青阳子道长带练道门八段锦 分式口诀

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 มิ.ย. 2024
  • 需要的朋友可以收藏起来,每天跟着视频练一遍,坚持1个月身体会感觉到变化。
    #道家 #養生 #太極 #八段錦 #武當 #全真 #道德經 #道德经
    The Eight Pieces of Brocade is a traditional Chinese exercise method invented in ancient China. It consists of eight different exercises, including physical movements and breath control. Some consider it a form of qigong, while others see it as an evolution of Chinese martial arts. Along with the Five Animal Frolics (五禽戏), Tai Chi (太极拳), and other practices, the Eight Pieces of Brocade is widely practiced for fitness in China. The standing version of the Eight Pieces of Brocade that is popular today is believed to have originated from an appendix titled "Eight Pieces of Brocade" in the "Illustrated Explanations of the Classic of Sinew Metamorphosis" (易筋经图说) by Liang Shichang during the Qing Dynasty.
    The name "Eight Pieces of Brocade" is thought to have two meanings: it represents a collection of various exercise methods, and it is derived from a type of brocade known as "Eight Pieces of Brocade," suggesting that the movements flow continuously like the patterns in the brocade.
    The Eight Pieces of Brocade typically consists of eight exercises, with each exercise repeated several times and coordinated with breath control (such as placing the tongue against the palate and focusing on the lower abdomen). The movements are generally gentle and suitable for people of all ages.
    Eight Pieces of Brocade, ancient China, fitness method, physical movements, breath control, qigong, Chinese martial arts, Qing Dynasty, Liang Shichang, Illustrated Explanations of the Classic of Sinew Metamorphosis, standing version, brocade, continuous movements, eight exercises, tongue against the palate, lower abdomen, gentle, all ages, support heaven to regulate the three burners, holding the hands high with palms up to regulate the spleen and stomach, dragon seeks the pearl, raise the hands to regulate the spleen and stomach, punching with angry eyes to enhance strength, shooting a bow to the left and right, swaying the head and shaking the tail to calm the heart fire, seven injuries and illnesses to disappear

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