The biggest players are moslems themselves. It is Muslims that are solely responsible for the rise in islamophobia, it is the liberal press that are quick to portray them as victims when they are not.
If he was doing this at a synagogue criticizing Jews or Zionism or tearing pages out of the Torah or Talmud. Then the First Amendment goes out the window and you are censored and called an antisemite, a terrorist, an extremist, etc. The police would be called or people in the congregation would become violent (maybe).
Nope! There was a guy kicked out of a coffee shop in North Oakland a couple of months ago for wearing a hat with a Star of David on it. Barely made a blip on the local news and then pretty much no one talked about it. You got any more lies?
@ oh really and who is lying here we all saying the truth and truth will come out one day always remember that us Muslims we don’t lie like how Jews does
Well, if he isn't seriously blocking folks, he can make his silly point. He is best ignored. Were he to do a variation of this outside of most Christian Churches, the folks would smile at him. They might even bring him coffee and attempt to start a conversation.
@@blazinpyromaniac I’m pretty sure he still lives in the basement underneath the basement with his great grandmother has no purpose to his life. No drive no aspirations just to pick on something he does not understand at all.
According to available data, a very small percentage of Muslim immigrants in the United States are considered illegal, with estimates placing the number of unauthorized immigrants from Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) countries at less than 0.5% of the total unauthorized immigrant population in the US; meaning a tiny fraction of Muslim immigrants are considered illegal. So that means their is a 99.5% chance he is not illegal and your argument has no logic because he seems to speak english like he is born and raised.
The word Islam means submission. The Quran dictates repeatedly that its followers must convert you to Islam or kill you if you refuse to convert. Much of the Quran speaks not about religion but only about how one must submit; it commands how one must live, dress, treat women and slaves, and practice jihad
@@aliahmed800 -- You definitely have to be more careful about not crossing the line into legally prohibited threats. But there are mobs of folks (usually near universities) that publicly called for the destruction of the Jewish State. That's what "From the River to the Sea" actually means. But you know that.
Worried about what? Muslims are worried about being persecuted and attacked. They mind their own business. It’s other people that I see attacking Islam and hate mongering. Have you had a personal experience with a Muslim? If you have, I’ll bet you they were extremely kind and generous.
Why are u worried? Dint get time to read history books??? U got time only to watch the propoganda from FOX? this man just committed an act of terrorism by actively targeting another religion and harassing them and ur worried for the criminal? How were u even raised seriously!!! DISGUSTING
Homeboy can tear up the Koran all he wants. But he needs to stay out of private property and not threatening harass participants trying to access the church.
@CriticalMuslimThinker Surah 98:6 Your god commanded muslims to qill people just because they didn't believe in him, unprovoked; versus, Samuel 15:3 God commanded Israelites to attack the enemy that had attacked them again and again. BIG DIFFERENT.
@@spakiang Why don’t you quote the verse then ? the difference is that Quran tell Muslim that those that don’t believe in god and disbelievers go to hell - just like you say those that don’t believe in your religion will go to hell but i show you the difference YOUR bible in 1 Samuel 15:2,3 tells you to kill women children infants and babies and donkeys that’s not self defence or kill the enemy that’s genocide - the baby the infant the donkey is the enemy ??? That’s just pure evil not from god but Satan
@ Why don’t you quote the verse then ? tQuran tell Muslim that those that don’t believe in god and disbelievers go to hell - just like you say those that don’t believe in your religion YOUR bible in 1 Samuel 15:2,3 tells you to kill women children infants and babies and donkeys that’s not self defence or kill the enemy that’s genocide
We’re a Judeo-Christian country who welcomes Buddhists, Hindus and any other religion of tolerance. Atheism as well. We don’t welcome or illegal practices. No religion that commands to end infidels and lie (taqiyya), marry children, SA women, polygamy, and end dogs because they’re the devil. Satanism practices human sacrifice but we don’t allow that either. Freedom of religion doesn’t give you the right to remove heads.
@@humairakhan-islam4901 -- Nope. But being antisemitic isn't illegal in the US. It CAN, however, greatly increase the penalty for crimes against members of various protected groups. Labeling someone as antisemitic isn't a crime in the US but it might be a reasonable cause for a libel or slander suit.
@@humairakhan-islam4901 Are we to respect the following verses of Quran?
Verse 98:6 "....Christians and Jews are the worst of creatures" Verse 4:34 beat disobedient wives Verse 9:29: Fight Christians and Jews.... Verse 8:39: Fight until only allah is worshiped.
Hate speech isn’t protected, you can’t go outside a Synagogue ripping the Torah, or go to a church and rip the Bible or go to a Hindu temple and rip the vedas, you know you’re being a bad man
I got you man, these soldiers did their job of war, Taliban lost respect to my eyes because of not being able to stand on the real agenda of “ jihad fe Sabillulah” now they are another gun lords who won the fight for American dollars.
Tell your leaders to get their military bases and their interfering policies out of our lands. Tell them to stop jacking our resources. If you leave our lands, we'll leave yours.
Somewhat of a minor infraction compared to the burning of millions of holy texts supporting the repression of Christians, Baha'is, Sufis, Kurds, Sikhs and Zionists etc. by the ruling regimes in certain middle Eastern countries!
Have you ever picked up a Quran and actually read it? How dare you speak that way because it does not teach hatred it teaches love so you might wanna pick one up and actually read it.
You never read that book before in your life to speak such an ignorance The original Holy Bible was stolen from Ethiopia by British colonials centuries ago Ethiopia is the birtplace of Christianity Jesus Christ was not the son of God because God is nor human nor can be seen by human and to compare a human to God is disrespectful to God God is superior being that no human can see Jesus Christ (PBUH) was the messenger of God to spread the word of God just like Moses and Mohammad Christmas is a pagan holiday like Thanksgiving and Halloween and can anyone please explain to me where in the Holy Bible is it written that Jesus Christ was born on Dec. 25
@@misterblunderfull8305Yes I would. btw let's talk about Jews. Why is it always Muslims and white supremacists attacking Jews? Seems like you share an agenda
Besides being disgusting and unacceptable, wouldn't this be classified as " shouting fire in a crowded theater"? And, knowing that the police will probably do nothing, might some decide to track this person down and make justice their own?
Susan, you will be fine if people did this outside a church or synagogue? Or, would you be the first to scream antisemitism? My pal Estine would love to know!
You need to read what accrued that those verses were introduced. If you really care go to your local mosque and have a dialogue with the imam at the mosque. That is if you really care.
Muslims often brush off claims of violence in the Quran by claiming they simply aren’t there. Although this is usually done with pure intentions, it is quite an irresponsible route to take. The fact is that there are indeed a number of passages in the Quran which approve violence in certain circumstances. For a Muslim to claim there is not is to exhibit either a baffling lack of knowledge of their own faith or a blatant willingness to lie in order to defend it. The best thing a believer can do when a critic claims the Quran encourages Muslims to kill infidels “wherever you find them” is to provide the proper context in which the verses in question - and the verses surrounding them - were delivered. To do this, you’ll have to first familiarize yourself with those often-maligned verse. The first of them sits in Al-Baqarah, the second surah of the Quran, and reads as follows: “And kill them wherever you find them, and expel them from where they had expelled you. Oppression is more serious than murder. But do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque, unless they fight you there. If they fight you, then kill them. Such is the retribution of the disbelievers.” (Quran, 2:191) Another verse commonly cited by critics in an attempt to defame Islam is found in Al-Tawba, the ninth surah of the Quran. Interestingly, the anti-Islam “activists” who use it as a cornerstone of their arguments rarely quote it in its entirety. In full, the verse reads: “And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them go on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” (Quran, 9:5) The Context When read as standalone verses, the above passages are pretty damning, especially if you focus on only the first lines, as critics of Islam tend to do. Indeed, there is no way these verses can be read as anything other than a call to kill the unbelievers when it is necessary. That being said, if we are to understand exactly how these verses were intended to be interpreted, we must familiarize ourselves with the context in which they were delivered and just who the unbelievers are. According to Islamic tradition, the above verses, along with the verses immediately preceding and proceeding them, were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by God at a time of great persecution for the Muslims. Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers had been driven from Mecca by the city’s pagan tribes and forced to take up residence in the city of Medina. Although both sides briefly reached a treaty, it was soon rendered null and void by an attack perpetrated by a tribe associated with the Meccans on a tribe associated with the Muslims. This lead to what is today known as the “Conquest of Mecca” in circa 630 CE. During the Conquest of Mecca, Muslims took control of the city from which they had once been driven out. They also reclaimed the Kaaba and Muhammad (PBUH) quickly rid it of the many idols which had been placed there in contradiction to the Muslim belief in one God. Muhammad (PBUH) arrived in Mecca with 10,000 Muslims in tow. With such a large army, he could have very easily destroyed everybody who dwelled within the city. However, his greater interest was in reclaiming the Kaaba and restoring it to its monotheistic roots. Once this had been completed, Muhammad (PBUH) allowed any Meccan who did not wish to become a Muslim to leave Mecca unharmed. This he did after receiving a revelation from God in which he was commanded to let the Meccans travel to a safe space where they would be free from any threat of persecution. There, they would be given four months to ponder the teachings of Muhammad (PBUH) and decide if they wished to return to Mecca and become Muslims. If anybody chose not to become a Muslim, they were free to live out their days outside of Mecca. If they chose to return to Mecca despite refusing to accept Muhammad’s (PBUH) message, however, God instructed Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers to “kill them wherever you find them”. Even then, this command to kill unbelievers was based on the assumption that any non-Muslim returning to Mecca after the four-month exile would be doing so with the intention of waging war against the Muslims once again. So How Do These Verses Apply To Contemporary Islam? As you can see from the section above, the passages of the Quran which command Muslims to kill unbelievers “wherever you find them” are a great deal more complex than critics of Islam would like us to believe. They are not blanket calls for violence against non-Muslims. This is also something which Islamic extremists should take note of. Members of fringe Muslim groups such as ISIS cite the verses examined above just as often as staunch critics of Islam in an attempt to justify their actions. Both parties are obviously wrong in their belief that these passages and others like them incite contemporary Muslims to violence. These verses were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during a time of unrest for Muslims. They had been driven out of Mecca - which for many Muslims had been home since birth - by those who refused to accept Muhammad’s (PBUH) teachings. These pagans and idolaters continued to wage war against Muslims even after forcing them to flee from Mecca, but Muhammad (PBUH) remained reluctant to retaliate until God revealed to him the best course of action. Even when God did command Muslims to kill unbelievers, He did so with the provision that they must first be granted the opportunity to convert to Islam or leave Mecca peacefully. Today, life is a great deal easier for Muslims, especially in Saudi Arabia, where Muhammad (PBUH) struggled so greatly in the formative days of Islam. Although Muslims continue to face persecution in certain parts of the world, it pales in comparison to what their predecessors faced. Additionally, the persecution faced by modern Muslims doesn’t always come in the form of physical violence, which makes physical retaliation unnecessary. With this in mind, it becomes difficult to find a practical use for the Quranic verses examined above. They are best used as a tool to teach the history of Islam and help Muslims and non-Muslims alike understand the hardships Muhammad (PBUH) and his first followers endured. Portions of these verses can even be used as an example of God’s mercy, even towards those who made it their mission to destroy his final prophet. So How Should I Treat Non-Believers? The Quranic passages in which God commands Muslims to kill unbelievers were revealed only when necessary and served to guide Muhammad (PBUH) through specific situations. That being said, the vast majority of Quranic passages in which God discusses the importance of being kind to one another were intended to serve as “evergreen” commandments. They provide a firm foundation upon which Muslims can build positive relationships with each other and, yes, even non-believers. We’ll round off this article by including some of our favorites below. “And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah, and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction; but do good; for Allah loveth those who do good.” (Quran, 2:195) “And feed with food the needy wretch, the orphan and the prisoner, for love of Him (saying) : We feed you, for the sake of Allah only. We wish for no reward nor thanks from you.” (Quran, 76:8-9) “Those who believe and do good deeds - the Gracious God will create love in their hearts.” (Quran, 19:97) And finally, to prove once and for all that the Quran is merciful to unbelievers, we cite this passage from the second surah of the Quran, Al-Baqarah. You may recall this is the same surah in which God tells Muhammad (PBUH) to “kill them wherever you find them, and expel them from where they had expelled you”. Just a few passages later, God commands Muhammad (PBUH) to avoid forcing religious beliefs on non-Muslims, saying: “There is no compulsion where the religion is concerned.” (Quran, 2:256)
You accusing all Muslims dancing that day?? Stupidity and ignorance goes hand in hand I guess...Who been murdering the natives and oppressing who and stealing other people's land for decades?? You been brainwashed by decades of Zion propaganda..
What a pos move, i get it isnt illegal but still its such a low rent move to do. Christians swear they have the moral high ground the same way the colorful people claim then do some low class shi like this.
Stop bombing their countries. What a hateful person you are that you are picking on people only because you dont like them. If this was any other religion you would not dare make this statement.
The guy looks South Asian or Hispanic. Both demos have Islamic populations. This seems more personal than anything. I've seen ex-Muslims react this way.
what makes a muslim a harrasser what did that guy due to harras anyone Do you know him? Are you llabelling him as a harrasser because he is a muslim? Does this seem loical to you?
The mainstream media reporting this LIKE it didn't play a part in creating Islamophobia.
Exactly 💯
IKR. Im scratching my head because i see hindustan times and DW news for example with historically anti muslim videos sometimes doing the opposite
The biggest players are moslems themselves. It is Muslims that are solely responsible for the rise in islamophobia, it is the liberal press that are quick to portray them as victims when they are not.
I’d say the rise in Islamophobia has got not much to do with trump, but rather Americas backing of Israel and labeling Palestinians as terrorists!
Everything to do with Muslims behavior ⚠️
Not true
Hmmm. Not really. Attacks such as the one in New Orleans yesterday arouses fear in people.
The rise has to do with Americans and the world waking up to the violent intolerant nature of Islamic culture.
@@demontrader1222 Yeah the guy who rammed the truck into people was in the Military. People are petrified of law enforcement.
Why no is talking about this if this was a antisemitic this would’ve been headline headlines breaking news
The lady lawyer they interviewed is actually one of the most antisemitic people in San Francisco
If he was doing this at a synagogue criticizing Jews or Zionism or tearing pages out of the Torah or Talmud. Then the First Amendment goes out the window and you are censored and called an antisemite, a terrorist, an extremist, etc. The police would be called or people in the congregation would become violent (maybe).
Nope! There was a guy kicked out of a coffee shop in North Oakland a couple of months ago for wearing a hat with a Star of David on it. Barely made a blip on the local news and then pretty much no one talked about it. You got any more lies?
@ oh really and who is lying here we all saying the truth and truth will come out one day always remember that us Muslims we don’t lie like how Jews does
whataboutism is the refuge of the dishonest. Stay relevant in context
That guy needs to get a job. What does anyone get out of harassing others for their religion?
Funny, because that’s exactly what followers of Islam are required to do.
Well, if he isn't seriously blocking folks, he can make his silly point. He is best ignored. Were he to do a variation of this outside of most Christian Churches, the folks would smile at him. They might even bring him coffee and attempt to start a conversation.
In the case of Muhammad, War booty
Probably some drunk or drugged loser or mental deranged skipping his psycho meds or a guy been long exposed to some hateful internet propaganda shits
@@blazinpyromaniac I’m pretty sure he still lives in the basement underneath the basement with his great grandmother has no purpose to his life. No drive no aspirations just to pick on something he does not understand at all.
Try checking the perpetrator's status, if he is illegal then he must be deported immediately.
According to available data, a very small percentage of Muslim immigrants in the United States are considered illegal, with estimates placing the number of unauthorized immigrants from Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) countries at less than 0.5% of the total unauthorized immigrant population in the US; meaning a tiny fraction of Muslim immigrants are considered illegal. So that means their is a 99.5% chance he is not illegal and your argument has no logic because he seems to speak english like he is born and raised.
What can one expect from west look at what they are doing in Gaza and what they have done around the world till now
🌱 They're Just Colonizers being Colonizers 🍃
Lmao. Gaza was already a distaste under Hamas. Where have you been?
What's more distasteful is elites' loyalty to Israel-hell, first and foremost$.
@@sandywexler5282 you continue laughing because when it happens to you...I'm sure that laughter will fade faster than your humour..
@@sandywexler5282 no, Israel turned Gaza into a parking lot. Just like they promised. Showing their inhumanity to the whole world
Most Christians I know don’t do these types of things they respect people’s faith
not true, look into history my friend.
its a part of christianity, thankfully i left this barbaric religion
A lot do. I got treated as an outcast when I reverted.
So they are experiencing a small taste of what they do to other religions in”their” countries?
It’s not about his views or tearing pages. He’s not doing that from the comfort of his home. He’s targeting and harassing people. 👎
As a Muslim I don't care about racism here. It keeps getting worse but that's just life in a country that's owned by israel
I agree, except that I care about it because it’s shameful. But wouldn’t expect any less of a country that’s always backed the worlds most evil
these comments are unbelievable! thank God i don’t live in amerikkka
The word Islam means submission.
The Quran dictates repeatedly that its followers must convert you to Islam or kill you if you refuse to convert.
Much of the Quran speaks not about religion but only about how one must submit; it commands how one must live, dress, treat women and slaves, and practice jihad
Afghanistan ❓️
still better than murik kka uncleTom!
Yes, thank God you don't.
Me too
Haters out in force in the comments
Really? Does believing in the US Bill of Rights make someone a "hater?"
Islam bad
@@GilmerJohnyou mean the toilet paper 🧻🚽🪠
@@GilmerJohnfree speech except when it’s against Israel lmao?
@@aliahmed800 -- You definitely have to be more careful about not crossing the line into legally prohibited threats. But there are mobs of folks (usually near universities) that publicly called for the destruction of the Jewish State. That's what "From the River to the Sea" actually means. But you know that.
They are worried????? WE ARE WORRIED
Worried about what? Muslims are worried about being persecuted and attacked. They mind their own business. It’s other people that I see attacking Islam and hate mongering.
Have you had a personal experience with a Muslim? If you have, I’ll bet you they were extremely kind and generous.
Why are u worried? Dint get time to read history books??? U got time only to watch the propoganda from FOX? this man just committed an act of terrorism by actively targeting another religion and harassing them and ur worried for the criminal? How were u even raised seriously!!! DISGUSTING
Destroying holy texts falls under the First Amendment.
@@khanwashere264The Constitution isn't a religious book or belief 🤦
@@khanwashere264 Yes, tearing apart a copy of the constitution is legal.
Homeboy can tear up the Koran all he wants. But he needs to stay out of private property and not threatening harass participants trying to access the church.
Especially holy texts propagating violence 😂
What else to do with Sura 98:6?
Context? But while we’re at it what aboutthe talmud and Old Testament?
Read your bible 1 Samuel 15:2,3
@CriticalMuslimThinker Surah 98:6 Your god commanded muslims to qill people just because they didn't believe in him, unprovoked; versus, Samuel 15:3 God commanded Israelites to attack the enemy that had attacked them again and again. BIG DIFFERENT.
Why don’t you quote the verse then ? the difference is that Quran tell Muslim that those that don’t believe in god and disbelievers go to hell - just like you say those that don’t believe in your religion will go to hell but i show you the difference
YOUR bible in
1 Samuel 15:2,3 tells you to kill women children infants and babies and donkeys that’s not self defence or kill the enemy that’s genocide - the baby the infant the donkey is the enemy ??? That’s just pure evil not from god but Satan
Why don’t you quote the verse then ? tQuran tell Muslim that those that don’t believe in god and disbelievers go to hell - just like you say those that don’t believe in your religion
YOUR bible in
1 Samuel 15:2,3 tells you to kill women children infants and babies and donkeys that’s not self defence or kill the enemy that’s genocide
What difference does it make?
@@GilmerJohnif he was Muslim doing this in a synagogue, the msm would def say he's Muslim
@@GilmerJohnyou’re a hypocrite if you think that.
We’re a Judeo-Christian country who welcomes Buddhists, Hindus and any other religion of tolerance. Atheism as well. We don’t welcome or illegal practices. No religion that commands to end infidels and lie (taqiyya), marry children, SA women, polygamy, and end dogs because they’re the devil. Satanism practices human sacrifice but we don’t allow that either. Freedom of religion doesn’t give you the right to remove heads.
It’s his first amendment right.
So we can criticise without being labelled as antisemitic?
@@And...ow3ch O-K ,
@@humairakhan-islam4901 -- Nope. But being antisemitic isn't illegal in the US. It CAN, however, greatly increase the penalty for crimes against members of various protected groups. Labeling someone as antisemitic isn't a crime in the US but it might be a reasonable cause for a libel or slander suit.
@@humairakhan-islam4901y’all did that already and try to shut down the freeways
@@humairakhan-islam4901 Are we to respect the following verses of Quran?
Verse 98:6 "....Christians and Jews are the worst of creatures"
Verse 4:34 beat disobedient wives
Verse 9:29: Fight Christians and Jews....
Verse 8:39: Fight until only allah is worshiped.
Yeah, ok
What if this attack was on your masters, you know the Z cult.
These assailants need therapy.
This guy knew what is a threat to his and our FREEDOMS 👍
🌱 I'm a Mixed-Race Mulatto Native American & I'm from San Francisco... im Grateful to be Muslim. 🍃
Very bad reporting.
@@johnbrennan9584 they’re trying to keep the free Palestine/Gaza foolishness going. We’ve got bigger fish to fry in the US.
what is it missed?
His Quran, his property.
He destroyed windows and doors of that establishment. Those weren't his properties.
1st Amendment pesky right we all have
Hate speech isn’t protected, you can’t go outside a Synagogue ripping the Torah, or go to a church and rip the Bible or go to a Hindu temple and rip the vedas, you know you’re being a bad man
@@kanesmith8271 Hate speech is perfectly legal. Also, criticizing a violent cult isn't hate.
Yet if Muslims did this in front of a church, y'all would be crying lmao
You're right trumpers are one nasty cult.😊
@@marktrain9498so wee can criticise without being called antisemitic and arrested?
That's not harassing anyone. That's practicing your rights as an american
I'm sure if I tore pages out of a bible in front of a church you wouldn't be singing the same song. Not that I would, because I'm not an asshole.
Those two notions are not mutually exclusive.
Yet if Muslims ripped up Bibles in front of a Church, y'all would be crying lmao
Big stretch to assume any of these freeloaders are Americans
I got you man, these soldiers did their job of war, Taliban lost respect to my eyes because of not being able to stand on the real agenda of “ jihad fe Sabillulah” now they are another gun lords who won the fight for American dollars.
Did he bring Mjolnir with him? How!? He is not worthy! 😦
We are all immigrants to this country? Not me. I was born here along with my parents and their parents.
Dude is trying to prevent what britain is going through right now
🌱 I'm a Mixed-Race Mulatto Native American & I'm from San Francisco... im Grateful to be Muslim. 🍃
Tell your leaders to get their military bases and their interfering policies out of our lands. Tell them to stop jacking our resources. If you leave our lands, we'll leave yours.
Reminder: the UK Summer riots were started due to a crime committed by a Christian.
You mean colonialism?
What about ⚪️’s at American schools?
One sided coverage
Are you trans?
Somewhat of a minor infraction compared to the burning of millions of holy texts supporting the repression of Christians, Baha'is, Sufis, Kurds, Sikhs and Zionists etc. by the ruling regimes in certain middle Eastern countries!
A book that teaches hatred? What is good about that?
Have you ever picked up a Quran and actually read it? How dare you speak that way because it does not teach hatred it teaches love so you might wanna pick one up and actually read it.
You’re speaking nothing but lies!
@@ratuldeoun7228 so are you talking to me about me lying?
You never read that book before in your life to speak such an ignorance
The original Holy Bible was stolen from Ethiopia by British colonials centuries ago Ethiopia is the birtplace of Christianity
Jesus Christ was not the son of God because God is nor human nor can be seen by human and to compare a human to God is disrespectful to God God is superior being that no human can see Jesus Christ (PBUH) was the messenger of God to spread the word of God just like Moses and Mohammad
Christmas is a pagan holiday like Thanksgiving and Halloween and can anyone please explain to me where in the Holy Bible is it written that Jesus Christ was born on Dec. 25
@@ratuldeoun7228 No lies Islam Dies
He should be careful. Don't do this. For your safety. Stop.
How about OUR safety and security? Is that not important anymore?
And tgere is no genocide in palestine.
there is
Free Speech
He isnt on private property: Free Speech, the end
You wouldn’t be saying free speech if he targeted j ews.
@@misterblunderfull8305Yes I would. btw let's talk about Jews. Why is it always Muslims and white supremacists attacking Jews? Seems like you share an agenda
Mosque is privately owned.
Vandalism is a criminal sct.
🌱 I'm a Mixed-Race Mulatto Native American & I'm from San Francisco... im Grateful to be Muslim. 🍃
You are a coward the end 😂
Besides being disgusting and unacceptable, wouldn't this be classified as " shouting fire in a crowded theater"?
And, knowing that the police will probably do nothing, might some decide to track this person down and make justice their own?
What a sneaky way to insinuate violent threats. Always resorting to bloodlust when someone uses words that hurt your feelings.
That men probably knows wat Islam really is about and is against it
what is islam really about?
"that men" 💀💀💀
Are you in America legally Pedro??
he know islam is truth & he oppose it
I disliked this dumb video 😭
Cool? Nobody cares.
@Idkwhattoputherebutok three people did 😂
@@Lmfdora And? What do you want me to feel about that? Jealous? Angry? Devestated?
@ Ok? And?
@@Idkwhattoputherebutok islam is bad :)
Fake news
Oh please CARE ...whaaa....
Susan, you will be fine if people did this outside a church or synagogue? Or, would you be the first to scream antisemitism? My pal Estine would love to know!
Susan, Are you clown 🤡?
Susan, are you a part of clown? 😂😂😂
Where the pages he ripped out of the koran.... those that talk about killing infidels 🤔
You need to read what accrued that those verses were introduced. If you really care go to your local mosque and have a dialogue with the imam at the mosque. That is if you really care.
Destroying others property isn't 1st amendment
@adealahmed157 what's the difference
That's the bible.
Muslims often brush off claims of violence in the Quran by claiming they simply aren’t there. Although this is usually done with pure intentions, it is quite an irresponsible route to take. The fact is that there are indeed a number of passages in the Quran which approve violence in certain circumstances. For a Muslim to claim there is not is to exhibit either a baffling lack of knowledge of their own faith or a blatant willingness to lie in order to defend it. The best thing a believer can do when a critic claims the Quran encourages Muslims to kill infidels “wherever you find them” is to provide the proper context in which the verses in question - and the verses surrounding them - were delivered. To do this, you’ll have to first familiarize yourself with those often-maligned verse. The first of them sits in Al-Baqarah, the second surah of the Quran, and reads as follows:
“And kill them wherever you find them, and expel them from where they had expelled you. Oppression is more serious than murder. But do not fight them at the Sacred Mosque, unless they fight you there. If they fight you, then kill them. Such is the retribution of the disbelievers.” (Quran, 2:191)
Another verse commonly cited by critics in an attempt to defame Islam is found in Al-Tawba, the ninth surah of the Quran. Interestingly, the anti-Islam “activists” who use it as a cornerstone of their arguments rarely quote it in its entirety. In full, the verse reads:
“And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them go on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” (Quran, 9:5)
The Context
When read as standalone verses, the above passages are pretty damning, especially if you focus on only the first lines, as critics of Islam tend to do. Indeed, there is no way these verses can be read as anything other than a call to kill the unbelievers when it is necessary. That being said, if we are to understand exactly how these verses were intended to be interpreted, we must familiarize ourselves with the context in which they were delivered and just who the unbelievers are.
According to Islamic tradition, the above verses, along with the verses immediately preceding and proceeding them, were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by God at a time of great persecution for the Muslims. Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers had been driven from Mecca by the city’s pagan tribes and forced to take up residence in the city of Medina. Although both sides briefly reached a treaty, it was soon rendered null and void by an attack perpetrated by a tribe associated with the Meccans on a tribe associated with the Muslims. This lead to what is today known as the “Conquest of Mecca” in circa 630 CE. During the Conquest of Mecca, Muslims took control of the city from which they had once been driven out. They also reclaimed the Kaaba and Muhammad (PBUH) quickly rid it of the many idols which had been placed there in contradiction to the Muslim belief in one God.
Muhammad (PBUH) arrived in Mecca with 10,000 Muslims in tow. With such a large army, he could have very easily destroyed everybody who dwelled within the city. However, his greater interest was in reclaiming the Kaaba and restoring it to its monotheistic roots. Once this had been completed, Muhammad (PBUH) allowed any Meccan who did not wish to become a Muslim to leave Mecca unharmed. This he did after receiving a revelation from God in which he was commanded to let the Meccans travel to a safe space where they would be free from any threat of persecution. There, they would be given four months to ponder the teachings of Muhammad (PBUH) and decide if they wished to return to Mecca and become Muslims. If anybody chose not to become a Muslim, they were free to live out their days outside of Mecca. If they chose to return to Mecca despite refusing to accept Muhammad’s (PBUH) message, however, God instructed Muhammad (PBUH) and his followers to “kill them wherever you find them”. Even then, this command to kill unbelievers was based on the assumption that any non-Muslim returning to Mecca after the four-month exile would be doing so with the intention of waging war against the Muslims once again.
So How Do These Verses Apply To Contemporary Islam?
As you can see from the section above, the passages of the Quran which command Muslims to kill unbelievers “wherever you find them” are a great deal more complex than critics of Islam would like us to believe. They are not blanket calls for violence against non-Muslims. This is also something which Islamic extremists should take note of. Members of fringe Muslim groups such as ISIS cite the verses examined above just as often as staunch critics of Islam in an attempt to justify their actions. Both parties are obviously wrong in their belief that these passages and others like them incite contemporary Muslims to violence.
These verses were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during a time of unrest for Muslims. They had been driven out of Mecca - which for many Muslims had been home since birth - by those who refused to accept Muhammad’s (PBUH) teachings. These pagans and idolaters continued to wage war against Muslims even after forcing them to flee from Mecca, but Muhammad (PBUH) remained reluctant to retaliate until God revealed to him the best course of action. Even when God did command Muslims to kill unbelievers, He did so with the provision that they must first be granted the opportunity to convert to Islam or leave Mecca peacefully.
Today, life is a great deal easier for Muslims, especially in Saudi Arabia, where Muhammad (PBUH) struggled so greatly in the formative days of Islam. Although Muslims continue to face persecution in certain parts of the world, it pales in comparison to what their predecessors faced. Additionally, the persecution faced by modern Muslims doesn’t always come in the form of physical violence, which makes physical retaliation unnecessary. With this in mind, it becomes difficult to find a practical use for the Quranic verses examined above. They are best used as a tool to teach the history of Islam and help Muslims and non-Muslims alike understand the hardships Muhammad (PBUH) and his first followers endured. Portions of these verses can even be used as an example of God’s mercy, even towards those who made it their mission to destroy his final prophet.
So How Should I Treat Non-Believers?
The Quranic passages in which God commands Muslims to kill unbelievers were revealed only when necessary and served to guide Muhammad (PBUH) through specific situations. That being said, the vast majority of Quranic passages in which God discusses the importance of being kind to one another were intended to serve as “evergreen” commandments. They provide a firm foundation upon which Muslims can build positive relationships with each other and, yes, even non-believers. We’ll round off this article by including some of our favorites below.
“And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah, and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction; but do good; for Allah loveth those who do good.” (Quran, 2:195)
“And feed with food the needy wretch, the orphan and the prisoner, for love of Him (saying) : We feed you, for the sake of Allah only. We wish for no reward nor thanks from you.” (Quran, 76:8-9)
“Those who believe and do good deeds - the Gracious God will create love in their hearts.” (Quran, 19:97)
And finally, to prove once and for all that the Quran is merciful to unbelievers, we cite this passage from the second surah of the Quran, Al-Baqarah. You may recall this is the same surah in which God tells Muhammad (PBUH) to “kill them wherever you find them, and expel them from where they had expelled you”. Just a few passages later, God commands Muhammad (PBUH) to avoid forcing religious beliefs on non-Muslims, saying:
“There is no compulsion where the religion is concerned.” (Quran, 2:256)
Whats going everywhere???? Hope things will change for better in 2025.
These people danced on October 7th, now they want sympathy 😂
October the 7th wouldn't have happen if there wasn't an occupation 😅😅
They danced on 9/11 too. And then they wonder why people tear up their vile book.
Your mom lost her verginated that day😂
How do you know? Wheres your proof?
You accusing all Muslims dancing that day?? Stupidity and ignorance goes hand in hand I guess...Who been murdering the natives and oppressing who and stealing other people's land for decades?? You been brainwashed by decades of Zion propaganda..
Offended by everything
Ashamed by nothing
“Hate will not be tolerated”.... 2:10
please tell what anyone can do to stop people from hatred.
44 auto mag.
Unless it's against Trump right?
Except from hatred of hate itself like hateful ideologies.
Why don't you look at what your people did at M@hmudiy@h? @Joegreen-r1i
@Joegreen-r1i And the countless MlLLI0ns d34d in lr@q and @fgh@nistan.
Legacy media has to bear responsibility for selling fear to masses. You’re responsible for spreading this Hate
What a pos move, i get it isnt illegal but still its such a low rent move to do. Christians swear they have the moral high ground the same way the colorful people claim then do some low class shi like this.
Paid Actors, he’s definitely muslim trying to create a narrative
Making up stories again ?
What makes you think he’s Christian? He looks Arab to me.
Pardon me if i dont shed a tear
I mean if you feel harrassed or fearful in the USA, than im sure in your country of origin it be much safer? Maybe relocation is an option?)😮
are you native to the united states? You are a settler just like everybody else
Ok boomer
& maybe you want to pay her relocation? 😂
Stop bombing their countries. What a hateful person you are that you are picking on people only because you dont like them. If this was any other religion you would not dare make this statement.
the ones they destroyed? idi da naxxuuui
What does trump think about this
Go figure, people meet hateful religion with hate
Have you read the Quran do you know anything about Islam besides what you see on TH-cam? Read you might be surprised
do you believe in a god
So that’s what xtianity is all about? Hate! Thanks for confirming.
not talking about Christianity
Common section pretty much sums up people’s true feelings, ignorant folks
It’s all hasbara trolls/ bots.
A provar fo próprio remédio??? Agora já não gostam....olha que pena
All your content is Hate you gotta be reported
Find me one source of amuslim terrorizing a church or synagoge in america
What's the fuss about?! No animal and wicked was harmed. Is not like someone was running over some innocents. His book, his choice.
In Texas we have embraced 2nd amendment with 1st, CA needs to catch up.
St John 3:16 will you accept Jesus invitation and way for Eternal life?
Does it also say to disrespect others beliefs and tear up their book of faith and their people and vandalize their holy sanctuary
🌱 Thank God For Islam 🙏💕🍃
I get every channel on local TV, except KGO7. What's up with that?
Unless its a ceo, cops wont care much n it was hes own books he brought?
The guy looks South Asian or Hispanic. Both demos have Islamic populations. This seems more personal than anything. I've seen ex-Muslims react this way.
you seem unusually defensive with all that assumptions
🌱 Thank God For Islam 🙏💕🍃
ah yes the exmuslim hispanic ahahahahahaahaha
Pulling things outta yo behind to sell yo narrative classic hasbara
The harassers calling others, harassers 😂😂😂😂
Hindu Neo Cons Practice and preach hatred Racism And Apartheid
Did they harass your mom 🤡🐀
Here comes a Hindu
what makes a muslim a harrasser what did that guy due to harras anyone Do you know him? Are you llabelling him as a harrasser because he is a muslim? Does this seem loical to you?
🌱 Non-Muslim are bothering the American Muslims,.. and they're bothering Gaza too. 🍃
A Muslim mayor endorsed Trump.
Oh wow.!!
Shame on,