Unless I missed something, you overlooked a very common strategy. Each unit can only embark or disembark from a transport once per turn, but a single transport can have a unit disembark, immediately followed by another unit embarking, as long as all other requirements are fulfilled. Example: One unit of berserkers starts embarked and another unit is sitting nearby. The first unit disembarks to use the "bonus move" provided by needing to be within 3" of the rhino, then the second unit gets in. The first unit has an extended movement range and the second gets to drive off to do whatever else they need to do. Another fun trick is that nowhere in the rules does it state that terrain is a factor when disembarking from your transport. This means you can park your transport behind a wall, then eject your models to the other side of the wall.
This can be useful to have a squad of intercessors sticky an objective, have incursors scout an impulsor near them, hop the incursors out the front, intercessors in the back, and move the impulsor up table.
I don't know if this has a name in 40k, but in competitive Advance Wars this tactic is known as Boosting, where a transport drops off a unit from a critical location, then another moves its full move and jumps in, allowing it to disembark further away later. In AWBW this embark/boost/disembark can be done in the same turn but in 40k it'd happen later naturally
Yeah, that definitely should have had its own slide in hindsight! That's a common one, but I didn't think of it when putting the final section slides together.
Yea, nothing like having a broken to the point of cheating army that hardly anyone plays so it doesn't get nerfed. Mine will stay on the shelf until they aren't broken. They are so so they just aren't fun to use.
I love this content series. "Don't mess this up" is the perfect way to learn all the ins and outs of this game -- and I bet the more advanced players appreciate the focus on the niggling complexities of the game that they and their opponents get wrong. Great content
Sagitaurs have the double bonus of increasing the number of units you have, which is uniquely good for Votann, allowing you to separate models by expendability, which gives you something you don't feel bad sacrificing for an objective, since they generate you a Judgment Token when they die.
You should have talked about using vehicles as bunkers, one unit out, another unit in. Christian Von Carmian explained it well in his xenocreed video i have just been watching
A unit cannot embark and disembark in the same phase, but can do so in the same turn. For example Eliminators with their move shoot move can disembark in your movement phase, shoot, move and end within 3" to embark in the shooting phase in the same turn.
This was a lot of info so sorry if this was mentioned and I'm just repeating, but pay attention to your reactive move strats and abilities. If they say they do a normal, advance or fall back move then you can embark with them (out of phase). Stage your transports to abuse that! This has saved my Deathwatch from a torrent of shooting by letting one unit shoot and then jumping into a rhino.
my favourite use for transports is a world eaters Rhino, put kharn + 10 berserkers in and it stops him from doing the roll to kill the units in his squad, helpful for getting him up the board without taking out half of your battleline
You cannot disembarking the same Movement phase where you have already embarked, because the disembarking rules are only available for a unit that starts the movement phase embarked on a vehicle.
Yep - this is why new Aeldari Battle Focus seems like it will be powerful, as it enables movement in different phases, so units will be able to disembark and embark during the same turn provided they do so in different phases.
with my orks i like to go transport heavy. I will run 5 trukks and a battle wagon regularly. A lot of armies just don't have the shooting to take down that many before you can get into combat with them on turn 2.
@@DemoMan465 yeah. it works though. 5 trukks is 50 wounds at Toughness 8 to get through. Most people arent taking armies that can deal with that. They get maybe 1 trukk killed before i jump out and charge with boyz turn 2. Usually The battlewagon scares them and they try to kill that and it soaks up most of the shooting turn 1. Usually the battle is decided by turn 2. If i have killed enough of them and kept objectives and scoring secondaries they cant recover enough to win.
I love scouting a trukk 9”with zod turn 1, then getting out and moving another unit up and getting in the trukk (ie burna boyz) then moving the trukk 12 and flaming their back line with firing deck
Malignant Plague Casters (2 five man plague Marines with one MP each) running around in a Rhino keeps the units safe from hazardous failures. Not sure it's the best use, but it's still an idea
My favorite tricks include; *Goliath truck and Reductus saboteur: I can then move him freely about the board splashing people with his remote explosives with a reroll to wound. For 150 points it is immensely satisfying to watch entire hordes of infantry get mowed down by a single tank and his demolition buddy. They can't even shoot the reductus most of the time because of his lone operative ability. *Rockgrinder and a benefictus: I can get D3+Blast lascannon shots to spray into whatever i like and on top of that an extra 2 more that will ignore cover. In this case I just pump out the lascannon shots into whatever i can until I charge into the enemy, and then i still get those 2 leftover lascannon shots even while in melee cause the Benefictus DOESNT have blast... It's more costly to do this, but it really is worth it to have this beast running around slaughtering knights while the rest of my army handles objectives.
This is very interesting, and educational i had thought that the Firing Deck would make Sternguard Veterans a good choice to go in an Impulsor, but if its just the weapon profiles, maybe they're just "ok".
I recently had a Trukk deal eight mortal wounds to Angron between Tank Shock and it exploding in his face when he inevitably eviscerated it a minute later. Was funny. Using Tank Shock is also about the only time my Trukks ever do damage as I can't seem to roll for shit on their shooting or melee. This is, of course, assuming they don't get shot down before even getting the chance to move.
I’m going to be throwing a squad of scouts into a Razorback for my Blood Angels because I think scout 6”, 12” move, and a twin lascannon with a range of 48” turn one from a Melee army is funny
yeah but a ghost ark is only like 10 points over another 10 warriors in that same unit. Take the ark, disembark and teleport. Now you've got a mobile fire support platform that's BETTER (same weapons, more wounds, higher toughness) than a ten man squad of warriors. You're extra lucky, you get BOTH shenanigans.. My GSC do this and it's funny to watch my opponent squirm when they realize my goliaths are just meant to body block and soak up their attacks while I lob explosives at them and tunnel away like angry rats.
A general question regarding transports arriving from strategic reserves: The rules state that the unit arriving from reserves must be within six inches of a board edge. Does this include the units disembarking from said transport? I can see in the rules that there is another statement that suggests that the only limitation is that the units disembarking must be nine inches away from enemy units. Does this take priority over the six-inch rule?
Anything disembarking has to follow the same rules, however if your vehicle could come in from reserves outside of 6 the unit inside don't have that same stipulation, so would only be able to disembark if they could do so outside of 9
I'm a total noob, so please tell me how I have this wrong. You're playing space marines, Anvil Siege detachment, you fall back from combat and embark onto a transport that has remained stationary and has firing deck, then use Battle Drill Recall to shoot the shots from weapons with the Heavy rule with the 5+ crit because the target of the stratagem, the transport, remained stationary.
When a vehicle with firing deck is selecting those guns to shoot, they are counted as that vehicle's weapons. While this means you couldn't benefit from the embarked unit's rules I'm pretty sure you would get the heavy bonus from it.
Yes, this works. Also, if you rapid ingress an impulsor with 5 hellblasters (who's guns have heavy), and have it remain stationary, it will get the +1 to hit and wound for all 10 plasma shots.
what about hellblaster repulsor buffed by a techmarine. 1: thats some solid damage. 2: what happens to with hazard roll? also gotta love ork firetrucks!!!
So if u have a unit embarked in a transport in reserves, when they come in do they have to be embarked in the transport? Can they come on to the board edge separetly? And if not can they disembark from the transport when coming in on the board edge?
i would like to ask a question on this topic. What about getting out after destruction and terrain. Can you just get out on the second floor? I had this last week. A Brutalis melted down a Falcon (ridiculous diceroll) which was standing next to ruined buildings. The infantry got out on the second floor and so my Dreadnought could no longer charge. I've started playing WH just this year so don't take any knowledge for granted 😅
Why could your dread not charge ? Engagement range is 1 inch horizontal and 5inch vertical. You can disembark any where as long as you are wholly within 3 inches of the vehicle. So you can go vertical but I wouldn't believe it made you unable to charge.
auspex, what happens when you have a transport with troops that the enemy focuses / one-shots with their tanks turn 1? even trying to position behind cover i've had issues getting a transport to the other side of the board
The # at the end of "Firing Deck" indicates the # of models in the transport who can shoot their weapons. So let's say you have 2 Squads of 5 Legionaries in a Chaos Rhino (Firing Deck 2). It means that 2 of the models in the transport can shoot their weapons. Bear in mind that all the normal abilities on that weapon still apply. So, for example, if it's a Weapon with Heavy and the transport didn't move, you get the +1 to hit. If the weapon has Assault and the transport advanced, you can still shoot that weapon. Also one other important thing to note (not sure if Auspex mentioned this): because the game treats it like the Transport has the weapons, it also means that "Big Guns Never Tire" applies to firing deck as well. In other words, if your transport is in engagement range of enemies, they can shoot any of their weapons (not just ones with the Pistol keyword).
Can we get a clarification, especially with Eldar coming out, about move shoot moves and consolidation moves regarding transports? I feel like most players are likely to get those wrong the most
I can't imagine GW actually wants anyone to take six Dedicated Transports in their lists. By my math I could put together a Tau list that's just six Devilfish, six units of Breachers, three Fireblades, three Ethereals, three units of Stealth Suits, two Skyrays and two Piranhas. Does GW want me to do that?
Astra Militarum can easily do 6 dedicated transports in an army. Six Chimera each with an infantry unit of choice (Cadian, Catachan, Krieg) is only 900pts, not even half of a normal army. Hell, adding in Taurox as well they can run Twelve dedicated transports with 300ish points still left to spend. Even have a detachment that would support it.
@@shavaas Yeah I mean that's what I'm saying, it's definitely possible, just seems like it shouldn't be. I wouldn't expect more than three transports unless you're just doing it for a meme. But they explicitly made the rules say you could do it.
I've recently been trying to get full value out of chimeras. I had been going command squad and heavy weapons squad, but I can't sacrifice *two* law cannons. *Just* a command squad seems like a waste. Replacing them with infantry and castellans might be cool, but he's either not leading the unit or wasting the chimeras ability 🤔 So the answer seems to be command squad *and* something, but what?
At 11:43 the slide says that transports can't use rapid ingres. Then you say that models cannot disembark immediately if the transport used rapid ingres. Which one is correct?
No, the slide says "it's not allowed for transports using Rapid Ingress". Here, "it" refers to disembarking from when the transport the turn it arrives from reserves. This is because disembarking occurs in your movement phase specifically. Where i am a little confused is if *technically* you count the unit as starting your movement phase embarked on the transport if it isn't on the board. I guess it is but the game is weird how and inconsistent with how it treats models off the board. But thr disembark rules specifically say you must start the phase embarked.
Got me confused aswell. Went through the rules updates thinking I had missed that change. The transport unit CAN use the Rapid Ingress stratagem but the embarked unit inside is not allowed to disembark during the opponents turn.
I have a question taht I haven't been able to find actual official answer on, only debate. And nothjing in writing. Maybe somebody knows. If I have a dedicated transport scout into position outside of 9" of an enemy unit, then disembark the unit it was transporting (lets say Dominions), can they then disembark inside 9"?
Should I take an Archaeopter Transvector in my Admech list. I know no one does but they seem better than people give them credit. They can deepstrike turn 1. maybe 150 is just too much for the shock value?
You said enhacements dont work with heroes in the vehicle but the GSC have an enhancement to increase BS while transported, so my dumb common sense says thats ok? The bug inside gives reroll to hit so THAT ability is null?
For units getting out of a destroyed transport, do you do the alternate deadly demise regardless of if that transport’s demise was triggered? Or do you only do it if the demise was triggered?
You do it regardless of whether Deadly Demise was triggered. Also bear in mind that Deadly Demise doesn't affect the unit getting out of the transport, so you can end up in a funny situation where your enemy takes more damage from an exploding transport than the dudes who were actually in the transport.
When you disembark before a transport has moved the unit is treated as if it started the turn on the board only exception is you can be overwhatch when leaving the vehicle.
Soooo, what happens when the transport you lose on your turn (via overwatch for example) is a Land Raider? Can the units that jumped out still charge? I don't know if the assault ramp of the land raider still counts in this situation
"It's not allowed for transports using Rapid Ingress though" This is either wrong, or Vanguard Tactics Death Guard Players and every GT they went with their Plague Bus did this wrong.
This wasn't 100% clear but can if you had a transport in reserve and you brought it onto the field and disembarked the unit inside. When you measure 9" for bringing on the reserve unit are doing just doing it for the transport or both units?
the disembarking unit must still be more than 9" away from any enemy models, but doesn't need to be within 6" of the board edge if the transport was arriving from strategic reserves
@@misinformedsquirrel Thanks for clarifying this. I was immediately thinking that Incubi arriving from a Deep Strike Drukhari transport would only need like 4-5'' charge, and that seemed way too strong.
Weird, you said you can't use Firing Deck while Shooting Overwatch, but in the stratagem it says you shoot as if it were your shooting phase, and firing deck says you can use firing deck in your shooting phase. Does that not mean you treat the current phase as your shooting phase, when performing Overwatch?
You're right that it says to shoot *as if* it were your shooting phase, even though it is not actually your shooting phase. Stuff that states a specific phase will only ever take place in that phase, just like if you heroically intervene with a dreadnought you can't also tank shock since it's not your charge phase.
Should be named "Don't Mess up this AT THE MOMENT [...]" because these rules? They change more often than points changes are considered a bad choice of nerf
You've obviously never used three rhinos with hunter killer missiles to destroy a custodes tank and then use them to deploy tac squads split in half to create a checkerboard to effectively destroy three units of allarus terminators that were in reserves.
Sure thing, buddy. You should try playing something other than Space Marines. This isn't Horus Heresy; there's more to the game than which flavor of power-armored boys you're running.
@stevenschnepp576 my memories of playing Eldar in 5th are coming back. It's what inspired me to buy three Wave Serpents at once. Back then Guardians had a 5+ save and the AP rules were such that if your opponents weapon had an AP equal or lower than your save, you didn't get one. One massed bolter fire later, and 20 guardians were dead.
Unless I missed something, you overlooked a very common strategy. Each unit can only embark or disembark from a transport once per turn, but a single transport can have a unit disembark, immediately followed by another unit embarking, as long as all other requirements are fulfilled.
Example: One unit of berserkers starts embarked and another unit is sitting nearby. The first unit disembarks to use the "bonus move" provided by needing to be within 3" of the rhino, then the second unit gets in. The first unit has an extended movement range and the second gets to drive off to do whatever else they need to do.
Another fun trick is that nowhere in the rules does it state that terrain is a factor when disembarking from your transport. This means you can park your transport behind a wall, then eject your models to the other side of the wall.
I think grey knight interceptors can actually go out and back in though.
This can be useful to have a squad of intercessors sticky an objective, have incursors scout an impulsor near them, hop the incursors out the front, intercessors in the back, and move the impulsor up table.
I don't know if this has a name in 40k, but in competitive Advance Wars this tactic is known as Boosting, where a transport drops off a unit from a critical location, then another moves its full move and jumps in, allowing it to disembark further away later. In AWBW this embark/boost/disembark can be done in the same turn but in 40k it'd happen later naturally
Yeah, that definitely should have had its own slide in hindsight! That's a common one, but I didn't think of it when putting the final section slides together.
Holy shit I've never thought of doing this before
Baneblade having 11 different weapons, carrying 25 units, and the being big enough to provide cover. Love me guard.
Yea, nothing like having a broken to the point of cheating army that hardly anyone plays so it doesn't get nerfed.
Mine will stay on the shelf until they aren't broken. They are so so they just aren't fun to use.
Baneblade varients are useless atm. Dont fit on terrain. Cant get orders. Cant move
@@codyott1982did you just call the bane blades op? I don’t think I see them in anything but meme lists
I love this content series. "Don't mess this up" is the perfect way to learn all the ins and outs of this game -- and I bet the more advanced players appreciate the focus on the niggling complexities of the game that they and their opponents get wrong. Great content
Devilfish advance and disembark with breachers makes their threat range insane on turn one especially with an auto 6 advance strat
My buddy plays Tau and the breacherfish makes me sad 😢
Sagitaurs have the double bonus of increasing the number of units you have, which is uniquely good for Votann, allowing you to separate models by expendability, which gives you something you don't feel bad sacrificing for an objective, since they generate you a Judgment Token when they die.
It still bugs me that so few vehicles outside of the land raider have an assault ramp rule. You’d think drukhari and orks would have something similar
Make a video covering all 40k legends datasheets
Would love to see that!
You should have talked about using vehicles as bunkers, one unit out, another unit in. Christian Von Carmian explained it well in his xenocreed video i have just been watching
A unit cannot embark and disembark in the same phase, but can do so in the same turn. For example Eliminators with their move shoot move can disembark in your movement phase, shoot, move and end within 3" to embark in the shooting phase in the same turn.
"Who need transport when you can teleport"
- Caballeros Grises
¡Ay, mira aqui! ¡Alguien mas habla Español!
@@LordCrate-du8zmNah, I'm just an ESL who found the Spanish alternatives names is cooler
@@RevanR oh :'(
-Legiones Daemonicas
Auspex thank you for the video it cleared a lot of questions I had!
This was a lot of info so sorry if this was mentioned and I'm just repeating, but pay attention to your reactive move strats and abilities. If they say they do a normal, advance or fall back move then you can embark with them (out of phase). Stage your transports to abuse that! This has saved my Deathwatch from a torrent of shooting by letting one unit shoot and then jumping into a rhino.
my favourite use for transports is a world eaters Rhino, put kharn + 10 berserkers in and it stops him from doing the roll to kill the units in his squad, helpful for getting him up the board without taking out half of your battleline
Can't find rule that says that you can either embark or disembark in a turn. Only that unit cannot embark in the phase they disembarked.
Same. I cannot find a rule for the same turn restriction
Would like that cleared up, yeah. Is it in the huge tome of FAQ/designer notes?
You cannot disembarking the same Movement phase where you have already embarked, because the disembarking rules are only available for a unit that starts the movement phase embarked on a vehicle.
@@kylemartin7871 yeah but there are other rules that allow you to move in different phase.
Yep - this is why new Aeldari Battle Focus seems like it will be powerful, as it enables movement in different phases, so units will be able to disembark and embark during the same turn provided they do so in different phases.
with my orks i like to go transport heavy. I will run 5 trukks and a battle wagon regularly. A lot of armies just don't have the shooting to take down that many before you can get into combat with them on turn 2.
big mistake
Sure. But that's also 485 pts. Like 1/4 of your army being transports.
@@DemoMan465 yeah. it works though. 5 trukks is 50 wounds at Toughness 8 to get through. Most people arent taking armies that can deal with that. They get maybe 1 trukk killed before i jump out and charge with boyz turn 2. Usually The battlewagon scares them and they try to kill that and it soaks up most of the shooting turn 1.
Usually the battle is decided by turn 2. If i have killed enough of them and kept objectives and scoring secondaries they cant recover enough to win.
@@dunnymunch21definitely thought it was a mistake too till you said 50 T8 wounds 🤣 even my helblasters can’t punch through that much green
I love scouting a trukk 9”with zod turn 1, then getting out and moving another unit up and getting in the trukk (ie burna boyz) then moving the trukk 12 and flaming their back line with firing deck
Malignant Plague Casters (2 five man plague Marines with one MP each) running around in a Rhino keeps the units safe from hazardous failures.
Not sure it's the best use, but it's still an idea
My favorite tricks include;
*Goliath truck and Reductus saboteur: I can then move him freely about the board splashing people with his remote explosives with a reroll to wound. For 150 points it is immensely satisfying to watch entire hordes of infantry get mowed down by a single tank and his demolition buddy. They can't even shoot the reductus most of the time because of his lone operative ability.
*Rockgrinder and a benefictus: I can get D3+Blast lascannon shots to spray into whatever i like and on top of that an extra 2 more that will ignore cover. In this case I just pump out the lascannon shots into whatever i can until I charge into the enemy, and then i still get those 2 leftover lascannon shots even while in melee cause the Benefictus DOESNT have blast... It's more costly to do this, but it really is worth it to have this beast running around slaughtering knights while the rest of my army handles objectives.
Excellent information. I play Black Templars and Drukhari so Transports are a crucial to my lists.
_Laughs in Daemons_
Remember to paint 'dem Trukks red boyz!
This is very interesting, and educational i had thought that the Firing Deck would make Sternguard Veterans a good choice to go in an Impulsor, but if its just the weapon profiles, maybe they're just "ok".
Salamander firestorm land raiders are absolutely terrifying, advancing with 14 infantry and still being able to shoot is so scary
I recently had a Trukk deal eight mortal wounds to Angron between Tank Shock and it exploding in his face when he inevitably eviscerated it a minute later. Was funny. Using Tank Shock is also about the only time my Trukks ever do damage as I can't seem to roll for shit on their shooting or melee. This is, of course, assuming they don't get shot down before even getting the chance to move.
"You worried your gonna get hit by either my car or my sword? Calm yourself, it's gonna be both."
~ Models with transport, probably.
Every day! That's why aus is the GOAT! THE GOATTT!!
Great video. Thank you
1 weird interaction is the new eldar abilities. 1 says you can add +2 on to your normal move? Does that mean it changes to 5" disembark?
I’m going to be throwing a squad of scouts into a Razorback for my Blood Angels because I think scout 6”, 12” move, and a twin lascannon with a range of 48” turn one from a Melee army is funny
Remember Death Guard players; a walking Plague Marine, is a dead Plague Marine.
Haha, I don’t need transports, hypercrypt lets me teleport
yeah but a ghost ark is only like 10 points over another 10 warriors in that same unit. Take the ark, disembark and teleport. Now you've got a mobile fire support platform that's BETTER (same weapons, more wounds, higher toughness) than a ten man squad of warriors.
You're extra lucky, you get BOTH shenanigans..
My GSC do this and it's funny to watch my opponent squirm when they realize my goliaths are just meant to body block and soak up their attacks while I lob explosives at them and tunnel away like angry rats.
@ counterpoint: I have a night scythe, so I don’t need to teleport, I can just get back in it at the end of the turn
Rhinos are crucial for plague marines
Where can I see stats for necrons. Like what detachments and units are being played, what lists are winning, tournament rankings, stuff like that.
The Machine Spirits of my Black Templar transports a nearly suicidal in their zeal to serve his most holy God Emperor . 😀👍
A general question regarding transports arriving from strategic reserves: The rules state that the unit arriving from reserves must be within six inches of a board edge. Does this include the units disembarking from said transport? I can see in the rules that there is another statement that suggests that the only limitation is that the units disembarking must be nine inches away from enemy units. Does this take priority over the six-inch rule?
Anything disembarking has to follow the same rules, however if your vehicle could come in from reserves outside of 6 the unit inside don't have that same stipulation, so would only be able to disembark if they could do so outside of 9
I'm a total noob, so please tell me how I have this wrong. You're playing space marines, Anvil Siege detachment, you fall back from combat and embark onto a transport that has remained stationary and has firing deck, then use Battle Drill Recall to shoot the shots from weapons with the Heavy rule with the 5+ crit because the target of the stratagem, the transport, remained stationary.
I think is entirely correct and you can do it, you can also advance into a stationary transport and get the same benefit
When a vehicle with firing deck is selecting those guns to shoot, they are counted as that vehicle's weapons. While this means you couldn't benefit from the embarked unit's rules I'm pretty sure you would get the heavy bonus from it.
Yes, this works. Also, if you rapid ingress an impulsor with 5 hellblasters (who's guns have heavy), and have it remain stationary, it will get the +1 to hit and wound for all 10 plasma shots.
what about hellblaster repulsor buffed by a techmarine. 1: thats some solid damage. 2: what happens to with hazard roll? also gotta love ork firetrucks!!!
So if u have a unit embarked in a transport in reserves, when they come in do they have to be embarked in the transport? Can they come on to the board edge separetly? And if not can they disembark from the transport when coming in on the board edge?
i would like to ask a question on this topic. What about getting out after destruction and terrain. Can you just get out on the second floor?
I had this last week. A Brutalis melted down a Falcon (ridiculous diceroll) which was standing next to ruined buildings. The infantry got out on the second floor and so my Dreadnought could no longer charge.
I've started playing WH just this year so don't take any knowledge for granted 😅
Why could your dread not charge ? Engagement range is 1 inch horizontal and 5inch vertical. You can disembark any where as long as you are wholly within 3 inches of the vehicle. So you can go vertical but I wouldn't believe it made you unable to charge.
You can't target the unit that's in the transport with oath of moment either because they don't count as being on the table right
You can. It simply says "one unit in your opponents army" nothing to do with on the table. You can oath stuff in reserve.
You can embark and disembark in the same turn. You cant do it in a same phase.
auspex, what happens when you have a transport with troops that the enemy focuses / one-shots with their tanks turn 1? even trying to position behind cover i've had issues getting a transport to the other side of the board
Deathwatch Veterans like the rhino to get them up the board forba charge.
Being as there fragile if left walking towards the enemy
I have a Wurr boy, attached to a 20 brick, inside of a hunta rig..... Does he still get his extra attacks for being attached to the 20 brick
Does firing deck 1 mean 1 unit fires or all types of a single weapon like am I shooting a las gun or the squads las guns
The # at the end of "Firing Deck" indicates the # of models in the transport who can shoot their weapons.
So let's say you have 2 Squads of 5 Legionaries in a Chaos Rhino (Firing Deck 2). It means that 2 of the models in the transport can shoot their weapons.
Bear in mind that all the normal abilities on that weapon still apply. So, for example, if it's a Weapon with Heavy and the transport didn't move, you get the +1 to hit. If the weapon has Assault and the transport advanced, you can still shoot that weapon.
Also one other important thing to note (not sure if Auspex mentioned this): because the game treats it like the Transport has the weapons, it also means that "Big Guns Never Tire" applies to firing deck as well. In other words, if your transport is in engagement range of enemies, they can shoot any of their weapons (not just ones with the Pistol keyword).
Can we get a clarification, especially with Eldar coming out, about move shoot moves and consolidation moves regarding transports? I feel like most players are likely to get those wrong the most
Firestorm eradicators in a repulsor 🤌
17:30 8 burnaboyz in a truck and then grill opponents is allowed right?
I can't imagine GW actually wants anyone to take six Dedicated Transports in their lists. By my math I could put together a Tau list that's just six Devilfish, six units of Breachers, three Fireblades, three Ethereals, three units of Stealth Suits, two Skyrays and two Piranhas. Does GW want me to do that?
Astra Militarum can easily do 6 dedicated transports in an army. Six Chimera each with an infantry unit of choice (Cadian, Catachan, Krieg) is only 900pts, not even half of a normal army. Hell, adding in Taurox as well they can run Twelve dedicated transports with 300ish points still left to spend. Even have a detachment that would support it.
@@shavaas Yeah I mean that's what I'm saying, it's definitely possible, just seems like it shouldn't be. I wouldn't expect more than three transports unless you're just doing it for a meme. But they explicitly made the rules say you could do it.
Votaan field four or five saggitar all the time. It's not every army that will use all six but certain armies definitely go over three
I've recently been trying to get full value out of chimeras. I had been going command squad and heavy weapons squad, but I can't sacrifice *two* law cannons.
*Just* a command squad seems like a waste.
Replacing them with infantry and castellans might be cool, but he's either not leading the unit or wasting the chimeras ability 🤔
So the answer seems to be command squad *and* something, but what?
How effective would an impulsor with 6 eliminators inside be with rapid ingress?
At 11:43 the slide says that transports can't use rapid ingres. Then you say that models cannot disembark immediately if the transport used rapid ingres. Which one is correct?
No, the slide says "it's not allowed for transports using Rapid Ingress". Here, "it" refers to disembarking from when the transport the turn it arrives from reserves. This is because disembarking occurs in your movement phase specifically.
Where i am a little confused is if *technically* you count the unit as starting your movement phase embarked on the transport if it isn't on the board. I guess it is but the game is weird how and inconsistent with how it treats models off the board. But thr disembark rules specifically say you must start the phase embarked.
Got me confused aswell. Went through the rules updates thinking I had missed that change. The transport unit CAN use the Rapid Ingress stratagem but the embarked unit inside is not allowed to disembark during the opponents turn.
I have a question taht I haven't been able to find actual official answer on, only debate. And nothjing in writing. Maybe somebody knows.
If I have a dedicated transport scout into position outside of 9" of an enemy unit, then disembark the unit it was transporting (lets say Dominions), can they then disembark inside 9"?
Pleased that we haven¨t made any mistakes.
You mention that units cannot disembark if their transport arrives via Rapid Ingress. Where are you seeing this rule?
Should I take an Archaeopter Transvector in my Admech list. I know no one does but they seem better than people give them credit. They can deepstrike turn 1. maybe 150 is just too much for the shock value?
You said enhacements dont work with heroes in the vehicle but the GSC have an enhancement to increase BS while transported, so my dumb common sense says thats ok? The bug inside gives reroll to hit so THAT ability is null?
For units getting out of a destroyed transport, do you do the alternate deadly demise regardless of if that transport’s demise was triggered? Or do you only do it if the demise was triggered?
yes, you roll to see if the models getting out die regardless of whether the transport exploded
You do it regardless of whether Deadly Demise was triggered. Also bear in mind that Deadly Demise doesn't affect the unit getting out of the transport, so you can end up in a funny situation where your enemy takes more damage from an exploding transport than the dudes who were actually in the transport.
Does a model's spear count as being within 3" to enter a vehicle if its base is not within 3" ?
Distances are measured from the base of the unit
If the transport has not moved and you disembark, does that unit have to move? Or can it remain stationary if the transport hasn't moved?
When you disembark before a transport has moved the unit is treated as if it started the turn on the board only exception is you can be overwhatch when leaving the vehicle.
The rules thing while in transport is stupid. I just ignore it unless the rule or ability says the unit needs to be "on the battlefield"
Soooo, what happens when the transport you lose on your turn (via overwatch for example) is a Land Raider? Can the units that jumped out still charge? I don't know if the assault ramp of the land raider still counts in this situation
Is it your charge phase? Nope
The assault ramp rule wouldn't trigger, so the unit being punted out wouldn't be allowed to charge
"It's not allowed for transports using Rapid Ingress though"
This is either wrong, or Vanguard Tactics Death Guard Players and every GT they went with their Plague Bus did this wrong.
Eradicators are SO SLOW AND SUPER CLOSE RANGE so I need some cover to get them up field
@jamesosmond-wright6999 yeah, if the box comes with three models,you're meant to buy an impulsor.
@stephenferry3017 the impulsor cannot take gravis units so I use a repulsor executioner
Impulsors cannot take gravis@@stephenferry3017
This wasn't 100% clear but can if you had a transport in reserve and you brought it onto the field and disembarked the unit inside. When you measure 9" for bringing on the reserve unit are doing just doing it for the transport or both units?
the disembarking unit must still be more than 9" away from any enemy models, but doesn't need to be within 6" of the board edge if the transport was arriving from strategic reserves
@misinformedsquirrel cheers.
@@misinformedsquirrel Thanks for clarifying this. I was immediately thinking that Incubi arriving from a Deep Strike Drukhari transport would only need like 4-5'' charge, and that seemed way too strong.
It's a bit sad that there is absolutely no sense in putting Terminators in a Landraider. They can drop down and are durable on their own
What, dedicated transport does not need an embarked unit at the start.
Tank shock
Weird, you said you can't use Firing Deck while Shooting Overwatch, but in the stratagem it says you shoot as if it were your shooting phase, and firing deck says you can use firing deck in your shooting phase. Does that not mean you treat the current phase as your shooting phase, when performing Overwatch?
No, you cant overwatch with a unit in combat ethier.
You're right that it says to shoot *as if* it were your shooting phase, even though it is not actually your shooting phase. Stuff that states a specific phase will only ever take place in that phase, just like if you heroically intervene with a dreadnought you can't also tank shock since it's not your charge phase.
First 30 minute😃 love the work you d so keep the great work
NEW AUSPEX awww yeah. and I'm number 1? noice
Sorry man, one guy beat you by 4 seconds
I want see a video of mistakes you SHOULD make.
Should be named "Don't Mess up this AT THE MOMENT [...]" because these rules? They change more often than points changes are considered a bad choice of nerf
Add a comment..😮
Transports are mostly useless unless you are going to use it as a firing deck, you are moving dedicated shooters, or its a land raider.
You've obviously never used three rhinos with hunter killer missiles to destroy a custodes tank and then use them to deploy tac squads split in half to create a checkerboard to effectively destroy three units of allarus terminators that were in reserves.
I don’t know, Templar players were having pretty good luck with impulsor and sword brethren
I would actually like to get my Inner Circle Companions onto an objective before turn 3 please.
Sure thing, buddy.
You should try playing something other than Space Marines. This isn't Horus Heresy; there's more to the game than which flavor of power-armored boys you're running.
@stevenschnepp576 my memories of playing Eldar in 5th are coming back. It's what inspired me to buy three Wave Serpents at once. Back then Guardians had a 5+ save and the AP rules were such that if your opponents weapon had an AP equal or lower than your save, you didn't get one. One massed bolter fire later, and 20 guardians were dead.
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