Just so you know : it is illegal to take pictures or videos of Moroccans without consent (provable consent), so it is not just courtesy but Law so one can get sued for it Also yes culturally many don't like their pictures in the hands of strangers 😊 Thank you for this nice video
In islam mosques/masjids are free for entry to anyone from any race/religion willing to learn about islam. But in some countries it is not allowed for tourists to enter the mosque during praying hours simply because the locals that are praying do not feel comfortable being recorded. As there is a high chance that a tourist has a camera. Hope that helps😅
That's not actually the cause. In order to visit a mosque as I searched for Maliki Madhab, you need someone Muslim to go with you and give you instructions inside the mosque.
That’s the most anti-Semitic thing you can say ! There are Moroccan-Israelis who fled Morocco because of Muslims like you oppressing them. And those ppl deserve to have their own country where they can be majority jewish just like you live in a 99% Muslim country. You need to educate yourself and understand that Jewish ppl are different from the IDF or 🤬 9ahwi li wald din mok!!
Many coffees do have paper toilet, but the little/cheaper coffees they don't, simply because it costs them a lot and people do sometimes take it or waste it or even ruine it.
10:43 honestly i am Moroccan and went to live in NY and West Virginia for couple months, I realised how much tape water in Morocco is much more safer than America. Growing up in Rabat i was always confused why Americans are so concerned about tape water but once i got there and drink it i immediately went sick for weeks. It drove me insane the fact that i have to buy water every time , i was never used to it here 😂😂😂
@@athenavelora i am an athlete who has to drink at least one gallon of water a day and grew up in a poor family , if i was buying it when i was in Morocco i would have never made it out 😂😂😂
Awesome video. I saw a report that there were 788 homicides in Morocco in 2022 ( Latest statistics ) That is extremely low for a population of 38 Million people. That is the 11Th lowest homicide rate in the world and most of them are in isolated areas in slums and or horrible looking ghettos. None of them guns were used. Most of them are family members and arguments or drunks. Other than that Morocco is super safe
Starting in 2025. Morocco is moving to impose the use of T-P-E electronic payment in commercial transactions on all merchants and companies. As part of promoting the digital transformation in the Moroccan economy, the government announced a new decision that will come into force in 2025. This decision requires all merchants and companies dealing with customers to adopt the “T.P.E.” system.
Uh for the last section you mentioned you want to drive from Rabat to Dakhla I swear it's not that easy I usually every summer with my family go from Laayoune it's a city 500km away from Dakhla from Laayoune to Tangier and takes 2 days and you wants to go to take so probably two days and half it's kinda hard you feel that your butt is on fire lol
Great video. So many good points. I would like to let the others know, cheese burgers in Morocco are a lot bigger than those in the us. Also as for the water. ( Just personal experience) I drink the water in Rabat. I have since my first trip in 2011. But as you know not everyone can do that as each person needs to know their own bodies.
My mother suffers from a problem with the blood filtration system in the body, and a doctor advised her to avoid bottled water because it contains substances that are difficult to freeze.
Yes , Erin. I've noticed these things here in Morocco since I've been here recently. Thank God the family I am part of now helps me with things as I shop Medinas and such things like this while I am here.
Yum! MashAllah, your burger looks good 👍 :) Bessaha! I’m wondering if you could do a video on a tour and cost of the school DarEssalam American school.. tuition, classes, extracurricular, and does transport for school go anywhere or are there specific places only they’ll travel to? you’re motivating me to move there 😬🤲 Love your videos and love how fun you are 💕 Salams from Abu Dhabi ❤ -SparkleEyes
@ oh thank you for already knowing 😬 eek, I looked online and they’re prices aren’t listed 😅 so we kinda imagined it was like an expensive no priced restaurant, 😂. Yes that American school Rabat was 💸 💸 Ugh so hard deciding if we should go back to US or give Morocco a fair chance for our kiddos and ourselves :) Sooooo happy and proud of you 👏
Although the currency is closed, in the UK, you can buy Moroccon Dirhams from 1 place. The amount you can exchange is limited though and would only take a small amount of exchanged money so that you have some for use on landing like taxi etc, when you arrive.
توضيح: المسجد في الاصل مفتوح لجميع الناس سواء كنت مسلم أو غير مسلم و يمكن لغير المسلمين دخول المسجد إذا كنت مهتم بالاسلام او عندك سؤال عن الإسلام او للاستماع لمحاضرة او مشاهدة الناس كيف تصلي و لكن المسجد مكان للعبادة و الخشوع و ليس متحف او مكان سياحي لذالك لا يمكن للسياح الدخول للمسجد لغرض التصوير و للنزهة مثلا لان هذا يشوش على المصلين و كذالك هناك من لايحترم ضوابط الاسلام في اللباس. و قد حدث من قبل ان قام بعض السياح الاجانب بعمل فيديوهات مخلة بالحياء في ساحة احد المساجد و هذه الحوادث تتكر باستمرار بسبب عدم فهم البغض او بسبب قلة احترامهم لمعتقدات المسلمين.. هذه بعض اسباب عدم السماح للسياح بالدخول الى المسجد. اما اذا كنت تريد زيارة المسجد لغرض التعرف على الإسلام فلا يوجد مانع لزيارة المسجد لغير المسلمين. في زمن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم كان غير المسلمين يدخلون المسجد و يقابلون النبي فيه و يتناقشون معه في الامور الاجتماعية و السياسية. و لكن للاسف حاليا بالنسبة للمساجد في معظم الدول العربية يقوم عليها اناس غير مؤهلين للدعوة و ليسو منظمين بسبب سياسة التيار العلماني الموجود في الحكومة لذالك نرى بعض المساجد مهمشة و الميزانية المخصصة لها من قبل المسؤولين هزيلة عكس المساجد التي توجد في اوروبا و بعض الدول في اسيا و الخليج العربي. مع ان المساجد في اوروبا لاتمولها الحكومة بل قائمة على تبرعات الجالية المسلمة. هناك تيار معادي للمسلمين و يخدم اجندات خارجية هدفها التأثير على دور المساجد و هذا أثر على دور و طبيعة المساجد في الدول العربية للأسف الشديد. المساجد في الاصل هي مدرسة للدين و الأخلاق و دورها مهم في المجتمع لذالك نشاهد الآن نتائج هذا التهميش على المجتمع. نفس الشيئ يحدث مع التعليم العمومي و المستشفيات. العمومية. في اوروبا يمكنك ان تزور اغلب المساجد اذا كنت مهتم بالإسلام او لديك اسئلة عن الاسلام و لكن يجب ان تقوم بعمل موعد مع إدارة المسجد حتى يمكنهم اعطائك الوقت للاجابة على اسئلتك و تعريفك بالمسجد و الإسلام من خلال شخص يتقن اللغة و لديه المعرفة الكافية لذالك.. للعلم اغلب القائمين على المساجد في اوروبا متطوعين و لايتقشون أجرة على ذالك باستثناء الشخص الذي يؤم المصلين و الذي يسمى الإمام لانه ملزم ان يحضر جميع اوقات الصلاة. الإمام هو شخص يحفظ القران و بعض الامور الاساسية في العبادة و لكن ليس بالضرورة عالم في الدين لذالك لا تنتظر من الامام ان يجيبك على كل اسئلتك عن الدين. الشخص الذي يمكنك ان تسأله عن الدين يكون في الغالب لايشتغل إمام في المسجد و لكنه شخص يقوم بإلقاء دروس و محاضرات و خطب في المساجد و مراكز الدعوة الإسلامية و في الغالب لا يتلقى اي أجرة من الحكومة او من المسجد و هؤلاء نسميهم اهل العلم او العلماء و هم في الاصل اشخاص عاديون متطوعون للدعوة و ليس لهم مكتب او مقر ولا يتقاضون اجور على ذالك. ارجو ان اكون افدتك ببعض المعلومات البسيطة عن المساجد و القائمين عليها. تحياتي من الديار الهولندية
Thanks, Greatings from Paris, we all undestand english in Morocco but can you please speak slow cause in Morocco we learnt only british accent at school and we have moor indian films rather than us moivies ; *Thanks you have showed us circle K, can you please show us the new us 🇺🇸 Ashkey home fourniture between Rabat and Casa*
You are right sister concernkng WC 🚻 When i go on hollydays to Morocco 🇲🇦 not only toilet papers is the problem this we can solve it by a cleanex in the pocket but harder than this is that still many *little cafes have beldi toilet (on floor) this what local people prefere and they have incapacity to use romi toilets* (romi comes from Roma means europe cause of the roman presence 2200 years before). *IF YOU REMARKED THIS EVERYTHING YOU SEE IN MOROCCO 🇲🇦 WHEN YOU LIKE TO BUY STH THE MERCHANT WILL ASK DO YOU LIKE BELDI OF ROMI? THIS MEANS LOCAL OR ORGANIC OR MODERN INDUSTRIAL* The romi bread 🥖 costs less than 0,10€ but the beldi breads (khobz zra3) is black organic and costs more than one €
please add on the list DONT BRING GOLD jewellery in bulk or bars ( no matter the grams) they will confiscate it! We moved here and a few small gold bars nothing to get rich on. They took it and told me I had three days to leave to get it back with no pay, which I couldn't so after 10 days I have to pay 4% just to get it back. If you wait till 45 days you will pay 24% and after 45th day like 46th day you lose the gold, they keep it.
In the water section, every country has some spefic bacteria in their water and your body is used to it so when you travel to another country and try to drink the water your body will get new batteries that he is not used to so that's why you get sick
لانه السلطات في المغرب لاحظت انه ما يقوم به المجرمين و اصحاب شغب و لا يحترمون خصوصيات الناس في الدول التي تسمح باستعمال الدرونات دون ضوابط و بشكل عشوائي من عمل اجرام او مضايقة الناس لهذا في المغرب فرضت شرط الحصول على رخصة عند شراء درون لاي غرض كان حتى درونات الفلاحية لكي لا يتسبب صاحبها باضرار بيئية برش مبيدات حشرات كما يحلو له انما بضوابط 👌👌❤️❤️
As a Moroccan i agree with mostly everything. I’ll just clarify the stance on mosques. Mosques in Morocco (with the exception of Hassan 2 in Casablanca) are not for tourism but for worship but you can enter if you want to be introduced to Islam or if you’re ready to revert to Islam, but to interrupt muslims during prayers or take pictures of a regular mosque, it’s frowned upon. As for the change and money, you need it mostly for transportation and souvenirs but you can use your credit card (example : Revolut) to pay for pretty much anything (groceries, shops, restaurants, …etc.).
The meat is expensive nowadays so if you find a burger for 30 dh its either a small piece or its not ground beef at all. I see that you prefer "LA" to No 😂
يمكنك شراء درون و عمل رخصة في المغرب لكي تصوري اي مناطق تريدين فقط ان طلب منك عنصر من السلطات المحلية "" المقدم "" مثلا رخصتك للدرون يكفي انك تعطيه اياها و كل شي يكون جيد سيقولك مع السلامة 🎉
Erin, I wanted to let you know that I have witnessed twi motorcycle accidents with cars since I've been here . These motorcycle people and the rider had no helmet or gear protection.
Seem's Like Temara is an Urban Outside zone from the smaller Rabat , $3 6TTC very good Just Deprecate to had a burger on in, So Ulteriorly you have to going-in MC DONALD'S the U.S Company, QwickBurger or to the King Burger, There are in A 7min to 15 min from your Position, i mean in Agdal Rabat To take the very secured and controlled consumable stuff's. Take a car and nice beautifully care. I like you Ma'am Optional : (American Youth's Never will eating that Please!). Have a nice day
18:14 I don’t necessarily agree, yes it’s their job but it’s also a public street where you have the right to film. A lot of these performers are very aggressive and are just scammers so I think the best advice is take the picture or video and just ignore them and walk away, if they get pushy or aggressive threaten to call the police or walk over to a police officer, trust me they’ll leave you alone.
What city do you live in? I'm a New Yorker who has been here for 10 years because my husband is Moroccan. Curious to know whether ur a resident or tourist 🤔 luv to talk .....GOD BLESS 🙌
Always cary with you toilet paper and use any hotel or Mac Donald's for emergency,s to judge a restaurant or cafe shop visit their toilets.i hope that Morocco will be stricts for toilets before the world cup. 😂😂😂😂😂
Oh no no no. In Morocco we do use toilet paper, then rinse the area with the water. If you went to a random coffee shop and you didn't find toilet paper, doesn't mean all Moroccans don't use toilet paper😅. Think about when you use gas station bathrooms,or fast food bathrooms or Walgreen bathrooms. They don't always have toilet paper, but that doesn't mean all of us don't use toilet paper😊
I love that people want consent before they are filmed. here in uk its like big brother everywhere, camera's on you constantly and I never consented. UK is a communist country. Morocco and its people are awesome
ماهو دليلك على كلامك؟ المساجد لله ليس معناه لا يسمح لغير المسلم بالدخول للمسجد. غير المسلمين مسموح لهم دخول المسجد لغرض التعرف على الإسلام و لكن ليس مسموح للسياحة لان المسجد هو مكان للعبادة و ليس معرض او متحف او مكان سياحي
@@mh2539 قاعدة فقهية لا يعرفها '' العوام و السفهاء من الناس " ،، من كثر علمه قل شكواه "" يعني لا يقول هاتي دليل لانه يبحث عليه في مواقع الدينية ،، و من قل علمه كثر شكواه غالبا يكونوا ممن قال الله فيهم " و من الناس من يقول آمنا بالله و باليوم الاخر و ما هم بمؤمنين يخادعون الله و الذين آمنوا و ما يخادعون الا أنفسهم و ما يشعرون في قلوبهم مرض فزادهم الله مرضا "" و ايضا قوله تعالى "" و اذا قيل لهم لا تفسدوا في الارض ،، قالوا انما نحن مصلحون ،، الا انهم هم المفسدون و لكن لا يشعرون "😂😂
@@Alphaannonces هات دليل على كلامك بدون فلسفة او دخول و خروج في الكلام. انت من تفتي و تحرم من رأسك و كلامك لا يستند الى دليل لا من القران و لا من السنة. لو كان كل المسلمين عندهم نفس عقليتك لما رايت شخص واحد يدخل في دين الإسلام. عندك دليل على كلامك تفضل آت به اما اذا كان ليس عندك دليل فلا داعي للنقاش و مضيعة الوقت معك في نقاش فارغ.
Did I forget any? Lmk ❤️🇲🇦
And don't say lmk to a Moroccan it means ur mum 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
Ik lmk is let me know but 💀💀
@@OmarJaberCharaka No bro u just exaggerating now .
@@OmarJaberCharakalool it literally does you know😂
Just so you know : it is illegal to take pictures or videos of Moroccans without consent (provable consent), so it is not just courtesy but Law so one can get sued for it
Also yes culturally many don't like their pictures in the hands of strangers 😊
Thank you for this nice video
It's heartwarming to hear a westerner who really appreciates the good things about Morocco! 😊
Thanks for sharing your honest perspective!
In islam mosques/masjids are free for entry to anyone from any race/religion willing to learn about islam. But in some countries it is not allowed for tourists to enter the mosque during praying hours simply because the locals that are praying do not feel comfortable being recorded. As there is a high chance that a tourist has a camera. Hope that helps😅
That's not actually the cause. In order to visit a mosque as I searched for Maliki Madhab, you need someone Muslim to go with you and give you instructions inside the mosque.
From the river to the sea Palestine will be free 🇵🇸❤️🔻
واش دخل هاد لهبال فالموضوع مالك هبيل
لحررتوها بهاد لهبال ها وجهي
كبرو الله ينعل ألز بوكوم
بنو فلسطين شر وبال على المسلمين والمسلمات الحقيقين حتى جيرانهم الاردنيين و السوريين و اللبنانيين #يلعنوهم
That’s the most anti-Semitic thing you can say ! There are Moroccan-Israelis who fled Morocco because of Muslims like you oppressing them. And those ppl deserve to have their own country where they can be majority jewish just like you live in a 99% Muslim country. You need to educate yourself and understand that Jewish ppl are different from the IDF or 🤬 9ahwi li wald din mok!!
Many coffees do have paper toilet, but the little/cheaper coffees they don't, simply because it costs them a lot and people do sometimes take it or waste it or even ruine it.
10:43 honestly i am Moroccan and went to live in NY and West Virginia for couple months, I realised how much tape water in Morocco is much more safer than America.
Growing up in Rabat i was always confused why Americans are so concerned about tape water but once i got there and drink it i immediately went sick for weeks. It drove me insane the fact that i have to buy water every time , i was never used to it here 😂😂😂
It may be only in rabat
In casablanca the tap water isn't drinkable
You need to buy water too
Rabat TAP water ? Come on !!!!!
My family buys water In morocco!
@@athenavelora i am an athlete who has to drink at least one gallon of water a day and grew up in a poor family , if i was buying it when i was in Morocco i would have never made it out 😂😂😂
Awesome video. I saw a report that there were 788 homicides in Morocco in 2022 ( Latest statistics ) That is extremely low for a population of 38 Million people. That is the 11Th lowest homicide rate in the world and most of them are in isolated areas in slums and or horrible looking ghettos. None of them guns were used. Most of them are family members and arguments or drunks. Other than that Morocco is super safe
Starting in 2025. Morocco is moving to impose the use of T-P-E electronic payment in commercial transactions on all merchants and companies. As part of promoting the digital transformation in the Moroccan economy, the government announced a new decision that will come into force in 2025. This decision requires all merchants and companies dealing with customers to adopt the “T.P.E.” system.
you are protect in morocco we love you
You know now traditions in Morocco, you are very mindful about the way of life. Good that you are informing other foreigners !❤❤👍
Uh for the last section you mentioned you want to drive from Rabat to Dakhla I swear it's not that easy I usually every summer with my family go from Laayoune it's a city 500km away from Dakhla from Laayoune to Tangier and takes 2 days and you wants to go to take so probably two days and half it's kinda hard you feel that your butt is on fire lol
Great video. So many good points. I would like to let the others know, cheese burgers in Morocco are a lot bigger than those in the us. Also as for the water. ( Just personal experience) I drink the water in Rabat. I have since my first trip in 2011. But as you know not everyone can do that as each person needs to know their own bodies.
Ehi Erin, Thanks for sharing your experiences and advice! Burger look 😋😋😋
My mother suffers from a problem with the blood filtration system in the body, and a doctor advised her to avoid bottled water because it contains substances that are difficult to freeze.
Yes , Erin. I've noticed these things here in Morocco since I've been here recently. Thank God the family I am part of now helps me with things as I shop Medinas and such things like this while I am here.
Yum! MashAllah, your burger looks good 👍 :) Bessaha!
I’m wondering if you could do a video on a tour and cost of the school DarEssalam American school.. tuition, classes, extracurricular, and does transport for school go anywhere or are there specific places only they’ll travel to?
you’re motivating me to move there 😬🤲
Love your videos and love how fun you are 💕
Salams from Abu Dhabi ❤ -SparkleEyes
They won’t let me go into school but fyi that school was very expensive like the American
@ oh thank you for already knowing 😬 eek, I looked online and they’re prices aren’t listed 😅 so we kinda imagined it was like an expensive no priced restaurant, 😂.
Yes that American school Rabat was 💸 💸
Ugh so hard deciding if we should go back to US or give Morocco a fair chance for our kiddos and ourselves :)
Sooooo happy and proud of you 👏
Does Morocco Have Casinos?
Again , I love your videos , sending positive vibes from Salè ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Love your videos
What is the best Moroccan city/town for a British expat?
Although the currency is closed, in the UK, you can buy Moroccon Dirhams from 1 place. The amount you can exchange is limited though and would only take a small amount of exchanged money so that you have some for use on landing like taxi etc, when you arrive.
Oh good to know no option like that in the US
I agree with you about motorcycles. Also there should be a lane for bicycles.
I agree with the points you raised, they are true about Morocco !
Burger is excellent! lovely video !❤❤❤❤❤❤👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Thank you! 😃
@@momof4vlogs 👍❤
توضيح: المسجد في الاصل مفتوح لجميع الناس سواء كنت مسلم أو غير مسلم و يمكن لغير المسلمين دخول المسجد إذا كنت مهتم بالاسلام او عندك سؤال عن الإسلام او للاستماع لمحاضرة او مشاهدة الناس كيف تصلي و لكن المسجد مكان للعبادة و الخشوع و ليس متحف او مكان سياحي لذالك لا يمكن للسياح الدخول للمسجد لغرض التصوير و للنزهة مثلا لان هذا يشوش على المصلين و كذالك هناك من لايحترم ضوابط الاسلام في اللباس. و قد حدث من قبل ان قام بعض السياح الاجانب بعمل فيديوهات مخلة بالحياء في ساحة احد المساجد و هذه الحوادث تتكر باستمرار بسبب عدم فهم البغض او بسبب قلة احترامهم لمعتقدات المسلمين.. هذه بعض اسباب عدم السماح للسياح بالدخول الى المسجد. اما اذا كنت تريد زيارة المسجد لغرض التعرف على الإسلام فلا يوجد مانع لزيارة المسجد لغير المسلمين. في زمن الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم كان غير المسلمين يدخلون المسجد و يقابلون النبي فيه و يتناقشون معه في الامور الاجتماعية و السياسية. و لكن للاسف حاليا بالنسبة للمساجد في معظم الدول العربية يقوم عليها اناس غير مؤهلين للدعوة و ليسو منظمين بسبب سياسة التيار العلماني الموجود في الحكومة لذالك نرى بعض المساجد مهمشة و الميزانية المخصصة لها من قبل المسؤولين هزيلة عكس المساجد التي توجد في اوروبا و بعض الدول في اسيا و الخليج العربي. مع ان المساجد في اوروبا لاتمولها الحكومة بل قائمة على تبرعات الجالية المسلمة. هناك تيار معادي للمسلمين و يخدم اجندات خارجية هدفها التأثير على دور المساجد و هذا أثر على دور و طبيعة المساجد في الدول العربية للأسف الشديد. المساجد في الاصل هي مدرسة للدين و الأخلاق و دورها مهم في المجتمع لذالك نشاهد الآن نتائج هذا التهميش على المجتمع. نفس الشيئ يحدث مع التعليم العمومي و المستشفيات. العمومية. في اوروبا يمكنك ان تزور اغلب المساجد اذا كنت مهتم بالإسلام او لديك اسئلة عن الاسلام و لكن يجب ان تقوم بعمل موعد مع إدارة المسجد حتى يمكنهم اعطائك الوقت للاجابة على اسئلتك و تعريفك بالمسجد و الإسلام من خلال شخص يتقن اللغة و لديه المعرفة الكافية لذالك.. للعلم اغلب القائمين على المساجد في اوروبا متطوعين و لايتقشون أجرة على ذالك باستثناء الشخص الذي يؤم المصلين و الذي يسمى الإمام لانه ملزم ان يحضر جميع اوقات الصلاة. الإمام هو شخص يحفظ القران و بعض الامور الاساسية في العبادة و لكن ليس بالضرورة عالم في الدين لذالك لا تنتظر من الامام ان يجيبك على كل اسئلتك عن الدين. الشخص الذي يمكنك ان تسأله عن الدين يكون في الغالب لايشتغل إمام في المسجد و لكنه شخص يقوم بإلقاء دروس و محاضرات و خطب في المساجد و مراكز الدعوة الإسلامية و في الغالب لا يتلقى اي أجرة من الحكومة او من المسجد و هؤلاء نسميهم اهل العلم او العلماء و هم في الاصل اشخاص عاديون متطوعون للدعوة و ليس لهم مكتب او مقر ولا يتقاضون اجور على ذالك. ارجو ان اكون افدتك ببعض المعلومات البسيطة عن المساجد و القائمين عليها. تحياتي من الديار الهولندية
Greatings from Paris, we all undestand english in Morocco but can you please speak slow cause in Morocco we learnt only british accent at school and we have moor indian films rather than us moivies ;
*Thanks you have showed us circle K, can you please show us the new us 🇺🇸 Ashkey home fourniture between Rabat and Casa*
I’m sorry I speak how I speak 😊
You are right sister concernkng WC 🚻
When i go on hollydays to Morocco 🇲🇦 not only toilet papers is the problem this we can solve it by a cleanex in the pocket but harder than this is that still many *little cafes have beldi toilet (on floor) this what local people prefere and they have incapacity to use romi toilets* (romi comes from Roma means europe cause of the roman presence 2200 years before).
The romi bread 🥖 costs less than 0,10€ but the beldi breads (khobz zra3) is black organic and costs more than one €
Thank you for this information ❤
My pleasure 😊
please add on the list DONT BRING GOLD jewellery in bulk or bars ( no matter the grams) they will confiscate it! We moved here and a few small gold bars nothing to get rich on. They took it and told me I had three days to leave to get it back with no pay, which I couldn't so after 10 days I have to pay 4% just to get it back. If you wait till 45 days you will pay 24% and after 45th day like 46th day you lose the gold, they keep it.
As a Muslim, I must ask, how does anyone use the sh7taf and not dry without toilet paper????
Warm enough, dries fast.
They use toilet paper
@ticka2 as most do but it was said no toilet paper.
@@inyeonjung9536 it’s not true as a morrocan myself we use water and tissue
In the water section, every country has some spefic bacteria in their water and your body is used to it so when you travel to another country and try to drink the water your body will get new batteries that he is not used to so that's why you get sick
Ahh that makes sense
Driving is very crazy in Morocco very true
Morocco 🇲🇦 people and USA people are brothers
I just discover your channel & I watch over 4 vids😂❤❤
Chokran ❤️
From the sea to the river PaIestine wiII be forever!
lol we do use toilet paper actually first and then wrap up the cleaning with water, i wont put my hand directly there hell nah
hello E just lit tip if you wanna visit Dakhal you can take a flight from Sale airport 1000 DH 2 hour enjoy ❤
We are coming to Rabat Nov 16. We would like to talk with you. How can we connect?
لانه السلطات في المغرب لاحظت انه ما يقوم به المجرمين و اصحاب شغب و لا يحترمون خصوصيات الناس في الدول التي تسمح باستعمال الدرونات دون ضوابط و بشكل عشوائي من عمل اجرام او مضايقة الناس لهذا في المغرب فرضت شرط الحصول على رخصة عند شراء درون لاي غرض كان حتى درونات الفلاحية لكي لا يتسبب صاحبها باضرار بيئية برش مبيدات حشرات كما يحلو له انما بضوابط 👌👌❤️❤️
As a Moroccan i agree with mostly everything. I’ll just clarify the stance on mosques.
Mosques in Morocco (with the exception of Hassan 2 in Casablanca) are not for tourism but for worship but you can enter if you want to be introduced to Islam or if you’re ready to revert to Islam, but to interrupt muslims during prayers or take pictures of a regular mosque, it’s frowned upon.
As for the change and money, you need it mostly for transportation and souvenirs but you can use your credit card (example : Revolut) to pay for pretty much anything (groceries, shops, restaurants, …etc.).
Since she lives in rabat lot if moul hanout have cc, and with revolut , n26 or wise you have 0 change fees.
Crazy drivers like :
New York, Philadelphia, Richmond Virginia also ...
No not like this it’s different
From Minnesota to Sidi slimane
I have to say that I did have a little difficulty with outside toilets , swatting down and using a bucket 🪣 , hahaha, hell, hahaha.
The burger looks fab
11:03 that was a bit dark 😂 😂 😂
I love your pure americain accent when you say " machi mochkil "
Nice presentation for first comers to Morocco! 🇲🇦 💚
Your Darija is getting better! 👍🥀
The meat is expensive nowadays so if you find a burger for 30 dh its either a small piece or its not ground beef at all. I see that you prefer "LA" to No 😂
It's the second biggest mosque in the world 🌎 , good continuation
يمكنك شراء درون و عمل رخصة في المغرب لكي تصوري اي مناطق تريدين فقط ان طلب منك عنصر من السلطات المحلية "" المقدم "" مثلا رخصتك للدرون يكفي انك تعطيه اياها و كل شي يكون جيد سيقولك مع السلامة 🎉
I think that regarding drones, a license must be obtained from the security authorities.
Best regards ❤️❤️❤️
Erin, I wanted to let you know that I have witnessed twi motorcycle accidents with cars since I've been here .
These motorcycle people and the rider had no helmet or gear protection.
Yea the motorcycles are dangerous..
Salam 3alaikom kidayra labas 3lik good luck for everything
Seem's Like Temara is an Urban Outside zone from the smaller Rabat , $3 6TTC very good Just Deprecate to had a burger on in, So Ulteriorly you have to going-in MC DONALD'S the U.S Company, QwickBurger or to the King Burger, There are in A 7min to 15 min from your Position, i mean in Agdal Rabat To take the very secured and controlled consumable stuff's. Take a car and nice beautifully care. I like you Ma'am Optional : (American Youth's Never will eating that Please!). Have a nice day
Actually Egypt is the first in tourism with 13M+ /year and we are second at 11M+ evolving year by year
That is incorrect. 2023 numbers: Morocco 13.2 M, Egypt 11.3 M
J'aime beaucoup مشي مشكل 😅😅 i love no problème 😅
GURLLL us germans use like tons of toilet paper!! Who told u so? 😆
Do they have Western bathrooms or the Eastern type of a hole in the ground kind of thing?
Western bathroons and western type
Mostly western but I have seen the holes too mostly out less population
@@momof4vlogs Good to know, I remember when I lived in Iraq there were no Western bathrooms only Eastern kind, thanks for the info 🤗
unfortunatly Driving is very crazy in Morocco
تحياتي ليك أختي إيرين
What does Addy mean ..might be good to add translator subtitles now and then or explain 😊
It means normal
you`re the real deal Erin, keep it real!
Ok, no drones thanks Erin, I might get a camera for a youtube channel - you are doing just fine without a drone 😀
Oh but I’d love to make videos using one but I’d have to hire someone to us cause I’d crash it 🤣🤣
18:14 I don’t necessarily agree, yes it’s their job but it’s also a public street where you have the right to film. A lot of these performers are very aggressive and are just scammers so I think the best advice is take the picture or video and just ignore them and walk away, if they get pushy or aggressive threaten to call the police or walk over to a police officer, trust me they’ll leave you alone.
We will agree to disagree I would never film them doing that and ignore them
What city do you live in? I'm a New Yorker who has been here for 10 years because my husband is Moroccan. Curious to know whether ur a resident or tourist 🤔 luv to talk .....GOD BLESS 🙌
Def not a tourist I sold my house in America not going back I live in temara
As you said! Mashi mochkil :)
Cash is king morocco. There were some statistics made about that. Morocco is one of the countries that uses cash the most.
Bank's fees caused that.
med 5 mosque in casablanca become second bigerst in africa after masjid al-aadam in algeria
It is the Hassan 2 Mosque
Always cary with you toilet paper and use any hotel or Mac Donald's for emergency,s to judge a restaurant or cafe shop visit their toilets.i hope that Morocco will be stricts for toilets before the world cup. 😂😂😂😂😂
God bless you
Oh no no no. In Morocco we do use toilet paper, then rinse the area with the water. If you went to a random coffee shop and you didn't find toilet paper, doesn't mean all Moroccans don't use toilet paper😅. Think about when you use gas station bathrooms,or fast food bathrooms or Walgreen bathrooms. They don't always have toilet paper, but that doesn't mean all of us don't use toilet paper😊
I’ve been in homes that don’t buy it. Machi moshkil it’s fine
سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته مساء الخير أختي إيرين
We usually use toilet paper to pat dry after washing that bt 😅
Bessaha ou erraha 😋😋😋
Everything you said about the driving in Morocco is true. Anyone bitching in the comments is lying to himself or hasn't driven anywhere else.
I hate to wait at the airport. So I will go somewhere else.
yes those small electric scooters are true nightmares 😑😑😑
❤ we ❤ U ❤ Sister
Hbibi could you do something with the blue subtitles ?
It’s too strong for the eyes
Slm I can’t do anything it’s you that has to change your settings on the video
Very nice Video🇺🇸🇲🇦🇺🇸🇲🇦🇺🇸🇲🇦
You are becoming a Moroccan, I want to hear you talking like TANJAWIYA.
Do you have any friends in Morocco
I love that people want consent before they are filmed. here in uk its like big brother everywhere, camera's on you constantly and I never consented. UK is a communist country. Morocco and its people are awesome
Do not worry, you're not offending anybody, the tap water sucks, and most Moroccans don't drink it anyways hahaha
Very honest video ! I like how your describe things just as they are
U hav hiiiigh energy huh , hope you enjoy morocco
I am!
Américan peoples are good
المساجد لله تعالى ليس لبشر لهذا لا يجوز لمن يدير او يسير اي مسجد ان يسمح لغير المسلمين والمسلمات من دخوله لانه مسجد رب العالمين ❤❤
ماهو دليلك على كلامك؟ المساجد لله ليس معناه لا يسمح لغير المسلم بالدخول للمسجد. غير المسلمين مسموح لهم دخول المسجد لغرض التعرف على الإسلام و لكن ليس مسموح للسياحة لان المسجد هو مكان للعبادة و ليس معرض او متحف او مكان سياحي
@@mh2539 قاعدة فقهية لا يعرفها '' العوام و السفهاء من الناس " ،، من كثر علمه قل شكواه "" يعني لا يقول هاتي دليل لانه يبحث عليه في مواقع الدينية ،، و من قل علمه كثر شكواه غالبا يكونوا ممن قال الله فيهم " و من الناس من يقول آمنا بالله و باليوم الاخر و ما هم بمؤمنين يخادعون الله و الذين آمنوا و ما يخادعون الا أنفسهم و ما يشعرون في قلوبهم مرض فزادهم الله مرضا "" و ايضا قوله تعالى "" و اذا قيل لهم لا تفسدوا في الارض ،، قالوا انما نحن مصلحون ،، الا انهم هم المفسدون و لكن لا يشعرون "😂😂
@@Alphaannonces هات دليل على كلامك بدون فلسفة او دخول و خروج في الكلام. انت من تفتي و تحرم من رأسك و كلامك لا يستند الى دليل لا من القران و لا من السنة. لو كان كل المسلمين عندهم نفس عقليتك لما رايت شخص واحد يدخل في دين الإسلام. عندك دليل على كلامك تفضل آت به اما اذا كان ليس عندك دليل فلا داعي للنقاش و مضيعة الوقت معك في نقاش فارغ.
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I think. Filming anyone in morocco. Without their cosent is a crime punishable by law. If they complain to the police