useful tips, thank you! at the moment I simply can't even afford Liquitex Basics.. They are only available online and then I need to pay shipping costs too... I'm using Pebeo Studio Acrylics or Amsterdam Standard series. They blend fairly well when a bit of water is used, or a retarder.... I also keep a little bottle to spray the canvas with, before I start blending....
useful tips, thank you! at the moment I simply can't even afford Liquitex Basics.. They are only available online and then I need to pay shipping costs too... I'm using Pebeo Studio Acrylics or Amsterdam Standard series. They blend fairly well when a bit of water is used, or a retarder....
I also keep a little bottle to spray the canvas with, before I start blending....
Thank you, I'm so glad the video was useful. Good luck and keep practicing!