I want to know how to build a server system to login into from anywhere. This way less on my laptop and more on the server. Design websites and have people look at them without leaving it up all the time
I have a Netgate SG-1100 that I recently installed, but haven't figured out yet. I am assuming that would reduce the things I need to aquire by 1 computer and one 250G hdd.
Did that for many years. Then found virtual machines. Though I still have some hardware for that is needed. But honestly went to the way side.
Super excited for this! Can’t wait for the next episode!
Very excited for this series! Can't wait to follow along
I’m looking forward to this.
Also I like the premise, start small and cheap but explain upgrades or recommendations as budgets allow
Can't wait for this to continue
I want to know how to build a server system to login into from anywhere. This way less on my laptop and more on the server. Design websites and have people look at them without leaving it up all the time
I have a Netgate SG-1100 that I recently installed, but haven't figured out yet. I am assuming that would reduce the things I need to aquire by 1 computer and one 250G hdd.
What size budget are you targeting? Like sub $100-200? Another good place to get hardware for next to nothing is gov surplus.
The goal is sub $200. The budget I ended with was under $50 but that was because I have been getting the devices over years.