Its is great to see Andre differentiate between sport karate and budo. Very important. people will get hurt if they dont know or train for the difference.
That mawashi geri he explained as axe kick... I can't shake it off my mind anymore... Respect and many thanks for sharing this excellent learning. 🙏🏼👍🏼👊🏼✌🏼️
Since there is no mawashi geri in any kata, then this is not a karate kick. You couldn't even see any of it in kumite exercises. It has been used for the first time in competitions, since it's unefficient against well trained practitioners. Since to win a fight leads to take your opponent's central axis, mae geri is the only kick that appears in katas, and is the only kick that should be teached.
@@Yeino What a statement! You do have more kicks in many katas. Not to mention there are in fact other kicks in Karate. Mind, I know nothing about Ancient Budo, perhaps they used only mae gery.
@@freehermanjose5816 What you say is the exact contrary of reality. Even if you add new kicks to your practice, you can't say it is Karate. Gichin Funakoshi once said : "If you change Karate even a single little thing, then it is not Karate anymore." So newer kicks, like Mawashi geri or Mikazuki geri, aren't real Karate. They are something else, and if you want to add them to your practice, then you're not practising Karate, but something else, and you shouldn't call this Karate. What you call "ancient Budo" is Karate, the real Karate, like still practised nowadays in Okinawa. In Okinawa, other kicks than Mae geri exist, but nothing above the belt level, due to several reasons. The first reason is that it's too dangerous to raise your leg above the belt level : you won't perform it quick enough to be able to sustain any counterattack or grab. Second reason is that hitting outer body parts of the opponent's body is kind of inefficient. You could kick and kick and kick again outer body parts of a well trained opponent without damaging him at all. That's why real Karate focuses on inner body parts which are very often less trained, softer and deadly. The third reason is that these newer kicks have been created for competition purposes. A lot of techniques have been created by the young Gigo Funakoshi and his friends, Nakayama amongst them. Their way of practising has spread around the world as "sport Karate". But the truth is that high kick, roundhoue kicks already existed in Chinese martial arts centuries ago, and they've been removed due to their inefficiency. So they can be nice to see, but they're considered as flashy moves by true Karate practitioners. You can admire these kicks in movies, but in real fights, against experienced fighters or even warriors, you won't be able to perform them without being injured. So there is no kick other than Mae geri in katas from Shuri-te and Tomari-te (except if you don't consider Ushiro geri as a back Mae geri, except if you consider Hiza geri as kicks), even if there are others in Naha-te katas, like Kansetsu geri or Fumikomi geri. So yes, other kicks exist, but they're not part of Karate.
Great pointing out the differences between sports and real karate, same goes with all martial arts, the sports side is made to make sure the opponent does not get hurt, the real stuff is precisely the opposite! I have a 3rd dan in TKD, 15 yrs training in Wing Chun and now I study Shotokan. I like this Sensei he is the real thing!
I studied shotokan karate with a japanese sensei in Peru . In kata tournaments we used controled contact to avoid hurt colleagues. In dojo training we used real force striking air. In real life we used real force Shotokan karate is the same. Only the student varies force according the situation
Absolutely brilliant! Many karate students train the same way for many years and don't improve because they don't examine their own technique! This guy is a very good teacher.
@Fred Forbes if the distance and timing close up within arms reach the pro boxer may come out on top but karate mainly fight long and medium range techniques! A skilled kicker would give the advantage to the karate man in my opinion, but let's not forget karate was always originally designed for self defence against an un provoked attack and not against other styles! Shotokan has kicks, punches , open and closed hand strikes+ throwing and joint locking. So in conclusion karateisvery efficient, all styles are good it just depends on the instructors and the students. 😊
@@markwalker2986 Since actual Shotokan karate focuses on competition skills, and since it is a modern style that doesn't look like to what Funakoshi Gichin used to teach, it is not karate. If you could talk about Okinawan karate, you'd see much less long range techniques, and much more close techniques. Naihanchi, the Shuri-te reference kata is full of close strikes with full bodyweight. Naha-te is also focused on close range techniques. You should compare only real things that deserve to be, and only if your own skills and knowledge is at least as good as a 5th dan Renshi...
This is the true karate, i hace been teached these concepts since I were I Child. Maybe not as well explained like this great sensei but the same. Karate is a real martial art if you really want to learnt.
The true POWER of karate. When a normal human is actually hit with even one of these techniques, executed's game over. Hence the whole point of Shotokan karate: 1 punch (kick) 1 kill.
Thank you for sharing clips of Bertel Sensei’s instruction! It’s always a treat for me when I see his name in my TH-cam notifications. To his teaching point, I find it interesting to consider the action of the torso and the thrusting leg, and mentally block out the kicking leg. Many start the technique quickly but slow the forward movement of the torso to allow for the kicking action of the kicking leg... Even with mi-geri, properly timing the thrust of the rear leg and the kicking action of the front leg can be tricky! 🙏🙏🙇♂️🙇♂️
Fascinating! I’ve been training for over forty years and have experimented at length with different kicking methods. Many say the side snap kick is ineffective and weak. That isn’t the case when the technique is properly executed as is demonstrated here.
Side snap & thrust kicks require max hip flexibility -- even more than mawashi and ushiro kicks. Many ppl can't find enough hip flexibility to create disabling power w/ side kick. But as you've said, higher level karateka can absolutely cause devastating injury w/ either side kick (thrust or snap) -- for instance breaking ribs, knee, elbow or jaw w/ yoko geri keage... given power transfer as illustrated by Sensei Bertel.
its funny when you realise years later that all you learnt for "karate" is just for "sports karate", and it is pretty useless for real situations. Then you start asking yourself questions... and you finally understand that now you have to learn "real karate" for self defense. A paradox that we all suffer...
Not to mention all that money you spent too.... When in a real fight with a robber, your belt has no credit. It how you deal with the situation that counts. Life and death is even more challenging. I was rob with a Chinese Chopper to my neck... and all the karate I know know was gone when I felt the sharp edge of that Chopper. 😔 But I still 💙💜 and practice karate.... Oss!!!
What is karate for self defense? I am not sure it exists. Does it include the training of real life scenarios? Situational awareness in daily life? For instance in daily life you don't wear a gi and you don't walk around barefoot. Take a look at modern self defense systems. People there dress the way the walk around in daily
Beautiful technique!! This technique has a lot of elements of Muay Thai, pure power. Whole body vs a snap from a joint. Both techniques work. Mike Tyson said in on of his interviews “speed kills” it is not always about power..
@@fernandoortega4679 Hice shito ryu (hasta 1er dan) y hago muay thai, tenés razón no hay mucho de muay thai en las tecnicas de Andre, igualmente estos principios enriquecen bastante el muay thai. La biomecánica del Oi Tsuki y el Gyaku Tsuki del karate son mejores que el Jab y el Cross de cualqueir ootro deporte de combate, porque aprovechan mejor las bases cientificas de como generar potencia economizando el movimiento al máximo, al precio de descuidar un poco la guardia, pero tiene sentido si uno piensa que las tecnicas del karate estan pensadas para terminar un combate con un solo golpe, en circunstancias de defensa personal. En el Muay thai, si bien las técnicas tienen menos recorrido ya que los puños salen desde la guardia alta, tienen la practicidad de que no descuidan tanto la defensa, que es algo indispensable porque en este deporte el oponente se aguanta una paliza igual que uno, entonces los peleadores tienen que protegerse efectivamente a lo largo de varios rounds. A mi que no soy un tipo tan fuerte ni de contextura grande, como tengo ni voy a tener la fortaleza para derribar una persona grande con un solo golpe, hoy en día me sirve más el Muay Thai porque se trabaja mas la combinación de golpes y pegar con huesos grandes como la tibia, que nosotros los menos fuertes podemos desarrollar mas facilmente. Busca sobre el Muay Boran que es el arte marcial tradicional. Y el Lethwei de birmania, te van a gustar. Saludos
Stop saying that karate kicks have Muay Thai elements. This is the reason why many people suck at fighting. When you score with any of those kicks in a kumite competition no one would say it’s not karate kick. The faster you kick the more powerful your kick becomes. It doesn’t depend on the art you’re in
Different application of the front kick. Only thing I can compare it to is the way someone uses a lower center of gravity when doing an oblique kick. Osu thank you for the information
Así me lo enseñaron pero con muchísimas menos palabras. Era mirar y acordarse y si había alguna duda esperar a que el sensei lo volviera a explicar en algún tiempo futuro.
He’s a very lucky man to still have marvellous flexibility and not the wrong end of hip surgery . I’ve had one hip resurfacing and another due . Fact is my karate has had to evolve in a different way now . What I could do in my 30’s I cannot do now . I see the Asai’s karate is heavily involved in bertles karate . I trained with Sensei Kase and he was never nimble like Asai . He used a different energy and power generation . Routed stances with breathing used in the techniques. Hentei waza is used heavily . Very different katate style .
I got a full hip replacement 2 years ago. My range of motion will never be this or ever what it was which was limited at best. But that being said. It should not stop you from training to the best of what is available.
When in a real fight with a robber, your belt has no credit. It how you deal with the situation that counts. Life and death is even more challenging. I was rob with a Chinese Chopper to my neck... and all the karate I know know was gone when I felt the sharp edge of that Chopper. 😔 But I still 💙💜 and practice karate.... Oss!!!
Man ..there is a case on everything .You train u will hit hard plus fast and the target wont have time to anything . Just sleep. And Karate is a good one for train Oss.
@@Yeino Ok, and I believe in Santa Claus. Later I will want to believe in action movies too. I didn't say the technique is not real... I said it is not good to finish someone up quickly.
If you leaning lunge in metallic texture put your hands together like a diving seal and spin like nintendo for def, then break your spear. You could've done spurs wit yo hands for status effect.
Its elementry yet I doubt people understand but its not the driving leg its your butt ( periformus) but again I doubt people will understand the front leg has 70% of the weight therefore it is the butt that propels you forward i hope some one shows him my comment
As a coach potato I think the basics should be teached at beginners level,not for black belts where all techniques are already drilled in.Years ago I was interested in jkd.First technique you try is" half punch".After that you can do complete punch.And by punch I mean correct footwork and movement in sync with moving arm,so that your speed and weight are correctly transferred through fist.And distancing.When fist make contact and elbow is straight and knees not correctly bent and hip action not correct,punch is useless.Through the years it amazes me how many black belts and people with decades of experience(and obviously sharp flawless technique) distancing is wrong.Arm is fully extended and fist is not making contact.Even during demonstration it should be correctly done.Boxers do it mostly correct.The distancing.But not always right hip action and bending of knees to transfer most power.Why not?I don't know.One possible answer is that correct punch took a lot of energy.And if you waste energy,you are too tired in second or third round.And can be overpowered by opponent that are fitter.If you are in correct stance(like a fencer) punch started by pushing with back foot and sliding forward,twisting of hips,bending of front knee extending arm ,clench fist all one action.If you do it correctly and in slow motion,you will realize how much energy it took and how you have to concentrate.It is not as easy as you think.
Unfortunately, this kind of principles are almost unknown for Shotokai instructors. Even if it's hidden in Pinan and Naihanchi, since they've been changed for the actual Shotokan style, its practitioners don't know about it. That's why they're considered unskilled as hell by other styles practitioners.
Just curious I took karate, judo and jujitsu for years later I studied aikido then Kuk Sool Won. Here you have a room full of people with black belts who apparently have no idea how to throw a basic punch or kick. Back in the 60’s and 70’s there was a guy I always thought he looked like a bear he was going around all the school demanding they showed hem everything they knew all the teachers I studied with had met him and were insulted by his arrogant for even asking such a thing he was in a lot of the martial arts magazine at the time I seen videos of him his fighting looked like a couple of little girls trying to fight slapping each other repeatedly. I’m guessing he got a bunch of students because none of the black belts seem to know anything about fighting balance or form the ones that seem to have any skills say they got them from MMA fighting I’m assuming they figured it out on their own because from what I’ve seen of them they don’t really have any stile other than speed and brute force. It’s sad instead of learning things and passing it down to the younger students we have to keep reinvent the wheel over and over again. 😭
"Full Body Kicks and Punches"?? It's Actually Called Real Training. That's the problem with shotokan they focus so much in the sapping Garbage. That's Why Kyokushin and Renbukai Karate Are The Best When It Comes To Contact Karate as We Don't Snap Anything, You Either Hit Hard Or Not At All!!
Your assuming your opponent is going to be stationary NOT, I've seen many of these SO called black belts knocked the f#*k out by a well schooled Ameteur boxer, strait up Brooklyn Beat down FACT, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth "Mike Tyson " Bless up from Brooklyn NY 🙏
Great to see this technique come back. ‘Competition karate’ has been driving the power skills to the abyss.
Its is great to see Andre differentiate between sport karate and budo. Very important. people will get hurt if they dont know or train for the difference.
@@mikeodonovan9299 The best part of this seminar is that they all get to play Basketball when its over
That mawashi geri he explained as axe kick... I can't shake it off my mind anymore... Respect and many thanks for sharing this excellent learning. 🙏🏼👍🏼👊🏼✌🏼️
Since there is no mawashi geri in any kata, then this is not a karate kick. You couldn't even see any of it in kumite exercises. It has been used for the first time in competitions, since it's unefficient against well trained practitioners.
Since to win a fight leads to take your opponent's central axis, mae geri is the only kick that appears in katas, and is the only kick that should be teached.
@@Yeino What a statement! You do have more kicks in many katas. Not to mention there are in fact other kicks in Karate. Mind, I know nothing about Ancient Budo, perhaps they used only mae gery.
@@freehermanjose5816 What you say is the exact contrary of reality. Even if you add new kicks to your practice, you can't say it is Karate. Gichin Funakoshi once said : "If you change Karate even a single little thing, then it is not Karate anymore." So newer kicks, like Mawashi geri or Mikazuki geri, aren't real Karate. They are something else, and if you want to add them to your practice, then you're not practising Karate, but something else, and you shouldn't call this Karate.
What you call "ancient Budo" is Karate, the real Karate, like still practised nowadays in Okinawa. In Okinawa, other kicks than Mae geri exist, but nothing above the belt level, due to several reasons. The first reason is that it's too dangerous to raise your leg above the belt level : you won't perform it quick enough to be able to sustain any counterattack or grab. Second reason is that hitting outer body parts of the opponent's body is kind of inefficient. You could kick and kick and kick again outer body parts of a well trained opponent without damaging him at all. That's why real Karate focuses on inner body parts which are very often less trained, softer and deadly. The third reason is that these newer kicks have been created for competition purposes. A lot of techniques have been created by the young Gigo Funakoshi and his friends, Nakayama amongst them. Their way of practising has spread around the world as "sport Karate". But the truth is that high kick, roundhoue kicks already existed in Chinese martial arts centuries ago, and they've been removed due to their inefficiency. So they can be nice to see, but they're considered as flashy moves by true Karate practitioners. You can admire these kicks in movies, but in real fights, against experienced fighters or even warriors, you won't be able to perform them without being injured.
So there is no kick other than Mae geri in katas from Shuri-te and Tomari-te (except if you don't consider Ushiro geri as a back Mae geri, except if you consider Hiza geri as kicks), even if there are others in Naha-te katas, like Kansetsu geri or Fumikomi geri.
So yes, other kicks exist, but they're not part of Karate.
Gedan yoko geri, nami gaeshi, mikazuki geri, kakato otoshi...
Great pointing out the differences between sports and real karate, same goes with all martial arts, the sports side is made to make sure the opponent does not get hurt, the real stuff is precisely the opposite! I have a 3rd dan in TKD, 15 yrs training in Wing Chun and now I study Shotokan. I like this Sensei he is the real thing!
I studied shotokan karate with a japanese sensei in Peru . In kata tournaments we used controled contact to avoid hurt colleagues.
In dojo training we used real force striking air.
In real life we used real force
Shotokan karate is the same. Only the student varies force according the situation
@@fernandoortega4679 You don't have any opponent during kata...
Absolutely brilliant! Many karate students train the same way for many years and don't improve because they don't examine their own technique! This guy is a very good teacher.
@Fred Forbes if the distance and timing close up within arms reach the pro boxer may come out on top but karate mainly fight long and medium range techniques! A skilled kicker would give the advantage to the karate man in my opinion, but let's not forget karate was always originally designed for self defence against an un provoked attack and not against other styles! Shotokan has kicks, punches , open and closed hand strikes+ throwing and joint locking. So in conclusion karateisvery efficient, all styles are good it just depends on the instructors and the students. 😊
@Fred Forbes thanks buddy. We're all out there trying to be the best the we can possibly be! Thank for your Reply . Mark
@@markwalker2986 Who is this Fred Forbes you are talking to? Did you make him up?
@@markwalker2986 Since actual Shotokan karate focuses on competition skills, and since it is a modern style that doesn't look like to what Funakoshi Gichin used to teach, it is not karate.
If you could talk about Okinawan karate, you'd see much less long range techniques, and much more close techniques. Naihanchi, the Shuri-te reference kata is full of close strikes with full bodyweight. Naha-te is also focused on close range techniques.
You should compare only real things that deserve to be, and only if your own skills and knowledge is at least as good as a 5th dan Renshi...
He posted above "Fred Forbes"
This is the true karate, i hace been teached these concepts since I were I Child. Maybe not as well explained like this great sensei but the same. Karate is a real martial art if you really want to learnt.
The true POWER of karate. When a normal human is actually hit with even one of these techniques, executed's game over. Hence the whole point of Shotokan karate: 1 punch (kick) 1 kill.
Great capture, Oliver. Thanks for the video :) And amazing teaching from Sensei-Andre as always 💪
Sana all 1111
Üç yeiuuwiuhsihejsujsjwjsiwhejdihdjs bu su güne ki bu jshshwdh bu uewhhshw bu su hiç hehwhehwhejs bu je he
Thank you for sharing clips of Bertel Sensei’s instruction! It’s always a treat for me when I see his name in my TH-cam notifications.
To his teaching point, I find it interesting to consider the action of the torso and the thrusting leg, and mentally block out the kicking leg. Many start the technique quickly but slow the forward movement of the torso to allow for the kicking action of the kicking leg... Even with mi-geri, properly timing the thrust of the rear leg and the kicking action of the front leg can be tricky! 🙏🙏🙇♂️🙇♂️
Thank you for your kind feedback! There might be more to come...
Been doing a variation of this since 2005, lots of power from this type of training
Fascinating! I’ve been training for over forty years and have experimented at length with different kicking methods. Many say the side snap kick is ineffective and weak. That isn’t the case when the technique is properly executed as is demonstrated here.
Side snap & thrust kicks require max hip flexibility -- even more than mawashi and ushiro kicks. Many ppl can't find enough hip flexibility to create disabling power w/ side kick. But as you've said, higher level karateka can absolutely cause devastating injury w/ either side kick (thrust or snap) -- for instance breaking ribs, knee, elbow or jaw w/ yoko geri keage... given power transfer as illustrated by Sensei Bertel.
Wow that is a Absolutely,"Beautifully Simple Explanation of Complex Techniques.
Thank You
its funny when you realise years later that all you learnt for "karate" is just for "sports karate", and it is pretty useless for real situations. Then you start asking yourself questions... and you finally understand that now you have to learn "real karate" for self defense. A paradox that we all suffer...
Not to mention all that money you spent too....
When in a real fight with a robber, your belt has no credit. It how you deal with the situation that counts. Life and death is even more challenging.
I was rob with a Chinese Chopper to my neck... and all the karate I know know was gone when I felt the sharp edge of that Chopper. 😔 But I still 💙💜 and practice karate.... Oss!!!
Funakoshi sensei also said it : if rhe form changes even just a little bit, then it's not karate anymore. So "sport karate" is not karate.
It’s a way of life. I have used it multiple times in real situations.
What is karate for self defense? I am not sure it exists. Does it include the training of real life scenarios? Situational awareness in daily life? For instance in daily life you don't wear a gi and you don't walk around barefoot. Take a look at modern self defense systems. People there dress the way the walk around in daily
Beautiful master,!Nice technic and correct principles,Odd!
A great teacher of the art.... Oss
Very nice and good job sir so thanks for video clips 👍🏆👌🥋👏👏👏❤️
Beautiful technique!! This technique has a lot of elements of Muay Thai, pure power. Whole body vs a snap from a joint. Both techniques work. Mike Tyson said in on of his interviews “speed kills” it is not always about power..
This is not muay thai!!!.
It is 100% traditional okinawan “shotokan karate “.
Fernando Ortega who said that it was???
It has 100 % elements of shotokan karate . It has 0% muay thai elements
@@fernandoortega4679 Hice shito ryu (hasta 1er dan) y hago muay thai, tenés razón no hay mucho de muay thai en las tecnicas de Andre, igualmente estos principios enriquecen bastante el muay thai. La biomecánica del Oi Tsuki y el Gyaku Tsuki del karate son mejores que el Jab y el Cross de cualqueir ootro deporte de combate, porque aprovechan mejor las bases cientificas de como generar potencia economizando el movimiento al máximo, al precio de descuidar un poco la guardia, pero tiene sentido si uno piensa que las tecnicas del karate estan pensadas para terminar un combate con un solo golpe, en circunstancias de defensa personal. En el Muay thai, si bien las técnicas tienen menos recorrido ya que los puños salen desde la guardia alta, tienen la practicidad de que no descuidan tanto la defensa, que es algo indispensable porque en este deporte el oponente se aguanta una paliza igual que uno, entonces los peleadores tienen que protegerse efectivamente a lo largo de varios rounds. A mi que no soy un tipo tan fuerte ni de contextura grande, como tengo ni voy a tener la fortaleza para derribar una persona grande con un solo golpe, hoy en día me sirve más el Muay Thai porque se trabaja mas la combinación de golpes y pegar con huesos grandes como la tibia, que nosotros los menos fuertes podemos desarrollar mas facilmente. Busca sobre el Muay Boran que es el arte marcial tradicional. Y el Lethwei de birmania, te van a gustar. Saludos
Stop saying that karate kicks have Muay Thai elements. This is the reason why many people suck at fighting. When you score with any of those kicks in a kumite competition no one would say it’s not karate kick. The faster you kick the more powerful your kick becomes. It doesn’t depend on the art you’re in
Excellent power but you're also shifting your all weight and balance forward. You're making a huge commitment. It had better work. Pressure tested?
Very much so. Inside the dojo & out
So much great dear thanks...🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
This concepts are the fundation of Shotokai karate, developed by Egami Sensei. Very nice to see other styles getting to the same conclusions.
Absolutely fascinating.
Very useful information oss
Hey thanks for uploading, hope you your near and dear ones, along with Sensei Andre are ok
Different application of the front kick. Only thing I can compare it to is the way someone uses a lower center of gravity when doing an oblique kick. Osu thank you for the information
A Master of the Art…
Holy shiet this is absolute gold !
andre bertel sensei.. not doing any video.. nowadays??????😥
Así me lo enseñaron pero con muchísimas menos palabras. Era mirar y acordarse y si había alguna duda esperar a que el sensei lo volviera a explicar en algún tiempo futuro.
Hi! What is the karate style and lineage of this channel?
Very nice 👍 sir.
He is an incredible karateka.
Many thanks Oliver for sharing..Ossu..
Merci maître pour sai séminaire en ligne va nous aider a améliorer Norte karaté oss
Hello Olliwaa. I'm looking for a video of Sensei Andre Bertel doing the Unsu Jump. Would really appreciate If you could help me with it. Thank you
Very good ❤❤❤
Très bon karatéka !
He’s a very lucky man to still have marvellous flexibility and not the wrong end of hip surgery . I’ve had one hip resurfacing and another due . Fact is my karate has had to evolve in a different way now . What I could do in my 30’s I cannot do now . I see the Asai’s karate is heavily involved in bertles karate . I trained with Sensei Kase and he was never nimble like Asai . He used a different energy and power generation . Routed stances with breathing used in the techniques. Hentei waza is used heavily . Very different katate style .
I got a full hip replacement 2 years ago. My range of motion will never be this or ever what it was which was limited at best. But that being said. It should not stop you from training to the best of what is available.
HIP= Hips Is Power.
When in a real fight with a robber, your belt has no credit. It how you deal with the situation that counts. Life and death is even more challenging.
I was rob with a Chinese Chopper to my neck... and all the karate I know know was gone when I felt the sharp edge of that Chopper. 😔 But I still 💙💜 and practice karate.... Oss!!!
You're still with us. That is what counts!
Treino perfeito! Oss🙏🇧🇷
Nice video, thanks for the share 🤝👍
True master 👊
Hi kicks are usles if the aponent grabs my kicking leg and sweeps my standing one
Man ..there is a case on everything .You train u will hit hard plus fast and the target wont have time to anything . Just sleep. And Karate is a good one for train Oss.
Speed of delivery and kime, along with surprise means you will not have time to react…
Very good techniques if one wants to push a guy, but not to finish him up quickly.
You shouldn't talk about karate if you don't know karate. You've not watched the video, or you've not understood anything...
@@Yeino I say the same thing for you😉😉😉
@@marcelonascimento7865 And you're wrong again. This kind of skill has been used in wargames for more than 3000 years. And yours ?
@@Yeino Ok, and I believe in Santa Claus. Later I will want to believe in action movies too. I didn't say the technique is not real... I said it is not good to finish someone up quickly.
Com uma técnica daquelas bem aplicadas nunca mais te levantavas!
Good teaching
Mr.Bertel do you have any books/DVD a for training?or anything for that matter?your style of karate is perfect fit for me.Thanks for the time.
Karate for looks, no Power! Real Karate is a one Shut. Can you tell me please the name of the song ?
Podoba mi się filmik
Thank you sensai iam India training uechi ryu karate training
KARATE Indonesia osu sensei ❤️❤️❤️
Try drunken-crane for leaning back kicks/ leaning punches, lunges (this is ironic) I formed the same misconception the same way, explained verbatim.
If you leaning lunge in metallic texture put your hands together like a diving seal and spin like nintendo for def, then break your spear. You could've done spurs wit yo hands for status effect.
F e qual s Karate
Not sure what you are trying to say but it's probably some very profound wisdom
Where is this?? I would love to come train here
Hi olliwa. Wie gehts ihnene. Bitte mehr video
Kannst du mir antworten
Danke, es geht mir gut :-) Ja, neue Videos wird es bestimmt geben.
@@olliwaa danke .und haben Sie facebook
except with your body and head moving forward so much, the opponent punches at same time, bang you're out cold
good...very good...
Its elementry yet I doubt people understand but its not the driving leg its your butt ( periformus) but again I doubt people will understand the front leg has 70% of the weight therefore it is the butt that propels you forward i hope some one shows him my comment
muito obrigado
So great
Nice pass
Excellent Oss
Andre Bertel (Brutal)
sagenhaft , hab die ganze Zeit das Falsche gelernt
Thank you, he is so great
Не скажите какой это вид стиль карате ?
Respect for the great Bullshito-ryu master.
The donkey smells first
Again another "mine is better than yours" prank. Your mindset is the real bullshit.
If you want to learn the best way to punch, learn western boxing
So wht i get is, you want that punch to get trough opponent, not stop right in front of them
Yes exactly! And you use your whole bodyweight to maximize the impact.
As a coach potato I think the basics should be teached at beginners level,not for black belts where all techniques are already drilled in.Years ago I was interested in jkd.First technique you try is" half punch".After that you can do complete punch.And by punch I mean correct footwork and movement in sync with moving arm,so that your speed and weight are correctly transferred through fist.And distancing.When fist make contact and elbow is straight and knees not correctly bent and hip action not correct,punch is useless.Through the years it amazes me how many black belts and people with decades of experience(and obviously sharp flawless technique) distancing is wrong.Arm is fully extended and fist is not making contact.Even during demonstration it should be correctly done.Boxers do it mostly correct.The distancing.But not always right hip action and bending of knees to transfer most power.Why not?I don't know.One possible answer is that correct punch took a lot of energy.And if you waste energy,you are too tired in second or third round.And can be overpowered by opponent that are fitter.If you are in correct stance(like a fencer) punch started by pushing with back foot and sliding forward,twisting of hips,bending of front knee extending arm ,clench fist all one action.If you do it correctly and in slow motion,you will realize how much energy it took and how you have to concentrate.It is not as easy as you think.
Unfortunately, this kind of principles are almost unknown for Shotokai instructors. Even if it's hidden in Pinan and Naihanchi, since they've been changed for the actual Shotokan style, its practitioners don't know about it. That's why they're considered unskilled as hell by other styles practitioners.
Thanks for uploading, but not sure this skinny little bloke punching like a juggernaut has anything to do with bodyweight
This guy's form. And speed... and control.. fkn gg
.. Mal beim Shukokai vorbeischauen... Da ist das das normale Handwerk.
Again… teaching of How to Hit hard or How to Kick fixed opponent. What about defens manouvers?
у одного мастера шотокан одна техника, а у другого мастера шотокан другая техника одного и того же удара (удар рукой, ногой).
He change Shotokan from a show Karate to something that works
Keeping the martial art' soul
You should open a school in New York
Yes!!! I agree!!!
Just like in Okinawa .
Now it's time of MMA not karate
I think MMA is great and really important for martial arts as whole, including karate. MMA is the best competition in my opinion.
Just curious I took karate, judo and jujitsu for years later I studied aikido then Kuk Sool Won. Here you have a room full of people with black belts who apparently have no idea how to throw a basic punch or kick. Back in the 60’s and 70’s there was a guy I always thought he looked like a bear he was going around all the school demanding they showed hem everything they knew all the teachers I studied with had met him and were insulted by his arrogant for even asking such a thing he was in a lot of the martial arts magazine at the time I seen videos of him his fighting looked like a couple of little girls trying to fight slapping each other repeatedly. I’m guessing he got a bunch of students because none of the black belts seem to know anything about fighting balance or form the ones that seem to have any skills say they got them from MMA fighting I’m assuming they figured it out on their own because from what I’ve seen of them they don’t really have any stile other than speed and brute force. It’s sad instead of learning things and passing it down to the younger students we have to keep reinvent the wheel over and over again. 😭
The real front kick looks like muay thai teep now
I leg grab take down and he is dun for
"Full Body Kicks and Punches"??
It's Actually Called Real Training. That's the problem with shotokan they focus so much in the sapping Garbage. That's Why Kyokushin and Renbukai Karate Are The Best When It Comes To Contact Karate as We Don't Snap Anything, You Either Hit Hard Or Not At All!!
Boxers also snap. It is extremely effective
Super,ali puno objašnjava..
I call it "wall touching "
Google intellectual departure 😜
Train bjj
None of the sh*te has any real world application.
you mean... like punching and...kicking? with your...hands and...feet?
Hips = body-weight center...
'Where'd you put the body kid?'
'Body? ~ What body officer?'
'Don't get a attitude kid' ;-)
Your assuming your opponent is going to be stationary NOT, I've seen many of these SO called black belts knocked the f#*k out by a well schooled Ameteur boxer, strait up Brooklyn Beat down FACT, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth "Mike Tyson "
Bless up from Brooklyn NY 🙏