He mentions how most browsers do this on multi-threads in async.. Therefore it's actually a big performance boost by leveraging the browser's capability.
Rob Dodson addresses this in his "Let’s build some apps with Polymer!" talk (at the 21 minute mark). Basically, like CSS and JS, you can just merge those imports. There is a Node module for that called Vulcanize. There are also Grunt and Gulp tasks for that.
so this is directive in angularjs?
Aren't imports kinda bad for performance because end result does a lot more requests to the server then it would without them?
He mentions how most browsers do this on multi-threads in async.. Therefore it's actually a big performance boost by leveraging the browser's capability.
Rob Dodson addresses this in his "Let’s build some apps with Polymer!" talk (at the 21 minute mark). Basically, like CSS and JS, you can just merge those imports. There is a Node module for that called Vulcanize. There are also Grunt and Gulp tasks for that.
awesome talk
Very enthusiastic. Too bad it didn't really work out, with very limited application for very simple reusable components