Asked to take the car( only driven 8K ) for an inspection to a specific mechanic(name is Gelan), dealer said anyone except him. Obviously deal was off. As a matter of fact wasn’t gonna go for inspection on such a new car but just asked as a habitual thing but the fact that he has the audacity to say no( try to direct me to mechanics he know and will vouch for him) tell me what kind of business he is running and it was just a no no for me.
Bedelala yemitimera hager lay new yalenew. Emnet silatahubachew kandim hulet soste mekina lemegzat wesigne sayihon kertowal. Wishetaminetachew betam yirebishal kasmechiwochu eske shachochu. Ye ewket manesim ale Sorry to say all but it is what I saw
Nice program i like it .but my friend new car have a warrant i and they p.d.i form with the car that that is big issue for new car so it hasn't at risk
ዬኒ አሁነ አሁን ላይ video በጣም አሪፍ እና ብዙዎችን የሚያስተምሩ እና ያልታዩ ነገሮችን ለማየት የምትሞክርበት መንገድ የሚበረታታ ሆኖ አግኝቼዋለሁ ።
ግን አንደ ሀሳብ አንዳንድ ነገሮችን Recommend ባደርግህ ደስ ይለኛል ምክንያቱም Automotive Sector በሀገራችን ያለበት ሁኔታ እና የአስፈላጊነቱ መጠን እናም ባለማወቅ የምናጣቸው ነገሮች እንደ ቀላል የሚታለፉ ይመስለኛል ።
ገና ብዙዎች መገንዘብ ያለባቸው ብዙ ብዙ ነገሮች አሉ እኔ በቻልኩት ከጎንክ ነኝ በርታ
በጣም ደስ ይለኛል አመስግናለሁ
Thats a great work to be appreciated. Keep up brother
ላንተ ኮመንቴ በርታ ነው የሚባለው ጎበዝ ቅን ልጅ እግዚአብሔር ይባርክህ
እጅግ በጣም ምርጥ እናመሰግናለን😗👊🙏🚗😊😉👏😃😅🚘😁😆🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Thanks 🙏
mokshe thank you nice presentation.
Thanks 🙏
Asked to take the car( only driven 8K ) for an inspection to a specific mechanic(name is Gelan), dealer said anyone except him. Obviously deal was off. As a matter of fact wasn’t gonna go for inspection on such a new car but just asked as a habitual thing but the fact that he has the audacity to say no( try to direct me to mechanics he know and will vouch for him) tell me what kind of business he is running and it was just a no no for me.
It needs some inspection but not with a mechanic
Thanks a lot bro.👍
Good job! Exellent explanetion keep up.
ሠላም ነው ዮኒ ስለ volkswagen multivan T7 detail information ጠይቄህ ነበር
Information የለኝም ለዛ ነው
Ene mlw brother adis dezir nbr ena zeytu MN yakl km khede bhuala nw yefabrekaw zeyt mnlwetew
1000-1600 km lay
Please bro Barbus g 700 or 800 sraln slewagawm pls pls
Ena mesegnalen silkihin endet nw magignet michilew plz
Telegram YonathanDesta
ክሩዝ ኮንትሮል ምንድነው?
Cruise Control አዳዲስ መኪኖች ላይ የሚገጠም ሲስተም ሲሆን መኪናው በተወሰነለት ፍጥነት እንዲጟዝ የሚያደርግ ቴክኖዎሎጂ ነው
@@YonathanDesta 👏👏👏
@@YonathanDesta ታዲያ እሱን እንዴት ነው አክቲቬት ማድረግ የሚቻለው? እና ደግሞ ሱዙኪ ዲዛየር ላይስ Cruise Control አለው?
hi bro ymetakerbachew ngeroche ymchugnal
Suzuki s persoo megezat flge nber lsera adad ngerochen btngeregn des ylgnale
Ale short video
tnx bro
Well come!!
የኒ በጣም የማደንቅህ ወድሜ ነህ መኪና እደምገዛ እርግጠኛነኝ እደምትመርጥልኝ ተስፋ አለኝ😍😅
ጥሩ ስራ ነው በርታ
Sele sino mekina nigeren
Suzuki amount
Gr8 guy.....
Thanks 🙏
lamborgini in ethiopia reviw
Peugeot 5008🤩
In Ethiopia car most car sellers got no idea about the car they sell.
Great job
I love you bro keep it up
Thanks ☺️
Bedelala yemitimera hager lay new yalenew. Emnet silatahubachew kandim hulet soste mekina lemegzat wesigne sayihon kertowal. Wishetaminetachew betam yirebishal kasmechiwochu eske shachochu. Ye ewket manesim ale Sorry to say all but it is what I saw
Exactly you’re right
Do u know chrisfix?
Nice program i like it .but my friend new car have a warrant i and they p.d.i form with the car that that is big issue for new car so it hasn't at risk
Yeah that’s right but here there’s no warranty if you buy from local dealers that’s why I mention everything. Thanks 🙏
የመኪና መሸጫ ቦታ ላይ ያሉ ከ90% የሚሆኑት በእውቀት ሳይሆን የሚሰሩት የደላላ ስራ ነው እውቀት ወፍ የለም ሊገዛ የሚመጣውን ሰው በመጀመርያ የሚያዩት እንደ ውሻ ጫማውን ልብሱን እንጂ ምን ያቃል እንዲት ምን እውቀት አለው የሚለውን አይረድም አንዳንዴ ትርጉም ለሊላቸው ኦብሽን ዋጋ ሲቆልሉ በእውቀት ነው ባቦ ሰጠኝ ትላለህ አንድ ግዜ የሆላ ወንበሩ ላይ የተሳፋሪ ማለቴ ነው እስክሪን ያለው መኪና ከሊለው መኪና ጋር ያለው የዋጋ ልዩነት 70ሺህ ብር መሆኑ ግርም ብሎኝ ወጥቼለው ብዙ የምባል ቢኖርም የደላላ ስራ ነው የሚሰሩት እንጂ እውቀትን የተንተራሰ አይደለም
Enem amesegenalehu
Gobez berta
10q bro for broker
የገዛሁት 00 ነው አሁን 3600 ኪሜ ላይ ነው ማንዋሉ 10000 ኪሜ እስኪሞላ ምንም እትንካ ይላል ዘይት መቀየር ነበረብኝ chr 2020 ነው
አዎ በትክክል እንደዛ ይላል ግን ይበልጥ መኪናው ለረዥም አመት እንዲቆይ እንደዛ ቢደረግ ጥሩ ነው ብዬ ነው ::
5000 sehone keirelet
E-car wn seraln
Electric cars 🚗 tax free eyetederegu new so keahun behula bebezat lifebuoy yichelalu so sle electric car video betsera
Nic bro
ቴሌግራምክን ንገረን ላዋራክ
yet new your gaurage?
Garage yelenem yemamaker sera new meneseraw
Nati 🙌🏾
good job.