Appreciate the scope of your reviews, keep em coming Shaggy! I love Casiotone For The Painfully Alone, Owen’s former trading name. Etiquette (2006) is particularly special. You like that catalogue too?
I have enjoyed what little I have heard. I do know Etiquette and a couple other CFTPA albums, and a couple Advance Base releases, but I have not really given the catalogue the attention it probably deserves. I am always happy though when a new release of his hits my radar…
Salute to shaggy for incredible breadth. Both albums are total garbage by my taste, but that’s not the point. Great to be exposed to new stuff from a trusted chap. Loving the Neil young series as well. Happy holidays.
Appreciate the scope of your reviews, keep em coming Shaggy! I love Casiotone For The Painfully Alone, Owen’s former trading name. Etiquette (2006) is particularly special. You like that catalogue too?
I have enjoyed what little I have heard. I do know Etiquette and a couple other CFTPA albums, and a couple Advance Base releases, but I have not really given the catalogue the attention it probably deserves. I am always happy though when a new release of his hits my radar…
Salute to shaggy for incredible breadth. Both albums are total garbage by my taste, but that’s not the point. Great to be exposed to new stuff from a trusted chap. Loving the Neil young series as well. Happy holidays.