Here’s the link to a video I did a few months back. It’s not exactly the most comprehensive wiring walkthrough but it should get you pointed in the right direction.
Lmk how long the regulator lasts. I’ve replaced the driver side twice and it keeps bending. At this point I’m waiting for condor to finish their poly windows for the ti
It hasn't bent yet thankfully but the window keeps wanting to come out of the vertical rail towards the front of the door. It's getting real annoying tbh.
@@JamDrifts ya man. There isn’t any difference between a ti and a coupe regulator. I haven’t tried a sedan regulator yet. I’m thinking maybe a z3 regulator may help. But nah. Polys gonna be the wave
@@JamDrifts also. Do you mean that like you need to kind of hold/bend/pull the window to fit in the sill? That shit was happening to me before they bend again
I have a compact of my own! Love the vids man keep it up!
That’s awesome! Thanks for the love 🙏
fire video , crashed my E36 , video making me miss mine , motivation to get it fixed up
Thanks for the love brotha! Hopefully you can get your car fixed!
Hello looking for the 318ti wiring complete
Here’s the link to a video I did a few months back. It’s not exactly the most comprehensive wiring walkthrough but it should get you pointed in the right direction.
Those headlights actually look sick!
Thanks man! I’m really happy with how they turned out.
Lmk how long the regulator lasts. I’ve replaced the driver side twice and it keeps bending. At this point I’m waiting for condor to finish their poly windows for the ti
It hasn't bent yet thankfully but the window keeps wanting to come out of the vertical rail towards the front of the door. It's getting real annoying tbh.
@@JamDrifts ya man. There isn’t any difference between a ti and a coupe regulator. I haven’t tried a sedan regulator yet. I’m thinking maybe a z3 regulator may help. But nah. Polys gonna be the wave
@@JamDrifts also. Do you mean that like you need to kind of hold/bend/pull the window to fit in the sill? That shit was happening to me before they bend again
Also for me. It’s only been the driver side
Goo gone should get that residue off