Steh auf, werde licht, denn es komm dein Lich und die Herrlichkeit des HERRN geht strahlend auf über dir. Denn siehe, Finsternis bedeckt die Erde und Dunkel die Völker, doch über dir geht strahlend der Herr auf, seine Herrlichkeit erscheint über dir. Nationen wandern zu deinem Licht und Könige zu deinem strahlenden Glanz.
@@preyhd6864 Yah hat gesagt, er wird dir geben, was du zu tun hast. Psalm 37, 3-6 "Hoffe auf Yahwe und tue Gutes, bleibe im Lande [Wort und Gemeinschaft] und nähre dich redlich. Habe deine Lust an Yahwe, der wird dir geben, was dein Herz wünschet. Befiehl dem Herrn deine Wege [Bringe alles vor ihn] und hoffe auf ihn, er wird's wohlmachen und wird deine Gerechtigkeit hervorbringen wie das Licht und dein Recht wie den Mittag." Ich weiß nicht, ob du schon andere Videos gesehen hast hier auf dem Kanal, aber Yah hat schon begonnen zu erklären, was zu tun ist. Das Video "Yahwe sagt zur Gemeinde: "Besteige den Berg Zion" zum Beispiel, da hat er einige Schriftstellen gegeben zur Erklärung, auch wenn die ersten Videos leider noch nicht so gut waren, aber ich muss erst lernen wie ich Dinge teilen soll und kann und hab mir auch noch nicht viele Gedanken gemacht gehabt als ich es einfach versucht hab aufzunehmen. 💁♀️ Möge der Segen Yehshuah's mit dir sein und sein Friede allezeit Amen amen
German Jews😅😂 Haha we could have some very interesting discussions I'm sure.... There's a lot you could teach me I bet... So many questions and some would sound so ridiculous and naive I bet... I feel like not many will actually understand what you are saying. I would never have understood it in the past. But something's happened to me lately and (I feel) I've started to understand things in the bible in more context and gain a lot of respect for the Jewish faith, almost accepting it - While still identifying as a 'Christian' and believing in the New Testament somewhat. Sorry if that's contradictory 😅While being raised Christian - its a pretty naive Christian. I keep going down weird roads that seem lead to Israel. Do you speak Hebrew, English and German?!??😮You're very cute btw.
@@fizzpopbangcrack Shalom, I appreciate your comment. All glory to our Father in heaven for it is him drawing you to the truth, I can say, I do not speak Hebrew, but I am learning it, because, yes, I am a Jew, Jesus/Yehshuah taught me through scripture and his spirit so many things which we have been taught wrong and also, yes, you are right, not many can understand this, these are for those specifically whom Yahwe wants to hear it, but eventually we all have to grow and become aware of these important truths. Scripture is saying, even Heathen are becoming Jews, when they accept Yehshuah as their Messiah and become grafted into the vine of Israel, and it is prophecied that Yah is saying, he is going to make a new covenant with Israel and is going to engrave his laws into their hearts and minds, so he made the covenant which is coming to fruition in Yehshuah, with the house of Israel, so Christians are actually the true Jews. Christian actually means follower of Christ, which is Messiah. Revelation 3,9 "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie, behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." Romans 2 28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: 29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. Jeremiah 31 33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. New testament scripture: Hebrews 8 8 For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah: 9 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord. 10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: 11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest. 12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. 13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away. Romans 11 17 And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;..." May you be blessed in Yehshuah's holy name Shalom 🙏
can you direct me to any passage that says, or assumes that the betrayer also has the ability of resurrection? in all my studies i have never come across any but 1 ever noted in ancient recorded History and no other. chosen to handle a specific duty. but where you chosen or did you choose to volunteer?? i balance light and shadow. you dont break through, you have to integrate with it. its the christos holy royal bloodline, the enlightened one. the malchizidech that was before as the priest king of peace to eternity is pure and peace, as scripture states there has to be battle ready protecting out of love, and it would not be allowed to have the son of god to taint his essence in the slightest as he shall rise after 1000 years of peace to take the throne and rule for eternity, it is declared at the end of revelations the identity, because of tempering some information was lost, withheld, etc. but was always the first priest king under the high one, and did his bidding as was declared and willed to be done and has done so since the first particle moved at the beginning of creation and will see it done at the end of this achievement. also research the 3 books of adam and eve. as revelations scripture also is to finish and complete the last covenant as it was the first made to adam, so adam would not give up and die anymore. i believe it will be found in book 2. Johnathan Cahn has some insight as well of what some would call coincidences, i would call divine planning for current times and individuals align harmoniously with Scripture. as in kings, joseph, king david, Daniel, etc . but i have a serious question that i have been having trouble as it its meaning or reference. i am well aware of what is decreed for the black lands, but there is a part of a wall to be rebuilt around israel. i know about Jericho, but that doesn't cover the expanse as a whole.. can you direct me to where to begin to search or a timeline as i have not yet come across any reference of any other..
@@The_Light_in_the_Dark Shalom, there would be a lot to explain to you, because what you say and ask is quite complex, maybe Yah wants me to make videos to answer to your questions in the future, because I will be making livestreams also, but that will take a while still, and some things I think would not be good to share on youtube regarding how the Antichrist is working the false wonders and miracles, so I am not sure yet how Yahwe is going to make me do this, maybe also another website, who knows or if he actually wants me to speak on that, yes, I am having lots of pages written down and scriptures regarding things he explained to me the AC will be doing and is doing, I can give you a few scriptures and you can pray about what they mean, but regarding the holy bloodline, I do not know about the books you referred to, so I can't say anything to this, but I know that Yah has opened the door through Yehshuah for everyone to enter in who is choosing to freely, yes, there is a fine line between choosing and being chosen and answering the call So, revelation 13 says "it was given unto him" Revelation 13/2.Thessalonians 2 The enemy will be given the power due to sin And also because humans will be breaking the everlasting covenant , so they open the door for this to happen. Hosea 6,7 actually stating they break the covenant like Adam But there is more to here in Job 8, 13-22 It stated in v. 18 If he destroy him from his place, then it shall deny him, saying, I have not seen thee 19 Behold, this is the joy of his way, and out of the earth shall others grow." That is very deep, the earth[the human vessel] The AC destroying the soul from the place and the house, the flesh will turn against the soul and others [demonic beings] will grow and inhabit them] that is the false resurrection made by the enemy. Just one little try to explain. But please, focus on the biblical scriptures first and foremost and on Yehshuah revealing to you personally, but also to focus on how Yehshuah is doing his work in you, for his resurrection inside us is what we are looking and striving for. May you be blessed Shalom 🙏✨️
@Matteh711 thank you. That made things much clearer than would be expected even out of context. We should speak more at a later time, I am currently putting a project together that can be a place for many to find help to heal, knowledge, and enlightenment that all those that lost their way and have the willingness to continue on the journey to finding truth. Have taken time to get a solid foundation as well as how the site needs to be that would be easy to navigate and will help the most as there are too many still currently lost in the darkness. Just from what you have mentioned, it seems we were fated to have this conversation. I'm just starting to locate those that have healed truly and have the ability and a love that makes them shine brighter. but as free will dictates, hey must decide for themselves if they wish to be a part of this and how much if they do. So currently it's shooting the. A message, giving general overview, and what the vision I have been given and what is the desired intention while still leaving openings for other ideas to form and expand upon the base. In a way it's building a council that has a desire to help others and have proven their intentions by action over the last few years and do so willingly without expectation of reciprocation as father the most high will provide all we need, knowing that as this cycle ends, the beginning of what comes next is worth every drop of blood, sweat, and tears as it will be beautiful. And it gives me drive and determination to see it to the end as I have already given my word and that is unbreakable. . So as to continue with the current situation, the offer to be a part of this project at the ground floor to build something that will help so many finally heal and shine their light upon the world again and all for the people and showing them that they matter and they are never alone. Showing that there is always another that believes in them as they are just as worthy of love as any other. So the offer is to you to be a part of the beginning, as well as how much and In what capacity your involvement would be. Pray on it, really think on the possibilities of what can truly be achieved and let me know when you find harmony within. It will still take a little time as offers are still to be extended and I don't rush anyone for decisions as its a place that really requires one to be decisive and be 100 with what they decide. And this will grow and expand from there. We have suffered long enough by ourselves, but together, peace and harmony can be achieved and will be accomplished. It has already been decreed as victory but the paths still need to be traveled. Walk by faith, speak truth, embrace with love, and smile at every sunrise knowing you are loved unconditional. May you and yours find all you desire and reach true enlightenment in truth of all that was, is, and will always be.. let me know what you decide when you are ready.
@@The_Light_in_the_Dark Thank you for the offer, let's wait and see what Yahwe wants to do, he said to wait on this, so the decision is not yet set, but he has a lot of other things, I will have to do first and I have to do things slowly still. May Yehshuah's peace and strength be with you always and may he bless the works of your hands Amen amen ✨️🙏
Thank you
Living it too!
You a Angel and I love your beautiful attempts and works .. appreciation
good message 🔥🤍
@@airhardnationjackcooke961 Thank you, I am happy, if it blessed you, all glory to Yah 🙏✨️
danke für die Weisheit
Steh auf, werde licht, denn es komm dein Lich und die Herrlichkeit des HERRN geht strahlend auf über dir. Denn siehe, Finsternis bedeckt die Erde und Dunkel die Völker, doch über dir geht strahlend der Herr auf, seine Herrlichkeit erscheint über dir. Nationen wandern zu deinem Licht und Könige zu deinem strahlenden Glanz.
sag mal was ich machen soll bitte
@@preyhd6864 Yah hat gesagt, er wird dir geben, was du zu tun hast. Psalm 37, 3-6 "Hoffe auf Yahwe und tue Gutes, bleibe im Lande [Wort und Gemeinschaft] und nähre dich redlich. Habe deine Lust an Yahwe, der wird dir geben, was dein Herz wünschet. Befiehl dem Herrn deine Wege [Bringe alles vor ihn] und hoffe auf ihn, er wird's wohlmachen und wird deine Gerechtigkeit hervorbringen wie das Licht und dein Recht wie den Mittag."
Ich weiß nicht, ob du schon andere Videos gesehen hast hier auf dem Kanal, aber Yah hat schon begonnen zu erklären, was zu tun ist. Das Video "Yahwe sagt zur Gemeinde: "Besteige den Berg Zion" zum Beispiel, da hat er einige Schriftstellen gegeben zur Erklärung, auch wenn die ersten Videos leider noch nicht so gut waren, aber ich muss erst lernen wie ich Dinge teilen soll und kann und hab mir auch noch nicht viele Gedanken gemacht gehabt als ich es einfach versucht hab aufzunehmen. 💁♀️
Möge der Segen Yehshuah's mit dir sein und sein Friede allezeit Amen amen
@@preyhd6864 Ich habe den Eindruck, ich soll auch diese Stelle mit dir teilen Matthäus 19,16 ff
@Matteh711 danke :))) ❤️
It's all your Head
Mesa az
German Jews😅😂 Haha we could have some very interesting discussions I'm sure.... There's a lot you could teach me I bet... So many questions and some would sound so ridiculous and naive I bet...
I feel like not many will actually understand what you are saying. I would never have understood it in the past. But something's happened to me lately and (I feel) I've started to understand things in the bible in more context and gain a lot of respect for the Jewish faith, almost accepting it - While still identifying as a 'Christian' and believing in the New Testament somewhat. Sorry if that's contradictory 😅While being raised Christian - its a pretty naive Christian.
I keep going down weird roads that seem lead to Israel.
Do you speak Hebrew, English and German?!??😮You're very cute btw.
@@fizzpopbangcrack Shalom, I appreciate your comment. All glory to our Father in heaven for it is him drawing you to the truth, I can say, I do not speak Hebrew, but I am learning it, because, yes, I am a Jew, Jesus/Yehshuah taught me through scripture and his spirit so many things which we have been taught wrong and also, yes, you are right, not many can understand this, these are for those specifically whom Yahwe wants to hear it, but eventually we all have to grow and become aware of these important truths.
Scripture is saying, even Heathen are becoming Jews, when they accept Yehshuah as their Messiah and become grafted into the vine of Israel, and it is prophecied that Yah is saying, he is going to make a new covenant with Israel and is going to engrave his laws into their hearts and minds, so he made the covenant which is coming to fruition in Yehshuah, with the house of Israel, so Christians are actually the true Jews. Christian actually means follower of Christ, which is Messiah.
Revelation 3,9
"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie, behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."
Romans 2
28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
Jeremiah 31
33 But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
New testament scripture:
Hebrews 8
8 For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:
9 Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; because they continued not in my covenant, and I regarded them not, saith the Lord.
10 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people:
11 And they shall not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all shall know me, from the least to the greatest.
12 For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.
Romans 11
17 And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;..."
May you be blessed in Yehshuah's holy name Shalom 🙏
can you direct me to any passage that says, or assumes that the betrayer also has the ability of resurrection? in all my studies i have never come across any but 1 ever noted in ancient recorded History and no other. chosen to handle a specific duty. but where you chosen or did you choose to volunteer?? i balance light and shadow. you dont break through, you have to integrate with it. its the christos holy royal bloodline, the enlightened one. the malchizidech that was before as the priest king of peace to eternity is pure and peace, as scripture states there has to be battle ready protecting out of love, and it would not be allowed to have the son of god to taint his essence in the slightest as he shall rise after 1000 years of peace to take the throne and rule for eternity, it is declared at the end of revelations the identity, because of tempering some information was lost, withheld, etc. but was always the first priest king under the high one, and did his bidding as was declared and willed to be done and has done so since the first particle moved at the beginning of creation and will see it done at the end of this achievement. also research the 3 books of adam and eve. as revelations scripture also is to finish and complete the last covenant as it was the first made to adam, so adam would not give up and die anymore. i believe it will be found in book 2. Johnathan Cahn has some insight as well of what some would call coincidences, i would call divine planning for current times and individuals align harmoniously with Scripture. as in kings, joseph, king david, Daniel, etc . but i have a serious question that i have been having trouble as it its meaning or reference. i am well aware of what is decreed for the black lands, but there is a part of a wall to be rebuilt around israel. i know about Jericho, but that doesn't cover the expanse as a whole.. can you direct me to where to begin to search or a timeline as i have not yet come across any reference of any other..
@@The_Light_in_the_Dark Shalom, there would be a lot to explain to you, because what you say and ask is quite complex, maybe Yah wants me to make videos to answer to your questions in the future, because I will be making livestreams also, but that will take a while still, and some things I think would not be good to share on youtube regarding how the Antichrist is working the false wonders and miracles, so I am not sure yet how Yahwe is going to make me do this, maybe also another website, who knows or if he actually wants me to speak on that, yes, I am having lots of pages written down and scriptures regarding things he explained to me the AC will be doing and is doing, I can give you a few scriptures and you can pray about what they mean, but regarding the holy bloodline, I do not know about the books you referred to, so I can't say anything to this, but I know that Yah has opened the door through Yehshuah for everyone to enter in who is choosing to freely, yes, there is a fine line between choosing and being chosen and answering the call
So, revelation 13 says "it was given unto him" Revelation 13/2.Thessalonians 2
The enemy will be given the power due to sin
And also because humans will be breaking the everlasting covenant , so they open the door for this to happen.
Hosea 6,7 actually stating they break the covenant like Adam
But there is more to here in Job 8, 13-22 It stated in v. 18 If he destroy him from his place, then it shall deny him, saying, I have not seen thee 19 Behold, this is the joy of his way, and out of the earth shall others grow."
That is very deep, the earth[the human vessel] The AC destroying the soul from the place and the house, the flesh will turn against the soul and others [demonic beings] will grow and inhabit them] that is the false resurrection made by the enemy. Just one little try to explain.
But please, focus on the biblical scriptures first and foremost and on Yehshuah revealing to you personally, but also to focus on how Yehshuah is doing his work in you, for his resurrection inside us is what we are looking and striving for. May you be blessed Shalom 🙏✨️
@Matteh711 thank you. That made things much clearer than would be expected even out of context. We should speak more at a later time, I am currently putting a project together that can be a place for many to find help to heal, knowledge, and enlightenment that all those that lost their way and have the willingness to continue on the journey to finding truth. Have taken time to get a solid foundation as well as how the site needs to be that would be easy to navigate and will help the most as there are too many still currently lost in the darkness. Just from what you have mentioned, it seems we were fated to have this conversation. I'm just starting to locate those that have healed truly and have the ability and a love that makes them shine brighter. but as free will dictates, hey must decide for themselves if they wish to be a part of this and how much if they do. So currently it's shooting the. A message, giving general overview, and what the vision I have been given and what is the desired intention while still leaving openings for other ideas to form and expand upon the base. In a way it's building a council that has a desire to help others and have proven their intentions by action over the last few years and do so willingly without expectation of reciprocation as father the most high will provide all we need, knowing that as this cycle ends, the beginning of what comes next is worth every drop of blood, sweat, and tears as it will be beautiful. And it gives me drive and determination to see it to the end as I have already given my word and that is unbreakable. . So as to continue with the current situation, the offer to be a part of this project at the ground floor to build something that will help so many finally heal and shine their light upon the world again and all for the people and showing them that they matter and they are never alone. Showing that there is always another that believes in them as they are just as worthy of love as any other. So the offer is to you to be a part of the beginning, as well as how much and In what capacity your involvement would be. Pray on it, really think on the possibilities of what can truly be achieved and let me know when you find harmony within. It will still take a little time as offers are still to be extended and I don't rush anyone for decisions as its a place that really requires one to be decisive and be 100 with what they decide. And this will grow and expand from there. We have suffered long enough by ourselves, but together, peace and harmony can be achieved and will be accomplished. It has already been decreed as victory but the paths still need to be traveled. Walk by faith, speak truth, embrace with love, and smile at every sunrise knowing you are loved unconditional. May you and yours find all you desire and reach true enlightenment in truth of all that was, is, and will always be.. let me know what you decide when you are ready.
@@The_Light_in_the_Dark Thank you for the offer, let's wait and see what Yahwe wants to do, he said to wait on this, so the decision is not yet set, but he has a lot of other things, I will have to do first and I have to do things slowly still. May Yehshuah's peace and strength be with you always and may he bless the works of your hands Amen amen ✨️🙏
@@The_Light_in_the_Dark I forgot Daniel 8,12, but generally more in Daniel, the verse about due to the transgression he was given power 🙏✨
Much love value and appreciation 💯🧩💕😇🪖
Your confused.
it's you're confused, not your confused.