The goal here is not to downplay the PS4 version, but rather to show how good this version of the game is for a 2013 console, keeping in mind that the PS4 version was released five years ago, while the Xbox Series S/X version only launched now (3 days ago, on November 7, 2024). And yes, I am fully aware that the PS4 version is not Death Stranding Director's Cut, as the Director's Cut version (which has some extra features and cosmetics) is exclusive to the PS5, PC, and now Xbox Series S/X. However, the fact that the PS4 version is not the Director's Cut makes the performance of the PS4 version even more impressive for a 2013 console. Yes, the console used in the comparison is the PS4 FAT, although I also have a PS4 Slim and PS4 PRO. But I thought it would be more interesting to show the performance of a 2013 console compared to a next-gen console released in 2020... so here I’m comparing the first version of Death Stranding released for a Sony console with the first version of Death Stranding released for a Microsoft console. We should remember that, over the last four years, the PS4 has been Sony’s equivalent to the Xbox Series S, as Sony didn’t have a weaker next-gen version of the PS5 like Xbox has with the Series S. So, Sony extended the PS4’s life span, and as a result, the PS4 received many games that the Xbox One didn’t, like Resident Evil 4 Remake, Street Fighter 6, and many others that continue to come to the PS4 but not the Xbox One. So… what did I feel playing both versions? I felt that the PS4 version is no less enjoyable just because it runs at 30 fps or in a lower quality than the Xbox Series S. The game is fantastic, and it was the version I played four years ago, with over 100 hours of gameplay. The game is great, with super interesting gameplay and story-things that could only come from Kojima’s mind. The conclusion is, no matter what console you have, if you get the chance to play this game, play it in whatever version you have. Do you only have a PS4? Play the PS4 version and enjoy one of the most amazing and unique games out there. However, this game isn’t for everyone. It’s the type you either LOVE or HATE. Usually, people who are impatient or want constant action may not find this game suitable, as it’s a slow-paced game focused on walking, contemplation, and watching long cutscenes with an engaging and unique story.
You hit the nail on the head with Kojima. He is a visionary pushing the boundaries. Not only he redefine the stealth genre but cinematic gaming with Metal Gear Solid. Also if you like mech combat play Zone of the Enders. The 2nd Runner is phenomenal. Did you know gaming did a video about his concepts. A second person zombie game which was wild in a concept. He apparently brought it up to the creator of Bio Hazard/Resident Evil. Also his mother was so proud after months of playing and getting advice from son to finally beat Metal Gear Solid.
@@JohnCharb87 Zone of the Enders is a game I have in my Xbox library and need to play... I think it was given away with Xbox Live Gold, or maybe I bought it in a promotion... anyway, I'm not sure, but I know I have it and need to play it. Maybe I'll do a comparison between the Xbox 360 version and the PS2 version the day I decide to play it.
@@vcdecideXbox 360 version is the HD Remaster which features both games. Cool thing about the 2nd Runner on PS2 when it launched in 2003. Anime cutscenes.
@@vcdecideRealmente é uma pena muitos jogos ainda saírem pra PS4 mas não virem pra XONE, como o Red Dead Redemption 1, e não me cola a desculpa da retrocompatibilidade que muitos dão.
@@richardp1592 realmente é uma pena, principalmente quando lembramos que existe o Xbox One X, que foi o console mais poderoso da sua geração apesar do Xbox One ser o mais fraco... no fim, o Xbox One X acabou virando um peso de papel, apesar de ser em alguns aspectos mais poderoso até mesmo que o Xbox Series S.... alguns jogos inclusive são melhores no Xbox One X do que o Xbox Series S.
The Decima Engine used for this game was developed by Guerilla Games. The makers of Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West. In fact Kojima Productions have a credit in Forbidden West. They developed Aloy's new improved Focus.
@@Mr.Atari2600 I am to. A lot of potential. Killzone's Helghast had an awesome design. They want to move on to Horizon which is fine with me. Forbidden West is absolutely stunning on the base Ps4.
Did you know decima engine runs better and looks better on Xbox than it does on any paystation console old and new it's funny eh a Sony owned engine that is garbage looking a d broken on its own consoles lag frame drops and glitches but only on good old paystation we don't got those problems on Xbox series and also I see the ponies over there talking about why does unreal engine 5 games run like shert on good old PS4 and 5 the answer is is PS4 and PS5 are running on old azzz technology from generations ago nothing unique or next gen on any paystation including PS5 pro old technology and ponies making it seem like it's superior to Xbox series yet tine and time again PS5 abd pro are falling dar behind Xbox series we have feature's unknown until Xbox series was born in 2020 and it still freaks outsiders outside of Microsoft as to the unique tech features only found on Microsoft and it's all 1 of a kind that's what next gen is it's not some rubbish looking shampoo bottle that looks like a toasted Sandwhich gone wrong just like the ponies playing it I hate PS5 is labeled as next generation when none of it's features are original or unique there all technology someone else made along time ago just stupid one eyes never acknowledged where there shertty consoles have copied from others before them
@@Mr.Atari2600I'm not pony entertainment tried to keep that shert IP alive for yrs yet u ponies back there didn't help support the rubbish IPS by buying from sonys official stores ya all cheap skates buy from best buy and others they released 4 different killzones and u know why it got the chop was because none u ponies were buying none of the games all this rubbish about I want killzone back yet it was dwindling sales that killed the franchise they tried to entice u ponies with each episode but time n time again sales were dwindling and fast so for all u ponies asking for killzone pony has officially stated nomore killzone fark the ponies they didn't love it enough to buy millions of copy's killzone would still be here if only all u ponies supported Sony if u look back at all Sony IPS all if not most of them are delisted and dead haroki officially stated they have nomore IPS left they killed them all off yrs ago so I laugh out loud seeing the transgressions come back and bite all of yous in half
Did you know decima engine runs better and looks better on PC than it does on any xbox console old and new it's funny eh a Sony owned engine that is garbage looking a d broken on its own consoles lag frame drops and glitches but only on good old Xbox we don't got those problems on PC and also I see the xbot over there talking about why does unreal engine 5 games run like shert on good old xbox1 and X the answer is is xbox1 and Xbox Series X are running on old azzz technology from generations ago nothing unique or next gen on any xbox including Xbox series X old technology and xbot making it seem like it's superior to PC yet tine and time again Xbox s abd X are falling dar behind PC series we have feature's unknown until PC was born in 2000 and it still freaks outsiders outside of Nvidia as to the unique tech features only found on Nvidia and it's all 1 of a kind that's what next gen is it's not some rubbish looking refrigerator box that looks like belongs in a kitchen household just like the xbot playing it I hate Xbox Series X is labeled as next generation when none of it's features are original or unique there all technology someone else made along time ago just stupid one eyes never acknowledged where there shertty consoles have copied from others before them
@@pgr3290 that's why it's kinda cool to see, specifically. Plus Series S is probably a good choice for some gamers upgrading to current gen, who stay behind on last gen to save money... so it makes sense to compare them imo.
Usually we only see Series S being compared to Series X, PS5 and PC... and I'm really familiar with this game, and I play on PS5 + Series X, so I like to see interesting comparisons.
@@jsr734 No, it is the Director's Cut version, just like the Series X and PS5 versions. Death Stranding was originally developed with the PS4 hardware in mind, but the Xbox version appears to be a PC version-based port, which probably makes the difference.
I want everyone to wait just one second here before you praise the Xbox and doom the PS4. Just to clarify the Sony version is 5 years older than the brand new Xbox port. If a game was built and released 5 years ago and has not had any attention poured into optimising it for 5 years it's only fair that a newer port built with 5 years of advancement in software technology might have the edge graphically.
Do your math. PS4 Pro came out in 2016. Death Stranding came out in 2019. PS5 came out in 2020. Death Stranding Director Cut for PS5 only came out in 2021. Was there a PS4 Pro patch. What do you think?
it's seein' things like Decima Engine that makes me even more upset about Unreal 5 dominating the market, each engine had it's unique srenghts and differences, now and before you spot generic games and you know it's Unreal, from Killzone to Horizon to Death Stranding, completely different games and aproaches and this engine was able to deliver, you don't need Unreal for everything, unless they want to hire more people without having a huge learning curve from an In House Engine, which i believe is the reason why we're seein' so many studios shifting, it's sad nonetheless, specially on pc, damn, Veilguard was on Frostbite and it surprised me with that cartoony aesthetic, but it was too smooth with no spikes to be Unreal 4 or 5 haha anyways.
I don't like UE and of course I love different game engines but... It's cheaper, upgradeable and the industry standard 🤷♂️.
Many companies, such as Ubisoft, EA, and Activision, are simply not leveraging their hardware systems and proprietary game engines to their full potential. Instead of investing in the improvement of their own engines, they opt for Unreal Engine 5, which is already advanced. Take the Frostbite engine as an example. EA is still using Frostbite 3 and has yet to release Frostbite 4. By now, EA should have developed Frostbite 5, if not even 6. Frostbite had immense potential, but it has missed the mark, much like the Snowdrop and IW engines.
still haven't played it yet. I have the ps4 version and will play it on the PS5 at some stage. That said, now it's on Xbox i could play it on the Series X if i wished to buy it again. Looks amazing even on PS4
I remember when I bought this game for the PS4 (December 2019); I left it sitting for a while. Then the 2020 pandemic came, and I decided to give the game a chance since its storyline, in a way, mirrored the situation the global society was experiencing. Playing it turned out to be one of the best choices I made, as it made the game incredibly immersive by aligning so closely with what we were living through at the time. It felt as if Kojima had foreseen people’s “isolation”… and what once seemed like one of Kojima’s wild ideas suddenly felt so real. It was an incredible experience I had with this game. Fun fact: I still have other games I bought around the same time as Death Stranding on PS4 that I haven't played yet. So, if it weren’t for the pandemic, I probably wouldn’t have played Death Stranding either. This means I might have ended up as just one of those people who criticize something without ever really playing or knowing it-something we see all too often out there. And regarding the PS4 version, it truly is an impressive game technically, especially when you consider that the PS4 is a 2013 console... this is the version where I played over 100 hours (I finished the game in 60 hours, then played another 40 hours doing side deliveries).
Honestly I was expecting this results. PS4 is now old gen hardware. Xbox Series S despite being not so powerful as Xbox Series X, is still next-gen. So, it's nothing too to crazy to see an old gen game performing so well in a next-gen hardware.
This is definitely a Kojima game. Those lengthy cutscenes. Those familiar with Metal Gear Solid games know what I'm talking about. Especially the apparent Dreamcast killer Metal Gear Solid 2. 3 was not as bad it was fine when The Boss was the focus. But man MGS 4 was cutscene mania. Also Troy Baker as Igor. He voiced Revolver Ocelot.
2 is okay; the lengthy ones happen at the climax, so it's understandable. But 4 is a cutscene with gameplay parts in between. It gets to a point where you better turn the controller off to save battery.
@@Mr.Atari2600yeah yet ponies still like to call PS4 more superior than Xbox series them deek faces meth cast guy Jimi neutron and those other idiots have said In the past
Is pretty clear the big diff between the two. XSS is not a generational ballast as they wanted to mark. Is a great console that many games doesn't work good on them. Yet, the ones that did, manage to get many great results and even impresive for a weak next gen console. Meaning if the XSS is this weak, no wonder why many doesn't reach to switch. Although this is another point. And many game industries only cares on power rather than optimization and accesibility.
Just some differences in color grading, Xbox has a warmer tone and Ps4 colder and slightly different black levels, Xbox looks a little darker. Its time to use a magnifying glass to spot any significant difference.
Me gusta tu contenido Pero no hagas comprarciones con consolas de diferentes generaciones, no tiene sentido claramente habrán desventajas en una y en otra, por el avance tecnologíco, año de salida de los juego, correcciones de errores, las mejoras graficas, entre otras cosas, qué hace injusta la comparación. Comprarár una Xbox 360 contra una PS4 tampoco tendría sentido o una Gameboy color contra una nintendo Swicht entiendes? Hay años de diferencias, tanto en hardware,como nuevas tecnología y más potencia.
@@armandillo26 aunque no lo creas muchas personas compraron y aun siguen comprando ps4, porque desconocen que existe series s, me he topado con videos promocionando ps4 desde la salida de series s, que no saben de su existencia pensado que ps4 es la mejor opcion, tambien me he topado con amigos asi, talvez a estas alturas no sea tan frecuente el caso, pero aun asi hay gente desinformada que estos videos le pueden servir de ayuda
Esta comparación no tiene el propósito de ser "justa", es sólo la curiosidad de observar cómo el mismo juego corriendo en hardware más antiguo se compara al mismo juego corriendo en hardware más moderno. El que una versión sea "mejor" o "peor" que otra dependerá más de tu conveniencia ya que es evidente que se espera que el hardware más moderno sea más competente.
Only thing Series S has is the size. Sony surprisingly didn’t make PS5 slimmer close to Series S…jf they did Xbox would be out of business completely. If you travel and like a console anywhere Series S is the best. Please don’t talk about Switch because thats a joke and android tablets are far better value proposition 😂
@@NickReymond Engraçado é sempre um br ou latino que não consegue ter os dois para fazer esse flame. A narrativa em 2019 era que era jogo de carteiro. E sempre foi exclusivo temporario, sequer era studio da sony.
I tried for a bit, later down the line it becomes a bit more interesting, but overall, it's a weird game, can get boring. The "combat" system of roping the enemies its so silly.
The goal here is not to downplay the PS4 version, but rather to show how good this version of the game is for a 2013 console, keeping in mind that the PS4 version was released five years ago, while the Xbox Series S/X version only launched now (3 days ago, on November 7, 2024).
And yes, I am fully aware that the PS4 version is not Death Stranding Director's Cut, as the Director's Cut version (which has some extra features and cosmetics) is exclusive to the PS5, PC, and now Xbox Series S/X.
However, the fact that the PS4 version is not the Director's Cut makes the performance of the PS4 version even more impressive for a 2013 console. Yes, the console used in the comparison is the PS4 FAT, although I also have a PS4 Slim and PS4 PRO. But I thought it would be more interesting to show the performance of a 2013 console compared to a next-gen console released in 2020... so here I’m comparing the first version of Death Stranding released for a Sony console with the first version of Death Stranding released for a Microsoft console.
We should remember that, over the last four years, the PS4 has been Sony’s equivalent to the Xbox Series S, as Sony didn’t have a weaker next-gen version of the PS5 like Xbox has with the Series S. So, Sony extended the PS4’s life span, and as a result, the PS4 received many games that the Xbox One didn’t, like Resident Evil 4 Remake, Street Fighter 6, and many others that continue to come to the PS4 but not the Xbox One.
So… what did I feel playing both versions? I felt that the PS4 version is no less enjoyable just because it runs at 30 fps or in a lower quality than the Xbox Series S. The game is fantastic, and it was the version I played four years ago, with over 100 hours of gameplay. The game is great, with super interesting gameplay and story-things that could only come from Kojima’s mind.
The conclusion is, no matter what console you have, if you get the chance to play this game, play it in whatever version you have. Do you only have a PS4? Play the PS4 version and enjoy one of the most amazing and unique games out there. However, this game isn’t for everyone. It’s the type you either LOVE or HATE. Usually, people who are impatient or want constant action may not find this game suitable, as it’s a slow-paced game focused on walking, contemplation, and watching long cutscenes with an engaging and unique story.
You hit the nail on the head with Kojima. He is a visionary pushing the boundaries. Not only he redefine the stealth genre but cinematic gaming with Metal Gear Solid. Also if you like mech combat play Zone of the Enders. The 2nd Runner is phenomenal. Did you know gaming did a video about his concepts. A second person zombie game which was wild in a concept. He apparently brought it up to the creator of Bio Hazard/Resident Evil. Also his mother was so proud after months of playing and getting advice from son to finally beat Metal Gear Solid.
@@JohnCharb87 Zone of the Enders is a game I have in my Xbox library and need to play... I think it was given away with Xbox Live Gold, or maybe I bought it in a promotion... anyway, I'm not sure, but I know I have it and need to play it.
Maybe I'll do a comparison between the Xbox 360 version and the PS2 version the day I decide to play it.
@@vcdecideXbox 360 version is the HD Remaster which features both games.
Cool thing about the 2nd Runner on PS2 when it launched in 2003. Anime cutscenes.
@@vcdecideRealmente é uma pena muitos jogos ainda saírem pra PS4 mas não virem pra XONE, como o Red Dead Redemption 1, e não me cola a desculpa da retrocompatibilidade que muitos dão.
@@richardp1592 realmente é uma pena, principalmente quando lembramos que existe o Xbox One X, que foi o console mais poderoso da sua geração apesar do Xbox One ser o mais fraco... no fim, o Xbox One X acabou virando um peso de papel, apesar de ser em alguns aspectos mais poderoso até mesmo que o Xbox Series S.... alguns jogos inclusive são melhores no Xbox One X do que o Xbox Series S.
The Decima Engine used for this game was developed by Guerilla Games. The makers of Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West. In fact Kojima Productions have a credit in Forbidden West. They developed Aloy's new improved Focus.
I'm disappointed Guerrilla Games stopped making Killzone games.
@@Mr.Atari2600 I am to. A lot of potential. Killzone's Helghast had an awesome design. They want to move on to Horizon which is fine with me. Forbidden West is absolutely stunning on the base Ps4.
Did you know decima engine runs better and looks better on Xbox than it does on any paystation console old and new it's funny eh a Sony owned engine that is garbage looking a d broken on its own consoles lag frame drops and glitches but only on good old paystation we don't got those problems on Xbox series and also I see the ponies over there talking about why does unreal engine 5 games run like shert on good old PS4 and 5 the answer is is PS4 and PS5 are running on old azzz technology from generations ago nothing unique or next gen on any paystation including PS5 pro old technology and ponies making it seem like it's superior to Xbox series yet tine and time again PS5 abd pro are falling dar behind Xbox series we have feature's unknown until Xbox series was born in 2020 and it still freaks outsiders outside of Microsoft as to the unique tech features only found on Microsoft and it's all 1 of a kind that's what next gen is it's not some rubbish looking shampoo bottle that looks like a toasted Sandwhich gone wrong just like the ponies playing it I hate PS5 is labeled as next generation when none of it's features are original or unique there all technology someone else made along time ago just stupid one eyes never acknowledged where there shertty consoles have copied from others before them
@@Mr.Atari2600I'm not pony entertainment tried to keep that shert IP alive for yrs yet u ponies back there didn't help support the rubbish IPS by buying from sonys official stores ya all cheap skates buy from best buy and others they released 4 different killzones and u know why it got the chop was because none u ponies were buying none of the games all this rubbish about I want killzone back yet it was dwindling sales that killed the franchise they tried to entice u ponies with each episode but time n time again sales were dwindling and fast so for all u ponies asking for killzone pony has officially stated nomore killzone fark the ponies they didn't love it enough to buy millions of copy's killzone would still be here if only all u ponies supported Sony if u look back at all Sony IPS all if not most of them are delisted and dead haroki officially stated they have nomore IPS left they killed them all off yrs ago so I laugh out loud seeing the transgressions come back and bite all of yous in half
Did you know decima engine runs better and looks better on PC than it does on any xbox console old and new it's funny eh a
Sony owned engine that is garbage looking a d broken on its own consoles lag frame drops and glitches but only on good old Xbox we don't got those problems on PC and also I see the xbot over there talking about why does unreal engine 5 games run like shert on good old xbox1 and X the answer is is xbox1 and Xbox Series X are running on old azzz technology from generations ago nothing unique or next gen on any xbox including
Xbox series X old technology and xbot making it seem like it's superior to PC yet tine and time again Xbox s abd X are falling dar behind PC series we have feature's unknown until PC was born in 2000 and it still freaks outsiders outside of Nvidia as to the unique tech features only found on Nvidia and it's all 1 of a kind that's what next gen is it's not some rubbish looking refrigerator box that looks like belongs in a kitchen household just like the xbot playing it I hate Xbox Series X is labeled as next generation when none of it's features are original or unique there all technology someone else made along time ago just stupid one eyes never acknowledged where there shertty consoles have copied from others before them
Very noticeable difference. I wasn't even thinking about PS4 vs Series S as a comparison.
Why would you? Series S is SEVEN years newer
Qué tonto no son de la misma gerenciones no tiene sentido comprarlas
Es como comparar a la Game Boy contra la PS Vita obviamente habrá diferencia.
@@pgr3290 that's why it's kinda cool to see, specifically. Plus Series S is probably a good choice for some gamers upgrading to current gen, who stay behind on last gen to save money... so it makes sense to compare them imo.
Usually we only see Series S being compared to Series X, PS5 and PC... and I'm really familiar with this game, and I play on PS5 + Series X, so I like to see interesting comparisons.
qualidade desse canal é absurda
boa msm
I had this game on the PS4 on the PS4 slim and the PS4 pro it was pretty good now I’m on the series S it runs even better looks good too
I wish she played this on the PlayStation 4 Pro but great video 👍 hit that like button
28:20 Here there is a downgrade of the BRIDGES logo texture.
It is odd and interesting to see the words “Sony Interactive Entertainment presents” on an Xbox.
Is the Series S the donwgraded version? They look almost the same but there is a tiny difference.
@@jsr734 No, it is the Director's Cut version, just like the Series X and PS5 versions.
Death Stranding was originally developed with the PS4 hardware in mind, but the Xbox version appears to be a PC version-based port, which probably makes the difference.
I want everyone to wait just one second here before you praise the Xbox and doom the PS4. Just to clarify the Sony version is 5 years older than the brand new Xbox port. If a game was built and released 5 years ago and has not had any attention poured into optimising it for 5 years it's only fair that a newer port built with 5 years of advancement in software technology might have the edge graphically.
Wow, nowadays we are able to see a sony video game on a xbox.
You do realize The Show MLB is a Sony game and was already on Xbox before this game.
Was there a ps4 pro patch? I'd like to see that vs series s
Do your math.
PS4 Pro came out in 2016.
Death Stranding came out in 2019. PS5 came out in 2020.
Death Stranding Director Cut for PS5 only came out in 2021.
Was there a PS4 Pro patch. What do you think?
@JasonXME gee, I think it must have has ps4 pro support then.
it's seein' things like Decima Engine that makes me even more upset about Unreal 5 dominating the market, each engine had it's unique srenghts and differences, now and before you spot generic games and you know it's Unreal, from Killzone to Horizon to Death Stranding, completely different games and aproaches and this engine was able to deliver, you don't need Unreal for everything, unless they want to hire more people without having a huge learning curve from an In House Engine, which i believe is the reason why we're seein' so many studios shifting, it's sad nonetheless, specially on pc, damn, Veilguard was on Frostbite and it surprised me with that cartoony aesthetic, but it was too smooth with no spikes to be Unreal 4 or 5 haha anyways.
I don't like UE and of course I love different game engines but... It's cheaper, upgradeable and the industry standard 🤷♂️.
Many companies, such as Ubisoft, EA, and Activision, are simply not leveraging their hardware systems and proprietary game engines to their full potential. Instead of investing in the improvement of their own engines, they opt for Unreal Engine 5, which is already advanced.
Take the Frostbite engine as an example. EA is still using Frostbite 3 and has yet to release Frostbite 4. By now, EA should have developed Frostbite 5, if not even 6. Frostbite had immense potential, but it has missed the mark, much like the Snowdrop and IW engines.
still haven't played it yet. I have the ps4 version and will play it on the PS5 at some stage. That said, now it's on Xbox i could play it on the Series X if i wished to buy it again. Looks amazing even on PS4
I remember when I bought this game for the PS4 (December 2019); I left it sitting for a while. Then the 2020 pandemic came, and I decided to give the game a chance since its storyline, in a way, mirrored the situation the global society was experiencing. Playing it turned out to be one of the best choices I made, as it made the game incredibly immersive by aligning so closely with what we were living through at the time.
It felt as if Kojima had foreseen people’s “isolation”… and what once seemed like one of Kojima’s wild ideas suddenly felt so real. It was an incredible experience I had with this game.
Fun fact: I still have other games I bought around the same time as Death Stranding on PS4 that I haven't played yet. So, if it weren’t for the pandemic, I probably wouldn’t have played Death Stranding either. This means I might have ended up as just one of those people who criticize something without ever really playing or knowing it-something we see all too often out there.
And regarding the PS4 version, it truly is an impressive game technically, especially when you consider that the PS4 is a 2013 console... this is the version where I played over 100 hours (I finished the game in 60 hours, then played another 40 hours doing side deliveries).
Best game ever
Honestly I was expecting this results. PS4 is now old gen hardware. Xbox Series S despite being not so powerful as Xbox Series X, is still next-gen. So, it's nothing too to crazy to see an old gen game performing so well in a next-gen hardware.
Graficamente falando este jogo é um primor técnico, embora é claro não é um jogo que me atraia, mas né, talvez um dia eu jogue ele.
This is definitely a Kojima game. Those lengthy cutscenes. Those familiar with Metal Gear Solid games know what I'm talking about. Especially the apparent Dreamcast killer Metal Gear Solid 2. 3 was not as bad it was fine when The Boss was the focus. But man MGS 4 was cutscene mania. Also Troy Baker as Igor. He voiced Revolver Ocelot.
2 is okay; the lengthy ones happen at the climax, so it's understandable. But 4 is a cutscene with gameplay parts in between. It gets to a point where you better turn the controller off to save battery.
@@bizarroeddie1I agree. MGS 4 was great but it was bogged down with endless exposition. That final cutscene felt like an eternity.
There aren’t many cutscenes in this. Mainly just in the beginning and end of the game.
Xbox looks a bit better
What did you expect? It's a last gen console being compared to a next gen console.
Ps4 años nose considera una consola actúal más bien old gen@@Mr.Atari2600
@@randomrc601 dude
@@Mr.Atari2600yeah yet ponies still like to call PS4 more superior than Xbox series them deek faces meth cast guy Jimi neutron and those other idiots have said In the past
Se eu não tivesse na conta do meu PS4 eu pagava no meu Series S com certeza.
Is pretty clear the big diff between the two. XSS is not a generational ballast as they wanted to mark. Is a great console that many games doesn't work good on them. Yet, the ones that did, manage to get many great results and even impresive for a weak next gen console. Meaning if the XSS is this weak, no wonder why many doesn't reach to switch. Although this is another point. And many game industries only cares on power rather than optimization and accesibility.
How can be possible, Ps4 have the same quality of new console Series S ?
Blow my mind
Ps4 is amazing
because this game was made for the ps4 and has a limitation of improvements for more powerful consoles
I played the game on ps4 pro and in all honesty, it looked and played fantastically.
the only way to compete is to do it with a last generation console, now try to do it against ps5pro
Just some differences in color grading, Xbox has a warmer tone and Ps4 colder and slightly different black levels, Xbox looks a little darker. Its time to use a magnifying glass to spot any significant difference.
essa versão do PS4 ainda impressiona
I seriously don't understand what this test is?
Xbox wins 💚💪😎
This game is remastered for PS5 and its 60fps
Game viciante!
wow!! increíble lo que hacen 7 años de diferencia en el hardware actual!!
Me gusta tu contenido
Pero no hagas comprarciones con consolas de diferentes generaciones, no tiene sentido claramente habrán desventajas en una y en otra, por el avance tecnologíco, año de salida de los juego, correcciones de errores, las mejoras graficas, entre otras cosas, qué hace injusta la comparación.
Comprarár una Xbox 360 contra una PS4 tampoco tendría sentido o una Gameboy color contra una nintendo Swicht entiendes? Hay años de diferencias, tanto en hardware,como nuevas tecnología y más potencia.
@@armandillo26 aunque no lo creas muchas personas compraron y aun siguen comprando ps4, porque desconocen que existe series s, me he topado con videos promocionando ps4 desde la salida de series s, que no saben de su existencia pensado que ps4 es la mejor opcion, tambien me he topado con amigos asi, talvez a estas alturas no sea tan frecuente el caso, pero aun asi hay gente desinformada que estos videos le pueden servir de ayuda
Esta comparación no tiene el propósito de ser "justa", es sólo la curiosidad de observar cómo el mismo juego corriendo en hardware más antiguo se compara al mismo juego corriendo en hardware más moderno. El que una versión sea "mejor" o "peor" que otra dependerá más de tu conveniencia ya que es evidente que se espera que el hardware más moderno sea más competente.
PS 4 have 1,84 terflops, and series s have 4 teraflops so ;)
looks like the ps4 aged pretty wel.
Imo PS4 games doesnt age. It still is part of the modern era.
@@sebastiankulche late generation ps4 games doesnt look to ugly compared modern consoles is what i mean.
I'm waiting wukong to xbox...
Agora compara com a versão do xbox one, ops!!!!
Only thing Series S has is the size. Sony surprisingly didn’t make PS5 slimmer close to Series S…jf they did Xbox would be out of business completely. If you travel and like a console anywhere Series S is the best. Please don’t talk about Switch because thats a joke and android tablets are far better value proposition 😂
Switch wins all
No way!! A 2020 console beats a 2014 console in perfomance and graphics!? Who could have known!
Not always. Look at the "Bridges" logo at 28:20
Tbh PS4 on its peak still holds up with a lot of modern games: TLOU2, RDR2, HFW...
PS 50FpS pro
É muita maconha
Sem sombras de duvidas xbox S é mais nitido as imagens
Comparing a the graphics of an old gen console to a current gen console, and base game against a directors cut, five years later, lol.
Version xbox series s is better.
A fair comparison would be ps4 vs xbox one... oh wait, there's no xbox one version, y'all just got the game😂
Wait, it's not exclusive anymore ksks
welcome to 2019 xbox users
What a shame that Playstation lost one of its best exclusives to Xbox 😽 And it's the players who win. The players
@@NickReymond Engraçado é sempre um br ou latino que não consegue ter os dois para fazer esse flame. A narrativa em 2019 era que era jogo de carteiro. E sempre foi exclusivo temporario, sequer era studio da sony.
esse ai era o exclusivo que flopou kkkkkkk, um dos piores jogo que já joguei só perde para o ET do Atari
@@marcospaulosantos3810 wtf el juego fue muy bueno no hables tonterías si no juegas videojuegos
Ps4 30fps 1080p
series s 60fps 900p
"little giant"😂😂
Xbox series s , trash console
boring game
I tried for a bit, later down the line it becomes a bit more interesting, but overall, it's a weird game, can get boring. The "combat" system of roping the enemies its so silly.
Xbox best plataform to play this! Multistation is real, expensive and irrelevant! Cry Ponys
Xbox looks better. It doesn’t matter though, this game is boring AF.
ps4 win
Game no one asked for.
Speak for yourself