I've just installed a tray and two panels. It was the first time of using panels and whilst it looks a very attractive method and there are manufacturers' videos showing how easy it is, the truth is there is only one circumstance in which installing panels is easy. That circumstance is where the tray is perfectly level and the walls are a) flat and b) vertical (which makes the corner exactly 90 degrees). So if you can work to that accuracy, fine go ahead, installing the panels is a piece of cake. If you can't work to the accuracy required, the job becomes a 'nightmare'. Working with large tiles has much more tolerance and you will still be sane at the end of the job.... :) :)
I've just installed a tray and two panels. It was the first time of using panels and whilst it looks a very attractive method and there are manufacturers' videos showing how easy it is, the truth is there is only one circumstance in which installing panels is easy. That circumstance is where the tray is perfectly level and the walls are a) flat and b) vertical (which makes the corner exactly 90 degrees). So if you can work to that accuracy, fine go ahead, installing the panels is a piece of cake. If you can't work to the accuracy required, the job becomes a 'nightmare'. Working with large tiles has much more tolerance and you will still be sane at the end of the job.... :) :)
Hi. What do you use on the walls for putting the cladding on? I.e aquaboard
where can you buy these in USA?
buen video
سلام 🇮🇷👍👍
Can anyone fit this for me
Where did you live