Nicaragua’s Canal Conundrum: China’s One Percent Solution

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 90

  • @thomasmackelly7685
    @thomasmackelly7685 8 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Any Nicaraguan who thinks that the cash flow from this canal will just flow to the people need to wake up and wake up fast. It will benefit the Oligarchs, not the people and that's a damn shame.

  • @garciacontracting
    @garciacontracting 8 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    So what, let Nicaragua have their CanalJobs and progress

    • @hongpakfoo9823
      @hongpakfoo9823 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @donaldflores96
    @donaldflores96 9 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    This video really really does not want Nicaragua to Built the Canal!

  • @evenorg.7757
    @evenorg.7757 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Nicaragua is not for sale.

  • @leehucktee7888
    @leehucktee7888 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It is difficult to believe that the country is so poor when many people are not thin in fact they are obese.

    • @MariaRamirez-cb6pq
      @MariaRamirez-cb6pq 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Lee Huck Tee hahaaha its because they eat diets high in carbs rice beans tortillas lots of fried should know by now it’s pretty cheap to be fat

  • @Ten4Ten4
    @Ten4Ten4 9 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Nicaragua is so poor that they were asked by the government to eat Iguanas during the last drought that hit the country. Any economic project will always have environmental impact. If one is against the canal because of "environmental destruction", I have a word for you; POVERTY. Nicaragua is not the affluent US, Canada or Western Europe, this is the 2nd poorest in Latin America and they cut woods to burn for cooking and pollute the freshwater lake by dumping their personal waste over there. Saw it with my very own eyes and smelled it with my very own nose. If you have another plan to uplift the nation please act now before the poverty induced environmental destruction will wiped out the fish and the trees.

    • @natronemul2358
      @natronemul2358 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      how about a cross country highway?

    • @MariaRamirez-cb6pq
      @MariaRamirez-cb6pq 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Do you live in Nicaragua?

    • @MrsRicii
      @MrsRicii 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      first of all.. eating iguanas might sound terrible to us, but in parts of nicaragua this is very much normal, even when there is no drought. and do you really think that any of the money thats made from this canal will go to the people of nicaragua? just look at the situation in nicaragua right now.. ortega, once a socialist, has now become a corrupt dictator who does not care one bit about the people in his country. this canal will greatly benefit china and very few influencial nicaraguenses, but that's about it. no farmer will profit, no worker will find a better job, the poverty in nicaragua won't be ended by this canal. don't be fooled here. and while you are right that many of the nicaraguan people pollute the lake and harm the environment, that harm does still not compare to the destruction the canal would bring. the lake nicaragua is the biggest source of fresh water in central america. the canal would pollute the water with saltwater. that kind of pollution is irreversible and affects the whole lake including the ecosystem in and around it.
      also, I highly doubt that 50,000 nicaragüenses will be part of the construction of the canal. a canal this big is not going to be built with shovels or the help of horses. but where do you find 50,000 nicaraguan workers that have the skill set to work with huge diggers or to assist in the development of the construction plans? of course this huge company is going to bring their own workers, they don't want to spend any time or money on training local workers. and while it may be true that some people might find a new job due to the expanding of tourism and international trades, that still won't help the country's overall situation. a few thousand people might find new or better jobs to provide for themselves and a few thousand people will lose their land, their homes and the jobs they had to provide for themselves, due to the relocation that has been enforced on them. if anything, it's just going to balance itself out again.
      and if the government doesn't take the money they make from this canal to invest in the school system, the health care or the local infrastructure, nothing about the poverty in nicaragua will change in the long run. to fight poverty people need a better education, they need a working health care system and welfare. none of those things will be achieved just because a very small percentage of nicaragüenses finds a job that pays a little bit better than the one they had before. the nicaraguan government won't use the money for the public needs. ortega and a few others will put the money into their very own pockets. and by the way - the law specifically made for the canal says that for the next ten years, nicaragua will receive an estimated 10 million USD per year for the canal. no politician can honestly believe that an amount this little will make a change in a country as poor as nicaragua. this whole thing is a scam and everybody knows it. the profiteers just don't want to publicly admit it. I lived in nicaragua for a year and I have seen the problems they have. 10 million USD a year of which only a fraction will actually get to the people will not have a valuable impact.

    • @jamallabarge2665
      @jamallabarge2665 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      After the "La Pinata" following the end of the first Sandinista rule I think we can be confident that they will take a "bite" from the new canal.
      The Chinese, of course, will enjoy most of the benefits.
      I think in the long run that we Americans will benefit from this new canal. We will have an easier time shipping items from our East Coast to our West Coast.
      Lake Nicaragua? Would be a shame if it were contaminated by sea water. Especially if the salt water gets into the Nicaraguan aquifers.
      As they say in China, "Time will tell".

  • @rapier1954
    @rapier1954 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    2017 and nothing is happening and if it does there will be an ecological disaster because Lake Nicaragua is too shallow. From what I have read the Chinese company doesn't have the money.

  • @Stacie45
    @Stacie45 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    This project may find more difficulty being profitable than expected. Not only has the Panama Canal been modernized, widened and deepened to handle more and larger ships, but if climate change is to be believed there will be less Arctic sea ice each year as well. The Northwest Passage is a shorter route than Panama between Western Europe and East Asia. If it becomes ice free year round it would be the most efficient shipping route for a large quantity of global shipping. You cannot make money charging transit fees if the ships go elsewhere and do not queue up at the entrance to your canal.

  • @sstchan924
    @sstchan924 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    The poorest country in South America when offered a helping hand resists it instead of negotiating a favorable deal. It is the US intention all along. When the Three Gorges Dam was constructed millions inhabitants, farmers had to give up their homes and farms as well as historicalsite to higher ground. The western city, Chongqing, was a backward town at the far end of the dam project . Now it has become the most modern, eco friendly metropolis in wester China. In a grossly underdeveloped country NIMBY should not play a major stumbling roadblock to national progress.

  • @brucesimpson7169
    @brucesimpson7169 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    The billionaire is now a millionaire and the canal is on hold. It was a good deal for Daniel and family but not for the people. His sons went to school in San Jose CR. Driving a new Mercedez etc. Real nice. I was there, i saw it.

  • @norbertoperez2785
    @norbertoperez2785 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    The U.S. used to be an Atlantic Ocean economy, now a Pacific Ocean economy; this canal will turn the U.S. into a Gulf economy.

  • @LinusLowks
    @LinusLowks 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Did the people of the Panama had a chance to protest???? They were robbed whole sale.

  • @herdezarm
    @herdezarm 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Para visualizar el futuro del canal de nicaragua es incierto para el pueblo de nicaragua para los empresariso es obtener los recursos de la inversión a costa de la explotación del pueblo de nicaragua no creo que les pagen los mejores sueldos que se pagan en el canal de panama, les pagara un salario mucho menor y la construcción del canal si va provocar desastres . daños ecológicos al ecosistema y biodiversidad, dela flora y fauna en general y eso no se recupera con todo el oro del mundo y nicaragua no esta preparada para proteger sus ecosistemas, al gobierno de nicaragua solo le interesa el dinero y su bienestar de los que gobiernan el país.

  • @Hhhhhhia123
    @Hhhhhhia123 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Desafortunadamente a China le está lleno de la patada económicamente y creo que el Canal no va

  • @LUKKA2020
    @LUKKA2020 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    There will be no canal !

    • @luisperez4377
      @luisperez4377 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It not up to you about the canal

    • @wisikahn
      @wisikahn 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      LUKKA2020 And send your wife and daughters for postitution for protecting birds and flowers. B.S. on you.

    • @wisikahn
      @wisikahn 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      LUKKA2020 you know it's your fabrication.

    • @wisikahn
      @wisikahn 9 ปีที่แล้ว

      LUKKA2020 You will. not me.

    • @ismaelk113
      @ismaelk113 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      LUKKA2020 es preferible que millones de nicaraguanses salgan de la pobreza, gracias al canal que están construyendo los chinos, a que unos cuantos de miles de campesinos sigan viviendo de la pesca y la agricultura.

  • @jamallabarge2665
    @jamallabarge2665 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    What happens in Nicaragua is the affair of the Nicaraguan people.
    We Americans have done quite enough down there. I was peripherally involved in the Contra wars. Today I would have kept hands off of Nicaragua. Young people are allowed to be stupid, not older men.

  • @WallaceRoseVincent
    @WallaceRoseVincent 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you! Wow, in the comments you can see the political forces that are against opening up and giving clarity to the project. Fantastic reporting! Be safe out there. Your efforts are appreciated. Great job!

  • @MegaRaton08
    @MegaRaton08 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Once people start seeing all benefits they will change their mind for the their own good.

    • @hongpakfoo9823
      @hongpakfoo9823 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Let the project start n employ Nicas then others unemploy Nicas will open their eyes.

  • @aazzz073
    @aazzz073 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Im from Nicaragua
    and i know that the investor will explote the labour and they will make millions and millions of dollars witch the investor will put in there packets
    so also this proyect will destroy many farmers
    no matter how much money they are going to get pay for their land
    will help then to survive
    money will go easy bye bye
    but if have the land you can still surviving

  • @marcomichaud5809
    @marcomichaud5809 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    I laugh so much when I heard M. Ortega say that this money will help iradicate poverty.. YEAH RIGHT! Shit, there is already a canal in Panama. Why destroy such a wonderful place?

  • @manuel8255
    @manuel8255 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Really good reporting. Thanks.

  • @iatenorio
    @iatenorio 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Coming from a Nicaraguan, the investigative report is true to our nation's reality. I invite any person with real interest on this subject, to read the online versions of the the three major online Nicaraguan newspapers, La Prensa, El Nuevo Diario and Confidencial, they all agree with what this report explains.

    • @abrahamg3354
      @abrahamg3354 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      drinking water will be so expensive.and Chinas will continue buying more land.Danny Ortega should Ask for 800,00 billions ,$$$. because China people are rrrrrich..

  • @LuisAndrade-dy4in
    @LuisAndrade-dy4in 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    there are a lot haters for this project!!

    • @abrahamg3354
      @abrahamg3354 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      im hater too.

    • @abrahamg3354
      @abrahamg3354 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Sunny Lpk well because its taking homes away, people don't want to move, land is being taken away along with all the animals they own. Where are they going to go?

  • @earlz8143
    @earlz8143 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    We don't care nothing that the peoples say.only the canal in Nicaragua

  • @michellepierre7549
    @michellepierre7549 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Most dangerous way to school nicaragua

  • @isaacg8086
    @isaacg8086 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    this video is so bias they even made up what the old fisherman said. They did not translated what he said they made it up; wath what he says and what they translate he said. They did not even go to the right place; the man tells them they inaugurated the canal works at a different site. I guess they did not have access to the right spot, so they made one up.

  • @jesuisbecoming6636
    @jesuisbecoming6636 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Those people don't look like real farmers ! 😏

    • @hongpakfoo9823
      @hongpakfoo9823 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      How much are they paid per session of anti construction prapoganda.They are the true lazy type of lazy Nicaraguan.Want money without working. Ha Ha Ha Ha

  • @evertzaverruz4050
    @evertzaverruz4050 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow i think they are using google translate the people don't say what they translate

  • @idanialopez5524
    @idanialopez5524 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I just think people in Nicaragua just always want to be poor.

  • @megadago100
    @megadago100 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Siempre son los pobres campesinos los que pagan los platos rotos.

  • @chiapastropical3789
    @chiapastropical3789 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    it's very clearly , the opposition (liberal Constitutionalists, the Sandinist renovation , and outsider) need a something to be real opposition ., Nicaragua is the #2 poorest countries en West hemisphere , an the time's of two liberal government , not include doña violeta de chamorro nothing was interesting to invest , put Nicaragua more stable ( security , social programs, business) , now big exemple of chuvinnys , way all thos protest do something about the contamination of two lake by residual water and waste rubbish like now to-do for the canals , it's true about the government not talk sincerely bot now they do more study's for the impact in to ecosystems , GOD BLESS NICARAGUA...

  • @eddieds312
    @eddieds312 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    they should build a canal 100 miles wide and let only American citizens work and build the canal!

    • @hongpakfoo9823
      @hongpakfoo9823 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thats true but American Citizen dont like to work .They only like to spread anti constructive prapoganda.

    • @Pussymoneyweedgod
      @Pussymoneyweedgod 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Hongpakfoo we also love to invent things such as cars, airplanes, Internet, computers, and modern day capitalism unlike the Chinese who love to copy.

    • @hongpakfoo9823
      @hongpakfoo9823 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Saint.Rumi -which country does not copy from.
      Did the West not copy from ancient China.
      Did US not copy from Europe.
      Did Japan not copy from US.
      Please open up your brain n use it.Dont only point finger to Chinese coping.
      This shows that you are like other who are brainless n no knowledge of what is happening.Just like Stupid Parrot repeating over n over again.

  • @santiagoflores6529trinidad
    @santiagoflores6529trinidad 9 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @hongpakfoo9823
      @hongpakfoo9823 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      Much better to be called Little China or Hong Kong then L.A or New York bcos ..............?
      Go check it out yourself.Dont be like New Yorker.. or L.A.

  • @peterwang5196
    @peterwang5196 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think this project maybe finished, the RFA already revealed the design-just make environmental debate until the next 100 years- open debate, research, debate, research... Forever, until it is proven all the lives of birds, fish are not affected.
    In the mean time, what about economic development? Well, to hell with it, the People can live on hand-outs, and the rest can migrate to the USA, to hell with Donald Trump...

  • @shtan8563
    @shtan8563 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    colony boss seems to be the best for some slave.

  • @FernandaLemus-k7k
    @FernandaLemus-k7k 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Fuera Daniel

  • @leopil8023
    @leopil8023 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    FSLN MIG.29M

  • @Frank-fe7ly
    @Frank-fe7ly 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Go to dominican republic and see a real poor country

  • @donsevillamusic
    @donsevillamusic 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Me gustan tus videos, checa los míos en mi canal. Abrazos dobles! :)

  • @naper806
    @naper806 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Fake news.

  • @olofhennig5226
    @olofhennig5226 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @chiapastropical3789
    @chiapastropical3789 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    it's very clearly , the opposition (liberal Constitutionalists, the Sandinist renovation , and outsider) need a something to be real opposition ., Nicaragua is the #2 poorest countries en West hemisphere , an the time's of two liberal government , not include doña violeta de chamorro nothing was interesting to invest , put Nicaragua more stable ( security , social programs, business) , now big exemple of chuvinnys , way all thos protest do something about the contamination of two lake by residual water and waste rubbish like now to-do for the canals , it's true about the government not talk sincerely bot now they do more study's for the impact in to ecosystems , GOD BLESS NICARAGUA...