I'm liberal but if you pulled a generic judge out of a box you'd get John Roberts. He looks so judicial looking lol. He'd also look like a good James Bond actor for the 1970s.
Roberts is very generic, but I really like him, I think he’s a good cheif because of the way he sides with both liberals and conservatives, making him a good leader who probably hears out all voices before he casts his vote. I’m pissed that Republicans thought that wasent good enough and cheated to pack the court and make it look way more to the right than America ever will
Gosh. I can see why he is Chief Justice. He actually seemed to be enjoying the hearing, unlike most, because he is so knowledgeable and was obviously well prepared. 👍
It's because even tho they are not supposed to the senators ask question related to specific cases wich the judges never anwser. They only speak on principle in these hearings
7:50. Roberts takes Lehey's question and shoves it up his ass. Classic Roberts, a man who was literally pre-programmed to be Chief Justice of the United States. He could play 007 if he had a British accent. He's also the coolest member in all the Federal Government. His questions in Oral Arguments are brilliant, legitimate, and IMPOSSIBLE to answer. Awesome. Cars.
Give me back my corrided report federally mandates and institution code of privacy and draft that they detained my son with and use the clause to incarcerate me for a whole year
Chief Justice Roberts is a patriot and an excellent lawyer. Anybody who says any different because they disagree with ONE (and only one) of his opinions (and probably didn't even read that one opinion) is severely uninformed and/or misguided.
Except he does not believe in the sanctity of the right to vote. He does not care about corruption or American national sovereignty. The only good part about him is he has not started a civil war, yet
@@jamesricker3997 There's nothing to indicate that he does not care about the right to vote, corruption, or sovereignty. He cares deeply about the Constitution, which has a lot to say about all three of those things. And on a short list of public officials who are most interested in preserving our institutions, and avoiding their disintegration, he'd be near the top.
@@megancrager4397 I disagree. I think the last five years of his career have been his best. He’s proven himself to be principled and committed to preserving the Court’s independence. A great jurist and history will judge him very kindly I’m sure.
the government has always had the ability to tax you on anything they wished! That's what they do! I don't like Obamacare, but I don't have as much of a problem with Roberts ruling as I do with the Congress and President who passed the law.
@AntonBatey That is part of the reason he's Chief Justice - he's able to talk to people and he comes off as reasonable, a good leader for the Court, much like Rehnquist was. (I remember reading Rehnquist's Roe dissent - it is a dissent but reasonable and based on good arguments, as opposed to, say, Scalia's dissent in the Casey case, which is just a moral outrage-style tirade.)
My comment wasn't intended to be negative; my comment isn't criticizing/attacking his ideology/philosophy. That's just the first thing I think when I see Justice Roberts...
#1 NOW IS A PERFECT TIME TO TAKE A LOOK AT *TERM LIMITS FOR ALL FEDERAL JUDGES *THE REAL-ISSUE CONCERNING SUPREME COURT JUSTICES = 3/4 OF A CENTURY FOR ONE MIND-SET ON A BENCH IS JUST TOO LONG!!! This is predicated on the answer to the question: Why are POLITICIANS from both parties clamoring so fervently to nominate Justices to all of the Federal Court benches? The answer to that question provides a clear understanding of how Americans have come to view our Federal Judges, and that is, as an arm of each political party, respectively. And the main follow-through on this fact is that Judges these days are more-than-willing to issue partisan rulings these days. This is in fact, realized, in the many rulings that have been issued from the various benches, from the lower Courts, right up through the Applet Courts, and through to the Supreme Court of these Lands. Just look at the resent Florida Court ruling on the "restoration of felon's right's to vote in elections. Consider the referendum-vote of the people of Florida, who voted overwhelming to give those rights back to those felons who have served their time for crimes committed." The Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, in his plight to manipulate the voter-ranks in the 2020 election, devised a plan to withhold the restoration of those felon's rights by arbitrarily imposing the requirement that those felons must pay back any fines before being able to vote. Moving through the court system, the claims of those felons, that this was not the People's Will, was dismissed by (Republican favored) Applet Judges, in favor of the voter-suppressing Republican Governor. This sort of ruling is plainly clear that Federal Judges are becoming increasingly partisan with their rulings. This could come back to find the Republican ranks on the other side of such future partisan rulings. So this is the solution: "We need to find a way to take partisanship out of our judicial system, the way it was intended in the first place. We need Term Limits for our Federal Judges, and a reform of the process of which they are appointed to the Benches" I believe, with the modern political climate, it will be impossible to solve, that is, within the process justices are appointed today. I believe the American People would be better served if our Judges were VOTED onto the benches by both branches of the government: House and the Senate. Most importantly, I believe LIFE APPOINTMENTS to the Bench is severely problematic for the Republic. Three quarters of a century could go by, having a partisan Justice sitting on the bench skewing rulings that only make sense to a small number of American Citizens. This has to change if we are to have a better system of government. The course we are on now will only render the US looking more and more like Belarus of today.
Damn Arlen specter chairing as a republican. Jeff sessions and Russ feingold on committee too. All three would be taken to the woodshed by voters in primary or the general in their last election (s)
why do they ask every potential Justice about Roe.?. when they know darn well they can not answer as it may and will come up in the Supreme Court again and again.
@@miguelvanetta1485 There is not a single word about abortion in the constitution. Roe vs Wade is fake. Judges must not legislate. Therefore it must go away.
Ted Kennedy was truly awful. I guess he couldn’t find a ridiculous reason to force John Roberts off the court like he did with his despicable actions during the Robert Bork Supreme Court nomination hearings. Good riddance to him.
Roberts is great, but he oversimplifies when he says judges are like umpires, calling "balls and strikes." In many cases they're forced to do more than that. When the intended meaning of a statute or clause of the constitution is unclear in general, or as applied to the facts of a case, they have to fill in those gaps with their "judgment." If things were simply balls and strikes, we'd hardly need appellate judges at all.
World War III Has Begun; How It Unfolds Depends on Us We think of the Russia-Ukraine war as a local conflict, but it is much more than that; it is a global war on multiple fronts. The war is not only a military conflict; it is also an economic war of attrition. With skyrocketing gas prices and shortage of staples, people all over the world are feeling the consequences of the war. This war is transforming the entire modus operandi of humanity. Since the dawn of time, we have been accustomed to living by the motto, “survival of the fittest.” By and large, the rule was that the strong determined the rules, and the rules were often abusive toward the weak. Now, it seems like a new mindset has set in: Wanting something and being strong enough to take it does not mean that the world will accept it. The war, therefore, is being fought on the inside no less, and perhaps more than on the outside. Our very makeup is changing from abusive to cooperative, from narcissistic to altruistic. It hurts, and it will not happen without a struggle, but it is irreversible. This is the path of our evolution toward the purpose of our creation-to encompass within us all of creation. To do that, we must come to care for it, just as a mother encompasses her child through her maternal love. The struggle to transition from our current uncaring and mean approach to all creations but ourselves, into wise and compassionate beings is called “the war of Gog and Magog” or Armageddon. Since the war is about our inner makeup, we can fight it within us. If we object to struggling with ourselves over who will rule-the ego or love-the physical reality will force us to choose love nonetheless. However, it will do so by hurting us in a very physical way. The war in Eastern Europe is nothing compared to what we might have to endure if we resist the process. The horrific descriptions of our sages and prophets hint at it, and we would not want to live through it. Alternatively, we can fight this war within us without firing a single bullet. The choice is in our hands. All we need is to continue in the same direction that nature is already leading us: toward connection. If we make an effort to care for one another, even though initially we don’t, then we are moving in the right direction. If we try to resolve conflicts not with guns or even legal battles, but by strengthening the care and friendship between us, then we are saving lives and sparing torments from countless people. In conclusion, let us try to rise above the hatred and see the human on the other side, who suffers too. Let us think that this war was given to us so we would think about each other more than we have so far. After all, were it not for this war, we would not notice one another. Now that it is here, we are no longer indifferent. Although our feelings our currently negative, now that we are aware of them, we can work on them together and turn them around. These are the wars of the Messiah who moshech [Hebrew: pulls] us out of the ego, and into mutual love..
I wish people would just learn to live with the fact that abortion will always be legal in this country. I am sick and fucking tired of hearing about it every 2 years. We have much more pressing issues to deal with in this country.
but i'm not sure we'll survive this fever running its course.... we need some Advil. We the sheeple have to wake up and stay awake. Too much entertainment is distracting us into a slumber. Our enemies are not sleeping, they've filled every Institution in the country....
This guy LIED! He said his job was not to make law but to call balls and strikes! When ObamaCare came before the Court he didn’t call balls and strikes he made up his own game!
As a clerk, Roberts mostly drew dull cases to review - a disputed cattle transaction, the rightful tax status of a corporate hunting lodge - but later that year, when he took a prestigious new job as an assistant to Reagan’s attorney general, William French Smith, he would have much to say about the Mobile decision. Because the Voting Rights Act was coming up for renewal, a bipartisan group of senators and House members had taken the opportunity to work out a fix to undo the Supreme Court’s Mobile decision as part of the renewal package. The new rule would explicitly allow judges to find fault with any election law that resulted in minority disenfranchisement, no matter the intention. As a corrective to “proof of intent,” this “results test,” as it was known, would significantly strengthen the Voting Rights Act. Many career civil rights attorneys at the Justice Department had no problem with the new rule. But Reagan’s political appointees, Roberts among them, had a new argument with profound implications: Justice should be colorblind. Roger Clegg, a lawyer who worked with Roberts during the Reagan years, described this new ethos in notably idealistic-sounding terms: “It’s a very bad thing for this country to have race-based decision making in any public transaction.” It was the sort of argument that dismayed career civil rights attorneys. “In their zest for the colorblind society they professed to see, they didn’t recognize that the long couple hundred years of segregation and discrimination continued to have present-day effects,” one of those attorneys, J. Gerald Hebert, told me. “I would say they had a fundamental lack of understanding of the 14th and 15th Amendments, and what Congress could do under those amendments - I still don’t think Roberts understands it.”
Without a doubt John Roberts has the air of a spoiled rich kid who’s been told he’s a special boy his whole life and got straight A’s on C- work because his parents cut a huge check to the school every year.
Prayer. God said to Solomon, “Since this is your heart’s desire and you have not asked for wealth, possessions or honor, nor for the death of your enemies, and since you have not asked for a long life but for wisdom and knowledge to govern my people over whom I have made you king,
If you can legally claim an item of property as an extension of self. Why not sperm? That's why legally you should be entitled to know about the woman's abortion
He doesn't have to answer to you kid. He did not act in a partisan manner. He acted based on his interpretation of the constitution. You do not know the constitution better than him. Your criticism of him is meaningless, ill-informed, and misplaced.
Def looks like a James Bond. Only good looking man in Washington. If you want to read the difinitive book on the choices and confirmations of Roberts and to a lesser extent, Alito, read Jan Crawford (Greenburg at the time)'s book Supreme Conflict. Clearly Thomas was a great source for the book, and they are very good friends, but the book is non-fiction, brilliant, and reads like a novel. Took me 3 hours to read it and I never put it down. Cars.
I have honestly never understood the Radical Left's Obsession with Abortion and Roe v Wade. I try to understand but it escapes me. As Jordan Peterson said it's clearly wrong. You wouldn't want somebody that you love have one....
@@Natalia-jy8nm I'm a single father to a Wonderful, Intelligent, Beautiful Young 16 year old Woman. She a Great Heart and I'm Immensely Proud of her!!! So you're "statement" is to say the least Silly. In my book abortion should only be allowed on 3 grounds; In case of Rape When the ongoing pregnancy poses serious danger to the expecting mother's health and If the fetus is deemed by a qualified doctor to be severely handicapped. We're not in the dark ages anymore. Birth control is readily available and if you happen to have sex without birth control then use the morning after pill! Which is also readily available. And help for single mums and or young couple is also more than available through hundreds of private and state run organisations. Whether it be housing, medical, financial assistance or whatever. Otherwise you get to the point where like in New York full term abortions are permitted by law. In Queens there are now more Black Babies aborted than born!! If you're 6 months into a pregnancy and the decide for some reason that it's too inconvenient then you are not emotionally mature enough for sex and i would Seriously suggest you abstain from such activity. And at what stage in your opinion do I as the father get a say in it!?? If we decided when we fount out about my daughter being concevied that it would be to inconvenient for us and aborted I would not have my Wonderful Daughter today. Your problem is that as a millennial you want everything handed to you on a silver plate.
@@thegulagarchipelago5921 You don’t get a say as to what a woman does with her own body. If she decides to carry the fetus to term, then the live baby stops being a component of her body. Until then, it is the sole decision of the woman (or uterus-bearing person).
Well Lin Wood says there is a recorded convo, but no one has seen it. Weird that whenever republicans have damning evidence like Hunter's laptop or this convo or evidence of voter fraud, they can't release it to the public. Almost like they are habitual liars.
the entire thing pisses me off as well, and I do have a problem with the tax. Look at the income tax, how is that constitutional? Seriously, we just grew up with it so it seems normal, but that is the most intrusive of taxes we could imagine. You work and have to pay a tax on your income!? We cannot expect judges to do jack squat about it, we need to empty Congress of its 'progressives'.
John Roberts has been the man on the fence. I had much higher expectations from this guy. GW really nominated a fish in this guy. He flips more than anyone in recent history. "they call him Flipper..."
O'Connor and Kennedy did not swing nearly as much as Roberts, and had much more sound jurisprudence. Roberts was and still is too unqualified to be the Chief Justice. Bush almost tried replacing O'Connor with someone who did not understand constitutional law.
Never going to happen The Republicans had decades to do it and they have shown no interest in doing so. Without the promise to overturn Roe v Wade millions of people would have no reason to vote Republican
"Welcome to the united snakes Land of the thief, home of the slave Grant imperial guard where the dollar is sacred and power is God" - 'Uncle Sam Goddamn'- Brother Ali
This philosophy was not adhered to in deciding the case on Union Agency Fees. That decision will completely disrupt settled labor agreements in all fifth states.
the communist union leaders got demolished by alito and the boys!!! kavanaugh will be a decent addition. but trump should of placed amy barrett on the court but he got scared.
michael andrews I can assure you that the leaders of the teachers union are NOT communists. You should stop stating false information that has no basis in fact. I know this, because I was a teacher, retired now, and while teaching my teacher colleagues, elected me to the California Teachers Association state council which is comprised of some 600 teachers from all over the state, all,elected by their colleagues. CTA took policy positions on issues in education that affected teachers and students. Votes were never unanimous, debate was often vigorous, but in the end, majority ruled. We were a cross section of teachers in the state. I’m sure you know someone who is a teacher. Are they a communist? In fact we are still required to sign an oath when we teach that we do not belong to the Communist Party. Please stop spreading misinformation. If you want to say the leaders of the unions are mostly Democrats, you would be more honest.
Conservatives: Nominate a brilliant legal mind who is so fair-minded and so well-qualified that no one can deny he deserves confirmation. Then stand back and let him do his job. Result: One or two conservatives usually go wobbly and the so-called conservative court won't make a conservative decision. Liberals : Nominate someone who isn't brilliant but will vote the right way every time. 2020: Conservatives learn from history.
7TLJJx and zuest and etrf37 monopoly card for second lions Corp homeland and United States embassy and substation and military targets and extraction point and capture or kill orders.
Coughing more than once while a hearing is ongoing. Wow!
I'm liberal but if you pulled a generic judge out of a box you'd get John Roberts. He looks so judicial looking lol.
He'd also look like a good James Bond actor for the 1970s.
You're a fool
justice John Roberts is a brilliant man
@TheFatDoggie-MC the OP is more true today than ever given Roberts is now the lone moderate on the court lmao
Roberts is very generic, but I really like him, I think he’s a good cheif because of the way he sides with both liberals and conservatives, making him a good leader who probably hears out all voices before he casts his vote. I’m pissed that Republicans thought that wasent good enough and cheated to pack the court and make it look way more to the right than America ever will
@@explainingstuffaboutthings7475 he was on Jeffery Epsteins island. He's not a good man. His time is coming.
Why does this look much older than it is I was born in 94 and to me 2005 felt like yesterday to me watching this makes me feel old wtf
My dad had crystal blue eyes like that, they would seem like they were looking right through you. He was one of the nicest men anyone has ever met.
78/22 is still better than what we had for the last 2 hearings.
The process has become much more political.
I seriously underestimated this chief justice
Why? He didn't really say anything more than the standard 'it depends' and 'I'll begin with precedent'
@@giftofgabbery The question wasn't good enough for you? Fuck off, wasn't talking to you anyway
@@AB-et6nj you must have big issues in your life. wow, I wish you the best.
@@ahamed4152 I really don't. But thanks for not contributing anything to the conversation
@@AB-et6nj sorry that my contribution was not ' Fuck off, wasn't talking to you anyway'
Gosh. I can see why he is Chief Justice. He actually seemed to be enjoying the hearing, unlike most, because he is so knowledgeable and was obviously well prepared. 👍
Thank you for posting this, EMKInstitute.
Thank you🙏 for your support
Roberts, the earnest conservative turncoat.
Another David Souter. Serves you MAGAts right
@@jonalderson5571 aren’t you a nasty shitlib
Gorsuch is the biggest fucker for the reason they got that vote on alphabet soup "rights" deriving from the civil rights bill
Notice he carried out his entire hearings without notes. That is insane. Semper Fi.
Amy Coney Barrett also used no notes for her hearing.
@@Raphaelkungfupanda maybe she shouldve used some
@@Natalia-jy8nm No need. With 7 kids, I’m sure ACB is used to answering childish questions.
@@Natalia-jy8nm Whys that? Democrats failed to make a legitimate objection.
Thankyou for sharing this video on youtube.
When JR answers a question, you’re not sure if he answered it and you missed it, or if he just dodged the question.
It's because even tho they are not supposed to the senators ask question related to specific cases wich the judges never anwser. They only speak on principle in these hearings
@@offaxisdude like most democrats right ,
note the judicial demeanor ...
Now with Kavanaugh on the court maybe he can teach Roberts how to be a man.
7:50. Roberts takes Lehey's question and shoves it up his ass. Classic Roberts, a man who was literally pre-programmed to be Chief Justice of the United States. He could play 007 if he had a British accent. He's also the coolest member in all the Federal Government. His questions in Oral Arguments are brilliant, legitimate, and IMPOSSIBLE to answer. Awesome. Cars.
And now you crazy Republicans hate Roberts
he was one of the most successful lawyers to argue before the supreme court before he became a judge for a good reason.
@@bensonfang1868 v b va v m
Give me back my corrided report federally mandates and institution code of privacy and draft that they detained my son with and use the clause to incarcerate me for a whole year
I lol'd at the James Bond comment haha.
Ed Kennedy was bang on target. Affirmative action, Voting Rights Act.
4:50 “It is not enough to think the prior decision was wrongly decided”
John Roberts is the best
Unless you happen to like the right to vote
First they won't make it harder for the minorities to vote then they will work their way up to you
No he’s not very good and he was not a good replacement for Rehnquist.
The Country should Honour God and trust him do his will according unto to his will
@TMWSITY You are right. God isn´t in the constitution. He is above the constitution.
Book and movie!
Chief Justice Roberts is a patriot and an excellent lawyer. Anybody who says any different because they disagree with ONE (and only one) of his opinions (and probably didn't even read that one opinion) is severely uninformed and/or misguided.
Except he does not believe in the sanctity of the right to vote. He does not care about corruption or American national sovereignty.
The only good part about him is he has not started a civil war, yet
@@jamesricker3997 There's nothing to indicate that he does not care about the right to vote, corruption, or sovereignty. He cares deeply about the Constitution, which has a lot to say about all three of those things. And on a short list of public officials who are most interested in preserving our institutions, and avoiding their disintegration, he'd be near the top.
This didn't age well
@@megancrager4397 I disagree. I think the last five years of his career have been his best. He’s proven himself to be principled and committed to preserving the Court’s independence. A great jurist and history will judge him very kindly I’m sure.
Thanks you allot supreme Court John Robert for everything allot years allot memory
the government has always had the ability to tax you on anything they wished! That's what they do! I don't like Obamacare, but I don't have as much of a problem with Roberts ruling as I do with the Congress and President who passed the law.
@AntonBatey That is part of the reason he's Chief Justice - he's able to talk to people and he comes off as reasonable, a good leader for the Court, much like Rehnquist was. (I remember reading Rehnquist's Roe dissent - it is a dissent but reasonable and based on good arguments, as opposed to, say, Scalia's dissent in the Casey case, which is just a moral outrage-style tirade.)
My comment wasn't intended to be negative; my comment isn't criticizing/attacking his ideology/philosophy. That's just the first thing I think when I see Justice Roberts...
#1 NOW IS A PERFECT TIME TO TAKE A LOOK AT *TERM LIMITS FOR ALL FEDERAL JUDGES *THE REAL-ISSUE CONCERNING SUPREME COURT JUSTICES = 3/4 OF A CENTURY FOR ONE MIND-SET ON A BENCH IS JUST TOO LONG!!! This is predicated on the answer to the question: Why are POLITICIANS from both parties clamoring so fervently to nominate Justices to all of the Federal Court benches? The answer to that question provides a clear understanding of how Americans have come to view our Federal Judges, and that is, as an arm of each political party, respectively. And the main follow-through on this fact is that Judges these days are more-than-willing to issue partisan rulings these days. This is in fact, realized, in the many rulings that have been issued from the various benches, from the lower Courts, right up through the Applet Courts, and through to the Supreme Court of these Lands. Just look at the resent Florida Court ruling on the "restoration of felon's right's to vote in elections. Consider the referendum-vote of the people of Florida, who voted overwhelming to give those rights back to those felons who have served their time for crimes committed." The Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, in his plight to manipulate the voter-ranks in the 2020 election, devised a plan to withhold the restoration of those felon's rights by arbitrarily imposing the requirement that those felons must pay back any fines before being able to vote. Moving through the court system, the claims of those felons, that this was not the People's Will, was dismissed by (Republican favored) Applet Judges, in favor of the voter-suppressing Republican Governor. This sort of ruling is plainly clear that Federal Judges are becoming increasingly partisan with their rulings. This could come back to find the Republican ranks on the other side of such future partisan rulings. So this is the solution: "We need to find a way to take partisanship out of our judicial system, the way it was intended in the first place. We need Term Limits for our Federal Judges, and a reform of the process of which they are appointed to the Benches" I believe, with the modern political climate, it will be impossible to solve, that is, within the process justices are appointed today. I believe the American People would be better served if our Judges were VOTED onto the benches by both branches of the government: House and the Senate. Most importantly, I believe LIFE APPOINTMENTS to the Bench is severely problematic for the Republic. Three quarters of a century could go by, having a partisan Justice sitting on the bench skewing rulings that only make sense to a small number of American Citizens. This has to change if we are to have a better system of government. The course we are on now will only render the US looking more and more like Belarus of today.
i think that dissent was actually a tirade AGAINST moral judgements made by judges on the supreme court.
Even Judge Roberts can express his opinion with straight forwardness.
Damn Arlen specter chairing as a republican. Jeff sessions and Russ feingold on committee too. All three would be taken to the woodshed by voters in primary or the general in their last election (s)
why do they ask every potential Justice about Roe.?. when they know darn well they can not answer as it may and will come up in the Supreme Court again and again.
I imagine they don't want to confirm someone who is firmly against Roe vs Wade. Basically, they don't want an "extremist", so to say, in the Court.
@@miguelvanetta1485 There is not a single word about abortion in the constitution. Roe vs Wade is fake. Judges must not legislate. Therefore it must go away.
Ted Kennedy was truly awful. I guess he couldn’t find a ridiculous reason to force John Roberts off the court like he did with his despicable actions during the Robert Bork Supreme Court nomination hearings. Good riddance to him.
I'm sick of taking care of everyone.
Roberts is great, but he oversimplifies when he says judges are like umpires, calling "balls and strikes." In many cases they're forced to do more than that. When the intended meaning of a statute or clause of the constitution is unclear in general, or as applied to the facts of a case, they have to fill in those gaps with their "judgment." If things were simply balls and strikes, we'd hardly need appellate judges at all.
World War III Has Begun; How It Unfolds Depends on Us
We think of the Russia-Ukraine war as a local conflict, but it is much more than that; it is a global war on multiple fronts. The war is not only a military conflict; it is also an economic war of attrition. With skyrocketing gas prices and shortage of staples, people all over the world are feeling the consequences of the war.
This war is transforming the entire modus operandi of humanity. Since the dawn of time, we have been accustomed to living by the motto, “survival of the fittest.” By and large, the rule was that the strong determined the rules, and the rules were often abusive toward the weak. Now, it seems like a new mindset has set in: Wanting something and being strong enough to take it does not mean that the world will accept it.
The war, therefore, is being fought on the inside no less, and perhaps more than on the outside. Our very makeup is changing from abusive to cooperative, from narcissistic to altruistic.
It hurts, and it will not happen without a struggle, but it is irreversible. This is the path of our evolution toward the purpose of our creation-to encompass within us all of creation. To do that, we must come to care for it, just as a mother encompasses her child through her maternal love.
The struggle to transition from our current uncaring and mean approach to all creations but ourselves, into wise and compassionate beings is called “the war of Gog and Magog” or Armageddon.
Since the war is about our inner makeup, we can fight it within us. If we object to struggling with ourselves over who will rule-the ego or love-the physical reality will force us to choose love nonetheless. However, it will do so by hurting us in a very physical way.
The war in Eastern Europe is nothing compared to what we might have to endure if we resist the process. The horrific descriptions of our sages and prophets hint at it, and we would not want to live through it.
Alternatively, we can fight this war within us without firing a single bullet. The choice is in our hands. All we need is to continue in the same direction that nature is already leading us: toward connection. If we make an effort to care for one another, even though initially we don’t, then we are moving in the right direction. If we try to resolve conflicts not with guns or even legal battles, but by strengthening the care and friendship between us, then we are saving lives and sparing torments from countless people.
In conclusion, let us try to rise above the hatred and see the human on the other side, who suffers too. Let us think that this war was given to us so we would think about each other more than we have so far. After all, were it not for this war, we would not notice one another. Now that it is here, we are no longer indifferent. Although our feelings our currently negative, now that we are aware of them, we can work on them together and turn them around. These are the wars of the Messiah who moshech [Hebrew: pulls] us out of the ego, and into mutual love..
And Debra L. Givens non appointed Custody In Hearing on Family Matters
they're all smart as hell. to get that job, you have to be.
What a disappointment he's become. Thanks W!
He has made so many anti conservative and textualist voted but the liberal judges have NEVER voted with the right on major political issues
John Roberts is nothing compared to Rehnquist.
I wish people would just learn to live with the fact that abortion will always be legal in this country. I am sick and fucking tired of hearing about it every 2 years. We have much more pressing issues to deal with in this country.
He is unbelievable. He just pushes buttons in his brain .
but i'm not sure we'll survive this fever running its course.... we need some Advil. We the sheeple have to wake up and stay awake. Too much entertainment is distracting us into a slumber. Our enemies are not sleeping, they've filled every Institution in the country....
This guy LIED! He said his job was not to make law but to call balls and strikes! When ObamaCare came before the Court he didn’t call balls and strikes he made up his own game!
He voted erroneously. Wtf was he thinking
This guy is incredibly smart
As a clerk, Roberts mostly drew dull cases to review - a disputed cattle transaction, the rightful tax status of a corporate hunting lodge - but later that year, when he took a prestigious new job as an assistant to Reagan’s attorney general, William French Smith, he would have much to say about the Mobile decision. Because the Voting Rights Act was coming up for renewal, a bipartisan group of senators and House members had taken the opportunity to work out a fix to undo the Supreme Court’s Mobile decision as part of the renewal package. The new rule would explicitly allow judges to find fault with any election law that resulted in minority disenfranchisement, no matter the intention. As a corrective to “proof of intent,” this “results test,” as it was known, would significantly strengthen the Voting Rights Act.
Many career civil rights attorneys at the Justice Department had no problem with the new rule. But Reagan’s political appointees, Roberts among them, had a new argument with profound implications: Justice should be colorblind. Roger Clegg, a lawyer who worked with Roberts during the Reagan years, described this new ethos in notably idealistic-sounding terms: “It’s a very bad thing for this country to have race-based decision making in any public transaction.”
It was the sort of argument that dismayed career civil rights attorneys. “In their zest for the colorblind society they professed to see, they didn’t recognize that the long couple hundred years of segregation and discrimination continued to have present-day effects,” one of those attorneys, J. Gerald Hebert, told me. “I would say they had a fundamental lack of understanding of the 14th and 15th Amendments, and what Congress could do under those amendments - I still don’t think Roberts understands it.”
Without a doubt John Roberts has the air of a spoiled rich kid who’s been told he’s a special boy his whole life and got straight A’s on C- work because his parents cut a huge check to the school every year.
John Roberts is well qualified
Somewhere in hell, Stalin is looking up and smiling.
Precedence is only surpassed by law ! If the congress passes a law and the POTUS signs, any precedence can be overturned ! # MAGA
God said to Solomon, “Since this is your heart’s desire and you have not asked for wealth, possessions or honor, nor for the death of your enemies, and since you have not asked for a long life but for wisdom and knowledge to govern my people over whom I have made you king,
Damn! He's good looking! Those eyes! Oh my God...😍
I know right? His eyes are beautiful!
@@harrystyles3891 Exactly!
If you can legally claim an item of property as an extension of self. Why not sperm? That's why legally you should be entitled to know about the woman's abortion
Destruc of property
Giving answers without an answer.
He doesn't have to answer to you kid. He did not act in a partisan manner. He acted based on his interpretation of the constitution. You do not know the constitution better than him. Your criticism of him is meaningless, ill-informed, and misplaced.
@@offaxisdude Wrong
It would have been so cool if there would have been a Kennedy dash cam at Chapafuckingquidick
Def looks like a James Bond. Only good looking man in Washington. If you want to read the difinitive book on the choices and confirmations of Roberts and to a lesser extent, Alito, read Jan Crawford (Greenburg at the time)'s book Supreme Conflict. Clearly Thomas was a great source for the book, and they are very good friends, but the book is non-fiction, brilliant, and reads like a novel. Took me 3 hours to read it and I never put it down. Cars.
Thank God for Stare Decisis and thank God for Chief Justice John G Roberts
hi Doctor
Even then, Sessions spoke like an idiotic snake oil salesman. imagine this guy in any position.
Reading Lolita in plane
Isn't he a rino?
I have honestly never understood the Radical Left's Obsession with Abortion and Roe v Wade. I try to understand but it escapes me. As Jordan Peterson said it's clearly wrong. You wouldn't want somebody that you love have one....
you destroyed your own comment by saying radical left. get real.
huh? you dont understand why women want to have the right to control their own lives?
@@Natalia-jy8nm I'm a single father to a Wonderful, Intelligent, Beautiful Young 16 year old Woman. She a Great Heart and I'm Immensely Proud of her!!!
So you're "statement" is to say the least Silly.
In my book abortion should only be allowed on 3 grounds;
In case of Rape
When the ongoing pregnancy poses serious danger to the expecting mother's health
If the fetus is deemed by a qualified doctor to be severely handicapped.
We're not in the dark ages anymore. Birth control is readily available and if you happen to have sex without birth control then use the morning after pill! Which is also readily available. And help for single mums and or young couple is also more than available through hundreds of private and state run organisations. Whether it be housing, medical, financial assistance or whatever.
Otherwise you get to the point where like in New York full term abortions are permitted by law.
In Queens there are now more Black Babies aborted than born!!
If you're 6 months into a pregnancy and the decide for some reason that it's too inconvenient then you are not emotionally mature enough for sex and i would Seriously suggest you abstain from such activity.
And at what stage in your opinion do I as the father get a say in it!?? If we decided when we fount out about my daughter being concevied that it would be to inconvenient for us and aborted I would not have my Wonderful Daughter today.
Your problem is that as a millennial you want everything handed to you on a silver plate.
@@departmentofdate2263 Why? Because the "radical left" doesn't exist???🤣🤣🤣
@@thegulagarchipelago5921 You don’t get a say as to what a woman does with her own body. If she decides to carry the fetus to term, then the live baby stops being a component of her body. Until then, it is the sole decision of the woman (or uterus-bearing person).
We need to teach Latin again, to strengthen the understanding of the constitution
This guy is rhino.. what a shame...
78 22. Damn
Only on motion to proceed. Not on the final vote. Obama and Hillary tried to filibuster. You can make of it what you will
What a pathetic joke of a justice.
More like what a pathetic joke of a Republican who would appoint him. Another RINO like Souter and Stevens
I like Roberts, but his eyes seemed oddly bulging in some shots
Dose that mean the judge would protect Obama on exertive privilege
Association Between Childhood Exposure to Pet Cats and Later Diagnosis of Schizophrenia: A Case-Control Study in Saudi Arabia
he has to look up to stare decisis in the dictionary? I knew what that was in 12th grade.
Chief Justice Roberts was quite the handsome man!
I mean, he's still alive
@@48ihkb5 He's much older now.
That's true but pretty much looks the same
@@48ihkb5 yes, true. Too bad he is a disaster currently.
Diane looks good too!
Have Tom DeLonge play John Roberts in a movie 😂
He looks like Larry Hagman who played JT in Dallas... He has the same ethics as well..
That gotcha smile
I mean armitageallembert is a fool....CHECK
dude.....ted kennedy is so red in the face.....he needs to take a chill pill......he has some serious anger issues.....
Ted Kennedy knew how bad this radical would be for America
Lolita expresssssssssssssssssssss
Well he his is ...the big mistake...Mr Roberts there is a recorded conversation where your saying I'll make sure that MF Trump doesn't get re elected.
Well Lin Wood says there is a recorded convo, but no one has seen it. Weird that whenever republicans have damning evidence like Hunter's laptop or this convo or evidence of voter fraud, they can't release it to the public. Almost like they are habitual liars.
the entire thing pisses me off as well, and I do have a problem with the tax. Look at the income tax, how is that constitutional? Seriously, we just grew up with it so it seems normal, but that is the most intrusive of taxes we could imagine. You work and have to pay a tax on your income!? We cannot expect judges to do jack squat about it, we need to empty Congress of its 'progressives'.
Biggest mistake ever!
John Roberts has been the man on the fence. I had much higher expectations from this guy. GW really nominated a fish in this guy. He flips more than anyone in recent history. "they call him Flipper..."
O'Connor and Kennedy did not swing nearly as much as Roberts, and had much more sound jurisprudence. Roberts was and still is too unqualified to be the Chief Justice. Bush almost tried replacing O'Connor with someone who did not understand constitutional law.
Supra supreme and ibid id.
We need to overrule roe
Never going to happen
The Republicans had decades to do it and they have shown no interest in doing so.
Without the promise to overturn Roe v Wade millions of people would have no reason to vote Republican
John Roberts voted for abortion earlier this year
26K tier 1
"Welcome to the united snakes
Land of the thief, home of the slave
Grant imperial guard where the dollar is sacred and power is God" - 'Uncle Sam Goddamn'- Brother Ali
This philosophy was not adhered to in deciding the case on Union Agency Fees. That decision will completely disrupt settled labor agreements in all fifth states.
the communist union leaders got demolished by alito and the boys!!! kavanaugh will be a decent addition. but trump should of placed amy barrett on the court but he got scared.
michael andrews I can assure you that the leaders of the teachers union are NOT communists. You should stop stating false information that has no basis in fact. I know this, because I was a teacher, retired now, and while teaching my teacher colleagues, elected me to the California Teachers Association state council which is comprised of some 600 teachers from all over the state, all,elected by their colleagues. CTA took policy positions on issues in education that affected teachers and students. Votes were never unanimous, debate was often vigorous, but in the end, majority ruled. We were a cross section of teachers in the state. I’m sure you know someone who is a teacher. Are they a communist? In fact we are still required to sign an oath when we teach that we do not belong to the Communist Party. Please stop spreading misinformation.
If you want to say the leaders of the unions are mostly Democrats, you would be more honest.
Conservatives: Nominate a brilliant legal mind who is so fair-minded and so well-qualified that no one can deny he deserves confirmation. Then stand back and let him do his job.
Result: One or two conservatives usually go wobbly and the so-called conservative court won't make a conservative decision.
Liberals : Nominate someone who isn't brilliant but will vote the right way every time.
2020: Conservatives learn from history.
7TLJJx and zuest and etrf37 monopoly card for second lions Corp homeland and United States embassy and substation and military targets and extraction point and capture or kill orders.
Roberts gave a yes to abortion
15 years later and the senate representatives are mostly the same. INTRODUCE TERM LIMITS!!!!
Love to hear the jurist; these politicians are an absurd joke.
John is a very nice boy who would never take away women's right to choose their own reproductive health. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣