Unfortunately the DNA seq workshop was not recorded and hence not available on youtube. But please check out the self-guided tutorial here: rbatorsky.github.io/intro-to-ngs-bioinformatics/
Is there a way for me to get access to the DESeq2 and Functional Enrichment code? I have finished my Differential expression using the old and trusty Tux pipeline. But the post differential expression data presentation I am struggling with.
Here is the github page this video used: huoww07.github.io/Bioinformatics-for-RNA-Seq/ More information can be found here: hbctraining.github.io/DGE_workshop_salmon_online/schedule/links-to-lessons.html
I am going to perform a pilot experiment with two samples from the WT group and two samples from the Null group. Are there other samples I need to send for RNA sequencing? I saw other people also included controls for sequencing. I don’t know what I can use as controls.
Excellent work. Much appreciated
Rebecca's explanation is clear about normalization without accounting for gene length. Thanks!
thank you very much, it is very helpful to me
Is the dna seq workshop mentioned in this video available to watch as well? I'd love to watch that too!
Unfortunately the DNA seq workshop was not recorded and hence not available on youtube. But please check out the self-guided tutorial here: rbatorsky.github.io/intro-to-ngs-bioinformatics/
how is the condition assigned to the design before using dds
Is there a way for me to get access to the DESeq2 and Functional Enrichment code? I have finished my Differential expression using the old and trusty Tux pipeline. But the post differential expression data presentation I am struggling with.
Here is the github page this video used: huoww07.github.io/Bioinformatics-for-RNA-Seq/ More information can be found here: hbctraining.github.io/DGE_workshop_salmon_online/schedule/links-to-lessons.html
I am going to perform a pilot experiment with two samples from the WT group and two samples from the Null group. Are there other samples I need to send for RNA sequencing? I saw other people also included controls for sequencing. I don’t know what I can use as controls.
Heads up, with only 2 samples you won't be able to do stats on your RNAseq and it will tell you very little. It will be a waste of money.
Hi! Where can I find the script to process the reads ??