To all Americans: Not all Canadians hate you. I for one have been to your amazing country many times and have never had a bad experience. I personally really like Americans.
I've been to Vancouver, BC for the past 4 years and I'm always astonished by how much Canadians talk about America. Meanwhile in the US, we rarely hear about Canada (if ever). You're more likely to hear about Russia, China, North Korea, and the Middle East.
NYK Fan Media tends to shape things. Often opinion. We don’t have enough access to Canadian media and news in the U.S. Even now with the internet, much of it is geoblocked outside of Canada. As a teenager who didn’t have any internet access quickly available to me, I learned most of what I knew about Canada’s culture from the 2 Canadian TV networks we had here. CBC Newsworld International and MuchMusic. They were both gone from American cable systems by the time I was 18. Canada on the otherhand is flooded with American News, Music, TV. They see way more of what we do than the other way around.
Canadian: “Americans are arrogant cuz they think they are superior” Canadian: “ I think our country is superior and everyone should be like Canadians” Wtf 😂🤦🏻♂️
@@wonka4 Because believing you are better than others is the definition of arrogance. You can identify arrogance in others without it applying to yourself as long as you don't feel superior to them because of it.
@@blitzofchaosgaming6737 I dont think thats the definition of arrogance really. I think arrogance may be more than just feeling superior but ill check that out.
I’m from Australia and have visited America 3 times , I’ve never met the most kindest, generous welcoming people, most of these students are probably making their judgement based upon the media .
Depends, are you white? I'm Canadian, and I gotta say as a black/mixed bloke, I don't have any fear in my country, you ask the same of someone in the USA of a similar complexion, it may just blow your mind.
As a Canadian who frequents the US. I’ve found that Americans tend to be much more outgoing and willing to have a conversation, whereas a lot of Canadians are more reserved but also friendly at the same time.
I’m proud of the American attitude: to talk to any rando on the street, to be boisterous and friendly with anyone who crosses our path, to be honest when we’re angry or confused. I, personally, still think all of Canada is my friend, and whenever I meet a Canadian, that’s how I treat them. Until someone makes it clear that they don’t like me, we’re friends. Has there ever been a better way to make and keep friends than treating people right? Here, we have the policy innocent until proven guilty. So, friends until proven enemies! And then friends again after that, if at all possible! I get that a lot of people think we’re loud, rude, annoying, and a little dumb, but I’d like to tell people from other countries this: America is like a big dog. We want to play and make friends with literally everyone! But we also turn around pretty quick and bite if someone seems hostile. It’s a definite downside-maybe even a fault-but really we WANT peace so that we can play and make friends all day everyday. Honestly, the dog analogy works really well. If you think about it more in that mindset, you’ll probably come to like our assertive friendliness a little bit more, and tolerate the slobbering.
Friendly, unless they're a person of color, a "socialist", a Muslim, speak Spanish in public, are black and doing something that "looks suspicious", the list goes on and on...
Im a Canadian think that most Americans are polite and caring and peaceful just like Canadians yes Some Americans are rude argent but some Canadian are rude and argent too yes there are issues that both USA and Canada need to work on both Canada and The USA have been there for each other in time of need
Dog Cat no most Americans aren't like Canadians that's why we are known for being the nicest country and also the most loved. In fact, when Americans go on vacations to places suck as Europe, they'll actually wear a Canadian flag instead of an American one because of our good reputation. All americans aren't bad of course but the vast majority of them have an arrogant, cocky, superiority complex.
Luis The vast majority? Have you talked with every American or are you just making bogus claims. Maybe the majority of people you've engaged are like that, but unless you've engaged all 300 million Americans I think you can't make that statement.
I agree. The loudest voice is always the one which gets noticed and that voice doesn't always paint a positive picture. My stance on the whole "Canada is better than.." thing is that Canada is my home, so it is a better place for me. An American will, likewise, find their home to be the best place for them. My personal experience with Americans has been, largely, positive and marred only by the confrontational types who sling labels like "libtard" should you voice opposition to Donald Trump, but I would classify those as the vocal minority of Trump supporters.
Half my family is Canadian. Not necessarily the better half. What I find hilarious is how most Canadians are totally obsessed with how they compare to the US but the average American doesn't even think about Canada at all.
because they dont want to make the same mistakes as the us does and be known as another america they know better and dont want to associate themselves with u.s
every Canadian I've ever met is jealous of America's politics, heat, and liberties (particularly speech). every single one of them. it's bananas, and now health care is getting out of hand I'm sure it will be that next.
I love Canada...I always knew we weren't popular up there..with good reason!..but I never knew we were so hated..and that's not as bad as being seen as "morally inferior" country has many serious faults, but I've never known anyone to have a bad word to say about our northern neighbor!'s usually.."too nice..".."O Canada"!
+disoriented1 Why gives, 'disoriented'? One silly group of students who are guided by a very poor teacher to give the responses she wanted and you think all Canadians are ignorant about Americans? I won't even dignify your silly response with my good experiences with our Souther Neighbours.
+disoriented1 No, I apologize, Disoriented. I must have sped-red (Cheech & Chong) through your post. I was taken back by the "I never knew that . . . " but now with more care, I see I was at fault. I have had many American friends and acquaintances in my years who love their country (but i do see the confused who take party politics far to much to heart). Politics must bring people together. Both the major parties have had some great history with care & policy for the people. But now they both seem to be bought solid by Big Corp, Media and Business. Bernie has shown it doesn't take bribery to compete. Next election time, won't it be interesting to see if the 'Big Guys' are going to have learned from Bernie? Or, are they so totally in the pocket of Big Money and Corruption, they have no choice. Also, will Obama hit the money lecture cirrus and become a multi-millionaire as did Clinton? My chips are he will. Namaste and care, mhikl
I admire Bernie..but please don't take offense that I don't agree with his politics!'s possible..or used to the U.S. I abhor Trump..but I've encountered less pure internet hatred from his supporters than from Bernie's..perhaps that has reason..I guess the Trump guys think they can persuade me..and the Bernie guys think I'm a lost, evil cause..who knows?. Not all USAers support either Bernie or Trump..there is a middle..I wish to God I could find it!..I I know many Canadians see Bernie as a hero to the Canadians so often and correctly point out..we in the U.S. are NOT Canadians..if this makes us be it.. God Bless..(that means Namaste in Lutheranism)
I’m Canadian and I love America I can agree there is room for improvements like any country but I would hate this video to ruin Canada or America’s image
Why would they? a pissant US state in all but name. Australia has the same complex, albeit looser; but they are just as pathetic in their bend over backwards distancing.
pluckybrake9038 the Canadarm, a robotic arm in space that deployed, captured and repaired satellites, positioned astronauts and helped build the International Space Station. That’s pretty big.
This is because most Canadians develop their understanding of Americans from TV which is not reality. I have lived in both countries and have a lot of respect for Americans.
I live in America and I have no respect for A: People who unneccessarily politicize things B: People who unneccessarily politicize things C: People who unneccessarily politicize things.
Corvette Dude - Same here. Canadians think they know a lot about the USA, but what they know is a lot of what they see on television or a lot of what other Canadians have told them about the USA. Living in the USA is a very different experience from watching its television. People need to watch their local or maybe regional news some time, while specifically looking for any similarities between what is reported and what their own day-to-day lives are actually like. Then do the same thing for entertainment-oriented programming. Again, they should look for similarities, but they'll need to look really hard, because television really only bears a superficial resemblance to reality. Canadians who think they know a lot about the USA because they get TV from American stations are about as foolish as people who think they know a lot about Japanese high schools because they've see anime or even live-action dramas about them. At best, you might have a superficial knowledge of history and geography, but certainly not real-world culture and behavior.
I've lived in both countries as well, and come from neither of them and I can say that I also have respect for Americans. Actually when I lived in Canada, most of the people I befriended where actually Americans, because they were friendlier and more outgoing. I found Canadians to be somewhat dull and even a little conceited. I like both countries but I have to defend the US here, even though the US has problems it STILL has a lot going for it and I find the people to be, generally speaking, friendly and eager to please. I mean, it's a country of over 320,000,000 people; it's not ALL going to be bad. And day-to-day life in America is not so different to day-to-day life in Canada.
Most Canadians are Canadian supremacists. You can tell someone is Canadian because they're either socially autistic or they won't shut up about Canada.
Childhood Obesity & Soda Canada is superior to the Backward Corporate States of America, and you Murcans have to be reminded of that often to put you in your proper place as in last place in the western world.
The1Mouseketeer The entire western world puts you in your place as a backward 18th century Third World nation that has no place being called anything but a Third World nation. Canada has already defeated the United States FOUR TIMES.
hahah defently not. Travel to some different countries.. in different continents ..and you'll see a good amount of people share the same opinions about Americans. I've had good & bad experiences with Americans, like many people from many places but I would much rather go to many, many places before the USA and its cutlure.
the realG The only difference between Americans and Canadians (as someone who has lived in both countries) is that you guys tend to be a bit nicer, but no one really cares about Canada and Canadians.
They say Americans are arrogant but they feel they are superior, which seems arrogant to me. Don't bother telling me I am an ignorant American. I am Russian, not American.
***** Canadians act just like Americans only better morales and do not run around like cowboys at least you all know guns are not toys i own guns and love them but i don't act like an idiot with em
I seriously feel betrayed. And here I was thinking of Canadians as our brothers to the north, when, from this, it seems like they want to watch us all burn.
@@St.LouisMadeNike at least you understand that. you seem like a ok guy, just know alot of Americans do not think the same way. Canada and USA are friends, its when they disrespect us that we get upset. and trump has not helped that.
Being anti-American is almost the default perspective in every western, liberal/progressive nation. Not really surprising. And I get why, but that perspective so detached and lacking in nuance that I don't even care to at this point. You just have to remember that it's not about you.
There are nice people there just like any other country bro not trying to contradict your statement the entire world has good and evil I wish there was like 3 people that every single country chooses to meet and discuss a true unintended nations where arguing was not allowed but suggestions and ideas were all looked over and decided upon for the human race in general
GenAfterNextTactics some Canadians are a bit salty. I’m mostly salty at specific Americans and not all of you guys. I don’t blame you for thinking we are rude now.
I am from the UK. I have been to both Canada and the US for over half a dozen weeks each. Canada may be more accepting, tolerant and have less of an forward energy motivated by greed, but there is no place more boring than Canada. Everything happens in the US, nothing happens in Canada, it is almost like the place where immigrants who failed to reach the US decided to live instead. The US, despite its flaws, possesses a greatest ability to do any significant good in the world. Canada looks aesthetically the same as the US, with a British/European level of funding. If Canada somehow had a higher GDP than the US, I doubt that you would see much difference in terms of policy. The idea of living in the most powerful country corrupts most of those in charge of it. Canada would be no exception to that rule if it had the economy.
Canada is a G7 nation meaning a very powerful economy and a developed country, “everything happens in usa “ right , you are talking about the movies ? 😂 canada is not boring at all , your circle is !! And btw Canada has is ranked many time le 1 st for quality life standards and most definitely has a higher GDP than UK ..
if canada wanted to be greedy they would keep the money to themselves and not have benefits for citizens and therefore there gdp rate would be higher if canada r greedy then why is there pm funding the healthcare workers and giving citizens free healthcare and why isnt america not doing that explain
Canadians do not like the idea of Canada and the US annexing and more and more Americans are claiming they want to "join", so that upsets us. Please stay in your own country.
As a Canadian myself, I think our politics affect our views of each other waayyy too much. We both have terrible leadership rn and should hold on to our love for each other until things get better for us politically.
And the same with Most Americans. There are the corporate uncaring hurting all peoples with their drive to own everything and rule over everything. But the millennials will be in charge by 2024 and they will take back out beleaguered nations. Namaste and care, we will be working together on this, as always, mhikl
I was pulled over once in Canada, The sheriff was kind enough to drive me to the nearest town to get a tow truck. (Clutch went out on my car). Then he drove the tow truck back to my car and helped me get it (the clutch) replaced. This Sheriff also owned the local tow truck and mechanic shop. Very reasonably in his rates as well.
thank you sir/miss. as a canadian, i thank you. but i do not think that everyone as a whole in america is bad as Canadians say they are. man is how he thinks of himself, that is what i believe, you can change yourself of the stereotype we ( Canadians ) think of you. personally i think that america is great but the average canadian does not see the things that we lack, that they do. the average canadian is only looking for the things that we as a whole do best, in the Americans.that's not right. Americans are very hard working people and i don not understand why some Canadians don't see that. the last thing i have to say to Americans is that you all have a lot of pride in your country and that is what makes you awesome :) i love Canada still.
Thank you so much for saying that. I love my country. however, it saddens me that lately a lot of canadians have been getting bigheaded with the whole election business. Please don't take this interview to heart, for this is only a small range of people in our country. :)
What sums up this segment the best is the fact that the students threw out a lot of synonyms for "ignorant" to describe Americans, but then were asked to make sweeping generalizations about a country of 300 million people. I prefer strong socially democratic countries, but I understand that I'm left of centre in my views, which not everyone would agree with. My political stance is based on the idea that socialised systems are more compassionate, and more effective than systems from the right of the spectrum, and so it would be easy for me to say that Canada is a "better country" because it is more socialised. However I also believe that a country and its government should be a reflection of its citizens and their values. Americans are typically further right in their views than Canadians, and I think that their political system is a strong reflection of those views. As long as a country provides and protects the rights and freedoms of its citizens, is run by elected officials, and reflects the values of its people, there are no better or worse countries, there are simply different countries.
we ain't lost we right here halfway down that list are Indians number 12 Mexicans jesus is not his true name not to mention he was black the Bible says he's black and he was Hung from a tree how you gonna have White people in the. dessert the President of the United Arib Republic said in 1956 I don't trust these Jews because they left here black and came back white
The thing is, most people hate America and yet they love our movies, TV shows, TH-cam, etc. lol. I mean I do get that other countries hate our government. I am an American and I think our government is bull crap. So yes, hate our government, not us individually.
Zachary Xavier For the moat part, many people who are classified as Anti-American just hate the US government. Many of them enjoy American media as well as have American friends. This is coming from an American.
Zachary Xavier you make an assumption that people prefer your movies, tv shows etc, I enjoy films tv world wide. You will find a lot of people think Hollywood is out dated, out of touch and a lot of your tv shows are crap.
WE DO. The media & 1% conflate the 2, but most of us do not. We get you are also victims of the US 1% (if not as bad off as their victims in the 3rd world)
WE LOVE AMERICANS MOST of us who have actually traveled there the others get their opinions from watching the hollywood society no wonder they feel that way
I enjoy seeing the truth...we don't need to be friends w Canada but it's nice to be...Even this channel pushes the same agenda... Like us , hate us it's all good...we all know your place at the table like it or not...
As an Australian, a lot of Americans I've met have been extremely nice and a large portion of Canadians I've encountered have been arrogant and rude. I don't know what Canada's problem is, it just reeks of an inferiority complex.
I live in Colombia and it's the same here. We do tend to get more Americans than Canadians, and they aren't really regarded as much different. They do try to highlight somehow that they are different but for those of us here in Colombia who have dealt with them and I'm assuming for much of Latin America as well, we just don't see it. After seeing this video though it's left a bad taste in my mouth. Just because someone was born in a country that has a bad government doesn't mean that person themselves is bad. And that makes me think. If they are going to hate Americans for having bad government and policies, then what do they possibly think of me?
Look at it from their perspective. Canada has bordered on the wealthiest, most powerful, most militarily capable nation that has ever existed in human history, yet most of the world's population can't list a single achievement by our neighbors to the north. That's not to put them down, but by accident, they were born a few miles to the north in a country that is largely known as America's neighbor. Look around your home and see the result of thousands of inventions created by Americans. Can you think of any that are Canadian off the top of your head? Even the Netherlands has had a much greater impact on history than Canada has. Of course, they'll have an inferiority complex.
@@eternalmystery121 but when they know nothing but the false stereotype and thinking u dont talk English yes its the governments for the education system
i am Canadian and lived in the States for 5 years, the best 5 years of my life, people were great to me, people of all races, in 5 years i had not one instance of racism, there were great job opportunities and i don't have even one day in college! but i find Canadians to be everything that they accuse the Americans of including warmongering as we support politically every war the US has!
you have been over there for too long, you have not seen what it has become. and you have not had any racism problems cause your probebely white, or light enough to get by.
I am a Canadian who wanted to leave Canada and become a American because i truly find Canadians are reductive as others who are not Canadians and i have a pocketful of truthful sights that can shine on everyone who are clearly to be "EVIL"
Andre Bell bro Americans are nice we also thought you were nice too and there is no reason you should be mean to America for simply getting more attention
I think it’s important for these students to learn that it’s never fair to make generalizations about a country, especially one as big as the US. Yes we have our problems and stereotypes in America but there are a lot of genuinely good, smart, and cultured people here. I’m glad this piece touched on positive traits about Americans at the end. And yeah, I feel like most Americans have nothing but good things to say about Canadians.
That's true, but if only your elected PRESIDENT weren't the negative embodiment of every American stereotype, I, and the rest of the world, may have bought your argument. Sadly --- well, you know where you are.
Jeff the majority of Americans didn’t vote for trump. Please learn about the electoral college and how their government works. That argument was pathetic
I love how the Canadians call us warmongers and then say they’re superior war fighters. Also in the university, are they seriously teaching their students that they are superior to another nation? That is just insane. I am currently a student in the US, I’ve taken and am taking world studies classes and never once were we taught we were superior to another nation or culture. I suppose when you truly are a great nation you don’t have to tell yourself how great you are and teach ethnocentrism in your schools. No disrespect Canada but seriously, get a grip.
Luke Colwell have you ever been to America? I guarantee you that I know more about world politics than you and that while you pity yourself with the opinion that Canada and Canadians are better than America and Americans, you glance over the ties between the 2 nations. Don’t talk about heathcare, Americans with jobs don’t need it for free, nor do we need to request the government allow us to fix a broken arm, don’t talk about education, we have it feee through taxes and college can be payed for upfront, most people save their entire lives for college, and it costs the same upfront when compared to paying it though taxes. I respect Canada, but if you claim to be superior even though our politics don’t agree- where I think you should get a job and work with society rather than let society treat me- , then I find nothing superior in that. Im happy being an arrogant, egotistic American if I live in a country so shrouded in controversy, but willing to accept others who criticize me. Candaians aren’t nice people, in my opinion Canadians are extremely self centered and closed off, k think Canadians let to much get ti them and hold grudges for years upon end. But I also think Canada is a nice neighbor, i appreciate our shared history and trade partnership, I watch and listen to Canadian musicians and actors and I have some Canadian friends, but why must you claim to be so innocent but then be so arrogant to say “America is wayyyy worse than canada”? The hypocrisy in you in unreal
@Luke Colwell Is it alarmist funny or almost funny. Either way your wrong. The United States is a great country and you should go around spreading hate towards any other country.
Canada should not be known as “Our Friends From the North”, Canada should be known as “Our Family From the North”. As an American myself I love Canada as much as I love America.
Old enemy today's north friend tomorrow's enemy it's really their opinion about Americans they are the people that burnt white house and when we had no advantages for them they be they true self the enemy not friend.
Why do you Canadians treat us like we are the devil country. We say good things about your country and your people, and this is the response we Americans get? You killed me on the inside.💔😭
Canada is a friend, don't forget that. I know today's politics are particularly intense, but countries like France, Germany, and Canada are allies, very good and loyal friends. even if their leaders criticize our president, that doesn't mean they don't still trust us.
We should be the one building the wall. All your unwanted migrants are flooding across our “longest undefended border in the world,” claiming asylum to escape from the US and we’re supposed to deal with them. But if we build a wall it’s shame in us because we’re “Anti-American.” I say good. Let’s build a wall so no one goes in and no one goes out. Perfect. Go home Yankees!
Phycogames Yeet The point is that they are coming to our border from the US. Trump and everybody else is yelling at Mexico for letting them all go thought all the way from South America. If we are all supposed to turn a blind eye to this because the same people are illegally crossing a border only this time they are leaving the US then you are no better than Mexico or any other. Your immigration system can’t handle it even with 10 times more funding and the army then how is ours supposed to deal with it when they are illegally coming from a country that is supposed to be a law abiding than how is ours going to. Why don’t you deport them yourselves don’t let them in in the first place. You let them in, they are your problem.
Eye opener indeed. I'm an American who always liked Canada, and just about everyone I know here loves Canada too. This level of smug arrogance from our northern neighbors does sadden me. I always thought that our people collectively liked one another.
As a Canadian myself, it saddens me as well. I kind of feel like we're part of the problem, especially when people have sticks so far up their a** like in this video. It's hilarious to see how hypocritical some Canadians are where they think that they're better than Americans and then proceed to call them "arrogant".
Not true. I have a complete negative stance on Canada. I think Canadians are a bunch of rude, narrow-minded people where all they are exposed to is Anti-America propaganda. The racism problem in Canada is also 99999999999X worse than you think. Believe me, spend your money and life somewhere else, not in this $h!th0le country!
Im a Canadian, ive been to America, Oregon to be exact. I must say its a really nice place and the people knew i was from Canada because i said "eh" alot lol. 10/10 would visit again.
@@felix121984 I agree, I found people in Portland to be very unfriendly and impersonal, just like people in Vancouver or Toronto. They don't like to talk to strangers unlike other cities in USA.
Except for the vast majority of US politicians, used car salesmen (they love to rip off their customers), telemarketers/solicitors (they are very annoying[heck, many of them ignore "no soliciting" signs or "do not call" lists), criminals (e.g. thieves, murderers, and con artists/fraudsters), and so on. But in general Americans are actually nice people and so are Canadians. That being said, Canadians should get to learn about Americans as much as possible and vice versa.
Omg this is not what us Canadians are like at all! Wtf is wrong with these kids?! Lol I apologize Americans, I don't think of you guys as any of these. The only time I think bad about you is when Canada is playing against America in Olympic hockey.
And we don’t care about hockey so if/when Canada wins, no one really notices. If a Canadian football team beat an NFL team, then Americans would *definitely* care.
I'm from the Chicago area and I have nothing but positive feelings about our Canadian neighbors. Please remember modesty means you don't have to tell others you're modest.
What the hell? As a Canadian I love America! I've travelled there many times my goodness I actually found Americans to be much more welcoming and kind than Canadians are, and I have lived here for over 30 years! Crazy stereotypes we are told not to believe them but Canadians believe every bloody one about Americans what an absolute shame. Even something like tailgating I get to America and all of a sudden that's cut down drastically too. Americans seem to love starting random conversations with you which doesn't happen much in Canada. Sad video and very, very disappointing.
Depends on where you go in either Canada or USA. Its rare in big cities to strike up a conversation with a stranger. Small towns in both nations are much more approachable. Also Northern USA is very similar to Canada than the south.
Canadians are cocky they think they are superior and are cheap like the British I’m Mexican and when they come to Mexico they want to live like a millionaire with their $2000 usd for one month on the beach in a luxury condo so I tell them can you rent a condo like that and they say and in Europe south of France lmfao they think Mexican we don’t travel we are ignorant so I prefer people from the states the Canadians are not Europe they think and Canadians they always cry they are Poor but with expensive taste
@@amazingtoad7244 since canadian parents dont explain it to their kids, canada copied the US development model. that is how you became industrialized. you are welcome.
I am Canadian. And I don't have any problems with American people, I admire their constitution and see the idea of America as the most free country in the world. More free then Canadians.
America has its own head of state, too. There's been no need for the country to share a head of state with another one, for imperialistic reasons. The United States has long ago since, been able to stand on its own, as its own nation, without feeling that it needed to have regal ties to Great Britain. It is this exact independent spirit that has permitted its distinct constitutional & civil-libertarian evolution. All of the remaining anglophone countries that still function as dominions of Britain, are free to make that choice, in the future, of detaching from the monarchy and becoming republics. Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, and Barbados are all likely to take that step, sometime in this half-a-century.
Trust me their not....they don't abide by the's a Joke. Everything is for the Rich & Powerful and now we have a Moron leading the country with a bunch of corrupt villains in the White House.
This video is truly troubling in many respects, this is the first time I've heard such negative comments about the United States from our neighbors to the north. Every country has pride in its self but to say one is "Morally Superior" is beyond the pale. Maybe Canada would like to go it by itself and cut all ties with moral lacking United States. As I said this video is truly troubling.
@mikedoesseo Imagine thinking that a single college classroom of young adults giving simple and brief answers to simple questions in any way represents the entire nation's views towards Americans. Let alone wanting to boycott an entire nation's products for said classroom's views.
I had no problem with Americans but over time I grew tired of the consistant bashing. Movies, tv shows we are a joke to you, your president called us snow Mexicans and wants to build a wall to keep us out. What's wrong with Mexicans? They are people, we are all on the same rock but I get put down from an america for who I am and where I'm from. You call me smug self righteous I treat others with the same respect they show me.
Now your the one in denial. Your president has expressed his lack of respect for canadians on several occasions I've been chew out by Americans for being Canadian like it's a bad thing. The fact we are a joke to your country isnt going to have a positive response.
I used to love visiting Canada too, until I visited Vancouver in 2017. I was greeted by a very rude customs agent who yelled at me when I didn’t understand what she was saying. And I flew in from Chicago’s O’Hare Airport where people were actually NICER there. And every time I go to Canada, I’m always greeted by passive-aggressiveness. God almighty people in Canada are dumb.
It's amazing to me how many countries describe Americans as dumb, yet the majority of the technology that they use is invented in the USA. The fact is that in the U.S. most people are very kind and step up to help other countries during disasters more than any other country.
Yeah, as soon as the americans stand together against Tyranny, we can be friends again, that's what cousin Trudeau said, and all the rest of the UN family!
those university students were embarrassing. I wouldn't want any other country for a neighbour. Canadians can afford to be the "nice, quiet, peaceful" one because we have our big brother next door that carries a big stick.
Fair words! it always gets to me when people talk bad about the US... I understand why they think some of those things but a lot of it just isn't true. I take it personally. There are bad and good people in every country. Every country has done some bad things. I respect all countries and people. Those students need to learn a bit more about people.
It's just sibling banter, most Canadians (aside from recently landed immigrants granted citizenship), view the American/Canadian relationship as an amiable one. Siblings may quarrel but when the going gets tough, they go to bat for one another.
Addicted to war? Other than the conflict in the middle east that most american citizens were against, we have historically wanted to stat neutral and did so unless we were attacked. We stayed out of WWI until we had been attacked by Germany multiple times, we stayed out of WWII until pearl Harbor and we didn't really have much to do with the Middle East until 9/11 (and Dessert Storm was because Iraq invaded one of our allies) We really only go into war to save the asses of our friends but if this is what Canadians think of us then don't expect us to have your backs if you ever get into conflict
Eh yeah that is true but I don't think they're referring to wars +70 years ago. Since our conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as by our funding of conflicts across the globe (mujahideen, Iran-Contra) we have gained quite a reputation as warmongers. Personally I think we should use our power forcefully whenever necessary. However, that doesn't mean I don't recognize what we are, well meaning people who go too far sometimes
I guess vietnam and iraq were just friendly strolls in the park then, joeballs? Gimme a fucking break. When asked by people all over the world, which country was the greatest threat to global peace and security, the overwhelming majority said "America". Your government has a reputation for unnecessary and unjust military intervention for a reason, dude.
"stayed out of WWI until we had been attacked by Germany multiple times" I must have missed those events. *When and where did Germany attack the US or large numbers of Americans multiple times between 1914 and 1917*? Shipping?
Don't forget that the US didn't have the unanimous global superiority it has now, before WW2. They simply didn't have the GDP they have now to be starting unnecessary wars.
Make no mistake fellow Canadians - the Canada you know today would cease to exist without our proximate to Uncle Sam. We are not a Sovereign nation, we produce virtually nothing, and Americans are far more God fearing and benevolent than we are. That should help put things in perspective. Canada is a great place to live, but not at the behest of snubbing our friends and family members to the south.
Buddy the south brothers consistently bash canadians like we are below them, america is capital patriotism in everything they do. This video is pure bs.
I wont forget your president calling us snow Mexicans. Americans are closer to Mexico then Canada first off and why you talking about Mexicans like their trash? They are people just like anyone else in the world. I'm told when I travel outside the country not to wear any of my NYG stuff cause other countries hate America so much it might endanger me lol
@@properproper3876 Tbh I really never see Americans bash Canadians other than jokes that they are like a 51st state (BC similarities) or that you guys can be too nice/pushover, or occasionally I see political comments saying yall can be too tolerant/liberal. But other than that I generally don't hear any hatred of you guys, and I live in the hick, backwater South. Most Americans forget y'all exist.
@@properproper3876 also you can't really attack Americans over their president saying stuff. We don't control his actions. Most people didn't even vote for him in the election. And half the country wanted him out so bad they tried to impeach him
Everything these people are saying is wrong about Americans they should come down to North Dakota where I live and see what its really like, we get many Canadian truck drivers that love it here
I grew up near Canada, and at the time we were interchangeable , every weekend half of the northern USA was in Canada and vice versa. We were the same, different nationalities, but interchangeable, no little brother bit brother bull, we were taught about Canada in school, I beg to differ on the intelligence , the USA has always had Canadas back, and vice versa, these Canadians in this video seem to be a bit mislead, probably by media or social networking. You may be surprised at how much the USA citizens know about Canada.
Interchangable. Yes at one time that was true. Then yous elected trump. He opend the american pandoras box, and let out all the evil that americans hold inside. At this moment in time Americans and Canadians are NOTHING alike. sorry, im not sorry.
I like the USA and Americans - good solid people. We travel to AZ frequently & enjoy the conversation, hospitality, and excellent customer service. Canadians could learn a great deal by spending some time down south.
Between 1:30 and 1:45 I learned that Canadians have no sense of national politics or economic development. I say this as a Canadian who resides in the States now. I too believe Canada does some things better than the US, but I think this is a trade-off for the more enterprising and self-starter culture one finds in America (which seems at odds against more social cultures that take care of citizens in need). How can one say "Canada is better than the US" but not "Canada is better than most countries"? Do these students believe Canada is worse than most countries in Africa or Asia? Most countries in Eastern Europe and the Middle East? Most countries in Latin America? There are probably only 10 countries in the world match Canada's standard of living (btw, the US is on that list)... 10 out of 150+ countries. Shameful display by Ryerson's students.
Proof that the U.S. is interested in invading Iran? The petrodollar is the biggest bullshit being peddled. Remember when the BRICS were going to start their own financial system that was surely going to spell the demise of the U.S. and dollar? That failed or is in the process of failing. I've been alive a little longer than you, I think, and I've been hearing about how the U.S. is on its last legs and the dollar is dead since the '50s. I guess eventually a broken clock will be right. China's growth is starting to dramatically slow, and they have a bigger debt problem than we do because it's mostly "off the books" in their shadow banking system. Now China is starting to take steps to deal with that, but it will come at a cost. The real reason people invest in the U.S. is because it's stable, has a functioning financial system with laws that are enforced, and with U.S. debt in particular the government's ability to tax. There's a reason Chinese are buying up properties in the U.S. as one of the only legal ways they have of getting their money out of the country.
Mircea Davidescu The people of Backward Corporate States of America cannot be enterpreneurs or self starters because they have to work for someone else in a job they hate to have any chance of having minimal insurance run health care. Canadians are more entrepreneurs and self starters than Americans because Canadians are guaranteed excellent health care even if they start their own business, while Americans can't do that.
(I apologize for my grammar, while I do admit Americans do have their flaws, like education but that doesn’t mean people have a right to assume everything about everyone and I will answer questions anyone has so they could understand better..) So I would like to share something that has happened to me today, I have a friend who I skype with all the time in Canada and today his father came onto the FaceTime and started talking to my friend about a tank that was outside his aunts house. Somewhere during that conversation I couldn’t hear what was going on because I felt like it wasn’t my place to keep listening to their conversation..but his father started yelling really loud saying “we’re not gonna steal a tank! we’re not Americans!” my friend mumbled something to his father that I couldn’t hear but I think he may have said “please apologize” but his father started yelling even more saying “I’m not gonna apologize! Look who they voted for!” I remained quiet and didn’t say anything but my friend started defending me saying that I wasn’t old enough to vote (i’m 16) and his father replied with “Well their parents did!”. That whole conversation made me start tearing up and I ended up leaving the call, I didn’t let my friend know it was bothering me because I didn’t want him to worry... but it made me feel like I wasn’t even a human being and just someone who they felt they knew everything about? I can’t explain it but is this how canada really thinks of us?? Not all of us voted for trump.. stereotypes are stereotypes and words hurt. (once again I deeply apologize for my grammar, it is something I have been trying to work on and I do struggle with.)
Well here is my honest opinion about what I think of Canada.....Dang you Canada! Screw you are your insults! You obviously don't respect our American pride, And not all Canadians are bad there are actually some really nice ones
@@NintendoDudeWii when has canada ever felt bad for us? Lol we have nothing against Canadians. Never have. If yall do then dtop voming here. Notice none of us live in Canada. But canadian actors, singers, rappers stay immigrating here yet they hate us oh so much. Its funny. We love Canadians. Canadians claim we hate them and we don't. But yall hate us stop coming here then
Melancholic Wallflower I agree with you. I am saying Canadians more often than not say “they feel bad for Americans” whenever they see bad things that happen in the US. We have a major superiority complex over here. We crave attention, particularly from Americans. I feel like we envy the fact that everyone cares about America but Canada is overshadowed.
Bad Driving in Hamilton Toronto Area no everyone hates America now Wild fires are ignored in America while Australia gets babysat by the world when they have a fire I mean yes you did get over shadowed in WW2 but that’s because America made a giant bomb and dropped it two times on japan making a giant historic event so America got attention I feel bad for Canadians that are soaked in their ignorance to America like we though u guys we’re nice
They're pretty similar in the Northwest as well, and from some minor experiences in the Midwest I'd say there too. Can't speak for the south. I'm more inclined, from the people I've met who are _from_ the south, to believe there is indeed a bit of a cultural divide between the north and south, as is often portrayed. I haven't been to the south myself except on a few occasions, so I can't say what day-to-day life is like, but I suspect there would be a noticeable, but survivable, culture shock if I moved there. I don't think I would find it so difficult to adapt. Ultimately, people are people.
wonder eagle, your broad generalization is incorrect. I've worked there too and there's a vast difference, north and south. And actually Americans are much nicer to work with than Canadians. Easier to get along with and very helpful. Yes, I said it, Canadians, simply put, aren't.
I'm a Canadian that grew up in Texas and it sickens when I go back to Canada to hear what Canadians think about America. It's extremely incorrect. Americans always say to me how friendly Canadians are but I tell them Canadians are not as friendly as one might think. Americans love Canadians and think highly of the people. Canadians are the only people in the world that can immigrate to the US and been see as equal. The majority of Americans think immigrants from Canada should not have to go through the immigration process like people from other countries have to. Americans love Canada and there is no other neighbor in this world that the United States would rather have to their North than Canada!!
You are saying why you like us. That has nothing to do with how we feel about you. That is the subject of the video. Not about you. Your comment proves the point of the self-centred of Americans.
@@MrBonners now I'm not offended but I find this comment on the rude side. So if you are Canadian I think my point on how Canadians can be ruder than Americans think has been proven possibly accurate. Well I have seen it many times Americans look at political issues differently than Canadians so I feel Canadians misjudge the American perspective and assume which leads to inaccurate viewpoints from Canadians
@@rorysirawesomeness8332 The people are the landlords of the property. They hire a property manger to operate and maintain the property and collect the rent from the tenants, the companies that lease real-estate to make and sell their wares. The landlord gets a 'Return On Investment' after fees and infrastructure expenses paid out. This is to be spent on what the owners/landlords desires. (Healthcare). This is not socialism nor communism but, pure capitalism. The modern decades long colonial arrogance of Americans is commonly felt across the globe. Just as the arrogance of the european past empires and Rome. All constantly needed to be fed from outsourced supply, and all loud and proudly fell because it. In my travels around the world I heard more then once from foreigners, never let the US military into your country. Because once they are in, they never leave. Their presence in the communities are loud, pushy, bold, and all too familiar.
Englishman. I find Americans I meet travelling more down to earth and straight forward, respectful and funnier. I’ve found Canadians to have a bit of a superiority complex going and more cold and less funny.
@@animalloverjulian8243 I mean most Americans are very pro-Canadian, look at this comment section alone. Let’s not even get into the statistics, Canadians despise America despite the US being their greatest benefactor.
I'm a Floridian and I can tell you that my state is invaded every year by Old-Timers from canada. You don't see us invading your country all the time like that. It gets pretty damn hot here in Florida. We don't run up to Canada during the summer and spend the entire time up there.
Oka senpapi You're calling them dumbasses? I can barely understand what you're trying to say due to the lack of grammar. On a side note, most Americans are in denial about their own country.
As a Canadian I have always had trouble embracing Canadian nationalism because so much of it is hatred directed at a certain group,. the Americans, its not to different to German nationalism in the 30's and 40's . i do however applaude the C.B.C here for doing such an honest commentary on this terrible problem we have here in Canada. I have met many Americans in my time and I would say 80 percent are very decent accomadating people who always have postitive things to say about Canada.
We all came from the same place. Hell was talking to a Canadian for about 30 mins thinking it was another American but she was from Canada lol. Hurtful for some people but, we truly are siblings with about same origins.
I don't even know where to begin with my comments. I'm half British half Canadian and have lived in Canada for eleven years. This video is so hilarious because it really does shine the light on the majority of Canadians as what they are; Self righteous, pig headed, arrogant, condescending and smug. "The world would be a better place if more people were like Canadians"? Are you having a laugh? Do these people have any idea how arrogant that is? I really think Canadians are massively insecure in their identity that they jump on the hating America bandwagon, just to make themselves feel better. You just have to listen to how most Canadians talk about Americans on a daily basis to realize how hateful they are. A friend of mine recently said "Americans are all about themselves". What a an utter load of absolute nonsense. The blonde girl who said that "Americans don't take the time to learn about us as we do about them". There's a reason for this. There is a reason why Americans don't care that much about Canada. Let's be brutally honest. Ready? Canada is not that interesting. Aside from a few glorious places in the country, Canada is mostly dull and bland. America is far more exciting and interesting than Canada. Fellow Canadians; get over it. As I said, I'm British and Canadian but always tell people I'm British because I do not feel Canadian in any way. What is Canadian, for that matter? Do I care if the French or Dutch don't want to learn about my country as a Brit? No, I don't give a shit? Why should I? Canadians are just so sensitive and I honestly believe they are so obsessed in a negative way with America is because Canada is so incredibly dull. Anti Americanism is their national pastime. Out.
Canada is living in americas shadow thats why. i wnat this anti americanism in canada to grow and eventually the US will just cut them off and cripple their country
There are a lot of Canadians that have a simultaneous superiority complex and inferiority complex when it comes to America. While this doesn't fit all, it does sadly fit enough. You see this when some Canadians build their entire identity on what they are not (notAmerican) as opposed to what they are (Canadian) the reason being is that because our two nations and cultures are virtually identical in most ways, so these sorts of Canadians take great pains to differentiate between us. To the point of absurdity as this video shows.
You treat people the way you want to be treated we teach people how to treat us I am so sorry you think Canadians are ignoant you must of met the wrong people very unusual
Students most came from third world countries .go where the free is at .more fish plants workers .our health care is failing fast.than you can pick up and leave to another free country CBC shame on you.your the next to go .
Have any of those Canadians lived in The USA. I am Canadian living here in the USA my heart and head have changed.
How has your heart changed? I'm curious
mikedoesseo bro lol 😂
There is a major difference between how Americans treat people in their country and how they interact with world outside of their country.
I'll tell you how her heart changed. She got heart disease from the greasy McDonalds.
jocelyn corwin you should've brought a mask to block the pollution
To all Americans: Not all Canadians hate you. I for one have been to your amazing country many times and have never had a bad experience. I personally really like Americans.
I've found the same about Canadians, my friend. There are really good people everywhere. Simply judging someone because of their location is silly.
I think asking 20ish Ryerson students and assuming that is the general view is a bad sampling.
Maybe because you're white
The usa hippies I met in India had $1850.00 sleeping bags
Love from Canada
I've been to Vancouver, BC for the past 4 years and I'm always astonished by how much Canadians talk about America. Meanwhile in the US, we rarely hear about Canada (if ever). You're more likely to hear about Russia, China, North Korea, and the Middle East.
NYK Fan Media tends to shape things. Often opinion. We don’t have enough access to Canadian media and news in the U.S. Even now with the internet, much of it is geoblocked outside of Canada. As a teenager who didn’t have any internet access quickly available to me, I learned most of what I knew about Canada’s culture from the 2 Canadian TV networks we had here. CBC Newsworld International and MuchMusic. They were both gone from American cable systems by the time I was 18. Canada on the otherhand is flooded with American News, Music, TV. They see way more of what we do than the other way around.
Because you're in the latter four's crosshairs.
In USA americans dont talk about other countries because they probably cant locate them.
@@sinsinsinat5377 well for me I don't talk about the rest of the world bc apparently hates me so I hate them, just like I hate you
Cuz we live in their minds rent free
Canadian: “Americans are arrogant cuz they think they are superior”
Canadian: “ I think our country is superior and everyone should be like Canadians”
Wtf 😂🤦🏻♂️
A mouse can tell a lion to be like him, but who is superior
@@lilrodman lmao really?, no wonder you fucks get lynched everywhere you go and then run to Canada when a new president is elected.
@@aidsisfun5214 Im not from America.
@Danny M Don’t worry they are the average Canadian that’s what they do.
@@aidsisfun5214 no wonder some Americans are prejudice against Canadians
Lol the one kid is like "I'm better than you because you arrogant" without even seeing the irony in the statement.
There is none.
@@wonka4 God I hope you are joking...
@@blitzofchaosgaming6737 Im not.
You can perfectly say and recognize someone else is arrogant without being arrogant yourself. Why not ?
@@wonka4 Because believing you are better than others is the definition of arrogance. You can identify arrogance in others without it applying to yourself as long as you don't feel superior to them because of it.
@@blitzofchaosgaming6737 I dont think thats the definition of arrogance really. I think arrogance may be more than just feeling superior but ill check that out.
I’m from Australia and have visited America 3 times , I’ve never met the most kindest, generous welcoming people, most of these students are probably making their judgement based upon the media .
Absolute legend
@Katherine Miller Why did you hate it?
@Katherine Miller Ok
Depends, are you white? I'm Canadian, and I gotta say as a black/mixed bloke, I don't have any fear in my country, you ask the same of someone in the USA of a similar complexion, it may just blow your mind.
What part of america? Mexico argentina or USA?
As a Canadian who frequents the US. I’ve found that Americans tend to be much more outgoing and willing to have a conversation, whereas a lot of Canadians are more reserved but also friendly at the same time.
I’m proud of the American attitude: to talk to any rando on the street, to be boisterous and friendly with anyone who crosses our path, to be honest when we’re angry or confused. I, personally, still think all of Canada is my friend, and whenever I meet a Canadian, that’s how I treat them. Until someone makes it clear that they don’t like me, we’re friends. Has there ever been a better way to make and keep friends than treating people right? Here, we have the policy innocent until proven guilty. So, friends until proven enemies! And then friends again after that, if at all possible!
I get that a lot of people think we’re loud, rude, annoying, and a little dumb, but I’d like to tell people from other countries this: America is like a big dog. We want to play and make friends with literally everyone! But we also turn around pretty quick and bite if someone seems hostile. It’s a definite downside-maybe even a fault-but really we WANT peace so that we can play and make friends all day everyday.
Honestly, the dog analogy works really well. If you think about it more in that mindset, you’ll probably come to like our assertive friendliness a little bit more, and tolerate the slobbering.
Friendly, unless they're a person of color, a "socialist", a Muslim, speak Spanish in public, are black and doing something that "looks suspicious", the list goes on and on...
@@oscarivancordon1021 I feel like a majority of the US isn't like that, it's just that those who are tend to be a lot more vocal and loud
@@oscarivancordon1021 given ya stuck that on a nationality your rather guilty of the same behavior there of that causes those tensions
@Cadence Anubis how can you wright all that I can’t even wright half of that😮
Americans are great to those who are also American.
To those who are Their track record isn't very convincing.
Im a Canadian think that most Americans are
polite and caring and peaceful just like Canadians yes Some Americans are rude argent but some Canadian are rude and argent too yes there are issues that both USA and Canada need to work on
both Canada and The USA have been there for each other in time of need
As an American I love Canada. I have Canadian in me my grandfather was from Canada :)
Dog Cat no most Americans aren't like Canadians that's why we are known for being the nicest country and also the most loved. In fact, when Americans go on vacations to places suck as Europe, they'll actually wear a Canadian flag instead of an American one because of our good reputation. All americans aren't bad of course but the vast majority of them have an arrogant, cocky, superiority complex.
Luis The vast majority? Have you talked with every American or are you just making bogus claims. Maybe the majority of people you've engaged are like that, but unless you've engaged all 300 million Americans I think you can't make that statement.
I agree. The loudest voice is always the one which gets noticed and that voice doesn't always paint a positive picture. My stance on the whole "Canada is better than.." thing is that Canada is my home, so it is a better place for me. An American will, likewise, find their home to be the best place for them. My personal experience with Americans has been, largely, positive and marred only by the confrontational types who sling labels like "libtard" should you voice opposition to Donald Trump, but I would classify those as the vocal minority of Trump supporters.
argent, really? you used the word argent twice, the word means Silver, I doubt you mean anyone is silver.
Half my family is Canadian. Not necessarily the better half. What I find hilarious is how most Canadians are totally obsessed with how they compare to the US but the average American doesn't even think about Canada at all.
because they dont want to make the same mistakes as the us does and be known as another america they know better and dont want to associate themselves with u.s
Most Canadians could care less abiut about America, but you're right abiut the constant comparing and thinking we are holier-than-thou
every Canadian I've ever met is jealous of America's politics, heat, and liberties (particularly speech). every single one of them. it's bananas, and now health care is getting out of hand I'm sure it will be that next.
@@SouthCentralOntarioYeah because you guys are insecure and reek of inferiority
Shut ooop!
I hate hearing the truth aboat canada!
Americans, we sincerely apologise for these dumbest kids. We still love you and value you guys as a neighbor.
I love Canada...I always knew we weren't popular up there..with good reason!..but I never knew we were so hated..and that's not as bad as being seen as "morally inferior" country has many serious faults, but I've never known anyone to have a bad word to say about our northern neighbor!'s usually.."too nice..".."O Canada"!
Why gives, 'disoriented'?
One silly group of students who are guided by a very poor teacher to give the responses she wanted and you think all Canadians are ignorant about Americans? I won't even dignify your silly response with my good experiences with our Souther Neighbours.
Mhi kl...I never meant offense!..I do apologize!..and even if mistaken..I never strive to be "silly"
No, I apologize, Disoriented. I must have sped-red (Cheech & Chong) through your post. I was taken back by the "I never knew that . . . " but now with more care, I see I was at fault.
I have had many American friends and acquaintances in my years who love their country (but i do see the confused who take party politics far to much to heart).
Politics must bring people together. Both the major parties have had some great history with care & policy for the people.
But now they both seem to be bought solid by Big Corp, Media and Business.
Bernie has shown it doesn't take bribery to compete. Next election time, won't it be interesting to see if the 'Big Guys' are going to have learned from Bernie? Or, are they so totally in the pocket of Big Money and Corruption, they have no choice.
Also, will Obama hit the money lecture cirrus and become a multi-millionaire as did Clinton? My chips are he will.
Namaste and care,
I admire Bernie..but please don't take offense that I don't agree with his politics!'s possible..or used to the U.S. I abhor Trump..but I've encountered less pure internet hatred from his supporters than from Bernie's..perhaps that has reason..I guess the Trump guys think they can persuade me..and the Bernie guys think I'm a lost, evil cause..who knows?. Not all USAers support either Bernie or Trump..there is a middle..I wish to God I could find it!..I I know many Canadians see Bernie as a hero to the Canadians so often and correctly point out..we in the U.S. are NOT Canadians..if this makes us be it.. God Bless..(that means Namaste in Lutheranism)
I’m Canadian and I love America I can agree there is room for improvements like any country but I would hate this video to ruin Canada or America’s image
I've always loved Canada too! This is really painful to watch.
Luke Colwell You’re a joke.
Thank you
@@phrobozz Ikr
People who hate America have never been, lol. They should stop relying on stereotypes and go there!
Being a Canadian, the ending made me tear up.
U.S. and Canada are with each other to the end of the line
@@gumpb5439 end of the line in Afghanistan
I don’t care and i won’t get tear
@@montyi8 Well, not anymore….
Now, probably in Ukraine
Funny how Canada always talks about America but America never talks about Canada 💀
Why would they? a pissant US state in all but name. Australia has the same complex, albeit looser; but they are just as pathetic in their bend over backwards distancing.
I thought they were like us. Didn’t know there was that much of a division ☠️
Lmao 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
@Basically I'm Schlorping That doesn't make sense. How can you hate? Ive never seen people so jealous of us
Dude no European countries like the United States. It's like a global thing. It's not just canada.
As an American, I've always thought of Canada as our greatest ally, but if you want to think otherwise then that's ok I guess.
@@latengocomoburro and your a loser who sits in a chair all day ranting
@@ILDDS I am still right though.
@@latengocomoburro no not really just like canadiens are pancake eating maple farmers now please tell what canada did for the world?
the Canadarm, a robotic arm in space that deployed, captured and repaired satellites, positioned astronauts and helped build the International Space Station. That’s pretty big.
Japan n South Korea are more Friendly tbh
It’s like a American hate club
I don't blame them, They just know these truths about Americans and USA..
Machine gun Piggy so like all of Europe well most of them thinking they big shots
Hate? Disgust and distain is more accurate.
@Judoux review brah
This is because most Canadians develop their understanding of Americans from TV which is not reality. I have lived in both countries and have a lot of respect for Americans.
I live in America and I have no respect for A: People who unneccessarily politicize things B: People who unneccessarily politicize things C: People who unneccessarily politicize things.
Geo Thomas well said. Neo liberalism is a disease.
Corvette Dude - Same here. Canadians think they know a lot about the USA, but what they know is a lot of what they see on television or a lot of what other Canadians have told them about the USA. Living in the USA is a very different experience from watching its television.
People need to watch their local or maybe regional news some time, while specifically looking for any similarities between what is reported and what their own day-to-day lives are actually like. Then do the same thing for entertainment-oriented programming. Again, they should look for similarities, but they'll need to look really hard, because television really only bears a superficial resemblance to reality.
Canadians who think they know a lot about the USA because they get TV from American stations are about as foolish as people who think they know a lot about Japanese high schools because they've see anime or even live-action dramas about them. At best, you might have a superficial knowledge of history and geography, but certainly not real-world culture and behavior.
I've lived in both countries as well, and come from neither of them and I can say that I also have respect for Americans. Actually when I lived in Canada, most of the people I befriended where actually Americans, because they were friendlier and more outgoing. I found Canadians to be somewhat dull and even a little conceited.
I like both countries but I have to defend the US here, even though the US has problems it STILL has a lot going for it and I find the people to be, generally speaking, friendly and eager to please. I mean, it's a country of over 320,000,000 people; it's not ALL going to be bad. And day-to-day life in America is not so different to day-to-day life in Canada.
you said it well i know both countries as well and americans are great people
Strongly disagree, I definitely prefer our American neighbors
half my family IS American
Awwww thank you :3
i like all countries
To what?
you’re cute
That's a first, I've never seen or heard of a Canadian supremacist
Lucky she's not radical
Most Canadians are Canadian supremacists. You can tell someone is Canadian because they're either socially autistic or they won't shut up about Canada.
Childhood Obesity & Soda Canada is superior to the Backward Corporate States of America, and you Murcans have to be reminded of that often to put you in your proper place as in last place in the western world.
John Pole smoking Murphy, Come put us in our place. You are no better than the French, cowards.
The1Mouseketeer The entire western world puts you in your place as a backward 18th century Third World nation that has no place being called anything but a Third World nation.
Canada has already defeated the United States FOUR TIMES.
Canadians really be out here
pretending they aren’t the exact
same as the Americans.
Because We're Not lol
hahah defently not. Travel to some different countries.. in different continents ..and you'll see a good amount of people share the same opinions about Americans. I've had good & bad experiences with Americans, like many people from many places but I would much rather go to many, many places before the USA and its cutlure.
Lool we are not
the realG The only difference between Americans and Canadians (as someone who has lived in both countries) is that you guys tend to be a bit nicer, but no one really cares about Canada and Canadians.
@@reinerstitties found the salty american
They say Americans are arrogant but they feel they are superior, which seems arrogant to me. Don't bother telling me I am an ignorant American. I am Russian, not American.
Stop being an understanding Russian...
+Feriin......Sorry. I'm trying to not be stereotypical Russian. 😜😜😜
If they were actually arrogant, they would have keep their hands up when asked if Canada was better than most country. It's just compared to American.
***** Canadians act just like Americans only better morales and do not run around like cowboys at least you all know guns are not toys i own guns and love them but i don't act like an idiot with em
Actually, nobody in Canada are cowboys except for Alberta (and maybe Saskatchawn and Manitoba)
I seriously feel betrayed. And here I was thinking of Canadians as our brothers to the north, when, from this, it seems like they want to watch us all burn.
Same and i didn't even do anything to Canada to make them feel that way its all these other Americans fault for making them feel that way
@@St.LouisMadeNike at least you understand that. you seem like a ok guy, just know alot of Americans do not think the same way. Canada and USA are friends, its when they disrespect us that we get upset. and trump has not helped that.
@@mattsamoto4451 Nope...Canada hated the USA back when Obama was in office too.
Being anti-American is almost the default perspective in every western, liberal/progressive nation. Not really surprising. And I get why, but that perspective so detached and lacking in nuance that I don't even care to at this point. You just have to remember that it's not about you.
young chazo It’s not that deep-
Man it's like an actual Tumblr university
I cant decide which is worse, that or Trump U?
What the hell is a Tumblr university?
+Trump University, with all it's flaws, is 1 trillion times better than a Tumblr university.
Thanks for proving their point.
Damn Canada, where does this nice stereotype come from? I surely didn’t see it in this video.
There are nice people there just like any other country bro not trying to contradict your statement the entire world has good and evil I wish there was like 3 people that every single country chooses to meet and discuss a true unintended nations where arguing was not allowed but suggestions and ideas were all looked over and decided upon for the human race in general
@the Emperor of man i totally agree with you i hate people too especially Trump
@@bibfortunatv9303 ok
GenAfterNextTactics idk man that's why i rather leave America and go to Canada
GenAfterNextTactics some Canadians are a bit salty. I’m mostly salty at specific Americans and not all of you guys. I don’t blame you for thinking we are rude now.
I am from the UK. I have been to both Canada and the US for over half a dozen weeks each. Canada may be more accepting, tolerant and have less of an forward energy motivated by greed, but there is no place more boring than Canada. Everything happens in the US, nothing happens in Canada, it is almost like the place where immigrants who failed to reach the US decided to live instead. The US, despite its flaws, possesses a greatest ability to do any significant good in the world. Canada looks aesthetically the same as the US, with a British/European level of funding. If Canada somehow had a higher GDP than the US, I doubt that you would see much difference in terms of policy. The idea of living in the most powerful country corrupts most of those in charge of it. Canada would be no exception to that rule if it had the economy.
+Tom trip........go to USA ........just sayin......
Canada is a G7 nation meaning a very powerful economy and a developed country, “everything happens in usa “ right , you are talking about the movies ? 😂 canada is not boring at all , your circle is !! And btw Canada has is ranked many time le 1 st for quality life standards and most definitely has a higher GDP than UK ..
@@saythetruth1084 And guess who helped you guys get your GDP?
if canada wanted to be greedy they would keep the money to themselves and not have benefits for citizens and therefore there gdp rate would be higher if canada r greedy then why is there pm funding the healthcare workers and giving citizens free healthcare and why isnt america not doing that explain
@@socomxx but who country is not greedy
And I was here thinking we had a good relationship
Coluurful C; majority of us love their country but sadly they don’t feel the same about us
Americans think that for some reason. I have always known Canadians hate and envy us.
@WaVy Crockett #JizzBoss sometimes im sad to be an American...
We are the ones that are nice they full of there selfs
Canadians do not like the idea of Canada and the US annexing and more and more Americans are claiming they want to "join", so that upsets us. Please stay in your own country.
As a Canadian myself, I think our politics affect our views of each other waayyy too much. We both have terrible leadership rn and should hold on to our love for each other until things get better for us politically.
well bro, we were born from the same place, only difference is my country rebelled against its former.
@@jamesmadison7551 uh.... Both countries did
Real Canadians and real Americans have mutual respect and love for one another.
@@alton9565 look at your English used. Oh the irony.
@@alton9565 Tell someone to calm down, proceeds to post five different times.
So they are making angry the country that is “addicted to war” that sounds smart.
And they're saying americans are igorant
Kevin K your jealous you can’t afford health care.
@Kevin K can out afford schooling? It's you're.
AW Musse 😂😂
@Kevin K You forgot the period.
As an American, I still think Canada is a great country and the people are terrific :D
And the same with Most Americans. There are the corporate uncaring hurting all peoples with their drive to own everything and rule over everything. But the millennials will be in charge by 2024 and they will take back out beleaguered nations.
Namaste and care, we will be working together on this, as always,
I was pulled over once in Canada, The sheriff was kind enough to drive me to the nearest town to get a tow truck. (Clutch went out on my car). Then he drove the tow truck back to my car and helped me get it (the clutch) replaced.
This Sheriff also owned the local tow truck and mechanic shop. Very reasonably in his rates as well.
thank you sir/miss. as a canadian, i thank you.
but i do not think that everyone as a whole in america is bad as Canadians say they are. man is how he thinks of himself, that is what i believe, you can change yourself of the stereotype we ( Canadians ) think of you.
personally i think that america is great but the average canadian does not see the things that we lack, that they do. the average canadian is only looking for the things that we as a whole do best, in the Americans.that's not right. Americans are very hard working people and i don not understand why some Canadians don't see that.
the last thing i have to say to Americans is that you all have a lot of pride in your country and that is what makes you awesome :)
i love Canada still.
you jus made me love canada a little. :)
Thank you so much for saying that. I love my country. however, it saddens me that lately a lot of canadians have been getting bigheaded with the whole election business. Please don't take this interview to heart, for this is only a small range of people in our country. :)
What sums up this segment the best is the fact that the students threw out a lot of synonyms for "ignorant" to describe Americans, but then were asked to make sweeping generalizations about a country of 300 million people. I prefer strong socially democratic countries, but I understand that I'm left of centre in my views, which not everyone would agree with. My political stance is based on the idea that socialised systems are more compassionate, and more effective than systems from the right of the spectrum, and so it would be easy for me to say that Canada is a "better country" because it is more socialised. However I also believe that a country and its government should be a reflection of its citizens and their values. Americans are typically further right in their views than Canadians, and I think that their political system is a strong reflection of those views. As long as a country provides and protects the rights and freedoms of its citizens, is run by elected officials, and reflects the values of its people, there are no better or worse countries, there are simply different countries.
we ain't lost we right here halfway down that list are Indians number 12 Mexicans jesus is not his true name not to mention he was black the Bible says he's black and he was Hung from a tree how you gonna have White people in the. dessert the President of the United Arib Republic said in 1956 I don't trust these Jews because they left here black and came back white
The thing is, most people hate America and yet they love our movies, TV shows, TH-cam, etc. lol. I mean I do get that other countries hate our government. I am an American and I think our government is bull crap. So yes, hate our government, not us individually.
Zachary Xavier For the moat part, many people who are classified as Anti-American just hate the US government. Many of them enjoy American media as well as have American friends. This is coming from an American.
Why do you have such a bull-crap government when you are such generous people? You all vote, yes? There is a contradiction there.
Zachary Xavier you make an assumption that people prefer your movies, tv shows etc, I enjoy films tv world wide. You will find a lot of people think Hollywood is out dated, out of touch and a lot of your tv shows are crap.
WE DO. The media & 1% conflate the 2, but most of us do not. We get you are also victims of the US 1% (if not as bad off as their victims in the 3rd world)
WE LOVE AMERICANS MOST of us who have actually traveled there the others get their opinions from watching the hollywood society no wonder they feel that way
Well damn , it’s like that 😭? I thought we was friends 💀
Me too...
Isaak__ _ I thought you guys take pride in being able to make fun of yourselves?
@@isaak___9004 why? That sounds amazing. Why would you hate another for that. Sounds intolerant.
Isaak__ _ that’s cute. I’m tired of people asking me “how many schools have you shot up?”
I enjoy seeing the truth...we don't need to be friends w Canada but it's nice to be...Even this channel pushes the same agenda... Like us , hate us it's all good...we all know your place at the table like it or not...
Don't really care what Canadian think of American
then why you watching a video called what canadians think about americans lol
@@rishaa682 just to hear you bitches cry send Trudeau to gravel about a trade deal. Tell him to wear knee pads . They might come in handy
Ikr lol
@Not Who You Think / how dumb do you have to be to watch something youre not interested in when youre bored lol
As an Australian, a lot of Americans I've met have been extremely nice and a large portion of Canadians I've encountered have been arrogant and rude. I don't know what Canada's problem is, it just reeks of an inferiority complex.
I live in Colombia and it's the same here. We do tend to get more Americans than Canadians, and they aren't really regarded as much different. They do try to highlight somehow that they are different but for those of us here in Colombia who have dealt with them and I'm assuming for much of Latin America as well, we just don't see it. After seeing this video though it's left a bad taste in my mouth. Just because someone was born in a country that has a bad government doesn't mean that person themselves is bad. And that makes me think. If they are going to hate Americans for having bad government and policies, then what do they possibly think of me?
Look at it from their perspective. Canada has bordered on the wealthiest, most powerful, most militarily capable nation that has ever existed in human history, yet most of the world's population can't list a single achievement by our neighbors to the north. That's not to put them down, but by accident, they were born a few miles to the north in a country that is largely known as America's neighbor.
Look around your home and see the result of thousands of inventions created by Americans. Can you think of any that are Canadian off the top of your head? Even the Netherlands has had a much greater impact on history than Canada has. Of course, they'll have an inferiority complex.
@@eternalmystery121 but when they know nothing but the false stereotype and thinking u dont talk English yes its the governments for the education system
@@MaxAbramson3 the Person that invented pineapple on pizza is actually canadian I just thought I let u know bye
@@eternalmystery121 not so much u but the personality traits that u could have as an american and if u live up to them
i am Canadian and lived in the States for 5 years, the best 5 years of my life, people were great to me, people of all races, in 5 years i had not one instance of racism, there were great job opportunities and i don't have even one day in college! but i find Canadians to be everything that they accuse the Americans of including warmongering as we support politically every war the US has!
Not for me
I had racism for 3 years in the country side
you have been over there for too long, you have not seen what it has become.
and you have not had any racism problems cause your probebely white, or light enough to get by.
@@mattsamoto4451 and you probably have never even been to the United States.
@@guayabito6946 Ive been the USA enough to know i love Canada soo much more.
I am a Canadian who wanted to leave Canada and become a American because i truly find Canadians are reductive as others who are not Canadians and i have a pocketful of truthful sights that can shine on everyone who are clearly to be "EVIL"
I am the opposite.
Yeah sure, stop trolling you’re not Canadian in the first place.
Andre Bell bro Americans are nice we also thought you were nice too and there is no reason you should be mean to America for simply getting more attention
Anime 4Lyfe ok :)
Don’t come until after 2024, because you know who’s in office.
I think it’s important for these students to learn that it’s never fair to make generalizations about a country, especially one as big as the US. Yes we have our problems and stereotypes in America but there are a lot of genuinely good, smart, and cultured people here. I’m glad this piece touched on positive traits about Americans at the end. And yeah, I feel like most Americans have nothing but good things to say about Canadians.
I can’t say anything about Canadians, because I don’t know Canadians. Can’t speak on something you don’t know.
Ohhhh, okey
That's true, but if only your elected PRESIDENT weren't the negative embodiment of every American stereotype, I, and the rest of the world, may have bought your argument. Sadly --- well, you know where you are.
@@slushu_6865 yea but sadly the Canadian's in this video don't know that
Jeff the majority of Americans didn’t vote for trump. Please learn about the electoral college and how their government works. That argument was pathetic
I’m Canadian and I think Americans are awesome people I don’t know what was in those people who think they’re better then America
Ice tea
As a Canadian, all I can say is that those people are arrogant hypocrites.
I love how the Canadians call us warmongers and then say they’re superior war fighters. Also in the university, are they seriously teaching their students that they are superior to another nation? That is just insane. I am currently a student in the US, I’ve taken and am taking world studies classes and never once were we taught we were superior to another nation or culture. I suppose when you truly are a great nation you don’t have to tell yourself how great you are and teach ethnocentrism in your schools. No disrespect Canada but seriously, get a grip.
Luke Colwell have you ever been to America? I guarantee you that I know more about world politics than you and that while you pity yourself with the opinion that Canada and Canadians are better than America and Americans, you glance over the ties between the 2 nations. Don’t talk about heathcare, Americans with jobs don’t need it for free, nor do we need to request the government allow us to fix a broken arm, don’t talk about education, we have it feee through taxes and college can be payed for upfront, most people save their entire lives for college, and it costs the same upfront when compared to paying it though taxes. I respect Canada, but if you claim to be superior even though our politics don’t agree- where I think you should get a job and work with society rather than let society treat me- , then I find nothing superior in that. Im happy being an arrogant, egotistic American if I live in a country so shrouded in controversy, but willing to accept others who criticize me. Candaians aren’t nice people, in my opinion Canadians are extremely self centered and closed off, k think Canadians let to much get ti them and hold grudges for years upon end. But I also think Canada is a nice neighbor, i appreciate our shared history and trade partnership, I watch and listen to Canadian musicians and actors and I have some Canadian friends, but why must you claim to be so innocent but then be so arrogant to say “America is wayyyy worse than canada”? The hypocrisy in you in unreal
@Luke Colwell Is it alarmist funny or almost funny. Either way your wrong. The United States is a great country and you should go around spreading hate towards any other country.
lemme remind you, not all canadians are extremists like these people. these people are only a small fraction of the canadian population.
Great comment; “the lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinions of sheep”
I’ve heard many Americans pronounce things like ‘We’re the greatest, freest nation’, etc.
Canada should not be known as “Our Friends From the North”, Canada should be known as “Our Family From the North”.
As an American myself I love Canada as much as I love America.
As a Canadian myself, I love America just as much as I love Canada.
Old enemy today's north friend tomorrow's enemy it's really their opinion about Americans they are the people that burnt white house and when we had no advantages for them they be they true self the enemy not friend.
@@navidsalimi98 The British burnt the white house.
Why would we be family with you. Canadians don’t feel this way at all.
@@JeSuisDeleteit’s ok. we don’t care for the dense ignorant frenchies like you. Y’all are the black sheep of the family😂
Why should Americans care what "America Junior" thinks?
Not Junior. America 2.0 Canadians have learned how Amerians are ruining their own country and have upgraded.
Why do you Canadians treat us like we are the devil country. We say good things about your country and your people, and this is the response we Americans get? You killed me on the inside.💔😭
How do you feel about a US government official saying there's a "special place in hell" for our PM? That's not such a nice thing...
ptanyuh Honestly, who cares. Half of Americans could give two shits about politics. It's a sad truth, but it's the truth.
Trump is rude and crude, but he's done more good for the US in 18 months than Obama and Bill Clinton did in their total 192 months.
Half of these students aren, even Canadian
Kevin K yeah I’ve seen many Americans like that
We’re building a wall along the wrong border.
Canada is a friend, don't forget that. I know today's politics are particularly intense, but countries like France, Germany, and Canada are allies, very good and loyal friends. even if their leaders criticize our president, that doesn't mean they don't still trust us.
Louis Proctor lmfao
We should be the one building the wall. All your unwanted migrants are flooding across our “longest undefended border in the world,” claiming asylum to escape from the US and we’re supposed to deal with them. But if we build a wall it’s shame in us because we’re “Anti-American.” I say good. Let’s build a wall so no one goes in and no one goes out. Perfect. Go home Yankees!
Phycogames Yeet The point is that they are coming to our border from the US. Trump and everybody else is yelling at Mexico for letting them all go thought all the way from South America. If we are all supposed to turn a blind eye to this because the same people are illegally crossing a border only this time they are leaving the US then you are no better than Mexico or any other. Your immigration system can’t handle it even with 10 times more funding and the army then how is ours supposed to deal with it when they are illegally coming from a country that is supposed to be a law abiding than how is ours going to. Why don’t you deport them yourselves don’t let them in in the first place. You let them in, they are your problem.
Hey, Canada, I love you too, babe.
Why are we defending Canada again?
I can't think of a better country to defend.
Umm... your not
Your not lol
*later expansion*
@@billythekid4334 Only downer on that know we would help them.
Eye opener indeed. I'm an American who always liked Canada, and just about everyone I know here loves Canada too. This level of smug arrogance from our northern neighbors does sadden me. I always thought that our people collectively liked one another.
Almost makes me wanna "spread some democracy" up there, if you know what I mean... JK... But no seriously I am kinda triggered.
As a Canadian myself, it saddens me as well. I kind of feel like we're part of the problem, especially when people have sticks so far up their a** like in this video. It's hilarious to see how hypocritical some Canadians are where they think that they're better than Americans and then proceed to call them "arrogant".
Irony, Canadian look down on Americans but Americans have a very high opinion of Canadians as being friendly sweet people.
Nicholas Ashton I guess it's whoever has the loudest voice. The jerks in America speak the loudest.
America looks down to every other country yet other countries have high opinions on America
They both do
Most of the Canadians I've met are good people, and really not all THAT different from US citizens.
Not true. I have a complete negative stance on Canada. I think Canadians are a bunch of rude, narrow-minded people where all they are exposed to is Anti-America propaganda. The racism problem in Canada is also 99999999999X worse than you think. Believe me, spend your money and life somewhere else, not in this $h!th0le country!
Im a Canadian, ive been to America, Oregon to be exact. I must say its a really nice place and the people knew i was from Canada because i said "eh" alot lol. 10/10 would visit again.
Oregon is very similar to Canada in nature and culture.
You should come to Maine
You must have become really envious down there.
@@felix121984 I agree, I found people in Portland to be very unfriendly and impersonal, just like people in Vancouver or Toronto. They don't like to talk to strangers unlike other cities in USA.
Americans are good people.
Except for the vast majority of US politicians, used car salesmen (they love to rip off their customers), telemarketers/solicitors (they are very annoying[heck, many of them ignore "no soliciting" signs or "do not call" lists), criminals (e.g. thieves, murderers, and con artists/fraudsters), and so on. But in general Americans are actually nice people and so are Canadians. That being said, Canadians should get to learn about Americans as much as possible and vice versa.
Omg this is not what us Canadians are like at all! Wtf is wrong with these kids?! Lol I apologize Americans, I don't think of you guys as any of these. The only time I think bad about you is when Canada is playing against America in Olympic hockey.
That's ok
TwentyØnePøtatøPiløtsAtTheFallØutDiscø! A fair amount of Canadians think like this about Americans. I grew up hearing this stuff.
And we don’t care about hockey so if/when Canada wins, no one really notices. If a Canadian football team beat an NFL team, then Americans would *definitely* care.
TwentyØnePøtatøPiløtsAtTheFallØutDiscø! Thanks, it's okay.
well 3 months ago my car got sprayed in Canada go home yank so some of this stuff must be true
I'm from the Chicago area and I have nothing but positive feelings about our Canadian neighbors. Please remember modesty means you don't have to tell others you're modest.
those uni students and teachers really hurt my feelings.. 😂,jokes aside, i don't think they take the harsh words they say into perspective.
Also the goverment hides secrets from us too
The Nice Stereotype is bull Crap
Anyone see the NBA finals game in Toronto.
Those Canadians cheered when an athlete got injured
Yep. The Blue Jays fans on the baseball side are just as disgusting.
Thats toronto lol,if you go to western canada you might see a shift in change
When I was little I was at a theme park and there was a group of canadian teens and they were the nicest teenagers I ever met
@@blindedbytheliiiight1445 it's even worse in western Canada. What's even more unbelievable is that the French Canadians are actually the nice ones.
As an American, I have the upmost respect for the Canadians. However, this is where both Americans and Canadians needs to learn a lot about humility.
Red Reaper Americans wouldn't know humility if it walked upto them and said hi!
Kris Taylor hahahaha
You first. We will start when you catch up.
About what? ............never mind, not interested.
These were opinions of young people who have never left there mommy's basement. I would pay no attention to it.
A lot of stereotypes being thrown around here. Plenty of folks from the US are fantastic people.
like me!
@STONKS eggman nega
What the hell? As a Canadian I love America! I've travelled there many times my goodness I actually found Americans to be much more welcoming and kind than Canadians are, and I have lived here for over 30 years! Crazy stereotypes we are told not to believe them but Canadians believe every bloody one about Americans what an absolute shame. Even something like tailgating I get to America and all of a sudden that's cut down drastically too. Americans seem to love starting random conversations with you which doesn't happen much in Canada. Sad video and very, very disappointing.
Depends on where you go in either Canada or USA. Its rare in big cities to strike up a conversation with a stranger. Small towns in both nations are much more approachable. Also Northern USA is very similar to Canada than the south.
You are a Washington bot
Canadians are cocky they think they are superior and are cheap like the British I’m Mexican and when they come to Mexico they want to live like a millionaire with their $2000 usd for one month on the beach in a luxury condo so I tell them can you rent a condo like that and they say and in Europe south of France lmfao they think Mexican we don’t travel we are ignorant so I prefer people from the states the Canadians are not Europe they think and Canadians they always cry they are Poor but with expensive taste
@@felix121984I live in Minneapolis and we strike up conversations with everyone.
""the United States really helped canada in its development process"".....said no canadian ever...(even though that is the real truth)
paul thomas how?
Britain helped
Ha, bet you I just started a reply war
@@amazingtoad7244 since canadian parents dont explain it to their kids, canada copied the US development model. that is how you became industrialized. you are welcome.
"lets in invade canada" said every American in 1812
I am Canadian. And I don't have any problems with American people, I admire their constitution and see the idea of America as the most free country in the world. More free then Canadians.
America has its own head of state, too. There's been no need for the country to share a head of state with another one, for imperialistic reasons. The United States has long ago since, been able to stand on its own, as its own nation, without feeling that it needed to have regal ties to Great Britain. It is this exact independent spirit that has permitted its distinct constitutional & civil-libertarian evolution. All of the remaining anglophone countries that still function as dominions of Britain, are free to make that choice, in the future, of detaching from the monarchy and becoming republics. Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, and Barbados are all likely to take that step, sometime in this half-a-century.
Trust me their not....they don't abide by the's a Joke. Everything is for the Rich & Powerful and now we have a Moron leading the country with a bunch of corrupt villains in the White House.
justsaying So a guy responsible for a booming economy is a moron?
@@Crusader-ct1qv No. Obama is an ivory school grad.
justsaying fym we don’t abide by the constitution we have a division of the government directly tied to enforcing it
I apologize as a canadian for how arrogant these people are we value and respect you as a ally and neighbor
One of your southern neighbors speaking: We're cool. Glad you guys have been good neighbors to us for generations now.
Eqlas lolol I apologize as an American for the other Americans being douches to you as well.
Eqlas lolol Thanks, we respect you too.
No need to apologize. It's American to criticize. That's America's problem. If we can't accept criticism, then we will continue to regress.
I agree with you.
Alright Canadians and Europeans, repeat after me...
“Just because my country has socialized medicine, that does not mean I get to be a nationalist.”
Just because my country has socialized medicine that does not mean I get to be a nationalist
I agree
This video is truly troubling in many respects, this is the first time I've heard such negative comments about the United States from our neighbors to the north. Every country has pride in its self but to say one is "Morally Superior" is beyond the pale. Maybe Canada would like to go it by itself and cut all ties with moral lacking United States. As I said this video is truly troubling.
We should stop buying Canadian products.
Canada would become a third world country without america lol
yuh boii actually they wouldn't, all the USA has is debt.
@mikedoesseo Imagine thinking that a single college classroom of young adults giving simple and brief answers to simple questions in any way represents the entire nation's views towards Americans. Let alone wanting to boycott an entire nation's products for said classroom's views.
@@yuhboii7862 I lost all of my respect to Canada.
Canada the self righteous.
come on, and america isn't?
Canada is self-righteous for better reasons than America (which itself is also self-righteous), but many Canadians are self-righteous nonetheless.
America is the most self righteous country in the world.
I had no problem with Americans but over time I grew tired of the consistant bashing. Movies, tv shows we are a joke to you, your president called us snow Mexicans and wants to build a wall to keep us out. What's wrong with Mexicans? They are people, we are all on the same rock but I get put down from an america for who I am and where I'm from. You call me smug self righteous I treat others with the same respect they show me.
Now your the one in denial. Your president has expressed his lack of respect for canadians on several occasions I've been chew out by Americans for being Canadian like it's a bad thing. The fact we are a joke to your country isnt going to have a positive response.
I used to love visiting Canada.
Unfortunately, I find old friends taking on these opinions.
Don't worry, western Canada is still conservative.
They are not your friends then.
Sorry eh? Lol
I used to love visiting Canada too, until I visited Vancouver in 2017. I was greeted by a very rude customs agent who yelled at me when I didn’t understand what she was saying. And I flew in from Chicago’s O’Hare Airport where people were actually NICER there. And every time I go to Canada, I’m always greeted by passive-aggressiveness. God almighty people in Canada are dumb.
We can give you some of our legal weed now.
It's amazing to me how many countries describe Americans as dumb, yet the majority of the technology that they use is invented in the USA. The fact is that in the U.S. most people are very kind and step up to help other countries during disasters more than any other country.
Americans and Canadians are family Sometimes we get on each others nerves but we always stand together when we need to
Amen Dave..
Yeah, as soon as the americans stand together against Tyranny, we can be friends again, that's what cousin Trudeau said, and all the rest of the UN family!
Not any more!
those university students were embarrassing. I wouldn't want any other country for a neighbour. Canadians can afford to be the "nice, quiet, peaceful" one because we have our big brother next door that carries a big stick.
Fair words!
it always gets to me when people talk bad about the US... I understand why they think some of those things but a lot of it just isn't true. I take it personally. There are bad and good people in every country. Every country has done some bad things. I respect all countries and people. Those students need to learn a bit more about people.
It's just sibling banter, most Canadians (aside from recently landed immigrants granted citizenship), view the American/Canadian relationship as an amiable one. Siblings may quarrel but when the going gets tough, they go to bat for one another.
Yeah. A Canadian General recently said the Americans would have no obligation to save us if we were attacked. I for one believe it.
Frank Garrett Nobody would attack you just knowing what lies to the south,no matter what kind of garbage is spewed about us we just wouldn't allow it
We would because it would NOT be in our best interest to have a sworn enemy looking to attack us once they were through with Canada.
Addicted to war? Other than the conflict in the middle east that most american citizens were against, we have historically wanted to stat neutral and did so unless we were attacked. We stayed out of WWI until we had been attacked by Germany multiple times, we stayed out of WWII until pearl Harbor and we didn't really have much to do with the Middle East until 9/11 (and Dessert Storm was because Iraq invaded one of our allies) We really only go into war to save the asses of our friends but if this is what Canadians think of us then don't expect us to have your backs if you ever get into conflict
Eh yeah that is true but I don't think they're referring to wars +70 years ago. Since our conflicts in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as by our funding of conflicts across the globe (mujahideen, Iran-Contra) we have gained quite a reputation as warmongers. Personally I think we should use our power forcefully whenever necessary. However, that doesn't mean I don't recognize what we are, well meaning people who go too far sometimes
I guess vietnam and iraq were just friendly strolls in the park then, joeballs? Gimme a fucking break. When asked by people all over the world, which country was the greatest threat to global peace and security, the overwhelming majority said "America". Your government has a reputation for unnecessary and unjust military intervention for a reason, dude.
"stayed out of WWI until we had been attacked by Germany multiple times"
I must have missed those events. *When and where did Germany attack the US or large numbers of Americans multiple times between 1914 and 1917*? Shipping?
Guess who was also in Vietnam?? Australia, South Korea. Guess who was in Iraq?? The UK. Are those countries addicted to war too?
Don't forget that the US didn't have the unanimous global superiority it has now, before WW2. They simply didn't have the GDP they have now to be starting unnecessary wars.
Make no mistake fellow Canadians - the Canada you know today would cease to exist without our proximate to Uncle Sam. We are not a Sovereign nation, we produce virtually nothing, and Americans are far more God fearing and benevolent than we are. That should help put things in perspective. Canada is a great place to live, but not at the behest of snubbing our friends and family members to the south.
God fearing?? Wooow ok lol. No data, and cherry picking the "virtues".
Buddy the south brothers consistently bash canadians like we are below them, america is capital patriotism in everything they do. This video is pure bs.
I wont forget your president calling us snow Mexicans. Americans are closer to Mexico then Canada first off and why you talking about Mexicans like their trash? They are people just like anyone else in the world. I'm told when I travel outside the country not to wear any of my NYG stuff cause other countries hate America so much it might endanger me lol
@@properproper3876 Tbh I really never see Americans bash Canadians other than jokes that they are like a 51st state (BC similarities) or that you guys can be too nice/pushover, or occasionally I see political comments saying yall can be too tolerant/liberal. But other than that I generally don't hear any hatred of you guys, and I live in the hick, backwater South. Most Americans forget y'all exist.
@@properproper3876 also you can't really attack Americans over their president saying stuff. We don't control his actions. Most people didn't even vote for him in the election. And half the country wanted him out so bad they tried to impeach him
Everything these people are saying is wrong about Americans they should come down to North Dakota where I live and see what its really like, we get many Canadian truck drivers that love it here
Darth Killhoon i aint gonna lie but yeah there's some places in America that Canada would enjoy
I didn't know any real people lived in North Dakota.
I grew up near Canada, and at the time we were interchangeable , every weekend half of the northern USA was in Canada and vice versa. We were the same, different nationalities, but interchangeable, no little brother bit brother bull, we were taught about Canada in school, I beg to differ on the intelligence , the USA has always had Canadas back, and vice versa, these Canadians in this video seem to be a bit mislead, probably by media or social networking. You may be surprised at how much the USA citizens know about Canada.
joseph krieg I think its whoever has the loudest voice. I doubt most Americans are jerks but the jerks talk more.
very true Joseph but this young generation both sides need a good smack and put back in line
Interchangable. Yes at one time that was true. Then yous elected trump. He opend the american pandoras box, and let out all the evil that americans hold inside. At this moment in time Americans and Canadians are NOTHING alike. sorry, im not sorry.
matthew benard
i mean there was also a lot of people who also voted against him but he got chosen so ://
Canada literally lives in Americas shadow lol
I’m Canadian and love the US. It’s unfortunate that this program makes us look so ridiculously hypocritical. I’m sorry!
Agree thanks
I love Canada
Love you to🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Love from the usa and Pakistan🇺🇸🇵🇰❤️🇨🇦
I like the USA and Americans - good solid people. We travel to AZ frequently & enjoy the conversation, hospitality, and excellent customer service. Canadians could learn a great deal by spending some time down south.
Between 1:30 and 1:45 I learned that Canadians have no sense of national politics or economic development. I say this as a Canadian who resides in the States now. I too believe Canada does some things better than the US, but I think this is a trade-off for the more enterprising and self-starter culture one finds in America (which seems at odds against more social cultures that take care of citizens in need).
How can one say "Canada is better than the US" but not "Canada is better than most countries"? Do these students believe Canada is worse than most countries in Africa or Asia? Most countries in Eastern Europe and the Middle East? Most countries in Latin America? There are probably only 10 countries in the world match Canada's standard of living (btw, the US is on that list)... 10 out of 150+ countries.
Shameful display by Ryerson's students.
Proof that the U.S. is interested in invading Iran? The petrodollar is the biggest bullshit being peddled. Remember when the BRICS were going to start their own financial system that was surely going to spell the demise of the U.S. and dollar? That failed or is in the process of failing. I've been alive a little longer than you, I think, and I've been hearing about how the U.S. is on its last legs and the dollar is dead since the '50s. I guess eventually a broken clock will be right. China's growth is starting to dramatically slow, and they have a bigger debt problem than we do because it's mostly "off the books" in their shadow banking system. Now China is starting to take steps to deal with that, but it will come at a cost. The real reason people invest in the U.S. is because it's stable, has a functioning financial system with laws that are enforced, and with U.S. debt in particular the government's ability to tax. There's a reason Chinese are buying up properties in the U.S. as one of the only legal ways they have of getting their money out of the country.
Mircea Davidescu The people of Backward Corporate States of America cannot be enterpreneurs or self starters because they have to work for someone else in a job they hate to have any chance of having minimal insurance run health care. Canadians are more entrepreneurs and self starters than Americans because Canadians are guaranteed excellent health care even if they start their own business, while Americans can't do that.
If you take anything from this video it should be that it is bullshit..If you take it any further than that I fear ur a small mind :(
(I apologize for my grammar, while I do admit Americans do have their flaws, like education but that doesn’t mean people have a right to assume everything about everyone and I will answer questions anyone has so they could understand better..)
So I would like to share something that has happened to me today, I have a friend who I skype with all the time in Canada and today his father came onto the FaceTime and started talking to my friend about a tank that was outside his aunts house.
Somewhere during that conversation I couldn’t hear what was going on because I felt like it wasn’t my place to keep listening to their conversation..but his father started yelling really loud saying “we’re not gonna steal a tank! we’re not Americans!” my friend mumbled something to his father that I couldn’t hear but I think he may have said “please apologize” but his father started yelling even more saying “I’m not gonna apologize! Look who they voted for!” I remained quiet and didn’t say anything but my friend started defending me saying that I wasn’t old enough to vote (i’m 16) and his father replied with “Well their parents did!”. That whole conversation made me start tearing up and I ended up leaving the call, I didn’t let my friend know it was bothering me because I didn’t want him to worry... but it made me feel like I wasn’t even a human being and just someone who they felt they knew everything about? I can’t explain it but is this how canada really thinks of us?? Not all of us voted for trump.. stereotypes are stereotypes and words hurt.
(once again I deeply apologize for my grammar, it is something I have been trying to work on and I do struggle with.)
Avrillove11 M As a Canadian even I feel like that was so rude of him, every country has a flaws, stereotypes can be so hateful
That is the longest comment I've ever seen.
Judeau :(
@Judeau North korea?
Well here is my honest opinion about what I think of Canada.....Dang you Canada! Screw you are your insults! You obviously don't respect our American pride, And not all Canadians are bad there are actually some really nice ones
Canadians: "Americans hate us. We're better"
Americans: "What are you talking about? We *love* Jim Carrey"
Melancholic Wallflower
Canada: I feel bad for America.
America: Wait....who are you again?!
@@NintendoDudeWii when has canada ever felt bad for us? Lol we have nothing against Canadians. Never have. If yall do then dtop voming here. Notice none of us live in Canada. But canadian actors, singers, rappers stay immigrating here yet they hate us oh so much. Its funny. We love Canadians. Canadians claim we hate them and we don't. But yall hate us stop coming here then
Melancholic Wallflower I agree with you.
I am saying Canadians more often than not say “they feel bad for Americans” whenever they see bad things that happen in the US.
We have a major superiority complex over here. We crave attention, particularly from Americans.
I feel like we envy the fact that everyone cares about America but Canada is overshadowed.
@@thruthemotions LOL, exactly,.
Bad Driving in Hamilton Toronto Area no everyone hates America now
Wild fires are ignored in America while Australia gets babysat by the world when they have a fire
I mean yes you did get over shadowed in WW2 but that’s because America made a giant bomb and dropped it two times on japan making a giant historic event so America got attention
I feel bad for Canadians that are soaked in their ignorance to America like we though u guys we’re nice
I love you America and im a Canadian
Jacob Reinhart We love you too.
Jacob Reinhart WE LOVE U TOO
Thank you! We love you too!
Jacob Reinhart we love you as well Canada.
Jacob Reinhart we love you too from America
I worked in the US for 10 years and found people no different than here in Canada.
They're pretty similar in the Northwest as well, and from some minor experiences in the Midwest I'd say there too.
Can't speak for the south. I'm more inclined, from the people I've met who are _from_ the south, to believe there is indeed a bit of a cultural divide between the north and south, as is often portrayed.
I haven't been to the south myself except on a few occasions, so I can't say what day-to-day life is like, but I suspect there would be a noticeable, but survivable, culture shock if I moved there. I don't think I would find it so difficult to adapt.
Ultimately, people are people.
wonder eagle, your broad generalization is incorrect. I've worked there too and there's a vast difference, north and south. And actually Americans are much nicer to work with than Canadians. Easier to get along with and very helpful. Yes, I said it, Canadians, simply put, aren't.
I'm a Canadian that grew up in Texas and it sickens when I go back to Canada to hear what Canadians think about America. It's extremely incorrect. Americans always say to me how friendly Canadians are but I tell them Canadians are not as friendly as one might think. Americans love Canadians and think highly of the people. Canadians are the only people in the world that can immigrate to the US and been see as equal. The majority of Americans think immigrants from Canada should not have to go through the immigration process like people from other countries have to. Americans love Canada and there is no other neighbor in this world that the United States would rather have to their North than Canada!!
You are saying why you like us. That has nothing to do with how we feel about you. That is the subject of the video. Not about you. Your comment proves the point of the self-centred of Americans.
@@MrBonners now I'm not offended but I find this comment on the rude side. So if you are Canadian I think my point on how Canadians can be ruder than Americans think has been proven possibly accurate.
Well I have seen it many times Americans look at political issues differently than Canadians so I feel Canadians misjudge the American perspective and assume which leads to inaccurate viewpoints from Canadians
@@rorysirawesomeness8332 The people are the landlords of the property. They hire a property manger to operate and maintain the property and collect the rent from the tenants, the companies that lease real-estate to make and sell their wares. The landlord gets a 'Return On Investment' after fees and infrastructure expenses paid out. This is to be spent on what the owners/landlords desires. (Healthcare). This is not socialism nor communism but, pure capitalism.
The modern decades long colonial arrogance of Americans is commonly felt across the globe. Just as the arrogance of the european past empires and Rome. All constantly needed to be fed from outsourced supply, and all loud and proudly fell because it.
In my travels around the world I heard more then once from foreigners, never let the US military into your country. Because once they are in, they never leave. Their presence in the communities are loud, pushy, bold, and all too familiar.
This absolutely broke my heart. Thank you to the narrator for at least a couple nice words.
Damn, I thought we were friends
"Write down 1 word that describes canada"
"A good neighbor, hockey nuts"
Hahahaha, Canadian patriotism is like a light beer.
and american patriotism is as toxic as cyanide.
Light beer is all you got in the states.
The irony of your comment.
@@MountandbladeSteppeNomad Brother, when your country is falling, you will beg for our cyanide.
@@MountandbladeSteppeNomad Liberty over all
Englishman. I find Americans I meet travelling more down to earth and straight forward, respectful and funnier.
I’ve found Canadians to have a bit of a superiority complex going and more cold and less funny.
I too love Canada but some of them just don’t really understand us
I’m Canadian, and I love America! I have the same to say about you guys as I have to say about us.
@@animalloverjulian8243 I mean most Americans are very pro-Canadian, look at this comment section alone. Let’s not even get into the statistics, Canadians despise America despite the US being their greatest benefactor.
Man Canadians are like obessed with us. And aren't we like helping them economically in some way.? I wouldn't want to throw up right now Canada.
lol why would we be obsessed with you guys. You’re literally just making stuff up now. We wouldn’t even be able to name over 20 of your states.
Brandie Campbell well being a different skin color in Canada is Better then America
Age Restricted the thing about it is I don’t even know if Canada has states
Age Restricted we just don’t care what Canadians think about us
Age Restricted I don’t even know if Canada has states 😐 Does it?
I'm a Floridian and I can tell you that my state is invaded every year by Old-Timers from canada. You don't see us invading your country all the time like that. It gets pretty damn hot here in Florida. We don't run up to Canada during the summer and spend the entire time up there.
As an American, I thought Canada would have a positive side for us especially when there known to be nice people
Guess I was wrong......
These people are indoctrinated jerks told to hate!
I'm Canadian and wtf is this lmao
Show you what propaganda is
+Xuanming Lu exactly
FREE GEMS I dunno but the people those dumbass kids from Toronto are in complete denial about America-
Oka senpapi You're calling them dumbasses? I can barely understand what you're trying to say due to the lack of grammar. On a side note, most Americans are in denial about their own country.
you spelled grammar wrong douche bag
As a Canadian I have always had trouble embracing Canadian nationalism because so much of it is hatred directed at a certain group,. the Americans, its not to different to German nationalism in the 30's and 40's . i do however applaude the C.B.C here for doing such an honest commentary on this terrible problem we have here in Canada. I have met many Americans in my time and I would say 80 percent are very decent accomadating people who always have postitive things to say about Canada.
Canadians: we are better fighters than Americans
Also Canada, is protected by the United States
Not really
i like americans i meet ,we are more alike than not..
We all came from the same place. Hell was talking to a Canadian for about 30 mins thinking it was another American but she was from Canada lol. Hurtful for some people but, we truly are siblings with about same origins.
I don't even know where to begin with my comments. I'm half British half Canadian and have lived in Canada for eleven years. This video is so hilarious because it really does shine the light on the majority of Canadians as what they are; Self righteous, pig headed, arrogant, condescending and smug. "The world would be a better place if more people were like Canadians"? Are you having a laugh? Do these people have any idea how arrogant that is? I really think Canadians are massively insecure in their identity that they jump on the hating America bandwagon, just to make themselves feel better. You just have to listen to how most Canadians talk about Americans on a daily basis to realize how hateful they are. A friend of mine recently said "Americans are all about themselves". What a an utter load of absolute nonsense. The blonde girl who said that "Americans don't take the time to learn about us as we do about them". There's a reason for this. There is a reason why Americans don't care that much about Canada. Let's be brutally honest. Ready? Canada is not that interesting. Aside from a few glorious places in the country, Canada is mostly dull and bland. America is far more exciting and interesting than Canada. Fellow Canadians; get over it. As I said, I'm British and Canadian but always tell people I'm British because I do not feel Canadian in any way. What is Canadian, for that matter? Do I care if the French or Dutch don't want to learn about my country as a Brit? No, I don't give a shit? Why should I? Canadians are just so sensitive and I honestly believe they are so obsessed in a negative way with America is because Canada is so incredibly dull. Anti Americanism is their national pastime. Out.
Canada is living in americas shadow thats why. i wnat this anti americanism in canada to grow and eventually the US will just cut them off and cripple their country
Renovator Yeah, okay.
blah blah blah nobody cares
There are a lot of Canadians that have a simultaneous superiority complex and inferiority complex when it comes to America. While this doesn't fit all, it does sadly fit enough. You see this when some Canadians build their entire identity on what they are not (notAmerican) as opposed to what they are (Canadian) the reason being is that because our two nations and cultures are virtually identical in most ways, so these sorts of Canadians take great pains to differentiate between us. To the point of absurdity as this video shows.
Hit the nail on the head
Canada always has a high opinion of itself. True arrogance
You treat people the way you want to be treated we teach people how to treat us I am so sorry you think Canadians are ignoant you must of met the wrong people very unusual
America thinks they are better than everyone else. Pure arrogance
We're highly educated, that's why Americans come to school up here
@@DV-lr8ec And can you link your sources.
Nope, just true.
Canada is like the apartment above a really good party. They're always invited, but just complain about how loud the music is instead.
Mexico is the basement
HyperThorpe Playz where all the stoners go
@cole farrell I'm not really sure what your trying to say here but it doesn't make sense
HyperThorpe Playz why lmao
I am canadian and i think American folks are nice...craziness the world is so awful with all the criticism come on.
Why thank you that was nice of you to say about us Americans
I see our countries as brothers.
I am so glad we are not buying their steel anymore.
@Mike Eastridge Wrong. we are buying US steel at a higher price.
The problem with the story is that it's produced by a left leaning media and it's decribing attidudes held by left leaning students
Students most came from third world countries .go where the free is at .more fish plants workers .our health care is failing fast.than you can pick up and leave to another free country CBC shame on you.your the next to go .
Extremely dissapointing when I always say great things about Canada!! Why Canada???