5:13 That purple flag is actually a Code 35 flag, by the looks of it and it tells drivers passing the flag that they aren’t allowed to go faster than 35 mph. It’s usually shown in areas of a track where an accident happened to slow the cars down to a safe speed. It’s derived from the Code 60 flag known from races on the Nürburgring and in Creventic/24h Series Events in Europe.
5:13 That purple flag is actually a Code 35 flag, by the looks of it and it tells drivers passing the flag that they aren’t allowed to go faster than 35 mph. It’s usually shown in areas of a track where an accident happened to slow the cars down to a safe speed. It’s derived from the Code 60 flag known from races on the Nürburgring and in Creventic/24h Series Events in Europe.