they were never friends. she tolerated him for business reasons. Because of NDAs she cannot speak on him directly. But realistically it has nothing to do with her so why should she care? IT's trashy nonsense. She kept it light and positive. As she should.
I don't think she deflected at all. She said that she's been a long time advocate against such behaviors and she also spoke directly about not losing the opportunity for healing in the moment of the unfolding that the actions of Weinstein and those like him that have committed such violations is offering. She pointed to a Watershed Moment (Shifting of Directions) for such atrocities, at a scale that far surpasses the man in question, but the doors that have opened for the grander elucidation and empowerment for would-be future victims. She also spoke to the error in participation & facilitation that some of the women (for those where this bears truth) fell victim to. We have to all be accountable, despite how one-sided things may seem. It is unfortunate and it's certainly not always pretty, but we have a choice and we all have to do a better job of having the courage to make the harder choices, especially so in moments when we appear to be on the oppressed end.
She very good at pretending that she knew noting about what goes on in Hollywood and has successfully doomed many women to being molested. That's for sure. She is nothing more than a hypocrite.
Oprah bypassed that question about Harvey by generalizing it and spoke for most women. She manuevered and avoided giving her personal opinion about Harvey's past actions.
There is so much more to your life than trolling. In a video about spirituality, I would choose spirituality over religion any day if you trolls are the remnant of religion. Get up, show up, and do something important with your life instead of hating on a rich woman of color who has done more in her life for humanity in a week than you have or will ever do in your life. Her power to elevate consciousness about success, giving back, usurps you and that is your problem with her. Racism is a mental defect. The only real way to cure it is to let it die. Racism is taught. Her existence threatens the institution of racism, and that is upsetting to many who try to train others into believing in racial superiority. Hard work and steadfastness, compassion and humility, are what makes you successful.
Whoooooo Hooooooo. YES. Get up, get involved, give back, and stop stagnating in front of a computer bashing ppl who are actually living a flourishing life. Well said SparkApcider
Why was the male presenter the only one not looking at Oprah while she was speaking? Was he mad that she called him out on his silly statement re Bruce being a one man show? That is so disrespectful. Wow.
Miss Miami - oh that's right, you donated millions of dollars of your own money to build schools in Africa and give to those less fortunate didn't you? ...oh wait
His little boy feelings got hurt bc he asked a dumb question and got a smart answer. And he clearly has issues with black women bc his body language speaks volumes. But Gayle needs to shut up anyway. I'd rather the other 2 host do this interview without her. She keeps talking over her that could be annoying him too.
She wasn't unkind to him she was just correcting him. Plus no one really got to speak. When Oprah is there she dominates the conversation. It's why she became the top journalist talk show host in the world.
Pure uncut OpRa h, so refreshing to hear such honesty, the way things are going. I would not like to make suggestions to such a great person, yet you could now do a book on the docs released by Edward S. - "NO PLACE TO HIDE" - and how "Disruptions Operations" played into the hands of abusers to destroy my work in theatre, music, musical theatre... I was silenced by The Code of Silence. Normally in cyber space no one can hear me scream yet , I AM the one, the sad case, who sent that email a few days before she took her show off the air, just like Montell did, and Jessie Ventura, and FOX NEWS did to Glennn Beck. I will be President, as a classically trained actor...
Who doesn't know about the casting couch in Hollywood? Comm on! I knew when I was 14 reading old novels from Jackie Collins. Why are Hollywood hypocrites talk about this like this is so shocking? How did Oprah help inner city in Chicago all the time she was there? How often did she condemn the gang violence, drug, the toxic culture of rap music and hiphop, and the degenerate culture in Chicago's inner city? She has been very much silent about all these when she is the one who has the platform to raise awareness, just like she was silent about the casting couch in Hollywood.
Come on. Everyone in hollywood knew what was going on and what he was doing. Other people were in on it as well. Now they act like they are shocked and surprised. He made them alot of money. The women continued working with him and were all "kissy" to him when they were at the academy awarks. They all got what they wanted!
I wish I could remember exactly when I fell love with Oprah. Over the course of the taping of the Oprah show, something real and extraordinary came through. I believe that Oprah cleared the path for God, the source of all things, to work through her and what we got was something amazing. Oprah understood the brilliance of Eckhart Tolle's work and brought his spiritual teachings to mainstream America through the online classes, "A New Earth". There are many enlightened spiritual teachers that I respect and admire, but in my humble opinion, Eckhart Tolle nailed it.
karlamax3 POLITICS always have been & always will be vile~ make NO mistake about the past, especially with the PRESIDENT sitting. THEY ALL WORK FOR THE SAME PEOPLE!
I myself as a female have had only problems with women in the workplace in this same manner. So could we say that we shouldn't make this just about men, but instead the way the system of the workplace ran by fear? In my situation, I would have spoke up more, but no one would even believe me and it was embarrassing why women would even do such things toward me and they were also in places of power.
There are more than on way to study ....why are you so bent on having only one path? Let Oprah explore. If you would like to sit with one do it....let Oprah follow her own path. With this comment I will now go and buy this book and another one by Oprah,
Your intention over the MJ after never land was dark. You were an unethical journalist in that regard. You acted like judge and jury over some unproven allegations. It's a travesty of justice and you contributed to it inappropriately. There are HUGE discrepancies that cannot be taken as mistakes. They are lies. I do not think you are as spiritual as you make yourself out to be... And you see yourself more powerful than law or ethics
Amen, speak the truth...and the fact that she was Weinstein's best friend while probably knowing what he was doing all these years is another travesty.
It goes both ways! I've had several female bosses who were so incredibly unprofessional, disrespectful, abusive and terrible that they still give me bad memories. It's not just men. But unfortunately most male victims don't complain while females think they're the only ones who can be victims.
Love what Tony Robbins explained which goes along with one of the psycho-social developmental stages of Erik Erikson. (Identity vs Role Confusion) We development a sense of self and personal identity. Success leads to an ability to stay true to yourself, while failure leads to role confusion and a weak sense of self. According to the stages of development it should happen from age 12-18, but we usually jump back and forth from stage to stage as we continue to age.
I like Oprah's response about Weinstein because she points to the larger issue which is that women are freeing themselves from thinking we can't stand up against abuse.
wow looking at the comment section makes me sad. You can really tell that some people hate people that are successful and talk trash and try to bring them down.
Love Oprah! Oprah has done more for literacy than almost anyone in post-modern times. Humans are meaning making machines. Spirituality is our best chance to see the universe whole. Camille Paglia, secular, has some magnificent points on religion: People in the humanities have sunk into this shallow, snobby, liberal style of stereotyping believers as ignorant and medieval, which is total nonsense. And meanwhile, the entire professional class in Manhattan and Los Angeles is doping themselves on meds and trying to survive in their manic, anxiety-filled world. And what are they producing that is of the slightest interest? Nothing. Nothing is being produced in movies or the fine arts today (except in architecture) that is not derivative of something else. But the shallow, smirky atheism that’s au courant is simply strengthening the power of the Right. Secular humanism is spiritually hollow right now because art is so weak. If you don’t have art as a replacement for the Bible, then you’ve got nothing that is culturally sustaining. If all you have is “Mad Men” and the Jon Stewart “Daily Show,” then religion is going to win, because people need something as a framework to understand life. Every great religion contains enormous truths about the universe. That’s why my ’60s generation followed the Beat movement toward Zen Buddhism and then opened up that avenue to Hinduism - which is why the Beatles went to India with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Then it all disappeared. But spiritual quest was one of the great themes of the ’60s that has been lost and forgotten - that reverent embrace of all the world religions. This is why our art has become so narrow and empty. “Sneering at religion is juvenile, symptomatic of a stunted imagination.” It exposes a state of perpetual adolescence that has something to do with their parents- they’re still sneering at dad in some way.Richard Dawkins was the only high-profile atheist out there when I began publicly saying “I am an atheist,” on my book tours in the early 1990s. I started the fad for it in the U.S, because all of a sudden people, including leftist journalists, started coming out of the closet to publicly claim their atheist identities, which they weren’t bold enough to do before. But the point is that I felt it was perfectly legitimate for me to do that because of my great respect for religion in general-from the iconography to the sacred architecture and so forth. I was arguing that religion should be put at the center of any kind of multicultural curriculum. I’m speaking here as an atheist. I don’t believe there is a God, but I respect every religion deeply. All the great world religions contain a complex system of beliefs regarding the nature of the universe and human life that is far more profound than anything that liberalism has produced. We have a whole generation of young people who are clinging to politics and to politicized visions of sexuality for their belief system. They see nothing but politics, but politics is tiny. Politics applies only to society. There is a huge metaphysical realm out there that involves the eternal principles of life and death. The great tragic texts, including the plays of Aeschylus and Sophocles, no longer have the central status they once had in education, because we have steadily moved away from the heritage of western civilization. - Camille Paglia I will add, most secular "progressives" (I am a gay liberal btw) have a religion or a creed, their watered down Marxism. They're as fanatical about it as any Southern Baptist Christian.
Society prohibits individuals from making these changes in our lives these people keep talking about, day in and day out, that is the bottom line for so much unhappiness in the world. you can talk about all this fixes as much as you want, but day in and day out is the rule.
Oprah Winfrey seems to me as a personality that is way too overexposed. Talent clouded by overindulgence. She's an owner of her OWN magazine, TV channel, an "actress", a talk show host, a philanthropist, and even a journalist. These are great accomplishments - no doubt! In some cases may have even demonstrated talent as a journalists. However, TO ME she has a 'used car salesperson' and a sappy-aura feel that is Kardashian in nature. I find myself turning her off & discounting her work as "selling something" I don't need. Is my impression of Oprah real or am I totally missing something?
Why can't she get on ABC? Oprah is HARPO spelled backwards. Which came first the chicken or the egg? Where's her moral compass? Nancy would really love love to know.
I love how CENTERED and GROUNDED SHE IS and how she takes advantage of every avenue to network and state her case for Spiritual Well Being. She brings so much calming energy into a conversation. Also when she said Every woman who has felt she had the need to please or look a certain way to keep her job. Those days are about to be over. That was her ME TOO Moment right there. She didn't say it in as many words but you could see it in her body language. Gayle isn't the only one.
i lived-in america , those days are not over in america. this is not only that disgusting harvey guy.a lot go guys thinks that this is the way it is .there is not respect for women. extreme capitalist society and people are commodities.
Not accusing her of doing any work, but really? With her wealth God knows what her moisturerz contain. Obviously you're gonna look young with that bank account. :)
meyersonfire - No she did not gloss over it. What Oprah said was quite profound - shame you missed it. Oprah said - and I am paraphrasing - Let the world use this moment to see the bigger pucture. In other words the Lord has allowed this evil to be exposed to allow us to use the opportunity to begin to deal with this issue at a much deeper and bigger level. Let us not just see it as a Weinstein issue - if we do we will miss a clear opportunity to deal with this widespread evil - at the greater level it deserves and ought to be dealt with. In other words for example it reminds me of those dear wonderful families who experience a trauma or tragedy in life and use that as an opportunity to bring awareness to the greater evil that caused e.g. the death of the loved one or trauma. Some for example start a charity in the loved one's name etc By doing this the focus shifts to everyone playing a part to ensure the cause of the tragedy is sourced; dealt with and NEVER repeated
IF she knew and I said IF she needs to be sitting in a jail with him. Especially since she was sexually abused. I can honestly say I don't know if my friends are doing bad things. I really don't know.
REALLY!!!!🙄🙄🙄🙄she should just send everyone in the country a copy for free. AND THAT STILL WOULD not make a dent in her bucket🙄 funny how the Lord Jesus said the poor you have with you ALWAYS...but didn't say that about the rich😏
Why is Gayle acting like she isn't Oprah's best friend and knows basically everything about the woman from backyard size to natural hair
Junya Bunya Bla .. Bla Bla ....Boring......
Thank you! I know they're trying to keep it professional, but we came to know Gayle as Oprah's bestie!
ha ha ha good one! Junya Bunya!
Junya Bunya because she’s suppose to act like that.
That's exactly what I thought!! 😂
She low key defending Weinstein. Such a TOOL.
Nice deflection from Weinstein talking about women coming forward and speaking out and things changing. She is good friends with Weinstein!
they were never friends. she tolerated him for business reasons. Because of NDAs she cannot speak on him directly. But realistically it has nothing to do with her so why should she care? IT's trashy nonsense. She kept it light and positive. As she should.
I don't think she deflected at all. She said that she's been a long time advocate against such behaviors and she also spoke directly about not losing the opportunity for healing in the moment of the unfolding that the actions of Weinstein and those like him that have committed such violations is offering. She pointed to a Watershed Moment (Shifting of Directions) for such atrocities, at a scale that far surpasses the man in question, but the doors that have opened for the grander elucidation and empowerment for would-be future victims. She also spoke to the error in participation & facilitation that some of the women (for those where this bears truth) fell victim to. We have to all be accountable, despite how one-sided things may seem. It is unfortunate and it's certainly not always pretty, but we have a choice and we all have to do a better job of having the courage to make the harder choices, especially so in moments when we appear to be on the oppressed end.
Oprah is so eloquent, such a great communicator! I could listen to her for hours!
you probably have
She very good at pretending that she knew noting about what goes on in Hollywood and has successfully doomed many women to being molested. That's for sure. She is nothing more than a hypocrite.
Yes, I have and loved EVERY second!
+Deus Vult did she say she knew nothing about it? No. She said nothing of the sort.
+Deus Stop Hating
Oprah bypassed that question about Harvey by generalizing it and spoke for most women. She manuevered and avoided giving her personal opinion about Harvey's past actions.
well what you think that is? That he did a good thing? Does it need explaining?? What a weird comment.....
Cause she new and was part of it.
totally avoided talking about harvey weinstine
Hard for her to talk about Harvey
Cristie A that’s because he is one her best buddies! What does that say about Oprah
@@SS-ft8gx probably says he messed up big time, but he is my friend - can't deny him now.
There is so much more to your life than trolling. In a video about spirituality, I would choose spirituality over religion any day if you trolls are the remnant of religion. Get up, show up, and do something important with your life instead of hating on a rich woman of color who has done more in her life for humanity in a week than you have or will ever do in your life. Her power to elevate consciousness about success, giving back, usurps you and that is your problem with her. Racism is a mental defect. The only real way to cure it is to let it die. Racism is taught. Her existence threatens the institution of racism, and that is upsetting to many who try to train others into believing in racial superiority. Hard work and steadfastness, compassion and humility, are what makes you successful.
Preach, sister!
Amen, woman! 💛
Whoooooo Hooooooo. YES. Get up, get involved, give back, and stop stagnating in front of a computer bashing ppl who are actually living a flourishing life. Well said SparkApcider
Oh brother. Pipe down.
The way people have treated the victims of his sexual abuse is why kids don't tell people when they are being abused. Why men's and women stay silent.
Alex Avery
Thank you for including "men" in your statement.
I wish this interview was longer lol
Why was the male presenter the only one not looking at Oprah while she was speaking? Was he mad that she called him out on his silly statement re Bruce being a one man show? That is so disrespectful. Wow.
Love her. Good attracts good. She is one of those people that makes me want to be a better person. Bless her 💕
She is not good.
Cuz everyone abused or in unfortunate circumstances is just bad deep down aren't they
Miss Miami - oh that's right, you donated millions of dollars of your own money to build schools in Africa and give to those less fortunate didn't you? ...oh wait
How are those schools doing now? Did she "#BringBackOurGirls"?
so Bad attracts bad?
One of Weisntein best friend
So hypocrite......🤮...,
Weinstein talk starts at 5:50 mark.
You're awesome :)
That male host, Jeff was staring off in to the camera instead of looking at Oprah as she spoke. He looked like he was spacing out.
the combination of feeling inferior towards a black woman was way too confusing for his soul
She was a little unkind to him in the very beginning. maybe thats why!
His little boy feelings got hurt bc he asked a dumb question and got a smart answer. And he clearly has issues with black women bc his body language speaks volumes. But Gayle needs to shut up anyway. I'd rather the other 2 host do this interview without her. She keeps talking over her that could be annoying him too.
She wasn't unkind to him she was just correcting him. Plus no one really got to speak. When Oprah is there she dominates the conversation. It's why she became the top journalist talk show host in the world.
@@happycamper6888 Or MAYBE he can see her for the phony boot licking snake that she is
Pure uncut OpRa h, so refreshing to hear such honesty, the way things are going.
I would not like to make suggestions to such a great person, yet you could now do a book on the docs released by Edward S. - "NO PLACE TO HIDE" - and how "Disruptions Operations" played into the hands of abusers to destroy my work in theatre, music, musical theatre... I was silenced by The Code of Silence.
Normally in cyber space no one can hear me scream yet , I AM the one, the sad case, who sent that email a few days before she took her show off the air, just like Montell did, and Jessie Ventura, and FOX NEWS did to Glennn Beck.
I will be President, as a classically trained actor...
Tony Robbins is so calm and cool. Wisdom is better than silver or gold.
Loved hearing Bishop Walter Hawkins' song "Thank You Lord" in the beginning.
Oprah feels like a member of my family. She is just an ace lady
Oprah is so full of it!
She should
Who doesn't know about the casting couch in Hollywood? Comm on! I knew when I was 14 reading old novels from Jackie Collins. Why are Hollywood hypocrites talk about this like this is so shocking? How did Oprah help inner city in Chicago all the time she was there? How often did she condemn the gang violence, drug, the toxic culture of rap music and hiphop, and the degenerate culture in Chicago's inner city? She has been very much silent about all these when she is the one who has the platform to raise awareness, just like she was silent about the casting couch in Hollywood.
When some one says old men have to die ! Respect goes out of the window .
Come on. Everyone in hollywood knew what was going on and what he was doing. Other people were in on it as well. Now they act like they are shocked and surprised. He made them alot of money. The women continued working with him and were all "kissy" to him when they were at the academy awarks. They all got what they wanted!
No many people did NOT know.
Oprah's hair. I can't get over it. A lustrious thing of beauty.
It's called a wig.
@@johnfd0210 THANK you lol
Profoundly stated!..Thank you...💜
I love the book title The Wisdom of Sundays. I love Oprah too! I hope to meet her one day.
I wish I could remember exactly when I fell love with Oprah. Over the course of the taping of the Oprah show, something real and extraordinary came through. I believe that Oprah cleared the path for God, the source of all things, to work through her and what we got was something amazing. Oprah understood the brilliance of Eckhart Tolle's work and brought his spiritual teachings to mainstream America through the online classes, "A New Earth". There are many enlightened spiritual teachers that I respect and admire, but in my humble opinion, Eckhart Tolle nailed it.
You fall in love as you hear what you know deep down to be eternal, universal truth.
And she speaks for it.
She sold her soul to the devil.
please begin to further investigate filthy hollywood, the illuminiti, N satinism. of course, u can continue wearing rosy sunglasses.
Eckhart is a satinist.
Come on Oprah.....Speak the truth....Have the courage to say that Harvey Weinstein was wrong.
Oprah is doing so much more for the world by the content she releases to us..than what she can do in the political arena that has become so vial.
She's a gatekeeper.
would that be the release of her new ad for single serve mashed potatoes
would that be the release of her new ad for single serve mashed potatoes
karlamax3 POLITICS always have been & always will be vile~ make NO mistake about the past, especially with the PRESIDENT sitting. THEY ALL WORK FOR THE SAME PEOPLE!
I myself as a female have had only problems with women in the workplace in this same manner. So could we say that we shouldn't make this just about men, but instead the way the system of the workplace ran by fear? In my situation, I would have spoke up more, but no one would even believe me and it was embarrassing why women would even do such things toward me and they were also in places of power.
*Note for viewers actually interested in watching this convo and who wish to maintain positivity: skip reading the comment section. The end.
gale says “you must have a big yard” as if she hasn’t been there
Oprah why did you turn dr. sebi down and you promote against his science?
There are more than on way to study ....why are you so bent on having only one path? Let Oprah explore. If you would like to sit with one do it....let Oprah follow her own path. With this comment I will now go and buy this book and another one by Oprah,
Wow oprah we hear u loud and clear
Oprah and Gary Zukav are literal credits to humanity
Your intention over the MJ after never land was dark. You were an unethical journalist in that regard. You acted like judge and jury over some unproven allegations. It's a travesty of justice and you contributed to it inappropriately. There are HUGE discrepancies that cannot be taken as mistakes. They are lies. I do not think you are as spiritual as you make yourself out to be... And you see yourself more powerful than law or ethics
Amen, speak the truth...and the fact that she was Weinstein's best friend while probably knowing what he was doing all these years is another travesty.
Love the song in the beginning, nice!! 💗
It goes both ways! I've had several female bosses who were so incredibly unprofessional, disrespectful, abusive and terrible that they still give me bad memories. It's not just men. But unfortunately most male victims don't complain while females think they're the only ones who can be victims.
2 wolves in sheep clothing they were quick to condemn her own people but dismiss the act of this devil
Why did Gayle change the subject so fast???
i would like to know who designed the frames for the glaases she wears particularly the ones she wore on SSS with Tony Robbins
Love Oprah Winfrey Masterclass!! Those episodes are the best
Oprah why did you turn Dr. sebi down and you promote against his science?
Because the beef industry almost destroyed her
Oprah ruined her presidential run for 2020, with the Kadian Noble story. She also promotes Chrislam. She's a nut.
what book that they mention, what is it??
6:41-8:06 So True!
Own podcast not available in South Africa 😭
Love what Tony Robbins explained which goes along with one of the psycho-social developmental stages of Erik Erikson. (Identity vs Role Confusion) We development a sense of self and personal identity. Success leads to an ability to stay true to yourself, while failure leads to role confusion and a weak sense of self. According to the stages of development it should happen from age 12-18, but we usually jump back and forth from stage to stage as we continue to age.
You continue to grow and you and need you in our lives today!
Love the podcast
WHERE was Charlie Rose that day?
Love you Oprah
Dont like Gail:(
Dude! I felt that way after I saw J Cole live! ! !
so tired of oprah thumping her 'perfection'. enough O.
I love Oprah! Plus she looks great with her hair pulled back. ❤️
We shouldn’t laugh at 7:42 and he’s right important that he said that
I like Oprah's response about Weinstein because she points to the larger issue which is that women are freeing themselves from thinking we can't stand up against abuse.
I just said yes to the lure of this video on the sideline--but this was not my intention, lol
2017 is sad, we live in a world where it is tough to ever be a black woman succeed like back then in her day.
somebody explain me here 1:10
Gayle was not “Gayle” on this one...we all know why🧐
Ms. Oprah Winfrey love her very down to earth
wow looking at the comment section makes me sad. You can really tell that some people hate people that are successful and talk trash and try to bring them down.
Lou Angus so true
Lou Angus you’re spot on!! How can you get these hate filled comments from the dialogue happening in the video? Smh
Lou Angus ohhh how you guys hate Trump for being successful?
Yea I hear ya
Lou Angus its just that we see her for the fake she is, for the evil that she has done and knew about. Time to wake up, oh sleeper
Love Oprah! Oprah has done more for literacy than almost anyone in post-modern times. Humans are meaning making machines. Spirituality is our best chance to see the universe whole.
Camille Paglia, secular, has some magnificent points on religion:
People in the humanities have sunk into this shallow, snobby, liberal style of stereotyping believers as ignorant and medieval, which is total nonsense. And meanwhile, the entire professional class in Manhattan and Los Angeles is doping themselves on meds and trying to survive in their manic, anxiety-filled world. And what are they producing that is of the slightest interest? Nothing. Nothing is being produced in movies or the fine arts today (except in architecture) that is not derivative of something else.
But the shallow, smirky atheism that’s au courant is simply strengthening the power of the Right. Secular humanism is spiritually hollow right now because art is so weak. If you don’t have art as a replacement for the Bible, then you’ve got nothing that is culturally sustaining. If all you have is “Mad Men” and the Jon Stewart “Daily Show,” then religion is going to win, because people need something as a framework to understand life.
Every great religion contains enormous truths about the universe. That’s why my ’60s generation followed the Beat movement toward Zen Buddhism and then opened up that avenue to Hinduism - which is why the Beatles went to India with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Then it all disappeared. But spiritual quest was one of the great themes of the ’60s that has been lost and forgotten - that reverent embrace of all the world religions. This is why our art has become so narrow and empty.
“Sneering at religion is juvenile, symptomatic of a stunted imagination.” It exposes a state of perpetual adolescence that has something to do with their parents- they’re still sneering at dad in some way.Richard Dawkins was the only high-profile atheist out there when I began publicly saying “I am an atheist,” on my book tours in the early 1990s. I started the fad for it in the U.S, because all of a sudden people, including leftist journalists, started coming out of the closet to publicly claim their atheist identities, which they weren’t bold enough to do before. But the point is that I felt it was perfectly legitimate for me to do that because of my great respect for religion in general-from the iconography to the sacred architecture and so forth. I was arguing that religion should be put at the center of any kind of multicultural curriculum.
I’m speaking here as an atheist. I don’t believe there is a God, but I respect every religion deeply. All the great world religions contain a complex system of beliefs regarding the nature of the universe and human life that is far more profound than anything that liberalism has produced. We have a whole generation of young people who are clinging to politics and to politicized visions of sexuality for their belief system. They see nothing but politics, but politics is tiny. Politics applies only to society. There is a huge metaphysical realm out there that involves the eternal principles of life and death. The great tragic texts, including the plays of Aeschylus and Sophocles, no longer have the central status they once had in education, because we have steadily moved away from the heritage of western civilization. - Camille Paglia
I will add, most secular "progressives" (I am a gay liberal btw) have a religion or a creed, their watered down Marxism. They're as fanatical about it as any Southern Baptist Christian.
I'm here after her speech
i love how Gayle's pretending that she doesn't know how big her yard is.
You lost your integrity long ago, we just had no idea because you were wearing a mask for decades!
Oprah Winfrey is very wise.
Wise? No. Shrewd, yes. Big differences
Congratulations on your Book The wisdom of Sundays .
Society prohibits individuals from making these changes in our lives these people keep talking about, day in and day out, that is the bottom line for so much unhappiness in the world. you can talk about all this fixes as much as you want, but day in and day out is the rule.
Oprah knew about Harvey
Oprah Winfrey seems to me as a personality that is way too overexposed. Talent clouded by overindulgence. She's an owner of her OWN magazine, TV channel, an "actress", a talk show host, a philanthropist, and even a journalist. These are great accomplishments - no doubt! In some cases may have even demonstrated talent as a journalists. However, TO ME she has a 'used car salesperson' and a sappy-aura feel that is Kardashian in nature. I find myself turning her off & discounting her work as "selling something" I don't need. Is my impression of Oprah real or am I totally missing something?
Tony Fuentes opray is all about self
Oprah is everywoman.
Why can't she get on ABC?
Oprah is HARPO spelled backwards.
Which came first the chicken or the egg?
Where's her moral compass? Nancy would really love love to know.
She makes me cringe
Try this for a TH-cam search! No results for loretta lynch bill clinton tarmac.
GREAT to see you Oprah , you are one of my favorite people in this world. You are a great humanbeing
i love oprah!
finally once she speaks and make sense to me
I love how CENTERED and GROUNDED SHE IS and how she takes advantage of every avenue to network and state her case for Spiritual Well Being. She brings so much calming energy into a conversation. Also when she said Every woman who has felt she had the need to please or look a certain way to keep her job. Those days are about to be over. That was her ME TOO Moment right there. She didn't say it in as many words but you could see it in her body language. Gayle isn't the only one.
Love me some Oprah she still didnt answer the question that the other broadcaster asked what does she meet by spirit .
Interesting, Gary Zukav speaks to his own sexual addiction history in his writing.
Oprah! Wakeup! God is the highest authority everrrrrrr!!!!!!!
i lived-in america , those days are not over in america. this is not only that disgusting harvey guy.a lot go guys thinks that this is the way it is .there is not respect for women. extreme capitalist society and people are commodities.
Oprah looks fantastic, hard to believe she is over 60, she doesn't age at all, she is reversing the aging process.
Not accusing her of doing any work, but really? With her wealth God knows what her moisturerz contain. Obviously you're gonna look young with that bank account. :)
So true!
kinda glossed over that weinstein, dno't you think?
meyersonfire - No she did not gloss over it. What Oprah said was quite profound - shame you missed it. Oprah said - and I am paraphrasing - Let the world use this moment to see the bigger pucture. In other words the Lord has allowed this evil to be exposed to allow us to use the opportunity to begin to deal with this issue at a much deeper and bigger level. Let us not just see it as a Weinstein issue - if we do we will miss a clear opportunity to deal with this widespread evil - at the greater level it deserves and ought to be dealt with.
In other words for example it reminds me of those dear wonderful families who experience a trauma or tragedy in life and use that as an opportunity to bring awareness to the greater evil that caused e.g. the death of the loved one or trauma. Some for example start a charity in the loved one's name etc
By doing this the focus shifts to everyone playing a part to ensure the cause of the tragedy is sourced; dealt with and NEVER repeated
إنما الاعمال بالنيات
But she is right... This is a Watershed moment. And we have to use it to bring about change.
5:52 for harvey weinstein
Don't you have to be a real person to run for potus?
IF she knew and I said IF she needs to be sitting in a jail with him. Especially since she was sexually abused. I can honestly say I don't know if my friends are doing bad things. I really don't know.
Oprah why did you turn down dr. sebi and you go against his science ?
Gail looks 😔
We need people like Oprah in politics.
PrissyExplorer I concur
PrissyExplorer no we don't
Oprah is a racist, a billionaire all the things you mentally ill liberals hate about Trump.
That makes you hypocrites
I'm as far from a liberal that you can get.
REALLY!!!!🙄🙄🙄🙄she should just send everyone in the country a copy for free. AND THAT STILL WOULD not make a dent in her bucket🙄 funny how the Lord Jesus said the poor you have with you ALWAYS...but didn't say that about the rich😏
I love Oprah or what I've seen of her,she seems to be a genuinely warm human being who really wants the world to become a better place.
No can do. My yearbook says "never change".