Us older guys done worked for 40 years electricians plumbers drywallers all trades we need a handled back has been damaged over the years .when you get older u'll be in pain.great job.
My friends from over the pond, thank you for posting this video. Can you PLEASE, explain exactly the proportions of wood filler to sawdust you use, and exactly how to make it, We need a RECIPE! Thank you!
Sand filler will break up in a couple of years in floors with cracks .0625 of an inch or larger. Use wooden shims of the type of wood floor it is. Put tite bond wood glue into the crack, use a fine tooth saw or a flexable finish saw to trim the excess. Then use your filler all over your floor to fill all really small cracks, sand, stain and apply sealer. Your floors will be good for years. It is time consuming work but it will pay off in the end, I promise......: )
I have been doing something like this... water/glue with sawdust... since 1972... It always works... but I do use plain White Glue... maybe that is the difference. ???
@@jessicafifield7347 There is really none to speak of... Will, I guess I'd do 50/50 water/glue, mix first... put it in the hole, (few drops, depending on how big the hole is) ... don't worry about putting too much, it is better to put a little too much water/glue than not enough, because when you scrape the sawdust (you just sanded) you'll put the sawdust right on top of the water/glue combination... Pat it down gently... the water/glue will absorb the sawdust and sink down inside the hole... Next day preferably you can gently sand it down... This really works so great. You would not believe the holes in wood (furniture) I have fixed with this little trick. Using the same wood (sand the item you're fixing) is great... I never use WOOD GLUE for this application... and I have been doing this for over 40 years... Hope this helps.
@@JudiChristopher Hi Judi your method sounds absolutely fantastic. I have 2 large bedrooms to do on a very tight budget (I'm retired) May I ask you what glue you use please? And can I mix the sawdust into the glue/water to make a paste and insert into the gaps. I'll be hiring a professional to sand and varnish so I have to have the gaps filled (with the sawdust and glue/water) prior to his visit.
@@MissHappyKate Just Plain old White Glue... I NEVER use Wood Glue for this application... The wood glue drys and cracks... and it stains a different color.. when using the Water/White Glue mixture, first sand around the hole to get the sawdust to put in the hole after putting the Water/Glue mixture, let dry over night, then sand the next day...
You are now watch where 90% of all wood floor sanding dust fires come from. Not saying these guys are not following the proper procedure after they sand, but solvent based anything once sanded is highly flammable.
What are you using for filler? Brand and name of the liquid or if you have a link, that'd be great! All the wood fillers I used were a paste and horrible in drying! I used saw dust and superglue, but would like to get more ideas and options what works best.
I used Elmers wood filler, and I mixed dust from sanding, and a little water to thin it. It was still not quite as dark as the floor wood, but the finished job looks good enough for an ameteur.
yep i use a wood glue with sawdust all the time specially for knots on the floors I pre stain the dust and let it sit for a while then mix the glue in pack in the knots with paper as a base then I fill leaving it slightly proud. Sand then put in finish stain. for me this is the best way
This is fine if you simply want to impress your customer with a professional finish. I imagine the scraping also does wonders on missed tiny scratches too. However it's bollocks and the person doing it knows it's bollocks too. It will just crack apart. Depends what you are doing, if you are tarting up a place to sell it then I can see why some people do it. Or if you're looking to get paid. Like the other commentors have said, if you want to actually do the job of filling the gaps properly then you have to use twine, or shims and sand them down with the floorboards. That will have a longer life but again is pointless. Floorboards have gaps. Just how it is.
You don't say how you made the filler for the cracks in such a large quantity. I keep finding these sites where they take a few drops of glue and mix with a spoonful of sawdust. I need to do as in this video, to spread it over the entire floor. How do I make that mix?
I recent' have done this, doubt you still need the information but someone else may find it useful. In the USA, find and order a product by Glitsa called Wood Flour Cement. You will then mix this with your 100 grit dust. I used 80 grit and it was too coarse. Also, be prepared with a charcoal activated respirator, the Wood Flour Cement is highly potent and contains a high level of VOC.
I would just sand the floor and use a thick clear coat. Epoxy floor finisher has lasted 15 years in pops house on his. This does not last 1/4 that time and costs way more.
How do you get the stain left by the glue off the floorboards. I have tried bleach but am at a loss as we did not read about Lecol etc before we started and have done about half the floor with a white wood glue mixed with the sawdust from the boards once sanded and it has left a stain.
Use a steamer or if you have no steamer get a old cloth and put over the stain and heat an iron on steam and try ironing on top of cloth and when you done that for a couple of mins take cloth up wear some gloves in case cloth is hot and wipe glue stain off,that should work.If not go to hardware shop and ask for something to get it off.
This Bona mix and fill appears to be great but if you don't remove the excess from the planks of wood in its entire space and then go to stain it, it will stain much darker than the wood giving a dreadful finish. Won't use it again in this manner shown. Just will fill individual gaps.
Thanks so much for the info. I have some holes the size of a dime can this technique work for the big holes. I 'm installing utility grade oak with lots of holes.
Jess Jam remove all the boards and put them back in tighter, with a new board at the end, its is a huge job to do but certainly solves the problem of large gaps and keeping old boards.
I just had 2 professionsals to come look at my floors over the weekend. 1 said he can do the floor mix filler. the other suggested i do NOT use it. how do i know which 1 is right?
They both have a point. It is up to you at the end of the day. The filler will start falling out eventually which may become unsightly. We suggest not to fill gaps, it is up to our customers to decide.
The filler will eventually drop through the gap and leave a hole. Floorboards expand and contract with the changing temperature over the year and you’ll just be left with gaps again. Big gaps can be filled with pine slivers.
All very well speeding along like the moment will look good on video. Truth is I do not believe the mixture will have gone deep into the gaps. Maybe ok where he crossed over the gap but not where he moved along the gap. It will have simply dragged along rather than be pressured down. More care and job ok. Go like a man on a mission and no way ok.
I have old pine floors with some serious gaps and gauging. It's sort of beautiful but I want to know my options. Would you recommend this kind of filler technique for an 1890s old growth pine boards with gaps?
Drill a larger hole and put a dowel it it then cut it flush with the floor, Use 2 part epoxy with dye or wood dust and fill it, If you have a router or chisels you can do a bowtie patch also. Once any of those are done you can sand then seal it
Thanks for the video. After you've spread the mixture into the gaps do you wash/wipe the surplus off the tops of the boards, or will it need another light sand when dry?
The floor is lightly sanded after the gap filler has set in. We may need to repeat the procedure if the gaps are large to make sure gap filler does not fall through.
Where do you get bulk wood filler for finishing floors? I checked home depot and it was all in little quart-size or smaller tubs. Can you make your own using the bulk spackle at home depot?
this is a bad idea. It wont work. It will look good for maybe 10 minutes. Eventually The boards will expand and contract over time and with variable humidity. The dried filler is brittle and it will break up into crumbles that will come out when you vacuum. 1. Set the floor tight in the first place. 2. Use well aged lumber. 3. if its an old floor and the gaps are huge use stained jute twine as a filler. Aside from that just learn to live with moderate or slight floor gaps. This is part of the "charm" of old houses.
That's what Malcolm was saying, yes. There's only so much you can do to modernize old houses. Some of them might be in good enough condition. Most of them where I live - London - were built during/after the war, so everything is very shoddy. There's only so much you can do.
Omg that’s so true!!! We bought an old house in Portugal, where the second floor had an old beautiful pine floor. We decided to keep it, and we did exactly that. It has been 3 years, every time we vacuum the fillers come out. We no longer vacuum, but the temperature fluctuations make expansion and contracting of the wood. The floor is still beautiful but it has become an issue bc it can easily splinter now. It is all cracked. It is a problem in older houses with poor insulation and most old houses are not insulated property. Those floors are beautiful but a pain on your brain and pocket 😂
Joe Mezzanini I used Elmers wood filler, and I mixed dust from sanding, and a little water to thin it. It was still not quite as dark as the floor wood, but the finished job looks good enough for an ameteur.
After having that floor done for a couple years, I find that in areas where there is heavy foot traffic,and places in the wood flex a little, the filler cracks out. Believe it or not, I got some almond colored caulk and filled those cracks again as an emergency measure. Had water & sponge handy to wipe off excess and clean. So far so good. At least the caulk is flexible, and at a glance you cannot tell it's there.
Do "Stepflooring" take followup videos of their work say 1-2 years after the job? Probably a stupid question. Once you get the whole house done are you gonna lug all the furniture out in the street just to see if all the cracks are still there? Nup.
7mm gaps are too wide to be filled with filler. Use pine slivers as in video here - and then do a final gap fill on top of that with a mix of saw dust and filler (Jenkins)
+Rich Kane 1/8 of an inch = 3,2 mm. Max. 4 mm. Saw dust for these. Sanding dust for 1-2 mm if you want to fill them. Shrinkage is normal for pine/fir boards. Slivers for wider gaps and then filler. After having worked with massive wood in Scandinavia for many years....
Done this to 40m2 of wooden flooring in the spring, now it's the winter the cracks and gaps are back, and the filler is mostly in the hoover. Complete waste of a lot of time.
It would be cheaper to have the defective flooring removed and replaced with new floors. I spent $10,000 on my floors which ended up being defective and poorly fit. Five years later my floors are a fucking disaster. Gaps everywhere, just unbelievable really. But the cost to repair verses replace becomes negligible.
I can tell you from experience this is not a permanent solution. If you have wide gap pine floors and you want something nicer its best to consider the pine as the subfloor, and put something nice looking, like hardwood flooring that does not have gaps, or vinyl, on top of that.
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What on earth is the point of posting videos like this? We know at the end of the first ten seconds how to put the stuff down. Another three minutes of the same isn't really of much help. What proportions of filler do you mix with the sawdust? What kind of "filler", come to that? "I am not sure what our guys use for filler" - oh, c'mon, surely that's the whole point. Nought out of ten for information; this is more like just watching some bloke working out.
Please bare in mind this man is a DIY NINJA, for the normal person like me this will take hours! Lol. Great video!
Wow!!! That's exactly what's happening to my pine floors!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!! You're a life saver!!!
How did the floors come up. Would you do it again.
We use Jenkins filler. The mixture needs to be of smooth paste consistency, so up to the workman. Thanks for the comment though.
What is the ratio of filler to room size?
Dude your back must be killing!
He's young he'll be okay for a few years
My thoughts...
I was like that when in my 20s ..damn .i was thinking i was going to be young forever ..i use to intall floors all day no knee pads😐🙄
Us older guys done worked for 40 years electricians plumbers drywallers all trades we need a handled back has been damaged over the years .when you get older u'll be in pain.great job.
My friends from over the pond, thank you for posting this video. Can you PLEASE, explain exactly the proportions of wood filler to sawdust you use, and exactly how to make it, We need a RECIPE! Thank you!
Great idea and bet the floors are easily kept clean. Thanks from Toronto ☮
If possible, can you provide the specific steps how you made that mixture, I'm having trouble getting that consistency.
I know it's 2 years later but, they use this.
I use white acrylic caulk and a very small crack and looks like ships decking. Also wood can expand and contract
So how do you clean the residue off the sanded floors, and how long do you wait? It must get a bit sticky ?
You sand it off after drying
Finally, an answer as to what I should do with all my leftover diarrhea!
lmfao made my day Mr. Sheep.
that's funny shit bruh
Wait... leftover? What was your primary use? LOL...
@@geosnooker2000 lol
Acht, wish I'd seen this 2 months ago. Now I'll have to remove all my furniture again :) Thanks for sharing.
On the original wood floors I remember my father-in-law saying that they mixed the sanding shavings with linseed oil for filling in the joins
How does the sawdust stay in place? I read that pva glue should go down first? Or will the wood filler act as that?
Jenkins isnt available in the USA, what can i use? I am re-doing my floors!
Sand filler will break up in a couple of years in floors with cracks .0625 of an inch or larger. Use wooden shims of the type of wood floor it is. Put tite bond wood glue into the crack, use a fine tooth saw or a flexable finish saw to trim the excess. Then use your filler all over your floor to fill all really small cracks, sand, stain and apply sealer. Your floors will be good for years. It is time consuming work but it will pay off in the end, I promise......: )
I have been doing something like this... water/glue with sawdust... since 1972...
It always works... but I do use plain White Glue... maybe that is the difference. ???
@@JudiChristopher what water/glue/sawdust ratio do you use? I need to redo my soft wood floors
There is really none to speak of... Will, I guess I'd do 50/50 water/glue, mix first... put it in the hole, (few drops, depending on how big the hole is) ... don't worry about putting too much, it is better to put a little too much water/glue than not enough, because when you scrape the sawdust (you just sanded) you'll put the sawdust right on top of the water/glue combination...
Pat it down gently... the water/glue will absorb the sawdust and sink down inside the hole...
Next day preferably you can gently sand it down...
This really works so great.
You would not believe the holes in wood (furniture) I have fixed with this little trick.
Using the same wood (sand the item you're fixing) is great... I never use WOOD GLUE for this application... and I have been doing this for over 40 years...
Hope this helps.
@@JudiChristopher Hi Judi your method sounds absolutely fantastic. I have 2 large bedrooms to do on a very tight budget (I'm retired) May I ask you what glue you use please? And can I mix the sawdust into the glue/water to make a paste and insert into the gaps. I'll be hiring a professional to sand and varnish so I have to have the gaps filled (with the sawdust and glue/water) prior to his visit.
Just Plain old White Glue...
I NEVER use Wood Glue for this application... The wood glue drys and cracks... and it stains a different color..
when using the Water/White Glue mixture, first sand around the hole to get the sawdust to put in the hole after putting the Water/Glue mixture, let dry over night, then sand the next day...
You are now watch where 90% of all wood floor sanding dust fires come from. Not saying these guys are not following the proper procedure after they sand, but solvent based anything once sanded is highly flammable.
What are you using for filler? Brand and name of the liquid or if you have a link, that'd be great! All the wood fillers I used were a paste and horrible in drying! I used saw dust and superglue, but would like to get more ideas and options what works best.
I’m looking for the same answer. Were you successful in found out the name of that liquid filler ?
I thought you were supposed to fill gaps between flooring planks with a twine instead, so it will not break up when the wood retracts?
I used Elmers wood filler, and I mixed dust from sanding, and a little water to thin it. It was still not quite as dark as the floor wood, but the finished job looks good enough for an ameteur.
is it still held up well?
yep i use a wood glue with sawdust all the time specially for knots on the floors I pre stain the dust and let it sit for a while then mix the glue in pack in the knots with paper as a base then I fill leaving it slightly proud. Sand then put in finish stain. for me this is the best way
Bob Byerly i
@@randallpaul6559would caulk and wood filler act as glue if mixed with the sawdust?
Is this the only technique to fill the cracks??
"WOW".... that is Brillant...
Thank you for sharing this video
Does this break up over time?
can i do that with peanut butter
Yes brother. It’s the same thing
How do clean all that after? Do you sand that after?
This is fine if you simply want to impress your customer with a professional finish. I imagine the scraping also does wonders on missed tiny scratches too. However it's bollocks and the person doing it knows it's bollocks too. It will just crack apart. Depends what you are doing, if you are tarting up a place to sell it then I can see why some people do it. Or if you're looking to get paid. Like the other commentors have said, if you want to actually do the job of filling the gaps properly then you have to use twine, or shims and sand them down with the floorboards. That will have a longer life but again is pointless. Floorboards have gaps. Just how it is.
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ламинат или линолеум ) щели между досок нормальны
I pulled my back out watching this.
would this work on a table top to fill in nail gun holes and a few log cracks ?! I'm stuck and want it to look perfect. could you help me please
Hi, did you figure out how to fill holes in your table top please? I have a dent in the top of my lovely table (veneer) that I'd love to fix.
hahaha; "pine shivers!" In the US we would say "slivers." However THANKS!!! I learned something very valuable today :))))))
packing sawdust in with your varnish, couldnt hurt, and plugs up all the gaps.
What filler do you using mate ?
is that nounge and grovve boards - we use strips of wood if it is just lose boards
Do you recommend a filler and sealer
Jenkins resin + saw dust
Just what i was looking for!
Is this just a regular wood filler- just with added sawdust?
You don't say how you made the filler for the cracks in such a large quantity. I keep finding these sites where they take a few drops of glue and mix with a spoonful of sawdust. I need to do as in this video, to spread it over the entire floor. How do I make that mix?
I remember that
I recent' have done this, doubt you still need the information but someone else may find it useful.
In the USA, find and order a product by Glitsa called Wood Flour Cement. You will then mix this with your 100 grit dust. I used 80 grit and it was too coarse. Also, be prepared with a charcoal activated respirator, the Wood Flour Cement is highly potent and contains a high level of VOC.
Ryan Herrero thank you, I've been looking for a substitute in the states
X-tra Fill with saw dust
And what do you buy if you are not in USA? Did they say this in the video or did you say this in your post?
flexible filler, or normal filler-i thought it was usual to fill gaps like these with sawdust and pva???
Use Lecol 7500 mixed with 80/100 grit dust from floor
Which brand of filler do you use? Cheers.
I would just sand the floor and use a thick clear coat. Epoxy floor finisher has lasted 15 years in pops house on his. This does not last 1/4 that time and costs way more.
Epoxy is junk job for floors. And countertops.
Doing ot like that will not force the filler deep enough into the gaps. Did you sand it afterwards?
How do you get the stain left by the glue off the floorboards. I have tried bleach but am at a loss as we did not read about Lecol etc before we started and have done about half the floor with a white wood glue mixed with the sawdust from the boards once sanded and it has left a stain.
Use a steamer or if you have no steamer get a old cloth and put over the stain and heat an iron on steam and try ironing on top of cloth and when you done that for a couple of mins take cloth up wear some gloves in case cloth is hot and wipe glue stain off,that should work.If not go to hardware shop and ask for something to get it off.
This Bona mix and fill appears to be great but if you don't remove the excess from the planks of wood in its entire space and then go to stain it, it will stain much darker than the wood giving a dreadful finish. Won't use it again in this manner shown. Just will fill individual gaps.
Thanks so much for the info. I have some holes the size of a dime can this technique work for the big holes. I 'm installing utility grade oak with lots of holes.
Lol what is a dime?
I have old pine floors that are beautiful, the big cracks between them are driving me crazy. Does this crack over time? how wide can the gaps be?
Jess Jam remove all the boards and put them back in tighter, with a new board at the end, its is a huge job to do but certainly solves the problem of large gaps and keeping old boards.
eBay 'pine slivers' glue/hammer these in the gaps, take tops off and sand.. small gaps Use Lecol 7500 mixed with 80/100 grit dust from floor
What do you use in your filler fix? What do you add the sawdust to?
Either glue or a floor resin I would guess
Can you apply oil, such as Danish oil, after applying filler like this?
Yes, once filler is applied sand with 100/120 then you can apply any finish you like to the floor
I just had 2 professionsals to come look at my floors over the weekend. 1 said he can do the floor mix filler. the other suggested i do NOT use it. how do i know which 1 is right?
They both have a point. It is up to you at the end of the day. The filler will start falling out eventually which may become unsightly. We suggest not to fill gaps, it is up to our customers to decide.
The filler will eventually drop through the gap and leave a hole. Floorboards expand and contract with the changing temperature over the year and you’ll just be left with gaps again. Big gaps can be filled with pine slivers.
"Now thissssssss, is art!"
Yep that’s a technique but what is the mixture
Does this last with heavy use of floor? Does the gap filler eventually drop through? Thanks.
Can you please tell us the mixture you used on the filler between the boards.
Can you use a grout float to apply this product on wooden floors?
We use dust from the last sand and mix it with filler
What is the filler is it epoxy?
What have used for your mix? & is it a clear product?
Yes its a clear product, you can use either Lecol or Jenckins filler, you can get it in UK.
kevin mchugh
All very well speeding along like the moment will look good on video. Truth is I do not believe the mixture will have gone deep into the gaps. Maybe ok where he crossed over the gap but not where he moved along the gap. It will have simply dragged along rather than be pressured down. More care and job ok. Go like a man on a mission and no way ok.
I have old pine floors with some serious gaps and gauging. It's sort of beautiful but I want to know my options. Would you recommend this kind of filler technique for an 1890s old growth pine boards with gaps?
what can u use to fill a hole (knot hole) that goes all the way through the board?
Drill a larger hole and put a dowel it it then cut it flush with the floor, Use 2 part epoxy with dye or wood dust and fill it, If you have a router or chisels you can do a bowtie patch also. Once any of those are done you can sand then seal it
I accomplished something similar by sanding with lineseed oil
did you use the dust form the project or is this something I could buy? Thanks.
Thanks for the video. After you've spread the mixture into the gaps do you wash/wipe the surplus off the tops of the boards, or will it need another light sand when dry?
The floor is lightly sanded after the gap filler has set in. We may need to repeat the procedure if the gaps are large to make sure gap filler does not fall through.
Many thanks! h
How's your back?
Could I use this technique to restore a highly scratched pine floor? Thanks in advance!
I think you need to sand floor first.
I wanted to try this, but the floor is face nailed. Suggestions?
Where do you get bulk wood filler for finishing floors? I checked home depot and it was all in little quart-size or smaller tubs.
Can you make your own using the bulk spackle at home depot?
Wont last long wood moves too much and the filler with flake off eventually
this is a bad idea. It wont work. It will look good for maybe 10 minutes. Eventually The boards will expand and contract over time and with variable humidity. The dried filler is brittle and it will break up into crumbles that will come out when you vacuum. 1. Set the floor tight in the first place. 2. Use well aged lumber. 3. if its an old floor and the gaps are huge use stained jute twine as a filler. Aside from that just learn to live with moderate or slight floor gaps. This is part of the "charm" of old houses.
Malcolm Slimy isn't it best to not fill the gaps allowing for movement
That's what Malcolm was saying, yes. There's only so much you can do to modernize old houses. Some of them might be in good enough condition. Most of them where I live - London - were built during/after the war, so everything is very shoddy. There's only so much you can do.
whats funny is i just watched this old house and they used the jute twine and ever post was calling the guy a idiot
had this done in my house 1 year on its all hoovered out and need something else doing to it, completely pointless.
Omg that’s so true!!! We bought an old house in Portugal, where the second floor had an old beautiful pine floor. We decided to keep it, and we did exactly that.
It has been 3 years, every time we vacuum the fillers come out. We no longer vacuum, but the temperature fluctuations make expansion and contracting of the wood.
The floor is still beautiful but it has become an issue bc it can easily splinter now. It is all cracked. It is a problem in older houses with poor insulation and most old houses are not insulated property. Those floors are beautiful but a pain on your brain and pocket 😂
oh I see, Jenkins Wood filler. Well, the site says that's in UK. I am in US. I wonder what I can use.
You cal also use lecol filler as an alternative, not sure if its available in US
Bob.. ever find a source for Lecol 7500 Filler or Jenkins Wood filler in the USA? Bob Byerly
Joe Mezzanini I used Elmers wood filler, and I mixed dust from sanding, and a little water to thin it. It was still not quite as dark as the floor wood, but the finished job looks good enough for an ameteur.
Bob Byerly thank you Sir
After having that floor done for a couple years, I find that in areas where there is heavy foot traffic,and places in the wood flex a little, the filler cracks out. Believe it or not, I got some almond colored caulk and filled those cracks again as an emergency measure. Had water & sponge handy to wipe off excess and clean. So far so good. At least the caulk is flexible, and at a glance you cannot tell it's there.
Do "Stepflooring" take followup videos of their work say 1-2 years after the job? Probably a stupid question. Once you get the whole house done are you gonna lug all the furniture out in the street just to see if all the cracks are still there? Nup.
I don't know why it says "filler" and sawdust when the mix is resin and sawdust.
Can I do this with any cheep PVA?
Use Lecol 7500 mixed with 80/100 grit dust from floor
What is the resin?
Jenkins resin wood filler, can be bought in UK, thanks
I am not exactly sure what our guys use for filler, but is probably Jenkins or Lecol....
warranty of the filler last as long as the contractors backligths on the car.
Ah youth. What would it be like to have a back that could do this.
What did you mix with saw dust....?
Use Lecol 7500 mixed with 80/100 grit dust from floor
eat the sawdust, then use the diarrhea, aren't you guys paying attention?
Can you paint it
Do it like the old days and let it fill itself with dirt! Or just use the saw dust and seal that ish!
Can I use the filler on already varnished floors, or can this only be done on just sanded floorboards ?
Sanded. Glues and what not dont stick to finished very well. you would have to sand it and seal it anyway after filling like this.
Im praying for.this man's lower back 🙏
what size gaps are good enough to fill, i have some gaps which are roughly 7mm wide is this too large?
7mm gaps are too wide to be filled with filler. Use pine slivers as in video here - and then do a final gap fill on top of that with a mix of saw dust and filler (Jenkins)
+Rich Kane
1/8 of an inch = 3,2 mm. Max. 4 mm.
Saw dust for these. Sanding dust for 1-2 mm if you want to fill them. Shrinkage is normal for pine/fir boards. Slivers for wider gaps and then filler.
After having worked with massive wood in Scandinavia for many years....
Done this to 40m2 of wooden flooring in the spring, now it's the winter the cracks and gaps are back, and the filler is mostly in the hoover. Complete waste of a lot of time.
Holy cow!🤯
Wood boatbuilders do this with epoxy, but use more "hydraulic" action with the knife, not quick n dirty like this.
Pretty Good!
I agree that fillers are crap. They don’t work, they don’t expand and contract with the wood, therefore they crack and fall apart.
Do you sand the floor again after this?
D. Smith
yes it'll be sanded smooth before staining and polyethylene
Yes 100/120 grit to finish
It would be cheaper to have the defective flooring removed and replaced with new floors. I spent $10,000 on my floors which ended up being defective and poorly fit. Five years later my floors are a fucking disaster. Gaps everywhere, just unbelievable really. But the cost to repair verses replace becomes negligible.
Peanut Butter fudge!
F That, my back already is sore.
I'm knackered just watching!.....Now I know why women get husbands!
or they become the men they wanted to marry..... ;)
No names of products used.😕👎
Micky mouse shit right there!!!
Rip back
About 4000 times quicker than I did it.
I bet that's hard on your back!
Troy Smart
i guarantee he doesn't move like that for 8 hrs a day. It looks good for the video
I can tell you from experience this is not a permanent solution. If you have wide gap pine floors and you want something nicer its best to consider the pine as the subfloor, and put something nice looking, like hardwood flooring that does not have gaps, or vinyl, on top of that.
что за бред под паркет ламинат или линолеум так делать не нужно
если нужно плотное прилегание досок нужно переприбить их плотно прижимая одна к другой )
cant you just smell those fumes!
What on earth is the point of posting videos like this? We know at the end of the first ten seconds how to put the stuff down. Another three minutes of the same isn't really of much help. What proportions of filler do you mix with the sawdust? What kind of "filler", come to that? "I am not sure what our guys use for filler" - oh, c'mon, surely that's the whole point. Nought out of ten for information; this is more like just watching some bloke working out.
ii think it says diarrhea in the description
looks like poo on it
That look like 💩
Wrong video...thought this was a dirty protest in the state pen'😄