A CIA Drone Analyst Apologizes to the People of Afghanistan

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 21 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 297

  • @kadenyoIII
    @kadenyoIII 3 ปีที่แล้ว +97

    Message to Americans: if you love democracy and freedom, then defend democracy and freedom in your country. In your country NOT halfway around the world trying to impose foreign ideas on people who have a different culture

    • @metalbean813
      @metalbean813 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      i can not love something i do not have. i get your point bravo

    • @RKZX2
      @RKZX2 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      it's not the peoples' fault. it's the corrupt gov't bought by military companies like Boeing, Raytheon, etc. they want endless war because it's profitable. it's always profit over lives.

    • @rdreeves2332
      @rdreeves2332 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If we wish to make it as a species, we need a RBE! Please research The Venus Project. Go beyond politics poverty and war.

    • @elbarjones4812
      @elbarjones4812 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@RKZX2 The people elect these morons that work against their best interests....perfect example ...electing a reality show host with a penchant for ignorance as POTUS...2016

    • @BoydGilbreath
      @BoydGilbreath 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      What is this Democracy and freedom you speak of? Where do they have that?

  • @felixrabe
    @felixrabe 3 ปีที่แล้ว +61

    An apology from some dude in the front lines is all nice and dandy, but what I'd like to see is Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden, and other higher ups doing this as well. In person. To the people whose families they destroyed.

    • @felixrabe
      @felixrabe 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      As well as to the whistleblowers they treated like traitors. Give them the financial crisis gangster treatment: Zero prison time, and a huge pile of $$$ on top.

    • @mahlina1220
      @mahlina1220 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@felixrabe my thoughts, exactly.
      And to the future generations they’ve _destroyed,_ in America, and _all_ across the world.

    • @buttafan4010
      @buttafan4010 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      *:ytinamuH tsniagA semirC & semirC raW !!/9 roF tcidnI dna ,etagorretnI ,tserrA*
      !uhaynateN nimajneB ... dnA pmurT dlanoD nediB eoJ notnilC yralliH
      amabO kcarraB rialB ynoT llewoP nilloC rednuS nayhS ffomorbA kcaJ
      murF divaD namssorG craM ettenneB tnegA STO trahrebE hplaR lareneG
      sreyM drahciR lareneG rehcsielF irA htieF salguoD ecallaW elociN smarbA toillE
      elreP drahciR remerB luaP .L ztiwofloW luaP eciR azzeelodnoC dlefsmuR dlanoD
      yenehC kciD hsuB .W egroeG regnissiK yrneH wokileZ pilihP namffuaC nehetS
      muabnriB aliehS renllE dedO leumhcS noraY grebzruK luaP fotrehC leahciM
      13-7 :2 ,9002 ,lanruoJ )deweiveR reeP( scisyhP lacimehC nepO ehT
      .ehportsataC CTW ehT fO tsuD ehT nI dnuoF lairetaM citimrehT evitcA

    • @ktm7117
      @ktm7117 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Bush can't even go to Switzerland they have already issued arrest warrant, so Obama can't go to or near Somalia he will be arrest and brought to justice.

    • @elbarjones4812
      @elbarjones4812 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@felixrabe Assange ,Snowden, Manning et al have been persecuted for telling the TRUTH!...exactly like the U.S. (Nixon) tried to charge Daniel Ellsberg with Treason for releasing the (factual) Pentagon Papers.
      These people are True American Heroes

  • @brahmaped9100
    @brahmaped9100 3 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    The trillions spent on this war could have been used to provide infrastructure development for the country

  • @armandoromero5661
    @armandoromero5661 3 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Big on them for apologizing, but they still did it in exchange for wages, pension, and benefits. Sadly all you really get are probably nightmares to haunt you until death

    • @neilsarath9812
      @neilsarath9812 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Too true, long may your nightmares continue.

    • @jeromemorvan7092
      @jeromemorvan7092 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @ Amando Romero
      That's right ! A roomful of shadows await all who do.!
      See how he was blinking holding back tears?
      But still try to make a distinction of seperation between himself and the triggermen..aka."Joy stick Warriors"as if to say though I apologize
      I'm not that guilty...Still trying to have it both ways ...Well you can't.!
      There would be no triggerman without the information the analysts provide and vice versa.

  • @PaddyPicasso
    @PaddyPicasso 3 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Murder is murder

  • @brahmaped9100
    @brahmaped9100 3 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Show me who makes a profit from war, and I’ll show you how to stop the war.

  • @K4Jistice6021
    @K4Jistice6021 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thank you for having the decency to apologize. I will convey your apology to all the dead people, their orphans, widows, handicapped and what is left of their families.

  • @Otsuguacor
    @Otsuguacor 3 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Incredible, terrible, and painful testimony...

  • @shogun5886
    @shogun5886 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    "The killers do not know why they killed and the victims do not know why they are killed." Prophesied 1400 years ago.

  • @aqueousone
    @aqueousone 3 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Older men often lament the war they so willingly prosecuted as a younger man. That’s why young men are recruited for war. Don’t presume to apologize to your victims in the name of the people who rallied against this war from the start.

  • @cynthialangley7338
    @cynthialangley7338 3 ปีที่แล้ว +67

    The US government has had no regard for human life whatsoever. Time for a reckoning.

    • @federalreservebrown2507
      @federalreservebrown2507 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      time to stop DC being run from tel aviv, problem # 1.

    • @metalbean813
      @metalbean813 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      testament dark roots of the earth. you will fucking love it!!!!!! native blood man kills mankind a day in the death american hate. the whole album is amazing. political solutions. trust in testament:)

    • @buttafan4010
      @buttafan4010 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      13-7 :2 ,9002 ,lanruoJ )deweiveR reeP( scisyhP lacimehC nepO ehT
      .ehportsataC CTW ehT fO tsuD ehT nI dnuoF lairetaM citimrehT evitcA
      !uhaynateN nimajneB ... dnA pmurT dlanoD nediB eoJ notnilC yralliH
      amabO kcarraB rialB ynoT llewoP nilloC rednuS nayhS ffomorbA kcaJ
      murF divaD namssorG craM ettenneB tnegA STO trahrebE hplaR lareneG
      sreyM drahciR lareneG rehcsielF irA htieF salguoD ecallaW elociN smarbA toillE
      elreP drahciR remerB luaP .L ztiwofloW luaP eciR azzeelodnoC dlefsmuR dlanoD
      yenehC kciD hsuB .W egroeG regnissiK yrneH wokileZ pilihP namffuaC nehetS
      muabnriB aliehS renllE dedO leumhcS noraY grebzruK luaP fotrehC leahciM
      ffotrehC neB grebnieF htenneK nietsrelleH nivlA egduJ yesakuM B leahciM egduJ
      miehkaZ voD regniselhcS semaJ ffoG leahciM iramraM-remO renllE luaP
      grebzruK naviS rednaxelA iboK reuaH emoreJ llorK ymereJ llorK seluJ
      grebnesiE M siweL reduaL dlanoR ywoL knarF nietsrevliS yrraL eciR nasuS
      *:ytinamuH tsniagA semirC & semirC raW !!/9 roF tcidnI dna ,etagorretnI ,tserrA*

    • @henryc1000
      @henryc1000 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah Cynthia, but I have no doubt you continue to vote for the same assholes election after election after election…

    • @metalbean813
      @metalbean813 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@henryc1000 not me never voted hilary trump or biden. that fucker obama really got me though lol

  • @kohitur
    @kohitur 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The barbarians are saying they are sorry to kill hundreds of thousand innocent human beings including women and children They say they were extremist. Are they, or its you yourself killing innocent people for wages who has done you no harm whatsoever?

    • @arcang2102
      @arcang2102 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Clean self-righteous face,with a Dirty minded consciousness,that's burnt into the cerebral cortex of memory.The German citizens of Ww2 also had moral regret after admitting that they only doin their jobs of creating indirect inhumane nightmares inside of Nuremberg!

  • @hopefulskeptic42
    @hopefulskeptic42 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Christopher Aaron's words brought tears to my eyes. If your eyes are dry, I for one question your humanity. As for the question of WHY were we drone bombing Afghanistan for years...you've only to follow the MONEY?!

    • @sam70000
      @sam70000 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      drone war is a sign of cowardliness for people who don't have the guts to confront face to face

    • @jamesmedina2062
      @jamesmedina2062 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Its not the money. It was born out of soldiers being blown to bits by terrorist bombs. Asymmetric warfare. You may have a short memory but the original missiles were a result of WW2 and tech to deliver bombs. Then terrorists launched extreme asymmetric warfare during the 80's and 90's followed by 9/11. From that damage, destruction, and death came the reaction of sending our soldiers to war who were blown to bits too and then ...drones to counter that. So born out of saving United States soldiers but then going a little haywire and haphazard all around the world.
      What we should have done is sat down with the Taliban and any groups and try to provide peace negotiations and markets for their good products. We would have saved trillions of dollars. This is where your view of the money is right. Once big money starts supporting expensive operations you have gotten into an expensive quagmire. But its not explaining how drone warfare started imo.

    • @hopefulskeptic42
      @hopefulskeptic42 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jamesmedina2062 My comment was deliberately short. Yours was longer, but, we wound up in essentially in the same place.

    • @jamesmedina2062
      @jamesmedina2062 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@hopefulskeptic42 yea but I made several points that you didn't make showing the progression or metamorphosis. In other words showing how we got to where we did.

  • @williammoffett2216
    @williammoffett2216 3 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    The apology is nice and all but, my God, can you imagine your going about your day when, suddenly, most of your family is instantly turned into piece of burning flesh, and THAT GUY is sitting in a chair halfway around the world high fiving his fellow deuches? THAT GUY???

    • @sam70000
      @sam70000 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      that's why they hire punch of crazy teens for these jobs unable to differentiate between right and wrong if in shows a sign of sanity he or she will be terminated, they are used as tools

  • @TheZenGarden_
    @TheZenGarden_ 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    You only have the authority to apologize for yourself, "all americans" are not complicit with the decisions of the MIC.

    • @buttafan4010
      @buttafan4010 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      ... but either we are a democracy or we are not. Personally, I blame all of US, if only for letting this happen.

    • @buttafan4010
      @buttafan4010 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      !ynamreG oT

    • @TheZenGarden_
      @TheZenGarden_ 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      (Which means this country just pretends to be a democracy on tv!)

    • @buttafan4010
      @buttafan4010 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TheZenGarden_ YEP. ICBSONTV Yea Fweedom!

    • @buttafan4010
      @buttafan4010 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @clearfield2009
    @clearfield2009 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I add my apology as an American.

  • @carolmiller5713
    @carolmiller5713 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Yes, we do need to apologize for the mess we made of this country under the charade of "protecting & defending women, children & the future". Why were we there? As more of these stories come out, if there was any doubt - the only purpose to initiate & continue (after bin Laden was killed - in another country) was to support the military contractors, lining stockholders, Congress, et al. Shameful. I'm embarrassed & angry that our country participates in putting greed over lives. Valuable reporting here on Democracy Now!

  • @cev12
    @cev12 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    No, Christopher Aaron can apologize for what he's done. And anyone who had the choice can apologize for what they did. The blame is on them.
    But I've done nothing but oppose the war, and I've done nothing wrong: I have nothing to apologize for.
    It's like Buffy Sainte Marie sang:
    "But without [the universal soldier], how would Hilter have condemned them at La Val?
    Without him Caesar would have stood alone
    He's the one who gives his body as a weapon of the war
    And without him all this killing can't go on"

  • @L.A.6482
    @L.A.6482 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    “War is hell. You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it.”William T. Sherman. Will America never learn from its history??

  • @Maryann720
    @Maryann720 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Oh I'm n Tucson Arizona for 65 years!
    The war's will never end. My heart goes out for the innocent people from Afghanistan, and mostly the children, moms, and the elderly! So sad, and actually no one wins the war!

    • @jamesmedina2062
      @jamesmedina2062 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      People in competition may never end because its in our blood and global resources are limited and point towards future money and power.
      As US citizens we can require by increase of civic action and democracy that we stop global drone operations and so many bases and global operations. It is like continuous low-level war.

    • @Maryann720
      @Maryann720 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jamesmedina2062 yes, and sooo unbelievable sad! I can't imagine how God must feel! God for give man destruction to this world!
      U b safe, and wear ur mask. God Bless 🙏🏽

    • @arcang2102
      @arcang2102 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      War Crimes Against Humanity is a Waist of Life,especially thru such a little window span of time that the Human species have left to exist.

    • @arcang2102
      @arcang2102 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jamesmedina2062 Sounds like a great plan,but unfortunately the amoral majority are too far gone on a designer drug called computer dopamine thru an instant gratified quick trip to someplace called nowhere.

  • @eomguel9017
    @eomguel9017 3 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Funny how this reminds me of that scene in the second Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy movie, where the heroes are fleeing in their spaceship from a swarm of drones controlled remotely by a bunch of teens of a golden-skinned "superior" race. The self-projection of Hollywood film-makers is paramount, with one side literally at risk of losing their lives, whereas the others are essentially playing a video game. It almost feels as if the movie wanted to show what a cowardly act that is, but it is exactly what the US has been doing on a regular basis for over a decade now, with all signs pointing at an escalation of this horrendous practice in the foreseeable future.

    • @metalbean813
      @metalbean813 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      when you cant find reliable news watch marval fantasy movies lol. more truth their then anywhere else

    • @jayr.7209
      @jayr.7209 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hollywood huh? You're still being indoctrinated by the same sophisticated system and you don't even know it.

    • @metalbean813
      @metalbean813 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jayr.7209 wrong i know hidden messaging when i see it. if i agree with the message. i complain about it a lot less

    • @TheFlutecart
      @TheFlutecart 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jayr.7209 You do realize that we grew up with cereal commercials on TV? It's not like people can't spot the angle of advertising or propaganda. I guess some people struggle with it. OK half of America struggles with it despite being bombarded with it daily. Some people will believe anything if it feels good.

  • @MrAtif7865
    @MrAtif7865 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The ptsd is punishment from Allah. To unjustly killed 1 person is like killing all of humanity. It a big sin and crime. Your soul is being corrupted.

  • @RonnieMinh
    @RonnieMinh 3 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Did Mr. Aaron raise any of his concerns when he was participating in the acts he is now apologizing for?

  • @the_local_bigamist
    @the_local_bigamist 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Much respect for this man - hope he finds peace. If only Afghanistan could find peace also.

    • @AudioPervert1
      @AudioPervert1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Do Horrible and criminal things, then come on Bureaucracy Now and apologies and babble. Get baptized and move on... Next

    • @brahmaped9100
      @brahmaped9100 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AudioPervert1 baptism don't work like that...and if you kill another it's not God who would forgive you , it's the family who should forgive and only after hearing that from the family , god goes on to the forgiveness part , read bible properly...

    • @AudioPervert1
      @AudioPervert1 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@brahmaped9100 fxxk the bible ... I meant mainstream media and these ex members of the worlds biggest terrorist organisation 🇺🇸☠️⚰️🕳️👎🏽

  • @geared2cre8
    @geared2cre8 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    To much money, too many lives and zero return

    • @jamesmedina2062
      @jamesmedina2062 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      And ironically they are all soldiers. why can't soldiers respect one another any more? Because for one they do not face off in the battlefield to so battle. The whole concept of advanced military technology ruins that possibility.

    • @arcang2102
      @arcang2102 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Antisceptic assymetric anti-social desensitized,long-distanced Out of sight, out of mind,is when people can't look eachother in the eye anymore to hear a heartbeat hopeful pulse, to humanely determine specific life or death scenario situations of an armchair convenience in an instance These joy-stick dubious nefarious games are acted out thru means of ominous warfare.

  • @sam70000
    @sam70000 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    joystick operator will be haunted until the day he dies and when he reaches the other side hell is waiting for him...they knew what they were doing!

    • @billiamc1969
      @billiamc1969 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Jail is too good a place for this COWARD...

  • @csalonmanila8206
    @csalonmanila8206 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    You can't clear your conscience with a public apology. MURDER IS MURDER!

    • @sam70000
      @sam70000 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      He'll be haunted until the day of his death

    • @jamesmedina2062
      @jamesmedina2062 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Any cop can go in and try to make things better and it is an honorable thing. So why can't you give the guy credit for trying to reduce unnecessary deaths? If he did not do it, another would do it. He may have saved many lives. But if you ask me any accused criminal needs to be taken to court and to jail, absolutely not assassinated via drone or anything.

    • @arcang2102
      @arcang2102 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Bcs subhumans who don't have & won't find the true answer to the real life needs of all Humanity.& ifso are trumped by random dark powers of discord.But Instead plaigeristicaly play God thru its own vanity,to selfrighteously judge those who unlike themselves, are surviving for the basic common good of others who also have the right of existence,aswellas rites of passage to reside alive standing upright atop the soil of Planet Earth!

  • @jackstraw262
    @jackstraw262 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    JFC this dude has a big ol weight on his shoulders.
    I hope he can pull salvation off. The apology is a sign it’s possible but... yikes.

    • @billiamc1969
      @billiamc1969 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Eff this dude...he killed 1000s of innocent people and all you say is he has a weight on his shoulders? How crass of you

    • @jackstraw262
      @jackstraw262 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@billiamc1969 the obvious solution for this guy is to insert is service weapon in the biggest hole in his body and pull that thing to make it all end.
      But yea, with tons of work he could find salvation.
      You, however- if you believe people cannot be redeemed, you are probably already standing on the chair with the rope tied to the ceiling.
      I say kick the chair away, friend. There’s no hope for you.

    • @arcang2102
      @arcang2102 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Or does having an anchored weight, attached to one's moral regretful hallowed-out soul,gettin ready for judgement,then pushed over into the indepth pits of a fiery abyss, sound alot better ingeneral?Hell is the real truth seen too late!Perhaps it's best to be evermore God fearing.

    • @lisamarieashby2523
      @lisamarieashby2523 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jackstraw262 God is the giver of salvation - not you. Unfortunately as long as you see "others" as your enemy, then your attitude is as war-like as the guy you are condemning. None of us are perfect. Stop playing god with your attitude and you may receive mercy too. That is your responsibility. Not someone else's.

    • @jackstraw262
      @jackstraw262 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lisamarieashby2523 buddy your response is incoherent, rambling and unrelated to what I said. Please try harder next time

  • @billiamc1969
    @billiamc1969 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    All I see is a coward spewing his regret for murdering innocent people...jail is too good for these cowards

  • @clarenceedwards2866
    @clarenceedwards2866 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It's all right to give an apology and I applaud these two men for their remorse concerning their involvement with it, but when the same evil carnage continues on and on, then what good did that apology serve? Most people should agree that if you did something really bad to someone else and you apologized to them for the wrongdoing, the expectation is that this bad event will no longer prevail; but let us examine what the current president has said about the over-the-horizon action that will replace the withdrawn troops. Can we say with any degree of certainty that these drone strikes have been brought to an end? I'll wait.

  • @drew004jc
    @drew004jc 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Take notes Jocko

  • @rgp560
    @rgp560 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thanks for having me

  • @unggrabb
    @unggrabb 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Apply the Nuremberg Principles and punish the entire chain of command for warcrimes. Do this regardless of nation.
    Only then will the warcrimes stop

  • @777wisdom7
    @777wisdom7 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @ArtSamsun
    @ArtSamsun 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Worth reading Andrew Cockburn's '' KILL CHAIN ''

  • @banksofbarcelona3893
    @banksofbarcelona3893 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Daniel Hale is a true American Hero and patriot. He would come out of jail a stronger person!

  • @ktm7117
    @ktm7117 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I have been living in America more a decade now and I noticed that the American people from then and now towards the dirty wars is way different. # Very positive

  • @darylkirkvid
    @darylkirkvid 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Drone warfare is the laziest unethical warfare strategy that America embraces.

  • @markherron6374
    @markherron6374 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This tough man should be apologizing to the American People for the horror and war crimes put upon the innocent women and children of Afghanistan. The bombing from a machine in the sky. That couldn't be seen. And, the Trillions spent in our name. Without gaining one square inch of nothing. We are going to burn.

  • @JohnLee-
    @JohnLee- 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Sorry are not going to cut it.

  • @markhedquist9597
    @markhedquist9597 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Great. Now, with this information, that humans can't handle the job, the switch will be flipped on that eliminates human decision making. Machines will make the decisions now.
    I do not comply.

  • @veronicasanacion
    @veronicasanacion 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    To me and with due respect for this man and his apology, the point is Why and When so many people (potliticianas, military, civilians) in the U. States gave themselves the right to make war to so many countries? The harm and violence they spread around hurts billions of us, humans, animals, and Earth.

  • @AudioPervert1
    @AudioPervert1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Do Horrible and criminal things, then come on Bureaucracy Now and apologies and babble. Get baptized and move on... Next

    • @Madasin_Paine
      @Madasin_Paine 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Dumbocracy Now! Yes and forever!
      Demagoguery Now! Absolutely! 24/7/365.
      Democracy Nowhere‽
      Democracy NEVER!
      FUNDED BY....
      and people like....

  • @chichibud31
    @chichibud31 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Apologises for what ? Terrorist mass killings ? Sanctimonious patronising much.

  • @GeddensGC
    @GeddensGC 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just done.... for 20+ years.

  • @JM-yx4ew
    @JM-yx4ew 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    People in the comments are missing the point and the power of a former intelligence analyst apologizing for his role, showing deep regret for his involvement, and speaking out against the actions committed by the US military from a first hand perspective. They seem to have forgotten the political climate after 9/11 and the intense propaganda that was pushed on teens and young adults, depicting soldiers as heroes fighting for our freedoms. Yes, many of us saw through it, but for every person that didn't someone actively speaking out will help deter people from making those same choices and wake people up to reality.
    We need to shatter the illusion of the Military as the good guys and freedom fighters. We need to make it clear that US imperialism is wrong and only helps the wealthy elite. Former military and contractors who recognize their complicity and experience shame and PTSD can be some of our strongest allies in the fight against imperialism because they can personally testify to counter the pro-war, pro-military, anti-islamic propaganda we are fed by our government and media.
    He will have to live with his involvement for the rest of his life, and it does weigh on him deeply. Your shaming may make you feel good temporarily but I can assure you that you're not saying something that he hasn't said to himself countless times over the last decade+ since he left. People who truly experience shame and regret are always their own toughest critics. We should be focusing our energy on how to prevent this from happening and working with veterans who will expose the system for all it's brutality, destruction, and corruption. Who better to do that than someone with first hand knowledge of how it all works?
    You don't have to forgive him but you also don't have to use him as a punching bag when there are still so many folks actively participating in and supporting imperialism and war while he's actively fighting against it. Just some food for thought.

  • @garbagecollector1179
    @garbagecollector1179 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    When other countries develope drones . we the 🇺🇸 going to have problems. Drones is a game changer. Small drones are almost undetectable.

    • @zehrajafri9252
      @zehrajafri9252 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Other countries have drones, their used to deliver pizza. Not every nation is a war crazy murderer like American military industrial congressional complex

    • @christianewoodard3025
      @christianewoodard3025 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Other countries have drones....

    • @christianewoodard3025
      @christianewoodard3025 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      We all live in 2021

  • @fellsmoke
    @fellsmoke 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Yes... regret...that's a hard one...at the end of the day...when you lay it down and sleep the final sleep...it would be good if you had no regret...or knew better than to ever repeat those regrets...

    • @jeromemorvan7092
      @jeromemorvan7092 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @ fellsmoke ..lesson learned..you can't run from your conscience.
      The one prison you can' t escape from, unless you find a way to remove it which is impossible. Drugs and alcohol may only offer a temporary respite, otherwise you OD or become a mindless Zombie.
      Either way you are. being punished by TMH.

  • @valeriehaider3273
    @valeriehaider3273 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank u Christopher for coming forward... more secrets to be revealed.. watch now! More to come!

    • @arcang2102
      @arcang2102 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Atleast self attonement in public is a start of furthering spiritual recovery for integral sake of The Country.

  • @edwardroche2480
    @edwardroche2480 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    No bravery involved. Just Men Behind screens driving mindless machine. There can be no glory in this kind of War.

  • @AlxnderNZ
    @AlxnderNZ 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wrong. By apologising on behalf of everyone is basically saying everyone thinks we’ve done it. Most of us are expecting ongoing turnaround results.

  • @333btd
    @333btd 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Moral injury or moral regret may be a new type of ptsd, but anyone who claims it now as a disability should explain the moral compass they had taking the job in the first place. So you get paid to do the work, and then when you quit you get to claim your moral compass was off or something, and you get paid a federal disability check for ptsd forever because you did the work. Do I have that right?

  • @liegesaboya8265
    @liegesaboya8265 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    How much trillions of dollars are the Afghan people asking as indenization for the war against them ?

  • @marcellusaurelius7516
    @marcellusaurelius7516 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Free Assange .
    Not a word , sick

  • @lowhydrogen7018a1
    @lowhydrogen7018a1 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nothing is ever fair

  • @n.r.2258
    @n.r.2258 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    He think, he’s victim ? LOL

  • @the1onlynoob
    @the1onlynoob 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Murders once had the decency to look their victims in the eye. Cowards

  • @csalonmanila8206
    @csalonmanila8206 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The road to HELL is paved with good intentions.

  • @wrnr_mn
    @wrnr_mn 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    US mind frame is explicitly trained to be hyper egocentric from both; an individual and a general point of view - this will inevitably become (or has become) unsustainable. Even the notion that the "war is over" is purely egocentric, if anything the attacking party has been forced to retreat, it will show if there won't be a form of attack on American soil against US "citizens" in the future.

  • @MrAtif7865
    @MrAtif7865 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    So the reckoning for these crimes are tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, horrendous fires, pandemics.Its called the return of your corrupt deeds.

  • @rdreeves2332
    @rdreeves2332 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    If we wish to make it as a species, we need a RBE! Please research The Venus Project. Go beyond politics poverty and war.

  • @seanbenton4453
    @seanbenton4453 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    insufficient indeed. You dont speak for me , gov't mule....

  • @imranahmed786
    @imranahmed786 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Its a famous saying amongst us Muslims, the rule that does not believe in God can survive, but the Rule that oppresses mankind is bound to perish whether the rule is of Muslims or non Muslims.
    The moral is to be just, and let the truth prevail. And not be deceitful

  • @jayr.7209
    @jayr.7209 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @modusbee9092
    @modusbee9092 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "It's for real"

  • @RahmanKhan-vk9ol
    @RahmanKhan-vk9ol 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Too little too late. How can your remorse be conveyed to the victims who are maimed and dead.

  • @Appalling68
    @Appalling68 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Is there a word that goes beyond "hero"? Because this guy has not only served his country, but actually has a conscience that screams "HERO"! I mean, geezusfuckingchrist what the hell has happened to the United States?

  • @adamajwadi1546
    @adamajwadi1546 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is not a matter of policy but a matter of morality. No policy stands right when killing is the result. Christopher Aaron comes to this matter too late and that it took him this long to realize how wrong his involvement in this criminal affair was also reflects on the massive ignorance in most of his countrymen and women. Lest there be an inkling of doubt to this response, I adamantly disagree with the Taliban policies and practices. However, I also acknowledge that the U.S. and all her western allies that participated in the debacle in Afghanistan have no say in how the country should be governed. When the U.S. and her NATO allies had maximum forces in Afghanistan they did not sue for peace or tried to negotiate a political solution. Instead they went on an orgy of killing, maiming and destroying. More than 170,000 paid with their lives as a result of this invasion. The Taliban are a part of Afghanistan whether the west likes it or not. The aliens in this scenario are those that traveled thousands of miles to drop tons of bombs and destroy the fabric of that already fragile society. Though I vehemently disagree with the Taliban, it’s not up to me to decide the fate of Afghanistan. The change that will eventually come to Afghanistan must come from within. As for those Afghanis that sold their souls to the U.S. they will soon find out that life in America is not what it is advertised as. They will find out about the grinding poverty in our inner cities. They will see for themselves how shamelessly we allow the homeless to flood the streets in major cities across this country. They sold out their countrymen by cooperating with the foreign invaders and of course they are scared for the treason they committed against their own nation. All of this could have been avoided were it not for the arrogance of claiming the right to kill whoever was deemed beneath our “American exceptionalism”. Finally, all those that authorized, directed and participated in these wars against the people of Iraq and Afghanistan are war criminals and unfortunately true justice will fall upon them. The American motto from all sides of the political spectrum is: “We need enemies to justify our existence.”

  • @LuciFeric137
    @LuciFeric137 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is july 4 in Afghanistan

  • @redcrescent6557
    @redcrescent6557 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    No amount of apologies will ever bring back those innocents murdered via a games room that kills .. i hope all those that do this kind of things search their hearts and ask them selves if what they're doing is worth the money they're getting for remotely murdering innocents villagers men, women and children..just hope they can sleep good when they go to bed.. PTSD is no excuse..

  • @debwefoxx9389
    @debwefoxx9389 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Such an important story. Thank you for these voices. May we all find healing

  • @beverleypeacock
    @beverleypeacock 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you Amy..And thank you Christopher. We are all waking up.

  • @whipivy
    @whipivy 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    There is no such thing as a "Drone Program Officer" there are Targeting Officers. As an officer, it would have been his job to pass up what analysts provide him if it needed to go further. So sounds to me like he was bad at his job which is probably why he doesn't work at CIA anymore.
    I was surprised we were still employing drone strikes considering how fast things are moving on the ground in Afghanistan. For an ISIS-K target, we should be utilizing the Taliban as a proxy to deal with those targets since they pose a threat to the Taliban as well AND it would confirm the Taliban's commitment to acknowledging why it shouldn't repeat another relationship like it had with AQ. This way targets won't know if we identified them or if the Taliban did which is better for everyone.
    This guy is an antiwar reputation hound, doesn't care if the world isn't perfect, that mistakes have consequences only cares that people think he's a 'good person' by doing what reputation seekers usually do these days....talk and little else. The bad guys, they don't care if they make mistakes, they don't even consider mistakes to be ineffective, and they don't care what people think of them by what they say alone, they actually act and do and get things done, that's why they're bad guys. We have killed many targets successfully with drone strikes, such as Abdul Rauf Aliza. They will continue no matter how much people cry about it.

  • @all2031
    @all2031 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Oh, dear, I apologize for killing and displacing millions of people. Did I do any damage? Sorry, I am out of here and good luck.
    I will be droning you if you don't do as you are told....by our corporate bosses....
    No one to complain to or hold accountable. It is not my job!!!!

  • @sstarklite2181
    @sstarklite2181 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes USA thinks we should train military to be evil, forever, and that’s why we should eliminate all military ASAP, by giving all those WAGES as Universal Basic Income! But all nations need to do it to, so USA should be training them how, including how to destroy the WAGE system! The capitalists think it’s right to give all the money to a few rich people which is insane! The wage is the Problem, not the solution! There should be equal wealth worldwide ASAP so we need start with a UBI! But USA must lead the world on HOW! The only way to turn SWORDS into plowshares is to end wage slavery!

  • @lagosolarbros
    @lagosolarbros 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Falied policy, well said

  • @mehdihasan3690
    @mehdihasan3690 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    A human who takes life of an innocent human will pay a price in this life and a even heavier price in the life after this life.. . its not a concept its a Declaration of Almighty.. That Almighty is One and the Same for all Christians Muslims & Jews.

  • @michaelpike1704
    @michaelpike1704 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    And repair TH-cam

  • @georgekelmeris4114
    @georgekelmeris4114 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think this dude is sorry because the U S got defeated, and the military did a GET THE HELL OUT OF DODGE QUICK,. How long has this dude been murdering those innocent civilians? ( men, women, children, infants, the elderly, their livestock, and their pets )??? YEAH RIGHT! With all due respect dude, as a human, you had the right to refuse to participate in that murderous rampage, in the past there have been some soldiers that refused to take those orders,. AND I SALUTE THEM, it's way too late for the apologies, and the crocodile tears,. Nobody can bring those innocent civilians back to life,. This was an ILLEGAL WAR to begin with, Afghanistan never sent Alqaeda to attack our great nation on 9-11, my gut feeling tells me that 9-11 was orchestrated, in order for us ( the American citizens ) to be spied upon, and to loose our freedoms,. That's my gut feeling. 🙏❤️🙏

  • @TheEricrya
    @TheEricrya 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    It just had the wrong price tag! That's all!

  • @TheFlutecart
    @TheFlutecart 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I hope everyone is paying attention, if so, then there is no reason to do this ever again. If we go to war, then go to war. But we should not be using the military for a political solution over there any more than we should in our own country.

  • @bernardfong1019
    @bernardfong1019 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Killing for the sake of killing. Psycho.

  • @zanderman8831
    @zanderman8831 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I hope the apologies make the eternal 🔥🔥🔥🔥 duller

    • @arcang2102
      @arcang2102 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      If noticed closely,you can see the internal conscious element of heat permiating from within,as the appearance of sweat begins to pour from one's forehead!The almighty divine Pre-judgement of the mind, body,& soul has already taken mortal physiological manifestation.

  • @27fevilien
    @27fevilien 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    The cost 🤔🤔🤔🤔 what cost the opacity of this guy

  • @tangerineskye2180
    @tangerineskye2180 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm not totally against using drones, I think in certain situations they're necessary.
    i think that drones are a good tool but they're being over used and too often they're killing innocent people especially children.
    There probably should be some restrictions.

    • @user-eh6jk8dl9t
      @user-eh6jk8dl9t 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Your view is completely invaild for such use. The target has to be completley secluded from local communities at first, secondly that almost never happens. And third and final, it's a total illusion of being a reality where you can operate drones without killing civlians, children as you put it, in first place. Good luck doing that with the kind of authority that is in charge today, especially.

    • @charlotteharris9227
      @charlotteharris9227 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@user-eh6jk8dl9t would it be okay for other countries to use them here in the US?

    • @elbarjones4812
      @elbarjones4812 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Restrictions??...how about Not invading other countries & not starting unnecessary wars just to satisfy Wall Street.

    • @user-eh6jk8dl9t
      @user-eh6jk8dl9t 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@charlotteharris9227 lol

    • @arcang2102
      @arcang2102 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Domestic use of Urban Amusement Drones,that is without certain legislative approval of various Privacy Laws back intact, only means more negative results of open season on pinpointing people on route for Human-Trafficking,not limited to lost mentally-ill adults etc.; Public Pedophilic criminal activities on innocent childrens schoolyards, playgrounds etc.etc.If not banning them altogether,Perhaps such devices should be regulated, guaged, & if possible restricted ,& perhaps utilized in licensed perimeter areas only.That are simply used by means of civil entertainment.Otherwise the air is free for all to abuse ones own uncivil liberties at any cost of all others.

  • @333btd
    @333btd 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    And no news outlet no matter how good even democracy now no news outlet should refer to PTSD and talk about PTSD without understanding the story that’s what journalism is, isn’t it? When listeners here some thing about PTSD it’s misleading and unhelpful to the site to solve what PTSD is

  • @babyfactory587
    @babyfactory587 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Does anyone HAVE to do multiple tours ?? Like wtf just stop going on f**king tours. This guy is worst of the worst too.

    • @Appalling68
      @Appalling68 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Why? Because his conscious is bothering him and he's manning up? Asshole.

    • @babyfactory587
      @babyfactory587 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Appalling68 because he was conscious in the first place and accepted a job where he’s blowing people up. He’s the asshole

    • @Appalling68
      @Appalling68 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@babyfactory587 It's just not as black and white as that, especially when your being freakin convinced and brainwashed by MIC assholes.

  • @davidgarcia-uk1un
    @davidgarcia-uk1un 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Don't ever forget Building 7 don't ever forget all the innocent fire department men who died because this was Demolition bombs put in those buildings and they pulled it I will never forget all my American brothers who died that day or an inside f****** job

  • @rickesteves4783
    @rickesteves4783 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Apology not accepted.

  • @elijahsexton4380
    @elijahsexton4380 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    See how this is better than classic rock crazy lady......and I didn't beg for it......and it made me cringe.....and last but not least.....you didn't want none......now what beats that

  • @CedRockStarr
    @CedRockStarr 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    sounds like the call of duty

  • @namin8400
    @namin8400 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    And do not think God is unaware what they are doing he only delays for a time when eyes will state in horror.
    God let the wrong doers continue in their wrong doing and the final abode is hell drag on there face.

  • @CK-jo9im
    @CK-jo9im ปีที่แล้ว

    I consider myself lucky, lucky in a way that although I come from a poor African Country, I have had the privilege to enjoy peace (never experienced a foreign nor civil war) since our independence in the 1960's. But what is troubling me is the imagination itself. America has invaded many many countries, illegally or legal (I do not care) and brought misery, death, sickness, poverty to sovereign nations around the planet. Virtually, every foreign or civil wars that are fought across the world, you will find an American hand in it, directly, or otherwise (they call this "American interests"). On the other side of the Atlantic, America as a Country determines itself as a democracy, a free world and standing head high in terms of human rights, notwithstanding the atrocities done in many countries. The Americans (the citizens) enjoy and flourish in the so called American dream while their government is involved in endless wars and mafia - like masquerades to advance self interests at the expense of others. They (citizens) do not speak against this, prefer to remain silent, or openly support and acknowledge these irresponsible foreign policy actions (knowingly or not). I cannot Imagine, how they (people) would later react towards the government in the event that they experience a civil war, but worst an invasion on the American land. The day that America will be struck by a foreign force(s), and witness the gruesome face of what a war really look like will be a turning point in the mindset of its citizens, but I bet, that would be too little too late. War, as we see it, more especially those that have experienced it, and suffered from it, is not something any country would wish for. I expected that a free country (like they claim it is) should have citizens that hold its political leaders to account, unfortunately, not in America. I can foresee a day when mindset would change, but following a very deadly invasion of the American land and cities, let alone its innocent people. Foreign policy of aggression has its blowback, now or later.

  • @jeromemorvan7092
    @jeromemorvan7092 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    The Book of Revelation The KJV. "AND HE CAUSES FIRE TO FALL FROM HEAVEN"
    Rev 12 :12 ...Woe unto to you the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea, for the 👿 is come down unto you having great wrath , because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

  • @robroy7456
    @robroy7456 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nobody put a gun against his head and said work. I’m sure he was well paid. Do include me in your self loathing apologies. Thank you.

  • @federalreservebrown2507
    @federalreservebrown2507 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    when will wtc7 amy and her tribe apologize for sept 01?

    • @buttafan4010
      @buttafan4010 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      13-7 :2 ,9002 ,lanruoJ )deweiveR reeP( scisyhP lacimehC nepO ehT
      .ehportsataC CTW ehT fO tsuD ehT nI dnuoF lairetaM citimrehT evitcA
      !uhaynateN nimajneB ... dnA pmurT dlanoD nediB eoJ notnilC yralliH
      amabO kcarraB rialB ynoT llewoP nilloC rednuS nayhS ffomorbA kcaJ
      murF divaD namssorG craM ettenneB tnegA STO trahrebE hplaR lareneG
      sreyM drahciR lareneG rehcsielF irA htieF salguoD ecallaW elociN smarbA toillE
      elreP drahciR remerB luaP .L ztiwofloW luaP eciR azzeelodnoC dlefsmuR dlanoD
      yenehC kciD hsuB .W egroeG regnissiK yrneH wokileZ pilihP namffuaC nehetS
      muabnriB aliehS renllE dedO leumhcS noraY grebzruK luaP fotrehC leahciM
      ffotrehC neB grebnieF htenneK nietsrelleH nivlA egduJ yesakuM B leahciM egduJ
      miehkaZ voD regniselhcS semaJ ffoG leahciM iramraM-remO renllE luaP
      grebzruK naviS rednaxelA iboK reuaH emoreJ llorK ymereJ llorK seluJ
      grebnesiE M siweL reduaL dlanoR ywoL knarF nietsrevliS yrraL eciR nasuS
      *:ytinamuH tsniagA semirC & semirC raW !!/9 roF tcidnI dna ,etagorretnI ,tserrA*

  • @winesax
    @winesax 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @queenmommie8295
    @queenmommie8295 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When will you gentiles start telling God's chosen people that you are sorry for what you have done to us over the last 400 yrs until than TMH God is judging the world 🌎.

  • @sahdna
    @sahdna 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    GEE, you intel analyst you didn't care for Afghans for as long as you made 6 figures salary as a contractor. now your company probably lost the contract or clearance level suddenly you come to realize what you did, was not, right really?

    • @JM-yx4ew
      @JM-yx4ew 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      He hasn't been involved for over a decade and has been speaking out against it ever since. This isn't a sudden realization and has nothing to do with money.

  • @dreamlife2351
    @dreamlife2351 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Whoa🕊 A CIA agent with empathy. Much respect and admiration to you SIR 🌺