"Guys dont cry" is a legendary comedy. And its a fact that some African chieftains or elites worked with Slave traders in the past to sold their own people.
not some of African chieftains...but most even all of them, when slave trade were banned by European powers that part of Africa got big recession and local states collapsed.
.... Nie wiem czy to dobrze, bo jeśli ktoś tak się cieszy że nie ma poprawności politycznej, to z doświadczenia wiem że ma poglądy tak pojebane że oczywiście że się cieszy.
There were a couple of attempts though: through acquisition St. Andrew and St. Mary's Islands, that lasted less than 50 years (now it's Kunta Kinteh, Gambia and Banjul - capital city in Gambia), as well as Tobago - that lasted around 27 years with breaks in between (at one point a neigboring Dutch colony on Tobago took over). It never worked because the cost of establishing and running a colony as well as transportation was higher for Poland than any gains we could get from them. Poland was much better in expanding through acquiring neighboring territories than overseas ones.
@@Divcia86for better or worse, those were not colonies of Poland or Commonwealth, but private enterprises of Prince of Curland (now part of Latvia). His little principality was a fiefdom of the Commonwealth, not a part of it. So you might say that Latvia had colonies, but Poland didn't ;)
@@Divcia86it is also important to remember that Poland was importing black slaves who served for the royals like Stefan Batory and few rich landowners. But there were no slave markets in Poland as the slaves were bought in London etc. by the Jews from Poland. If we consider the situation of the Polish peasants situation it wasn't much different to a slavery and eventually was abolished by the Russian tsar in 1864, a year before the USA abolished its slavery in 1865.
"Chłopaki nie płaczą" ("Boys Don't Cry") is pretty much like polish "Pulp Fiction". There are lot of similarities between the two but director and screenwriter gave it it's own spin.
:))))))))))). Your reaction is priceless ! :)))))) I don't think there's any nation in the world which can teach Polish people about freedom of speech :))) Poland fought for freedom to long to just accept political corectness. Btw, that movie is a comedy - not political statement.
Just to add to that, please remember this is a comedy from the last century - today this kind of humor, this kind of statement would not pass, but man ninetees were wild, we have just regained freedom, cut that some slack and just take it for what it is ;) we don't do this kind of movies anymore, we're becoming correct too ;)
People forget that fred is the black character of this story, so while we can debate on if he's right or wrong, he is not the character that was meant to be the voice of the common man watching the story.
Yep, we get it - they don't :) By "woke" people some words should not be said at all. In my opinion they are to stupid to see the context.@@wujekcientariposta
One of the top polish comedies mate! To understand this scene you would have to watch full film. Cezary Pazura is a bad guy. He tells the story about americans and slavery rough way because he is pissed off at the time. There is few important facts before this scene happens. To be true your reaction is a bit suprising for me. I believe it would be different if you watch more than 4 minutes. Its great gangster comedy! You would enjoy it!
It always amuses me when people from Western Europe or the USA get outraged at something that is currently taboo and which is an indisputable fact hahaha😂. What Cezary Pazura said in this movie about black people in the USA is a fact.
"Chlopaki nie placza" is just a classic (and awesome) polish comedy. Dont read to much in political spectrum there. All dialogs are there for laughs and sarcasm. You just gotten way to "serious". You gotta see the whole movie to catch the drift. Also, there are plenty of good comedies from taht era, like "Poranek kojota", "Killer 1 and 2" and so on. And ou need to remember the political climate that Poland enjoyed when those movie were maid.
To nie jest prawda historyczna to pokazanie rasizmu,który przejawia się u Polaków i jeszcze ten tekst,że on też nie był w Ameryce ale zna kogoś kto był…właśnie tacy są Polacy.
@@magdalena7770 po 1, to bardzo dobrze, że tacy są Polacy, bo może to nas uchroni przed błędami zachodu. Po 2, jest w tym monologu sporo prawdy. Po 3, nie trzeba jechać do Stanów, żeby znać statystyki jakie wykręcają czarni.
To film z czasów kiedy sporo osób było zafascynowanych kulturą USA a szczególnie rapem i hiphopem. Ta opowieść to taka kontra do pozerstwa i stawiana innej kultury nad polską. Jest to mega śmieszna screena nawet dzisiaj tylko trzeba się uwolnić z narzuconych schematów myślenia, chociaż na tą jedną chwilę podczas oglądania filmu. Pozdrawiam.
Exactly! That's the whole point. The precise, literal message of Fred (Cezary Pazura) doesn't matter - this is a word of criticism against looking up on different cultures and trying to belong to them by any cost instead of appreciating one's own.
Aaa to teraz już nie ma tej fascynacji, to nie wiedziałem..W to m.fipmie nic nie ma z tego że jest stawianie innej kultury nad polską, to jest raczej hołd dla kina gangsterskiego i Pulp Fiction i satyra na polskie społeczeństwo, dialogi gniota jaja i cycki, jest to najlepsza polska komedia ever
Jasne, że widzieliśmy! Wszyscy widzieli! 😁 Don't take the slave trade scene too seriously. By the way, today it would be impossible even in a Polish film.
@@Anti_Immigrationco to wogole znaczy patologiczna imigracja? To jest jakaś inna w takim razie tak? Każdy ma swój mikrokosmos, ale sztuka to mieć świadomość że na nim świat się nie kończy. To, że Twoje życie się potoczyło tak, że nie musiałeś wyjeżdżać to nie znaczy, że każdy miał tak jak Ty i to jest jakieś patologiczne.
Yeah, so that was intentionally dressed in comedic phrases, but generally it was pretty good explanation how it went down :) White guys have only occasionally gone deep into the land. They usually stayed near their ships. It was very dangerous due to all kinds of new sickness one could catch and bring back to their own. So it was close to what Fred(Pazura's character) said. Blacks were enslaving blacks and later selling them to white people who then took them places(America mainly ;)). Clearly it's not that only weak were sold, because just because a country or a tribe lost war doesn't mean all it's members were useless, or weak. Chłopaki Nie Płaczą is a literal gold mine of quotes. It's like our national treasure :P
Na tym polega żart. Żaden z nich nie był w Stanach Zjednoczonych ale każdy wyobraża sobie Amerykę na własny sposób. Jeden jest niezbyt madry, ale kocha muzykę i widzi wartość, drugi jest gangsterem "twardzielem" i też mówi o czarnoskórych to, co sobie wymyślił. Pewnie tłumaczenie tego nie oddaje, ale Pazura mowi na początku " też nie byłem, ale znam kogoś, kto był i opowiedział mi to i owo" . Czyli spotyka się dwóch gości, ktorzy nic o Ameryce nie wiedzą i gadają bzdury, kazdy na swój sposób. Na tym polega fenomen tego filmu, zart jest wielowarstwowy, nie można tekstów traktować wprost, poważnie. Trzeba czytać kontekst. Dlatego to jest świetna komedia. Ani aktorzy, ani scenarzysta, ani reżyser nie są rasistami. To jest smiech z głupoty gangsterów, nie rasizm. Pozdrawiam 🙂
Tak, niemniej paradoksalnie Fred ma rację, gdyż faktycznie o czym politpoprawni zapominają, w handlu niewolnikami uczestniczyły często różne społeczności afrykańskie które wyprawiały się po niewolników w głąb Afryki dla Portugalczyków czy Hiszpanów,by sprzedawać ich z zyskiem. Prym wiodło państwo Dahomej czy Yorubowie, którzy słynęli z bycia łowcami innych czarnych. Także wbrew pozorom monolog Freda ma sporo prawdy. Tak samo jak Hiszpanie którzy w Ameryce zniszczyli Azteków. To też mit,bo było ich zbyt mało by podbić społeczność aztecka licząca kilka milionów mieszkańców. Udało im się to bo przyłączyli się do nich inni indianie którzy mieli już dość Azteków i chcieli ich wytłuc w ramach zemsty za lata podbojów. Historia nie jest tak oczywista jak próbuję się wmawiać.
O murzynach to jest akurat prawda.Często to już byli niewolnicy w wojnach plemiennych.Chciałeś kogoś pozbyć się ,wioskowego głupka,wroga itp.to sprzedawałeś go Holendrom.Wiadomo część tych ludzi to byli szlachetnie urodzeni z rodów królewskich.Niestety większość to byli ludzie sprzedani przez swoich współplemieńców,często też za długi.
@@Camel-from-Arabia Mówisz o historii. Czy uważasz, że obecna ciemnoskóra społeczność w Stanach Zjednoczonych powinna być postrzegana przez pryzmat niewolnictwa, chyba nie chcesz tego interpretować tak daleko...?
@@joannachrol1282 1. Napisałem, jak było zgodnie z rzeczywistością, bez politpoprawnosci, a czy się to komuś podoba czy nie, to jego zmartwienie, że fakty nie spełniają czyichś oczekiwań politycznych. 2. Los murzyńskiej społeczności w USA jest mi obojętny, tak samo jak los społeczeństwa rosyjskiego na Łotwie czy wietnamskiego w Chinach.
@@Camel-from-Arabiano więc nie, paradoksalnie Fred nie miał racji. Owszem, handel niewolnikami ma mało wspólnego z dzisiejszą polipoprawną jego wizją, ale to też nie znaczy, że Fred ma rację. Teza Freda jest taka, że dzisiejsi czarnoskórzy są nic nie warci, bo ich dalecy przodkowie to były pierdoły, co jest narracją uproszczoną do granic absurdu. To że pewne aspekty jego wypowiedzi mają pokrycie w historii, nie znaczy, że cała teza jest prawdziwa. Dzisiejsze problemy środowisk czarnoskórych nie wynikają z tego, że ich dalecy przodkowie byli lub nie byli pierdołami, jest bardzo wiele powodów takiej a nie innej sytuacji.
One big thing n-word and Polish "Murzyn" are not the same in Polish is not really a slur so translation is a little of. Also this is comedy in some sense is similar to "Jak byłem młody to też byłem murzynem i grałem w kosza" from movie "Miś" that is also a comedy gold.
I can see from your reaction that you are not "polonized" :) its about sense of humour without political correctness, I have a friend from UK who moved to Poland few years ago and learned polish, you can just feel that he is now polonized, he no longer cares about PC and told me that he feels strange when he visits UK nowadays. Poland has never colonized Arfica so we can look at this whole issue from a different perspective, and frankly speaking it looks funny.
Its definitely controversial analogy but its actually truth , also people who went to Africa to get slaves were just chilling by the beach , and who brought them the slaves? Other tribes , strongest tribes were enslaving and selling weaker tribes into slavery , to America and Middle East , and most of the time price for some1's head was as little as pack of smokes or some mirrors and seashells , word Slave was created from word Slav/Slavic cos before American slavery of Africans , people from most of Slavic countries been caught and sold off to Middle east as slaves and was happening for good 400 years if not longer
Po spędzeniu kilku lat w UK obawiałem się reakcji w stylu... poczucia winy. Dla odreagowania polecam serial "1670" gdzie Polacy śmieją się z samych siebie. 😁
Ale to tylko te same świnie, co siedzą w kinie na "Granicy" Agnieszki Holland się tam śmieją z polskiej tradycji szlacheckiej i historii w ogóle, jako źródła patriotyzmu i więzów krwi, z honorem odnosząc się do przodków, których krwią przesiąknięta jest nasza polska ziemia.
And another thing is that in Poland we would rather think - this is a movie plot, no-one expects movie characters to explain historical issues as they were, because it's not the point of the movie. So we're like: ah, whatever he says. And if someone would tell that story to another person as pure historical facts, there would would be a lot of laughter and comments like: "do you really educate yourself in the field of history by watching such movies? that's ridiculous!" But for Americans or even British it's like pro-racist promotion of wrong historical outlook, and nobody would blame that person, who "learns history" from such scenes, but rather the people who came up with this movie. So that's a massive difference.
Mert, you should watch "Boys Don't Cry" with a Pole in their 40s who will explain the backstage of life in the 90s to you. It's not a racist movie. The film depicts how old gangsters were serious and had principles, pretending to be tough guys like Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger. The young people from those times are slackers, lacking principles, and influenced mainly by Western culture, especially the USA.
Pazura is playing here the gangster, it is chat between criminals, so I guess it wasn't intentioned to spread the truth about slavery, more to point out how depraved this dude is, and the same time to mock a bit fascination of young Poles on especially rap style, obviously nowadays noone of directors would put such dialogue in the scenario for obvious reasons (the movie was made in 90's). 'Chlopaki nie placza (boys don't cry)' is legendary comedy in Poland, many of sayings from this film is still is used in common language. I recommend to watch all the movie if you are resistant for some level of political incorrectness.
Best polish comedy. Of course, completely unacceptable rhetoric in those days, but those were still years, thankfully, where political correctness was almost non-existent.
OOOOOOO.This scene may not be a good advertisement for a great movie. But you have to see the whole movie to understand this scene. The mobster character played by Pazura is angry with everyone around him throughout the film and treats everyone arrogantly and with contempt, even his partner. It is his characteristic. On the contrary, the Blond Mafian, who doesn't really want to be a mafia, admires black culture in such a way that it's ridiculous. So the Pazura-mafia said his line mainly to humiliate the blond mobster. Pazura pays for his arrogance in the film in the end.....I definitely recommend watching it, a very good comedy.
The movie is awesome, it really is. What you see is an episode. There is no such content about African-Americans further in this video. Be sure to watch it because it's super funny. As for the terror in your eyes. Poles are like that. There are no taboo conversations here. If someone doesn't like something, they will just say it to your face - Europeans consider it rude. But in Europe, most people have a different worldview than what they say officially because of political correctness. This is just terrifying for us. Let me give you an example. Emigrants... Poles took 3 million Ukrainians into their homes, there were no refugee camps. There is a vlog on TH-cam, probably from Germany. The reporter asks people if they would welcome an emigrant to their home and the answer was yes, of course they are brothers, etc. And suddenly the emigrant comes out and asks for hospitality and then the German runs away from the camera. This lack of sincerity is terrifying to me. If you like the movie, watch it.
Very true. I would say we don't sugarcoat things like English or Americans. I think most Europeans are ok with us except the British who get offended easily and are super sensitive about some subjects.
@@lukei6255I think they just think we're rude :) Second example?? If the neighbor is too loud, the Pole goes, knocks on the door and politely tells him to quiet down. This German example will simply call the police. These are the differences in our cultures. It's probably similar in movies. And it was most visible during Socialism, when everyone was outraged by the stupid things that were happening.
Imho political correctness is something different. It's more like "this joke has sexist or racist undertones (or is just sexist or racist), so if you say it, it might mean you believe in it" and then most people who are not racist or sexist will think twice about saying it. Even if a racist is politically correct, it might just mean they avoid talking aboit things that might get them disliked etc. (which is funny, "I'm racist but I don't want you to know because I know people dislike racists"), but for most people, political correctness is just "hey, don't be mean, other people have feelings too" "oh ok, right, sorry, won't happen again", not something inconsistent with their worldview. For example, most people who are not joking about chaining women to a kitchen cabinet are not doing that because they don't hate women, not because someone told them they'd be uncool if they did that. Some people do it for wrong reasons but f#ck them, at least we don't have to listen to that now.
@@tymondabrowski12 Sure, but look at the history. Racism - anti-Semitism... The Jewish nationality was brought to Poland by Casimir the Great in the 13th century. They were fleeing from Europe because they were murdered and oppressed there. What were the Jesuits doing in Europe? Great Britain and women's rights. In Poland, a woman could always inherit property in England only through the male line. Women's right to vote immediately after regaining independence in European countries many years later, for example in Switzerland, probably in the 1970s. You can talk a lot about racism and sexism, but it has no bearing on the facts. As you can see, these are just phrases taught in schools.
The whole of Poland cried with laughter watching this comedy. Our president told Putin not to shit himself after the start of the war in Ukraine .... People of the world should learn how to get their balls back, and how to regain their sense of humour.
Dude got scared at the funniest scene. That's the difference between Poland and the West. We used to laugh at things that are now forbidden in the civilized West, because someone's feelings might get hurt.
@Mert Pol remember that, firstly, it is a comedy, secondly, it was created when political correctness, at least in Europe, looked different (no one exaggerated as much as now and human races could be called by colors), thirdly, there may be some truth in it.
Political correctness notwithstanding, the character Pazura is playing is an AH throughout the movie. Spoiler ahead: * * * * * His aholeness gets him killed in the end.
I'm glad that comedy allows us to show the world in a distorting mirror. It allows you to bypass censorship. From today's perspective, this fragment is very racist. When I was in primary school in the 1990s, I learned about "black bambo", where there was no term racism, only a different culture that was accepted. Just like in Africa today, calling a person with light skin muzungu. It's good that you haven't seen Precinct 13, a series from the 90s that is even more exaggerated like the American series "Married With Children"
at that time there were no Black people in Poland so the Jokes were allowed, were not offending anyone real, like jokes about aliens... it sounds horrible nowadays
Death in Venice is a movie by the master of cinematography Luchino Visconti.🙂 It's a psychological drama based on the novel by Tomasz Mann. 😂😂🤣 The scene shown from the movie "Chłopaki nie płaczą - Lads Don't Cry" is taken out of the context of the entire situation. This is not a good choice.
Many great comedies were made at the time, 90s, 00s before Poland joined EU2004, Poles were enslaved aswell for hundreds of years abused by other neigbours, Poles were also corrupted just like in Africa, and as far as I know, "we never made slaves out of african people" thats we never hesitate, to use N words in native language I understand your confusion at some point, now it would be a big thing 😅 back in the days, we were watching movies with subtitles, kinda make me smile 😀
Chlopaki nie placza to dialogowe arcydzielo Olafa, Poranek Kojota tez byl bardzo dobry tekstowo, dalej juz bylo slabiej, ale te 2 filmy to juz klasyka polskiej komedii.
LoL.But someone sold you a troll. In this film, Pazura plays a college graduate who is pursuing a career as a prominent mafioso. However, he thinks of himself as smarter than he is. I suspect that there are many people in the West trained to "woke" and they will be outraged. Maybe you've thought about it yourself (congratulations on your courage to post this video)? Other than that, well. "Boys Don't Cry" is a cult comedy, a bit of a parody of gangster cinema. There are several iconic sayings from this film that function in everyday life. My favorite is "There are no bunkers. But it's still fucking awesome!" - after watching film, you will understand what I encourage you to do :) Regards!
hi there, its a great comedy, fully recommend to watch it. regarding slave trade - yes, indeed Africans used to sell fellow Africans. regarding the shock in your eyes at the end - bro this is Poland, political corectness does not exist. you wanna have political correctness - go to Germany :-) you will see a lot of this and also a lot of hypocrites
Ale tak jest prawda że handlarze niewolników szli na skróty bo musieli w tedy plemiona afrykańskie to miały liczebność w ludziach a nie to co teraz że dwie trzy chatki na krzyż i to wszystko tam ludu to było po kilka tysięcy mężczyzn nie licząc kobiet i dzieci więc w razie konfrontacji owi handlarze byli by bez szans mimo posiadanej broni palnej czarnoprochowej dla tego podstęp i negocjacje handlowe były naturalną rozsądną reakcją no chyba że chcieli zostać tam na zawsze w stanie odmiennym do żywego
You have to think of this movie as a Quentin Tarantino movie. The lyrics from this film are iconic in Poland. If you knew what he said about women in this movie :) There is almost no racism in Poland. If there is one racist attack a year, all the TV stations talk about it. Calm down, the blacks will take revenge at the end of the movie :)
To add some context to this scene, the movie is about polish mafia. The first guy is the son of mafia boss, who happens to be "too dumb to live" kind of person. The second guy (the one talking about africans) is a hitman. So this scene is when boss-daddy had to be late so he asked his son to keep the guests (hitmans) entertained until he arrives home.
Monty Python had no sanctity and they laughed at everything that was important to the English. Sometimes it was iconoclastic, but sometimes it showed some piece of truth. Today, their skits would not be politically correct, and they had to explain why. Poles are not racist and never have been. Read about Tadeusz Kościuszko's will, in which he orders to sell his property and pay for the freeing of as many slaves as possible, as well as for their education. His will was not executed by America's founding fathers (Thomas Jefferson). This is a comedy, so you have to watch the whole thing. This is a pastiche of gangster films and a mockery of this environment. There is another wonderful scene in which Bolc's father - Boss tells how he kidnapped the kid for ransom, but the family did not want to pay the ransom for him, they were even happy about it, so the young man stayed in the ganfgster's family and is treated as one of the sons. You have to see the whole thing. Let me remind you that, from today's point of view, Einstein and many prominent figures also had racist statements. And racial segregation in America continued into the 1970s. So they jumped off this bike not so long ago and now they are lecturing others about political correctness.
Z tego, co powiedziałeś, rozumiem, że prawdopodobnie nie wziąłeś pod uwagę, że ten film jest komedią i dlatego wypowiedzi bohaterów są napisane w taki sposób, że ludzie śmieją się z zachowań, słów i sytuacji, które są bardzo głupie, czasem niezgodne z logiką. . . . W tym przypadku jedną głupią wypowiedź tłumaczy się w filmie inną, równie głupią wypowiedzią, jest to też forma ośmieszenia niewłaściwej formy patriotyzmu, w dodatku scena przedstawia świat przestępczy, ludzi nie myślących normalnie i ten mroczny świat również, a może przede wszystkim, pozostaje w filmie wyśmiewany. Tak właśnie dzieje się z polskimi komediami przedstawiają pewne rzeczy w bezsensowny sposób, co czyni je śmiesznymi dla Polaków, ale nie na tyle bezsensownymi, aby ludzie w Polsce nie rozumieli tych bezsensownych ludzkich wad, które są pokazane w filmie. From what you said, I understand that you probably did not take into account that this movie is a comedy and that is why the characters' statements are written in such a way that people laugh at behaviors, words and situations that are very stupid, sometimes inconsistent with logic. . . . In this case, one stupid statement is explained in the film by another, equally stupid statement, it is also a form of ridicule of an inappropriate form of patriotism, in addition, the scene depicts the criminal world, people who do not think normally and this dark world also, and perhaps above all, remains in the film ridiculed. This is what happens with Polish comedies they present certain things in a nonsensical way, which makes them funny to Poles, but not so nonsensical that people in Poland do not understand these nonsensical human flaws that are shown in the film.
Ta kwestia jest prawdziwa.Skąd brano niewolników i kto tym się tym zajmował jest często poruszane też na youTube.W niewole mogłeś trafić np.za długi.Sprzedawał Cię twój wódz.Potem gdy czarni zrozumieli,że ktoś kupuje niewolników to zaczęli urządzać polowania na swoich braci i ich sprzedawać.Ludzie może nie wierzą w to co Pazura mówi w tym filmie bo ten film to komedia ale niestety taka jest prawda.W krajach arabskich wciąż jest legalne posiadanie niewolników.@@historiezesnu
bro they say true, no nice but true, in Poland people didnt know what it is racism, they have freedom of speach and everyone can say true and doesnt matter what is the true, like in this sample that is no nice but is true and it is history true
This is quite correct. Europeans didn't engage in slave hunting. They came and bought HEBAN as they called it from slave traders in Africa. Slavery exist still in Africa untill today , in Mauretania for example. So I think putting the blame on europieans alone is huge scum.By the way , they took slaves from western Africa for transport reasons.But eastern Africa was depopulated by Arabs wich nobody wants to remember today.Check it out.That's was more horryfic than going to America. I know it could be taken as a joke but in America slaves had oportunity to reproduce . In Arabic countries not . They were theated as a lifestock and castated and eliminated when useless. Hail Arabia!
You have to remember this is a character in the movie and in general he's a really awful fellow. While there's some truth to what he's saying (like many blacks were sold to slavery by other blacks) this movie doesn't make any statement or doesn't try to create a message or anything like this. This is a movie about gangsters and wanna be gangsters and people caught up in the mafia business against their will. Some of those guys are mostly positive, others mostly negative and some of them really awful. Also this movie was made in the 90s where gangs were on the front pages all the time and this movie talks about those times. There were people in love with everything that's Western and there were people who were racists. While this scene is classic, there are many more scenes which are way more funny and clever. This one might have some shock value to people who are very PC, but it's hardly the best scene in the movie. The movie has way more to offer.
This meant to be funny and is funny for many ;) Western people with some postcolonial issues (I guess) don't laugh :) why so serious? 🤡 EDIT: also it is funny because it is true…
On the other hand, it's good that Germans and the rest of the West are shackled by political correctness. Of course, we cannot allow ourselves to have these shackles imposed on us.
Hey, remember it's '90 movie, thus certain scenes may be shocking, like this one. Definitely watch the whole movie, scene with drunk policemen (1:18:20) is a masterpiece 😂
Let's bring some context to this film. Literally it sounds like a racist manifesto, but in fact this statement had something else in mind and is not racist but commenting on the reality of life in 1990s Poland. What it was about - this gangster film is about the 1990s in Poland. Tough times, lots of crime, mafias ruled the cities and infiltrated the world of politics and the Police (fortunately, over time, this problem was eradicated). Throughout Poland's poor 90s it was an easy social advancement to become a low-level gangster and that's what this speech is about. Around 2004-2007, petty crime decreased drastically in Poland. Why? A large percentage of people with minor legal troubles emigrated to EU countries. Poland then became a much safer country and frustrated people made a new life for themselves, de facto socialising abroad. Catching in the net in this case only allegorically describes slavery. Then and to some extent today, many Poles are convinced that they are slaves and that the black man is just a rhetorical figure. In Poland, even in the political debate there was no shortage of sentences that Poles "work for a bowl of rice" or that "Poland is abnormal" or that "uninformed people will buy everything (as promises)".
Dude your reaction is priceless. Its like you got scared of what you heard
Prawie zawału dostał :D
Dobrze ich na zachodzie tresują w politycznej poprawności
read... not heard
@@lukaszgos indeed
asking Polish did he seen this movie is like askin English did he ever drink a tea xD
"Guys dont cry" is a legendary comedy. And its a fact that some African chieftains or elites worked with Slave traders in the past to sold their own people.
There was entire black kingdom that lived from trading slaves, but rather sell people from other tribes.
Tak jak to robił Mieszko I ze swoimi. Czego obraz znajdziesz na drzwiach do katedry w Gnieźnie .
More likely nit „some” but „most of”.
@@user-hb9mz2hp2g It called Dahomery Empire.
not some of African chieftains...but most even all of them, when slave trade were banned by European powers that part of Africa got big recession and local states collapsed.
Fortunately, we did not have colonies in Africa or Asia, and we are not bound by "political correctness".
.... Nie wiem czy to dobrze, bo jeśli ktoś tak się cieszy że nie ma poprawności politycznej, to z doświadczenia wiem że ma poglądy tak pojebane że oczywiście że się cieszy.
There were a couple of attempts though: through acquisition St. Andrew and St. Mary's Islands, that lasted less than 50 years (now it's Kunta Kinteh, Gambia and Banjul - capital city in Gambia), as well as Tobago - that lasted around 27 years with breaks in between (at one point a neigboring Dutch colony on Tobago took over). It never worked because the cost of establishing and running a colony as well as transportation was higher for Poland than any gains we could get from them. Poland was much better in expanding through acquiring neighboring territories than overseas ones.
@@Divcia86for better or worse, those were not colonies of Poland or Commonwealth, but private enterprises of Prince of Curland (now part of Latvia). His little principality was a fiefdom of the Commonwealth, not a part of it. So you might say that Latvia had colonies, but Poland didn't ;)
@@d4n737 pewnie sam masz pojebane poglądy.
@@Divcia86it is also important to remember that Poland was importing black slaves who served for the royals like Stefan Batory and few rich landowners. But there were no slave markets in Poland as the slaves were bought in London etc. by the Jews from Poland. If we consider the situation of the Polish peasants situation it wasn't much different to a slavery and eventually was abolished by the Russian tsar in 1864, a year before the USA abolished its slavery in 1865.
W polskich komediach nie ma czegoś takiego jak poprawność polityczna 😉
*nie było
W tych starszych, jak najbardziej Testosteron chyba był taką ostatnia fajną komedią🤔 później zaczęli robić gnioty, zaczynając od Lejdis😵
@@83ganja83 nie
Śmiszek wprowadzi penalizację "mowy nienawiści" i się skończy.
Nie było 😢
"Chłopaki nie płaczą" ("Boys Don't Cry") is pretty much like polish "Pulp Fiction". There are lot of similarities between the two but director and screenwriter gave it it's own spin.
The Cure boys don't cry 😂😂😂
I always felt like it’s polish “Snatch”
"A historii tego swetra i tak byś nie zrozumiał"
:))))))))))). Your reaction is priceless ! :)))))) I don't think there's any nation in the world which can teach Polish people about freedom of speech :))) Poland fought for freedom to long to just accept political corectness. Btw, that movie is a comedy - not political statement.
Just to add to that, please remember this is a comedy from the last century - today this kind of humor, this kind of statement would not pass, but man ninetees were wild, we have just regained freedom, cut that some slack and just take it for what it is ;) we don't do this kind of movies anymore, we're becoming correct too ;)
Wolność słowa się skończy, jak Śmiszek wprowadzi kary za "mowę nienawiści".
Worth noting, the character played by Pazura is a villain.
People forget that fred is the black character of this story, so while we can debate on if he's right or wrong, he is not the character that was meant to be the voice of the common man watching the story.
Yep, we get it - they don't :) By "woke" people some words should not be said at all. In my opinion they are to stupid to see the context.@@wujekcientariposta
One of the BEST polish comedy movies (of last 20 years or so).
That's one damn good film, recomend to watch for sure
One of the top polish comedies mate! To understand this scene you would have to watch full film. Cezary Pazura is a bad guy. He tells the story about americans and slavery rough way because he is pissed off at the time. There is few important facts before this scene happens. To be true your reaction is a bit suprising for me. I believe it would be different if you watch more than 4 minutes. Its great gangster comedy! You would enjoy it!
It always amuses me when people from Western Europe or the USA get outraged at something that is currently taboo and which is an indisputable fact hahaha😂. What Cezary Pazura said in this movie about black people in the USA is a fact.
"Chlopaki nie placza" is just a classic (and awesome) polish comedy. Dont read to much in political spectrum there. All dialogs are there for laughs and sarcasm. You just gotten way to "serious". You gotta see the whole movie to catch the drift. Also, there are plenty of good comedies from taht era, like "Poranek kojota", "Killer 1 and 2" and so on. And ou need to remember the political climate that Poland enjoyed when those movie were maid.
He should also check out 'Dzień Świra'
@@JanKowalski-bm9rv Pelna zgoda 👍
Puśćcie mu fragment o kobietach i oraniu pola to padnie na zawał 😂
Biedny, wytresowany przez poprawność polityczną. Prawie dostał ataku serca, jak usłyszał prawdę od Pazury 😄
To co on usłyszał z tego filmu to nie rasizm, tylko sama prawda.
To nie jest prawda historyczna to pokazanie rasizmu,który przejawia się u Polaków i jeszcze ten tekst,że on też nie był w Ameryce ale zna kogoś kto był…właśnie tacy są Polacy.
@@magdalena7770 po 1, to bardzo dobrze, że tacy są Polacy, bo może to nas uchroni przed błędami zachodu.
Po 2, jest w tym monologu sporo prawdy.
Po 3, nie trzeba jechać do Stanów, żeby znać statystyki jakie wykręcają czarni.
tez to mi sie rzucilo odrazu, masakra, upada juz zachod na naszych oczach
Może bał się że go z Youtuba wypierdolą
this is one of better Polish comedies
To film z czasów kiedy sporo osób było zafascynowanych kulturą USA a szczególnie rapem i hiphopem. Ta opowieść to taka kontra do pozerstwa i stawiana innej kultury nad polską. Jest to mega śmieszna screena nawet dzisiaj tylko trzeba się uwolnić z narzuconych schematów myślenia, chociaż na tą jedną chwilę podczas oglądania filmu. Pozdrawiam.
Exactly! That's the whole point. The precise, literal message of Fred (Cezary Pazura) doesn't matter - this is a word of criticism against looking up on different cultures and trying to belong to them by any cost instead of appreciating one's own.
Aaa to teraz już nie ma tej fascynacji, to nie wiedziałem..W to m.fipmie nic nie ma z tego że jest stawianie innej kultury nad polską, to jest raczej hołd dla kina gangsterskiego i Pulp Fiction i satyra na polskie społeczeństwo, dialogi gniota jaja i cycki, jest to najlepsza polska komedia ever
Jasne, że widzieliśmy! Wszyscy widzieli! 😁 Don't take the slave trade scene too seriously. By the way, today it would be impossible even in a Polish film.
nie wszyscy
Poles are against all slavery, including the slavery of political correctness.
For our freedom and yours!
no it would not be impossible
To jest prawda
Jako polski murzyn na zmywaku wiem jedno,daleko nam do rasizmu.😮💨😁
jeśli w Polsce to szanuję, jeżeli na zmywaku za granicą, to wcale mi nie żal patologicznej emigracji
@@Anti_Immigrationco to wogole znaczy patologiczna imigracja? To jest jakaś inna w takim razie tak? Każdy ma swój mikrokosmos, ale sztuka to mieć świadomość że na nim świat się nie kończy. To, że Twoje życie się potoczyło tak, że nie musiałeś wyjeżdżać to nie znaczy, że każdy miał tak jak Ty i to jest jakieś patologiczne.
@@tymoteuszwaligura chodzilo mu o to, ze patologicznym jest, ze politycy z premedytacja "zmusili" miliony Polakow do emigracji.
@@Anti_Immigration co ty w ogóle bredzisz, drogi "anti-immigration"?
Great movie! One of the best polish comedy. I've watched this movie 15 times.
This movie is classic in Poland. It was really groundbreaking
Yeah, so that was intentionally dressed in comedic phrases, but generally it was pretty good explanation how it went down :)
White guys have only occasionally gone deep into the land. They usually stayed near their ships. It was very dangerous due to all kinds of new sickness one could catch and bring back to their own. So it was close to what Fred(Pazura's character) said. Blacks were enslaving blacks and later selling them to white people who then took them places(America mainly ;)). Clearly it's not that only weak were sold, because just because a country or a tribe lost war doesn't mean all it's members were useless, or weak.
Chłopaki Nie Płaczą is a literal gold mine of quotes. It's like our national treasure :P
To było cudowne
Chłopaki nia płaczą to klasyka! Polecam jeszcze obejrzeć "Poranek Kojota" oraz "Czas Surferów"!
E=MC2 jest o niebo lepsze od czasu surferów. czas surferów przypomina niskobudżetowe gówno zrealizowane trzy dekady za późno.
"Job ostatnia szara komórka" dla mnie też jest super, ale "Czas serferów" i pomysły Rysia to klasyk😁
@@paulanie14 Przecież "JOB" to zlepek nieśmiesznych żartów przedstawionych w formie scen aktorskich. Chyba jeden z głupszych polskich filmów.
@@bartoszjasinski co kto lubi, ja uwielbiam ten film właśnie za to, że jest głupkowaty i często żarty są trafione, np. tekst "zamszowe?nie,za swoje"😁
Na tym polega żart. Żaden z nich nie był w Stanach Zjednoczonych ale każdy wyobraża sobie Amerykę na własny sposób. Jeden jest niezbyt madry, ale kocha muzykę i widzi wartość, drugi jest gangsterem "twardzielem" i też mówi o czarnoskórych to, co sobie wymyślił. Pewnie tłumaczenie tego nie oddaje, ale Pazura mowi na początku " też nie byłem, ale znam kogoś, kto był i opowiedział mi to i owo" . Czyli spotyka się dwóch gości, ktorzy nic o Ameryce nie wiedzą i gadają bzdury, kazdy na swój sposób. Na tym polega fenomen tego filmu, zart jest wielowarstwowy, nie można tekstów traktować wprost, poważnie. Trzeba czytać kontekst. Dlatego to jest świetna komedia. Ani aktorzy, ani scenarzysta, ani reżyser nie są rasistami. To jest smiech z głupoty gangsterów, nie rasizm. Pozdrawiam 🙂
Tak, niemniej paradoksalnie Fred ma rację, gdyż faktycznie o czym politpoprawni zapominają, w handlu niewolnikami uczestniczyły często różne społeczności afrykańskie które wyprawiały się po niewolników w głąb Afryki dla Portugalczyków czy Hiszpanów,by sprzedawać ich z zyskiem.
Prym wiodło państwo Dahomej czy Yorubowie, którzy słynęli z bycia łowcami innych czarnych.
Także wbrew pozorom monolog Freda ma sporo prawdy.
Tak samo jak Hiszpanie którzy w Ameryce zniszczyli Azteków.
To też mit,bo było ich zbyt mało by podbić społeczność aztecka licząca kilka milionów mieszkańców.
Udało im się to bo przyłączyli się do nich inni indianie którzy mieli już dość Azteków i chcieli ich wytłuc w ramach zemsty za lata podbojów.
Historia nie jest tak oczywista jak próbuję się wmawiać.
O murzynach to jest akurat prawda.Często to już byli niewolnicy w wojnach plemiennych.Chciałeś kogoś pozbyć się ,wioskowego głupka,wroga itp.to sprzedawałeś go Holendrom.Wiadomo część tych ludzi to byli szlachetnie urodzeni z rodów królewskich.Niestety większość to byli ludzie sprzedani przez swoich współplemieńców,często też za długi.
@@Camel-from-Arabia Mówisz o historii. Czy uważasz, że obecna ciemnoskóra społeczność w Stanach Zjednoczonych powinna być postrzegana przez pryzmat niewolnictwa, chyba nie chcesz tego interpretować tak daleko...?
@@joannachrol1282 1. Napisałem, jak było zgodnie z rzeczywistością, bez politpoprawnosci, a czy się to komuś podoba czy nie, to jego zmartwienie, że fakty nie spełniają czyichś oczekiwań politycznych.
2. Los murzyńskiej społeczności w USA jest mi obojętny, tak samo jak los społeczeństwa rosyjskiego na Łotwie czy wietnamskiego w Chinach.
@@Camel-from-Arabiano więc nie, paradoksalnie Fred nie miał racji. Owszem, handel niewolnikami ma mało wspólnego z dzisiejszą polipoprawną jego wizją, ale to też nie znaczy, że Fred ma rację. Teza Freda jest taka, że dzisiejsi czarnoskórzy są nic nie warci, bo ich dalecy przodkowie to były pierdoły, co jest narracją uproszczoną do granic absurdu. To że pewne aspekty jego wypowiedzi mają pokrycie w historii, nie znaczy, że cała teza jest prawdziwa. Dzisiejsze problemy środowisk czarnoskórych nie wynikają z tego, że ich dalecy przodkowie byli lub nie byli pierdołami, jest bardzo wiele powodów takiej a nie innej sytuacji.
One big thing n-word and Polish "Murzyn" are not the same in Polish is not really a slur so translation is a little of. Also this is comedy in some sense is similar to "Jak byłem młody to też byłem murzynem i grałem w kosza" from movie "Miś" that is also a comedy gold.
I can see from your reaction that you are not "polonized" :) its about sense of humour without political correctness, I have a friend from UK who moved to Poland few years ago and learned polish, you can just feel that he is now polonized, he no longer cares about PC and told me that he feels strange when he visits UK nowadays. Poland has never colonized Arfica so we can look at this whole issue from a different perspective, and frankly speaking it looks funny.
this is a classic
Absolute classic - love this movie:)
Its definitely controversial analogy but its actually truth , also people who went to Africa to get slaves were just chilling by the beach , and who brought them the slaves? Other tribes , strongest tribes were enslaving and selling weaker tribes into slavery , to America and Middle East , and most of the time price for some1's head was as little as pack of smokes or some mirrors and seashells , word Slave was created from word Slav/Slavic cos before American slavery of Africans , people from most of Slavic countries been caught and sold off to Middle east as slaves and was happening for good 400 years if not longer
Po spędzeniu kilku lat w UK obawiałem się reakcji w stylu... poczucia winy. Dla odreagowania polecam serial "1670" gdzie Polacy śmieją się z samych siebie. 😁
Ale to tylko te same świnie, co siedzą w kinie na "Granicy" Agnieszki Holland się tam śmieją z polskiej tradycji szlacheckiej i historii w ogóle, jako źródła patriotyzmu i więzów krwi, z honorem odnosząc się do przodków, których krwią przesiąknięta jest nasza polska ziemia.
I knew that for you, as a British person, the truth told in such a direct and strong way would be a bit shocking :P
And another thing is that in Poland we would rather think - this is a movie plot, no-one expects movie characters to explain historical issues as they were, because it's not the point of the movie. So we're like: ah, whatever he says. And if someone would tell that story to another person as pure historical facts, there would would be a lot of laughter and comments like: "do you really educate yourself in the field of history by watching such movies? that's ridiculous!" But for Americans or even British it's like pro-racist promotion of wrong historical outlook, and nobody would blame that person, who "learns history" from such scenes, but rather the people who came up with this movie. So that's a massive difference.
Stare dobre Polskie filmy 💪
Best movie scene ever!
Mert, you should watch "Boys Don't Cry" with a Pole in their 40s who will explain the backstage of life in the 90s to you. It's not a racist movie. The film depicts how old gangsters were serious and had principles, pretending to be tough guys like Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger. The young people from those times are slackers, lacking principles, and influenced mainly by Western culture, especially the USA.
Pazura is playing here the gangster, it is chat between criminals, so I guess it wasn't intentioned to spread the truth about slavery, more to point out how depraved this dude is, and the same time to mock a bit fascination of young Poles on especially rap style, obviously nowadays noone of directors would put such dialogue in the scenario for obvious reasons (the movie was made in 90's). 'Chlopaki nie placza (boys don't cry)' is legendary comedy in Poland, many of sayings from this film is still is used in common language. I recommend to watch all the movie if you are resistant for some level of political incorrectness.
Is good film. True story 😅
Thank You, this is my BEEEST polish comedy.
Best polish comedy. Of course, completely unacceptable rhetoric in those days, but those were still years, thankfully, where political correctness was almost non-existent.
heheeheh xDDDDDD on nie wiedział na co się pisze :D
To jest Polska klasyka 😅 Pozdrowienia !!!
OOOOOOO.This scene may not be a good advertisement for a great movie. But you have to see the whole movie to understand this scene. The mobster character played by Pazura is angry with everyone around him throughout the film and treats everyone arrogantly and with contempt, even his partner. It is his characteristic. On the contrary, the Blond Mafian, who doesn't really want to be a mafia, admires black culture in such a way that it's ridiculous. So the Pazura-mafia said his line mainly to humiliate the blond mobster. Pazura pays for his arrogance in the film in the end.....I definitely recommend watching it, a very good comedy.
The movie is awesome, it really is. What you see is an episode. There is no such content about African-Americans further in this video. Be sure to watch it because it's super funny. As for the terror in your eyes. Poles are like that. There are no taboo conversations here. If someone doesn't like something, they will just say it to your face - Europeans consider it rude. But in Europe, most people have a different worldview than what they say officially because of political correctness. This is just terrifying for us. Let me give you an example. Emigrants... Poles took 3 million Ukrainians into their homes, there were no refugee camps. There is a vlog on TH-cam, probably from Germany. The reporter asks people if they would welcome an emigrant to their home and the answer was yes, of course they are brothers, etc. And suddenly the emigrant comes out and asks for hospitality and then the German runs away from the camera. This lack of sincerity is terrifying to me.
If you like the movie, watch it.
Very true. I would say we don't sugarcoat things like English or Americans. I think most Europeans are ok with us except the British who get offended easily and are super sensitive about some subjects.
@@lukei6255I think they just think we're rude :) Second example?? If the neighbor is too loud, the Pole goes, knocks on the door and politely tells him to quiet down. This German example will simply call the police. These are the differences in our cultures.
It's probably similar in movies. And it was most visible during Socialism, when everyone was outraged by the stupid things that were happening.
Imho political correctness is something different. It's more like "this joke has sexist or racist undertones (or is just sexist or racist), so if you say it, it might mean you believe in it" and then most people who are not racist or sexist will think twice about saying it. Even if a racist is politically correct, it might just mean they avoid talking aboit things that might get them disliked etc. (which is funny, "I'm racist but I don't want you to know because I know people dislike racists"), but for most people, political correctness is just "hey, don't be mean, other people have feelings too" "oh ok, right, sorry, won't happen again", not something inconsistent with their worldview. For example, most people who are not joking about chaining women to a kitchen cabinet are not doing that because they don't hate women, not because someone told them they'd be uncool if they did that. Some people do it for wrong reasons but f#ck them, at least we don't have to listen to that now.
@@tymondabrowski12 Sure, but look at the history. Racism - anti-Semitism... The Jewish nationality was brought to Poland by Casimir the Great in the 13th century. They were fleeing from Europe because they were murdered and oppressed there. What were the Jesuits doing in Europe? Great Britain and women's rights. In Poland, a woman could always inherit property in England only through the male line. Women's right to vote immediately after regaining independence in European countries many years later, for example in Switzerland, probably in the 1970s. You can talk a lot about racism and sexism, but it has no bearing on the facts. As you can see, these are just phrases taught in schools.
@@tymondabrowski12 does it mean those who are offended or don't tell jokes about pedophiles are pedophiles???
he English have mastered the art of removing hot potatoes from the fire with other people's hands.That's why they praise Poland to the skies
The whole of Poland cried with laughter watching this comedy. Our president told Putin not to shit himself after the start of the war in Ukraine .... People of the world should learn how to get their balls back, and how to regain their sense of humour.
I love this movie🤣🤣🤣
Prześlijcie to innym najlepiej afroamerykaną hahaha chce zobaczyć więcej reakcji tego fragmentu hahahaha xd Jaki ból d...
Hey. I recomended it earlier, don't know if you saw. "America first, Poland firster" is a funny movie with a dose of a dark humor on youtube. :)
Fun fact: the word "Murzyn" back then was a regular word which meant a black person, and it is considered racist nowadays.
Dude got scared at the funniest scene. That's the difference between Poland and the West. We used to laugh at things that are now forbidden in the civilized West, because someone's feelings might get hurt.
Someone below is right, you somehow missed America first Poland firster! Absolute must, I'd love to see your face !
Joke shouldn't be explained :D so don't do it :D this is black humor from 90 where it was available to say some thing like that ;)
Its funy caus its truth XD
@Mert Pol remember that, firstly, it is a comedy, secondly, it was created when political correctness, at least in Europe, looked different (no one exaggerated as much as now and human races could be called by colors), thirdly, there may be some truth in it.
Szczera prawda
He didn't dare to laugh hahaha
Political correctness notwithstanding, the character Pazura is playing is an AH throughout the movie.
Spoiler ahead:
His aholeness gets him killed in the end.
He got resurrected in a point and click computer game which was a sequel to the movie 😉
You should see entire movie its hilarious
You should watch entire movie. It's great 😁
Jak to się u nas mówi "zesrał się i śmierdzi mu w dupie". Za mocne na typa :)
I'm glad that comedy allows us to show the world in a distorting mirror. It allows you to bypass censorship. From today's perspective, this fragment is very racist. When I was in primary school in the 1990s, I learned about "black bambo", where there was no term racism, only a different culture that was accepted. Just like in Africa today, calling a person with light skin muzungu. It's good that you haven't seen Precinct 13, a series from the 90s that is even more exaggerated like the American series "Married With Children"
I don't think BBC would play this clip 🤣
czarni sprzedawali czarnych, to są handlarze niewolników oraz własnej rasy, a białych wrzuca się do jednego worka z handlarzami białej karnacji.
I've seen a few of your videos :) I was about to go out now but I saw this one uploaded oh my days hahahaha this clip is a legend
So true
at that time there were no Black people in Poland so the Jokes were allowed, were not offending anyone real, like jokes about aliens... it sounds horrible nowadays
I saw this movie 1000 times :D
Death in Venice is a movie by the master of cinematography Luchino Visconti.🙂 It's a psychological drama based on the novel by Tomasz Mann. 😂😂🤣 The scene shown from the movie "Chłopaki nie płaczą - Lads Don't Cry" is taken out of the context of the entire situation. This is not a good choice.
"guys don't cry" great movie 😁
Hahahahaha ‚Boys dont cry’ great 90’ comedy movie by Olaf Lubaszenko.
Many great comedies were made at the time, 90s, 00s before Poland joined EU2004, Poles were enslaved aswell for hundreds of years abused by other neigbours, Poles were also corrupted just like in Africa, and as far as I know, "we never made slaves out of african people" thats we never hesitate, to use N words in native language
I understand your confusion at some point, now it would be a big thing 😅
back in the days, we were watching movies with subtitles, kinda make me smile 😀
Chlopaki nie placza to dialogowe arcydzielo Olafa, Poranek Kojota tez byl bardzo dobry tekstowo, dalej juz bylo slabiej, ale te 2 filmy to juz klasyka polskiej komedii.
LoL.But someone sold you a troll. In this film, Pazura plays a college graduate who is pursuing a career as a prominent mafioso. However, he thinks of himself as smarter than he is. I suspect that there are many people in the West trained to "woke" and they will be outraged. Maybe you've thought about it yourself (congratulations on your courage to post this video)?
Other than that, well. "Boys Don't Cry" is a cult comedy, a bit of a parody of gangster cinema. There are several iconic sayings from this film that function in everyday life. My favorite is "There are no bunkers. But it's still fucking awesome!" - after watching film, you will understand what I encourage you to do :)
hi there, its a great comedy, fully recommend to watch it. regarding slave trade - yes, indeed Africans used to sell fellow Africans. regarding the shock in your eyes at the end - bro this is Poland, political corectness does not exist. you wanna have political correctness - go to Germany :-) you will see a lot of this and also a lot of hypocrites
ha ha good scene. check: Chłopaki nie płaczą - historia swetra 😁
Ale tak jest prawda że handlarze niewolników szli na skróty bo musieli w tedy plemiona afrykańskie to miały liczebność w ludziach a nie to co teraz że dwie trzy chatki na krzyż i to wszystko tam ludu to było po kilka tysięcy mężczyzn nie licząc kobiet i dzieci więc w razie konfrontacji owi handlarze byli by bez szans mimo posiadanej broni palnej czarnoprochowej dla tego podstęp i negocjacje handlowe były naturalną rozsądną reakcją no chyba że chcieli zostać tam na zawsze w stanie odmiennym do żywego
You have to think of this movie as a Quentin Tarantino movie. The lyrics from this film are iconic in Poland. If you knew what he said about women in this movie :) There is almost no racism in Poland. If there is one racist attack a year, all the TV stations talk about it. Calm down, the blacks will take revenge at the end of the movie :)
To add some context to this scene, the movie is about polish mafia.
The first guy is the son of mafia boss, who happens to be "too dumb to live" kind of person.
The second guy (the one talking about africans) is a hitman.
So this scene is when boss-daddy had to be late so he asked his son to keep the guests (hitmans) entertained until he arrives home.
Monty Python had no sanctity and they laughed at everything that was important to the English. Sometimes it was iconoclastic, but sometimes it showed some piece of truth. Today, their skits would not be politically correct, and they had to explain why.
Poles are not racist and never have been. Read about Tadeusz Kościuszko's will, in which he orders to sell his property and pay for the freeing of as many slaves as possible, as well as for their education.
His will was not executed by America's founding fathers (Thomas Jefferson).
This is a comedy, so you have to watch the whole thing. This is a pastiche of gangster films and a mockery of this environment. There is another wonderful scene in which Bolc's father - Boss tells how he kidnapped the kid for ransom, but the family did not want to pay the ransom for him, they were even happy about it, so the young man stayed in the ganfgster's family and is treated as one of the sons. You have to see the whole thing.
Let me remind you that, from today's point of view, Einstein and many prominent figures also had racist statements. And racial segregation in America continued into the 1970s. So they jumped off this bike not so long ago and now they are lecturing others about political correctness.
Z tego, co powiedziałeś, rozumiem, że prawdopodobnie nie wziąłeś pod uwagę, że ten film jest komedią i dlatego wypowiedzi bohaterów są napisane w taki sposób, że ludzie śmieją się z zachowań, słów i sytuacji, które są bardzo głupie, czasem niezgodne z logiką. . . . W tym przypadku jedną głupią wypowiedź tłumaczy się w filmie inną, równie głupią wypowiedzią, jest to też forma ośmieszenia niewłaściwej formy patriotyzmu, w dodatku scena przedstawia świat przestępczy, ludzi nie myślących normalnie i ten mroczny świat również, a może przede wszystkim, pozostaje w filmie wyśmiewany.
Tak właśnie dzieje się z polskimi komediami
przedstawiają pewne rzeczy w bezsensowny sposób, co czyni je śmiesznymi dla Polaków, ale nie na tyle bezsensownymi, aby ludzie w Polsce nie rozumieli tych bezsensownych ludzkich wad, które są pokazane w filmie.
From what you said, I understand that you probably did not take into account that this movie is a comedy and that is why the characters' statements are written in such a way that people laugh at behaviors, words and situations that are very stupid, sometimes inconsistent with logic. . . . In this case, one stupid statement is explained in the film by another, equally stupid statement, it is also a form of ridicule of an inappropriate form of patriotism, in addition, the scene depicts the criminal world, people who do not think normally and this dark world also, and perhaps above all, remains in the film ridiculed.
This is what happens with Polish comedies
they present certain things in a nonsensical way, which makes them funny to Poles, but not so nonsensical that people in Poland do not understand these nonsensical human flaws that are shown in the film.
Polecam Ci film Amistad. Zrozumiesz kto to byli ci niewolnicy przywożeni na statkach.
@@xxxxxx-n4s2h skąd pewność że film pokazuje prawdę ? Gdzie , mam go właściwie oglądać w całości ?
Ta kwestia jest prawdziwa.Skąd brano niewolników i kto tym się tym zajmował jest często poruszane też na youTube.W niewole mogłeś trafić np.za długi.Sprzedawał Cię twój wódz.Potem gdy czarni zrozumieli,że ktoś kupuje niewolników to zaczęli urządzać polowania na swoich braci i ich sprzedawać.Ludzie może nie wierzą w to co Pazura mówi w tym filmie bo ten film to komedia ale niestety taka jest prawda.W krajach arabskich wciąż jest legalne posiadanie niewolników.@@historiezesnu
bro they say true, no nice but true, in Poland people didnt know what it is racism, they have freedom of speach and everyone can say true and doesnt matter what is the true, like in this sample that is no nice but is true and it is history true
This is quite correct. Europeans didn't engage in slave hunting. They came and bought HEBAN as they called it from slave traders in Africa. Slavery exist still in Africa untill today , in Mauretania for example. So I think putting the blame on europieans alone is huge scum.By the way , they took slaves from western Africa for transport reasons.But eastern Africa was depopulated by Arabs wich nobody wants to remember today.Check it out.That's was more horryfic than going to America. I know it could be taken as a joke but in America slaves had oportunity to reproduce . In Arabic countries not . They were theated as a lifestock and castated and eliminated when useless. Hail Arabia!
Thanks 😊
I see fear in your eyes after this scene.But why?
Good movie says true...
Historical fact.
You have to remember this is a character in the movie and in general he's a really awful fellow. While there's some truth to what he's saying (like many blacks were sold to slavery by other blacks) this movie doesn't make any statement or doesn't try to create a message or anything like this. This is a movie about gangsters and wanna be gangsters and people caught up in the mafia business against their will. Some of those guys are mostly positive, others mostly negative and some of them really awful.
Also this movie was made in the 90s where gangs were on the front pages all the time and this movie talks about those times. There were people in love with everything that's Western and there were people who were racists.
While this scene is classic, there are many more scenes which are way more funny and clever. This one might have some shock value to people who are very PC, but it's hardly the best scene in the movie. The movie has way more to offer.
Ale się zapowietrzył :)
XD kocham to
This meant to be funny and is funny for many ;) Western people with some postcolonial issues (I guess) don't laugh :)
why so serious? 🤡
EDIT: also it is funny because it is true…
On the other hand, it's good that Germans and the rest of the West are shackled by political correctness.
Of course, we cannot allow ourselves to have these shackles imposed on us.
it is not true. People wanted to buy strong slaves, not weak and sick ones. Learn the history of slave trade.
Rewelacyjny film ze swietnym poczuciem humoru.
The scene is a bit out of context. You should have played the scene leading up to it. It would make more sense.
"Comedy is a tragedy that happened to someone else"
To be fair, the character played by Pazura is the most negative character in the whole movie, he is just a dickhead who look down on everyone ;p
maybe thats why he is named Fred?
Hey, remember it's '90 movie, thus certain scenes may be shocking, like this one. Definitely watch the whole movie, scene with drunk policemen (1:18:20) is a masterpiece 😂
Great movie. Really funny, despite the politically incorrect part. I highly recommend
Let's bring some context to this film.
Literally it sounds like a racist manifesto, but in fact this statement had something else in mind and is not racist but commenting on the reality of life in 1990s Poland.
What it was about - this gangster film is about the 1990s in Poland. Tough times, lots of crime, mafias ruled the cities and infiltrated the world of politics and the Police (fortunately, over time, this problem was eradicated).
Throughout Poland's poor 90s it was an easy social advancement to become a low-level gangster and that's what this speech is about.
Around 2004-2007, petty crime decreased drastically in Poland. Why? A large percentage of people with minor legal troubles emigrated to EU countries. Poland then became a much safer country and frustrated people made a new life for themselves, de facto socialising abroad.
Catching in the net in this case only allegorically describes slavery. Then and to some extent today, many Poles are convinced that they are slaves and that the black man is just a rhetorical figure.
In Poland, even in the political debate there was no shortage of sentences that Poles "work for a bowl of rice" or that "Poland is abnormal" or that "uninformed people will buy everything (as promises)".
In Warsaw you can find a football club named Coco Jambo :D