Meet my guest, who shares why Indonesia is the best place to live and why it has incredible potential for the future. Watch now:
Not only in Java and Bali, but there are many very beautiful and interesting places to visit in Indonesia. In Sumatra where I come from, there are also many beautiful places, such as West Sumatra. The mountains and beaches are very beautiful.. in the South Solok area it is colder than Bandung.. But because it is not promoted enough, it is not known, unlike Bali which is always promoted. 🙂
Orang-orang dari negara lain, khususnya eropa dan amerika semestinya melihat konten Max kali ini. Bule Barbie menjabarkan mengenai Indonesia dengan tepat dan sangat mendekati kenyataan dibandingkan yang lain. Pengalamannya sungguh menakjubkan, bahkan bagi saya sebagai orang Indonesia yang sudah 30 tahun lebih keliling Indonesia. Kita harus support dan respek kepada siapapun yang mempromosikan Indonesia dengan cara mereka masing-masing. Karena itu kita harus selalu positif dan terus memperbaiki diri dan lingkungan agar terus meningkat menjadi tempat terbaik bagi siapapun.
Sayang sekali untuk mengatakan bahwa sejatinya kesopanan datang nya dari asia 😂 Bule jadikan indonesia sebagai tempat healing jangan lagi berpikir untuk berwisata barbar 🍺💊
A fun fact about Indonesia is that Indonesia is about 15 times the size of England, so saying Indonesia is a small country is a mistake because they only see Bali.
@@alyaaorangeno way Indonesia is 4th largest country. USA, Rusia, China, Canada, Australia, Brasil, significantly larger than Indonesia. I think you meant Indonesia is the 4th most populated country.
@@trisetiyanto3779 Land wise yes, but if you calculate the length of Indonesian archipelago from Sabang to Merauke it is around 5.321km or London to Kabul in Afghanistan. Another reason why air plane ticket here is so damn expensive lol
As an Indonesian, i dare to say this is one of the best interview about Indonesia from a foreigner's perspective, and getting Bule Barbie as the source person was spot on! She doesn't gloss over the minus points and really shared what she experienced and felt about Indonesia and Jerman was nice, it makes the viewers connected to her and understood about her experience from her perspective. And the fact that she smiles a lot in this video reveals how Indonesian she's now 😁👍
A German friend, after so long period spent 3 months every year in Indonesia, decided to move permanently in Sulawesi, Indonesia. I remembered how depressed and suicidal he was, living in his homeland Germany. He was happy only 3 months a year in Indonesia 😔 Very happy he's found now a happy place to live, a place called home.
dalam percakapannya dia selalu tersenyum ramah seperti orang Indonesia, terlihat begitu bangga dengan Indonesia. terimakasih bule Barbie... sukses untukmu.
She's so adorable, not just physically pretty and has a beautiful soul, but also really intelligent and well mannered. It's not easy to move to a foreign country, but she wins the Indonesian people's hearts with her positive, humble, and sweet personality! ❤
Two comments from me for foreigners trying to get some tips: 1. Her Indonesian is very good, very local, notably because of her ‘r’ sound. How you pull off the ‘r’ is what differenciates between bule and native speakers. She definitely passed with flying color. 2. In terms of how to express something without insulting the sensitive and polite Indonesians (at all places), she probably did not articulate it clearly from her explanation, but if you look at her body language and her expression, they are spot on. Smile, hand gesture, nod frequently. You can never insult Indonesians if you do all those things.
Bule Barbie's description of Indonesia is great, and she is very honest about the situation in Indonesia and how different the culture is in each region. Love it ❤
English was never her first language. She's germany speaker. And i have lived in Germany. Most Germany don't speak English. You would expect some accents coming from their mouth while speaking English.
Indonesian was heavily influenced by the Dutch. Germany is right next door. Their accents are similar. That's probably why her accent sounds more similar to native. One thing that makes me laugh about that influence is that Es teh panas is a valid grammatical sentence. Es teh obviously uses the Dutch grammar. Teh panas is Indonesian grammar. You can't say panas teh or teh es. But theoretically es teh panas works despite being impossible. Iced tea hot. Lol!
@@PZantanKilla lol the one you spoke to, must be having a job that required them to speak proper English. True local Germans have accents while speaking English. Just like this Sasha girl (aka Bule Barbie). Her accent is still oke and she's still doing fine with her English. And you clearly cannot compare Eropean's English to Indonesian's English. Most Indonesians have struggles speaking English, cuz how hard English is to them. You should know that at least
jadi inget beberapa waktu yg lalu ada kejadian seorang teman yang menerima telpon dari Client nya (Japanese & Korean) dimana saat itu kami sedang duduk santai berlima disuatu coffee shop, dan berbicara santai sambil bergurau bahkan hingga tertawa, padahal itu adalah hal yg sangat sangat wajar dan sangat biasa di Indonesia (Jakarta), beberapa kali saya mendengar teman yg sedang menerima tlp dari client nya tersebut bilang ke Client nya "it's Normal, Its Normal Sir..I am in Jakarta at coffeeshop home town, why?..." seusai menerima telepon teman saya berkata kepada kami bahwa client nya bertanya2 kepada dirinya, kamu lagi dimana?apakah kamu sedang di Bar/club? kenapa semua orang terdengar bahagia kenapa semua orang terdengar happy kenapa bisa semua orang seperti tertawa lepas?bla bla bla..(kamipun serentak tertawa mendengarnya) hingga berakhir kedua Client tersebut penasaran & memutuskan untuk datang ke Indonesia singkatnya kerjasama antara mereka berujung sepakat dari kejadian itu, saya beranggapan bahwa sepertinya vibes seperti itu hanya ada di Indonesia :)
iya aneh ya, disini podcast yang bicara serius tentang geopolitik juga bisa sambil bercanda ketawa2 kalau liat bocor alus politik Tempo juga, itu bicara tentang busuk2nya politik di Indo, selalu sambil ketawa2
saya sering ke Jepang, bergaul dengan orang2 Jepang, seperti makan-makan dan masak2 di rumah salah satu teman, makan di restoran, barbeque, piknik beramai-ramai, setelah saya ingat2 memang mereka tidak tertawa lepas saat berkumpul, terlalu sepi, tidak seperti orang2 Indonesia yg kalo ngopi di teras pun bisa tertawa bersama2.
@@sotecluxan4221 haha... many times i have been asked to have german passport. But i refused it. I have worked as consultant at WHO, project in Ukraine, north korea, italy, belgium, egypt, albania dll. Germany lost me😊
@@xiraoit9342 I studied in Germany and then work in Germany. I have been involved in many international projects at WHO, different countries, including ukraine, egypt, china, albania, north korea, italy, indonesia, belgium, azerbaijan, etc. In sha Allah it is the tine to go back to Indonesia.
So happy to know that she's interesting with our country, and now she can speak bahasa too, waw. So adorable 🥰 . Anw, I like the way she explain the culture of Indonesian, and seems like it does'nt matter at all for her. Love this video ❤ positif vibes.
i agree with majority from the comments that said she described indonesia really well. her journey living in indonesia from zero made her really understand how diverse the country. again, as an indonesian... i really appreciate Max made this video so everyone across the world who already planning to comes to indonesia, can understand more how this country is.
she is such a sweet girl and fortunately she liven Indonesia and not India , Indonesians men are so much well behave and polite, I have seen Indian attacked women travelers with such rudeness and its actually very scary for women traveling in India.
just fyi, theres a news abt indian tourist got beaten by a local for being rude in bali. as i can say, indonesian will very upset to everyone who being rude, jerk, or just an asshole especially in public area. also never assault woman (eldery, girl or a minor), they will came after you in stampede
Bule barbie.... Berubah segala kepribadian dan perilakunya karena budaya dan orang² Indonesia yang rata² ramah.... Bangga sebagai orang Indonesia dengan segala keramahtamahan yang dimiliki orang Indonesia..... Bravo bule barbie.....
Whoever said Indonesia is a "Small Country". I bet their country is smaller 😂 Come on, don't using flat map. Try using real map. Indonesia is bigger than USA. We are the biggest Archipelago Country on this planet.
Orang ini menjabarkan sisi Indonesia dengan sangat tepat ...karna terkadang banyak turis yang masih suka salah paham untuk beberapa hal situasi Indonesia 😊
Watching the video made me realize that in Indonesia, our smiles and friendliness are basically gold. We’ve mastered the art of living through hardship with a grin-because hey, being broke is no excuse to be grumpy! Plus, from childhood, we’ve been told that smiling is a form of worship, so we’re practically racking up spiritual points every time we flash our teeth. And let’s be real, it's like we were born with our parents forcing us to say “makasih, Bude, Bule, Tante, Om” with a huge smile for every bit of uang or permen we got! But don’t get it wrong, we’re not just in it for the treats-most of us are genuinely nice. We’ve been taught that even if you're broke, it’s more honorable to work than to beg. Like, "I'd rather sell gorengan on the corner than ask for a handout!"
Selain itu, (mau nambahin juga) jaman dulu, sekolah jg ngajarin kita untuk selalu nyapa khususnya orang yg kita kenal. Terlepas orang itu jutek ataupun enggak, kita tetap harus positif thinking & nyapa orang itu. Krn kl kita ketemu orang yg kita kenal, dan kita cuek, fix kita dikatain anak nakal. Tumbuh berkembang ngelihat anak² lain sopan & nurut terus kl kita sendiri gak sopan & gak nurut, kita jadi ngerasa minder & bersalah. Makanya, suka gak suka, kita memaksa diri kita untuk selalu baik & ramah & siap membantu orang lain. Krn dari kecil, baik di sekolah, di rumah, di tempat ibadah, kita selalu dikasih tau, untuk jangan sombong & angkuh. Selalu sopan & menerima orang lain tanpa berpikir negatif. Hal kayak gitu, gak diajarkan sama anak di negri lain. Di luar negri, anak kecil itu diajari ilmu² & materi. Diperkuat insting & ketajaman pemahamannya. Dan diajarin speaking jg supaya bisa jelasin situasi yg dia lihat. Makanya banyak orang luar itu sombong² krn dr kecil & lingkungannya jg udah ngajarin yg namanya persaingan.
Tempat lain kn anti asing, anti kafer, sdm kurang, tdk nyaman & tdk aman, tdk sebebas Bali, jd gmn para bule mau coba tempat lain, hanya bali yg benar2 aman, nyaman, penuh tradisi, budaya, seni, keindahan alam, terbuka utk semua ras & negara, lbih bebas. Coba sbutin satu provinsi yg sperti itu lagi? Satu aja, dijamin gk bakal ada
@@Gigabytesvix Kepri, aku tinggal di pulau bintan rasanya sih aman disini. Bahkan dulu di sekolah lama aku ada orang bule dari prancis tinggal di asrama sekalah aku. Disini juga banyak kedai dimana orang bisa santai sampai larut malam, tapi orang bule tidak tau Kepri atau pulau bintan jadi sekarang gak banyak orang bulenya.
Bali di bangun dr jaman Hindia Belanda, sampai sekarang infrastruktur dan pelayanan memang paling bagus klo di bidang pariwisata, adat tradisi budaya dilakukan setiap hari dan TDK terpengaruh dengan budaya luar tp orang luarlah yg terpengaruh budaya lokal Bali....TDK akan ada yg menyamai Bali sampai kapanpun,
Luckily lots of foreigners visited many new places in West Java, like : Cianjur, Bandung, Sukabumi.. Mostly friendly citizens here, we have to improve our ways of life, especially to keep our environment clean, keeping public facilities clean & comfortable, also treating animals better..
Mudah-mudahan reaksi orang-orang luar negeri semakin banyak yang menyebarkan konten tentang Indonesia seperti Channel Max Chernov ini. Terima kasih Max Chernov yang telah menampilkan orang-orang yang mengenalkan budaya Indonesia yang sebenarnya seperti ini. Semoga Channel Max Chernov semakin banyak yang menyukai dan semakin berkembang. Terutama untuk disampaikan di luar negeri. Salam perdamaian untuk semua orang di dunia.
She's a famous influencer here and I'm glad you choose her to representing foreigner living in Indonesia. I'm happy she being honest and transparent^^ We call her bule barbie because she's pretty like a barbie and knowing she's actually happy and enjoy her time here in Indonesia makes me smile throughout the video ♡♡♡
I remember her when the first time poping up into the youtube as a guest because of her popularity, and oh boy that was around 2 years ago and her speaking in english or indonesia don't have clarity in them and I remember the other guest call her nuts / crazy / sinting / hand gestures for crazy but, look at her now! Speaks english, indoensia, and sunda VERY VERY WELL! Well done Dasha❤🔥
Me as Indonesian lives in bandung feel respect by her and agreed with all her said with honest wise and polite , she's nice and have good attitude as respectful woman
Terimakasih kamu telah menjadi duta indonesia, tanpa membeda bedakan kami sebagai masyarakat indonesia sangat senang kedatangan tourist asing dari seluruh negara" didunia.❤🎉
Loved the positive vibes and witty casual conversation. If only the Indonesian government is partnering with you to promote our tourism that would be awesome. Kudos to Max!
Bule Barbie is absolutely right..😊👍🏻. She is more Indonesia than us..the origin Indonesian.. Di indonesia memang kita selalu hidup dengan senyum..di kota manapun penduduk Indonesia selalu ramah dengan bule..😊👍🏻
Aku harap konten mu yg ini mendunia internasional agar semua benua di dunia ini tau kalau Indonesia itu negara besar yg memiliki berjuta juta pemandangan alam yg indah dan termasuk orang yg paling ramah di dunia jadi kalian buat para bule jangan pernah malu atau bosan untuk belajar bahasa Indonesia di negara manapun kalian berada🇮🇩👍💪
I know right. She’s cherfull person. We only see the humor part of her life in tiktok or youtube. 😂😂😂 but other than that she’s notice everything. She knew indonesia than indonesian it self 😮
Hanya yang punya karakter periang, suka bergaul, suka humor, yg bisa jadi terkenal di Indonesia, karena itu adalah karakter yg secara umum disukai secara naluriah oleh orang orang Indonesia ☺😊
@@greatnditya krna Sma Khdupn mrka di Korea pun bgtu,tak prnh Tersyum Pda orng yng kg di knl,mknya bth wktu lama buat mrka bisa ceria di Indonesia,klau cuma jln2 doank trs ceria di Indonesia,Tkt ya Mrka balik ke Korea,vibes Indonesia ya ke bwa ke snh,di snh enter mrka di sebut orng aneh senyum Pda orng yng kg di knl,,
She totally radiates sunshine and positivity. I find myself smiling throughout your interview with her. We need foreigners like her, who's willing to assimilate with local culture and respect it ☺. I agree with her saying that generally Indonesians prefer to say things in a roundabout way, sort of. But I personally prefer it the Germans way, by being straightforward about things. Way better than to assume 🤭 So this goes back to personality, I guess.
"Smiling at strangers... to friends... to everyone in our country indonesia is the teaching of our parents... Smiling for us is the lightest form of worship to perform... And its reward is immense... Beyond what money can measure..."
Hi Max, do you know Londo Kampung? He is a youtuber from Surabaya. Actually, He is an Australian but he has stayed in Indonesia so long. He always makes content about Javanese and he is so fluently speak Javanese. I recomend you to make a collaboration with Londo Kampung. I'm waiting it 🤗
Saya sangat mencintai negri ini dalam kondisi apapun...dan saya bangga dan tak pernah malu jadi rakyat Indonesia apapun pendapat negatif dari orang asing...aku♥️🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨
sama gue juga, SEJELEK APAPUN BANGSA INDONESIA, mereka adalah bangsaku sendiri. malah gue sebel banget klo ada orang indonesia yg menghina bangsa sendiri.
Gadis jerman ini tutur katanya penuh sopan santun ,tidak ada hujatan,cacian dn hinaan kepada tempat dan masyarakat lokal tempat dia tinggal..kata2nya bijaksana dalam.menilai tentang adat , budaya dan cara hidup orang indonesia pada umumnya..salut buat bule barbie semoga betah tinggal di indonesia
Just looking you both do this kind of interview talking about indonesia it makes me got a lot of positive vibes and proud about indonesia 🇲🇨 feeling more homesick suddenly 🥹
Thanks so much to speak truely about real Indonesia.. If you didn't believe it, just come to visit Indonesia, but not only Bali.. Bali just a litle part of Indonesia
I would have asked myself the same things as your friends, when you told them that you were going to live in Indonesia but I have no doubt that it is a great country and there is a reason you are happy there. I am a follower of yours from Latin America, God bless you. 😊 Edit. Now I now "bule" seria el equivalente a decir "gringo" en mi país , que por extensión esa palabra se refiere a cualquier extranjero rubio, aunque en principio es oara referirse a los norteamericanos
3.7 million subscribers in three years is indeed an impressive achievement. She really knows who is her audience. Indonesia is a diverse and vibrant market.
Yah karna orng orang indo cepet bgt di bodoh2 in terlalu OVERPROUD . Bule dari antah berantah aja datang , klo bilang aku cinta indo , aku suka nasi goreng langsung pada Follow. .. kan tolol 😂
she didn't even use the word 'bahasa' to 'translate' ;'bahasa indonesia' in english because she knew that that is wrong, she already used the correct one 'indonesian' instead 'bahasa'... why didn't you? you know english well, so you must be knew that 'bahasa' is mean 'language'.
@@bimokresno nah ini masalah terbesarnya bro, masih banyak banget SDM indo goblok yg masih menormalisasikan kata "BAHASA" sebagai nama bahasa indonesia, padahal itu jelas2 SALAH. si bule nya jd ikut2'an kan tuh, tp bule barbie udah paham dia.
@@bimokresno agreed, i hate how many Indonesians themself use "Bahasa" as Indonesian languange while the meaning of "Bahasa" itself is language. It's a misconception used by foreigners and you as an Indonesian go along with it. You need to correct it by using "I speak Indonesian" or "I speak Bahasa Indonesia" especially if you're Indonesian since you should know the correct term.
@@nfl5597 yup! i'm tired hearing that in videos or reading it in comments. everytime i tried to correct them, most of the time i got answer that "it is ok and no problem" from indonesians.
That's exactly what I experienced in Indonesia. During my stay in Indonesia, I felt a happiness that I had never felt before. I Love Indonesia. I'm from Nganjuk.
Even for me as Indonesian, West Java, especially "Bandung", the weather is colder than other cities in Indonesia! when I first moved to Yogyakarta, I shower 3-5 times a day! even though in Bandung I only showered twice a day!
I have visited Bandung several times, not cold at all. I can take bath 3x a day, even during the night. In my born place in North Sumatra, an outsider guy like you would only take a bath 1x a day, if not rainy season.
@@fprazz bandung tuh sebenernya luas, klo kurang dingin tinggal naik dikit ke daerah lembang, kalo lembang masih kurang dingin lagi naik ke daerah pangalengan! Tp klo dibanding dieng, dieng lebih dingin sih, klo magelang sama salatiga mirip bgt kyk bdg! Klo untuk kota kabupaten atau kota kecamatan emang banyak sih yg lebih dingin dr bandung. tp klo kelas ibukota, mnurutku cuma bandung, tp ada beberapa yg blm prnh aku kunjungin juga, jd mungkin masih kurang objektif.
She is so cute and adorable and radiating positive and happy vibes. Such a joy to watch her interview. I can't help but smile along. Love from Indonesia ❤😊
Karakter mu telah menjadi indonesia. Dengan menjaga kata katanya dan terdengar lebih positif. Itulah yang di cari orang indonesia kebahagian bisa kita ciptakan bersama sama..
Pretty sure i'm gonna refer back to this video next time there's a colleague or friends asking about Indonesia in general and Bandung in specific because your conversations just sum it up perfectly in a way i didn't think of before ❤😄 Nicely put, thank you for sharing this perspective, it radiates good vibe
Hey Barbie! Just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the inspiration you bring as an influencer. Living in Indonesia has been such an amazing experience, and your content truly captures the beauty and warmth of this place. It’s so vibrant and welcoming heRe, Keep shining and sharing your adventures!
Ini bule harus coba tinggal di jakarta 1 tahun dan ngekost di area gang2 daerah tanah abang terus jalan2 pakai motor/mobil di jakarta terutama jam pergi+pulang kantor , pasti pikiran neh bule langsung berbeda dari yg sekarang 😂😂
Siapa bilang hidup diluar negeri itu senang dan bahagia.. Walaupun gaji diluar negeri itu besar, tetapi pengeluarannya juga besar, ya sama saja.. Hidup diluar negeri banyak tekanan, membuat orang menjadi frustasi, stres.. Kata bule barbie orang Indonesia lebih memanusiakan manusia.. Manusia sesuai dengan kodratnya.. 👍♥️♥️🇮🇩..
Ad kok yg bilg enak..content creator baru yg kerjaannya banggain luar negeri.. bangga ud pindah warga negara...smp nyindir2 konoha, org2nya pmerintahnya... presidennya smp dhitung dosa jariyahnya sm tuh org...
Mau gimanapun emng lebih enak hidup di luar negeri. Pertama, mereka itu mayoritas negara maju punya mindset yang baik, tidak mudah di provokator kayak di indonesia. Sorry To Say pikiran kuno. Dan juga rata2 walau Gaji gede pengeluaran gede, tapi masih tetap bisa disisihkan. Dan bisa hidup dengan lifestyle yang mewah. Gak kayak indo Rupiah udah kayak gak ada Harga diri nya. Gaji sebulan gak akan cukup. Habis gitu aja tanpa bisa nabung. Kecuali anda ada usaha dan pemasukan lain yang nunjang. Berbeda di luar negeri. Contoh jepang. Banyak orang indo skrng yg kerja di jepang,korea.. Walau biaya hidup besar juga bisa Nabung smpe 10jt an Paling dikit bahkan lebih Dari gaji bulanan saja tanpa harus kerja tambahan lain. Intinya gak bakal se sengsara kayak indo. Ini Real. Di era sekarang, Ada Uang = Kesejahteraan dan Kebahagian meningkat. Gak peduli dengan hal di luar itu, inti nya banyak uang akan lebih unggul dan bahagia.
@@lyricmusik8627 sy jg prnh komen d komend shortnya emg faktanya dsana dsejahterakan gk bs dpungkiri...malah dl ad saat dmn d Aussiedaya beli turun pmerintah ksh uang brapa dollar gt..buat pd yg sy sayangkan..klo memang sudah ganti jd WNA y sudahlah gk usah nengok kblakang dgn trs sarkas k negara anda bilg sndr mindset org yg tinggal d LN beda lbh maju gk mudah trprovokasi...laaah org ini hmpr 10 thn d capres idolanya gk kpilih kesel sm presiden kita..smp mikirin akheratnya presiden.... smp ngmgn pmerintahan kita...itu sih yg bikin sy geli sndr ...lah katanya hati julid ghibahnya...tetep lokal..masa 10 thn gk brubah..cek aj video2 dia si content creator yg kerjaannya pamer gaji masak dia d Aussie..
@@Mysatire07 Balik lagi Sekarang aku tanya, itu orang asal mana? Indo kan.?🤣 Nahh itu dia yang jadi permasalan nya pikiran karakter asli nya di bawa sampe negara orang. Terlepas udh ganti kewarganegaraan Tapi bibit asli kan dari indo. Ya mindset itulah yg buruk. Lebih tepatnya Asli orang sana yg punya mindset maju. Kalau imigran mungkin mindset jelek nya pun masih ikut dibawa.. Indo itu warga paling julid sedunia. Tapi heranya mereka bangga, padahal di cap negara luar itu SDM minus.
Not only in Java and Bali, but there are many very beautiful and interesting places to visit in Indonesia. In Sumatra where I come from, there are also many beautiful places, such as West Sumatra. The mountains and beaches are very beautiful.. in the South Solok area it is colder than Bandung.. But because it is not promoted enough, it is not known, unlike Bali which is always promoted. 🙂
They always smiling maybe they are one of the most grateful and positive people..not all people doing good because they want something from you..they just want to be nice of other people (strangers)... As long as you are polite too...😊
Terimakasih Neng Bule Barbie Sudah Menceritakan Tetang INDONESIA, Bahkan Menceritakan Ke Indah indonesia BUKAN hanya di Bali saja, dan masih banyak lagi yg lebih indah
Vitamin D... Ok, buat teman-teman yg sering di rumah aja..sambil rebahan. Bangun gaes. Vitamin D _sinar matahari_ seperti cahaya langka di luar negri. Jadi keluarlah dan nikmati cahaya matahari yg hampir selalu bersinar di indonesia.
Aku suka dan senang dengan sikap yang sopan bule barbie dalam menjawab secara detail dan benar tentang apa saja hal Indonesia. Sukses selalu untukmu barbie
Meet my guest, who shares why Indonesia is the best place to live and why it has incredible potential for the future. Watch now:
Your guest list choices are phenomenal. Love the diversity & how upbeat these folks are about Indo.
Not only in Java and Bali, but there are many very beautiful and interesting places to visit in Indonesia. In Sumatra where I come from, there are also many beautiful places, such as West Sumatra. The mountains and beaches are very beautiful.. in the South Solok area it is colder than Bandung.. But because it is not promoted enough, it is not known, unlike Bali which is always promoted. 🙂
@@Ghekko-kw3zzyou can come a Tegal city
Yeah i'm agree with dasha or barbie
Go back to your fucking country, you disgusting western crap, don't destroy Indonesia with your filthy western crap 🤢🤮
Orang-orang dari negara lain, khususnya eropa dan amerika semestinya melihat konten Max kali ini. Bule Barbie menjabarkan mengenai Indonesia dengan tepat dan sangat mendekati kenyataan dibandingkan yang lain. Pengalamannya sungguh menakjubkan, bahkan bagi saya sebagai orang Indonesia yang sudah 30 tahun lebih keliling Indonesia. Kita harus support dan respek kepada siapapun yang mempromosikan Indonesia dengan cara mereka masing-masing. Karena itu kita harus selalu positif dan terus memperbaiki diri dan lingkungan agar terus meningkat menjadi tempat terbaik bagi siapapun.
Jawaban anda benar
Sayang sekali untuk mengatakan bahwa sejatinya kesopanan datang nya dari asia 😂
Bule jadikan indonesia sebagai tempat healing jangan lagi berpikir untuk berwisata barbar 🍺💊
Murid ke sayangan guru ini
Mirip seperti ujung oppa.. Cuma konten terus menghilang nanti
A fun fact about Indonesia is that Indonesia is about 15 times the size of England, so saying Indonesia is a small country is a mistake because they only see Bali.
4th largest country in the world
@@alyaaorangeno way Indonesia is 4th largest country. USA, Rusia, China, Canada, Australia, Brasil, significantly larger than Indonesia.
I think you meant Indonesia is the 4th most populated country.
Yes Indonesia id 14th largest country @@trisetiyanto3779
@@trisetiyanto3779yeah probably the person mistake the population rank with size rank
@@trisetiyanto3779 Land wise yes, but if you calculate the length of Indonesian archipelago from Sabang to Merauke it is around 5.321km or London to Kabul in Afghanistan. Another reason why air plane ticket here is so damn expensive lol
She even apologize before saying people take alkohol and drugs. She's Indonesian in heart.
She's Russian 😂
She IS evolving to be Indonesian 😍
Her accent, her smile all the time, she saying "we" while talking about Indonesia 🇮🇩
Bule Barbie sudah terkontaminasi keramahan orang indo...dari caranya menjelaskan sampai gesture nya mencerminkan sangat tulus mencintai Indonesia 😊
Bang, ramahnya orang Indo tuh karena biar bisa meres cuan dari WNA
Gak semuaaa kayak gitu mulyono@@DevSarman
@@DevSarmanjgn ngomong sembarangan bang,coba pke hitungan sekian persen, biar gak menyudutkan sama warga indo daerah lain.
Jangan-jangan malah anda sendiri yang kek gitu. Masih banyak kok orang Indonesia yang tulus.
Sorry. Ini komen untuk @DaveSarman
As an Indonesian, i dare to say this is one of the best interview about Indonesia from a foreigner's perspective, and getting Bule Barbie as the source person was spot on! She doesn't gloss over the minus points and really shared what she experienced and felt about Indonesia and Jerman was nice, it makes the viewers connected to her and understood about her experience from her perspective. And the fact that she smiles a lot in this video reveals how Indonesian she's now 😁👍
A German friend, after so long period spent 3 months every year in Indonesia, decided to move permanently in Sulawesi, Indonesia. I remembered how depressed and suicidal he was, living in his homeland Germany. He was happy only 3 months a year in Indonesia 😔 Very happy he's found now a happy place to live, a place called home.
Thank you for taking good care of your friend😢, really appreciate you man, Salam from Kalbar 👋..
Don't we all want a place where we can call home?
Indonesia is heaven earth
The reason for it is there’s a community in Indonesia. More than in Europe.
Saya ikut senang & terharu membacanya. Semoga lebih banyak lagi orang yang merasa bahagia hidup di negeri ini.
dalam percakapannya dia selalu tersenyum ramah seperti orang Indonesia, terlihat begitu bangga dengan Indonesia. terimakasih bule Barbie... sukses untukmu.
I’ve been here 38 years and can relate with her experience and opinion.
Where are you come from?
@@dadakanadventure Of course from his mother :`)
where do live in indonesia sir?
@@RNaratexturesMod no, it was he born from
She's so adorable, not just physically pretty and has a beautiful soul, but also really intelligent and well mannered. It's not easy to move to a foreign country, but she wins the Indonesian people's hearts with her positive, humble, and sweet personality! ❤
Indonesia is so boring.
She sounds genuine and smart. I’m glad to hear that she enjoys living in Indonesia. All the best for her career.
She is! Are you from Indonesia?
@@MaxChernov Yes I am, thanks for the video!
Indonesia dahsyatt❤❤❤
Well anything has to be better than Russia 😂
@@jtpf87 she's from Germany, babe. 😅
She must have caught the Indonesian Smile Virus. She kept smilling even when talking 😃👍
it's her german. Idk why but germans always make that expression whenever they tried to speak english.
Senyum Indonesia, lawak
Kau piker negara lain gak ada senyum
@@aidanjanemcintosh6919 Interesting
@@aidanjanemcintosh6919oooohh stardenburdenhardenbark .
Wait until she's smiling while angry, while spouting sarcasms here and there.
Indonesia is not kind, we are just used to smiling
Do you agree with Bule Barbie about Indonesia?
I think bule barbie have a misconception that Indonesian take shower 5 times a day. We normally take a shower 2 times a day
Two comments from me for foreigners trying to get some tips:
1. Her Indonesian is very good, very local, notably because of her ‘r’ sound. How you pull off the ‘r’ is what differenciates between bule and native speakers. She definitely passed with flying color.
2. In terms of how to express something without insulting the sensitive and polite Indonesians (at all places), she probably did not articulate it clearly from her explanation, but if you look at her body language and her expression, they are spot on. Smile, hand gesture, nod frequently. You can never insult Indonesians if you do all those things.
Kebanyakan 3 kali sehari @@ekananda9591
certainly yes I agree
Begitu lancar penjelasan dr bule barbie... Semua yg dibilg hampir 100% benar2 menggambarkan indonesia bgt...
Bule Barbie's description of Indonesia is great, and she is very honest about the situation in Indonesia and how different the culture is in each region. Love it ❤
Her english now even become like Indonesian English accent..bravo, bule barbie..u adapt so well
English was never her first language. She's germany speaker. And i have lived in Germany. Most Germany don't speak English. You would expect some accents coming from their mouth while speaking English.
@@BikinRomantis880I've heard german speak english and it doesnt sound like her. Germany sound more soothing and smooth than indonesian.
Indonesian was heavily influenced by the Dutch. Germany is right next door. Their accents are similar.
That's probably why her accent sounds more similar to native.
One thing that makes me laugh about that influence is that Es teh panas is a valid grammatical sentence.
Es teh obviously uses the Dutch grammar.
Teh panas is Indonesian grammar.
You can't say panas teh or teh es.
But theoretically es teh panas works despite being impossible.
Iced tea hot. Lol!
@@PZantanKilla lol the one you spoke to, must be having a job that required them to speak proper English. True local Germans have accents while speaking English. Just like this Sasha girl (aka Bule Barbie). Her accent is still oke and she's still doing fine with her English. And you clearly cannot compare Eropean's English to Indonesian's English. Most Indonesians have struggles speaking English, cuz how hard English is to them. You should know that at least
@@BikinRomantis880 as i know, germany people is very good in english
jadi inget beberapa waktu yg lalu ada kejadian seorang teman yang menerima telpon dari Client nya (Japanese & Korean) dimana saat itu kami sedang duduk santai berlima disuatu coffee shop, dan berbicara santai sambil bergurau bahkan hingga tertawa, padahal itu adalah hal yg sangat sangat wajar dan sangat biasa di Indonesia (Jakarta), beberapa kali saya mendengar teman yg sedang menerima tlp dari client nya tersebut bilang ke Client nya "it's Normal, Its Normal Sir..I am in Jakarta at coffeeshop home town, why?..."
seusai menerima telepon teman saya berkata kepada kami bahwa client nya bertanya2 kepada dirinya, kamu lagi dimana?apakah kamu sedang di Bar/club? kenapa semua orang terdengar bahagia kenapa semua orang terdengar happy kenapa bisa semua orang seperti tertawa lepas?bla bla bla..(kamipun serentak tertawa mendengarnya) hingga berakhir kedua Client tersebut penasaran & memutuskan untuk datang ke Indonesia singkatnya kerjasama antara mereka berujung sepakat
dari kejadian itu, saya beranggapan bahwa sepertinya vibes seperti itu hanya ada di Indonesia :)
iya aneh ya, disini podcast yang bicara serius tentang geopolitik juga bisa sambil bercanda ketawa2
kalau liat bocor alus politik Tempo juga, itu bicara tentang busuk2nya politik di Indo, selalu sambil ketawa2
Orang Indonesia emang keren sii, bahkan dalam keadaan lagi susah pun masih bisa ketawa bahagia. Orang orangnya banyak yg santuy wkwk
Aku baru menyadari itu😂@@pseudocolor
Komentar keren
saya sering ke Jepang, bergaul dengan orang2 Jepang, seperti makan-makan dan masak2 di rumah salah satu teman, makan di restoran, barbeque, piknik beramai-ramai, setelah saya ingat2 memang mereka tidak tertawa lepas saat berkumpul, terlalu sepi, tidak seperti orang2 Indonesia yg kalo ngopi di teras pun bisa tertawa bersama2.
Thats why i will go back for good to indonesia soon after living in germany for 15 years in sha Allah
Muslim Middle Eastern + Pakistani, let's make Germany become Sharia🤠
Muslim Indonesia, i wanna back to Indonesia, i just earn money here in Germany💜
Amin brother
Germany will be glad!
@@sotecluxan4221 haha... many times i have been asked to have german passport. But i refused it. I have worked as consultant at WHO, project in Ukraine, north korea, italy, belgium, egypt, albania dll. Germany lost me😊
@@xiraoit9342 I studied in Germany and then work in Germany. I have been involved in many international projects at WHO, different countries, including ukraine, egypt, china, albania, north korea, italy, indonesia, belgium, azerbaijan, etc.
In sha Allah it is the tine to go back to Indonesia.
So happy to know that she's interesting with our country, and now she can speak bahasa too, waw. So adorable 🥰 . Anw, I like the way she explain the culture of Indonesian, and seems like it does'nt matter at all for her. Love this video ❤ positif vibes.
Wow Bule Berbie bener bener sempurna dalam menyerap budaya Indonesia secara umum dan cerdas menyerap pikiran org Indonesia secara umum. Luar biasa
She looks excited when she talks about Indonesia
She does, doesn't she ? I think she really love Indonesia
i agree with majority from the comments that said she described indonesia really well. her journey living in indonesia from zero made her really understand how diverse the country. again, as an indonesian... i really appreciate Max made this video so everyone across the world who already planning to comes to indonesia, can understand more how this country is.
she is such a sweet girl and fortunately she liven Indonesia and not India , Indonesians men are so much well behave and polite, I have seen Indian attacked women travelers with such rudeness and its actually very scary for women traveling in India.
just fyi, theres a news abt indian tourist got beaten by a local for being rude in bali. as i can say, indonesian will very upset to everyone who being rude, jerk, or just an asshole especially in public area. also never assault woman (eldery, girl or a minor), they will came after you in stampede
Bule barbie.... Berubah segala kepribadian dan perilakunya karena budaya dan orang² Indonesia yang rata² ramah....
Bangga sebagai orang Indonesia dengan segala keramahtamahan yang dimiliki orang Indonesia.....
Bravo bule barbie.....
Great questions ... great insights. I have been to Indonesia 30 times since 1976 - I still learned something here. Thanks to both.
For a Russian-German, she does smile a lot.
Because she's influenced by Indonesian culture
She's so bubbly and pretty! I like her!
Wow she have 3.7 million subscribers on TH-cam ! She speaks fluent Indonesian language there , you may think she was born there .
She's everywhere. This video is the first time I heard her speak English.
Whoever said Indonesia is a "Small Country".
I bet their country is smaller 😂
Come on, don't using flat map. Try using real map. Indonesia is bigger than USA. We are the biggest Archipelago Country on this planet.
Bahkan Eropa 27 negara digabung masih lebih besar Indonesia
dari aceh sampai merauke. itu sama besarnya dari spanyol sampai Uzbekistan.
Mantap yaah....@@sanrif9735
Sampai sini kau ngab
They said small bcoz Indonesia is not so popular for them they just know Bali😌
Orang ini menjabarkan sisi Indonesia dengan sangat tepat ...karna terkadang banyak turis yang masih suka salah paham untuk beberapa hal situasi Indonesia 😊
Watching the video made me realize that in Indonesia, our smiles and friendliness are basically gold. We’ve mastered the art of living through hardship with a grin-because hey, being broke is no excuse to be grumpy! Plus, from childhood, we’ve been told that smiling is a form of worship, so we’re practically racking up spiritual points every time we flash our teeth. And let’s be real, it's like we were born with our parents forcing us to say “makasih, Bude, Bule, Tante, Om” with a huge smile for every bit of uang or permen we got! But don’t get it wrong, we’re not just in it for the treats-most of us are genuinely nice. We’ve been taught that even if you're broke, it’s more honorable to work than to beg. Like, "I'd rather sell gorengan on the corner than ask for a handout!"
this!!!! esensi dari menjadi Indonesia sebenarnya ini, terimakasih pengingat dan kata-kata hangatnya, sehat dan bahagia selalu 😊
Very well said. Couldn't more agree
you articulate this point really well. 👌
Selain itu, (mau nambahin juga) jaman dulu, sekolah jg ngajarin kita untuk selalu nyapa khususnya orang yg kita kenal. Terlepas orang itu jutek ataupun enggak, kita tetap harus positif thinking & nyapa orang itu. Krn kl kita ketemu orang yg kita kenal, dan kita cuek, fix kita dikatain anak nakal. Tumbuh berkembang ngelihat anak² lain sopan & nurut terus kl kita sendiri gak sopan & gak nurut, kita jadi ngerasa minder & bersalah. Makanya, suka gak suka, kita memaksa diri kita untuk selalu baik & ramah & siap membantu orang lain. Krn dari kecil, baik di sekolah, di rumah, di tempat ibadah, kita selalu dikasih tau, untuk jangan sombong & angkuh. Selalu sopan & menerima orang lain tanpa berpikir negatif. Hal kayak gitu, gak diajarkan sama anak di negri lain. Di luar negri, anak kecil itu diajari ilmu² & materi. Diperkuat insting & ketajaman pemahamannya. Dan diajarin speaking jg supaya bisa jelasin situasi yg dia lihat. Makanya banyak orang luar itu sombong² krn dr kecil & lingkungannya jg udah ngajarin yg namanya persaingan.
Dasha keeps smiling along the conversation. You've caught Indonesia, Barb!
Yupp, Indonesia is not just about Bali.
That's the stereotype foreigner should know first.
Tempat lain kn anti asing, anti kafer, sdm kurang, tdk nyaman & tdk aman, tdk sebebas Bali, jd gmn para bule mau coba tempat lain, hanya bali yg benar2 aman, nyaman, penuh tradisi, budaya, seni, keindahan alam, terbuka utk semua ras & negara, lbih bebas. Coba sbutin satu provinsi yg sperti itu lagi? Satu aja, dijamin gk bakal ada
@@Gigabytesvix Kepri, aku tinggal di pulau bintan rasanya sih aman disini. Bahkan dulu di sekolah lama aku ada orang bule dari prancis tinggal di asrama sekalah aku. Disini juga banyak kedai dimana orang bisa santai sampai larut malam, tapi orang bule tidak tau Kepri atau pulau bintan jadi sekarang gak banyak orang bulenya.
Bali di bangun dr jaman Hindia Belanda, sampai sekarang infrastruktur dan pelayanan memang paling bagus klo di bidang pariwisata, adat tradisi budaya dilakukan setiap hari dan TDK terpengaruh dengan budaya luar tp orang luarlah yg terpengaruh budaya lokal Bali....TDK akan ada yg menyamai Bali sampai kapanpun,
Luckily lots of foreigners visited many new places in West Java, like : Cianjur, Bandung, Sukabumi.. Mostly friendly citizens here, we have to improve our ways of life, especially to keep our environment clean, keeping public facilities clean & comfortable, also treating animals better..
@@Gigabytesvixartinya Bali itu seperti akan di buat Eropa versi mereka, budaya bali lama lama hilang kalo bule di sana dah penuh
She's very sweet and thougtful for Indonesian culture... thank you..❤
Mudah-mudahan reaksi orang-orang luar negeri semakin banyak yang menyebarkan konten tentang Indonesia seperti Channel Max Chernov ini. Terima kasih Max Chernov yang telah menampilkan orang-orang yang mengenalkan budaya Indonesia yang sebenarnya seperti ini. Semoga Channel Max Chernov semakin banyak yang menyukai dan semakin berkembang. Terutama untuk disampaikan di luar negeri. Salam perdamaian untuk semua orang di dunia.
She's a famous influencer here and I'm glad you choose her to representing foreigner living in Indonesia. I'm happy she being honest and transparent^^ We call her bule barbie because she's pretty like a barbie and knowing she's actually happy and enjoy her time here in Indonesia makes me smile throughout the video ♡♡♡
By the way you are beautiful😊
Indonesian culture of smiling also affect her, she also smile a lot and it gives her positive & happy vibe 😁
There is a foreigner girl who lives in West Java also, she can speak Sundanese fluently but I forgot her name lol
Memang dia wanita cantik,pintar,jujur dan enerjik saya sangat suka padanya ❤😂
I remember her when the first time poping up into the youtube as a guest because of her popularity, and oh boy that was around 2 years ago and her speaking in english or indonesia don't have clarity in them and I remember the other guest call her nuts / crazy / sinting / hand gestures for crazy but, look at her now! Speaks english, indoensia, and sunda VERY VERY WELL! Well done Dasha❤🔥
Me as Indonesian lives in bandung feel respect by her and agreed with all her said with honest wise and polite , she's nice and have good attitude as respectful woman
Terimakasih kamu telah menjadi duta indonesia, tanpa membeda bedakan kami sebagai masyarakat indonesia sangat senang kedatangan tourist asing dari seluruh negara" didunia.❤🎉
Loved the positive vibes and witty casual conversation. If only the Indonesian government is partnering with you to promote our tourism that would be awesome. Kudos to Max!
Bule Barbie is absolutely right..😊👍🏻. She is more Indonesia than us..the origin Indonesian..
Di indonesia memang kita selalu hidup dengan senyum..di kota manapun penduduk Indonesia selalu ramah dengan bule..😊👍🏻
Aku harap konten mu yg ini mendunia
internasional agar semua benua di dunia ini tau kalau Indonesia itu negara besar yg memiliki berjuta juta pemandangan alam yg indah dan termasuk orang yg paling ramah di dunia
jadi kalian buat para bule jangan pernah malu atau bosan untuk belajar bahasa Indonesia di negara manapun kalian berada🇮🇩👍💪
Dasha you seem very wholesome and down to earth, no wonder youre accepted well in Asia, including Indonesia
To have vivid impession about Indonesia..I think your subscribers are mostly from Indonesia..I do respect your opinion.
She's so good....yes l lived & worked there, they are lovely friendly people; have some good online friends 🧡
Ini udh seperti Podcast tp konsep outdoor santai, keren si. Topik pembahasan, pertanyaan, jawaban, n sumber jg bagus
angin nya juga sepoi bgt keliatan nya nyaman bgt disana
semua podcast itu interview bro. tapi gak semua interview itu podcast.
wawancara ini membuka mataku tentang Dasha, ternyata dia adalah wanita yg cerdas😊❤
Betul dia punya IQ 90 ,mendekati 100 ,jadi dia termasuk org cerdas
I know right. She’s cherfull person. We only see the humor part of her life in tiktok or youtube. 😂😂😂 but other than that she’s notice everything. She knew indonesia than indonesian it self 😮
Hanya yang punya karakter periang, suka bergaul, suka humor, yg bisa jadi terkenal di Indonesia, karena itu adalah karakter yg secara umum disukai secara naluriah oleh orang orang Indonesia ☺😊
kalau yang introvert gimana dong.
Tidak seperti orang² korea yg mencoba spt bule barbie , orang korea tidak ceria & periang . Mereka terlalu serius
Barbie is Haruka versi Germany😅😅
@@greatnditya krna Sma Khdupn mrka di Korea pun bgtu,tak prnh Tersyum Pda orng yng kg di knl,mknya bth wktu lama buat mrka bisa ceria di Indonesia,klau cuma jln2 doank trs ceria di Indonesia,Tkt ya Mrka balik ke Korea,vibes Indonesia ya ke bwa ke snh,di snh enter mrka di sebut orng aneh senyum Pda orng yng kg di knl,,
Fe Dom Area
She totally radiates sunshine and positivity. I find myself smiling throughout your interview with her. We need foreigners like her, who's willing to assimilate with local culture and respect it ☺. I agree with her saying that generally Indonesians prefer to say things in a roundabout way, sort of. But I personally prefer it the Germans way, by being straightforward about things. Way better than to assume 🤭 So this goes back to personality, I guess.
"Smiling at strangers... to friends... to everyone in our country indonesia is the teaching of our parents... Smiling for us is the lightest form of worship to perform... And its reward is immense... Beyond what money can measure..."
Hi Max, do you know Londo Kampung? He is a youtuber from Surabaya. Actually, He is an Australian but he has stayed in Indonesia so long. He always makes content about Javanese and he is so fluently speak Javanese.
I recomend you to make a collaboration with Londo Kampung. I'm waiting it 🤗
Saya sangat mencintai negri ini dalam kondisi apapun...dan saya bangga dan tak pernah malu jadi rakyat Indonesia apapun pendapat negatif dari orang asing...aku♥️🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨🇲🇨
sama gue juga, SEJELEK APAPUN BANGSA INDONESIA, mereka adalah bangsaku sendiri.
malah gue sebel banget klo ada orang indonesia yg menghina bangsa sendiri.
Rakyat indonesia bakal lebih cinta ke indonesia kalau para koruptor abis, pembangunan merata dan ekonomi stabil.
Gasss ganyang koruptor
Gadis jerman ini tutur katanya penuh sopan santun ,tidak ada hujatan,cacian dn hinaan kepada tempat dan masyarakat lokal tempat dia tinggal..kata2nya bijaksana dalam.menilai tentang adat , budaya dan cara hidup orang indonesia pada umumnya..salut buat bule barbie semoga betah tinggal di indonesia
Just looking you both do this kind of interview talking about indonesia it makes me got a lot of positive vibes and proud about indonesia 🇲🇨 feeling more homesick suddenly 🥹
Thanks so much to speak truely about real Indonesia..
If you didn't believe it, just come to visit Indonesia, but not only Bali.. Bali just a litle part of Indonesia
omg, i love her energy and she can't stop smiling too like most of indonesian ppl , love it! xD
She is so excited, cheerful, talkative, and funny at the same time 😅😅😂
Bule Barbie sangat lucu pintar bergaul sama warga lokal.
She can describe local cultures almost precisely.. lifestyle, fashion style, the way we communicate and interact among others, etc. Respect👍
I would have asked myself the same things as your friends, when you told them that you were going to live in Indonesia but I have no doubt that it is a great country and there is a reason you are happy there. I am a follower of yours from Latin America, God bless you. 😊
Edit. Now I now "bule" seria el equivalente a decir "gringo" en mi país , que por extensión esa palabra se refiere a cualquier extranjero rubio, aunque en principio es oara referirse a los norteamericanos
Bandung is really nice! I’m from Bali and i’ve never really venture out of bali really, but i’ve been to Bandung and Jakarta
3.7 million subscribers in three years is indeed an impressive achievement. She really knows who is her audience. Indonesia is a diverse and vibrant market.
Because of BONTENG .................. wkwkwkwk
Yah karna orng orang indo cepet bgt di bodoh2 in terlalu OVERPROUD . Bule dari antah berantah aja datang , klo bilang aku cinta indo , aku suka nasi goreng langsung pada Follow. .. kan tolol 😂
Saya ga subscribe bule barbie, kenapa sih dibilang bule bonteng?
Her Bahasa is very impressive, she speaks like she was born there.
she didn't even use the word 'bahasa' to 'translate' ;'bahasa indonesia' in english because she knew that that is wrong, she already used the correct one 'indonesian' instead 'bahasa'... why didn't you? you know english well, so you must be knew that 'bahasa' is mean 'language'.
@@bimokresno nah ini masalah terbesarnya bro, masih banyak banget SDM indo goblok yg masih menormalisasikan kata "BAHASA" sebagai nama bahasa indonesia, padahal itu jelas2 SALAH. si bule nya jd ikut2'an kan tuh, tp bule barbie udah paham dia.
@@bimokresno chill bro, he probably just dont know it, but thanks for sharing the important information, and let anyone knows~
@@bimokresno agreed, i hate how many Indonesians themself use "Bahasa" as Indonesian languange while the meaning of "Bahasa" itself is language. It's a misconception used by foreigners and you as an Indonesian go along with it. You need to correct it by using "I speak Indonesian" or "I speak Bahasa Indonesia" especially if you're Indonesian since you should know the correct term.
@@nfl5597 yup! i'm tired hearing that in videos or reading it in comments. everytime i tried to correct them, most of the time i got answer that "it is ok and no problem" from indonesians.
That's exactly what I experienced in Indonesia. During my stay in Indonesia, I felt a happiness that I had never felt before. I Love Indonesia. I'm from Nganjuk.
Thank you so much Max has shared this. This is truly amazing information.
Indonesia is actually a BEAUTIFUL country. 😊
Are you seriously? i have nerver visited Indonesia
The ethnic Chinese there won't agree.
Sis you are Indonesian right
@@franktoh3041 The ethnic Chinese there won't agree with you.
@@SyamsQbattar The ethnic Chinese there agrees with me.
I wish you guys had covered the story of how and why she moved to Indonesia (and specifically Bandung) in the first place.
Bule Barbie looks like an Indonesian girl purely right now with all of her amazing stories on Indonesia. She loves Indonesia so much. 🥰😘😍😇😊🤗
You are Lucky can live in Indonesia. The Climate is so fine and the food various taste. It's Heaven on earth.
Konten bagus... Saya org Indonesia senang ada org asing datang ke indonesia mempelajari budaya indonesia... Semangat max
She looks so happy when explain everything about Indonesia ❤
Even for me as Indonesian,
West Java, especially "Bandung", the weather is colder than other cities in Indonesia!
when I first moved to Yogyakarta,
I shower 3-5 times a day! even though in Bandung I only showered twice a day!
Jangan lupa daerah magelang, wonosobo, apa nggak dingin?
I have visited Bandung several times, not cold at all. I can take bath 3x a day, even during the night.
In my born place in North Sumatra, an outsider guy like you would only take a bath 1x a day, if not rainy season.
@@fprazz bandung tuh sebenernya luas, klo kurang dingin tinggal naik dikit ke daerah lembang,
kalo lembang masih kurang dingin lagi naik ke daerah pangalengan!
Tp klo dibanding dieng, dieng lebih dingin sih,
klo magelang sama salatiga mirip bgt kyk bdg!
Klo untuk kota kabupaten atau kota kecamatan emang banyak sih yg lebih dingin dr bandung. tp klo kelas ibukota, mnurutku cuma bandung, tp ada beberapa yg blm prnh aku kunjungin juga, jd mungkin masih kurang objektif.
@@mikhail2446 There are several capital cities I haven't visited yet,
but for "capital city" I think Bandung is still the first!
Jogja di tahun 2001 termask sangat sejuk, sayang nya 2024 skrg, jogja termasuk panas
She is so cute and adorable and radiating positive and happy vibes. Such a joy to watch her interview. I can't help but smile along. Love from Indonesia ❤😊
Karakter mu telah menjadi indonesia. Dengan menjaga kata katanya dan terdengar lebih positif.
Itulah yang di cari orang indonesia kebahagian bisa kita ciptakan bersama sama..
Great interview again. I'll follow Bule Barbie, she's cute!
Wow.. Just Wow..
Welcome to the Paradise Country..
I love Indonesia ❤🇮🇩
From west borneo
Pretty sure i'm gonna refer back to this video next time there's a colleague or friends asking about Indonesia in general and Bandung in specific because your conversations just sum it up perfectly in a way i didn't think of before ❤😄 Nicely put, thank you for sharing this perspective, it radiates good vibe
Hey Barbie! Just wanted to say a huge thank you for all the inspiration you bring as an influencer. Living in Indonesia has been such an amazing experience, and your content truly captures the beauty and warmth of this place. It’s so vibrant and welcoming heRe, Keep shining and sharing your adventures!
Orang Indonesia ramah dan suka membantu Karena pengaruh agamanya. Dan itu hal yang positif
Bukan karna agama, tp karna karakter budayanya..
banyak ko orang indo yang menyebalkan
@@Rakyat_Biasa18bener sih, bkn krn agamanya, tp krn karakter dan kultur kita yg sama.
Ini bule harus coba tinggal di jakarta 1 tahun dan ngekost di area gang2 daerah tanah abang terus jalan2 pakai motor/mobil di jakarta terutama jam pergi+pulang kantor , pasti pikiran neh bule langsung berbeda dari yg sekarang 😂😂
I know bule barbie for long time....i'm from Terengganu, Malaysia...
Siapa bilang hidup diluar negeri itu senang dan bahagia.. Walaupun gaji diluar negeri itu besar, tetapi pengeluarannya juga besar, ya sama saja.. Hidup diluar negeri banyak tekanan, membuat orang menjadi frustasi, stres..
Kata bule barbie orang Indonesia lebih memanusiakan manusia..
Manusia sesuai dengan kodratnya.. 👍♥️♥️🇮🇩..
Ad kok yg bilg enak..content creator baru yg kerjaannya banggain luar negeri.. bangga ud pindah warga negara...smp nyindir2 konoha, org2nya pmerintahnya... presidennya smp dhitung dosa jariyahnya sm tuh org...
@@Mysatire07 mungkin dia introvert 😅
Mau gimanapun emng lebih enak hidup di luar negeri. Pertama, mereka itu mayoritas negara maju punya mindset yang baik, tidak mudah di provokator kayak di indonesia. Sorry To Say pikiran kuno. Dan juga rata2 walau Gaji gede pengeluaran gede, tapi masih tetap bisa disisihkan. Dan bisa hidup dengan lifestyle yang mewah. Gak kayak indo Rupiah udah kayak gak ada Harga diri nya. Gaji sebulan gak akan cukup. Habis gitu aja tanpa bisa nabung. Kecuali anda ada usaha dan pemasukan lain yang nunjang. Berbeda di luar negeri. Contoh jepang. Banyak orang indo skrng yg kerja di jepang,korea.. Walau biaya hidup besar juga bisa Nabung smpe 10jt an Paling dikit bahkan lebih Dari gaji bulanan saja tanpa harus kerja tambahan lain. Intinya gak bakal se sengsara kayak indo. Ini Real.
Di era sekarang,
Ada Uang = Kesejahteraan dan Kebahagian meningkat. Gak peduli dengan hal di luar itu, inti nya banyak uang akan lebih unggul dan bahagia.
@@lyricmusik8627 sy jg prnh komen d komend shortnya emg faktanya dsana dsejahterakan gk bs dpungkiri...malah dl ad saat dmn d Aussiedaya beli turun pmerintah ksh uang brapa dollar gt..buat pd yg sy sayangkan..klo memang sudah ganti jd WNA y sudahlah gk usah nengok kblakang dgn trs sarkas k negara anda bilg sndr mindset org yg tinggal d LN beda lbh maju gk mudah trprovokasi...laaah org ini hmpr 10 thn d capres idolanya gk kpilih kesel sm presiden kita..smp mikirin akheratnya presiden.... smp ngmgn pmerintahan kita...itu sih yg bikin sy geli sndr ...lah katanya hati julid ghibahnya...tetep lokal..masa 10 thn gk brubah..cek aj video2 dia si content creator yg kerjaannya pamer gaji masak dia d Aussie..
@@Mysatire07 Balik lagi Sekarang aku tanya, itu orang asal mana? Indo kan.?🤣 Nahh itu dia yang jadi permasalan nya pikiran karakter asli nya di bawa sampe negara orang. Terlepas udh ganti kewarganegaraan Tapi bibit asli kan dari indo. Ya mindset itulah yg buruk. Lebih tepatnya Asli orang sana yg punya mindset maju. Kalau imigran mungkin mindset jelek nya pun masih ikut dibawa.. Indo itu warga paling julid sedunia. Tapi heranya mereka bangga, padahal di cap negara luar itu SDM minus.
saya kok seperti belajar speaking English mendengarkan bule barbie...hehehe thanks bule barbie, kamu fasih memberikan pemaparan tentang indonesia
Not only in Java and Bali, but there are many very beautiful and interesting places to visit in Indonesia. In Sumatra where I come from, there are also many beautiful places, such as West Sumatra. The mountains and beaches are very beautiful.. in the South Solok area it is colder than Bandung.. But because it is not promoted enough, it is not known, unlike Bali which is always promoted. 🙂
as indonesian, i do love Indonesia. but i wonder that foreigner can love Indonesia so much. thanks bule barbie is loving my country!
I am from india, I visisted indonesia for a week in just 1 lakh inr and it gives me switzerland vibes
di swiss tak ada bus, 3 hari 3 malam diperjalanan
She speaks by heart fluently about the truth.
They always smiling maybe they are one of the most grateful and positive people..not all people doing good because they want something from you..they just want to be nice of other people (strangers)... As long as you are polite too...😊
Nice interview with Bule Barbie. You must ask about bonteng.
Pontianak nyimak Max & Bule Barbie..salam dari tepi Sungai Kapuas..😊😊😊
Terimakasih Neng Bule Barbie Sudah Menceritakan Tetang INDONESIA,
Bahkan Menceritakan Ke Indah indonesia BUKAN hanya di Bali saja, dan masih banyak lagi yg lebih indah
Hi Max...👋👋👋
Thank you for sharing this kind word
Bule Barbie anda orang cerdas ..baik .. selamat untuk tetap menikmati segala hal tentang Indonesia..semoga anda selalu sehat, sejahtera dan bahagia.
Aku sangat suka dengan obrolan ini 😊,,
Vitamin D...
Ok, buat teman-teman yg sering di rumah aja..sambil rebahan.
Bangun gaes.
Vitamin D _sinar matahari_ seperti cahaya langka di luar negri.
Jadi keluarlah dan nikmati cahaya matahari yg hampir selalu bersinar di indonesia.
Benerr😢😢 setuju
takut item gaes🤣
Aku suka dan senang dengan sikap yang sopan bule barbie dalam menjawab secara detail dan benar tentang apa saja hal Indonesia. Sukses selalu untukmu barbie
I Miss home like crazy , after I saw her talked about Indonesia ( Bandung ) . Greeting from Scandinavian
Wow 😍 she is so cute and bubbly 😊
I found your channel, this video really good interview & bule Barbie very pretty 😍