Good day, I have the same unit. I took it apart and relubed it. It was running very slow so I took the motor apart and lubricated the bearing in it. Now that I put it back together the motor is running backwards. Any thoughts?
It is hard to know without seeing it. But are you sure you reinstall the motor with the exact same placement it was prior to removing it? You may have reinstalled the motor incorrectly (backwards)
Good day, I have the same unit. I took it apart and relubed it. It was running very slow so I took the motor apart and lubricated the bearing in it. Now that I put it back together the motor is running backwards. Any thoughts?
It is hard to know without seeing it. But are you sure you reinstall the motor with the exact same placement it was prior to removing it? You may have reinstalled the motor incorrectly (backwards)
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