the " expert" theatre historian thinks Les Miserables is based on incidents in the french revolution😂 isn't ..its about incidents during the Paris revolt of 1832....
Cinderella at the Broadway was a woke production. Grandmas were dragging their Disney clad sweeties out of the theater because she started a soup kitchen down by the river. It was not the Julie Andrews edition that grannies and I remembered. I wrote a letter of complaint alleging fraud and asked for my money back naturally no response.
I had a friend that was in Mamma Mia! and after seeing her in the show she took me onstage to see the set. One of my favorite Broadway memories!
One historical rithym....classic movement revolution
How did they miss Fantasia had its world premiere here. Guess nobody did their homework.
good on them, shame that the place is the most cramped I've felt in any theatre
The theater should be renamed The Ethel Merman.
the " expert" theatre historian thinks Les Miserables is based on incidents in the french revolution😂 isn't ..its about incidents during the Paris revolt of 1832....
Cinderella at the Broadway was a woke production. Grandmas were dragging their Disney clad sweeties out of the theater because she started a soup kitchen down by the river. It was not the Julie Andrews edition that grannies and I remembered. I wrote a letter of complaint alleging fraud and asked for my money back naturally no response.