I'm defeated, frustrated, and don't know what to do. Losing all hope.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 40

  • @Vancofe
    @Vancofe 3 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    A breath of fresh air. Thanks for the video its relatable

  • @sussybanana-iv5tn
    @sussybanana-iv5tn 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Meeting people directly irl honestly just isn't how most friendships are formed unless you're totally normal and just fit in, which i never did, always felt like an outcast some of that being myself being high functioning autistic and discovering that pretty late in my life.
    Also hard agree on the of "pull urself up by yer bootstraps!!" being dogshit advice, ngl best place to connect with people are just going to be places you naturally enjoy being at places where you feel comfortable and confident in where you can show you true unabashed self.
    For me that was something simple like my local tcg store / the figure trading communities for you im not sure what that'd be.
    Best thing i heard myself was that when you're young everything feels 100x worse than it is everything, all the small mistakes and hiccups feels like the end of the world or that your life is over lmao i def felt that shit.
    I myself learnt that idgaf about achieving anything or leaving a legacy behind for people to remember me or having grand plans, as long as i am comfortable and can do what i enjoy without stress with the few people i have connected with then im satisfied.
    No 'one else's advice is probably going to impact you or even anything i say but maybe sharing my personal little experience of how i feel about life can be somewhat insightful.
    It's ok to have low expectations in life but when you go into full nihilism its pretty tough to break out of it and whatever happens you have control of your life not some "god".
    Good luck out there if i was in your age bracket you would of been the kinda person id fit in with.

  • @it_is_ov_er
    @it_is_ov_er วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Life’s a scam for most men. Forced to be an outcast

  • @infinitefather
    @infinitefather 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    do not chase bro. everything in life are like magnets, they come together naturally, but if u chase? chasing pushes the other magnet away forever because every magnet is facing its own way-and besides if you operate in lack you’ll only feel more lack, you breed more of what you do. most things and people won’t be for you, THAT IS A GOOD THING, thank god that being what you are repels what and who isn’t for you. You are exactly where you need to be, this is where you’re at. Every moment is crucial. Do not chase, focus on where you are and attract, because what is for you will call you (mind you, im not spiritual or anything wacky. i just understand that there are laws to this world that really come in clutch, you just need to observe it). What belongs to you will find you. Don’t worry about trying to control everything-in a natural world like this everything is chaos and the unknown, control is an illusion (i’ve gone down this road for years and fucked myself up over it), and when u focus on your actions and choices, that’s where all your power is in this world. not by expecting, not by chasing because you perpetuate that reality over and over. You are a natural being, take advantage of that. Most of the work can be done for you if you TRUST. IN .THE PROCESS.

  • @Totikfr
    @Totikfr 7 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Your a different type of person. I like your videos.

  • @selfdestructor
    @selfdestructor 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    You remind me a lot of myself. You're very articulate and i can tell you're an intelligent guy. I think we're too intelligent for our own good. Your frustration is totally valid. I'm frustrated too.

  • @bruh-hp7kc
    @bruh-hp7kc 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Feel the same way.

  • @evr4699
    @evr4699 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Oh cool, I love Radiohead too, Nice Poster

  • @chugmander
    @chugmander 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Freedom is finding the right cage

  • @serai-xiv4293
    @serai-xiv4293 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I know how you feel man, i'm in the same boat. I realize that making connections in college is the most important, not so much just the degree itself.

  • @j.d.s.8132
    @j.d.s.8132 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The connections talk is such a cringe for anyone who is a normal person.
    What they don't tell you in college and in comment sections full of delusional people is that human connection is contingent on looks.
    You don't make lasting business relationships by trying to talk your way into people's lifes. There is no line or hobby that will make people interested in you. Just be born good looking or at least average, then your life automatically goes into a spiral of positive reinforcement. The better looking, the better treatment, the more confidence and self love. That is why women and people in general say they like confident men. It's like saying you like red cars when you're driving a Lamborghini. The color is not the source of your attraction to the car, it's a byproduct of your car of choice. A Mini being red wouldn't suddenly make you want to drive the Mini.
    People are materialistic and the most superficial since the dawn of humanity, because our lifes are constantly subject to global comparison. 50 years ago, you could lead a normal life and still somewhat succeed, because your peers compared you to the other 50 people in their broad social circle. The smaller the group, the less chances of excluding you because you are not easily replaceable.
    Today you are compared to the best of millions and millions of people, which makes life great for those who are attractive because now they have global success and makes life a miserable hellscape for those who are deemed unattractive.

  • @tdotitan8855
    @tdotitan8855 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Hey Its cool you are trying to meet people, it gets said a lot but i would recommend trying to go to clubs or other organizations to meet people, i went to too many my first year or so and was exhausted but it is a nice way to meet people, i have found after high school you really have to try to meet people.
    Either way i think its good that you are making videos and ranting like this, either doing this or writing has helped me in the past, just do what you can and try not to worry about if it will work or not. Either it will work or it wont but worrying will not help. Try to just do it regardless of the results, i know that sounds weird but it has helped me a lot. Good luck you got this

  • @FreedomMisato
    @FreedomMisato วันที่ผ่านมา +12

    Lol at all the normie comments

    • @FreedomMisato
      @FreedomMisato วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Just work harder bro trust the process bro

    • @VBlackpill
      @VBlackpill วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      At some point you have to realize it's over for you. For me it was freshman year of HS. And by over, I mean realize that you will never be a main character, no one cares about people like us. This guy is talking about relationships and connections not realizing that he'll always be an afterthought or someone's 4th option.

  • @infinitefather
    @infinitefather 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    oh boy, do not ruminate man. trust yourself, trust in your human abilities and instincts to prevail, don’t put trust in thoughts or intellectualizing, that shit is not your friend. you may think those are ur powers but they’re nothing more than reflections of how u are right now. i really relate to u in a way because i’m recovering from shit like this, like borderline insane attempts at trying to control the things around me by intellectualizing so much about it. it didn’t help, it just makes you feel like you know things u don’t and that’s dangerous bro. u end up sabotaging what could be because u think something already will be x and u kind of speculate and speculate what things will be like or what someone thinks and it’s all a futile game. trust me, please save yourself from this. idk what else to say, take small steps into harmonizing yourself with life. i hope the utmost best for you, you shouldn’t of had to have gone through the shit u gone through to go so inward like that. the world can do one so wrong man, and ur doing ur best with what u know. so if this doesn’t resonate with anything within you that is fine, but do not get in your own way. do not.

  • @Newtmaster
    @Newtmaster 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    The algorithm delivered your video to me, and I watched the whole thing. You seem pretty frustrated and disillusioned, and not without reason. Life is hard. Finding joy and meaning is hard. Making human connections is hard. Someone at your stage of life is faced with umpteen options that likely all seem bad. I'm almost a decade out of college, and I still think about many of those same things. What I hope you won't forget is that life is big. The world is big. Much bigger than your outlook at this point in time. There is happiness and purpose out there, but no one can tell you how to find it. It can take a while, but if you keep looking, you'll get there.

  • @jame.paints
    @jame.paints 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    think less and be happy or think more and be sad

  • @4ndj
    @4ndj 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    Maybe you're trying to meet the wrong type of people, or maybe you have unhealthy habits that limit your potential. Either way, rather than giving up, make a change

  • @devinjacobs6970
    @devinjacobs6970 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    comments affirm the notion ignorance is bliss. turn to religion, best cope out there.

  • @tadamori
    @tadamori 3 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I wrote a long ass comment but then it got deleted when i was editing it. Im rewriting it how I remember it.
    But anyway, first, sorry you are feeling upset and discouraged. You seem like a smart guy with good intentions at heart. At the same time, I'm going to be honest with you and say that I think you also have a negative attitude and self-focus that seems to be getting in your own way. Now I'm the last person to be making this criticism, but it's rather obvious, even from the tone of your voice. Things aren't turning out how you wanted or expected them to, and you're upset and discouraged. And yes. That is understandable. Especially in your teens and early 20s, life can feel really sucky and you can feel so powerless to know what to do or how to make things better for yourself. At the same time, you are discouraged to the brink of hopelessness because you are so focused on yourself and your own needs.
    Like, it's okay to be upset and discouraged about things when sucky shit happens, you can even stew in it for a little bit. (Maybe that's what you are doing with this video.) At the same time, you gotta be careful not to let it become a habit that takes over your outlook and attitude on life. Because eventually that negativity will become ingrained into your personality and start sabotaging you in life. Right now, you're still a young man who has a lot of potential to do things with his life and is still in the process of developing his character. That said, it's a person's habits over time that will shape who they become in the future. If you don't learn how to make the shift, you will end up becoming exactly like the people you are complaining about who are miserable having given up on their dreams. Or even worse, you'll become someone who is envious of others' success and incapable of being happy for them because you gave up on your own.
    The cool thing is that you are able to admit to your own selfishness. That's good because it means you are able to be honest with yourself. That's a big deal. A lot of people can't do that and they end up not being able to grow and evolve as a person. But you have demonstrated that you can. And it's not easy to make changes or grow as a person. It's still hard. but it's just something that needs to be done. And you seem like a person who has the grit to do things if you decide to do them.
    So right now, your self focus is what seems to be getting in the way of your motivation and making you feel hopeless. What you can do is shift your focus off of just yourself and gettting what you want, and instead focus on finding ways to help others and by doing acts of service. Like, you say you want more connection. Okay. So instead of focusing on finding someone who can provide you comfort and make you feel not lonely, concentrate instead on figuring out ways you can help others around you. Like maybe try helping youth at a mentorship program or helping at a shelter to feed the homeless. Whatever. Just something that takes the attention off yourself and your needs and on to the needs of others. I'm not saying you have to become a saint or be codependent and neglect/sacrifice your own needs for the sake of others, I'm just saying that a person's perspective and perceptions change depending on where they place their focus, their intentions, and their efforts.
    And it doesn't have to be mutually exclusive, one or the other. You can do something for others and still benefit yourself at the same time. LIke if you want to start a band or become a showman or whatever, you could try thinking about what you want your music or performance art to do for others. How do you want it to affect and impact their lives? It doesn't even have to be an actual real person. Like it could be an imaginary kid who is a version of how you used to be. The point is you are finding your motivation from somethingm in the service of something outside and bigger than just yourself. That way, when you feel like you're about to lose hope and you just want to give up or it's too much for you, there is still a reason to beyond just you to be motivated and push yourself forwards.
    Another way to look at it is that some people find purpose in the preservation of things they are passionate about like history or music or art. They study and preserve and curate these things for prosterity's sake so that these things that are important to them will not be forgotten and so that other people can learn to also appreciate them. The reason I bring this up is that you seem like someone who is capable of having a deep passion for something, perhaps for many things. It seems like you're discouraged right now because you haven't yet found a way to channel this passion into something concrete or that connects you to people who can appreciate you and what is important to you. It doesn't have to be big. It could be like studying about a culture you are passionate about. Or creating an online database of something you like, or a youtube channel even.
    Anyway, maybe I'm wrong and none of this advice is helpful to you. After all, I'm only making these observations based on a 10 minute video of you ranting. If that's the case, my appologies. I just think you seem like an intelligent person who has a lot of potential in life. You also seem to have a good heart at your core and a desire to do great and good things. So I hope you find happiness and are able to realize your passions and dreams without giving up on them prematurely. If you haven't found them yet, I hope you find them. I wish you success and luck!
    PS It also takes a certain amount of guts to put your video out there for people to see. So good for you to let yourself be seen. I think that's great!

  • @yolandatapay6345
    @yolandatapay6345 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @neverlost26
    @neverlost26 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    If you want to feel better I can recommend you a book called 12 rules to eliminate chaos from you life. This will help if you do what the book says. It changed my life. Please don't give up and actually read it. I don't care if you pirate or raise money or whatever. Just get the book. Please

  • @justjulz2779
    @justjulz2779 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    You seem to really wallow in your state though, heck you've made a whole channel to express it. I didn't watch this whole video yet but what I picked up is that you're (atleast in the video) very judgemental of others and you make statements like "maybe they go home with someone else after their dead end job.." "... it's pathetic". That's not really fun for others. I mean here in Germany we are pros at complaining about things and others. But we do it in a more inviting and fun way.
    Maybe watch newel of knowledge if you lack the resources for making connections in a way that others want to reciprocate with you.
    I don't want to bash you, I'm just being honest. I don't think I'd have fun being around you 😅
    You have a lot of knowledge and seem like a guy that reflects on a lot of things that go on in society, but the way you do it just seems like you're a know it all that can't stand to see others happy.
    Also the way you talk is really monotone and you sound like you don't care about anything, like you're above everything. Maybe watch some Vinh Giang if you're interested in making your voice stand out more.
    You've got your whole life ahead of you, I'm sure you'll find something that works.
    Thats my 2 cents

  • @immortalzombiegaming377
    @immortalzombiegaming377 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Graduated last year. My degree aint worth shit. Dont go into CS lol. Now I just work to pay off my debt :)

    • @joshuamercado4925
      @joshuamercado4925 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      in my last semester of cs rn

    • @Osaiken
      @Osaiken 5 วันที่ผ่านมา


    • @bbmpiano
      @bbmpiano 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      why not go intoCS?

    • @immortalzombiegaming377
      @immortalzombiegaming377 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@bbmpiano basically a CS degree is just a watered down math degree so unless you double major in math and CS your odds of getting a job are more slim. Most entry level jobs in CS now require at least 2 years of prior experience. CS degrees are also so overly saturated these days that there will most likely always be someone out there that looks to be a better candidate. Most internship opportunitys in CS are designed specifically for women or minority groups so if you are a straight white male. (Which the market is also oversaturated with) your odds of finding a job are even more slim because most places are just trying to fulfill some idea of maintaining diversity in the work force. My senior year of college I tried really hard to get an internship but was rejected by pretty much every place i applied too or just didnt hear anything back. Started working as an area manager at amazon on night shift for 8 months to fulfill my internship requirement and hopefully make my way into the IT dept. Worked for 8 months with no promotion no breaks, and I even collapsed at work once. After quitting Amazon i spent 4 months applying to more CS jobs with the same results. Out of 1000 jobs id say i heard back from 50 of them and out of those 50, 47 were just the same copy and paste rejection letter every company uses. Im now working as a hardware technician at a recycling plant making 18 an hour. The pay is shit, the job has nothing to do with my degree and now all of the money I work for just goes into my student loans my car or insurance. All i can say is that unless your some coding unicorn thats been coding his whole life and has like 50 different personal projects, or you fit into one of the diversity groups I mentioned before you're pretty much cooked

    • @smithlie538
      @smithlie538 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Tech layoffs ai etc etc

  • @Deanzphx
    @Deanzphx 5 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @hw3815
    @hw3815 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    lock in.

    • @DaLoopDiggerz
      @DaLoopDiggerz 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Time to hammer some excel spreadsheet !

  • @danksinatraa7081
    @danksinatraa7081 7 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @TheToadster-g8r
    @TheToadster-g8r 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    You should research the philosophy of Nilism, I’ve been where you are just go all out and put energy in your life dude stop bitching