I have had my nx6110 stripped down twice now, and down but not yet out. The fact that "pressure" or in my case twisting the case of the computer get it re-started sounds like a dry joint, broken solder link or dirty contacts somewhere. I have already replaced my HDD and tried resoldering dodgy looking terminals but with limited success yet, and am also having problems with USB and now DVD to boot. I have, but one trick left. Many folk experienced problems with Dell computers "seven beeps of death" and the one solution that worked for me in that case was to bake it in the oven, at 230 deg. C for 10 minutes. If it is a solder etc issue this might fix it. If not, I'll have a nice cheap external drive and some scrap left. Will update when done.
Mennyi mendemonda kering erről a jelenségéről a sorozatnak. Van egy csomó átmeneti megoldás, melyek lényege, hogy a gépet éri valamiféle mechanikai behatás, amitől átmenetileg ismét működni fog, aztán másodjára már nem nagyon szokás fórumon elmesélni, hogy megint nem megy. Pedig a déli híd a legtipikusabb baja ezeknek az öregeknek, ráadásul ez elég régóta "köztudott".
maybe too late, but that happens when u increase more high memory and ur bios dossent support , that laptop only get 3 ram , it happens to me , someday i was try to get 4ram on nx6310 and cant so I use windoes 8 with 3 of ram only
I had this problem and some guy at hp told me to try "hard reset" and it worked!!! (it's a bios reset of all the hardware in the laptop).
The problem is the south bridge!
if you press after on that copper from the right side after you turn on you will see is working :), the problem is southbridge.
Yes it is!!! :)
I have had my nx6110 stripped down twice now, and down but not yet out. The fact that "pressure" or in my case twisting the case of the computer get it re-started sounds like a dry joint, broken solder link or dirty contacts somewhere. I have already replaced my HDD and tried resoldering dodgy looking terminals but with limited success yet, and am also having problems with USB and now DVD to boot. I have, but one trick left. Many folk experienced problems with Dell computers "seven beeps of death" and the one solution that worked for me in that case was to bake it in the oven, at 230 deg. C for 10 minutes. If it is a solder etc issue this might fix it. If not, I'll have a nice cheap external drive and some scrap left. Will update when done.
Mennyi mendemonda kering erről a jelenségéről a sorozatnak. Van egy csomó átmeneti megoldás, melyek lényege, hogy a gépet éri valamiféle mechanikai behatás, amitől átmenetileg ismét működni fog, aztán másodjára már nem nagyon szokás fórumon elmesélni, hogy megint nem megy. Pedig a déli híd a legtipikusabb baja ezeknek az öregeknek, ráadásul ez elég régóta "köztudott".
Így van ahogy mondod!
It's a south bridge (bga) problem,can't fix at home.
Ez így van Gábor!
It also could be that both RAM slots are bad...
and installing new os woudnt help ?
try replacing the memory , or checking it for errors.
Have you tried remowing the optical drive? :)
The problem is the south bridge!
the music kept me watching
THX!!! :)
Helló! Végül mi volt a baja az alaplapnak?
Szia!Déli híd hiba szokott lenni!
sir i have this laptop is over heating what can i do to fixed it
nice tune :D
Sikerült azóta megoldani? Van nálam is van egy pont ilyen.
Szia!Déli híd hiba szokott lenni!
how can you reset if you can not get in to the bios
You should have given that laptop to me... or the battery. i experienced this problem by doing somthing to it
maybe too late, but that happens when u increase more high memory and ur bios dossent support , that laptop only get 3 ram , it happens to me , someday i was try to get 4ram on nx6310 and cant so I use windoes 8 with 3 of ram only
The problem is the south bridge!
sir i have compuq 8230 and it was not star stop to hp ad for loog time and then show drivelock to to st this
The problem is the south bridge!
how can i upgrade my nc6220 IDE HDD to SATA?
NC6220 dose not support SATA just IDE (ATA)
Sorry!This is not solution!
good afternoon I'm having the same problem could solve?
The problem is the south bridge!
smart card reader not present problem
The problem is the south bridge!
I had to re-install windows.
no does not work