السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته. Could you please tell me where NAK has said this? I intend to summarise the video to some ikhwaan, and I would love to be able to give them exactly when he said this and where, to avoid any chance of their defending him. Jazaakum Allāhu khayran
May Allaah تعالى guide him and guide his followers.. امين
+Yāsīn Ībn Ībrāhim Ameen.
We are not trying to create sects we are avoiding them..
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته. Could you please tell me where NAK has said this? I intend to summarise the video to some ikhwaan, and I would love to be able to give them exactly when he said this and where, to avoid any chance of their defending him. Jazaakum Allāhu khayran
Prominent refutation comparing The manhaj of Nouman Ali khan to salaf's manhaj
As salam alaykoum akhy do you have a traduction in french ? its very important for me ! Barak Allahou fik
+Ibn Adam Wa'alaiykum salaam wa rahmatullah. All of my videos are in english or arabic along with english translations. BaarikAllahu feek.