The funny thing about this game is that it got released in germany after all nazi symbols were removed and then got banned again because they missed one that was barely visible on a newspaper.
@@antipsychotic451 which is blatantly false. allowing open discussion of "ideologies" like nazism only serves to increase the amount of people exposed to it, and by extension, people who agree with it.
@@antipsychotic451 Nazism is objectively evil and anti-freedom of speech. Being a nazi ain't a natural right; it's a natural wrong and we have a moral obligation to try and stamp it out. Pedophiles and serial killers can't be fully eliminated either and yet we try. The same goes for nazis.
24:20 "I think it's time I finally adress the elephant in the room, and that's the name." Man, if the name is the elephant in the room, then the pumpkins are the T-Rex that crashed into the room, killed the elephant and is eating its carcass while staring at us intensely.
Daniel Carvalho Silva Oh, and before everybody start replying with that old joke of "What pumpkins? What are you talking about?", I want to say I'm not stupid. You know what I'm talking about, so stop covering up for him... I'm talking about that infamous scene where Ross smashes a wheelbarrow full of pumpkins while screaming like a maniac (23:22)! I thought you wouldn't step so low as to show gratuitous violence for no reason, but looks like I was wrong! Why, my children were watching your video and guess what? They're in tears now! "Why do Ross hate pumpkins, Daddy? They're so sweet!" That's what they're asking me now! CARE TO ANSWER THEM, ROSS?
***** I already said it was the pumpkins in the wheelbarrow Ross smashed. I mean, the video is also full of people with pumpkins in their heads, but it's probably me; I've been seeing pumpkins instead of heads ever since I fell down the stairs last week, and it's getting really awkward, what with the neighbors coming over, and me liking to eat pumpkins, and the neighbors never coming over again. Oh, well. Guess I'll watch the video one more time. Maybe there's some good advice on how to deal with people with pumpkins on their heads.
Also kinda review a different game. I'm pretty sure all those requests were about 3D or Return to Castle Wolfenstein, since nobody ever talks about Wolfenstein 2009.
In defense of BJ's reactions, the dude has fought and killed power armored SS officers, reanimated soldiers, mutant abominations, and Mecha Hitler. He's found the Spear of Destiny for goodness sake (all of this is apparently canon in this timeline.) This is just another day on the job for him.
But that doesn't mean his life isn't in danger. That is why the reaction isn't appropriate. BJ isn't an immortal god, he's a normal human and easily killed and injured by bullets. And really, people want to avoid being shot cause even if they won't necessarily die it will still hurt like hell. That's actually a problem I have with a lot of RPGs. The enemies should want to avoid being injured because being injured hurts and living beings generally want to avoid pain.
They could have played it for laughs. Everyone else is serious and really frightened by all this magic and other dimension, but BJ is just like "Yeah, whatever. I'll be back in 30 min." and everyone else is just floored by his reaction.
@@TheGamerUnknown like they discus this very dangerous sounding fetch quest bj just "fine I got it" cut to black 30 minutes later and he's hauling in the body for what they need it's nothing
@@GeorgeMonet You're missing the point. They're talking about the times BJ doesn't seem impressed. Like when he realizes the talisman is magic. He doesn't have a shocked expression. He's just glad to have it. Gravity going crazy? Huh. You don't see that every day. This man picked up the Spear of Destiny and got teleported to Hell. There he dealt with ghosts and the Angel of Death itself. He shot it until it collapsed into a bloody heap and declared him worthy of wielding the Spear. Magic talisman? This is just a Tuesday.
+Niko the Grunt This is because as you can see with Fallout 3 Bethesda REALLY doesn't know how to hire or manage voice acting. What Ross is complaining about is more akin to the fact that 90% of voice acting is done by this small unionized group, and it's why you see Steve Blum, Nolan North, Liam O'Brian, Jennifer Hale and Troy Baker in SO MANY GAMES. What you're referring to is the fact that Bethesda just really sucks at voice work in general, though, which you can kind of see in everything they've touched. Even Dishonored had this and it wasn't even developed by them.
+Ked Viper Bethesda need to find some voice actors with a range. Arin Hanson on Gamerumps can do dozens of very different sounding voices. What's the excuse for professional voice actors being able to do just one?
+Niko the Grunt yeah I live in MD and actually have met a few people with Bethesda. Now they've never been able to say anything directly but I've always been given the impression that they are underfunded and staffed for how ambitious they are. So then we see issues like that all over. At least Fallout 4 got a little better, with only one or two voice actors who were too distinctive for their own good, and I always noticed when it was them on a character.
+planescaped A lot of VA's have range, but their directors usually chastise them for using it. Nolan North had this problem, but he was actually the pedo cannibal leader guy from The Last of Us and the lizard leader guy in the upcoming Master of Orion game.
As a native German, I can confirm that this game portrays our pumpkinheads accurately. You'd be surprised how many young modern Germans can't speak English fluently, even though we all learn it in school nowadays. The generation of my parents is often worse, and their parents mostly know none at all. These games and movies taught me that my grand-grandparents and their generation were somehow amazing. So I guess if you wanted realism, you'd have 3 guys in the whole game painfully struggling to communicate with you, and the rest not even trying.
21:13 I agree. HL2 did it right--Combine chatter was always pretty generic vocoder speeches. I loved how whenever I threw a grenade into a sniper nest I'd hear "SHIT!" over the radio. They should have had some variations, at least...have every voiceactor they had record at least one. "SPY!" "It's a spy!" "We've located the infiltrator." "There's the saboteur!" "Argh! Shoot him!" "I see him! Shoot! Shoot!"
HL2 actually has a really complex system, with multiple codenames for squads and differing speech depending on what they're doing (IE Razor 9 moving/razor 9 pushing) or during nova prospekt entirely custom lines such as calling for airwatch etc.
Funnily enough, even the more generic chatter the combine soldiers used were unique to them, with phrases like "sterilise" (total wipe-out of civilians), "amputate"(execute a prisoner), and one of my favourites, "Ripcord!" (Basically meaning fall back)
I'm from Wisconsin and I can tell you that German is one of the most common second languages learned here. For that matter we have A LOT of people here with relatives in Germany and many companies here who are German based. So why is it so hard to get someone with a decent German accent?!!!
F.E.A.R. really is a great FPS. It’s too bad it was marketed as a horror game, which caused a lot of people to not play it and caused a lot of people who did play to go into it with false expectations.
Mr.Master Mann Pumpkins... I thought the ones on the farm level seemed fine... maybe it was the AA... if a game gotta be made having something by not going through the options menu but other ways... most people don't do that extra stuff, including me. I don't know what other things you could be talking about ^.-
As soon as you said "Let me address the elephant in the room" I was like "Is he going to acknowledge the fact that everyone has a freaking pumpkin for a head?" and you didn't. It was funny, because it's actually a good allegory about something being "Not quite right" about what's going on in game.
Wolfenstein: The "You've killed mecha-Hitler and destroyed you local nazi ocult club, but the anti-nazi resistance still doesnt trusts you enough" edition
this is the best comment section ever. -"What's with the pumpkins?" "what pumpkins?" "what?" "what?" "there are no pumpkins!" "I dont know what are you talking about" "define 'pumpkin'"
6:55 _"Honestly, I dunno what it is, but these headshots are some of the best I've seen."_ Yeah, I honestly can't figure out what it is either, Ross. I'm racking my brains but I just can't think of a single reason why you find them so satisfying.
I've just understood, why BJ is not surprised by anything too much - it is a sequel to RTCW, and in RTCW BJ (simple spy) saw giant legless mutants in labs, mechanical nazis, undead knights, zombies and immortal warriors. He saw them and he killed them. After that zero gravity would be like a sunny day on the (Omaha) beach. I'm surprised BJ is not bored with this paranormal shit, like a good square-head soldier should do.
as a german i can say that "ze accent" is pretty ok for your stereotype-german. in reality younger germans speak with only a very slight accent mostly.
I can attest to that. I have a German buddy I Steam-chat with and his accent is really slight, even though he has little practice actually speaking English. This Hollywood accent actually tends more towards French to my ears.
I've heard that Germany in general is a bit uncomfortable with Nazi-related media, but other than that I don't really know why they couldn't get any Germans in. I personally really enjoy most German accents.
german here. they got the accents wrong- you were right about that. some sound too much like frenchmen. some sound more like people from eastern europe.
I've met German tourists where I live and I agree with you on this one. You guys have pretty good english. Although the games accents didn't feel the same as reality for some reason...
That doesn't only apply to the stereotype-german, it also applies for stereotype-spanish or mexican. In reality, the accent is a lot slighter than shown in movies.
WeasleFireable maybe it's their april fools, or maybe you were told that it's your birthday as a kid but never told that it was an april fools prank and nobody has told you yet.
The studio being in Wisconsin is actually even more damning to their not capturing the German accent correctly. Wisconsin remains even to this day a predominantly German populace. I live in Wisconsin, and they still teach German in high school, as an elective mind you, and given that, there is no excuse the dialect is so poor in Wolfenstein.
Good "April's fool" joke you did there, Ross. People wanted you to review Wolfenstein 3D since you only review old game in the "Game Dungeon", but you just said "Fuck it! they're getting the '09 game instead." (I persume that's what you were thinking XD) and added the "Pumpkin head" cheat to hammer in that you're just fuckin' with us. Cudos to you, dude! Fucking loved it... XD
"In the tumultuous time before D-Day, There once was a man named BJ; With chocolate box hair and a face like a bear With a jacket he picked up on Ebay. "He was out one day murdering Germans, Who were about to reenact London's Burning. So he threw some dudes into missile tubes And their boat got blown up. That'll learn 'em!"
But while there he made the discovery That the Nazis had powers like no other-y, He bought back a bangle With some mystical angle, To which the Allies responded, “Oh, buggery!” At the secret service of Queen Lizzie BJ’s bosses find themselves in a tizzy. So they stand up and shout, “BJ, sort this all out! “We’d do it ourselves, but we’re busy.”
I'm German, and Erik Engle's accent sounds fine to me. Better than the typical Video Game German accent, at least. Caroline Becker sounds pretty fake, ya. ...also, the guy who says "That man is a spy!" in a Videogame Nazi Voice sounds a *lot* like the Spy from Team Fortress 2. Same voice actor? I don't know why American games have such a hard time with German. It's not just the voice actors, often they don't even get a German to proof-read signs and stuff, so they've got grammatical errors or are just straight gibberish. It's not an obscure language, there's a hundred million speakers! Can you really not find a single one to tell you how to say "NO ENTRY" or "CAUTION: HIGH VOLTAGE" or whatever in German?
+Heads Full Of Eyeballs same with Russian. Sometimes signs don't even meant to have sense - just random Russian words for American players. And they may even have Russian as lead programmer or something at the same time - why not just ask him for God's sake?
SmitiaS _ Yeah, it's kind of bizarre that in a twenty million dollar game project, where an individual artist may spend days toiling to get the reflection and specular maps on characters' eyeballs just right or whatever, they can't seem to spare the effort to find one native speaker for one very common language :I
(One year later reply) Fortunately Wolfenstein the new order has people speaking german and even has scenes where characters are speaking german exclusively. And it's most likely that they are going the same in the new colossus.
I feel like russian is offended a lot more, but that may be because I don't know german so I can't compare. I know for a fact that Company of Heroes 2 is borderline revolting when it comes down to its representation of russian(and approaching its story mode with expectations of at least minimal historic accuracy may or may not result in skull damage), but for all I know it may have treated the german side the same way. EA Alerts aren't any better either, especially 3 with its hymn to half-gibberish. And for all the gameplay goodness Red Orchestra 2 offers, its english voice acting is also quite subpar... save for the singleplayer intros, and unlike the others _this one_ offers native option made by natives, heil Tripwire!
Yeah, they really learned alot from this game, and improved on it in Wolfenstien: The new order. Alot less 4th wall breaking crap, characters that DO care, and gameplay that feels fantastic!
TheCtrlcookie I'm guessing you live in Germany? Well, wherever you do live, my condolences. Censorship is shitty, especially when the game isn't even that bad for the most part.
TheCtrlcookie Actually, I bought a Steam code on Amazon US and it lets me play the uncensored version here in Austria. It doesn't let me buy the uncensored version on Steam store, though. (But the previous, uncensored Wolfenstein games - great consistency!). But yeah, Wolfenstein: New Order is the best "traditional" shooter to come around in a long time with a fun story and great gunplay.
yeah that is my least favorite part's about most of the games you can count on the same person voicing either a hobo begging for food and the leader of an elitist group of purist's, like how yahtzee said it "with characters conversing with themselves about how much they like buying from a store owned by themselves"
I think Ross got it wrong with the reaction of Bj. Bj has been at this for years and years and he's seen some shit. I don't think he'd be that impressed by some amulet that can make things float, he thinks it's cool, but after you kill mecha hitler I guess you'd be pretty jaded.
Yeah, I mean at the very least Ross should have said it was a possibility that that's just his character, either for the sake of writing, or if it's an actually possible human quality.
BJ literally spent the time between the last game and this one hunting Nazis for fun, because that was his idea of an extensive leave of R&R after killing a time-traveling warlord. BJ don't give a fuck about no gravity-nullifying amulet.
Have you ever seen a documentary about the people who explosively demolish buildings? Or interviews with astronauts, or even just mission control? Some things you just don't ever get jaded to.
+outsider344 yeah some things you don't get jaded too. But when your version of fun is hunting down nazis and killing mecha hitler, you'd see some gravity amulet as just a cool accessory.
Yeah. The end of RtCW shows BJ's boss telling some guy that BJ is enjoying his R&R time and it immediately cuts to a scene of BJ killing Nazis. That's literally his R&R.
Hello, Ross. I watched this episode for the n times now and I suddenly remembered another FPS game with nazis and magic. Did you ever happen to play ÜberSoldier in the past? Also, the protagonist's voice actor is so phlegmatic, you could probably get more exciting sounds out of a dry piece of cotton. The overall voice acting makes Wolfenstein's seem kind of decent in comparison. There's a problem though as it does not seem to be available in any storefronts anymore. However a resourceful individual might find ways around that.
Ross, I just wanna say I've been watching these non-stop all month, and I love your reviews. Your opinion on gaming as a whole, is pretty righteous. Keep on doing what you're doing. Never change!
About the studio being based in Wisconsin, there's SO many Germans and German speaking people here. It would have been /extremely/ easy to find someone.
Wow, this is turning out to be a fascinating look at inner-Wisconsin politics - here I was thinking that most Wisconsin people viewed the Cheeseheads in a favorable (or at least neutral) light, in addition to Yooper being a thing that actually happened lol
In the tumultuous times before D-Day There lived a fellow called B.J. With chocolate-box hair, and a face like a bear, And a jacket he picked up on eBay.
He was out one day murdering Germans, As they tried to enact London’s Burning, He beat up some dudes, And broke missile tubes, So their boat got blown up, that’ll learn ‘em!
Guys I've been locked in this dungeon and forced to watch these amazing videos since the last episode of Freeman's Mind. Could someone please let me out. I'm getting sick from eating rotting pumpkins.
You talked about FEAR, and I love that. the AI in FEAR was so fucking good. I remember being a kid and hearing the radio chatter really freaked me out because they sounded like real people. "Get to cover!" "Where do I go!?" "I got two down!"
Holy crap. A 20 year saga ending with Ross Scott finally slaying the evil overlord Developer and distributing his game as freeware. This is just meta beyond meta.
The fact that you went into so much depth about the stupidity of the name is a testament to why we love you. It reminds me of battlefront 2 and battlefront 2 (classic, 2005)
You can't even buy this game digitally anymore thanks to activision basically ross has preserved the memory of this game that got insta-forgotten thanks to the new games though pirating it isn't very hard
On the subject of mixing guns with magic, we have the 6 Isfet Crystals in Pathways into Darkness which are basically the PK powers in System Shock 2 and the Plasmids in Bioshock. With the exception of the yellow one which is used to talk to corpses, you basically use them to weaken monsters so shooting them requires wasting less of your valuable ammo, especially as it gets rarer as the game goes on and the 3D printer you get to make more ammo prints clips slowly. Some monsters are immune to certain crystals so using them is sort of like the boss weapons in Rockman but done to a lesser extent than the Shock universe. More powerful crystals stun the monsters for less time but deal more damage and may even have areas of effect but at the cost of having less uses. The yellow crystal is required to learn more of the story so it has infinite uses, but the rest progressively have less and less. They take longer to charge the more they are used and once they run out of uses and break, there's no getting that crystal back. The most powerful Isfet crystal only has _10_ uses before it breaks and you will need 9 of them for the last wave in the game's shitty final boss. The rest of the monsters in that wave are easily finished off with your hitscan grenade launcher that may as well be an explosive super shotgun. (I call it the Boomstick)
Ross is sooo right about the casting of voice actors for playing German or French or Russian, etc... game characters. And that's also true for mainstream Hollywood movies and TV series. Virtually no producer will bother to hire actual German, French or any other foreign actors who can speak fluent English even though there is no shortage of them. They figure nobody in America will ever notice... Well, somebody did!
“You can have bad writing, but if the game really *cares* about it, that could be enough to carry you through.” I think I just realized why I like Kingdom Hearts so much.
Black Sun is a reference to something that the Nazis actually believed in (it's a long and very silly story, and it's the main inspiration for stories about Nazis looking for magical artifacts).
Radosław Hołdys Wow, someone sounds butthurt. The powers aren't even required and there's an achievement for not using any powers (besides the very first teleport necessary for story progression, which you can ignore) and not being noticed through the whole campaign. The stealth isn't perfect of course, no game will ever be, but it's still vastly improved over Elder Scrolls/Fallout style stealth where enough skill literally makes you invisible.
Also, I'm very late on this, but as far as the franchise's current timeline goes, I've figured it out. (1) Return to Castle Wolfenstein (2) Spear of Destiny (3) Wolfenstein (4) Wolfenstein: The New Order The 'Spear of Destiny' bit is only known because, as I've been going through the game again, getting everybody to say everything they can to me, one of the brothers that operate the black market talks about how much he knows about my past, even asking, "I wonder how much the Spear of Destiny would go for these days?" Yes. One line is all the game gave me. As for cutting out Wolf3D, that's simple. Hans Grosse is the first boss of Wolf3D and he's alive and well in this game, serving as the end boss. No mention is made of Hitler's death, because you never killed him in this timeline. Instead, Deathshead has been the one constantly recurring antagonist.
if you live in Germany, maybe you can answer this for me since I never got around to ask my Oma this. Is the name Bubi common in Germany? It seems like a strange name and after seeing the character Bubi in Wolfenstein the New Order, it has really made me wonder if it is common.
SheppardOfDeath It used to be not uncommon, but I don't know when. Now it's one of those names that you recognize as a name even though you don't know anyone who's called that, like Billy or Bob.
SheppardOfDeath Another german here: Actually I think nobody would name it's child Bubi, but I always thought that the evil Nazi-Lady just called him that and that it isn't is actual name. Bubi as a pet name would be more common, especially in Austria.
The Veil concealing a magic teal world beneath our own is also done in Dragon Age, though the magic world in Dragon Age was brown when this game came out. Luckily they made it teal in 2014.
It's extra hilarious looking back on this in retrospect, especially with the naming conventions game titles have been doing like this. If I'm browsing old game titles, and I see one that's just "same title" then I'm more likely to pass it up since it just seems bland or it's a remake of an original. But Wolfenstein: Black Sun actually sounds pretty interesting as a title lol more evidence that suits in positions of power and influence have zero idea what they're working with.
Discovers medallion that vaporises people.
Points it at his own face.
He's like Granny from Armed and Delirious, always has to inspect things from the business end.
Hey, that's what you're supposed to do with new guns, also.
*how to fucking die*
Maybe he knew about how it worked beforehand TBF?
That's what i would do. You never know what a person is going through.
You gotta admit, those in-game facial animations are pretty good
A comment about facial animations looks funny surrounded by comments about BJ.
Fun fact: this uses id Tech 4, an engine that was _five years old_ at the time of this game's release.
Ikr I'm yet to see another game have facial animations at least half as good
And that means?
@@1r0zz It just makes it more impressive that they got the facial animations down that well on what was an old engine by then.
The funny thing about this game is that it got released in germany after all nazi symbols were removed and then got banned again because they missed one that was barely visible on a newspaper.
yeah but it's super effective, see there are no nazis in germ... uh... well...
gotta go!
@@Kletterhase There is more Nazi in the US than in Germany.
@@assassindelasaucisse.4039 He's trying to say that censorship of an ideology only draws more attention to it.
@@antipsychotic451 which is blatantly false. allowing open discussion of "ideologies" like nazism only serves to increase the amount of people exposed to it, and by extension, people who agree with it.
@@antipsychotic451 Nazism is objectively evil and anti-freedom of speech. Being a nazi ain't a natural right; it's a natural wrong and we have a moral obligation to try and stamp it out. Pedophiles and serial killers can't be fully eliminated either and yet we try. The same goes for nazis.
Well, Nazis are evil.
Heads???? Those are pumpkins dude.
+barneystinsonsuitup1 Whooossshhhhhh.
Ross, I'm seeing pumpkins again.
Jake K. Gunnar They told me they fixed it.
Accursed Farms They didn't. Let’s hope for a patch.
Jake K. Gunnar "A pumpkin patch" if you will.
Shrewd _GC I salute you good sir
Jake K. Gunnar I have no idea what you're talking about... You mean the ones he was hitting on the cart?
"Zaht man iz a Spy!"
What is this, Team Fortress 2?
If it was TF2, every single character would be yelling "MEDIC!" regardless of what they're doing.
Petition to make a mod that replaces that line with any of Medic's "Spy!" responses
"All roight, pumpkinhead. You're done."
this phrase should've become a meme
Ze spy is a double agent!
"I think it's time I finally adress the elephant in the room, and that's the name."
Man, if the name is the elephant in the room, then the pumpkins are the T-Rex that crashed into the room, killed the elephant and is eating its carcass while staring at us intensely.
Daniel Carvalho Silva Oh, and before everybody start replying with that old joke of "What pumpkins? What are you talking about?", I want to say I'm not stupid. You know what I'm talking about, so stop covering up for him...
I'm talking about that infamous scene where Ross smashes a wheelbarrow full of pumpkins while screaming like a maniac (23:22)! I thought you wouldn't step so low as to show gratuitous violence for no reason, but looks like I was wrong! Why, my children were watching your video and guess what? They're in tears now! "Why do Ross hate pumpkins, Daddy? They're so sweet!" That's what they're asking me now! CARE TO ANSWER THEM, ROSS?
Daniel Carvalho Silva Seriously. What pumpkins?
***** I already said it was the pumpkins in the wheelbarrow Ross smashed.
I mean, the video is also full of people with pumpkins in their heads, but it's probably me; I've been seeing pumpkins instead of heads ever since I fell down the stairs last week, and it's getting really awkward, what with the neighbors coming over, and me liking to eat pumpkins, and the neighbors never coming over again.
Oh, well. Guess I'll watch the video one more time. Maybe there's some good advice on how to deal with people with pumpkins on their heads.
+Daniel Carvalho Silva What pumpkins?
April Fools' "joke":
Do an entire proper review as requested, but have one goofy mod on.
Gotta love Ross.
Also kinda review a different game. I'm pretty sure all those requests were about 3D or Return to Castle Wolfenstein, since nobody ever talks about Wolfenstein 2009.
The "joke" is actually that the episode is on the incorrect wolfenstein game as requested by fans
wait until he does BlazBlue: Centralfiction with Remix installed.
Its not a mod its a cheat code but whatevs
@@2fingacriminal what code then
I'm going into 2024 watching this... love the commentary. Very few ppl make me audibly laugh to myself... Ross does that for me.
In defense of BJ's reactions, the dude has fought and killed power armored SS officers, reanimated soldiers, mutant abominations, and Mecha Hitler. He's found the Spear of Destiny for goodness sake (all of this is apparently canon in this timeline.) This is just another day on the job for him.
honestly as long as everyone else acts properly it's all good
But that doesn't mean his life isn't in danger.
That is why the reaction isn't appropriate. BJ isn't an immortal god, he's a normal human and easily killed and injured by bullets. And really, people want to avoid being shot cause even if they won't necessarily die it will still hurt like hell.
That's actually a problem I have with a lot of RPGs. The enemies should want to avoid being injured because being injured hurts and living beings generally want to avoid pain.
They could have played it for laughs. Everyone else is serious and really frightened by all this magic and other dimension, but BJ is just like "Yeah, whatever. I'll be back in 30 min." and everyone else is just floored by his reaction.
@@TheGamerUnknown like they discus this very dangerous sounding fetch quest bj just "fine I got it" cut to black 30 minutes later and he's hauling in the body for what they need it's nothing
@@GeorgeMonet You're missing the point. They're talking about the times BJ doesn't seem impressed. Like when he realizes the talisman is magic. He doesn't have a shocked expression. He's just glad to have it. Gravity going crazy? Huh. You don't see that every day.
This man picked up the Spear of Destiny and got teleported to Hell. There he dealt with ghosts and the Angel of Death itself. He shot it until it collapsed into a bloody heap and declared him worthy of wielding the Spear. Magic talisman? This is just a Tuesday.
Man, this game is TOO realistic with its head explosions. And with the basket of heads in that farm level, I thought I was watching a Snuff film.
Wolfenstein Black Sun would have been a great title...
***** Wolfenstein: Mein Leben!
Wolfenstein: We Need You Defending Us With The MG 42
With Black Hole Sun playing at the end credits.
Wolfenstein: Pumpkin Wars
nilfgard flashbacks
Hey everyone, just a quick note letting you know this is in 1080p, but TH-cam is still processing it, so it may appear low res for a while.
Is it actually processing, or is that the April Fool's joke to make people who complain about the quality come back later?
***** The world may never know! (Except in a few minutes)
are the pumpkin heads actually in the game???'
Accursed Farms OOOOOOK. I was wondering, like WTF Ross? Is your capture software a PO-TATO 3000.
The NPC's are more relocatable with the pumpkins on their heads.
Those last ten seconds were gold. Just seeing Klink's face with that echoed version of the theme like some form of tribute or memorial had me rolling.
*That Pumpkin is a SPY!*
you mother is defending us with the pumpkin.
You're just being paranoid
I'm so glad that Ross posted a normal video on April 1st. Everybody else on TH-cam posted really silly things, but Ross likes to keep it real.
. I wanted to see one of his freeman across the universe of doom min april fools though.
"You can hear the same voice actor on three different characters in a row"
Funny. Skyrim has the same problem.
+Niko the Grunt This is because as you can see with Fallout 3 Bethesda REALLY doesn't know how to hire or manage voice acting.
What Ross is complaining about is more akin to the fact that 90% of voice acting is done by this small unionized group, and it's why you see Steve Blum, Nolan North, Liam O'Brian, Jennifer Hale and Troy Baker in SO MANY GAMES.
What you're referring to is the fact that Bethesda just really sucks at voice work in general, though, which you can kind of see in everything they've touched.
Even Dishonored had this and it wasn't even developed by them.
+Ked Viper Bethesda need to find some voice actors with a range. Arin Hanson on Gamerumps can do dozens of very different sounding voices. What's the excuse for professional voice actors being able to do just one?
+Niko the Grunt yeah I live in MD and actually have met a few people with Bethesda. Now they've never been able to say anything directly but I've always been given the impression that they are underfunded and staffed for how ambitious they are. So then we see issues like that all over. At least Fallout 4 got a little better, with only one or two voice actors who were too distinctive for their own good, and I always noticed when it was them on a character.
A lot of VA's have range, but their directors usually chastise them for using it.
Nolan North had this problem, but he was actually the pedo cannibal leader guy from The Last of Us and the lizard leader guy in the upcoming Master of Orion game.
David Dalmatian
He was also the Penguin in Arkham City
As a native German, I can confirm that this game portrays our pumpkinheads accurately.
You'd be surprised how many young modern Germans can't speak English fluently, even though we all learn it in school nowadays. The generation of my parents is often worse, and their parents mostly know none at all. These games and movies taught me that my grand-grandparents and their generation were somehow amazing.
So I guess if you wanted realism, you'd have 3 guys in the whole game painfully struggling to communicate with you, and the rest not even trying.
"You squeeze the trigger and some guy is gushing blood. Magic." - Some Freeman's Mind content right here! :D
21:13 I agree. HL2 did it right--Combine chatter was always pretty generic vocoder speeches.
I loved how whenever I threw a grenade into a sniper nest I'd hear "SHIT!" over the radio.
They should have had some variations, at least...have every voiceactor they had record at least one.
"It's a spy!"
"We've located the infiltrator."
"There's the saboteur!"
"Argh! Shoot him!"
"I see him! Shoot! Shoot!"
HL2 actually has a really complex system, with multiple codenames for squads and differing speech depending on what they're doing (IE Razor 9 moving/razor 9 pushing) or during nova prospekt entirely custom lines such as calling for airwatch etc.
Funnily enough, even the more generic chatter the combine soldiers used were unique to them, with phrases like "sterilise" (total wipe-out of civilians), "amputate"(execute a prisoner), and one of my favourites, "Ripcord!" (Basically meaning fall back)
Or a call back to the old Officers in 3D:
“SPION!” Shouting Spy! In German.
Hell, maybe even in later levels have them yell in horror: “BLAZCOWICZ!”
that pyro is a spy!
"A Red Spy is in the base?"
Ross, we need you defending us with the MG42.
That Man is a Spy: Teal Edition
"It's not 1940's Germany Ross you're just paranoid"
I love that alternate title 'Rumble in Hub Town'
Makes me think 'Wolfenstein: Big Trouble in Little Isenstadt'
Are we not going to talk about the cartful of severed heads? These german farmers are brutal!
Cyberdemon2006 I guess you could say that farm was
( •_•)>⌐■-■
@@briancahill9594 YEAH~!
Kopfsalat is pretty tasty though
I mean, everyone seems to have pumpkin heads, so it could just be this game's version of pumpkins
LOL TH-cam thinks it's The New Order, not the 2009 one.
This game was so forgettable even TH-cam doesn't remember it.
Maybe TH-cam is giving us a personal recommendation.
Might as well be. They're both lack luster games.
The new Order is fantastic, boi. what are you talking about?
Another point for how bad this naming trend is. Oh and now that we're in 2019, we also have Resident Evil 2 coming out. THANKS A LOT, CAPCOM.
I'm from Wisconsin and I can tell you that German is one of the most common second languages learned here. For that matter we have A LOT of people here with relatives in Germany and many companies here who are German based.
So why is it so hard to get someone with a decent German accent?!!!
SnowHawk7 hire some Mennonites
@@Ms.Fowlbwahhh I am sure they would love to drive down to a studio to speak into a microphone for an electronic game
@@chickenman1801 Or maybe they would have done it because they would be paid. You know, the reason anyone does anything ever?
@@LucyGooosy I am sure they would love to go down to the bank to cash their voice acting cheque
@@chickenman1801 Mennonites are related to Amish but they're not the same, they buy groceries and modern technology in the same stores that we do.
The Doom 3 comparison had me so dead, he let this game tear itself apart. Love you Ross.
F.E.A.R. really is a great FPS. It’s too bad it was marketed as a horror game, which caused a lot of people to not play it and caused a lot of people who did play to go into it with false expectations.
F.E.A.R 3 is a joke compared to the rest of the series.
FEAR3 is a hell of a lot better FPS than FEAR1. Shooting feels better, it actually looks good, level design doesnt make me vomit...yeah, its the best.
+karry299, fuck off COD kiddie.
@@karry299 Lol.. I'm sorry what.. you must be fucking brain dead.
@@keyboardstalker4784 CoD is a solid FPS. You literally can't fault the actual shooting mechanics in those games.
Something seems... off...
I think that's just you
Chaindustries Could be the pumpkins...
Mr.Master Mann what pumpkin?
***** yeah i agree
Mr.Master Mann Pumpkins... I thought the ones on the farm level seemed fine... maybe it was the AA... if a game gotta be made having something by not going through the options menu but other ways... most people don't do that extra stuff, including me. I don't know what other things you could be talking about ^.-
As soon as you said "Let me address the elephant in the room" I was like "Is he going to acknowledge the fact that everyone has a freaking pumpkin for a head?" and you didn't.
It was funny, because it's actually a good allegory about something being "Not quite right" about what's going on in game.
what pumpkins?
it shows that you can replace every character in a game with a pumpkinhead and a game wouldn't lose a damn. Aka, soul-less game.
@@JackTheRocky The pumpkin heads are an in-game cheat code.
@@kingstarscream320 what pumpkins?
To be fair, the protagonist killed the ghost of Hitler and spend time into a real life Pac-Man Maze before the Pac Man Game even existed.
That man is a MG42!
crisis8v88 BJ, use the spy!
*We need you defending us with the spy!*
that MG42 is a spy!
+crisis8v88 an*
It sounds like MJ42
Wolfenstein "That man is a spy" sounds pretty good
NibbleFish or Wolfenstein: defend us with the MG42!
These nazis have played too much TF2. :D
It sounds James Bond-ish, like "The Spy Who Loved Me", "Never Say Never Again", "The World Is Not Enough".
Wolfenstein: The "You've killed mecha-Hitler and destroyed you local nazi ocult club, but the anti-nazi resistance still doesnt trusts you enough" edition
Fun looking at this now in 2019. Personally, I would've loved to play some "Wolfenstein: That Man Is A Spy".
Come again?
That man is a spy!
What? Did you say something?
@@BJWeNeedUDefendingUsWithZeMG42 This man is a spy!
BJ! Schnell, das Maschinengewehr!
this is the best comment section ever.
-"What's with the pumpkins?"
"what pumpkins?"
"there are no pumpkins!"
"I dont know what are you talking about"
"define 'pumpkin'"
There are no pumpkins, Freeman. You're just being paranoid.
I've never played this game, but damn, the facial animation on those NPCs is top notch!
6:55 _"Honestly, I dunno what it is, but these headshots are some of the best I've seen."_
Yeah, I honestly can't figure out what it is either, Ross. I'm racking my brains but I just can't think of a single reason why you find them so satisfying.
"That Soldier's a spy!"
Nah you gotta say it like the spy since these dudes sound French "The soldier eez ah spy!"
Dragan232 dat spy iz uh spy!
Spy 'round here!
tiakpark Theres a spai creppin 'roud ere!
***** That spy is not one of ours!
You know, why can't they just make the intro cutscene the FIRST LEVEL of the game?
I've just understood, why BJ is not surprised by anything too much - it is a sequel to RTCW, and in RTCW BJ (simple spy) saw giant legless mutants in labs, mechanical nazis, undead knights, zombies and immortal warriors. He saw them and he killed them. After that zero gravity would be like a sunny day on the (Omaha) beach. I'm surprised BJ is not bored with this paranormal shit, like a good square-head soldier should do.
BJ! We need you defending us with the MG42!
BJ! We need you defending us with the MG42!
BJ! We need you defending us with the MG42!
That man is a spy!
BJ! We need you defending us with the MG42!
BJ! Man the machine gun and take out the incoming-
8:06 No matter how down I feel, this bit about running in this game will always cheer me right back up.
as a german i can say that "ze accent" is pretty ok for your stereotype-german. in reality younger germans speak with only a very slight accent mostly.
I can attest to that. I have a German buddy I Steam-chat with and his accent is really slight, even though he has little practice actually speaking English.
This Hollywood accent actually tends more towards French to my ears.
I've heard that Germany in general is a bit uncomfortable with Nazi-related media, but other than that I don't really know why they couldn't get any Germans in.
I personally really enjoy most German accents.
german here. they got the accents wrong- you were right about that. some sound too much like frenchmen. some sound more like people from eastern europe.
I've met German tourists where I live and I agree with you on this one. You guys have pretty good english. Although the games accents didn't feel the same as reality for some reason...
That doesn't only apply to the stereotype-german, it also applies for stereotype-spanish or mexican. In reality, the accent is a lot slighter than shown in movies.
Game Dungeon uploaded on my birthday?
Best early present ever!
WeasleFireable you must have the shittiest birthdays.
Argeine Thriton Would explain the lack of birthday messages I'm getting.It's what happens when you grow old.
WeasleFireable maybe it's their april fools, or maybe you were told that it's your birthday as a kid but never told that it was an april fools prank and nobody has told you yet.
Argeine Thriton I made a huge fuckin' stupid.I got the notification on the 2nd, which is actually my birthday.
Fucking sub box delays.
WeasleFireable Your birthday is april fools?
opportunity's, opportunity's everywhere
roses are red
violets are blue
we need you defending us
with the mg42
The studio being in Wisconsin is actually even more damning to their not capturing the German accent correctly. Wisconsin remains even to this day a predominantly German populace. I live in Wisconsin, and they still teach German in high school, as an elective mind you, and given that, there is no excuse the dialect is so poor in Wolfenstein.
Totally. When he said "Wisconsin" I was like "come on, 'Sconnies should be great at this"!
That's actually a really neat bit of trivia.
And Illinois has Polish population. it seems we can't escape the fate of having you as neighbors whenever we go.
Good "April's fool" joke you did there, Ross. People wanted you to review Wolfenstein 3D since you only review old game in the "Game Dungeon", but you just said "Fuck it! they're getting the '09 game instead." (I persume that's what you were thinking XD) and added the "Pumpkin head" cheat to hammer in that you're just fuckin' with us. Cudos to you, dude! Fucking loved it... XD
Masterchief461 Check his CarnEvil review; he says he tends to review PC Games, usually obscure games. He doesn't care when they came out.
Yea, I forgot about that... cx
I love that he says absolutely NOTHING about the pumpkin heads. Looooovvvveee it!
What pumpkins?
"In the tumultuous time before D-Day,
There once was a man named BJ;
With chocolate box hair and a face like a bear
With a jacket he picked up on Ebay.
"He was out one day murdering Germans,
Who were about to reenact London's Burning.
So he threw some dudes into missile tubes
And their boat got blown up. That'll learn 'em!"
Weird seeing you here!
Let me hold your head under the putrescent waters of knowledge.
Nick Johnson Le quotage is strong in this one.
Good Yahtzee
But while there he made the discovery
That the Nazis had powers like no other-y,
He bought back a bangle
With some mystical angle,
To which the Allies responded, “Oh, buggery!”
At the secret service of Queen Lizzie
BJ’s bosses find themselves in a tizzy.
So they stand up and shout,
“BJ, sort this all out!
“We’d do it ourselves, but we’re busy.”
Wow, you really _squashed_ those Nazis, Ross.
One might say that if he were to SMASH them, he could make a band out of it. Yes, the Smashing Nazis. Just rolls off the tongue.
GhostSilk He's just that gourd at shooters!
Also, Dragan232 , now I'm imagining Nigel Thornberry with a Hitler 'stache
These jokes are seedless.
Looks we'll have a pie-l of puns on our hands if we're not careful
Mundane Merchant they were out of their gourd to fight him!
I'm German, and Erik Engle's accent sounds fine to me. Better than the typical Video Game German accent, at least. Caroline Becker sounds pretty fake, ya.
...also, the guy who says "That man is a spy!" in a Videogame Nazi Voice sounds a *lot* like the Spy from Team Fortress 2. Same voice actor?
I don't know why American games have such a hard time with German. It's not just the voice actors, often they don't even get a German to proof-read signs and stuff, so they've got grammatical errors or are just straight gibberish. It's not an obscure language, there's a hundred million speakers! Can you really not find a single one to tell you how to say "NO ENTRY" or "CAUTION: HIGH VOLTAGE" or whatever in German?
+Heads Full Of Eyeballs ACH! Mein laben!
+Heads Full Of Eyeballs same with Russian. Sometimes signs don't even meant to have sense - just random Russian words for American players. And they may even have Russian as lead programmer or something at the same time - why not just ask him for God's sake?
SmitiaS _
Yeah, it's kind of bizarre that in a twenty million dollar game project, where an individual artist may spend days toiling to get the reflection and specular maps on characters' eyeballs just right or whatever, they can't seem to spare the effort to find one native speaker for one very common language :I
(One year later reply) Fortunately Wolfenstein the new order has people speaking german and even has scenes where characters are speaking german exclusively. And it's most likely that they are going the same in the new colossus.
I feel like russian is offended a lot more, but that may be because I don't know german so I can't compare. I know for a fact that Company of Heroes 2 is borderline revolting when it comes down to its representation of russian(and approaching its story mode with expectations of at least minimal historic accuracy may or may not result in skull damage), but for all I know it may have treated the german side the same way. EA Alerts aren't any better either, especially 3 with its hymn to half-gibberish.
And for all the gameplay goodness Red Orchestra 2 offers, its english voice acting is also quite subpar... save for the singleplayer intros, and unlike the others _this one_ offers native option made by natives, heil Tripwire!
After watching this, I'm suddenly interested in a Bioshock video.
Once Ross has run out of bizarre and obscure games...
Yeah, they really learned alot from this game, and improved on it in Wolfenstien: The new order. Alot less 4th wall breaking crap, characters that DO care, and gameplay that feels fantastic!
Maxjk0 Heard a lot of good things about the game. Shame it's censored to hell in my country.
I would love to play a good shooter again.
TheCtrlcookie I'm guessing you live in Germany? Well, wherever you do live, my condolences. Censorship is shitty, especially when the game isn't even that bad for the most part.
***** Yes, I am.
But it's also censored in Austria and Switzerland. So if you go to study there at any university ... well.
The New Order wasn't even made by the same developers.
TheCtrlcookie Actually, I bought a Steam code on Amazon US and it lets me play the uncensored version here in Austria. It doesn't let me buy the uncensored version on Steam store, though. (But the previous, uncensored Wolfenstein games - great consistency!). But yeah, Wolfenstein: New Order is the best "traditional" shooter to come around in a long time with a fun story and great gunplay.
Hearing the same voice multiple times in a row? **Looks at the Elder Scrolls and Fallout game series.**
Patrolling the Mojave wasteland almost makes me wish for a nuclear winter.
arrow + knee etc....
yeah that is my least favorite part's about most of the games you can count on the same person voicing either a hobo begging for food and the leader of an elitist group of purist's, like how yahtzee said it
"with characters conversing with themselves about how much they like buying from a store owned by themselves"
I think Ross got it wrong with the reaction of Bj. Bj has been at this for years and years and he's seen some shit. I don't think he'd be that impressed by some amulet that can make things float, he thinks it's cool, but after you kill mecha hitler I guess you'd be pretty jaded.
Yeah, I mean at the very least Ross should have said it was a possibility that that's just his character, either for the sake of writing, or if it's an actually possible human quality.
BJ literally spent the time between the last game and this one hunting Nazis for fun, because that was his idea of an extensive leave of R&R after killing a time-traveling warlord. BJ don't give a fuck about no gravity-nullifying amulet.
Have you ever seen a documentary about the people who explosively demolish buildings? Or interviews with astronauts, or even just mission control? Some things you just don't ever get jaded to.
yeah some things you don't get jaded too. But when your version of fun is hunting down nazis and killing mecha hitler, you'd see some gravity amulet as just a cool accessory.
Yeah. The end of RtCW shows BJ's boss telling some guy that BJ is enjoying his R&R time and it immediately cuts to a scene of BJ killing Nazis. That's literally his R&R.
The line "That man is a spy!" is done by the same actor who voices The Spy in Team Fortress 2...
I like how accurate the german heads are. Most games just make them look like americans like the world is too stupid to know better.
Back when this came out, I remembered loving Return, so I immediately grabbed this. Dear God, I abandoned it even before you, I'm sure.
I remember F. E. A. R. becoming a slog eventually and forcing myself to finish.
Hello, Ross.
I watched this episode for the n times now and I suddenly remembered another FPS game with nazis and magic.
Did you ever happen to play ÜberSoldier in the past?
Also, the protagonist's voice actor is so phlegmatic, you could probably get more exciting sounds out of a dry piece of cotton.
The overall voice acting makes Wolfenstein's seem kind of decent in comparison.
There's a problem though as it does not seem to be available in any storefronts anymore. However a resourceful individual might find ways around that.
I love how he doesnt even acknowledge the halloween pumpkin heads
You would like The New Order a lot more, Ross. It fixed almost all the problems you addressed.
Damnit, I'm seeing those damn Pumpkins again...
Where? Try restarting your internet.
Ross, I just wanna say I've been watching these non-stop all month, and I love your reviews. Your opinion on gaming as a whole, is pretty righteous. Keep on doing what you're doing. Never change!
Ross is an amazing man.
About the studio being based in Wisconsin, there's SO many Germans and German speaking people here. It would have been /extremely/ easy to find someone.
BakedAlaska Now I'm imagining an SS squad speaking with Yooper accents and cheese-wedge-shaped stahlhelms XD
those aren't real Hollywood created those ;-;
Yooper accents, the cheese wedge-shaped stahlhelms, or both lol?
Wow, this is turning out to be a fascinating look at inner-Wisconsin politics - here I was thinking that most Wisconsin people viewed the Cheeseheads in a favorable (or at least neutral) light, in addition to Yooper being a thing that actually happened lol
That's only if they're a really hard packer fan, or if they are the ones who are retarded.
His criticisms about the voiceover work here makes me think back on Oblivion. All the money for voiceover budget went to Patrick Stewart and Sean Bean
In the tumultuous times before D-Day
There lived a fellow called B.J.
With chocolate-box hair, and a face like a bear,
And a jacket he picked up on eBay.
He was out one day murdering Germans,
As they tried to enact London’s Burning,
He beat up some dudes,
And broke missile tubes,
So their boat got blown up, that’ll learn ‘em!
Up next: Blazkowiczs mind
Guys I've been locked in this dungeon and forced to watch these amazing videos since the last episode of Freeman's Mind. Could someone please let me out. I'm getting sick from eating rotting pumpkins.
Speaking of which, didn't you have a couple of cellmates?
You talked about FEAR, and I love that. the AI in FEAR was so fucking good. I remember being a kid and hearing the radio chatter really freaked me out because they sounded like real people. "Get to cover!" "Where do I go!?" "I got two down!"
Holy crap. A 20 year saga ending with Ross Scott finally slaying the evil overlord Developer and distributing his game as freeware. This is just meta beyond meta.
After many years I understand what accent they have in this game. Obviosly all of them are pumpkins
The fact that you went into so much depth about the stupidity of the name is a testament to why we love you. It reminds me of battlefront 2 and battlefront 2 (classic, 2005)
All Germans looks like this?
In case you don't know world war 2 was fought because people were hunting down German's to make them into pumpkin head pie
clap clap clap :D
And if you're half German, your head is a jack o' lantern.
you ruined the joke
All Germans looks like zis*
You can't even buy this game digitally anymore thanks to activision
basically ross has preserved the memory of this game that got insta-forgotten thanks to the new games
though pirating it isn't very hard
This game is mostly abandonware now. Glad you happened to cover it!
I love how he didn't even acknowledge the pumpkins. Not once. Had me rollin'!
Pumpkins? I have no clue what you're talking about. Not once did I see a pumpkin.
+Scarlet Sho a lot of people are claiming that they see pumpkin heads. I'm glad I'm not the only sane one who didn't notice a single pumpkin.
Ross, you need to play The New Order.
It's literally everything you listed that could have made this game better.
You know, it's fascinating, all of the (very fair) critiques you make about the story not seeming to care were fixed in the reboot.
So why is everyone wearing pumpkins for heads?
***** What?Theres no pumpkins in the video.
Unless I am missing something here.
***** What?
Sir Cookays I stand corrected there was the one scene of Ross swinging a weapon at a cart of pumpkins, but that was it.
Sir Cookays Dude, wtf! That cart was full of human heads, not pumpkins!
Ok, seriously what's with the pumpkin heads? Please, no jokes.
TIP: look at the date this was uploaded.
ExampleJohn Yeah, but... it's not like he edited the video, it's clearly in the game itself.
Jan M It's just a funny in-game cheat code.
The nazis ran out of soldiers so they started genetically mutating pumpkins
ExampleJohn Should've done Brutal Half-Life Mind instead like he did on Brutal Doom Mind back in his earlier April Fools.
On the subject of mixing guns with magic, we have the 6 Isfet Crystals in Pathways into Darkness which are basically the PK powers in System Shock 2 and the Plasmids in Bioshock. With the exception of the yellow one which is used to talk to corpses, you basically use them to weaken monsters so shooting them requires wasting less of your valuable ammo, especially as it gets rarer as the game goes on and the 3D printer you get to make more ammo prints clips slowly. Some monsters are immune to certain crystals so using them is sort of like the boss weapons in Rockman but done to a lesser extent than the Shock universe.
More powerful crystals stun the monsters for less time but deal more damage and may even have areas of effect but at the cost of having less uses. The yellow crystal is required to learn more of the story so it has infinite uses, but the rest progressively have less and less. They take longer to charge the more they are used and once they run out of uses and break, there's no getting that crystal back. The most powerful Isfet crystal only has _10_ uses before it breaks and you will need 9 of them for the last wave in the game's shitty final boss. The rest of the monsters in that wave are easily finished off with your hitscan grenade launcher that may as well be an explosive super shotgun. (I call it the Boomstick)
Ross is sooo right about the casting of voice actors for playing German or French or Russian, etc... game characters. And that's also true for mainstream Hollywood movies and TV series. Virtually no producer will bother to hire actual German, French or any other foreign actors who can speak fluent English even though there is no shortage of them. They figure nobody in America will ever notice... Well, somebody did!
That man is a spy!
“You can have bad writing, but if the game really *cares* about it, that could be enough to carry you through.”
I think I just realized why I like Kingdom Hearts so much.
Hey Ross. Guess what's in the third DLC pack for the new Wolfenstein game?
Operation Black Sun.
Black Sun is a reference to something that the Nazis actually believed in (it's a long and very silly story, and it's the main inspiration for stories about Nazis looking for magical artifacts).
That man is a spy
Was that DLC cancelled or something? I can't find anything about it, only saw it mentioned alongside with the released dlc before they came out.
Wolfenstein: Operation Pancake
milkAnonim Pumpkin flavored, of course
By the New Order, the operation is a success and they land on the moon and build the Intergalactic House of Pancakes.
Im sorry, all I hear is Gordon Freeman playing this before his shift at Black Mesa and ranting about how bad it is and thats why he is late to work
Also, I was wondering, have you ever played Dishonored?
It did the Magic+Guns thing really well.
It didn't do Stealth very well though...
Radosław Hołdys I think they did.
Radosław Hołdys Yahtzee from Zero Punctuation disagrees with that. I think I would side with him. At least for the majority of the missions.
Edison Trent *Snort*
Good for him, personally I prefer my sneaking without hobo skeletor powers that make it piss easy.
Also, fuck Yahtzee.
Radosław Hołdys Wow, someone sounds butthurt. The powers aren't even required and there's an achievement for not using any powers (besides the very first teleport necessary for story progression, which you can ignore) and not being noticed through the whole campaign. The stealth isn't perfect of course, no game will ever be, but it's still vastly improved over Elder Scrolls/Fallout style stealth where enough skill literally makes you invisible.
I actually like this Indiana Jones style setting and occult vibe more than New Order. I wish they made a sequel to this game.
Return to Castle Wolfenstein was great.
Also, I'm very late on this, but as far as the franchise's current timeline goes, I've figured it out.
(1) Return to Castle Wolfenstein
(2) Spear of Destiny
(3) Wolfenstein
(4) Wolfenstein: The New Order
The 'Spear of Destiny' bit is only known because, as I've been going through the game again, getting everybody to say everything they can to me, one of the brothers that operate the black market talks about how much he knows about my past, even asking, "I wonder how much the Spear of Destiny would go for these days?" Yes. One line is all the game gave me. As for cutting out Wolf3D, that's simple. Hans Grosse is the first boss of Wolf3D and he's alive and well in this game, serving as the end boss. No mention is made of Hitler's death, because you never killed him in this timeline. Instead, Deathshead has been the one constantly recurring antagonist.
Congratulation on making to Tv tropes's "Continue Your Mission, Dammit" page
German here, the accents sound a lot better than most you hear in games or movies or anything involving Germans.
if you live in Germany, maybe you can answer this for me since I never got around to ask my Oma this. Is the name Bubi common in Germany? It seems like a strange name and after seeing the character Bubi in Wolfenstein the New Order, it has really made me wonder if it is common.
SheppardOfDeath It used to be not uncommon, but I don't know when. Now it's one of those names that you recognize as a name even though you don't know anyone who's called that, like Billy or Bob.
Behind TheWall Ok, that makes sense. Thanks for answering my question.
SheppardOfDeath Another german here: Actually I think nobody would name it's child Bubi, but I always thought that the evil Nazi-Lady just called him that and that it isn't is actual name. Bubi as a pet name would be more common, especially in Austria.
Jorvard I'm just glad my parents didn't have the "smart" idea to name me Bubi! lol :D
I like how even TH-cam got the game wrong, in the description.
The Veil concealing a magic teal world beneath our own is also done in Dragon Age, though the magic world in Dragon Age was brown when this game came out. Luckily they made it teal in 2014.
It's extra hilarious looking back on this in retrospect, especially with the naming conventions game titles have been doing like this. If I'm browsing old game titles, and I see one that's just "same title" then I'm more likely to pass it up since it just seems bland or it's a remake of an original. But Wolfenstein: Black Sun actually sounds pretty interesting as a title lol more evidence that suits in positions of power and influence have zero idea what they're working with.
Why do I have this sudden craving for pumpkin?
+MrFutago87 Halloween, most likely.
I believe you mean "cannibalism."
Mr. Futago
No idea. Can't think of a reason
I'd do anything for some... pumpkin pie right now...