So Shawn wasn't out of the country, and did actually have a cell phone - but he was perfectly fine with his mother not knowing the truth. Sounds like he couldn't confront his mother directly himself and let Bettie play the gatekeeper between them. Heh.
Jaeda doesn't stand a chance against a witch with love potion #9. So Jaeda is having steamy convos with Shawn's Mom? 💘 EMBARASSING!🤣
So Shawn wasn't out of the country, and did actually have a cell phone - but he was perfectly fine with his mother not knowing the truth.
Sounds like he couldn't confront his mother directly himself and let Bettie play the gatekeeper between them.
OP over here being a full on exhibition of what a loving supportive equal partner looks like
That was an interesting twist! Barbara wanted to control her son so she tried to set him up with a dil she could control too.
Loved this story. Smart wife 😂
A new story with my favorite voice actress!
Someone sounds totally delusional and needs therapy. Ok, two need therapy. A lot of people don't have whatsapp. Good story. Omg I love that ending.😅
Barbra hope you and Jada enjoy your time together in jail.
A couple of crazy people who thought they could get their way
‘Mental gymnastics’? I am so saving those words for a rainy day 😂
If hes already married he can't legally marry someone else.
Great story, good voices but please make the background music softer!!!!
The vpice actors are the best.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂laughing my head of here
Soon as they said jada I'm like yeeeeep another psycho narcissistic liar with the same name lmao
At least this one didn't sleep with their son's barely legal friend.
Thank god Shawn is still loyal to the op
You need to move my favorite voice actors BACK to the other channels OR add more stories to this channel!
What a plot twist
My fav fab VA!!
I was enjoying the pink rooms in the background!!