Emily, I'm 60 years old and just can't break the habit of using Q-tips about once or twice a week. And since I began wearing hearing aids 5 years ago, I tend to get more earwax buildup. I mentioned this to my ENT doctor, who strongly discourages using Q-tips. However, he said that if I really can't break this habit that I need to be extremely cautious and not put it too far in the ear canal. I try my very best to always do this.
Emily, I'm 60 years old and just can't break the habit of using Q-tips about once or twice a week. And since I began wearing hearing aids 5 years ago, I tend to get more earwax buildup. I mentioned this to my ENT doctor, who strongly discourages using Q-tips. However, he said that if I really can't break this habit that I need to be extremely cautious and not put it too far in the ear canal. I try my very best to always do this.
Honestly, this maybe the one vice I have left. My ears so enjoy a q-tip. This would be a hard one to stop. Agree on the bad parts of them....
Yes!! It is nice to have clean ears!!
Sir-roomin? I always thought it was pronouced Sair-men (like that eyeball things from LOTR)
We could both be right!