Words, concepts, and more words and concepts. When you return home, you will experience that there is nobody home. There are no words or concepts, only feelings and the realization that you are the universe. But this realization does not come from any studies or practices; in Christianity, it is called a gift of God.
Fascinating 👌
Words, concepts, and more words and concepts. When you return home, you will experience that there is nobody home. There are no words or concepts, only feelings and the realization that you are the universe. But this realization does not come from any studies or practices; in Christianity, it is called a gift of God.
It's called going home.
we are each IT. infinite Truth aka Infinite LOVE Sweet Yummy Love
Ending of Time.
A transcript of the conversations between J Krishnamurti and David Bohm
Sound's like someone's book report.
Science is just the ego, standardized.
love this
Pronounced - Tawl-
-Tall- or - Taull- Stop with the eeeee after saying his last name .
Was this script AI generated? I think so.
In the description it states synthetic content. Sound and visuals digitally generated. So yes it's AI.
If the info is good,.. It's good.
Yeni Konuları "pratik olarak birleştirip açıklayan" AKILCI bir yaklaşım Galiba..?
Pronounced -tall- or toll.. not toll ee.. or toll eh..,
Please stop butchering his name .,