Égjen inkább az olajmező... /En./ - Forradalom Zalában /II.
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.พ. 2025
- Az ,,olajosok" forradalmáról nem sok szó esett a szabadságharc eseményeinek feldolgozása során. A dokumentumfilm az '50-es évek nehézipari fellegváraként emlegetett Lovászi, Bázakerettye, Nagylengyel lakóinak, a zalai olajmunkások eddig alig ismert forradalmi eseményeit vázolja fel. Mivel ezeket a falvakat akkoriban inkább ipari munkásság és műszaki értelmiség lakta, érthető, hogy itt lobbant fel először a forradalom lángja. Mint a futótűz, terjedt köztük a jelszó: "Egyetlen liter olajat sem a szovjet tankokba, égjen inkább az olajmező!"
zene / music P. Oliveros, S. Dempster
angol fordítás / translation Ralph Berkin
fővilágosító / lighting technician Péchy Tamás
hangmérnök / sound engineer Tihanyi Zoltán
vágó / editor Kinyó Ferenczy Tamás
forgatókönyv, történész, riporter / scriptwriter Ferenczy Erika
rendező-operatőr / dir. - dir. of photography Kinyó Ferenczy Tamás
Készült a Médiatanács támogatásával
gyártó: © Art Opus - 2014
producer Kinyó Ferenczy Tamás
52 perc/min
Mecenatúra: mecenatura.medi...
Magyar Nemzet: Szilánkok (2014. október 14)
M1 - 2015. X. 23. Ma reggel (1:51:20 - 2:00:20)
Locsei. net: Égjen inkább az olajmező…
Let the Oil Fields Burn...
Historians have collected a great deal of information about the 1956 Revolution. But there is a distinct lack of material about events and people in provincial Hungary. We know little about this world, where seemingly insignificant events took place and yet they still express the spirit of the revolution and the Hungarian people ’s thirst for freedom in the same way as more well-known events. This is especially true if a researcher comes across a “gap”, where there has been no verbal or filmed documentation. A case in point is the revolution of oil workers in Zala County. Known as the flagship of heavy industry in the 1950s, it employed men from Lovászi, Bázakerettye, Nagylengyel and Gellénháza. These villages were mainly inhabited by workers and technical staff, and so it is no surprise that the flames of revolution appeared here first. And then the motto spread like wildfire: “Not a litre if oil in Soviet tanks, better to let it all go up in flames!"
Little mention has been made of the “oilmen ’s revolution”. One elderly man reminds us that the oppressive regime tried to make the Zala oil workers’ revolution appear meaningless. People describe tales of terrible persecution. Many of them received long prison sentences. “It s as if there were no oilmen 's '56. It’ s as if it were buried. It’ s been forgotten, it ’s been wiped out. Why?” says one well worker in Lovászi. Behind him a pumpjack continues to nod: a silent witness to it all.