I must say that I am very surprised to see so reputable an organization as the British Broadcasting Corporation apparently, in its choice of subject matter for a lesson in conversational English, choosing to lend aid and support to the forces of obscurantism. Isn't your memory of the Inquisition still fresh? Because that's where Creationism leads, and airing questions that may legitimately be discussed by paleontologists among themselves in front of the lay general public aids those who would misuse those concerns to promote a literal belief in Genesis - with all that follows from that, such as the persecution of those of minority sexual orientations.
That IA tho
I must say that I am very surprised to see so reputable an organization as the British Broadcasting Corporation apparently, in its choice of subject matter for a lesson in conversational English, choosing to lend aid and support to the forces of obscurantism. Isn't your memory of the Inquisition still fresh? Because that's where Creationism leads, and airing questions that may legitimately be discussed by paleontologists among themselves in front of the lay general public aids those who would misuse those concerns to promote a literal belief in Genesis - with all that follows from that, such as the persecution of those of minority sexual orientations.