This is such a heart warming video. Ringo is the cutest animal i have ever seen. I can watch his video for hours. The sounds Ringo makes makes me realize we can communicate with animals. We can feel their pain and they can sense our love for them.
This is a fabulous video! How precious is this little soul and it helps to see a baby rhino like this to understand them a little better. Photos still keep too much distance in being able to understand their gentle natures. I definitely would love to come and meet this cutie pie! Well done! Thank you so much Ol Peteta for ALL that you do and keeping these magnificent beings alive and well!
Ringo is adorable! I hope he can be put back into the wild but I worry that he will be over friendly with people now which can put Ringo into danger with poachers.
we love Rhinoooooossssss !!!!!!!!!! and elephants
The most beautiful and endearing people in the world and the most beautiful and endearing animals are at Ol Pejeta Conservancy.
This is such a heart warming video. Ringo is the cutest animal i have ever seen. I can watch his video for hours. The sounds Ringo makes makes me realize we can communicate with animals. We can feel their pain and they can sense our love for them.
It is high time to poach the poachers...bounties will be offered
I love his happy run.☺️
Amazing creature ❤
I love Baby Rhinos 😍🤗 Greetings From Indonesia 🇮🇩
This is a fabulous video! How precious is this little soul and it helps to see a baby rhino like this to understand them a little better. Photos still keep too much distance in being able to understand their gentle natures. I definitely would love to come and meet this cutie pie! Well done! Thank you so much Ol Peteta for ALL that you do and keeping these magnificent beings alive and well!
Baby Rhino is really cute + The girl is very beautiful :) But this is secondary info !
you three all run very beautifully ♥
He must be all grown and living the wild 😃
angelito hermoso
Ringo is a beautiful rhinoceros.
Such a beautiful Rhino! So sad that they are being hunted! Wish they could stop those damned poachers!
Broken hearted for you that Ringo didn't make it. We know you tried very hard. Thank you for helping to save these amazing creatures. Godspeed.
Amazing Animal.
Shame on anyone that would kill one.
Great video.
Wish him a long life and hope he rears more like him
Isn‘t it dangerous for themselves if they got released and don‘t fear humans anymore?
fear cant protect against sniper riffles. strict ban of hunting is the only way!
He'll be released within Ol Pejeta conservancy where he is protected by security guards.
Ringo is adorable! I hope he can be put back into the wild but I worry that he will be over friendly with people now which can put Ringo into danger with poachers.
Good job
Ringo Thee Star
I was upset when they killed Ringo. When I get my boat I'm going to name it after him with a Rhino logo to raise awareness in my area.
how can any body hurt or kill such a beautiful little rhino??
as time goes on he will start saying "why do these humans get smaller every day?"
hunting must be banned all over the world
Yes please
And we know who's to blame for the poaching.
Sayangi binatang dan tumbuhan biar alam lestari.