Olf-Actions International presents individual Odor Detection Threshold (i.O.D.T)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 24 เม.ย. 2023
  • Did you know that just like when you visit an optometrist/optician to check your vision, with Olf-Actions International, it's possible to determine your personal olfactory detection threshold?
    Do you think you're hypersensitive, hyposensitive, average, or anosmic? Does your work environment require frequent olfactory testing? Do you need a technical and scientifical approach to validate your or your team's olfactory capabilities?
    We offer a range of services for evaluating individual olfactory detection thresholds according to various standards, including the latest European standard EN13725:2023. These methods are safe and based on the detection of increasing concentrations of n-Butanol, a naturally occurring chemical compound with a very slightly sweet odor.
    Contact us!
    Yann H. Contratto, Sr Odor Expert
    CEO Olf-Actions.com
    (+1) 514-758-3974
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