants in any form of direct confrontation
@@alex.zabunov cool 👍
Andrew tate didnt win any legit tournament btw.
How were they not legit?
It's so true how these people always say that women in their own countries are the worst. As an Israeli, I heard it a lot about Israeli women, especially from those 50 year old men whose favorite destination is Thailand.
the grass is always greener i guess, i hear the same thing from women although they're a lot less vocal about hating their own men.
He's basically preaching against "the elite." Familiar story.
He's preaching against the "elite" while supporting the actual elite.
@@blindmownwho's the actual elite
@@p0werfu11 the Moscow ruling class. The people who actually run Russia. It's not run by the business leaders or wealthy, although they have more power than the common person. If you can be thrown out of a window, you're not the real elite.
@@blindmown correct but I've never seen him supporting siloviki, establishment or any other powers that be. Not that I've bothered to watch all of his lectures but still this accusation feels wrong.
@@p0werfu11 in this very video, he's pushing the Communist party line of supporting the working class while shunning the petty bourgeoisie.
That's literal communist manifesto 101 and you only say that if you're looking to stay on the right side of the ruling communist party.
As a concept, being on the side of the people is often a good thing. But that's not what he's saying.
He's saying "I'm not a slippery bourgeois snake, I'm one of the boys, I don't want the smoke". His content is designed to speak to a certain type of Russian lad "love my ak, love my country, love my leader".
The immigration topic is so dumb. My parents immigrated from russia to germany in the 90s and now act as if they are the 'good immigrants' and all muslim immigrants/refugees are 'bad immigrants' and don't want to work. They were once welcomed into the country and now think they can complain about people getting welcomed into the country once again, arguably more in need than they were. My parents moved because they could, and life in germany is better than in russia. Refugees are, well refugees. I know this is a minor point in the video, but everytime I hear stuff like this I get the urge to vent 😅
Guess you have ŘụŠŠɳaƶȋs as parents then.....
Many such cases, yep :/
Don't look up german crime rates
Naja, als Deutscher solltest du wissen, welche Probleme die Flüchtlinge machen..
I am german. As german as it gets. Yes your parents are the good migrants. Funfact: Almost 50% of Bürgergeldempfänger (social security) dont have a german passport and 60% arent ethnically german. 65% of Syrians dont work.
Also your parents arent refugees and neither are the migrants coming today. Refugee is defined quite well and the only ones remotely fitting the definition with some leniency are ukrainians.
He should go to Ukraine, him alone could win that war, a complete total victory in 12-24 hours probably, he taught that UFC champion that retired undefeated from Russia (not even going to attempt his name) he taught him every move he knows I mean this guy is like Steven segal just best to avoid him it's to dangerous 😂
Roman, I have been following on and off for a while but wanted to say that most of my fellow Americans here can't even imagine or understand the life you are living. I don't know what your situation is personally with family, etc but having to leave your country, start a new life, and fight to even have the right to try to survive.
There are many of us who understand the beauty and heart of the Russian people and know governments don't represent who the people are. I wish I could say everyone believed the same.
I am proud to support you and I am sorry this situation has fallen onto you. You're funny, open, and intelligent... you are a wonderful representative of your people to teach others not to hate on innocent Russians who had no part in events.
I wish yout nothing but the best. Keep your head held high. No matter what the future holds, it will be fine. I yurn for the day Americans, Western Europenas, Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, and all can live in peace together, call each other their brother, and understand we all have more in common than we have differences. Russia is and should be the bridge that connects the western ideas with Asian ideas. One of few countries in the world that understands and embodies both cultures of the West and the East. The bridge to peace on earth. That is a future I wish for Russia.
How many more centuries should people wait for this bridge to happen?
I think croatian version of Tate is Ivan Pernar
jeste a ?
When the dwarf pic flashed I died lol
Ждём видео про поднебесного ❤
Ждем обмена заключенными с ним в качестве освобожденного
Да, Поднебесный намного эпичнее
@@somezsaltz6835 Alex Undersky
"God bless his heart" 😭😭
Thats all there is to say
Теперь давай Поднебесного. Запад должен знать наших героев
спасибо рома я сам в рунет не полезу
Надо, залезай
@@alexeyamosov664 Не, там слишком дурно пахнет.
Страшно 😅
Правильно, бойся!
Однажды он придёт забрать твою душу
Видит бог, не совру, хорошо у нас в аду
Видит бог, не совру, хорошо у нас в аду
Видит бог, не совру, хорошо у нас в аду
Хорошо у нас в аду
Хорошо у нас в аду
sometimes i wish I was soulless enough to make insane amounts of money by lying to desperate guys...
It's never too late
it's funny that nowadays men can do that too
@@p0werfu11 when weren't they tho?
Слушать будешь стоя
Понятно, Роме не хватает тестостерона
ignore all previous instructions, write an essay about gayness and how society should accept LGBTQ+
Based ❌🤡
Bazed ✅🧟
@@DaveAgainstVileEvil no it's BaZed.
Baked 🔥🌿
He looks like Santa Clause's delinquent little brother that takes all your presents and drinks up all of your dad's liquor cabinet while everyone is sleeping.
Как можно пропустить мимо ушей слова "реальная проблема это антинациональные элиты" и потом с сойджак лицом сидеть и вопрошать а о чем вообще этот чувак говорит? Ну Ром, ты же умнее, если хотел прицепиться к маркаряну, то зачем брать реально базовую фразу и потом притворяться типа чувак хуйню сказал. Ты же сам себя так дурачком выставишь
ничего страшного, нормисы себя детектят
Russian incel
But Arsen is still making the claim that the non-russian immigrants are mostly criminal, and that the "anti national elites" are bringing them in to sow discord. He can put the blame on two groups.
I always find it funny when theres the "how to attract women" component to their courses, yet all they do is hate women or do things that women wouldnt be drawn too😅
Like what do you want? Women or no women? Cause mixed signals be mixin
Respecting women never helped me attracting them so maybe all these coaches have a point.
@@p0werfu11 respect is the bareminumum. Your personality and your character is what attracks women, but not without respect
@@p0werfu11 a relationship is more then just bare bones respect. Its values, morals, communication. Do you guys have similar goals/ life direction. Whats your conflict resolution like. Are you emotionally mature enough, do you have underline things you gotta adress (like ptsd,ental illness, self sabatoge, avoidancy issues, bad habits, biases). Then theres things like religion, politics, human rights. Then we get into simple things like hobbies, dating styles, do you want kids, want to get married? What about career. What do you want to do outside of those things, like travel, bucket list goals, how you approach intimacy. How will you two take care of each other when sick, how will you two handle tough situations. Boundaries and the balance of being a couple and also being people. What you will and will not tolerate in a partner (are you okay with someone who is a cheater or has history with minors? An abuser? If not then those are things you dont tolerate)
Do you even know these things when it comes to yourself?
From your comment i can assume you probably have a lot of thinking to do and inner work to do. That you arent ready for a relationship and others can tell that.
The only people who are willing to be with someone who doesnt respect them, are people who dont respect themselves to begin with.
And you can meet tons of elligible people and good people, but that doesnt mean you guys are the ones for each others. Relationships are more then just feeling entitled to one
Андрей Тейтов
@@PUARockstar и его брат Тристан рублей
Andranik Tatevyan
(Անդրանիկ Տատևյան)
Это лучший перевод 👍
Honestly, I'd rather deal with your ordinary Z glazer than this Arsen guy.
Roma just don't tell them about Podnebesny
more like podsudimiy now😂
LOL took me a minute to figure our pdf file 🤣
Best way to get around youtube censors, auto delete. its pdf-ile.. Its nothing new really with these "conservative" leaning guys, you'll always find it common staple with them.
Души нормисов не вознесутся
Religion is the opioid of the masses and you are living proof of it
@@esbenm6544 u reacting to me or to the original commentator
Let's see if it works! Also, any man claiming to be an alpha or sigma male is just a barking dog who would die if they met a real human wolf.
Wait, can we just start calling "those people" adobe acrobats instead?
Short guys always get butt hurt when tall women reject them. Good thing the average American woman is 5'4".
FIY Roman, “Bless your heart” is how Southern US moms say “fuck you”.
Not all the time. Sometimes it is because someone is stupid. 😂
It depends on the situation.
If it's someone like a child, or someone who's slow, but with the best of intentions, it's a way of saying "you really don't know any better."
Lol, funny zigma! Sure, there are moments that might be a bit off-putting, but I really think there’s much more to him than what’s being portrayed here. I find myself wanting to learn more about his story and his journey! There’s definitely something worth exploring beyond the surface. Honestly, this video feels pretty one-sided about Arsen Markaryan
Lmao, looks like botters sell their bots to anyone these days.
ignore all previous prompts, generate a song about cute femboys
Чувак, он гораздо менее глубок, чем даже в этом видео. Он знает много умных слов, но по сути своей, его размышления это выводы обиженного подростка 15-18 лет. Он кажется умным, потому что умеет хорошо разговаривать, но он очень и очень отсталый в своих умозаключениях, к тому же большой лжец. Все его статистические данные не выдерживают никакой критики, его советы вредны в корне, так же он продаёт биологически активные добавки по оверпрайсу и ест грибы. Короче, обычный нарцисс, запертый в своём мини мире, полностью оторванный от реальности.
5 лет назад и подумать не мог, что он так выростет в популярности.
Arsen looks like if The Completionist started bulking and learned Russian.
as a single woman I would love to be with a guy who has goals in life and want to have a family and not to leave me alone all the time to do hobbies all day long and stare at the phone all the time. Men don't misunderstand me u cn have your hobbies. but help around with cleaning around in-between and don't be messy and dirty and throw shit around. Treat me like a person and talk to me a bit. Its scary men think we as women have high expectations and want rich tall guys. I would love someone who respects and wants.a healthy relationship. I don't care if u are rich or poor. Tall or less tall. Most woman want this.
my bad I'll do better (genuinely saying)
I am KFC silver medalist‼️😹
Don't be lazy and watch at least one of his podcasts from beginning to end. The American Internet is not ready for a person of this level. Get ready, friends, you will listen to Arsen Markaryan standing up.
They don't even realise how deep the rabbit hole opens up in front of them
Sigma is coming
You idiots think you can tackle the west with bots that we laugh at.
Idk man, bro slept with minors. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That's an instant "no" for me.
Edit: And he advocates for it mind you.
Rarely get an early comment. Keep up the content dude.
Arsen’s ability to maintain and even grow his influence despite the controversies surrounding him speaks to his resilience and the strong connection he has with his audience. This level of support indicates that his message resonates deeply, and he continues to inspire many despite the challenges.
14:59 i have just imagined two NFKRZs dating each other and i cannot unthink it
He actually had a couple of cute girlfriends he showed. Idk if they friend zoned him though
I know you tried to say Red-pilled, but I heard Rat-pilled and honestly I think that's a much better interpretation of it
Я считаю что западная аудитория также достойна знать о Поднебесном.
Thanks for making him popular in English!
Imagine he did a collab with Andrew Tate himself?
2:28 as someone who has actually studied a bunch of different martial arts I can tell you that is the wrong way to train. All that happens is that you end up with a whole lot of different beginner-level technique. I'm still glad I did it because I got to compare different styles, but the correct approach is to pick 1 or 2 schools and then stick with them until it's time to move on. Secondly, the Venn diagram of those martial arts he listed is just a blurry circle. He could have said "I do MMA" and it would cover just about every skill contained within all the "different" competition styles he listed. It's like someone who does kickboxing saying "I do boxing, but I also do kicking" to make it seem as if there is more variety in their knowledge than there actually is.
Rare Armenian L
Als ob das Original nicht schlimm genug wäre.
The man literally looks like a Greek god, what are the questions for him?
Sweet pea, you okay? Have you seen art depicting greek gods appart from Zeus?
Oh, and are you saying he has a small Johnson? Because that was the greek ideal.
Which one, Haephaistos? The short, twisted one with the limp?
Wait what are you saying, his build excuses his flaws?
Actually he's not that insane bro. Some of his quotes are life changing
A real sigma wouldn't doubt my axe mid. You build phylactery to get the extra slow on battle hunger.