I think a good indiction would be to check who the seller buys from. A good few Japanese sellers buy in bulk from China which normally ends up in either bootleg or bad products. A huge red flag would be that the seller buys product from accounts that have either their listings private or straight up banned. I also tend to stay away from sellers who sells everything, and I mean everything. I would also recommend EBay only as a last option, after checking around other sites like Mercari or Yahoo Auctions, especially for expensive figures. Thank you for the video, wish I myself would have watched it a few years ago. Gotten bootleg figure before haha.
I think a good indiction would be to check who the seller buys from. A good few Japanese sellers buy in bulk from China which normally ends up in either bootleg or bad products. A huge red flag would be that the seller buys product from accounts that have either their listings private or straight up banned. I also tend to stay away from sellers who sells everything, and I mean everything.
I would also recommend EBay only as a last option, after checking around other sites like Mercari or Yahoo Auctions, especially for expensive figures.
Thank you for the video, wish I myself would have watched it a few years ago. Gotten bootleg figure before haha.
What if it is 1200 preorder but from China?
Does blowitoutahere sell fake stuff?
How long does it take to receive a blowitoutahere figure if you pre-order once it becomes available to blowitoutahere?
What if it's from japan
miguel mariscal Exactly! There’s a lot of legit sellers on ebay from japan with low reviews. Even AmiAmi has low reviews on ebay and they are legit.
@@itzjustchris1618 most of amiami is sold out 😭
Legit figures are made in China also so.....