For us synchronisation with the backend is the vital piece that is missing from here and it's hinted at towards the end. So I guess that's a bigger subject for another talk. I am also sure that Service Workers are a Chrome only feature? Does this mean each vendor will be providing their own 'version' of a Service worker or are W3C going to adopt and make it a standard. If so... how long before that happens! All in all, I like the way it is going. Web apps are the future in my opinion. I just wish we could speed up the journey to that future!
For us synchronisation with the backend is the vital piece that is missing from here and it's hinted at towards the end. So I guess that's a bigger subject for another talk. I am also sure that Service Workers are a Chrome only feature? Does this mean each vendor will be providing their own 'version' of a Service worker or are W3C going to adopt and make it a standard. If so... how long before that happens! All in all, I like the way it is going. Web apps are the future in my opinion. I just wish we could speed up the journey to that future!
How much can the service worker put in a cache? Can it save mp3's as blobs?
omg. we neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed thisssssssssssssssss badlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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