that lady is a fool for playing vigilante -- if someone is brazen enough to steal a bike, he or she probably won't mind putting a cap in her ass. also, how does she know that the person selling the bike online didn't buy it from a pawnshop or another person and not know its stolen.
Yep we have security footage of an electric bike being stolen from our garage. Idiot forgot the battery charger though. We dont leave our garage door open even for a minute now.
Only one way to fix this. If caught stealing a bike = Death Penalty 💀
No need to have thieves in our society
seriously has literally nobody noticed the huge inventory of bikes that the homeless have "obtained" lately?
And how many homeless camps have HUGE piles of bike parts.....
Stop leaving your garage door open.
They do nothing to the criminals, so they feel empowered.
Y’all ever heard of close your dammm garage
You guys are so behind who rides a bike anymore there's e bikes 😂😂😂
Liberal Colorado! Careful what you vote for!!!
Pawn shops and flea markets
Course of action I suggest! Course if action I can't suggest!
that lady is a fool for playing vigilante -- if someone is brazen enough to steal a bike, he or she probably won't mind putting a cap in her ass. also, how does she know that the person selling the bike online didn't buy it from a pawnshop or another person and not know its stolen.
Cops don’t care about bike thefts
A lot of these bikes make their way to Mexico. Well at least the expensive ones do
In Florida they will steal your tires if your bike is locked
If no one claims the bikes the police get to sell it for profit so why would they work to hard at trying to find them lol
Yep we have security footage of an electric bike being stolen from our garage. Idiot forgot the battery charger though. We dont leave our garage door open even for a minute now.
I can't stand the thief
Chip your bike ,dog and car. Maybe your catalytic converter.
My first bike was stolen back in the 1970s.
Is your name Theodore Cleaver?🦫🦫🦫
Enjoy what you vote for…..
We did for 4 years, YUK!
That kid had a new bike that day takes serious money to live like that in town...