You are a typical foreigner who came to Bali to seek peace and mingle with local wisdom. You are the bule that I will always respect and imagine when I came to Bali just like decades ago, not like some of the partying and chaotic tourists of today. Btw nice house sir, love the combination of wood & marble...
That house is illegal by the way. Indonesian law doesn't recognize foreigner's property ownership. But then again it's Indonesia. Where the law is...."loose" and the police and officials are..... "very persuasive"
@@MbahMu9829 It is not illegal bcoz he is already an Indonesian citizenship because he is married and has a family in this country. Or the property is in the name of his wife or childrens.
Foreigner cannot directly own *land* in Indonesia but they *can* buy and own *property* (house, apartment, etc.) through leasehold agreements, which means that they lease the land for a certain period of time, typically 30 years with an option to renew for an additional 30 years.
I'm Korean and destiny brought me to Indonesia in 1993. I fell in love with Indonesia right away. The lovely smiles and kindness of people made me smile all the time. The rich culture is awesome and the beautiful nature makes me keep dreaming of wanting to live there. One of my most visited country. Bless Indonesia 🇮🇩 🙏💛😍🍀
Indonesian here, living in Germany for 20y+. I can confirm that living in Indo is better IF you have the financial means for that. It's a long journey to be finally settled in Germany but I won't have to worry about education fee and hospital bill in a long term. I'll contunue to raise my daughter in Germany and she could decide later whether she wants to live in Indo or Germany. But without any access to good education and enough money to start a life, you just have no future in Indonesia, that's the bitter truth.
@@TantamazouleI'm sorry that I'm not coming from a privileged background in Indonesia. If you have a mediocre brain like I do, I def have no chance in Indonesia. Germany offers more opportunities from a lot of different aspects. Everybody has the same opportunity to go to school until doctoral degree and is backed fully by the tax system. I've seen Indonesian thrive in other countries and they are much more appreciated abroad. It's the inequality that has made everything harder. It's not about the quality of the resources but the system that has made everything hard for them to thrive. My husband is a high-skilled IT worker that's been offered jobs overseas because the German education system + experiences that have made it possible. I still believe that if given the right system, our human resources will thrive. But not with that kind of inequality that Indonesia has.
Germany is good for those who have difficulties to pay for university fees even in Belgium or USA for instance not to say in Indonesia which has also a channel for high performance but poor students, as Germany gave no fee (gratis) for high education 🎉
@@mzjoe2705 as long people can eat and relax, majority people here is pretty content with their life. The poorest province in the region is also the happiest. Sadly it's also how the government get away with most of things here. They simply keep them well fed.
@@mzjoe2705 we dont need to have very much in here. but yeah cant afford many other western product too. eating slowly just take time enjoying the day and working. theres still other religion problem too here but still it not that bad than having war and refugee all around you
percayalah. opini lu ngga valid. kaya di indonesia itu ga ada apa2nya. dibanding kaya di luar negeri, tapi liburannya ke indonesia. Mereka bule2 foya2 di indonesia, buang2 duit, liburan. Lu di indonesia nyangkul, kalaupun keluarnegeri itu banyak yang kerja, nyangkul cari dollar. Bener disini serba itungannya murah, tapi karena itupula ekonominya stagnan, ga berkembang, infrastruktur, kesehatan, sosial kondisinya segitu2 aja, karena negara ngga ada duit untuk ngurus 280juta rakyat, gimana mau ngasih jaminan kehidupan kalau orang2 kayanya sedikit, gimana bisa menjamin kesehatan kalau pajak nya kecil, gimana negara bisa hidup kalau income nya kecil. DI jerman mungkin kehidupannya gloomy dan boring, tapi kesehatan, sekolah di jamin negara, tapi dengan PAJAK yang juga gede 30-40% income, basicnya semua sama, lu bisa kaya di indonesia, tapi mau kesehatan dan pendidikan yang berbobot lu mesti punya gaji gede. Bedanya seapes2nya lu hidup di negara maju, setidaknya semua sudah dalam sistemnya, kesehatan medis sekolah infrastruktur dll dll dll sudah mature. Seapes2nya gaji lu di negara maju, hidup lu ga diribetin sama macet, klakson dan knalpot brong. Di indonesia hidup standar gaji diatas umr dikit tapi hidup pasti diribetin sama macet, knalpot dan tetangga julid. Hidup itu pilihan.
@@ntznbgzt lu ngomong apaan sih, gw cuma bilang jadi orang kaya di indo itu enak, hidupnya enak. orang kaya diluar negeri, liburan/tinggal ke indo, ya jadi jauh lebih enak jadinya.
@@ntznbgzt Maksudnya OP kaya di Indo ya jadi orang kaya beneran, bukan cuma dapet gaji di atas UMR. Tentang kesehatan, di Indo bisa tinggal terbang ke Malaysia atau Singapura kalau kurang puas dengan pelayanan kesehatan lokal. Kalau punya anak tinggal dimasukkan ke sekolah swasta atau negeri yang elit untuk pendidikan. Yang ngga bisa dihilangkan memang macet di jalan, tapi itu untuk yang hidupnya di Jakarta atau kota besar lainnya.
@@ntznbgzt NAmbahin nih ya, cover kesehatan mungkin lebih terstruktur, tapi kamu tidak bisa asal akses ketika sakit. Harus ada janji temu, bahkan sampai menunggu berhari -hari apalagi untuk keluhan light to mild (kalau gak sabar nunggu antrian, ya harus mau rogoh kocek sendiri cukup mahal). Beda dengan di Indonesia, ketika kamu sakit ya bisa langsung datang ke faskes 1 yang dicover bpjs. Belum lagi urusan birokrasi semua serba manual, kamu yang terbiasa hidup dengan teknologi di Indonesia (apalagi Singapore, Thailand, Korea, China dan negaraccdigital lsinnya) bakal stress. B Namum memang ada juga positifnya, misalnya lebih ke life balance (kalau kamu pekerja). Hak pekerja di hargai dan sesuai kontrak. Jadi kamu yang klu di indo biasa kerja ngechat/call kolega seenak jidatnya di luar jam dan hari kantor, apalagi ngomongin fisik orang/julid siap-siap dapat red notice.
i got the chance to visit bali during my years studying architecture in 2008, learning about sanur, nusa dua, kuta and seminyak but i left my heart in ubud. i feel like home ❤ much love from Pahang Malaysia
He really spoke my mind about what happen in Europe and how people are so stuck to the news and talk about it all day long, instead of making a beautiful life of their own. Plus all the experiments they did with climate change and food. We just moved to Bali 2 months ago to get the peace of mind, live slow and affordable real food.
Pembicaraan yg sangat berbobot, ga biasanya nonton sampe tuntas hanya karena cuma ingin tahu isi pikiran detlev tentang sisi pandang mengenai kehidupan dan yg ia jalani selama ini secara personal malah bukan tentang indonesianya yg saya cari haha.
Semalem gw dateng ke acara maulid dimasjid, pas pembukan pak kadus bilang dunia lagi krisis, ekonomi lg susah dst, diakhir acara ada makan bersama, makanannya mewah dan banyak yang sisa dk termakan, kalo kata pak jerman tadi indonesia is disconected from the rest of the world, iya hidup diindonesia susah tapi susahnya kita gk ada apa2nya dibanding diluar
di indonesia orang susah masih bisa ketawa dan senyum, bahkan sekedar nongkrong sama sebatang rokok dan kopi seneng, hiburan masih adalah.. kalo di luar.. jangankan yg susah,, yg gaji umr di luar aja cemberut mulu sama curigaan sama orang lain.. tetangga kebakaran sama kemalingan diem aja.. punya kawan di singapore gaji 50 juta, kehidupannya selevel kaya orang gaji 7-10 juta di indo.. ya iyalah sewa apartemen paling murah 30 juta sendiri.. belom biaya hidup apalagi jika merokok.. itu temen yg gaji segitu dan punya posisi enak saja, pulangnya masih ambil job sambilan kaya ngegrab, dll
setuju bro. Banyak berita dari negara luar itu bukan konsumsi dunia. Makanya ada langganan. Kalau mau tau apa yg terjadi di negara2 aliansi Amerika, tanyakan langsung ke WNI yg tinggal lama di sana.
Kalo ga salah waktu krisis ekonomi 90an, ada ekonom spanyol datang ke Indonesia dan ketika balik ke Spanyol dia bilang "there's no monetary crisis in Indonesia". Gara2 mall masih rame, kendaraan masih jalan, kaya' ga ada apa2😂. Kita emang built different
Sebagai orang yang pernah keliling 4 benua. gue sangat bersyukur hidup di Indonesia. sudah banyak negara yang saya datangi. well our life much better than the others
Saya baru dua benua, trust me, everything is better in Indonesia, itu yg suka ngata2in negara sendiri mmg gak pernah keluar negeri kcuali cuma nonton di Yutub seolah2 lebih enak di LN 😂
bener, sejelek-jeleknya kita kalo dibandingin sama negara2 dunia pertama/first world countries, kita masih alhamdulillah kalo dibandingin sama latinoamerica dan afrika
@@rico8573 Aku memang belum pernah ke LN tapi hampir tiap hari liat konten orang² LN ke Indo atau orang Indo yang hidup ke LN. Itu saja sudah bikin bersyukur, karena sejatinya yang dicari dari hidup itu ketenangan. Kayaknya orang² yg nganggep hidup di LN lebih enak, ya karena mereka cuma liat yang lagi liburan aja. Tanpa melihat berbagai sisi. So, thanks buat orang² yang suka bikin konten macam gini. Aku bisa belajar melihat banyak hal dari berbagai perspektif, termasuk tipe cara berpikir orang dari berbagai benua.
Pak Detlev orang pintar, saya juga pernah kepikiran ke luar negeri seperti Jerman, Australia atau lainnya yang saya kira tidak se "kacau" ini di Indonesia. Tapi ternyata justru Indonesia lah rumah kita yang paling nyaman. Terima kasih atas narasumbernya Pak Detlev yang sangat informatif sekali, pemikiran dan visi dia.
Tergantung Indonesia yg mana. Bali, apalagi selama punya uang, ya sangat nyaman. Tapi kalo jadi orang tidak berduit, Bali apa-apa mahal, kesempatan kerja di sini cuman sektor jasa saja. Di Indonesia secara keseluruhan, kalo anda terlahir miskin & tanpa privilege maka kesempatan akan terbatas. Kalo di Jerman, selama ada kemauan, yg miskin pun bisa melakukan mobilitas sosial.. pendidikan aja gratis & bagus.
@@absentmindedshirokuma8539 Have you ever been in Germany, like me? In Indonesia if one is poor and above 27 or 30 years old, it would be very difficult to land at an entry level job / to switch career because in Indonesia, "ageism" is being normalized in hiring practice here. While in Germany, people above 30 years old still can apply for entry level jobs. There is report by DW News on a German man who switched career in his advanced age of 45 years old, from small opera singer to carer (perawat).. in Indonesia that would be impossible.
when he said this is life. He already thought like Indonesian people in general. in Germany maybe in their previous life they thought everything had to be planned and produce something good. but our way of thinking in Indonesia is that everything we do is planned well and the final hope is to get good results but the results are completely left to the one above (God). we believe that life is like a puzzle, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. this is life
tapi statistiknya banyak orang indonesia kekurangan vit D dan mesti minum suplemen vit D. Yang artinya walaupun matahari sepanjang tahun, berapa persendari orang indonesia rela berpanas2an berangkat kantor kena matahari? rata2 orang indonesia naik motor mobil, dan itupun ketika lampu merah ngadem dibawah pohon, naik motor pun takut hitam pake jaket. Jadi betul matahari sepanjang tahun, tapi yang defisiensi vit D juga banyak, ga percaya? riset aja sendiri. Orang indonesia kulturnya ga suka kena panas. Ga percaya cek ke cirebon, ke pontianak, ke surabaya, kalo ada yang masih jalan kaki diatas jam 9 hebat, pasti semua naik mobil dan motor, yang naik motor pasti ngebut macem cacing kepanasan. Cuma orang aneh dan freak yang mau panas2an. FACTS.
@@ntznbgztI was born and raise in Cirebon. Knowing that it's a small city in east area of West Java (Pantura). The weather is hot and sunny. I respectfully agree with you that the average of Indonesian people especially Cirebonese is not like hot weather. So, that's why according to the research Indonesian people is lack of Vitamin D. And that's the Fact.
Bentar lagi dia ngajak sodara2 nya, sodara2 nya ngajak temen2 nya, temen2 nya ngajak sodara2 nya lagi, akhirnya Bali isinya bule semua, warlok tersingkir
Dia kan bule. Di Indonesia kalo bule punya privilege, disanjung-sanjung, selain karena di Jerman dia berpenghasilan tinggi. Ga kayak kerja di Indonesia gaji seminimal mungkin tapi syarat masuknya macam-macam.
Now, more and more foreigners or couples who have retired to live in Bali. The reason is, the low cost of living so they can save their retirement funds, they can live like rich people with luxurious property or accommodation, and can have maids, drivers and gardeners. In addition, in Bali they can invest in property or tourism which is increasingly promising in the future, also they feel comfortable because of its beautiful and natural nature, you can find so many beaches, you can hike to the mountains, its has the extraordinary cultures, the friendliness of local people, delicious international class food that is cheap, also the friendly people and its security is maintained. You can go home late at night alone without anyone disturbing or threatening, this is what makes many foreigners or expatriates want to settle in Bali forever. Bali today is increasingly favored by everyone, both by young people, nomads and seniors who have retired goes to the island of gods.
Loved the interview, need to explore more of Indonesia and how expats have made this country their home. I'm curious about the Brits expat since they made 3rd highest living in Indonesia after China and South Korea. Good channel mate 👍👍
@@MaxChernov I think it's much easier for British to live in english speaking countries like Singapore, Malaysia, or Austrlia for sure. Because they don't need to adapt themselves from language perspective. And the modern western mindset country like Singapore even a no brainer for english speaking westerner to live because very minimum cultural shock for them. But I do interested exploring foreigners from english speaking countries decided to live in long time in country like Thailand, Idnonesia, China, Vietnam, Philippine. Because they have to overcome language barrier, big cultural gap and shock, get themselves fit in with the country they live in with their strong local values, which as some extend, totally different from their country.
@@MaxChernov Most of them British Chinese 😂 Not Whites, i Am From Korea Visited Singapore Thailand and Indonesia Many times, i asked Expats there, Most of Whites Prefer to live in Indonesia or Thailand
@@MaxChernov true but seems like they are kermits in Indonesia... Don't see them often, my own network are mostly Korean, Australian, Japanese, Germans or Americans, Spanish, but not British... Anyway, keep up the good content
Every country or place has its pluses and minuses. I’m a native Indonesian have lived away in various countries for many years including Milan, Italy,for many years found myself living back in Jakarta unwittingly but in a Balinese style house and am very happy. It’s the most relaxed, chill, simple mentality without complications country in the world.
betul. saya juga 19th di jepang. indonesia layak kita katakan tempat yg indah. makananyapun enak2. orangnya saling peduli dan kita tdk akan pernah merasa sendiri di indonesia.
@@maulanaarie4666nothing like home for sure tp jg factor financial jg sangat menentukan utk bs hidup nyaman di Indonesia …sy sudah 30 taun hidup jauh dr Indo dan blom ada gambaran utk pulang for good
Interesting that he said since he’s been living in Bali, he doesn’t have to hear things outside of his control regarding bad news allover western countries. While as a person growing up in Indonesia, the bad news about my own country stresses me out completely. Corruption, nepotism, unfair advantages of the powerful, physical crimes, etc. I guess at the end of the day, the thing that can make you feel more blissful is the right amount of ignorance. Cause wherever you are in the world, there is always something that is just outside of your control and you should be okay with it while focusing on the good.
Hallo Max the owner of this channel great thanks for loving my country especially Bali-island (island of Gods) as your chosen place to stay. U r most wellcome🙏👍💗👄
@@user-dw3ys2vh4i 😆 well yes, me and my husband just bought a land in lombok, im stay away from bali because bali is too much for us 😂 and yes the price now crazyyyyyyyyyyy even in lombok.. bali u cant buy 25k dollars now, my aunt buy a new house in bali for a cheap price 75k if u convert to dollar. well i hope i could build a house soon in lombok LOL.
@@AjengDailyVlogyup and you can enjoy your life without pension and the Indonesian government doesn't care about your life until die. C'mon be smart don't copy Indonesian IQ, their IQ just 78 and worst passport, everything is visa. 🤭🤭
oh yeah. Everytime i land in Frankfurt, i can immediately feel the "coldness" of most people. I came to Germany from Indonesia for a better life. I don't think i can live in Germany forever. I still need the warmth of Indonesians
If you have a very good wealth in money, indonesia will be your heaven. Because indonesia have : - most generous people - a lot of beautiful nature - a lot of delicious food - cheaper cost living
I agree with your statement , a million million times. White farang people love to come to Asia live the good life but as subsistence farmer of course. They live in a privileged bubble.
LOL, With their wealth in Germany, he is just a middle working class. In here, with strong exchange value, every middle working class westerner can live a luxurious live here. Meanwhile, Indonesian's middle and working class still struggle to fullfill everyday lifecost of living.
I actually know this gentleman personally. He is not living of money from Germany but has been running a success interior and furniture factory in Bali for nearly 30 years. He makes his living here and not in Germany so your point does not really apply here. I agree that there are many people exploiting strong currency but for foreigners making their living here in IDR that does not apply
@@Bilbilaulexactly where am I going to buy a house? Four bedroom for less than $300 juta nowhere. That's why I chose Indonesia with my wife. I'm going to work my whole life in the US. Even my friends from Java. They came to the America. Worked 5 years went back started business. I said why not just stay in America they said because it's better in Indonesia
@@ProjectsSGS yea sure.. his living here, earnin IDR, but he got paid with German rate.. Foreigners rate could be 10x higher than locals eventho we're in the same team, working for the same projects.
@@ProjectsSGS I bet he still hold his Germany passport and his kids as well. He won't give his Germany"s passport. It's too valuable. Most of them are opportunist.
I agree that if you have money and wealth, Indonesia would be perfect for you to live there. I am Indonesian, have lived in several countries, and I am not willing to go back to Indonesia. When you have wealth to not being worried about everything with the relatively low cost of living (which typically happens to people from high income countries moving to Indonesia), then you can agree with what being said in this video. Not for me. So my advice to people watching this video: don't take it all to your heart. Everyone's condition is different.
It is not about wealth. it is about being enough. If you are in the village of Indonesian suburb and you do not have needs, everything is enough for you. I am living abroad now but I think that I will retire, I will come back.
Could not disagree more. If you don't have that much of income, then it becomes even more sensible option to live in Indonesia because as u said "low cost of living". u can stretch your money longer.
That was interesting. Spending time in Indonesia has been epic! The culture is amazing, there is so much history everywhere and the people are fun! I can't stop taking pictures and making videos here.
Indonesia..... You can enjoy sunshine all year round, tropical country sun... hhhmm 😃 enjoy tropical and exotic fruit that you don't find in Europe, enjoy beaches, sand beaches, warm and clear sea water all year round for swimming, surfing and diving. If you are bored with the sea, exploring by motorbike to all the islands, hiking and climbing exotic and extraordinary mountains such as Agung, Batur, Rinjani, Bromo, Semeru... You can easily make new friends just by smiling and chatting politely and as if you've known them for years
Ich lebe seit 7 Jahren in Manado Likupang timur Kalinaun, ich kann ihm nur zustimmen was er gesagt hat. Es ist die Freiheit und das Privileg hier Leben zu dürfen.ich gehe nicht mehr zurück. Meine Heimat ist in Indonesien. Ausserdem produziere ich hier das deutsche Bier nach dem Reinheitsgebot.
Gruesse aus Jakarta, ich bin vor 13 Jahren hier her gezogen. War die beste Entscheidung meines Lebens. Ditto meine Heimat ist schon lange hier. Jetzt bin ich aber neugierig auf dein Bier ;)
It's nice to see foreigners that are not Australians, English or Canadians in Indonesia (I don't mean they are bad, it's just nice to see more diversity)
Likewise, when you have 10 billion, you can live in Indonesia for 30 years. You can also become an entrepreneur with the cooperation of local residents by creating agriculture and animal husbandry.. and that's where you will find peace with the local residents.😊😊😊
You choose different view point for your content.. its brilliant please continue distinct rare topics to talks i.e. how foreigner decide to stay in bali and still continue manage their business in their origin country
My opinion about religious thoughts is ... when you cut ties with the God/higher power, you think you will be freed, but it's only shackled you to worldly things. When you accept the God, people think you will be caged by religious limitation, but actually you will be fully free from the worldly things. If you lost/failed something as non-religious, you will think it's a great set back. As religious person, you will accept it as the God know better for you. When you're succeed as non-religious, it will rise your ego & you'll be fear to losing it. When you're succeed as religious person, you'll be grateful and sharing the happiness.
thanks max, I really enjoyed your conversation, there are many things that inspire and I am grateful for as an Indonesian and have decided to enjoy life here without comparing it to the stability of the western world, because basically wherever we live there will always be problems that we cannot change.
Mudah mudahan anda bisa mewawancarai Pater Frans Magnis Suseno, SJ, seorang pastor Katolik, dan juga salah seorang tokoh filsafat. Menariknya beliau juga mempelajari dan mengajar ttg Filsafat Jawa. Mungkin bisa menjadi percakapan yang menarik untuk menggalinya lebih dalam.
I’m Japanese will move to Indonesia in 1 month. I’m sure that Indonesia has a better future more than my country. I feel like Indonesia now is like Japan 30 years ago.
Great insightful interview. You become more of your nationality when you go overseas because of being confronted with ‚what’s you nationality?‘. Love the comment that Detlev says tourism actually strengthens + improved the Bali Hindu religion and Balinese becoming more attune with their traditions through WNAs on Bali.
Indonesia is a good country for well-off Caucasian looking men like this gentlemen over here because of multiple reasons. 1st of all, being a "bule" means you're somewhat immune to the nitty-gritty social complications and drama that other locals have to deal with on daily basis. People in Indonesia, to this date, are still affected by post-colonial PoV and generally are nicer to Caucasian looking people compared to other kinds of people. In other words, there is a bias to Caucasian looking people that make you have better social standing in Indonesia. That's an absolutely big plus here because Indonesian social circles are notorious for being nosy, gossipy and also precariously insecure to a cause. There is a strong crab mentality between the locals here that most foreigners might not even realize existed if they still haven't got red-pilled about the social reality in Indonesia. Dating is also much easier being an European man compared to other ethnicity, say, like, the Chinese or Japanese for example, which couldn't always be distinguished from each other if you're not used to it and are typically shorter (since women in general like taller men, and European men are taller in general). 2nd, he being an educated middle-class German means that he could afford to enjoy exponentially higher salary for similar position compared to a local graduate. Fresh graduate interior designer's salary in Indonesia start at around Rp 3.500.000~4.500.000 (230~295 USD) per month depending on location. Senior interior designer who have a decade worth of experience might be able to climb the career ladder to have more steady income of Rp 12.000.000~Rp 25.000.000 (789~1644 USD) per month depending on the company. Meanwhile, being a foreign expat, most company perceive your employment very differently so even when you're just starting out, company could get you start off with as much as 2000 USD per month in a similar position. Or set aside the design industry; it's common secret that foreign teachers in international schools get paid much higher than a local teacher in similar position. 3rd, which somewhat related to first 2 points above is that being a foreigner from Germany (an European country which have very good reputation in Indonesia). You are now considered special and opportunities tend to come to you because you are a German, people will strike conversation first, they are interested in you more (the rockstar effect) and they're more likely to want to work with you because of the perceived better work ethics, being European and all. People here realized that as an European (and a German) means that you have access to resources not readily available to other locals, like technology, science etc so you are more respected, and people bend over backwards to want to work with you to learn about you, making your journey tad easier to spread your roots in Indonesia with such huge edge over any local person in the same industry. So while I do not want to underestimate or underplay the journey this gentleman took to be able to have a stable life in Indonesia, there are tremendous advantages he immediately had being an European/German. The same however, could not be said if an Asian looking person came to Europe to do exactly the same thing as he did. We as Asians have realized that in order to thrive in a white man's land, we have to be very, very extraordinary in order to stand out. Meanwhile, a white man could simply show up on someone's doorstep in Asia and they would already being treated differently.
This comment is spot on. Most of these Videos show foreigners living in Bali in a bubble. There is also absolutely no mention of the very tight social system in Indonesia, compared to most western countries. I wrote a very similar comment before, but it did not get published, is there some sort of filter here?
Thanks Meet Detlev, you fundamentally explained to me how lucky i am was born as an Indonesian millenial generation, how rich and prosper my future country will be. I hope your wisdom have an impact also in my Island at North Sumatera.
Max, are you planning to interview other expats living in other cities in Indonesia? Or do you just limit Bali? Because Bali is only one island in Indonesia and notably different. Well, every island here in Indonesia is different anyway.
Bali is my life, banyak orang luar tinggal di Bali( ada yang nikah, bisnis,kerja,dll) mari kita ikut jaga Bali(budaya,adat,agama) kedamaian hidup akan anda temukan disini bila kita bisa menyatu dengan orang Bali. Dimanapun ada baik&buruk. Semoga semua mahluk bahagia&damai. Salam damai dari mix balinese-japanese
Ya, di Indonesia kalau kita bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan adat dan budaya setempay, ya oke2 saja. Begitu pun bila kita berperilaku mudah menyesuaikan diri, ya tak masalahlah. Hidup di manapun, nikmatilah, tul nggak?
As an Indonesian myself.. condition of working in Europe is 10x times better than in Indonesia. At least there is no ageism when applying for jobs. In Indonesia, many job vacancies are posted with "maximum 25 years old to apply"😂
I’m in my 40s and European, currently in Bali (Canggu) for a long holiday. I came to experience what makes this place so special, as it seems to attract so many people. While the Indonesian people are undoubtedly wonderful, I honestly haven’t found anything particularly remarkable about the place itself (to live permanently). Most of the foreigners I’ve met here seem happy, largely because of the lower cost of living and the more luxurious lifestyle they can afford compared to Europe. However, many of them frame it differently, often saying things like, ‘Life is here’ or ‘I’ve found peace,’ which feels more like a way to justify their choice.
Hi, Max. Don’t you think or maybe agree that people living in East Asia like Indonesia 🇮🇩, Singapore 🇸🇬, Malaysia 🇲🇾, Philippines 🇵🇭, etc have these “villages-type” homes, or even in urban settings, residents open their windows and allow humidity into their homes and thus mold and mildew set in, wouldn’t that be bad not to have air-conditioning….? 🤨🧐
I am traveller and Indonesia is one place I felt at home. Maybe becoz we share the ancestors 😂. Warmth of people, the love, singing and hard work and respect for culture traditions and yet mordern is very much like India.
Indonesia umumnya dan bali khususnya itu sangat unik dan beragam dengan toleransi dan empati yg hidup hampir di seluruh lapisan masyarakat, terlalu banyak stigma megatif di luar negri tentang indonesia karena mereka melihat dengan sudut pandang yang berbeda dengan yang kita rasakan. Namun ketika anda berada dekat dan berbaur dengan masyarakatnya maka anda dapat merasakan adanya nilai kesopanan, ketulusan dan penghargaan yang dalam bahkan dari orang yang sama sekali tidak pernah kita kenal sebelumnya. Apapun itu saya tetap bangga jadi bagian dari indonesia dan saya penuh respect dengan anda yang mau berbicara dengan jujur sebagai orang asing yang menjadi "indonesia". Terima kasih dan semoga anda menemukan kebahagiaan dalam hidup anda. Aamiin
Saya belum pernah tahu kondisi negara lain di dunia ini, tapi dari banyak informasi yg saya dapat Indonesia ini surganya dunia, semua hal ada di Indonesia.
Bali all together has a different Vibe it is spiritual yet modern .Their is something very refreshing and people are more chilling which you don't find in other Indonesian cities like Jakarta ,Surabaya . More to do with their culture I guess .
Unfortunately, this is quite a romanticized story, without addressing the unfolding environmental disaster because of overdevelopment and loss of agricultural land to which tourists have contributed. The story does not address the existing and worsening water crisis caused by development. But I guess Indonesia will look favourably upon the story as it promotes Bali as a tourist destination without saying as much.
Dulu, saya bersama kel baru pulang dr Kuala lumpur,dan ada turis dari Rusia (perempuan),saya melihat sedikit kebingungan, dan dia mesti terbang jam 11 malam,sedang waktu itu masih jam 1 siang... akhirnya saya tawarkan untuk ikut saya pulang, nnti mlm saya antar ke airport lagi, dan dia setuju...saya baru menyadari mungkin yang saya lakukan adalah sesuatu yng aneh buat kalian orang2 eropa... yng senyum saja sangat mahal...😊😊😊
Terima kasih Anda telah menyukai Indonesia, kami orang indonesia memang sangat ramah dan senyum, salam perdamaian dan persahabatan dari kami INDONESIA 🇮🇩♥️🇩🇪
Indonesian people are very friendly and very kind, like to help even if they don't know each other. Because of that, sometimes there are people who don't like the kindness of Indonesian people, and think they only want something from them and that's not true. They like to help from a sincere heart.
9:01 The Indonesian government is starting the first phase of LRT construction in Bali. This will be a solution to heavy traffic, which will take 4 years to build.
Karena kami di besarkan dengan agama yang kuat..... contohnya di islam ( senyum adalah bagian dari ajaran agama dan pahala yang akan setiap individu dapatkan ketika menjalankan sesua agama... seperti senyum
Jadi tunawisma saja kalau diindonesia bisa punya uang banyak, bisa punya rumah mewah, sampai ada kampung pengemis juga, karena orang2 Indonesia itu memang suka sedekah, yang kurangnya Indonesia pejabatnya kebanyakan korupsi..dan dalam islam diajarkan senyum itu adalah ibadah.
Indonesia terbentuk karena menyatukan berbagai budaya, kultur, tradisi dari berbagai daerah dari sabang sampai merauke. Mimpi saya, saya sangat ingin mengelilingi Indonesia dari sabang sampai merauke. Semoga suata saat akan terwujud. Amiin
why would I choose to raise my kids in Indonesia. They will forever be stuck to stay there. If you raise your kids with European education the doors will forever be open for them. They can go wherever they like. Following your dreams is a little selfish. Wha about your kids' dreams and their future? My father was European too and he waited to move to Indonesia after I graduated.
Can we address the elphant in the room here.. as much as i love foreigners keep buying properties and lands in bali that makes the value more and more expensive and porbably is goood for the bali and indonesia economy overall but its kinda bad for local bali who cant afford the basic house if their parents arent bali landlords or simply doesnt have inheritance. Pity on those guys cos property in bali aint cheap if you have only minimum bali wages. I personally know local bali friend of mine who inherited a small hotel and 2 villas from his parents and my friend prefer to cashed out and sold all his properties to foreigner who bidded higher than jakarta businessman lol. (disclosure, i helped him brokered one of his villa) Bali wasnt the same as it was 14 - 15 years ago. chaotic and there are just too many bules everywhere. ( tech bro, nomads, drunk bogan, slick business type, influencers, russian awol, ukranian all kinds of bule) Just the fact that foreigners who is loaded they would rather buy property in ibiza spain , but if they can't afford with the ibiza route then they would go to bali and snap up a bargainas 'cos for them bali property still affordable due to rupiah weak currency. just my 2 cents
Is Bali much different from the rest of Indonesia?
Apart of the Religion, not much.. You can go anywhere in indonesia, and the hospitality will be the same. Only cultures will be different
@@MaxChernov the friendly people the kind and hospitality is the same, the difference is just religion and culture
I'm not sure, just what I can say, please prepare money if dealing with the authorities there, otherwise you will face all kinds of problems
@@juanmiguel-557You are not sure, or you are not know? That has different meaning!
Because not everything in Bali is about money.
You are a typical foreigner who came to Bali to seek peace and mingle with local wisdom. You are the bule that I will always respect and imagine when I came to Bali just like decades ago, not like some of the partying and chaotic tourists of today. Btw nice house sir, love the combination of wood & marble...
That house is illegal by the way. Indonesian law doesn't recognize foreigner's property ownership. But then again it's Indonesia. Where the law is...."loose" and the police and officials are..... "very persuasive"
@@MbahMu9829 It is not illegal bcoz he is already an Indonesian citizenship because he is married and has a family in this country. Or the property is in the name of his wife or childrens.
Foreigner cannot directly own *land* in Indonesia but they *can* buy and own *property* (house, apartment, etc.) through leasehold agreements, which means that they lease the land for a certain period of time, typically 30 years with an option to renew for an additional 30 years.
@@MbahMu9829 That is house. He is already Indonesian citizen.
@@MbahMu9829brooo he now indonesian citisen now. He live at bali 30 year already. Why u think he not indonesian citisen anyway?????
I'm Korean and destiny brought me to Indonesia in 1993. I fell in love with Indonesia right away. The lovely smiles and kindness of people made me smile all the time. The rich culture is awesome and the beautiful nature makes me keep dreaming of wanting to live there. One of my most visited country.
Bless Indonesia 🇮🇩 🙏💛😍🍀
Thanks for your opinion about us indonesian and I do think korean are also chemy manna yo......😊
Korea rasis
Smiles? Maybe. Kindness? No.
Indonesian here, living in Germany for 20y+. I can confirm that living in Indo is better IF you have the financial means for that. It's a long journey to be finally settled in Germany but I won't have to worry about education fee and hospital bill in a long term. I'll contunue to raise my daughter in Germany and she could decide later whether she wants to live in Indo or Germany. But without any access to good education and enough money to start a life, you just have no future in Indonesia, that's the bitter truth.
Perfectly summarised.
Have no future -_-..... You really underestimate the Indonesian youth, and the future of asia as a whole
@@TantamazouleI'm sorry that I'm not coming from a privileged background in Indonesia. If you have a mediocre brain like I do, I def have no chance in Indonesia. Germany offers more opportunities from a lot of different aspects. Everybody has the same opportunity to go to school until doctoral degree and is backed fully by the tax system. I've seen Indonesian thrive in other countries and they are much more appreciated abroad. It's the inequality that has made everything harder. It's not about the quality of the resources but the system that has made everything hard for them to thrive. My husband is a high-skilled IT worker that's been offered jobs overseas because the German education system + experiences that have made it possible. I still believe that if given the right system, our human resources will thrive. But not with that kind of inequality that Indonesia has.
Germany is good for those who have difficulties to pay for university fees even in Belgium or USA for instance not to say in Indonesia which has also a channel for high performance but poor students, as Germany gave no fee (gratis) for high education 🎉
Its a paradise if you are privileged and rich
Even the poor has pretty slow life. It's the name here.
@@absentmindedshirokuma8539 describe "slow life"
@@mzjoe2705 lazy bum lmao
@@mzjoe2705 as long people can eat and relax, majority people here is pretty content with their life. The poorest province in the region is also the happiest. Sadly it's also how the government get away with most of things here. They simply keep them well fed.
@@mzjoe2705 we dont need to have very much in here. but yeah cant afford many other western product too. eating slowly just take time enjoying the day and working. theres still other religion problem too here but still it not that bad than having war and refugee all around you
tinggal di indonesia, dengan kondisi berkecukupan secara ekonomi itu udah enak, apalagi kalo jadi orang kaya, indonesia itu udah kaya surganya dunia.
percayalah. opini lu ngga valid. kaya di indonesia itu ga ada apa2nya. dibanding kaya di luar negeri, tapi liburannya ke indonesia.
Mereka bule2 foya2 di indonesia, buang2 duit, liburan. Lu di indonesia nyangkul, kalaupun keluarnegeri itu banyak yang kerja, nyangkul cari dollar.
Bener disini serba itungannya murah, tapi karena itupula ekonominya stagnan, ga berkembang, infrastruktur, kesehatan, sosial kondisinya segitu2 aja, karena negara ngga ada duit untuk ngurus 280juta rakyat, gimana mau ngasih jaminan kehidupan kalau orang2 kayanya sedikit, gimana bisa menjamin kesehatan kalau pajak nya kecil, gimana negara bisa hidup kalau income nya kecil.
DI jerman mungkin kehidupannya gloomy dan boring, tapi kesehatan, sekolah di jamin negara, tapi dengan PAJAK yang juga gede 30-40% income, basicnya semua sama, lu bisa kaya di indonesia, tapi mau kesehatan dan pendidikan yang berbobot lu mesti punya gaji gede.
Bedanya seapes2nya lu hidup di negara maju, setidaknya semua sudah dalam sistemnya, kesehatan medis sekolah infrastruktur dll dll dll sudah mature. Seapes2nya gaji lu di negara maju, hidup lu ga diribetin sama macet, klakson dan knalpot brong.
Di indonesia hidup standar gaji diatas umr dikit tapi hidup pasti diribetin sama macet, knalpot dan tetangga julid.
Hidup itu pilihan.
@@ntznbgzt lu ngomong apaan sih, gw cuma bilang jadi orang kaya di indo itu enak, hidupnya enak.
orang kaya diluar negeri, liburan/tinggal ke indo, ya jadi jauh lebih enak jadinya.
@@ntznbgzt Maksudnya OP kaya di Indo ya jadi orang kaya beneran, bukan cuma dapet gaji di atas UMR. Tentang kesehatan, di Indo bisa tinggal terbang ke Malaysia atau Singapura kalau kurang puas dengan pelayanan kesehatan lokal. Kalau punya anak tinggal dimasukkan ke sekolah swasta atau negeri yang elit untuk pendidikan. Yang ngga bisa dihilangkan memang macet di jalan, tapi itu untuk yang hidupnya di Jakarta atau kota besar lainnya.
@@ntznbgztknp ngga pindah aja ke jerman ngab ,itung2 buat ngurangin populasi . Gw happy lu jg happy dripada dsini ngluh bla bla bla
@@ntznbgzt NAmbahin nih ya, cover kesehatan mungkin lebih terstruktur, tapi kamu tidak bisa asal akses ketika sakit. Harus ada janji temu, bahkan sampai menunggu berhari -hari apalagi untuk keluhan light to mild (kalau gak sabar nunggu antrian, ya harus mau rogoh kocek sendiri cukup mahal). Beda dengan di Indonesia, ketika kamu sakit ya bisa langsung datang ke faskes 1 yang dicover bpjs. Belum lagi urusan birokrasi semua serba manual, kamu yang terbiasa hidup dengan teknologi di Indonesia (apalagi Singapore, Thailand, Korea, China dan negaraccdigital lsinnya) bakal stress. B
Namum memang ada juga positifnya, misalnya lebih ke life balance (kalau kamu pekerja). Hak pekerja di hargai dan sesuai kontrak. Jadi kamu yang klu di indo biasa kerja ngechat/call kolega seenak jidatnya di luar jam dan hari kantor, apalagi ngomongin fisik orang/julid siap-siap dapat red notice.
i got the chance to visit bali during my years studying architecture in 2008, learning about sanur, nusa dua, kuta and seminyak but i left my heart in ubud. i feel like home ❤ much love from Pahang Malaysia
He really spoke my mind about what happen in Europe and how people are so stuck to the news and talk about it all day long, instead of making a beautiful life of their own. Plus all the experiments they did with climate change and food. We just moved to Bali 2 months ago to get the peace of mind, live slow and affordable real food.
enjoy your paradise 🎶🎶🎶☕️☕️
silly nonsens!
Pembicaraan yg sangat berbobot, ga biasanya nonton sampe tuntas hanya karena cuma ingin tahu isi pikiran detlev tentang sisi pandang mengenai kehidupan dan yg ia jalani selama ini secara personal malah bukan tentang indonesianya yg saya cari haha.
Semalem gw dateng ke acara maulid dimasjid, pas pembukan pak kadus bilang dunia lagi krisis, ekonomi lg susah dst, diakhir acara ada makan bersama, makanannya mewah dan banyak yang sisa dk termakan, kalo kata pak jerman tadi indonesia is disconected from the rest of the world, iya hidup diindonesia susah tapi susahnya kita gk ada apa2nya dibanding diluar
di indonesia orang susah masih bisa ketawa dan senyum, bahkan sekedar nongkrong sama sebatang rokok dan kopi seneng, hiburan masih adalah.. kalo di luar.. jangankan yg susah,, yg gaji umr di luar aja cemberut mulu sama curigaan sama orang lain.. tetangga kebakaran sama kemalingan diem aja.. punya kawan di singapore gaji 50 juta, kehidupannya selevel kaya orang gaji 7-10 juta di indo.. ya iyalah sewa apartemen paling murah 30 juta sendiri.. belom biaya hidup apalagi jika merokok.. itu temen yg gaji segitu dan punya posisi enak saja, pulangnya masih ambil job sambilan kaya ngegrab, dll
setuju bro. Banyak berita dari negara luar itu bukan konsumsi dunia. Makanya ada langganan. Kalau mau tau apa yg terjadi di negara2 aliansi Amerika, tanyakan langsung ke WNI yg tinggal lama di sana.
Kalo ga salah waktu krisis ekonomi 90an, ada ekonom spanyol datang ke Indonesia dan ketika balik ke Spanyol dia bilang "there's no monetary crisis in Indonesia". Gara2 mall masih rame, kendaraan masih jalan, kaya' ga ada apa2😂. Kita emang built different
Cuman sayang pas 98 kita anjloknya
Sesusahnya org kita ya masih bnyk juga yg uangnya buat beli rokok wkwkwk
Sebagai orang yang pernah keliling 4 benua. gue sangat bersyukur hidup di Indonesia. sudah banyak negara yang saya datangi. well our life much better than the others
Saya baru dua benua, trust me, everything is better in Indonesia, itu yg suka ngata2in negara sendiri mmg gak pernah keluar negeri kcuali cuma nonton di Yutub seolah2 lebih enak di LN 😂
bener, sejelek-jeleknya kita kalo dibandingin sama negara2 dunia pertama/first world countries, kita masih alhamdulillah kalo dibandingin sama latinoamerica dan afrika
@@rico8573 Aku memang belum pernah ke LN tapi hampir tiap hari liat konten orang² LN ke Indo atau orang Indo yang hidup ke LN. Itu saja sudah bikin bersyukur, karena sejatinya yang dicari dari hidup itu ketenangan. Kayaknya orang² yg nganggep hidup di LN lebih enak, ya karena mereka cuma liat yang lagi liburan aja. Tanpa melihat berbagai sisi. So, thanks buat orang² yang suka bikin konten macam gini. Aku bisa belajar melihat banyak hal dari berbagai perspektif, termasuk tipe cara berpikir orang dari berbagai benua.
@@rico8573setuju bgt. Kyk apa2 disini ada dan murah. Dan mgkin krn kt lahir disini, jdnya identitas kt udh melekat sm Indonesia 😢
Iya bli
I really appreciate the Indonesian subtitles. My wife doesn't understand English. Now, we can watch your videos together.
Pak Detlev orang pintar, saya juga pernah kepikiran ke luar negeri seperti Jerman, Australia atau lainnya yang saya kira tidak se "kacau" ini di Indonesia. Tapi ternyata justru Indonesia lah rumah kita yang paling nyaman. Terima kasih atas narasumbernya Pak Detlev yang sangat informatif sekali, pemikiran dan visi dia.
Tergantung Indonesia yg mana. Bali, apalagi selama punya uang, ya sangat nyaman. Tapi kalo jadi orang tidak berduit, Bali apa-apa mahal, kesempatan kerja di sini cuman sektor jasa saja. Di Indonesia secara keseluruhan, kalo anda terlahir miskin & tanpa privilege maka kesempatan akan terbatas. Kalo di Jerman, selama ada kemauan, yg miskin pun bisa melakukan mobilitas sosial.. pendidikan aja gratis & bagus.
Typical orang jerman bgt ya beliau saya suka apa-apa yang disampaikan nya terstruktur
Argumentasi mu tidak kuat 😢
@@Cyan_Nightingalebeing poor in Indonesia is much better on Average than the first world country.
@@absentmindedshirokuma8539 Have you ever been in Germany, like me? In Indonesia if one is poor and above 27 or 30 years old, it would be very difficult to land at an entry level job / to switch career because in Indonesia, "ageism" is being normalized in hiring practice here. While in Germany, people above 30 years old still can apply for entry level jobs. There is report by DW News on a German man who switched career in his advanced age of 45 years old, from small opera singer to carer (perawat).. in Indonesia that would be impossible.
when he said this is life. He already thought like Indonesian people in general. in Germany maybe in their previous life they thought everything had to be planned and produce something good. but our way of thinking in Indonesia is that everything we do is planned well and the final hope is to get good results but the results are completely left to the one above (God). we believe that life is like a puzzle, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. this is life
Indonesia is beautiful country
Matahari ada sepanjang tahun orangnya ramah dan bahagia selalu senyum itu tanda kebahagiaan terpancar dan positif 😊
tapi statistiknya banyak orang indonesia kekurangan vit D dan mesti minum suplemen vit D. Yang artinya walaupun matahari sepanjang tahun, berapa persendari orang indonesia rela berpanas2an berangkat kantor kena matahari?
rata2 orang indonesia naik motor mobil, dan itupun ketika lampu merah ngadem dibawah pohon, naik motor pun takut hitam pake jaket.
Jadi betul matahari sepanjang tahun, tapi yang defisiensi vit D juga banyak, ga percaya? riset aja sendiri.
Orang indonesia kulturnya ga suka kena panas. Ga percaya cek ke cirebon, ke pontianak, ke surabaya, kalo ada yang masih jalan kaki diatas jam 9 hebat, pasti semua naik mobil dan motor, yang naik motor pasti ngebut macem cacing kepanasan. Cuma orang aneh dan freak yang mau panas2an.
Ramah? Bahagia? Bali maksud anda? Di jawa dan sumatra nggak segitunya?
@@ntznbgztI was born and raise in Cirebon. Knowing that it's a small city in east area of West Java (Pantura). The weather is hot and sunny. I respectfully agree with you that the average of Indonesian people especially Cirebonese is not like hot weather. So, that's why according to the research Indonesian people is lack of Vitamin D. And that's the Fact.
ah masa, ramah dan bahagia sambil korupsi jalan terus 💀
@@luqmanhakimchannel8506bagi udang gan
Detlev should make a TH-cam channel... you will become a great influencer.... What a smart guy....
Thank you for your inspiring true life experience in Bali , respect and welcome to Enjoy your family life in Bali , Indonesia ❤️ Thankyou ❤
Anda kaya raya, tinggal di Indonesia sangat lah nyaman.
Itublah salah dinegara dia lebih kaya dan mapan , jgn hanya liat materi
Bentar lagi dia ngajak sodara2 nya, sodara2 nya ngajak temen2 nya, temen2 nya ngajak sodara2 nya lagi, akhirnya Bali isinya bule semua, warlok tersingkir
@@arwahsapilah bali kan pemuja bule,biarin aja
Dia kan bule. Di Indonesia kalo bule punya privilege, disanjung-sanjung, selain karena di Jerman dia berpenghasilan tinggi. Ga kayak kerja di Indonesia gaji seminimal mungkin tapi syarat masuknya macam-macam.
@@arwahsapilebay lo
Now, more and more foreigners or couples who have retired to live in Bali. The reason is, the low cost of living so they can save their retirement funds, they can live like rich people with luxurious property or accommodation, and can have maids, drivers and gardeners.
In addition, in Bali they can invest in property or tourism which is increasingly promising in the future, also they feel comfortable because of its beautiful and natural nature, you can find so many beaches, you can hike to the mountains, its has the extraordinary cultures, the friendliness of local people, delicious international class food that is cheap, also the friendly people and its security is maintained. You can go home late at night alone without anyone disturbing or threatening, this is what makes many foreigners or expatriates want to settle in Bali forever. Bali today is increasingly favored by everyone, both by young people, nomads and seniors who have retired goes to the island of gods.
And here I am learning German just so I can apply for an ausbildung in Germany. We want what we don't have.
Yea you are right, and it is kind of fascinating. Greetings from Lower Saxony, Germany.
Yeah it's called a stable income.
Susah Indo KL ngga punya uang. 😂
I feel so warm when I watch this video.. love his aura, his passion, and his story..
Loved the interview, need to explore more of Indonesia and how expats have made this country their home. I'm curious about the Brits expat since they made 3rd highest living in Indonesia after China and South Korea. Good channel mate 👍👍
British expats are everywhere, mate, haha! In Singapore alone around 50k!
@@MaxChernov I think it's much easier for British to live in english speaking countries like Singapore, Malaysia, or Austrlia for sure. Because they don't need to adapt themselves from language perspective. And the modern western mindset country like Singapore even a no brainer for english speaking westerner to live because very minimum cultural shock for them. But I do interested exploring foreigners from english speaking countries decided to live in long time in country like Thailand, Idnonesia, China, Vietnam, Philippine. Because they have to overcome language barrier, big cultural gap and shock, get themselves fit in with the country they live in with their strong local values, which as some extend, totally different from their country.
@@MaxChernov Most of them British Chinese 😂 Not Whites, i Am From Korea Visited Singapore Thailand and Indonesia Many times, i asked Expats there, Most of Whites Prefer to live in Indonesia or Thailand
@@MaxChernov true but seems like they are kermits in Indonesia... Don't see them often, my own network are mostly Korean, Australian, Japanese, Germans or Americans, Spanish, but not British... Anyway, keep up the good content
So deep and truly fact of bali and Indonesia 🇮🇩
Every country or place has its pluses and minuses. I’m a native Indonesian have lived away in various countries for many years including Milan, Italy,for many years found myself living back in Jakarta unwittingly but in a Balinese style house and am very happy. It’s the most relaxed, chill, simple mentality without complications country in the world.
betul. saya juga 19th di jepang. indonesia layak kita katakan tempat yg indah. makananyapun enak2. orangnya saling peduli dan kita tdk akan pernah merasa sendiri di indonesia.
@@maulanaarie4666nothing like home for sure tp jg factor financial jg sangat menentukan utk bs hidup nyaman di Indonesia …sy sudah 30 taun hidup jauh dr Indo dan blom ada gambaran utk pulang for good
@@maulanaarie4666 Şangat setuju!
it's about choices
Hah lawak gue merasa sendiri di Indonesia, ramahnya cuma di depan di belakang diomongin.
Good interview.. brother 🇮🇩🇮🇩
Interesting that he said since he’s been living in Bali, he doesn’t have to hear things outside of his control regarding bad news allover western countries. While as a person growing up in Indonesia, the bad news about my own country stresses me out completely. Corruption, nepotism, unfair advantages of the powerful, physical crimes, etc.
I guess at the end of the day, the thing that can make you feel more blissful is the right amount of ignorance. Cause wherever you are in the world, there is always something that is just outside of your control and you should be okay with it while focusing on the good.
This man is so positive, learnt a lot from this video ❤❤
Hallo Max the owner of this channel great thanks for loving my country especially Bali-island (island of Gods) as your chosen place to stay.
U r most wellcome🙏👍💗👄
This video gave me many pleasant chills and realizations. Fantastic culture and insights.
That’s why bersyukurlah yg tinggal di indonesia 😊. That’s one of my dream bisa pulang ke Tanah air saat pensiun.
Why retire?? You wanna stay in another country whole life lol I work in America 5 year then back if I stay in that country I have to work whole life 😂
@@user-dw3ys2vh4i LOL nooooo maximum 5 more years 🤣
@@user-dw3ys2vh4i 😆 well yes, me and my husband just bought a land in lombok, im stay away from bali because bali is too much for us 😂 and yes the price now crazyyyyyyyyyyy even in lombok.. bali u cant buy 25k dollars now, my aunt buy a new house in bali for a cheap price 75k if u convert to dollar. well i hope i could build a house soon in lombok LOL.
@@AjengDailyVlogyup and you can enjoy your life without pension and the Indonesian government doesn't care about your life until die. C'mon be smart don't copy Indonesian IQ, their IQ just 78 and worst passport, everything is visa. 🤭🤭
Nice podcast Max ! 🔥. I lived in Bali in 2005 for job in North Bali. Maybe you can have another for expat living in Lombok?
Yep, also want to travel to Lombok myself. Never been.
@lombok and Labuan bajo
Di Indonesia sangat nyaman dan iklim nya yg bersahabat
oh yeah. Everytime i land in Frankfurt, i can immediately feel the "coldness" of most people. I came to Germany from Indonesia for a better life. I don't think i can live in Germany forever. I still need the warmth of Indonesians
Positive: Saya sangat menyukai pembicaraan ini dengan seorang yang sudah bijak.
Banyak poin yang menjadi masukan, terima kasih Max!♥️🙏
If you have a very good wealth in money, indonesia will be your heaven. Because indonesia have :
- most generous people
- a lot of beautiful nature
- a lot of delicious food
- cheaper cost living
I agree with your statement , a million million times.
White farang people love to come to Asia live the good life but as subsistence farmer of course.
They live in a privileged bubble.
"if my grandmother had wheels, she would be a bike"
tell me more
Ini lah org yg hanya melihat materi tapi tdk mendengar apa yg dia bicaranya
@@putukarsiani7271 silage ceritakan dengan teliti apa yang dimaksudkan.
the philosophy behind this discussion, if only we Indonesian people can take it with a humble feeling, will take us far
LOL, With their wealth in Germany, he is just a middle working class. In here, with strong exchange value, every middle working class westerner can live a luxurious live here. Meanwhile, Indonesian's middle and working class still struggle to fullfill everyday lifecost of living.
True. Let's be honest here, most of westerners who moving to SEA cause they want a luxurious life they can't have in the west
I actually know this gentleman personally.
He is not living of money from Germany but has been running a success interior and furniture factory in Bali for nearly 30 years.
He makes his living here and not in Germany so your point does not really apply here.
I agree that there are many people exploiting strong currency but for foreigners making their living here in IDR that does not apply
@@Bilbilaulexactly where am I going to buy a house? Four bedroom for less than $300 juta nowhere. That's why I chose Indonesia with my wife. I'm going to work my whole life in the US. Even my friends from Java. They came to the America. Worked 5 years went back started business. I said why not just stay in America they said because it's better in Indonesia
@@ProjectsSGS yea sure.. his living here, earnin IDR, but he got paid with German rate.. Foreigners rate could be 10x higher than locals eventho we're in the same team, working for the same projects.
@@ProjectsSGS I bet he still hold his Germany passport and his kids as well. He won't give his Germany"s passport. It's too valuable. Most of them are opportunist.
What an amazing experience to hear your talk
I agree that if you have money and wealth, Indonesia would be perfect for you to live there. I am Indonesian, have lived in several countries, and I am not willing to go back to Indonesia. When you have wealth to not being worried about everything with the relatively low cost of living (which typically happens to people from high income countries moving to Indonesia), then you can agree with what being said in this video. Not for me. So my advice to people watching this video: don't take it all to your heart. Everyone's condition is different.
It is not about wealth. it is about being enough. If you are in the village of Indonesian suburb and you do not have needs, everything is enough for you. I am living abroad now but I think that I will retire, I will come back.
Could not disagree more. If you don't have that much of income, then it becomes even more sensible option to live in Indonesia because as u said "low cost of living". u can stretch your money longer.
That was interesting. Spending time in Indonesia has been epic! The culture is amazing, there is so much history everywhere and the people are fun! I can't stop taking pictures and making videos here.
You can enjoy sunshine all year round, tropical country sun... hhhmm 😃
enjoy tropical and exotic fruit that you don't find in Europe, enjoy beaches, sand beaches, warm and clear sea water all year round for swimming, surfing and diving.
If you are bored with the sea, exploring by motorbike to all the islands, hiking and climbing exotic and extraordinary mountains such as Agung, Batur, Rinjani, Bromo, Semeru...
You can easily make new friends just by smiling and chatting politely and as if you've known them for years
Maxcherrnov, Such a Amazing dialogue for adding for Our Perpectiveness, We love it so Much ❤❤❤
Ich lebe seit 7 Jahren in Manado Likupang timur Kalinaun, ich kann ihm nur zustimmen was er gesagt hat. Es ist die Freiheit und das Privileg hier Leben zu dürfen.ich gehe nicht mehr zurück. Meine Heimat ist in Indonesien. Ausserdem produziere ich hier das deutsche Bier nach dem Reinheitsgebot.
Gruesse aus Jakarta, ich bin vor 13 Jahren hier her gezogen. War die beste Entscheidung meines Lebens. Ditto meine Heimat ist schon lange hier. Jetzt bin ich aber neugierig auf dein Bier ;)
It's nice to see foreigners that are not Australians, English or Canadians in Indonesia (I don't mean they are bad, it's just nice to see more diversity)
@@geedee3817if I may know what region do you live? (Romangun,kuningan, or maybe part of cakung or near depok)
@@geedee3817Ayo lah kita mabok 😂
Indonesia is my number one country. People, culture, food, nature, aesthetics, wisdom, and more are all there.
Ceritanya menarik , hai orang-orang Indonesia jaga sikap ya ... Kenapa media komentar tidak mencerminkan orang Indonesia yg ramah tamah 😅❤
Org indonesia kadang tidak bisa menyampaikan langsung, kecuali melalui media, akhirnya kekecewaan dll kadang tertuang disitu, mungkin itu
Another great interview Max! Thank you! Merry Christmas! Coming to Bali for Nyepi next year!
Bali Island is 14 times Bigger than Singapore.
Terimakasih Max Chernov.
Likewise, when you have 10 billion, you can live in Indonesia for 30 years. You can also become an entrepreneur with the cooperation of local residents by creating agriculture and animal husbandry.. and that's where you will find peace with the local residents.😊😊😊
You can do less than 10 billion.. only need 6 k dollar a year after house is payed off
You choose different view point for your content.. its brilliant please continue distinct rare topics to talks i.e. how foreigner decide to stay in bali and still continue manage their business in their origin country
My opinion about religious thoughts is ... when you cut ties with the God/higher power, you think you will be freed, but it's only shackled you to worldly things. When you accept the God, people think you will be caged by religious limitation, but actually you will be fully free from the worldly things. If you lost/failed something as non-religious, you will think it's a great set back. As religious person, you will accept it as the God know better for you. When you're succeed as non-religious, it will rise your ego & you'll be fear to losing it. When you're succeed as religious person, you'll be grateful and sharing the happiness.
thanks max, I really enjoyed your conversation, there are many things that inspire and I am grateful for as an Indonesian and have decided to enjoy life here without comparing it to the stability of the western world, because basically wherever we live there will always be problems that we cannot change.
Mudah mudahan anda bisa mewawancarai Pater Frans Magnis Suseno, SJ, seorang pastor Katolik, dan juga salah seorang tokoh filsafat.
Menariknya beliau juga mempelajari dan mengajar ttg Filsafat Jawa.
Mungkin bisa menjadi percakapan yang menarik untuk menggalinya lebih dalam.
If you have money and choice for sure you will love to live in this tropical country with beautiful nature, culture and always warm weather
I’m Japanese will move to Indonesia in 1 month. I’m sure that Indonesia has a better future more than my country. I feel like Indonesia now is like Japan 30 years ago.
We Indonesia will going to your country Japan for find job bcs in Indonesia job less salary less work more 😂😂😂
Indonesia doesnt have a great Future!
Thnx for pick Indonesia sir..hope your life enjoy being here 👍🇮🇩
How about not developing Bali further? What a radical concept.😊
I like how this man observe and explain about our culture, condition, mindset, etc
Indonesia emang negara paling ideal untuk tinggal kalo sehat, punya banyak waktu luang, dan uang segudang 😂
Sm tahan dgn suhu panas dan bencana2 lainnya
Great insightful interview.
You become more of your nationality when you go overseas because of being confronted with ‚what’s you nationality?‘.
Love the comment that Detlev says tourism actually strengthens + improved the Bali Hindu religion and Balinese becoming more attune with their traditions through WNAs on Bali.
22 years living in indonesia and you still wearing shoes inside your house??
Tau tuh, suruh balik aja.
It looks more like a gazebo or "pendopo". So it is still a semi outdoor space.
When the lines for inside and outside are blurred 🩵
Not a big deal
another amazing interview 👏👏👏👏
Indonesia is a good country for well-off Caucasian looking men like this gentlemen over here because of multiple reasons.
1st of all, being a "bule" means you're somewhat immune to the nitty-gritty social complications and drama that other locals have to deal with on daily basis. People in Indonesia, to this date, are still affected by post-colonial PoV and generally are nicer to Caucasian looking people compared to other kinds of people. In other words, there is a bias to Caucasian looking people that make you have better social standing in Indonesia. That's an absolutely big plus here because Indonesian social circles are notorious for being nosy, gossipy and also precariously insecure to a cause. There is a strong crab mentality between the locals here that most foreigners might not even realize existed if they still haven't got red-pilled about the social reality in Indonesia. Dating is also much easier being an European man compared to other ethnicity, say, like, the Chinese or Japanese for example, which couldn't always be distinguished from each other if you're not used to it and are typically shorter (since women in general like taller men, and European men are taller in general).
2nd, he being an educated middle-class German means that he could afford to enjoy exponentially higher salary for similar position compared to a local graduate. Fresh graduate interior designer's salary in Indonesia start at around Rp 3.500.000~4.500.000 (230~295 USD) per month depending on location. Senior interior designer who have a decade worth of experience might be able to climb the career ladder to have more steady income of Rp 12.000.000~Rp 25.000.000 (789~1644 USD) per month depending on the company. Meanwhile, being a foreign expat, most company perceive your employment very differently so even when you're just starting out, company could get you start off with as much as 2000 USD per month in a similar position. Or set aside the design industry; it's common secret that foreign teachers in international schools get paid much higher than a local teacher in similar position.
3rd, which somewhat related to first 2 points above is that being a foreigner from Germany (an European country which have very good reputation in Indonesia). You are now considered special and opportunities tend to come to you because you are a German, people will strike conversation first, they are interested in you more (the rockstar effect) and they're more likely to want to work with you because of the perceived better work ethics, being European and all. People here realized that as an European (and a German) means that you have access to resources not readily available to other locals, like technology, science etc so you are more respected, and people bend over backwards to want to work with you to learn about you, making your journey tad easier to spread your roots in Indonesia with such huge edge over any local person in the same industry.
So while I do not want to underestimate or underplay the journey this gentleman took to be able to have a stable life in Indonesia, there are tremendous advantages he immediately had being an European/German. The same however, could not be said if an Asian looking person came to Europe to do exactly the same thing as he did. We as Asians have realized that in order to thrive in a white man's land, we have to be very, very extraordinary in order to stand out. Meanwhile, a white man could simply show up on someone's doorstep in Asia and they would already being treated differently.
Interesting perspective!
This comment is spot on. Most of these Videos show foreigners living in Bali in a bubble. There is also absolutely no mention of the very tight social system in Indonesia, compared to most western countries. I wrote a very similar comment before, but it did not get published, is there some sort of filter here?
Thanks Meet Detlev, you fundamentally explained to me how lucky i am was born as an Indonesian millenial generation, how rich and prosper my future country will be. I hope your wisdom have an impact also in my Island at North Sumatera.
Max, are you planning to interview other expats living in other cities in Indonesia? Or do you just limit Bali? Because Bali is only one island in Indonesia and notably different. Well, every island here in Indonesia is different anyway.
Definitely Jakarta!
previous video with Bule Barbie was from Bandung, West Java
@@altrazh_xd yeah, but the interview was in Bali I think.
Bali is my life, banyak orang luar tinggal di Bali( ada yang nikah, bisnis,kerja,dll) mari kita ikut jaga Bali(budaya,adat,agama) kedamaian hidup akan anda temukan disini bila kita bisa menyatu dengan orang Bali. Dimanapun ada baik&buruk. Semoga semua mahluk bahagia&damai. Salam damai dari mix balinese-japanese
Ya, di Indonesia kalau kita bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan adat dan budaya setempay, ya oke2 saja. Begitu pun bila kita berperilaku mudah menyesuaikan diri, ya tak masalahlah. Hidup di manapun, nikmatilah, tul nggak?
Big respect for you sir! I'm Indonesian who live in Jakarta and I always love Bali, been there 3 times this year. Can't wait to go back!
It truly just a matter of preference. Sone Asian prefer move to Europe, some even love living in California.
As an Indonesian myself.. condition of working in Europe is 10x times better than in Indonesia. At least there is no ageism when applying for jobs. In Indonesia, many job vacancies are posted with "maximum 25 years old to apply"😂
I’m in my 40s and European, currently in Bali (Canggu) for a long holiday. I came to experience what makes this place so special, as it seems to attract so many people. While the Indonesian people are undoubtedly wonderful, I honestly haven’t found anything particularly remarkable about the place itself (to live permanently).
Most of the foreigners I’ve met here seem happy, largely because of the lower cost of living and the more luxurious lifestyle they can afford compared to Europe. However, many of them frame it differently, often saying things like, ‘Life is here’ or ‘I’ve found peace,’ which feels more like a way to justify their choice.
I’m also a foreigner living in Bali! I’m planning to raise my kids here
@ Good luck! 😄 but why? What are the countries in your comparison?
Bisakah anda membuat subtitle Indonesia diseluruh video anda, 😂😂😂.. Video anda sangat menarik. amazing interview
Hi, Max. Don’t you think or maybe agree that people living in East Asia like Indonesia 🇮🇩, Singapore 🇸🇬, Malaysia 🇲🇾, Philippines 🇵🇭, etc have these “villages-type” homes, or even in urban settings, residents open their windows and allow humidity into their homes and thus mold and mildew set in, wouldn’t that be bad not to have air-conditioning….? 🤨🧐
South east not east asia.
people who live here already adapt, so it's not a big deal.
If fresh air is allowed to circulate in the house, mold and mildew would not be a problem even if there's no air conditioning.
I love these type of videos, you just tell story of your experiences. i will wait for another content like this ❤
There, the German said Indonesia is fast when building projects 😂 I live in a country in Europe which built 7km metro line for 12 years 😂 😂
I am traveller and Indonesia is one place I felt at home. Maybe becoz we share the ancestors 😂. Warmth of people, the love, singing and hard work and respect for culture traditions and yet mordern is very much like India.
Londokampung please .
Indonesia umumnya dan bali khususnya itu sangat unik dan beragam dengan toleransi dan empati yg hidup hampir di seluruh lapisan masyarakat, terlalu banyak stigma megatif di luar negri tentang indonesia karena mereka melihat dengan sudut pandang yang berbeda dengan yang kita rasakan. Namun ketika anda berada dekat dan berbaur dengan masyarakatnya maka anda dapat merasakan adanya nilai kesopanan, ketulusan dan penghargaan yang dalam bahkan dari orang yang sama sekali tidak pernah kita kenal sebelumnya. Apapun itu saya tetap bangga jadi bagian dari indonesia dan saya penuh respect dengan anda yang mau berbicara dengan jujur sebagai orang asing yang menjadi "indonesia".
Terima kasih dan semoga anda menemukan kebahagiaan dalam hidup anda.
There are also lot of German in North Sumatra, Indonesia. After the ww2.
Saya belum pernah tahu kondisi negara lain di dunia ini, tapi dari banyak informasi yg saya dapat Indonesia ini surganya dunia, semua hal ada di Indonesia.
Bali all together has a different Vibe it is spiritual yet modern .Their is something very refreshing and people are more chilling which you don't find in other Indonesian cities like Jakarta ,Surabaya . More to do with their culture I guess .
Hampir semua negara punya masalah masing masing,,kalau saya bangga jadi warga indonesia dan bersukur jadi salah satu dari indonesia nkri👍👍👍
Unfortunately, this is quite a romanticized story, without addressing the unfolding environmental disaster because of overdevelopment and loss of agricultural land to which tourists have contributed. The story does not address the existing and worsening water crisis caused by development. But I guess Indonesia will look favourably upon the story as it promotes Bali as a tourist destination without saying as much.
Dulu, saya bersama kel baru pulang dr Kuala lumpur,dan ada turis dari Rusia (perempuan),saya melihat sedikit kebingungan, dan dia mesti terbang jam 11 malam,sedang waktu itu masih jam 1 siang... akhirnya saya tawarkan untuk ikut saya pulang, nnti mlm saya antar ke airport lagi, dan dia setuju...saya baru menyadari mungkin yang saya lakukan adalah sesuatu yng aneh buat kalian orang2 eropa... yng senyum saja sangat mahal...😊😊😊
kesini setelah lihat bule barbie di interview😂
Terima kasih Anda telah menyukai Indonesia, kami orang indonesia memang sangat ramah dan senyum, salam perdamaian dan persahabatan dari kami INDONESIA 🇮🇩♥️🇩🇪
i am from indonesia. i like indonesia because it is cheap
Indonesian people are very friendly and very kind, like to help even if they don't know each other. Because of that, sometimes there are people who don't like the kindness of Indonesian people, and think they only want something from them and that's not true. They like to help from a sincere heart.
9:01 The Indonesian government is starting the first phase of LRT construction in Bali. This will be a solution to heavy traffic, which will take 4 years to build.
Bravo Max 👍
TH-cam Londo jowo bang
Dia orang Germany cinta Indonesia 🇮🇩 1000000%
Anaknya jadi pemain Timnas Indonesia 🇮🇩 Putri
Karena kami di besarkan dengan agama yang kuat..... contohnya di islam ( senyum adalah bagian dari ajaran agama dan pahala yang akan setiap individu dapatkan ketika menjalankan sesua agama... seperti senyum
Jadi tunawisma saja kalau diindonesia bisa punya uang banyak, bisa punya rumah mewah, sampai ada kampung pengemis juga, karena orang2 Indonesia itu memang suka sedekah, yang kurangnya Indonesia pejabatnya kebanyakan korupsi..dan dalam islam diajarkan senyum itu adalah ibadah.
Masa sih. Lantas kenapa anda tidak berikan harta saja ke orang lain dan coba rasakan sendiri hidup sebagai tunawisma dan pengangguran di Indonesia?
Thankss u can enjoy bali n indonesia 😊
Selanjutnya undang podcast Londo kampung bro 😂
Indonesia terbentuk karena menyatukan berbagai budaya, kultur, tradisi dari berbagai daerah dari sabang sampai merauke.
Mimpi saya, saya sangat ingin mengelilingi Indonesia dari sabang sampai merauke. Semoga suata saat akan terwujud. Amiin
why would I choose to raise my kids in Indonesia. They will forever be stuck to stay there.
If you raise your kids with European education the doors will forever be open for them. They can go wherever they like. Following your dreams is a little selfish. Wha about your kids' dreams and their future?
My father was European too and he waited to move to Indonesia after I graduated.
Great conversation full of philosophy
Can we address the elphant in the room here.. as much as i love foreigners keep buying properties and lands in bali that makes the value more and more expensive and porbably is goood for the bali and indonesia economy overall but its kinda bad for local bali who cant afford the basic house if their parents arent bali landlords or simply doesnt have inheritance.
Pity on those guys cos property in bali aint cheap if you have only minimum bali wages.
I personally know local bali friend of mine who inherited a small hotel and 2 villas from his parents and my friend prefer to cashed out and sold all his properties to foreigner who bidded higher than jakarta businessman lol. (disclosure, i helped him brokered one of his villa)
Bali wasnt the same as it was 14 - 15 years ago. chaotic and there are just too many bules everywhere. ( tech bro, nomads, drunk bogan, slick business type, influencers, russian awol, ukranian all kinds of bule)
Just the fact that foreigners who is loaded they would rather buy property in ibiza spain , but if they can't afford with the ibiza route then they would go to bali and snap up a bargainas 'cos for them bali property still affordable due to rupiah weak currency.
just my 2 cents
This man is so respectful