Strangest things in the universe even scientists cannot explain!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 พ.ค. 2024
  • Unravel the enigmatic wonders of the universe with our latest video as we delve into the mind-boggling mysteries that continue to stump even the brightest minds in science. From perplexing anomalies to confounding phenomena, join us on a journey through the unexplained secrets of the cosmos. Are we ready to confront the limits of our understanding? Watch now to expand your horizons and ponder the infinite possibilities that lie beyond our knowledge. Don't forget to like and share this video with fellow curious minds! @EinsteinsAntics_

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  • @PeterRice-xh9cj
    @PeterRice-xh9cj 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    One billionth of a second is to fast for us to experience, so I guess it’s fair to say that in that amount of time time we are not conscious. Matter and atoms move a distance that is so small, that we are not conscious while they are covering that tiny distance. The time frame we are conscious of is made up of time frames where we are not conscious, so how can we be conscious at all. Now let’s imagine that we are forever looking at a screen that never change’s colour. That screen would continuously be in the present, or would it. You see, our consciousness involves time, like a moving environment or clock. We get a personal sense of how long we’ve been staring at this unchanging screen, and our thoughts are changing. So now this is the opposite as mentioned above. Our consciousness is moving forward in time, but the screen we are staring at is unchanging, nonetheless the screen has to be moving forward in time because our consciousness is. We also need to visualise a colour to be a conscious being, whether we look at or imagine it. Now let’s say this screen we are looking at is what we are imagining and there’s no physical thing we are looking at. If so, then this screen we are imagining becomes the physical thing we are looking at. If for the whole time we are looking at this unchanging screen we were not conscious, it would seem to us that the screen would change to another colour in the blink of an eye, because we don’t have any memory of being unconscious (such as in a billionth of a second). If a group or infinite amount of people were zero dimensional points that mixed together to form one single zero dimensional point, every one would agree with what number they are looking at because every one would be one. But would everyone agree with what colour the numbers are, or how far away they are. For numbers to exist, you need a three dimensional space between your vision and the numbers, you need colour, and you need gaps or boundaries in between the numbers. All numbers are made of the same digit one, but the gaps and boundaries in between numbers truly are different from the digit ones that make numbers. Now, because every one is now one point, does that mean every one is now agreeing with the same number. Let’s say five points from that group saw the numbers as a different colour, does that mean they will form a different point of the same colour consciousness. They say during the Big Bang, different forces made one single force. Would it be possible for a colour conscious point, number conscious point, distance conscious point, to make one single point. Why does an hour seem like an hour to us and not one second or one year. If one week was like one second to an infinitely long falling line of dominos, would it feel like it’s acting at its own free will. Imagine if you kept mixing pinballs together forever that are the same size, and you still end up with one pinball exactly the same size. That’s what would happen if you kept on mixing zero dimensional points together, you would still end up with one single zero dimensional point without any dimensions. Let’s say 20 zero dimensional points are mixed together to make one single zero dimensional point, and one individual zero dimensional point mixes in, it would still be like two individual points mixing together. This individual zero dimensional point that has mixed in with the zero dimensional point made of 20 individual points, would make the point made of 20 points half as different, then after having done that, it would be meaningless because it would now be mixed in with the other 20 points and be part of one single point. Or would this individual point devour the 20 others, so the 20 others would become as meaningless as one individual point mixed in, followed by this individual point that devoured the 20 others becoming meaningless as it to would be one point mixed in with the rest.
    If a number of points are mixed together to make one single point, would all the points agree with what number they are looking at. If you were part of another point because you disagree with the other points on what colour the number is in the point you’re in, you would be in two seperate points at once. When we’re not conscious (such as in a billionth of a second), we don’t exist. If we’re in two points at once, it’s faster than our consciousness, because it’s the same as shifting between two points of consciousness infinitely fast. Our sense of being is zero dimensional, so does that mean we’re each a seperate zero dimensional point. When we don’t have a sense of being such as in a billionth of a second, we are nothing, so we can’t be a zero dimensional point. If we’re in one point we are conscious but we are mixed in with the other points to make one single point, so we exist but don’t exist.
    All numbers are just the digit one that is a certain length up the number line. What makes four four or nine nine. Four is made of two twos so are you looking at four or two. Nine is made of three threes so are you looking at three or nine. When we look at two or three things we know there is two or three without counting them. When we have to count something we are not conscious of how many a there, a bit like like not being conscious of what happens at a billionth of a second (if we were we would experience time going a lot slower). If all numbers are the same digit one, do we get an illusion of how far up the number line they are. We need two different colours for numbers to exist. Like numbers could all colours be the same digit one but we just have a dilution of how far up the number line they are. If we are zero dimensional points mixed in with a heap of other zero dimensional points, we would all agree with the other points on what number we are focusing our attention on because we would all be one point. But if we disagreed on what colour the numbers or background was, would we form our own seperate point. If we swapped the numbers we are focusing on for the colours the numbers and background are, would that do anything. What if the point was made of 20 individual points, then split to form 20 individual points. You are now theorising the existence of 20 individual points, so now you yourself are an individual point with a consciousness of 20, so by looking at these 20 scattered points you are looking at yourself. If there are multiple other points mixed in with you they all to would get the illusion they are seeing 20 scattered points. If one point consisted of multiple points, it wouldn’t consist of a number of points because there would be no order. You could keep mixing an infinite number of zero dimensional points points together forever and still end up with one single zero dimensional point. If there were different points scattered around because every point had different opinions of what colour the numbers were, and we don’t know how many individual points are scattered around, we theorising this would be an individual point with a consciousness of infinity or nothing. If only two multi point points exist, one good way to leave the point we’re in and enter the other multi point point would be to disagree with the other points we’re mixed with on what number we are focusing on, or forget what number we are focusing on.
    If you have say five different things, even though they are different things what makes them the same is they are in the same category of being a different thing. To escape this to truly get not just a different thing but a different category, is if we look at the gaps or boundaries in between numbers because they are different to the digit ones that are either side of them.
    If we have a red square on the left and blue square on the right, and they switch places infinitely fast, what happens is the blue square is on the left infinitely fast then on the left continuously. Could the two squares remain in their spaces, then remain there infinitely fast followed by continuously, without leaving their spaces in the first place.
    You can’t see what space is made of because the blocks or material the make space would not contain space. Imagine a nut and jellybean made one. You can’t see what the jellybean and nut are made from because the stuff that makes the jellybean doesn’t make the nut, and the stuff that makes the nut doesn’t make the jellybean. What if the jellybean and nut was overall space, not mattering if they were both next to each other, or miles or light years apart, because they both make up overall space. Just as the building blocks that make space wouldn’t contain space (making you blind towards them), you can’t see what both the jellybean and nut are made from, because the stuff that makes the jellybean doesn’t make the nut and the stuff that makes the nut doesn’t make the jellybean. Think of a tank filled with jellybeans and nuts. The jellybeans and nuts would be the cause of the stuff inside the tank to exist, at the same time the jellybeans and nuts (being overall space) could be outside the tank, each having their own seperate causes of existence by the stuff that makes them. So if time stops, the cause doesn’t stop. A domino that is falling over will cause the one next to it to fall over, followed by the one next to it. But if time stops, so everything freezes, the cause of something doesn’t stop, because what something is made of causes it to exist.

  • @Nightscape_
    @Nightscape_ 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

    While interesting, the chatbot is not relaxing enough to fall asleep to. I'll pass on this channel for now as there are more soothing channels to relax to that cover the same topics.