This Time Faridah would be conducting Singapore Symphony Orchestra instead of my darling husband eddie marzuki who would be my secretary and assistant because for many years my assistant not appreciated and Im being humiliated in public Malaysia Singapore for striving handwritten most music scores for three decades as wife and unpaid manager and eddie received quite numerous bounced cheques by eddie's music industry fellow........why? because im only a housewife with friends who are most jealous of my strives we are meeting to gather together GREAT MINDS ALIKE FOR a better future of Singapore and Malaysia AS THE SAYING GOES 'what is there to fight about where we could dress up fashionably and smile
This Time Faridah would be conducting Singapore Symphony Orchestra instead of my darling husband eddie marzuki who would be my secretary and assistant because for many years my assistant not appreciated and Im being humiliated in public Malaysia Singapore for striving handwritten most music scores for three decades as wife and unpaid manager and eddie received quite numerous bounced cheques by eddie's music industry fellow........why? because im only a housewife with friends who are most jealous of my strives
we are meeting to gather together GREAT MINDS ALIKE FOR a better future of Singapore and Malaysia
'what is there to fight about where we could dress up fashionably and smile