I developed BII. I thought it was rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. I went to Mayo Clinic, got a full rheumatology and neurology workup and then went to the gastroenterologist and had an EGD/colonoscopy. All of these things were negative! So, I got my implants out 3-12-24. Within 7 days, my face no longer looked swollen, my blood pressure normalized, and my energy went through the roof. I still have joint pain, but I am using an oral binder and castor oil and detoxing from the silicone. Thankfully, I am on the way to recovery and will never again fall for implants or any other surgery to "enhance" my look. I do not have any sadness about my implants being gone, only relief.
I have read the research. The research suggest it is caused by bacteria forming colony within the capsule of the breast implant. Gradually leaking out the bacteria causing chronic inflammation overtime. The bacteria forms a biofilm and this is their stronghold against your immune system. This is why capsular contractual happens. Your body can't win and decides to seal off your entire implant altogether. Once the scar tissue is thick enough, if it ever EXPLODES. You gone. You will end up like Wendy William, the bacteria released will destroy you.
You are saying everything that I have gone through. And in the last 2 years have gotten worse. I’m getting mine done. And I found out by my surgeon and a few others that I would totally trust. To remove the entire implant and capsule and they all said no drain. I don’t care about the bigger scar. Every thing toxic implant capsule and tissue has to all come out at the same time. I know girls from my FB that did not get the capsule all out at same time with implants they never recovered fully. IV and detox is all things that my doctors will do for me where I’m going they do all the after surgery recovery and testing. I had enough with these doctors that don’t know what they are talking sbout. And above all still do implants. Do one or the other they should be band that’s how I feel. I would not go to this doctor
They tell you to replace implants after ten years. They DONT tell you how much more expensive that will be, or the amount of scarring that will result. I walked around with 27 yr old, double lumen (DOW) implants. My health deteriorated. Upon explant, found put the right implant was ruptured. How long? No idea. My breast implants looked perfect. I now suffer from. Hashimoto, Lupus, and chronic pain. It's NOT WORTH IT!
@CookieBob2004 I explanted in 2017. there were some immediate changes, ie my skin, but it seemed the damage was done. I am happy you got those toxic bags out of ur body. Happy healing ♡
Insurance did pay some of mine, and the Dr also paid me back some from accepting payment from my insurance company. This was all after explanting. The capsular contracture and ruptured implants were both on the list that insurance did pay for. I had one capsular contracture The Dr said "both implants were ruptured and the silicone had invaded my chestwall and cavity, and it was a mess" Unfortunately, I am still sick and continue to detox. However I am better! Also, If I hadn't investigated, I don't think I would have received a penny from either one! But, I do believe if I hadn't explanted I wouldn't have survived all the illnesses these toxic bags have created! I am better, but still not good. I don't feel like I'm dying everyday anymore and the rheumatoid arthritis is pretty much all gone! These are huge improvements! Ladies, the capsules have to come out! Leaving them in is irresponsible! Drs need to learn updated information! Lives can be sparred and children deserve to have healthy mothers! Go to "breast implant illness and healing by nicole" on fb. All kinds of studies and at least 250,000 members who have been searching for answers for all their illnesses as well! Bii is absolutely real!!!
Dr Youn, please do a video about breast implant maintenance! I don’t think enough people understand that breast implants are not a “one and done” thing! I also suspect some doctors are not educating their patients about implant upkeep and replacement, or about the risks of failing to do so. And I’d love to know what the most recent research says about replacing your implants.
I don’t have any, but I’ve always been under the impression that you get breast implants and it’s a one and done surgery. If that’s not the case I would definitely watch a video on it if he makes one
@@CookieBob2004or you explant and replace, with whatever capsule revisions or lifting is needed. But more women need to know about it. And start saving up early!
I just had implants placed and my surgeon told me they are to be replaced every 10 yrs. One needs to getting imaging done such as an MRI 3 yrs within placement and then every 2 yrs thereafter. If i want them removed i can opt to get a lift.
. What an honest up front information you gave . I dont have implants ,but what you discused in your talk was an eye opener . I live in Australia and have followed your channel for a while .
My symptoms immediately improved. Pain and rashes were gone after implants, capsule and scar tissue were removed. I do have some indentation but so very happy and feel great 😊
@@VrajaVilasini Great question. I had mine in for seven years but started feeling ill at about year 4. I didn’t know what it was then. My primary doctor said it wasn’t their problem because my issues were related to a cosmetic surgery. My implants were small but I did have a keyhole reconstructive lift (surgeon recommendation) which healed beautifully. I do occasionally feel like my chest muscles are a bit tender if I do any heavy lifting. My surgery took place May 2019.
same!!! It's just the toxic bucket analogy.... for some the implants are the thing that makes the bucket overflow and create symptoms, or not even that... the age that women tend to show up with autoimmune issues is 30's... and that's seemingly the most common age these symptoms of BII occur.
Praise God! My sister-in-law had all of these symptoms. She refused to remove her implants. Two years after getting them she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. She lived eight years after that and she passed.
I felt fantastic before getting implants, 8 months after getting them I thought I was going to die. Finally found a Dr. who would remove them, he and his team did a great job. I still suffer but feel so much better and don't miss them at all. To be honest they ruined my life.
Thank you for your excellent review of current research in this field. Something not addressed in your discussion is the contribution of patient age. The long list of potential BII symptoms overlaps considerably with perimenopausal symptoms - perhaps this and other conditions linked to autonomic dysregulation should also be excluded as a potential cause
Thankyou for this video, I had implants 6 months and started my BII journey and did not know about it. Seven years later I came down with Lupus and was in hospital for 6 days. The meds made me sicker, I found holistic way of antinflammatory eating worked for me and finally stopped meds and sunscreen and less stress made a huge difference.
I’m having my implants taken out next week. I’ve suffered for 4 years and been to countless Dr and no one could figure out why I’m having autoimmune symptoms, fatigue, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, etc. Thanks to videos like this I saw a plastic surgeon who believes in BII and hopefully o will be on my way to healing next week. I’ve had my implants for 9 years and I was perfectly fine until 4 years ago and the symptoms start small and gradually get worse like you’re being poisoned slowly. It’s horrible.
I explanted last week and I feel amazing! All of my symptoms are gone!! I got off my blood pressure medicine two days ago! I lost 13 lbs within a week after surgery and I feel like I could run a marathon now. I feel wonderful! So glad I got rid of those toxic implants.
I am so grateful that you cared enough to ask questions and look into it, to acknowledge it as a possibility. So many of us have suffered and we need people like you to pave the way towards some resolution of this problem. I developed hypothyroidism and positive for ANA 3 months ago. Ive had them 2 years. Never had health issues before. We will see what the blood trail says in 3 to 6 months!
THANK YOU for discussing this with seriousness and at length. There are often many factors that impact lots of illnesses, of course. People are all different! I appreciate the attention to this topic!! ❤
I can't speak to BII because I don't have implants. I would if I could afford them. 😂 But yeah, as you were reading off symptoms I was like that's 100% an autoimmune issue. I spent a year battling it and unfortunately it was a guessing game for my Dr's trying to figure out what was triggering it. ETA- Thank you for your continued honesty on this topic.
My mom has big boobs from being pregnant with my bro and I; at 34 years of age celebrities like Gwen Stefani and Paris Hilton I don't mind having small boobs. Women shouldn't feel less than for being flat chested.
I'm 43 and have never been happier with my small perky boobs, even after breastfeeding two children in my 30s, they still look great! I have no stretch marks and people think I'm a lot younger than I am. When I want to fill out a top, I simply slip in a pair of breast forms that I found for relatively cheap on amazon, they look like real boobs LOL😅 and make me look like I have huge implants - but they just slip into a bra. They look very realistic as I can adjust my natural boobs inside of them to give the look of deep cleavage, and because all that is exposed as my real boob, no one is aware.
I'm tired of the world saying I don't fit my gender and that only bigger boobs or certains shapes of boobs are feminine. I'm almost 30 now and I'm still so embarrassed that I don't "look like a woman" (according to our toxic culture). Like my breast tissue still works. It's just not shaped like everyone else's
@@cullensister99yeah, I feel like a child. I just don’t like it at all, and hearing this is so disheartening. I already have Lupus so I don’t think having implants will help me with anything
Dr Youn a well known fitness trainer in my area had BII, worst symptoms were severe pain and immobility in her hip. A ortho physio (not 100% sure the title) FINALLY connected it after years and years of pain. Massage along severe scar tissue down her side helped but she removed them and it was night and day improvement.
I had multiple symptoms of BII along with weird lymph node issues and breast pain so I opted to have them removed. They were the Mentor gel implants and they were taken en bloc which I didn’t mind since a mastopexy was necessary along with it. I have minimal scarring thankfully and it’s taken nearly two years for the majority of my symptoms to resolve. I look great and have an even better appreciation for my natural shape now, whereas I didn’t when I first got implants. Additionally, my skin and hair have thanked me a million times over by a clear complexion and thicker hair. I appreciate cosmetic procedures and the skill it takes to perform these surgeries but I wish people ( myself included) would really slow down and think a little longer about getting jobs done
@@katherinos sorry it took so long, yes, the swelling is completely gone since I had the implants removed. I can't tell you how much better I feel & I wish you well on your journey. God bless!
I had my silicone implants removed and the rheumatoid arthritis I developed is almost completely gone! My hands tell the story! I have before and after pictures that are shocking!
Diagnosed with Schrögren + systemic lupus after falling very ill in 2017 (implants placed in 2009) although I was in very good health before. I had them removed the next week with total capsulectomy. I hope to cure these autoimmune diseases never diagnosed before. Thank you for your video Doctor from France where we have no informations about BII.
exactly! I have these symptoms and never had an implant.. so those are just common with either aging too, having kids, toxic or and unhealthy lifestyle, and other factors
yes common symptoms but don't normally disappear on their own or don't disappear as you get older. removing implant and then getting better is good proof that it was the implant in those cases
This is by far the most concise and honest response I’ve seen about BII, thank you so much for making this video! I’m hugely conflicted still though as I’ve been considering implants for over 10 years to correct asymmetry due to having Poland Syndrome which gives me daily dysmorphia & depression. I completely believe BII is real & that there’s a percentage of women who have gone through utter hell with their implants then got better after having them removed. I’m worried because I have some autoimmune issues like hayfever and eczema. I just wish there was a proper test that could be done to confirm what percentage of risk I would have of getting BII if I got implants so I could make that informed decision. I hope more studies are done.
I have Poland syndrome as well, finally able to afford implants almost 13 years ago. I have loved them! Now the but's.... For the past couple years I've had pain from the left one slowly trying to exit the capsule from the side and bottom. Now the right one same burning pain, wakes me up at night. My body is showing systemic inflammation in my lab work, although I feel good otherwise. I can't afford to get them out unless insurance pays, which is a HUGE question mark. I also have an HSA so my deductible is $6k anyway. I didn't regret getting them for one moment until now. I can only hope if I get them out I can have extra tissue removed on the one side and just be evenly flat. Love and best of luck to you 🍀 I know what having Poland's is like 😔
@@pirateslife4methank you so much for replying & sharing! I’m so sorry you’ve been experiencing pain with your implants & hope you can get them out soon. I’ve seen so many similar comments where women have said their implants were great for X number of years & then they started to experience pain & problems. I am wondering if I should just avoid them & go flat too (my left never developed so is completely flat anyway but my right is a nicely shaped B cup). It’s a struggle 😢
I *strongly* feel like Wendy Williams is suffering from this. I get the sense that a good chunk of her current health issues would go away if she had her implants removed.
I had breast implants for 7yrs. Pretty much had all of those symptoms and was told Im crazy. I gained so much weight and couldn’t lose it until a year ago when I finally had them removed. I still have some issues but I overall feel better and have lost all the weight
Thank you! That is my situation exactly! I have all the symptoms and also the 50 pound weight gain, and I eat very little. Hoping to explant as soon as I find the right doctor.
Hi there! I was wondering about this, when you get the implant taken out do they just take it out and you are left with the lax skin? Do you pay more for a lift?
My implants were not big enough and I only gained one cup from a small B to a full C, but I still got BII. Explanted in dec but I still have a lot of symptoms going on😢
I got big one and remove due to pain and capsule. And change small.... the pain come back after 2 years . Now it's my 4th year and I am done suffering. Removing in 2 days
I’m a week post op (necessary surgery) and I can never ever understand how anyone could willingly fly go on an operating table and allow themselves to be sliced open for vanity. Life saving surgery is scary enough, how can anyone willingly have something out in their body that they don’t need? The risks are horrendous not to mention laying around recovering- and for what???? Crazy crazy world
These symptoms are so common and be related to multiple other issues, such as: anemia, dementia, parasite infection, and WiFi/ cell phone radiation. None of which has nothing to do with breast implants.
Really ??? Can you explain the large cell ana plastic lymphoma from the Recalled textured implants??? The ones I had in my body 18 years ??Tell that to all the woman suffering ...
Thank you for this.. for several years I have been considering getting one but my bf has told me I don't need it and it's not worth it. This finally made me decide not to get implants!
I have implants 2nd time doing them first time hearing about this and I'm very concerned now even though i don't have all these symptoms, I'm going to make an appointment very soon
What about inflammatory markers like HS-CRP, IL-6, etc etc etc? Could it be that the implants are causing low grade inflammation? The symptoms you mentioned seem like they could be inflammation related. Then it could also be the case that anyone who has any kind of implant could suffer from this kind of thing. I think with the breast implants, the risks could be higher as well because they move around a lot. I guess they have already checked for the biomarkers of autoimmune disease type reaction?...
I assumed this, too, considering all symptoms are auto immune related, the body is reacting to it as a foreign body. Making seem like people with auto immune and ibs disorders are advised to not have breasts implants as the immune system is already over active.
@@carmencorleto1479 Are you drinking enough water prior to walking? Also do you have palpitations? I have palpitations on a regular bases but do not have any heart issues. The doctor told me I need to take magnesium daily. So I did more research and found a magnesium for the heart called Heart Calm by Vital Biological. I started at 3 a day but after a couple weeks I took only 2 a day or one day based on how I feel. My husband does not drink enough water so when we are out and forgets to hydrate it causes his heart to go up to 140 plus. I also tell him and it is back my science you can not hydrate all at once, you have to do it throughout the day. I wish you the best.
This was great! Did you mention anything about repairing the muscle? If you did, I didnt catch it. But that helps with shape too is what my surgeon has explained
Omg I know whats fucking wrong with me. I decided to go on TH-cam tonight to see if women have had symptoms of being so tired, forgetting important things, and all the symptoms that have been mentioned in this article . I’ve had so many blood tests done to see what the hell is wrong with me. I’m making an appointment tomorrow to see my doctor and let her know what I’ve found.
@@bethpoore2685this video is literally from a doctor, damn! Stop spreading shits, this is real thing, women are suffering just for some stupid beauty standarts and are nearly dying just from implants!
If you’re in the uk you’re doctor won’t acknowledge BII I’ve been going to them about it for over 12 years and they think I’m a hypochondriac! Good luck
Just to clarify that I understood correctly re: how you recommend the drain process. You stated only set to suction for 30 minutes, twice a day, correct? If so, then the rest of the time I just leave the bulb open/inflated? I just got explanted 10 hours ago and wanted to make sure I understood. I would greatly any advice. So very grateful to you and your selflessness 🙏
I have all those symptoms plus more! Sinus issues, migraines, couldn’t walk last month nodules on my legs. I’ve had my saline implants for way too long (18) getting them out in June!
Excellent comprehensive research you did , Doctor‼️I would like you to address any complications in regard to where the implants where placed, under the muscle or on top of the muscle, in removal especially because of the proximity of the lungs and doing aggressive procedure to remove capsule, or unblock.
I’ve had mine for 4yrs now and I started noticing this year. The joint pain all over my body. I felt it was age (I’m 39) I’m pretty active and average weight I feel super swollen at times. I think my only symptom is joint pain. I’m contemplating taking them out :(
Same. I got myocarditis as well. Then I got long COVID on top of it all. It took me over a year to recover, I actually ended up in hospital. Because of that experience i've decided not to get implants, I absolutely do not want to feel like that ever again.
Waww didn’t know about that, thank you very much doctor for taking the time to do these videos. Very informative and life saving god bless you from France ❤ Would be great if you did a video about loose inner thigh skin and what can be done without and with surgery many thanks 😊
Thank you, thank you. I wonder if immunoglobulin testing would show something. I'm a nurse and have spent time in the ER, MedSurg, ICU and all over the hospital. The body has an immune response to surgery and prosthetics of all kinds from fillers and injections, Stryker joints, screws, plates, and implants of all kinds: breast, pacemakers, defibrillators. Believe the patients.
Wait. Whoa…..I’m allergic to surgical steel/titanium, etc. and have had to hv plates and screws removed. So, have you seen someone with my allergies have BII??
Thank you so much for the information in this video, this really helped me feel so much more informed. I was just wondering what you think about having a fat transfer done at the same time as removal and what the risks / benefits of this are?
Not to mention what it does to our children we conceive whilst having implants. My daughter had joint and health issues from birth. Took years to put the link together. She’s now 26 and has thyroid problems, osteoarthritis, joint hyper mobility to name a few. I live with the guilt daily
@@saraw1359 thank you for your kind words ❤️ I was crushed when I realised but time is healing us both. My fear was that she would hate me forever but she doesn’t and she understands. I will never do anything to my body again including botox or fillers, they too have toxins.
You need to learn more about removing the capsules and how important this is! You also need to know what the ingredients are in breast implants! This is why we have issues with heavy metals!
How do you feel about the new implants that came out made of dissolvable sutures so it develops its own scar tissue in the breast so it feels entirely real and isn't an implant basically more like a skeleton for your body to heal around and through as it dissolves? Would love to hear your thoughts on this and see if you could get a study started with them
I've had my implants for 12 years. I've had chronic migraines for over 3 years and currently my heart rate is increasing with the simplest daily task. The cardiologist did a cardiac panel and an inflammatory CSR blood work to check inflammation. The numbers for inflammation is elevated. Any advice?
@@JTdayoneBev please don’t say that. lost my breast.. I’m exited to get new ones:/ Of course it’s a risk. But it’s one i’m willing to take to love myself again.
My implants made me ill as I was far worse during this 9 year period of post masectomy surgeries of tissue expander, infection for 2.5 months with 2 consecutive left implant insertion and 2 explants with chronic inflamation in the capsule and other things including refractile silicone material. Capsular contraction was diagnosed on both implant removals.
Hello. Does there appear to be more cases of BII in over the muscle or under the muscle implant persons and also does it seem to be more textured or doesn’t discriminate? Thank you for the information
Having the feeling of a tie belt around your chest is not menopause symptoms. I have that feeling since I got them due to cancer. I am taking put in 2 days.
Present in SOME women. And if that’s the case you’re not at fault. However PUTTING something in your body that causes those symptoms is totally different.
I think with people who have a pre-existing autoimmune condition, it would make sense that their condition will not get better after X plant. From what I have seen in my group of breast implant illness research it can worsen with implantation, like an amplification. I know you mentioned "some" patients. Yes we do not have a percentage. But it's not a few that is relevant. It's many, thousands and growing each day. Everyday a new woman comes on this group telling the similar story.
My boyfriend just break up with me while watching this now just because I got educated that breast implant is not good and I decided not to do it but he wanted me to do a breast implant.
I had surgery lipo 360 25 days post op and my confidence went up so i can imagine having implants confidence go up then u have to take them out is mentally horrible even tho u know they bad for your health
Yes, I don't know how I'm going to mentally prepare myself. I'm removing mine next month, after 2 years of having implants my health is a mess, symptoms I've never had in my life such as anxiety, panic attack, heart palpitations, daily dizziness, vestibular disorder, feeling woozy, and vertigo episodes 5x a month! Horrible spinning sensation. I got them in 2018 and as of now I want my health back!
@@mariaparis7188 awww I'm so sorry but I bet u will do anything to get better again I'm really sorry your going threw this I hope u have a successful removal boo
This is what kept me unwilling to believe BII was real. 9 years of sickness that just kept snowballing. Who knew after finally removing them in desperation that I would actually feel sexier, younger, cuter and more authentic. It’s 2 years post removal and my hair has finally stopped falling out. I was on deaths door for vanity. My emotional rock bottom was forgetting my daughters middle name but physically I was a wreck for years. I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time in denial when the nagging voice it was BII first started whispering to me.
I had silicone implants put in around 1987, then in 1991 I had a major stroke with no apparent reason. They did every test possible to find out why I had my stroke and found nothing. I know it has something to do with my implants. I went to my plastic surgeon and he had a funny look on his face and said he would take them out for free!!! HA.
I would just like to say, that i jad my implants, textured saline, over 20 yrs and stsrted having many different issues in my body but not eith my implants and i did the research and had mine removed, my joint pain went away, i had joint pain in several different joints over my body and we couldn't figure out why, its been a little over a year since removal and i feel good, it was the right decision for me, im 51 yra of age. I really think my body was fighting from the beginning as i had biopsy on both breast 2 yrs after implants and yearly mammograms stsrting in my 20s because what the dr.found he said was like breast tissue in 60 yr d but i was 24
Yes, but there IS always the possibility of a ruptured implant that the MRI could of missed, which has been known to happen, therefore removing it ALL at once
I am experiencing the same symptoms you just named numerous issues and have tested positive for ANA, but the cause remains unknown. Frustrated with the lack of answers from oncologist and rheumatologists, I have taken it upon myself to conduct research. My ANA titters are at 1:160 and I am exhibiting all the symptoms you mentioned.BII so I guess I'm going to have to do this what you say take them out.
I seriously considered breast implants. I am so happy I never got them. Every plastic surgery has to be redone over time. For myself, I feel unless something is organically wrong with a persons body, do nothing until you get older. At 20 and 30 years old people should stay away from procedures, including botox. The only thing that might be okay is fillers, within reason. Another exception is women after childbirth. Some women are left with sagging skin, and breasts, stretch marks, etc. A woman needs to feel good about herself after the children come. Having invasive procedures, total facelift at 40 means more than likely the procedure will have to be repeated in 10 years, then another 10 years. Why not wait until 55 years or older, have the big surgery and be done with it. There is no way to stop the aging process. Instead, focus more on healthy lifestyle, stay out of the sun, use good skincare and all mineral SPF when you will be outside. Eat a diet made up of more vegetables and lean meats. Exercise using a variety of modalities, aerobic, weights, balance and stabilization and brain stimulation games. We all must accept getting older. There is no way to halt the process. Too many procedures on the face and body results in an older person looking ridiculous. We can never recapture our youth. We CAN go a reputable plastic surgeon like Dr. Youn for a one and done major procedure and maintain what you have, "naturally" for the rest of your life via healthy lifestyle.
My silicone gel (1995) implants which were a part of a 10 yr study and now almost 20 yo. Should I be concerned? If I were to have them changed, what would that surgery look like? Is it likely they are all melded to my chest? What would that surgery involved and what are the risks?
Most of the symptoms you listed off I already had with gender dysmorphia sooooo idk I just know I need this symmastia needs to be fixed I feel even worst with a uniboob
I'm seeing a surgeon in two days to have them removed. I've had my implants for about 12 years and they are saggy and deflated. I don't think they leaked but I'm to the point that i just want to feel better. I have migraines, joint pain, fatigue, insomnia, muscle pain and I'm so miserable. Even if I'm 10% better it's still something. I think my body is rejecting them because my body has rejected all my piercings. I just hope I can get financed and that the surgery is successful.
I have 5 auto immune diseases caused by my implants (sjogrens, lupus, reynauds, vitalligo and hashimotos) saying to look for other causes is a big misnomer. My test were all negative until they all popped up positive and them were extremely high and I was near death. I could barely walk or talk I couldn’t remember basic words, I had tremors. When my test came back positive if I had said oh now I know the cause is auto immune and not related to my implants I would have died. I really wish you would reconsider putting implants in if you know that there is a chance of BII and you’ve watched women suffer why would you put other women at risk of that?
Thank you for this, Dr. Youn. I wonder if having had no Breast Implant Illness before implant rupture means I can safely replace instead of a total explant? I had implant surgery for disfigured/tubular boobs 17 yrs ago and had zero problems until one ruptured approximately 2 yrs ago during an accident. I was told my symptoms in the last year were just severe early menopause symptoms, even a new tinnitus. Now my ultrasound shows one implant severely ruptured and disintegrating with capsule hardly visible anymore. Am scheduled for a dual replacement recommended by my gyn, but am undecided.
My appointment to remove my implants is soon (I have them 8 years now). I don't now if i have BII. It could be, i have some pains an other things developed over the years i think. Like hair loss and a weird (very painfull) cramp sometimes in my back. I wonder if that wil go away if they are out. For now my left one is leaking and it is painfull, that is why i went to check them. So they have to be removed and to be honest i really look forward to it.
Thank you for talking about enbloc and how science shows it make no difference in those who have them removed or not. This was stressing me out. ❤ I am going to leave the capsules in and just remove the implants.
No way in hell I’m getting implants. I went from a DD to a B after breast feeding with all that excess skin. I had it removed with a lift and I just wear padded bras now. I was turned away by one surgeon for refusing implants but I found one willing to give me a lift without them. Your health is everything!
Are you happy with your lift!? I’m considering a lift. I’ve had 3 babies and breast feed my last two for 2 years each. I too feel like one office Ive visited is really pushing the implant
@ oh yes I couldn’t be happier. It is much better to just get a lift first. I still want a fat transfer because I hate being a b cup but so far every doctor ive seen says I’m too thin for one. I feel so much better having perky b cups over what I had before my lift. All that excess skin gone!
I love the fact that doctors are also TH-camrs nowadays
Me too! Finally a reason to go on TH-cam and get some great information.
I developed BII. I thought it was rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. I went to Mayo Clinic, got a full rheumatology and neurology workup and then went to the gastroenterologist and had an EGD/colonoscopy. All of these things were negative! So, I got my implants out 3-12-24. Within 7 days, my face no longer looked swollen, my blood pressure normalized, and my energy went through the roof. I still have joint pain, but I am using an oral binder and castor oil and detoxing from the silicone. Thankfully, I am on the way to recovery and will never again fall for implants or any other surgery to "enhance" my look. I do not have any sadness about my implants being gone, only relief.
I have the same problem pls suggest
I have read the research. The research suggest it is caused by bacteria forming colony within the capsule of the breast implant. Gradually leaking out the bacteria causing chronic inflammation overtime. The bacteria forms a biofilm and this is their stronghold against your immune system. This is why capsular contractual happens. Your body can't win and decides to seal off your entire implant altogether. Once the scar tissue is thick enough, if it ever EXPLODES. You gone. You will end up like Wendy William, the bacteria released will destroy you.
You are saying everything that I have gone through. And in the last 2 years have gotten worse. I’m getting mine done. And I found out by my surgeon and a few others that I would totally trust. To remove the entire implant and capsule and they all said no drain. I don’t care about the bigger scar. Every thing toxic implant capsule and tissue has to all come out at the same time. I know girls from my FB that did not get the capsule all out at same time with implants they never recovered fully. IV and detox is all things that my doctors will do for me where I’m going they do all the after surgery recovery and testing. I had enough with these doctors that don’t know what they are talking sbout. And above all still do implants. Do one or the other they should be band that’s how I feel. I would not go to this doctor
I am removing mine this Thursday.
This video is reckless, to say the least! He hasn't done a deep dive to get the real truth! I'm extremely disappointed to hear what he's saying :(
They tell you to replace implants after ten years. They DONT tell you how much more expensive that will be, or the amount of scarring that will result. I walked around with 27 yr old, double lumen (DOW) implants. My health deteriorated. Upon explant, found put the right implant was ruptured. How long? No idea. My breast implants looked perfect. I now suffer from. Hashimoto, Lupus, and chronic pain. It's NOT WORTH IT!
When did you explant? Are you seeing a naturopath? I explanted 4 months ago and my healing has been slow 😢
@CookieBob2004 I explanted in 2017. there were some immediate changes, ie my skin, but it seemed the damage was done. I am happy you got those toxic bags out of ur body. Happy healing ♡
Was your explant $$$?
@@serenadevon 3x the cost of the implants
Edit: not including the cost of a second surgery b/c the doc failed to remove the capsule first time around
Insurance did pay some of mine, and the Dr also paid me back some from accepting payment from my insurance company. This was all after explanting. The capsular contracture and ruptured implants were both on the list that insurance did pay for. I had one capsular contracture The Dr said "both implants were ruptured and the silicone had invaded my chestwall and cavity, and it was a mess" Unfortunately, I am still sick and continue to detox. However I am better! Also, If I hadn't investigated, I don't think I would have received a penny from either one! But, I do believe if I hadn't explanted I wouldn't have survived all the illnesses these toxic bags have created! I am better, but still not good. I don't feel like I'm dying everyday anymore and the rheumatoid arthritis is pretty much all gone! These are huge improvements! Ladies, the capsules have to come out! Leaving them in is irresponsible! Drs need to learn updated information! Lives can be sparred and children deserve to have healthy mothers! Go to "breast implant illness and healing by nicole" on fb. All kinds of studies and at least 250,000 members who have been searching for answers for all their illnesses as well! Bii is absolutely real!!!
Dr Youn, please do a video about breast implant maintenance! I don’t think enough people understand that breast implants are not a “one and done” thing! I also suspect some doctors are not educating their patients about implant upkeep and replacement, or about the risks of failing to do so. And I’d love to know what the most recent research says about replacing your implants.
I don’t have any, but I’ve always been under the impression that you get breast implants and it’s a one and done surgery. If that’s not the case I would definitely watch a video on it if he makes one
Implant maintenance???? Yes, we need to be educated properly.
I believe there is no such thing as Breast Implant Maintenance because they are not lifetime devices. It’s either you explant or don’t get it at all.
@@CookieBob2004or you explant and replace, with whatever capsule revisions or lifting is needed. But more women need to know about it. And start saving up early!
I just had implants placed and my surgeon told me they are to be replaced every 10 yrs. One needs to getting imaging done such as an MRI 3 yrs within placement and then every 2 yrs thereafter. If i want them removed i can opt to get a lift.
. What an honest up front information you gave . I dont have implants ,but what you discused in your talk was an eye opener . I live in Australia and have followed your channel for a while .
My symptoms immediately improved. Pain and rashes were gone after implants, capsule and scar tissue were removed. I do have some indentation but so very happy and feel great 😊
May I ask please how long you had your implants in for and if you needed to have a reconstruction/ reshape?
@@VrajaVilasini Great question. I had mine in for seven years but started feeling ill at about year 4. I didn’t know what it was then. My primary doctor said it wasn’t their problem because my issues were related to a cosmetic surgery. My implants were small but I did have a keyhole reconstructive lift (surgeon recommendation) which healed beautifully. I do occasionally feel like my chest muscles are a bit tender if I do any heavy lifting. My surgery took place May 2019.
I have all these symptoms and no implants! I feel ripped off 😂
I hear this, too! It's not just implants that can cause these symptoms.
Hey, that just means if you want implants you may as well get them 😂😂😂
Lmao 🤣 🤣 🤣
same!!! It's just the toxic bucket analogy.... for some the implants are the thing that makes the bucket overflow and create symptoms, or not even that... the age that women tend to show up with autoimmune issues is 30's... and that's seemingly the most common age these symptoms of BII occur.
Praise God! My sister-in-law had all of these symptoms. She refused to remove her implants. Two years after getting them she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. She lived eight years after that and she passed.
I felt fantastic before getting implants, 8 months after getting them I thought I was going to die. Finally found a Dr. who would remove them, he and his team did a great job. I still suffer but feel so much better and don't miss them at all. To be honest they ruined my life.
Thank you for your excellent review of current research in this field.
Something not addressed in your discussion is the contribution of patient age. The long list of potential BII symptoms overlaps considerably with perimenopausal symptoms - perhaps this and other conditions linked to autonomic dysregulation should also be excluded as a potential cause
Thankyou for this video, I had implants 6 months and started my BII journey and did not know about it. Seven years later I came down with Lupus and was in hospital for 6 days. The meds made me sicker, I found holistic way of antinflammatory eating worked for me and finally stopped meds and sunscreen and less stress made a huge difference.
Did you explant ?
Did you keep your implants?
Do you want to keep your implants?
I’m so incredibly thankful for Drs like you who are willing to dig deeper and have more of an open mind. It shows you really care
I’m having my implants taken out next week. I’ve suffered for 4 years and been to countless Dr and no one could figure out why I’m having autoimmune symptoms, fatigue, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, etc. Thanks to videos like this I saw a plastic surgeon who believes in BII and hopefully o will be on my way to healing next week. I’ve had my implants for 9 years and I was perfectly fine until 4 years ago and the symptoms start small and gradually get worse like you’re being poisoned slowly. It’s horrible.
After removing what was the result pls tell us same situation i have
@@Care915 I’ll definitely let you know, my surgery is tomorrow!!
I explanted last week and I feel amazing! All of my symptoms are gone!! I got off my blood pressure medicine two days ago! I lost 13 lbs within a week after surgery and I feel like I could run a marathon now. I feel wonderful! So glad I got rid of those toxic implants.
@@Jet.ski.lover.13is the explant expensive?
@@serenadevon it cost twice as much as the implant did but I also got a breast lift.
I am so grateful that you cared enough to ask questions and look into it, to acknowledge it as a possibility. So many of us have suffered and we need people like you to pave the way towards some resolution of this problem. I developed hypothyroidism and positive for ANA 3 months ago. Ive had them 2 years. Never had health issues before. We will see what the blood trail says in 3 to 6 months!
Thank you for this information. You're the only doctor that dont think self interess . "Chapeau"
Thank you! I had my explant 6 months ago and I immediately felt better as far as GERD, inflammation issues, brain fog/ADHD/ focus issues!
Now I wish I could get BCBS to pay for the explant. 😔
THANK YOU for discussing this with seriousness and at length. There are often many factors that impact lots of illnesses, of course. People are all different! I appreciate the attention to this topic!! ❤
I can't speak to BII because I don't have implants. I would if I could afford them. 😂 But yeah, as you were reading off symptoms I was like that's 100% an autoimmune issue. I spent a year battling it and unfortunately it was a guessing game for my Dr's trying to figure out what was triggering it.
ETA- Thank you for your continued honesty on this topic.
Yeah auto immune defense against the two plastics sewn inside the body 🤷🏼♀️ seems obvious
My mom has big boobs from being pregnant with my bro and I; at 34 years of age celebrities like Gwen Stefani and Paris Hilton I don't mind having small boobs.
Women shouldn't feel less than for being flat chested.
I feel like women are either too fat or have flat chests. You can’t win either way.
I'm 43 and have never been happier with my small perky boobs, even after breastfeeding two children in my 30s, they still look great! I have no stretch marks and people think I'm a lot younger than I am.
When I want to fill out a top, I simply slip in a pair of breast forms that I found for relatively cheap on amazon, they look like real boobs LOL😅 and make me look like I have huge implants - but they just slip into a bra. They look very realistic as I can adjust my natural boobs inside of them to give the look of deep cleavage, and because all that is exposed as my real boob, no one is aware.
Amen; these big boobs are a burden!
I'm tired of the world saying I don't fit my gender and that only bigger boobs or certains shapes of boobs are feminine. I'm almost 30 now and I'm still so embarrassed that I don't "look like a woman" (according to our toxic culture). Like my breast tissue still works. It's just not shaped like everyone else's
@@cullensister99yeah, I feel like a child. I just don’t like it at all, and hearing this is so disheartening. I already have Lupus so I don’t think having implants will help me with anything
Dr Youn a well known fitness trainer in my area had BII, worst symptoms were severe pain and immobility in her hip. A ortho physio (not 100% sure the title) FINALLY connected it after years and years of pain. Massage along severe scar tissue down her side helped but she removed them and it was night and day improvement.
Got mine at 19, I’m 40 now, the fatigue and brain fog have been awful lately for sure. Thank you Dr appreciate your help 💜🦄💜
I had been explanted 10 days ago and it was my best decision in life so far so happy, and feeling better ❤
Honesty looks great in scrubs!! Go Dr. Youn!! Thank you for sharing your professional experience and knowledge with us.
I had multiple symptoms of BII along with weird lymph node issues and breast pain so I opted to have them removed. They were the Mentor gel implants and they were taken en bloc which I didn’t mind since a mastopexy was necessary along with it. I have minimal scarring thankfully and it’s taken nearly two years for the majority of my symptoms to resolve. I look great and have an even better appreciation for my natural shape now, whereas I didn’t when I first got implants. Additionally, my skin and hair have thanked me a million times over by a clear complexion and thicker hair. I appreciate cosmetic procedures and the skill it takes to perform these surgeries but I wish people ( myself included) would really slow down and think a little longer about getting jobs done
Do you mind me asking if your lymph node issues resolved? I have swollen nodes in my armpit :(
@@katherinos sorry it took so long, yes, the swelling is completely gone since I had the implants removed. I can't tell you how much better I feel & I wish you well on your journey. God bless!
One of the reasons why I decided against breast implants.
I can tell you right now they darn near killed me! And yes I had them removed. Feeling 100% better.
I’m literally dieing 😢😢
Why ? What are your symptoms ?@@francesselema6860
I had my silicone implants removed and the rheumatoid arthritis I developed is almost completely gone! My hands tell the story! I have before and after pictures that are shocking!
Diagnosed with Schrögren + systemic lupus after falling very ill in 2017 (implants placed in 2009) although I was in very good health before. I had them removed the next week with total capsulectomy. I hope to cure these autoimmune diseases never diagnosed before. Thank you for your video Doctor from France where we have no informations about BII.
exactly! I have these symptoms and never had an implant.. so those are just common with either aging too, having kids, toxic or and unhealthy lifestyle, and other factors
yes common symptoms but don't normally disappear on their own or don't disappear as you get older. removing implant and then getting better is good proof that it was the implant in those cases
This is by far the most concise and honest response I’ve seen about BII, thank you so much for making this video! I’m hugely conflicted still though as I’ve been considering implants for over 10 years to correct asymmetry due to having Poland Syndrome which gives me daily dysmorphia & depression. I completely believe BII is real & that there’s a percentage of women who have gone through utter hell with their implants then got better after having them removed. I’m worried because I have some autoimmune issues like hayfever and eczema. I just wish there was a proper test that could be done to confirm what percentage of risk I would have of getting BII if I got implants so I could make that informed decision. I hope more studies are done.
I have Poland syndrome as well, finally able to afford implants almost 13 years ago. I have loved them! Now the but's.... For the past couple years I've had pain from the left one slowly trying to exit the capsule from the side and bottom. Now the right one same burning pain, wakes me up at night. My body is showing systemic inflammation in my lab work, although I feel good otherwise. I can't afford to get them out unless insurance pays, which is a HUGE question mark. I also have an HSA so my deductible is $6k anyway. I didn't regret getting them for one moment until now. I can only hope if I get them out I can have extra tissue removed on the one side and just be evenly flat. Love and best of luck to you 🍀 I know what having Poland's is like 😔
@@pirateslife4methank you so much for replying & sharing! I’m so sorry you’ve been experiencing pain with your implants & hope you can get them out soon. I’ve seen so many similar comments where women have said their implants were great for X number of years & then they started to experience pain & problems. I am wondering if I should just avoid them & go flat too (my left never developed so is completely flat anyway but my right is a nicely shaped B cup). It’s a struggle 😢
Thank you so much for this information Dr!!! I appreciate you ❤
Thank you so much for making this information available and being so thorough, awesome video
I *strongly* feel like Wendy Williams is suffering from this. I get the sense that a good chunk of her current health issues would go away if she had her implants removed.
she has been diagnosed with a form of dementia which is most probably caused by exessive alcohol consumtion.
I agree! Unfortunately she loves her implants too much to take them out.
Any doc worth their salts would’ve told her to get them out already
@@Tahiha doctors generally don't believe this is a thing
I have thought that as well!
I had breast implants for 7yrs. Pretty much had all of those symptoms and was told Im crazy. I gained so much weight and couldn’t lose it until a year ago when I finally had them removed. I still have some issues but I overall feel better and have lost all the weight
Thank you! That is my situation exactly! I have all the symptoms and also the 50 pound weight gain, and I eat very little. Hoping to explant as soon as I find the right doctor.
Hi there! I was wondering about this, when you get the implant taken out do they just take it out and you are left with the lax skin?
Do you pay more for a lift?
@@lucilu7566 Depending on how big the implant is and how much your skin stretched, yes. I had a large implant so I paid for a lift and fat transfer.
You're very thorough.
Question 🙋♀️: In your practice, do you see the size of the implant being a contributing factor of BII or rupturing of the implants?
My implants were not big enough and I only gained one cup from a small B to a full C, but I still got BII. Explanted in dec but I still have a lot of symptoms going on😢
I got big one and remove due to pain and capsule. And change small.... the pain come back after 2 years . Now it's my 4th year and I am done suffering. Removing in 2 days
@@nerissamartinez3669 I hope you have a speedy recovery and all your symptoms go away soon ❤
Mine are modestly sized but I think a lot depends on how your body responds to the materials both at first and over time
I’m a week post op (necessary surgery) and I can never ever understand how anyone could willingly fly go on an operating table and allow themselves to be sliced open for vanity. Life saving surgery is scary enough, how can anyone willingly have something out in their body that they don’t need? The risks are horrendous not to mention laying around recovering- and for what???? Crazy crazy world
These symptoms are so common and be related to multiple other issues, such as: anemia, dementia, parasite infection, and WiFi/ cell phone radiation. None of which has nothing to do with breast implants.
I agree!! I’ve had all of these issues from birth control..which millions of women are on.
Really ??? Can you explain the large cell ana plastic lymphoma from the Recalled textured implants??? The ones I had in my body 18 years ??Tell that to all the woman suffering ...
@@suzanneburkhart2368 textured implants are very bad but that’s why they have other implants ((:
Thank you for this.. for several years I have been considering getting one but my bf has told me I don't need it and it's not worth it. This finally made me decide not to get implants!
You'll be happier in time with that gift to yourself 💝 what's great is the fashion tide is turning to favor a more natural, not as exaggerated, shape
I just got my implants removed & I feel spectacular!
Do they do an uplift at the sand time as removal?
I had both done at the same time and I am going in for an urgent CT on cervical for my swollen lymph nodes and glands. Hopefully it not cancer
I’ve had first consultation to explant,due for another next week then fingers crossed surgery this summer👍
Will you do en bloc or total capsulectomies?
Can you tell us about $$?
Thank you for this info. I have been really trying to find as much information on this subject. Before deciding if it’s worth the risk.
I have implants 2nd time doing them first time hearing about this and I'm very concerned now even though i don't have all these symptoms, I'm going to make an appointment very soon
Thank you for video and a great learning!
What about inflammatory markers like HS-CRP, IL-6, etc etc etc? Could it be that the implants are causing low grade inflammation? The symptoms you mentioned seem like they could be inflammation related. Then it could also be the case that anyone who has any kind of implant could suffer from this kind of thing. I think with the breast implants, the risks could be higher as well because they move around a lot. I guess they have already checked for the biomarkers of autoimmune disease type reaction?...
Inflammation markers were my thought, too. It should be routinely done prior to implantation as a baseline.
I agree with you. I have inflammation as it is. I would not know the difference. I am looking at getting implants because I had a mastectomy.
I assumed this, too, considering all symptoms are auto immune related, the body is reacting to it as a foreign body. Making seem like people with auto immune and ibs disorders are advised to not have breasts implants as the immune system is already over active.
My CSR is elevated and my heart rate currently is high with the minimum activity. I'm desperate at this point
@@carmencorleto1479 Are you drinking enough water prior to walking? Also do you have palpitations? I have palpitations on a regular bases but do not have any heart issues. The doctor told me I need to take magnesium daily. So I did more research and found a magnesium for the heart called Heart Calm by Vital Biological. I started at 3 a day but after a couple weeks I took only 2 a day or one day based on how I feel.
My husband does not drink enough water so when we are out and forgets to hydrate it causes his heart to go up to 140 plus. I also tell him and it is back my science you can not hydrate all at once, you have to do it throughout the day. I wish you the best.
HBO is awesome for healing!!!💯♥️♥️♥️
Amazing video! Thank you dr. Youn. I wanted to be well informed because I am thinking about getting breast implants.
This was great! Did you mention anything about repairing the muscle? If you did, I didnt catch it. But that helps with shape too is what my surgeon has explained
Omg I know whats fucking wrong with me.
I decided to go on TH-cam tonight to see if women have had symptoms of being so tired, forgetting important things, and all the symptoms that have been mentioned in this article . I’ve had so many blood tests done to see what the hell is wrong with me.
I’m making an appointment tomorrow to see my doctor and let her know what I’ve found.
This video isn't accurate! Capsules have to come out!!! Please see the studies I've posted on here!
@@bethpoore2685this video is literally from a doctor, damn! Stop spreading shits, this is real thing, women are suffering just for some stupid beauty standarts and are nearly dying just from implants!
@@bethpoore2685what are capsules and how do they form
If you’re in the uk you’re doctor won’t acknowledge BII I’ve been going to them about it for over 12 years and they think I’m a hypochondriac! Good luck
@@bethpoore2685Can you share them again? The doctor I'm currently talking to says there's no proof that the capsules need to be removed :/
thank you sir for this video you are the best ❤❤❤
Just to clarify that I understood correctly re: how you recommend the drain process. You stated only set to suction for 30 minutes, twice a day, correct? If so, then the rest of the time I just leave the bulb open/inflated? I just got explanted 10 hours ago and wanted to make sure I understood. I would greatly any advice. So very grateful to you and your selflessness 🙏
I have all those symptoms plus more! Sinus issues, migraines, couldn’t walk last month nodules on my legs. I’ve had my saline implants for way too long (18) getting them out in June!
Finally i have this information, because all people in clinic or hospital saying save and dont have risk😢😢
Excellent comprehensive research you did , Doctor‼️I would like you to address any complications in regard to where the implants where placed, under the muscle or on top of the muscle, in removal especially because of the proximity of the lungs and doing aggressive procedure to remove capsule, or unblock.
I’ve had mine for 4yrs now and I started noticing this year. The joint pain all over my body. I felt it was age (I’m 39) I’m pretty active and average weight I feel super swollen at times. I think my only symptom is joint pain. I’m contemplating taking them out :(
I had all the symptoms after Covid vaccination without any implant
Covid vaccination has given millions of people same symptoms. So it's a hard one. Nothing is safe
Same. I got myocarditis as well. Then I got long COVID on top of it all. It took me over a year to recover, I actually ended up in hospital. Because of that experience i've decided not to get implants, I absolutely do not want to feel like that ever again.
Waww didn’t know about that, thank you very much doctor for taking the time to do these videos. Very informative and life saving god bless you from France ❤
Would be great if you did a video about loose inner thigh skin and what can be done without and with surgery many thanks 😊
Thank you, thank you. I wonder if immunoglobulin testing would show something. I'm a nurse and have spent time in the ER, MedSurg, ICU and all over the hospital. The body has an immune response to surgery and prosthetics of all kinds from fillers and injections, Stryker joints, screws, plates, and implants of all kinds: breast, pacemakers, defibrillators. Believe the patients.
This definitely seems to be a similar situation. Maybe the studies on other types of impants can shed light on the breast impant illness as well.
Wait. Whoa…..I’m allergic to surgical steel/titanium, etc. and have had to hv plates and screws removed. So, have you seen someone with my allergies have BII??
@@loriscott3290 I haven't had a patient yet with both surgical metal implants and breast implants yet.
Thank you so much for the information in this video, this really helped me feel so much more informed. I was just wondering what you think about having a fat transfer done at the same time as removal and what the risks / benefits of this are?
Do you by chance have links for these studies so I can read and learn more?
Is it just silicone implants or gel too?
These symptoms are very similar to those of hormonal contraceptives.
They can be with ensure IUD's. Watch "The Bleeding Edge" It's horrible what some people will do to others for money 🤑
Not to mention what it does to our children we conceive whilst having implants. My daughter had joint and health issues from birth. Took years to put the link together. She’s now 26 and has thyroid problems, osteoarthritis, joint hyper mobility to name a few. I live with the guilt daily
You didn’t know. It’s not your fault. We are human. Sending love
@@saraw1359 thank you for your kind words ❤️ I was crushed when I realised but time is healing us both. My fear was that she would hate me forever but she doesn’t and she understands. I will never do anything to my body again including botox or fillers, they too have toxins.
You need to learn more about removing the capsules and how important this is! You also need to know what the ingredients are in breast implants! This is why we have issues with heavy metals!
How as a cancer survivor, do we know if it’s from the chemo or from implants?
They are criminals. And hope they will pay for it… still clearing toxicity from my body… Thank you for speaking out
Is it recommended to do en bloc when you have textured implants ?
They (surgeons) aren't concerned about the cancer. I have textured implants, and that's the main reason I want the capsule removed.
How do you feel about the new implants that came out made of dissolvable sutures so it develops its own scar tissue in the breast so it feels entirely real and isn't an implant basically more like a skeleton for your body to heal around and through as it dissolves? Would love to hear your thoughts on this and see if you could get a study started with them
I've had my implants for 12 years. I've had chronic migraines for over 3 years and currently my heart rate is increasing with the simplest daily task. The cardiologist did a cardiac panel and an inflammatory CSR blood work to check inflammation. The numbers for inflammation is elevated. Any advice?
I’m getting implants in october (I’m so excited) so it’s good for me to know about breast implant illness and what the signs are if I get the illness.
It’s not a case of if but when. Don’t get implants.
@@katherinos But I will
Please don’t do it! BII will get you mark my words
@@JTdayoneBev please don’t say that. lost my breast.. I’m exited to get new ones:/
Of course it’s a risk. But it’s one i’m willing to take to love myself again.
@@JTdayoneBev please don’t say that. I lost my breast. I’m exited to finally love myself again..
What about hernia mesh implants? Sounds eerily familiar.
My implants made me ill as I was far worse during this 9 year period of post masectomy surgeries of tissue expander, infection for 2.5 months with 2 consecutive left implant insertion and 2 explants with chronic inflamation in the capsule and other things including refractile silicone material. Capsular contraction was diagnosed on both implant removals.
What do you think of subfascial implants?
I’m also super curious about this
Hello. Does there appear to be more cases of BII in over the muscle or under the muscle implant persons and also does it seem to be more textured or doesn’t discriminate? Thank you for the information
All those signs are also present at menopause and are usually treated with HRT?
Having the feeling of a tie belt around your chest is not menopause symptoms. I have that feeling since I got them due to cancer. I am taking put in 2 days.
What’s your point?
Present in SOME women. And if that’s the case you’re not at fault. However PUTTING something in your body that causes those symptoms is totally different.
I think with people who have a pre-existing autoimmune condition, it would make sense that their condition will not get better after X plant. From what I have seen in my group of breast implant illness research it can worsen with implantation, like an amplification.
I know you mentioned "some" patients. Yes we do not have a percentage. But it's not a few that is relevant. It's many, thousands and growing each day. Everyday a new woman comes on this group telling the similar story.
If you left an implant in clean water in a sealed environment, I wonder what would be in the water if it was tested after a year
My boyfriend just break up with me while watching this now just because I got educated that breast implant is not good and I decided not to do it but he wanted me to do a breast implant.
He sounds like an asshole
Ditch the implants and the man. He is not a good man if he wants you to do that. He should love you for yourself.
Stay very far away from him
I had surgery lipo 360 25 days post op and my confidence went up so i can imagine having implants confidence go up then u have to take them out is mentally horrible even tho u know they bad for your health
Yes, I don't know how I'm going to mentally prepare myself. I'm removing mine next month, after 2 years of having implants my health is a mess, symptoms I've never had in my life such as anxiety, panic attack, heart palpitations, daily dizziness, vestibular disorder, feeling woozy, and vertigo episodes 5x a month! Horrible spinning sensation. I got them in 2018 and as of now I want my health back!
@@mariaparis7188 awww I'm so sorry but I bet u will do anything to get better again I'm really sorry your going threw this I hope u have a successful removal boo
So which one wins? The mental horror but save your health, or the confidence boost?
This is what kept me unwilling to believe BII was real. 9 years of sickness that just kept snowballing. Who knew after finally removing them in desperation that I would actually feel sexier, younger, cuter and more authentic. It’s 2 years post removal and my hair has finally stopped falling out. I was on deaths door for vanity. My emotional rock bottom was forgetting my daughters middle name but physically I was a wreck for years. I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time in denial when the nagging voice it was BII first started whispering to me.
Where your clinic? In USA or Malaysia?
I have all those syptoms and i dnt have breast implants.
How many years will saline implants last on average?
I really wanted breast implants but im prone to lots of allergies so I already feel like there would be a good chance I could get BII
I had silicone implants put in around 1987, then in 1991 I had a major stroke with no apparent reason. They did every test possible to find out why I had my stroke and found nothing. I know it has something to do with my implants. I went to my plastic surgeon and he had a funny look on his face and said he would take them out for free!!! HA.
My sister also had a stroke. Her silicone implants had ruptured and leaked silicone into her system
I would just like to say, that i jad my implants, textured saline, over 20 yrs and stsrted having many different issues in my body but not eith my implants and i did the research and had mine removed, my joint pain went away, i had joint pain in several different joints over my body and we couldn't figure out why, its been a little over a year since removal and i feel good, it was the right decision for me, im 51 yra of age. I really think my body was fighting from the beginning as i had biopsy on both breast 2 yrs after implants and yearly mammograms stsrting in my 20s because what the dr.found he said was like breast tissue in 60 yr d but i was 24
So happy I got a fat transfer instead of implants! Very happy with my results went from a full B to a D😁
Hope it doesn’t dissolve or relocate.
How much did that cost, and give us a follow up in about a year.
Yes, but there IS always the possibility of a ruptured implant that the MRI could of missed, which has been known to happen, therefore removing it ALL at once
I am experiencing the same symptoms you just named numerous issues and have tested positive for ANA, but the cause remains unknown. Frustrated with the lack of answers from oncologist and rheumatologists, I have taken it upon myself to conduct research. My ANA titters are at 1:160 and I am exhibiting all the symptoms you mentioned.BII so I guess I'm going to have to do this what you say take them out.
What if i have these symptoms without any implants?
I seriously considered breast implants. I am so happy I never got them. Every plastic surgery has to be redone over time. For myself, I feel unless something is organically wrong with a persons body, do nothing until you get older. At 20 and 30 years old people should stay away from procedures, including botox. The only thing that might be okay is fillers, within reason. Another exception is women after childbirth. Some women are left with sagging skin, and breasts, stretch marks, etc. A woman needs to feel good about herself after the children come.
Having invasive procedures, total facelift at 40 means more than likely the procedure will have to be repeated in 10 years, then another 10 years. Why not wait until 55 years or older, have the big surgery and be done with it. There is no way to stop the aging process. Instead, focus more on healthy lifestyle, stay out of the sun, use good skincare and all mineral SPF when you will be outside. Eat a diet made up of more vegetables and lean meats. Exercise using a variety of modalities, aerobic, weights, balance and stabilization and brain stimulation games.
We all must accept getting older. There is no way to halt the process. Too many procedures on the face and body results in an older person looking ridiculous. We can never recapture our youth. We CAN go a reputable plastic surgeon like Dr. Youn for a one and done major procedure and maintain what you have, "naturally" for the rest of your life via healthy lifestyle.
My silicone gel (1995) implants which were a part of a 10 yr study and now almost 20 yo. Should I be concerned? If I were to have them changed, what would that surgery look like? Is it likely they are all melded to my chest? What would that surgery involved and what are the risks?
Where is the incision made for the removal?
Anyt recommendations on a doctor that specialize in the Miami or Fort Lauderdale area?
Most of the symptoms you listed off I already had with gender dysmorphia sooooo idk I just know I need this symmastia needs to be fixed I feel even worst with a uniboob
I'm seeing a surgeon in two days to have them removed. I've had my implants for about 12 years and they are saggy and deflated. I don't think they leaked but I'm to the point that i just want to feel better. I have migraines, joint pain, fatigue, insomnia, muscle pain and I'm so miserable. Even if I'm 10% better it's still something. I think my body is rejecting them because my body has rejected all my piercings. I just hope I can get financed and that the surgery is successful.
I have 5 auto immune diseases caused by my implants (sjogrens, lupus, reynauds, vitalligo and hashimotos) saying to look for other causes is a big misnomer. My test were all negative until they all popped up positive and them were extremely high and I was near death. I could barely walk or talk I couldn’t remember basic words, I had tremors. When my test came back positive if I had said oh now I know the cause is auto immune and not related to my implants I would have died. I really wish you would reconsider putting implants in if you know that there is a chance of BII and you’ve watched women suffer why would you put other women at risk of that?
Could it be caused by microplastic?
Seriously, look at what implants and their shells are made of.
@@olivegreen337k so birth control is like that too then.
Thank you for this, Dr. Youn. I wonder if having had no Breast Implant Illness before implant rupture means I can safely replace instead of a total explant? I had implant surgery for disfigured/tubular boobs 17 yrs ago and had zero problems until one ruptured approximately 2 yrs ago during an accident. I was told my symptoms in the last year were just severe early menopause symptoms, even a new tinnitus. Now my ultrasound shows one implant severely ruptured and disintegrating with capsule hardly visible anymore. Am scheduled for a dual replacement recommended by my gyn, but am undecided.
My appointment to remove my implants is soon (I have them 8 years now). I don't now if i have BII. It could be, i have some pains an other things developed over the years i think. Like hair loss and a weird (very painfull) cramp sometimes in my back. I wonder if that wil go away if they are out. For now my left one is leaking and it is painfull, that is why i went to check them. So they have to be removed and to be honest i really look forward to it.
Thank you for talking about enbloc and how science shows it make no difference in those who have them removed or not. This was stressing me out. ❤ I am going to leave the capsules in and just remove the implants.
No way in hell I’m getting implants. I went from a DD to a B after breast feeding with all that excess skin. I had it removed with a lift and I just wear padded bras now. I was turned away by one surgeon for refusing implants but I found one willing to give me a lift without them. Your health is everything!
Are you happy with your lift!? I’m considering a lift. I’ve had 3 babies and breast feed my last two for 2 years each. I too feel like one office Ive visited is really pushing the implant
@ oh yes I couldn’t be happier. It is much better to just get a lift first. I still want a fat transfer because I hate being a b cup but so far every doctor ive seen says I’m too thin for one. I feel so much better having perky b cups over what I had before my lift. All that excess skin gone!