I just love this! The kids on their scooter and roller blades and the ladies dancing! This is normal in your neighbourhood? Must be a good place to live!
Félicitations pour votre interprétation d'une de nos nombreuses danses de Bretagne qu'est l'An dro, c'est très agréable d'écouter votre duo de vielles 👍🏻
Actually, the dance "An Dro" comes from South Brittany, in a very defined territory (called "terroir vannetais" in French), but gained popularity from the '60s at the point that now, every event with traditional dances in Brittany gives us an-dros, wherever this event takes place in Brittany. And we have thousands of tunes to dance on "An Dro".
"An Dro" means "no name". So there aren't many versions of An Dro, but rather there are many tunes which, when collected, were collected without a title.
@@friedfish69 Where did you find "an dro means 'no name' " ? That's a false translation, while "an dro" means in Breton "the round" or "the turn". This name refers to the dance: everybody connects to another dancer by the hands; the chain made by the dancers turns and turns around in the hall.
Do you have by chance the exact sheet music used to learn these songs? Also what tuning??? I'm new to hurdy gurdy and I'm looking for a long term goal.
Hey guys, great music as always! I would love to play this on the hurdy gurdy aswell, but i cant find the sheet music. Do you have an idea where i could buy the sheet music?
а кто ни будь заметил Блондинку в Красном на заднем фоне и как ей понравилась мелодия и она босиком на асфальте танцует ???? Ещё и пригнулась выходя чтобы видео не испортить!
those two beautiful ladies dancing makes this perfect
Yes ♡ It's the way she comes flying out .
It's actually a circle dance, which can start to truly accelerate.
I just love this! The kids on their scooter and roller blades and the ladies dancing! This is normal in your neighbourhood? Must be a good place to live!
Lovely. And the ladies dancing in the background.
Félicitations pour votre interprétation d'une de nos nombreuses danses de Bretagne qu'est l'An dro, c'est très agréable d'écouter votre duo de vielles 👍🏻
This tune is hypnotic. I can't stop listening.
Muito obrigada por essa postagem... dá uma saudade danada dos tempos de criança... uma delícia essa alegria espontânea! Outra vez, muito obrigada!
Beautiful the whole act, playing dancing I love this ❤
Anyone in the west country UK have one I would like to learn 😊
Awesome ❤ The hurdy-gurdy is my favourite instrument
Great tune. Looks like a wonderful day.
Great how they put the rhythm into ! Well done!
Fantastic work!
I found it interesting that there are many versions of An dro. This kind of traditional song can be varied region by region.
'An Dro' refers to a kind of dance, and there are many different tunes in that style.
Actually, the dance "An Dro" comes from South Brittany, in a very defined territory (called "terroir vannetais" in French), but gained popularity from the '60s at the point that now, every event with traditional dances in Brittany gives us an-dros, wherever this event takes place in Brittany. And we have thousands of tunes to dance on "An Dro".
"An Dro" means "no name". So there aren't many versions of An Dro, but rather there are many tunes which, when collected, were collected without a title.
@@friedfish69 Where did you find "an dro means 'no name' " ? That's a false translation, while "an dro" means in Breton "the round" or "the turn". This name refers to the dance: everybody connects to another dancer by the hands; the chain made by the dancers turns and turns around in the hall.
Beautiful - Please make more videos like this.
Excellent thank you!!!
Could not be more beautiful. Thank You.
😍 Beautiful!
Bellissima canzone!
Wonderful indeed!
I love it! So awesome you two.
great playing
Super jeu !
When they drop the Chien at 1:20 and girls in the back reach for the lasers.
Do you have by chance the exact sheet music used to learn these songs? Also what tuning??? I'm new to hurdy gurdy and I'm looking for a long term goal.
This is really cool!
Here come the Hurdy-Gurdy gent and lady !
That song's tune reminds me a lot of the Swedish folk song Herr mannelig
Hey guys, great music as always! I would love to play this on the hurdy gurdy aswell, but i cant find the sheet music. Do you have an idea where i could buy the sheet music?
Is the music available for this lovely tune?
merci d'exister c'est magnifique. Comment vous soutenir ????? Dans quels coin passez vous ?
Thank You
This is such a fun and lovely tune and you both play it so well. Do you know where I could find sheet music for it for my hurdy gurdy?
Hello. Do you know where i can find the music sheet ? I'm currently learning hurdy gurdy and interested in this one
I also play this andro. Very Nice whith 2 vieles
Dancing barefoot, that’s awesome!
congratulation from a breton musician maried with a cousin of an triskell twin harpist
красивая мелодия ! Лично мне понравилось! и да мне плевать на чужое мнение!!!!!!!!!!
Hier kan ik een Andro op dansen!
This is called music, innate code of God's love and buty.
а кто ни будь заметил Блондинку в Красном на заднем фоне и как ей понравилась мелодия и она босиком на асфальте танцует ???? Ещё и пригнулась выходя чтобы видео не испортить!