Healing, Atonement & Prosperity Theology | Dr. Mikael Stenhammar | Liberating Faith

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ก.ย. 2024
  • Healing in the atonement is a key belief in the prosperity Word of Faith theology but is it rightly interpreted? In this video podcast I explore the theological connections between healing and the atoning death of Jesus in the context of prosperity theology. I look at foundational biblical passages, including Psalm 103:2-3, Isaiah 53:3-5, Matthew 8:14-17, and 1 Peter 2:23-24, to uncover insights into the nature of healing, God's mercy, the role of healings as acts of God and the significance of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' ministry. I present four truths that set us on the right path in thinking more biblically and deeply on healing:
    1. Healings are acts of God
    2. Healings are connected with the mercy of God
    3. Jesus’ healings are tied to the work of the Holy Spirit
    4. Healings are foretastes of God’s future kingdom
    By learning these we can distinguish between biblical truth and an overemphasis on the future reality of God’s kingdom, what is called over-realized eschatology. Join us as we explore these vital theological concepts and their implications for Christian faith and practice.
    Quote from Dr. Steven Studebaker:
    ”Is healing really in the atonement? Yes and no. First, healing is not a benefit that Christ bought with his suffering and death on the cross. So, in the sense of the penal and legal transference whereby Christ pays the price of human sin and infirmity, healing is not in the atonement. But healing is part of the redemptive work of the Spirit of Pentecost. Healing and resurrection are the telos of the Spirit that stirred over the primal waters of creation, that breathed life into the womb of Mary and brought about the Incarnation of the Son of God, that anointed and empowered his ministry, and that raised the crucified Christ from the dead. Healing is the proleptic participation in the final consummation of the promise of resurrected life in the new creation, the new heaven, and the new earth. So “yes,” healing is in the atonement. But it is an atonement theology that arises from the biblical narrative of the Spirit of Pentecost. Leaving behind the legal-penal logic of atonement opens up space for an alternative theology of the cross. A theology of the cross that is pneumatological, participatory, and organic. Healing can be part of the experience of atonement and the new life brought by the Spirit of Pentecost, but Christ’s suffering and death are participatory and organic rather than forensic transference of disease and suffering that exempts Christians from the same” Steven Studebaker, “The Spirit of Atonement”, p. 154
    Helpful materials to study:
    Dr. Keith Warrington, “Path to Wholeness” - a great summary of key points on healing
    Dr. Keith Warrington, “Healing and Kenneth Hagin”
    Dr. Kimberly Alexander, Podcast lecture on the history of healing in Christianity
    • Kimberly Alexander on ...
    Dr. Mikael Stenhammar's book

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