Why I Don't Like Console Exclusives On PC


ความคิดเห็น • 14

  • @ProjectionProjects2.7182
    @ProjectionProjects2.7182 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Oh your take is much more reasonable then I thought it would be.😂
    I thought you were going to to try to argue that: "pOrtInG tO Pc iS BAd!!! nO ONe eLse shOulD bE abLe tO pLaY mY eXclUSivEs REEEEE!!!" But you did not argue that which is good. Your points are understandable and I can kind of get buying a console to play certain games and feeling somewhat cheated when they get ported right away, but I do have a question though.
    Is there no other way for console manufactures to compete besides exclusives?
    If consoles had no exclusives wouldn't they have to compete in terms of hardware and features? wouldn't they have to be forced to make better hardware? I don't know though, maybe you can explain in more detail the reasoning behind your point. Keep in mind not saying your wrong Im just asking an honest question.
    Just to clarify just in case I don't understand, you don't mind console exclusive games being ported to PC as long as its not right away, right? How long would a game have to be exclusive in order before it goes to PC in your opinion? Also Im the person who thought your video on Paper Mario was fine and Im still not sure why everyone got so mad at it, it felt like a massive over reaction.
    I will give you a like though for being pro-emulation though. Thats enough proof to me that your not a Nintendo fanboy/Nintendrone your just a fan of Nintendo's work. Seriously though there are so many morons out there who think emulation = piracy and a that your a bad person for emulating your games that you paid for. Good to know that you at least don't come off as that kind of person. Hopefully my comment helps your channel out a bit in the algorithm as I have noticed you make videos that get ratioed a lot.

  • @frenchi12
    @frenchi12 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    As a pc player I personally don't like exclusives because it doesn't matter how much better these games are due to competition if I can't play them. My broke ass can't afford to drop $500 for a PS5 or even $200 for a PS4 on top of the price of the actual games. I just want to play bloodborne without it costing $250+ dollars.

  • @manwithoutmercy
    @manwithoutmercy 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Consoles and platforms should try to entice you with more than just exclusives, it should be features, software, and hardware that entice you. The console doesn't have less value if their exclusives go on pc. Consoles are still a good deal to get you into gaming with a great price per dollar system. They just make more money with pc users who in a lot of cases wouldn't have bought a ps5 even if the games weren't on pc. Just leaving money on the table. It shouldn't matter that others get to play the game. It doesn't affect you. And even with the games on PC, the PS5 still has CONSOLE EXCLUSIVES

    • @gamesjernst6563
      @gamesjernst6563  4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      That price is why I said in my video that regardless of exclusives, consoles will always have a place in the market. It's more affordable and approachable for people.
      However, exclusives are extremely important in what platform you buy. All three platforms have massive IPs that are amazing and give the consumer a reason to invest.
      Like look at Microsoft and how their hardware is doing because of their lack of exclusives. Their in last place, and not only that the Series X sales have been slowing down like the Wii U.
      All Microsoft has is GamePass and even then, the PC market doesn't even care about it.
      I personally don't care about Gamepass either because I have such an autistic gripe with ownership. If I feel like I don't own it I don't want to play it.

    • @manwithoutmercy
      @manwithoutmercy 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@gamesjernst6563 exclusives are important but you might be overplaying the mount of overlap between the console and pc player base. Consoles having exclusives and Xbox and Sony dropping their games on pc is fine. There’s still reason to get a ps5. Pc gaming isn’t for everyone. Console gaming isn’t for everyone either

  • @robertdoyle2586
    @robertdoyle2586 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

    You don’t lose games if they go to pc. You can still play them on your ps4/ps5. Did you know that?

    • @gamesjernst6563
      @gamesjernst6563  4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      That sure does make the argument sound simple now don't it? It's also just disingenuous, making an argument that I didn't even make.
      You know what I meant, and you're twisting it for no reason. It's an absolute fact that a platform loses value to its core audience once those games that they invested in that platform for go to another platform.
      I, the consumer, was left with the promise this was the only box that could play God of War, so I bought it, for God of War. Oh, now a year later, you mean to tell me that the platform I already owned can now play that game? Jeez, I sure do feel like I've wasted my money.
      Like dawg, it isn't a hard concept to grasp in the slightest why a general consumer would feel a little burned on their purchase.

    • @robertdoyle2586
      @robertdoyle2586 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@gamesjernst6563 I don’t think it’s the same thing like if they put it on another console. And it’s subjective if it’s money wasted as you got to play the game first on console. It’s not a waste of moment if you still have the game. The value of the platform should be more than just the games locked down to it.

    • @robertdoyle2586
      @robertdoyle2586 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@gamesjernst6563 it’s still a console exclusive if it comes to pc. Again, you don’t ‘lose them’

  • @shringleDINGLE
    @shringleDINGLE 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

    good video keep posting these autistic rants im tryna do the same thing

  • @Daveforever
    @Daveforever 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    this is probably the most try hard video I've ever seen on youtube lol

    • @Rolkey
      @Rolkey 20 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Ah ok 👌

    • @gamesjernst6563
      @gamesjernst6563  4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      New record set. Lets try even harder!

    • @Daveforever
      @Daveforever 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@gamesjernst6563 nice