@@RJ1999x I didn't know Reagan was a liberal when he tried to surpress Union's rights to legally protest. I didn't know Trump was a liberal when he asked governors to go hard on protestors (notice he didn't single out the rioters and those actually breaking the law, just all protestors.) I didn't know Nixon was a liberal at Kent State. I didn't know Mitch McConnell was a liberal when he tried to have peaceful protestors in his own home town arrested because they were anti-gun violence, even though the protest was legal and had all appropriate forms. Look, I am not saying the left is better than the right. Or vice versa. But some liberals and conservatives have both taken turns suppressing freedom of speech. To make this a polarising issue of liberal versus conservative, as you have, is to ignore atrocities done by both sides of this debate. It is cognitive dissonance of the worst kind, because it is factually incorrect, and excuses behaviours on one hand while villifying those same behaviours done by others.
@@RJ1999x - lol! Nice deflection. Trump called for governors to be hard on all protestors, not just the rioters. And being hard on those who were obeying the law, limping them in with those who were not, is calling for suppression of free speech.
@@anatomicalx9355 tbh not everyone and even then this should’ve been his speech for him to make and at graduations I’m pretty sure anyone would know not to be offensive
@Travis Heitzman if the EEOC found out about that your bosses can be sued for discrimination! It is illegal for employers to discriminate based on race! You are simply a racist
The adults are talking behind him to prepare themselves if the speaker starts making negative comments. All schools ask for copies for speeches so they can confirm there is no racist or bigoted comments in them to protect all the people in attendance. When the speaker did not submit his speech and did not read the prepared speech. The administration behind him prepared themselves to act if the speech started becoming negative. Happened at my graduation. Salutatorian started making off handed remarks. He was promptly removed from the pulpit. That is the administration is sitting there.
@@johnnyrocket9372 I understand who they are. However, I can't pretend to know what they're discussing. Guess you can. See in my high school there was a dean who could act without running his thoughts past other teachers.
@@OttoMattak as a family member of a teacher. They are given tasks during the ceremony to make it move smoothly. They talk to each other to confirm there actions. Because we live in a sue happy world, they have to make sure they are correct.
@@johnnyrocket9372 I wholeheartedly disagree with your assertions. Competent adults plan for distractions in a high school setting. They do not quickly conspire in full view of the student body, families, staff, and cameras. Especially while a pupil is speaking in front of a crowd. It's beneath them. I apologize if this is how you've been led to believe adults should act. Basic etiquette is sorely required. You pretend to know what they're saying. In other words, you are speculating. I'm reacting to what we all see to be true. They are conducting numerous hushed conversations behind a podium. It's unprofessional, disruptive, and disrespectful. I won't bother justifying my conclusion by telling you how many educators I intimately know.
I will say this. I hope your family member isn't one of these people in question. They're obviously playing games. Not simply during the graduation ceremony. No, that's just the icing on the cake. In the end, they were so contemptuous as to play games with this young man's future. Vouch for them all you want. I'm not interested in their apologists.
@@johnnyrocket9372 for some reason my comment was removed. The long and the short of it was we all have our own interpretations I suppose and not worth arguing. Lol
@@thelemonheads4853 I agree about the arguing, but I do believe that polite conversation is good. the only way to learn and improve is to see other perspectives and points of view. I find that most people on these comment sections once they are question go directly to belittling.
@@johnnyrocket9372 agreed. Name-calling doesn't make for a very productive conversation. Sometimes it does go that way for me but it's never productive.
I saw this once and it totally applies: There’s only two kinds of people. People who will do what they are told no matter what is right. And people who will do what is right, no matter what they are told. Brave young man, he will go far.
He did an awesome job! Now, his former high school principal should be fired for withholding his diploma. Next time the administration should be more clear about speech expectations and deadlines.
Travis Heitzman wth dude. Why r u generalizing a whole race? That’s so racist. U wouldn’t like it if I said “whites don’t know how to season their food” or “Asians eat dogs” sorry u had a bad experience with a black person but u should rlly judge in content of character instead of skin color 🤦🏾♀️
But they still failed him last second after graduation, and he had to repeat the 12th grade! So he graduated as apart of the class of 2018. Hilarious 😂😂😂
@Travis Heitzman the question is why should he follow those instructions in the first place? We don't need more people "just following orders" or doing what they are told. Look at where that has got us! It takes more to think for yourself, take personal risks, overcome mistakes, and live by self integrity.
@Travis Heitzman I understand the concept of law and order but the kid earned his diploma fare and square. I disagree that a speech should give his school administrators the right to deny that fact. Especially considering he supposedly wasn't told about the deadline. He's got his right to free speech and that doesn't negate the fact that he completed his school work. He was the class president so all evidence would suggest he's a studious kid who follows direction and isn't lazy so I believe him that he wasn't told about the deadline. Maybe if he had said crazy things or cursed in his speech then you'd possibly have a point but there's no record of any of that. Sounds like the school dropped the ball. They agree with me, btw, which is why they rectified the situation with a personal apology from the superintendent.
@Travis Heitzman it is true that we have laws/rules/norms for the benefit of a civilized society. But that does mean one should blindly follow them just because they exist. They should be challenged and tested to make sure they are the right rules. In fact, humans have been doing that very thing since the beginning of civilization. Just because there is a rule or law doesn't mean it's right - this has been proven time and time again. One should not cower to authority just because they are told to be subservient. That's not strength, sophistication, or intelligence, that's idiocy. I served in the military after high school, just like this young man is about to, and even there you do not follow rules just because they exist. I was a military police during my time in the service, and one of the first things you are taught is you are accountable for your decisions. You are held liable (sometimes criminally liable) if you follow unlawful orders regardless of the persons higher rank ordering you to do something. This means you can't just blindly follow rules, but instead you must interpret them and adjust them based off the circumstances of a given situation. A lot of dangerous mistakes and injustice happens because people put rules and systems over people.
@Travis Heitzman If he was a star student then he is likely to be a smart and capable person. I gave my speech with another classmate for our graduation and we wrote it also. This is standard practice and it is a bad look to not follow. The administrators do not set the law or standard and shouldnt have forced him to perform their speech. This is just my opinion however I do wish you get a little more sympathetic for this young man even if youre upset at what he did
I to admire him, but do you realize this would not have been an issue if he listened to the administration when they told him about the deadline for all speeches to be submitted to the school for review.
@@johnnyrocket9372 Of course, that's it! He did not meet the deadline, so they what, couldn't take 5 min. out of their busy day to read the damn thing?
@@faithgarden2955 so they informed everyone but him. If you believe that you are lying to yourself. My final week of high school at every event from rehearsals to school hosted parties they reminded everyone of the speech submitting deadline.
Yeah, that's ridiculous. You can't stop someone from graduating after 14 years of hard work and good grades, simply because they read a speech THEY wrote and spent time and effort one, and not some generic BS from the internet.
Well said. The administrators were all behaving like children behind him when they started whispering and making it obvious that something strange was happening. Really leaders??? Is all of this whispering, leaning and chatter necessary? Just talk to him about it afterwards. But intentionally being distracting during his speech was very unprofessional.
This is HIS moment to speak...he's worked hard to have the honor of standing at that podium and have his voice heard. They taught the guy to read and write and should be proud of how articulate he was.
The school only prepared the speech to cover themselves. They ask for copies of speeches so that of you give them a nice speech to review. Then give a racist bigoted speech at the ceremony the school district cannot be held liabal. This is a sue happy world we live in.
The school said he missed the deadline and the student claims he did not know. Assuming both are telling the truth, maybe the school should have reached out to him, the day after the deadline and made an inquiry. While I don't like the idea of the school writing the speech for him or withholding his diploma, he should have turned down the offer to make the speech when he was told he could not give his own. While this video does not give us the complete story, it seems he took the school's speech, giving the impression he would deliver it, then didn't. That was misleading and disingenuous.
That deadline thing is pretty silly if you ask me , it's not as if it takes a week to review a 1 minute speech , it could have easily been done on the fly at the graduation or any time prior .
You didn't want to give him a diploma he earned and needed, meanwhile he's preparing to risk his life to serve our country...this is sickening! you should all be ashamed of your pitiful selves!
The school admin was petty, childish, and disrespectful to this young man, as well as to the US ARMED FORCES to which he has a Contract of Enlistment/Service. What if he was reporting the day after graduation-that act could have made him UA (Unofficial absence/AWOL) and that is a position any of us who have served never want to be in at any time. To the graduate, thank you for enlisting and being honorable, and to the school admin., you owe him MORE than what you did for your disrespect and this will be remembered. I say terminate their employment.
@@pamfoster4460 Ok, what do you think is going to happen when he decides that the orders given to him by his commanders in the US Navy are Petty and childish and he doesn't want to follow them? Are you going to support him in his independent thought and growth as a young man into adulthood when he gets an article 15? Oh and by the way there's no way he would be UA while he's DEP....He would just stay in contact with his recruiter about the situation. The school could not withhold his diploma. They were wrong. That's why they hand delivered the diploma and he got a phone call from the superintendent. But he was not cool he was not mature he did not show great moral fortitude or strength of character. He rolled his eyes as he pulled his phone out. He was being petty and childish and those are not qualities which make a good service member. I hope he grew up.
I disagree. Half of the engineers I work with were in the Navy. You can do school full time while serving, graduate with no debt, spend your late teens/early 20s traveling the world, and then land amazing jobs working as a DoD contractor.... But yeah he could have made a great accountant or business major if he went to college instead.
@Daniel Coronado No no. He didn't screw up joining the Navy. Any of the branches would work. He screwed up by enlisting instead of going through ROTC and becoming an officer.
Amen to that, I do hope schools will allow the 1st amendment. We don't want to see Kent state or Des Moines vs. Tinker again. And to the people think that the school was in the right doesn't see seem to understand the American dream and the reason why blood has been shed on this faithful land. We need to show more of the 1st amendment
tman Our way of life is under constant attack. It’s sissies like you that stay home in the comfort of your mommas basement, while patriots are out fighting to keep our liberties in tack. This young man is anything but a bootlicker. You have the right to call people that, because people like him fight to keep it that way.
@@numberoneduno7265 The biggest threat to the American way of life is within it's own borders. It's not the red abroad that's the problem. It's the Red under the bed.
He didn't need to give them more ammunition! He already showed them that they couldn't intimidate him into not reading his speech. He did "exactly" what was needed! It was about him publicly acknowledging thankfulness to God! That's what he needed to do! When Daniel was thrown into the den of lions, he didn't need to tell the king, hey, I'm down here!
He’s class president. If I were him, I’d want to say my own speech too, I mean come on. This is a very important milestone for him. Who tf would want to say a speech that the administrators wrote?
@@carlraffen6543 … that’s not a thing you know. EVERYBODY is able to feel disagreement with another person/ organisation. But to be deliberately confrontational without knowledge or consideration is called ‘Pain in the Arse’ disorder.
Thank God that he had the courage and integrity to stand up for his rights and to express his own thoughts, rather than the thoughts of school administrators. He is a breath of fresh air and, hopefully, a sign that our nation is definitely going to become great once more! Thank you, Mr. Wright (what an appropriate last name!), good luck in your future; thank you for choosing to serve our nation! Your parents have so very much to be proud of!
I ain’t Gonna adding to that, they KNOW how to make public schooling more efficient, but then who’s gonna run their factories and pizza shops? It’s about money not about caring for us. They won’t provide free college or free health care, but they’ll fight wars and send us to die for money. And they’ll ban drugs and say that it’s for our prosperity, when it’s to keep us strong enough for the work that they can profit from.
It's crazy when a high school graduate is more of a grown-up than the principal. It just seems like they were trying very hard to take away his right to free speech. Congratulations good sir you are a fine man and I wish you the very best in life.😊
@USA#1 !! I come from a military background. My Great grandpas brother served. Long story short he got both his legs blown off then was put into a burn pile with others, he ended up rolling off and crawling a mile or so to the road where friendlies were. When he got to the hospital his finger's were so badly damaged by frost bite they had to amputat quite a few. He survived his injuries and died a few years after I was born, he died in 2006 I believe. My other relatives dont have such badass stories such as my uncle who caught some kind of disease over seas while serving in the navy that made his testicles nonfunctional. My father got shot multiple times on multiple different occasions in the butt. All that said I do agree with the other guy. Fighting wars to defend your country and peaple is amazing and honorable, but rn we're in 9 illegal wars last time I checked. These wars are not for the sake of defense of the country rather thier for another countries natural resources. I hate the fact we have men dying over seas to fill someone's pockets, in a unessecery endless war. Even if you don't agree with what the other guy is saying, he has the right to say it, amd many men in arms such as my family also share the same thought process as that guy, surely you wouldn't tell any of them they dont deserve freedom.
@CantOutRunADuck Rules were broken? All I saw was a student reading his graduation speech, as is common in most American schools. Correct me if I am wrong, or admit that you are.
@CantOutRunADuck Hmmm. You may be right, but this whole situation is very suspicious. There is no proof that he was informed of any 'deadline' or that said deadline existed in the first place. To the casual observer, it would appear that you are taking the school's side without considering the student at all. Also, unless America is completely backwards, it is illegal to withhold a student's 'diploma' without academic or legal justification. And violating school rules does not provide either of these. Again, if I am misunderstanding the situation, please correct me.
@Travis Heitzman You're some kind of dipshit. Look up the definition of the noun 'instruction' - Instruction, noun (ORDER) Something that someone tells you to do
Good for that young man. There comes a time in every person's life when they have to choose between standing up for themselves, or going along to get along.
Yes of course “God is evil and a fairy tail but the state looks out for our well being”. I’m not particularly religious but you’re asinine to think that he’s in the wrong here.
That principal should be fired! Poor kid! He worked so hard on his speech and thats how they behave. I gave my speech in on Friday when the graduation was Sunday and my principal let me use it. I guess my principal is normal and this principal is not! bravo! I am happy you got your diploma! one day you will be a big business
“Educators” sicken me I hope that goes down on the principal’s permanent record. You wonder why our schools are so wrecked? Look at the type of low life they’ve employed
Michelle No ma’am not “one” A lifetime of watching people lord over children simply because they themselves are too frightened to apply themselves outside the microcosm of academia. I love knowledge and the search for it, but the glorified welfare recipient government employees known as educators are an obstacle, not an avenue.
In my school's case, a creepy Dean who got off on exercising power and stalked the lunchroom checking out the teenaged girls. Also several of my teachers were weirdly pedantic about me calling a man who married a 14 year old a "pedophile". They did it in the same way that you argue points that are unimportant, because you know that you can't say what you really believe or you would lose the argument. Weird and concerning.
An apology wasn't enough. What a horrible thing that petty principal did. He has no business working with High schoolers or any children for that matter.
The principal and everyone involved should be removed and barred from ever educating or managing education ever again. This is not education, it is indoctrination.
@@dontremoveme7481 it actually is they. The person could have also finished the sentence as “ they are.” If you’re going to correct grammar, know your grammar.
You should be proud of this young man for his accomplishments and not bring him down to the level of his insecure principal. Class valedictorian and joining the forces, a fine young man!! Canada
I have a VERY hard time believing that a student of such high intellect and drive, would miss a deadline to submit his speech. After all the work he’s done, he wouldn’t do THAT?!
I'm a Navy Vet and it makes me proud that he is going to be a fellow ShellBack, keep expanding your horizons, by not listening to those morons you will go far.
@@boanerges6886 Ok, what? So he's ignoring protocol and deadlines and just doing whatever he wanted and that's ok?. Did you see him rolling his eyes as he began his speech? That kind of defiance and disrespect is accepted in the Navy? Makes me proud to be Army.
@@ratsumatra3003 A Soldier, Marine, Sailor or Airman are not drones if given an unlawful order you should be able to make a right decision and not violate your conscious and do things that are just plain wrong.
It's not about Controlling a life. You can be absolutely sure that it was his mention of God that they despised & that's why they rewrote his speech. They used their position of authority to violate his First Amendment Right to Religious Freedom!
Good job young man!!! The parts of the speech played were good! First, congratulations on graduating and enlisting. And second, be proud of standing up for what’s right. You had every right to read the speech you wrote, that’s why your classmates made you their class president!
We need more brave young people like this man. You can tell by his voice how afraid he was, but he refused to be bullied. And you can see the weight that was lifted when his classmates cheered.
Per earlier comment but more broadly, many educators have warped into telling youth and college students what to think, not guide in how to think critically. This young man can forever hold his head high.
When are we going to learn that in high school, they have a different view of life than some of us have? It's maturity in the making. Don't stop them. We need to hear from high school people as well as hear from people our age!
It's not just a piece of paper, though. He has to present it when he shows up for training in the military, or to his recruiter beforehand. That dumbass move from the school admins could have cost him.
This young man showed courage and conviction and through the fact that he was senior class president showed he had also earned trust. Preparing a bland speech shows disrespect and distrust. Shame on the school administration. This man will be an asset to the US Navy and to the nation. We have to have faith in the younger generation, they will be here when weˆre no longer here. All the best, Rob in Switzerland
As the son of a school teacher with a PHD in teaching and numerous masters, Fire that principal and ban him from every education field for the rest of his life. What he did was sneaky, underhanded, and downright distasteful. I hated it. It makes me genuinely angry that these kinds of people are in our education system and it needs to stop. Those in the education industry need to care for the students and teach them to be indapendent.
stand by what you know to be right and most times you will do the right thing. You did the right thing Marvin. Good luck in the Navy, I know you will make your country proud.
@@deepsleep7822 I’ll write something on a piece of paper and then make you read it before you get what you already earned and we will see what you say about it ? Does that make any sense now ?
Congratulations to this amazing young man who stood by his principles and stood against the principal who exerted authority without reason and therefore has no integrity, nor legitimacy to his reign of terror.
"We encourage young people to think for themselves, until it's time to stop."
My school taught me that sense headstart lmao
Biggest mistake he ever made In high school.
Thinking for himself almost cost him 4 years of hard work.
You can do it your own way if it's done just how I say
"Freedom of speech as long as you agree with us"
Pretty typical liberal move
Ew, liberals
@@RJ1999x I didn't know Reagan was a liberal when he tried to surpress Union's rights to legally protest. I didn't know Trump was a liberal when he asked governors to go hard on protestors (notice he didn't single out the rioters and those actually breaking the law, just all protestors.) I didn't know Nixon was a liberal at Kent State. I didn't know Mitch McConnell was a liberal when he tried to have peaceful protestors in his own home town arrested because they were anti-gun violence, even though the protest was legal and had all appropriate forms.
Look, I am not saying the left is better than the right. Or vice versa. But some liberals and conservatives have both taken turns suppressing freedom of speech. To make this a polarising issue of liberal versus conservative, as you have, is to ignore atrocities done by both sides of this debate. It is cognitive dissonance of the worst kind, because it is factually incorrect, and excuses behaviours on one hand while villifying those same behaviours done by others.
@@waynefeller8824 I don't know how Trump suppressed free speech, by busting up out of control riots
@@RJ1999x - lol! Nice deflection. Trump called for governors to be hard on all protestors, not just the rioters. And being hard on those who were obeying the law, limping them in with those who were not, is calling for suppression of free speech.
The speech they wrote for him was the most bland, generic, utterly inoffensive speech to ever be written
As it normally has to be. Dont you realize people get offended by everything these days, and are more than happy enough to try and sue?
In China a large amount of education consists of memorising and repeating long sections of text, I guess these administrators want to replicate that
@@anatomicalx9355 Someone probably got offended by him thanking God at a graduation.
@@anatomicalx9355 tbh not everyone and even then this should’ve been his speech for him to make and at graduations I’m pretty sure anyone would know not to be offensive
@Nicholas Weng that’s just higher standards lmao
Glad this young man has MORE INTEGRITY than his school’s administration. Bravo young man, you will go far. 👍🏻💜
When the student acts more intelligent than the educator.
@@subraxas Admin are more like politicians than educators.
@@subraxas I think it can be said both ways
But then he joined the Navy
I'm always amazed when adults in power get petty.
Just wait until he gets into the military.
Get petty...you mean get HITLERIZED...ITS TGE NEW LIBERALISM!!!!
@@hubster4477 Hubster, this young man, I believe, will succeed in the military.
@@wms1650 hope so, but you know how much the military loves free thinkers.
@Eli Pen i needed to see that
They wrote HIS speech? Good job making your point.
Light ttt ok Hitler
This world will be better without people like you
@Central Intelligence Agency @Light ttt
@Travis Heitzman if the EEOC found out about that your bosses can be sued for discrimination! It is illegal for employers to discriminate based on race! You are simply a racist
@@lightttt5146 okay bigot!
Integrity, character and honor, you are the man ! No one can take that from you.
I graduated in this class and it was crazy af, the principal had to hand deliver his diploma along with an apology and his resignation.
Good to know, thanks.
My question as a White guy is would they have done it to a white student because it seems they didn't like his being black and smarter than they are.
Paul Edward Montador be careful bringing up race, your gonna spark a giant argument here.
Let the principal read it then,it's his words not the Students.
The adults carrying on conversations behind him, during his speech, are being disruptive and disrespectful.
The adults are talking behind him to prepare themselves if the speaker starts making negative comments. All schools ask for copies for speeches so they can confirm there is no racist or bigoted comments in them to protect all the people in attendance. When the speaker did not submit his speech and did not read the prepared speech. The administration behind him prepared themselves to act if the speech started becoming negative. Happened at my graduation. Salutatorian started making off handed remarks. He was promptly removed from the pulpit. That is the administration is sitting there.
@@johnnyrocket9372 I understand who they are. However, I can't pretend to know what they're discussing. Guess you can.
See in my high school there was a dean who could act without running his thoughts past other teachers.
@@OttoMattak as a family member of a teacher. They are given tasks during the ceremony to make it move smoothly. They talk to each other to confirm there actions. Because we live in a sue happy world, they have to make sure they are correct.
@@johnnyrocket9372 I wholeheartedly disagree with your assertions. Competent adults plan for distractions in a high school setting. They do not quickly conspire in full view of the student body, families, staff, and cameras. Especially while a pupil is speaking in front of a crowd. It's beneath them. I apologize if this is how you've been led to believe adults should act. Basic etiquette is sorely required.
You pretend to know what they're saying. In other words, you are speculating. I'm reacting to what we all see to be true. They are conducting numerous hushed conversations behind a podium. It's unprofessional, disruptive, and disrespectful.
I won't bother justifying my conclusion by telling you how many educators I intimately know.
I will say this. I hope your family member isn't one of these people in question. They're obviously playing games. Not simply during the graduation ceremony. No, that's just the icing on the cake.
In the end, they were so contemptuous as to play games with this young man's future.
Vouch for them all you want. I'm not interested in their apologists.
Good for him. He was obviously afraid, judging by the way he was shifting and looking over there, but he stood his ground. 👍
That's the fear of public speaking.
@@johnnyrocket9372 for some reason my comment was removed. The long and the short of it was we all have our own interpretations I suppose and not worth arguing. Lol
@@thelemonheads4853 I agree about the arguing, but I do believe that polite conversation is good. the only way to learn and improve is to see other perspectives and points of view. I find that most people on these comment sections once they are question go directly to belittling.
@@johnnyrocket9372 agreed. Name-calling doesn't make for a very productive conversation. Sometimes it does go that way for me but it's never productive.
@@thelemonheads4853 agree 100%
I saw this once and it totally applies:
There’s only two kinds of people.
People who will do what they are told no matter what is right.
And people who will do what is right, no matter what they are told.
Brave young man, he will go far.
THAT's a keeper, right there!
Or people who will do what's right some of the time and what they're told some of the time.... life isn't black and white like this
People do as they please, choosing horrible battles to pick due to ego. At least he lucked out eventually.
He did an awesome job! Now, his former high school principal should be fired for withholding his diploma. Next time the administration should be more clear about speech expectations and deadlines.
Hold the school accountable!
I wouldn't be surprised if the "deadline" was created after the fact.
Travis Heitzman wth dude. Why r u generalizing a whole race? That’s so racist. U wouldn’t like it if I said “whites don’t know how to season their food” or “Asians eat dogs” sorry u had a bad experience with a black person but u should rlly judge in content of character instead of skin color 🤦🏾♀️
@Travis Heitzman Bless your heart.
@Travis Heitzman
Obvious troll is obvious 😂
He did his time and passed all his marks.
That’s what the diploma is for, you can’t decide he didn’t do all that work because he refused you.
@It's Academic A receipt needed for future careers....
Exactly he did all the work
But they still failed him last second after graduation, and he had to repeat the 12th grade! So he graduated as apart of the class of 2018. Hilarious 😂😂😂
@@thefirespecialist9007 wait really o.o
@@leilamin1780 Yeah, unfortunately... for him!
Good job kid! This is what we really need now, young people that aren't afraid to push back against system overreach...
Yes daddy you’re exactly right daddy
@Travis Heitzman the question is why should he follow those instructions in the first place? We don't need more people "just following orders" or doing what they are told. Look at where that has got us! It takes more to think for yourself, take personal risks, overcome mistakes, and live by self integrity.
@Travis Heitzman I understand the concept of law and order but the kid earned his diploma fare and square. I disagree that a speech should give his school administrators the right to deny that fact. Especially considering he supposedly wasn't told about the deadline. He's got his right to free speech and that doesn't negate the fact that he completed his school work. He was the class president so all evidence would suggest he's a studious kid who follows direction and isn't lazy so I believe him that he wasn't told about the deadline. Maybe if he had said crazy things or cursed in his speech then you'd possibly have a point but there's no record of any of that. Sounds like the school dropped the ball. They agree with me, btw, which is why they rectified the situation with a personal apology from the superintendent.
@Travis Heitzman it is true that we have laws/rules/norms for the benefit of a civilized society. But that does mean one should blindly follow them just because they exist. They should be challenged and tested to make sure they are the right rules. In fact, humans have been doing that very thing since the beginning of civilization. Just because there is a rule or law doesn't mean it's right - this has been proven time and time again. One should not cower to authority just because they are told to be subservient. That's not strength, sophistication, or intelligence, that's idiocy. I served in the military after high school, just like this young man is about to, and even there you do not follow rules just because they exist. I was a military police during my time in the service, and one of the first things you are taught is you are accountable for your decisions. You are held liable (sometimes criminally liable) if you follow unlawful orders regardless of the persons higher rank ordering you to do something. This means you can't just blindly follow rules, but instead you must interpret them and adjust them based off the circumstances of a given situation. A lot of dangerous mistakes and injustice happens because people put rules and systems over people.
@Travis Heitzman If he was a star student then he is likely to be a smart and capable person. I gave my speech with another classmate for our graduation and we wrote it also. This is standard practice and it is a bad look to not follow. The administrators do not set the law or standard and shouldnt have forced him to perform their speech. This is just my opinion however I do wish you get a little more sympathetic for this young man even if youre upset at what he did
They showed their true colours, he stood his ground, good for him.
I’d like to shake that mans hand and tell him I admire your guts.
Also admire his hard work that caused him to be chosen to give the speech.
I to admire him, but do you realize this would not have been an issue if he listened to the administration when they told him about the deadline for all speeches to be submitted to the school for review.
@@johnnyrocket9372 Of course, that's it! He did not meet the deadline, so they what, couldn't take 5 min. out of their busy day to read the damn thing?
@@johnnyrocket9372 He said they didn't inform him about a deadline.
@@faithgarden2955 so they informed everyone but him. If you believe that you are lying to yourself.
My final week of high school at every event from rehearsals to school hosted parties they reminded everyone of the speech submitting deadline.
He earned his diploma by earning the grades. I guess the principal thinks she's GIVING him his diploma.
Yeah, that's ridiculous. You can't stop someone from graduating after 14 years of hard work and good grades, simply because they read a speech THEY wrote and spent time and effort one, and not some generic BS from the internet.
BennyWinZ 14? your including preschool as well as kindergarten?
Brianna LeeAnn .... What’s wrong with that?? You saying they didn’t work hard??
Brianna LeeAnn What’s wrong with that? I know some people didn’t go to preschool or kindergarten, but still...
@@dadocta8355 Just because you were held back two grades doesn't mean it happens to everybody
[I'm just joking]
They always "teach" kids to be "Leaders", up until it's actually time to LEAD. Then, they want you to stay in a "child's place".
I know right???
@@arbitrarylib shit's ridiculous ain't it?
Well said. The administrators were all behaving like children behind him when they started whispering and making it obvious that something strange was happening. Really leaders??? Is all of this whispering, leaning and chatter necessary? Just talk to him about it afterwards. But intentionally being distracting during his speech was very unprofessional.
Exactly, well Americans are still kids till there 30 except the ones that become soldiers they grow up fast
I hope that you have Great success in the navy !!!
This is HIS moment to speak...he's worked hard to have the honor of standing at that podium and have his voice heard. They taught the guy to read and write and should be proud of how articulate he was.
He should not have been ordered to read a prepared speech! He earned the right to make his own speech...
The school only prepared the speech to cover themselves. They ask for copies of speeches so that of you give them a nice speech to review. Then give a racist bigoted speech at the ceremony the school district cannot be held liabal. This is a sue happy world we live in.
He missed the deadline to submit his speech though.
The school said he missed the deadline and the student claims he did not know. Assuming both are telling the truth, maybe the school should have reached out to him, the day after the deadline and made an inquiry. While I don't like the idea of the school writing the speech for him or withholding his diploma, he should have turned down the offer to make the speech when he was told he could not give his own. While this video does not give us the complete story, it seems he took the school's speech, giving the impression he would deliver it, then didn't. That was misleading and disingenuous.
That deadline thing is pretty silly if you ask me , it's not as if it takes a week to review a 1 minute speech , it could have easily been done on the fly at the graduation or any time prior .
You didn't want to give him a diploma he earned and needed, meanwhile he's preparing to risk his life to serve our country...this is sickening! you should all be ashamed of your pitiful selves!
They did eventually but yeah your point still stands
The school admin was petty, childish, and disrespectful to this young man, as well as to the US ARMED FORCES to which he has a Contract of Enlistment/Service. What if he was reporting the day after graduation-that act could have made him UA (Unofficial absence/AWOL) and that is a position any of us who have served never want to be in at any time. To the graduate, thank you for enlisting and being honorable, and to the school admin., you owe him MORE than what you did for your disrespect and this will be remembered. I say terminate their employment.
@@pamfoster4460 Ok, what do you think is going to happen when he decides that the orders given to him by his commanders in the US Navy are Petty and childish and he doesn't want to follow them? Are you going to support him in his independent thought and growth as a young man into adulthood when he gets an article 15? Oh and by the way there's no way he would be UA while he's DEP....He would just stay in contact with his recruiter about the situation.
The school could not withhold his diploma. They were wrong. That's why they hand delivered the diploma and he got a phone call from the superintendent. But he was not cool he was not mature he did not show great moral fortitude or strength of character. He rolled his eyes as he pulled his phone out. He was being petty and childish and those are not qualities which make a good service member. I hope he grew up.
I totally agree
@@ratsumatra3003 Go serve yourself before you call someone not a good service member. Then come back and apologize.
The courage he showed in the face of authority to do what he thinks his best will take him far if it hasn’t already.
The conferring of a diploma awards the completion of studies. Character comes from the inside...
Wonder how far that will take him in the military...
@@Postmodern368 I'm betting little man is going to collect his very own article 15s.
Awesome for standing up for what's right!!
Thank God he had the backbone to do what he did, a deciding point in his life.
Amen sister
I just hope he isn't penalized for doing so. No good deed goes unrewarded...
Multitude, multitudes in the valley of decision.
Choose Jesus. he is the truth.
Class President and enlisting in US Navy. School withholding his diploma. At that moment he had already won.
I bet the Navy was pretty pumped to be getting him on board. Obviously random school vs US Navy was a done deal lol
I disagree. Half of the engineers I work with were in the Navy. You can do school full time while serving, graduate with no debt, spend your late teens/early 20s traveling the world, and then land amazing jobs working as a DoD contractor.... But yeah he could have made a great accountant or business major if he went to college instead.
@Daniel Coronado No no. He didn't screw up joining the Navy. Any of the branches would work. He screwed up by enlisting instead of going through ROTC and becoming an officer.
@@Zachomara No one respects a butter bars.
Using his first amendment right, just before he heads off to protect it for the rest of us. Thank you young man!
The best comment I've read. Salute
Amen to that, I do hope schools will allow the 1st amendment. We don't want to see Kent state or Des Moines vs. Tinker again. And to the people think that the school was in the right doesn't see seem to understand the American dream and the reason why blood has been shed on this faithful land. We need to show more of the 1st amendment
Our way of life is under constant attack. It’s sissies like you that stay home in the comfort of your mommas basement, while patriots are out fighting to keep our liberties in tack. This young man is anything but a bootlicker. You have the right to call people that, because people like him fight to keep it that way.
@@numberoneduno7265 The biggest threat to the American way of life is within it's own borders. It's not the red abroad that's the problem. It's the Red under the bed.
Gary Reilly
I will agree with that. Our enemies are both foreign and domestic. It’s sad when it’s our own citizens who set out to diminish our rights.
Good to see he's joining the military, he's already demonstrated he has the courage to stand up to bullies.
Look at all the turmoil going on behind him when they realize he isn't doing their bidding. This is an honorable young man.
He should have told the audience outright "I'm going to read the speech I wrote and was told not to" just to put them in their place.
Nah. He was mature about it. Unlike the school who didn't want to give him his diploma anymore
The Washington Post told the world ;) ... way better ... that way the caremony was without trouble and the point still made and for more people to see
He didn't need to give them more ammunition! He already showed them that they couldn't intimidate him into not reading his speech. He did "exactly" what was needed! It was about him publicly acknowledging thankfulness to God! That's what he needed to do! When Daniel was thrown into the den of lions, he didn't need to tell the king, hey, I'm down here!
They could've cut his mic if they knew. He's going into the military...best strategy in war is NOT telling your enemy what you're going to do.
He’s class president. If I were him, I’d want to say my own speech too, I mean come on. This is a very important milestone for him. Who tf would want to say a speech that the administrators wrote?
Yes it was a way to silence him. Well he didn't get to speak but his silence said a lot.
I would have done the same damn thing. But then again, I have oppositional defiance disorder. LOL
@@carlraffen6543 … that’s not a thing you know. EVERYBODY is able to feel disagreement with another person/ organisation.
But to be deliberately confrontational without knowledge or consideration is called
‘Pain in the Arse’ disorder.
@@madwhitehare3635 It most definitely is a thing. It's a real disorder. Stop being an Arse hole and look it up.
@madwhitehare3635 dawg how would you know they didn't get a diagnosis 💀 stfu.
Thank God that he had the courage and integrity to stand up for his rights and to express his own thoughts, rather than the thoughts of school administrators. He is a breath of fresh air and, hopefully, a sign that our nation is definitely going to become great once more! Thank you, Mr. Wright (what an appropriate last name!), good luck in your future; thank you for choosing to serve our nation! Your parents have so very much to be proud of!
He was valedictorian, I’m sure he stays on top of all his deadlines. Nice try
He was the president. That isn’t the same thing as a valedictorian. Far from it.
@@johnathant6735 I don't think anyone other than valedictorian gets a speech at grad. He's probably both
@@blahblahblah02 At my school the valedictorian, salutatorian, and the class president all were allowed speeches during our graduation ceremony. :D
@@blahblahblah02 yeah that's wrong
@@johnathant6735 Who cares? He stood up for himself.
Best part is all the seated adults behind him realizing what's happening, then having to sit there & take it
What the hell are they doing !? Educating...Or Indoctrinating Students !!? Props to the Student !
Kevin Mack Option 2.
All school really is is indoctrinating students for the corporate meat-puppet factories highkey
I ain’t Gonna adding to that, they KNOW how to make public schooling more efficient, but then who’s gonna run their factories and pizza shops? It’s about money not about caring for us. They won’t provide free college or free health care, but they’ll fight wars and send us to die for money. And they’ll ban drugs and say that it’s for our prosperity, when it’s to keep us strong enough for the work that they can profit from.
The latter
Chuck Taylor a student can’t silence another student that attempt usually leads to fights
It's crazy when a high school graduate is more of a grown-up than the principal. It just seems like they were trying very hard to take away his right to free speech. Congratulations good sir you are a fine man and I wish you the very best in life.😊
Honestly I am glad he was brave enough to take a stand and not just read what was written for him. We need more people like him.
I am proud you will be serving our country. The world needs more of you!
Blud lolz fucked up *)
Rizzoli Careyoli ur totally right
@USA#1 !! I come from a military background. My Great grandpas brother served. Long story short he got both his legs blown off then was put into a burn pile with others, he ended up rolling off and crawling a mile or so to the road where friendlies were. When he got to the hospital his finger's were so badly damaged by frost bite they had to amputat quite a few. He survived his injuries and died a few years after I was born, he died in 2006 I believe. My other relatives dont have such badass stories such as my uncle who caught some kind of disease over seas while serving in the navy that made his testicles nonfunctional. My father got shot multiple times on multiple different occasions in the butt. All that said I do agree with the other guy. Fighting wars to defend your country and peaple is amazing and honorable, but rn we're in 9 illegal wars last time I checked. These wars are not for the sake of defense of the country rather thier for another countries natural resources. I hate the fact we have men dying over seas to fill someone's pockets, in a unessecery endless war. Even if you don't agree with what the other guy is saying, he has the right to say it, amd many men in arms such as my family also share the same thought process as that guy, surely you wouldn't tell any of them they dont deserve freedom.
@CantOutRunADuck Rules were broken? All I saw was a student reading his graduation speech, as is common in most American schools. Correct me if I am wrong, or admit that you are.
@CantOutRunADuck Hmmm. You may be right, but this whole situation is very suspicious. There is no proof that he was informed of any 'deadline' or that said deadline existed in the first place. To the casual observer, it would appear that you are taking the school's side without considering the student at all. Also, unless America is completely backwards, it is illegal to withhold a student's 'diploma' without academic or legal justification. And violating school rules does not provide either of these.
Again, if I am misunderstanding the situation, please correct me.
All those teachers freaking out in the background after he started reading HIS speech haha. Well done!
May God richly bless this young man! We need more like him!!!
They humiliated him in what was to be a moment of Triumph and victory in his life.
Get em back with success!
What does the school board have to say about this nonsense of admin. writing a speech for him?
Mary Rodger I agree!!!
Travis Heitzman huh? Did u make a spelling error?
@Travis Heitzman You're some kind of dipshit. Look up the definition of the noun 'instruction' - Instruction, noun (ORDER) Something that someone tells you to do
Travis Heitzman did you need to be Racist ...
@Travis Heitzman Russia don't want them, nobody does.
The guy who gave the speech, if you’re reading this, thank you for your service.
Good for that young man. There comes a time in every person's life when they have to choose between standing up for themselves, or going along to get along.
Good for him , he stood his ground, how dare the school staff ,silence him..
Hope this kid gets what he needs and wants in life and carries on with doing the right thing. We need more people like him
He enrolled in the navy. That means he has to follow orders like a slave. No freedom.
@@denischarette7972 Yup. I've also heard his code name is Maverick
Ah yes, more disobedient kids. Just exactly what we need!
The fact the school staff even thought that was acceptable to make the student read their speech shows a failure in their approach in teaching.
Yes of course “God is evil and a fairy tail but the state looks out for our well being”. I’m not particularly religious but you’re asinine to think that he’s in the wrong here.
I’m glad it all worked out for him. He seems like a fine young man. I extend my Congratulations on the receipt of his diploma.
That principal should be fired! Poor kid! He worked so hard on his speech and thats how they behave.
I gave my speech in on Friday when the graduation was Sunday and my principal let me use it.
I guess my principal is normal and this principal is not!
bravo! I am happy you got your diploma! one day you will be a big business
@Travis Heitzman really
@Travis Heitzman or he can just start his own business and have no one command him
@Travis Heitzman It shows he has actual dignity and self respect, shows true character. He'll get far in life whether the navy cares or not.
@Travis Heitzman Ok then. You can wait
“Educators” sicken me
I hope that goes down on the principal’s permanent record.
You wonder why our schools are so wrecked?
Look at the type of low life they’ve employed
Mis-educators, dis-respectful!
All educators sicken you because of one incident???
@@Michelle-pn9xt Are you surprised? This is one of many. Look assertions you!
No ma’am not “one”
A lifetime of watching people lord over children simply because they themselves are too frightened to apply themselves outside the microcosm of academia.
I love knowledge and the search for it, but the glorified welfare recipient government employees known as educators are an obstacle, not an avenue.
@@Heavywall70 Ma'am! Do you have a hobby?
School admins are some of the shadiest people on the planet. Do you know who's watching your kids 30+ hours out the week for 12+ years?
Those days are over now we'll all be homeschooling going forward thanks to cov19
@@plantingseedss you know it's not going to last forever, probably one more year or less if things go well
In my school's case, a creepy Dean who got off on exercising power and stalked the lunchroom checking out the teenaged girls.
Also several of my teachers were weirdly pedantic about me calling a man who married a 14 year old a "pedophile". They did it in the same way that you argue points that are unimportant, because you know that you can't say what you really believe or you would lose the argument. Weird and concerning.
Gay and lesbian teachers
@@userequaltoNullwell ,. Pedo is for 13 or younger
So they were correct
An apology wasn't enough. What a horrible thing that petty principal did. He has no business working with High schoolers or any children for that matter.
The principal and everyone involved should be removed and barred from ever educating or managing education ever again. This is not education, it is indoctrination.
The principal, Craig Harris, who withheld the diploma was suspended by the school board. Marvin Wright received his diploma.
Amen, William!
Education is no more indoctrination than the navy he joins. Try questioning orders loud enough and see what happens
He did the right thing, I'm happy for him and wish him luck.
God bless him. He stood for what he believed in
I would like an update on this courageous man. Good for him to stand up to tyranny.
Clearly, he's far more intelligent than they 😂
Pity he joined the navy. They will beat the s*** out of him and use him as cannon fodder.
@@Zerpentsa6598 Words spoken by someone who has never served.
@@dontremoveme7481 it actually is they. The person could have also finished the sentence as “ they are.” If you’re going to correct grammar, know your grammar.
@@loph-of-bread they could have finished the sentence with ‘they are’ , but they didn’t. So it’s wrong.
As SOON as he starts look at the admin talking between themselves 🤣🤣🤣
This is the kind of student you want to have in your class. Good luck!
Much respect for this principled young man. Don't let the bastards get you down!
This is just a perfect example of a violation with people taking away someone's right to the first amendment. Very sad.
You should be proud of this young man for his accomplishments and not bring him down to the level of his insecure principal. Class valedictorian and joining the forces, a fine young man!! Canada
Good on you kid for letting the moment that you earned be yours.
A young man who SHOULD go far
If you stand up for nothing, you’ll fall for anything! Well done young man ! Never let someone force you to say something you don’t want to.
Sense when did a school ever have the right to dictate what someone can say?
Actually, since always. You probably dont like that answer but it is the truth
You sign an agreement every year of enrollment.
I'm so sure the administrators in the background are whispering "that's not the speech we gave him" 😂😂😂
A "MAN" is born! Good for him and I wish him the best in the Navy!
"Education allows students to think wisely and take their own decisions"
Unless you're in the navy
How was the principal allowed to do that? Hes literally saying HIS speech on HIS graduation.
I have a VERY hard time believing that a student of such high intellect and drive, would miss a deadline to submit his speech. After all the work he’s done, he wouldn’t do THAT?!
This young man will do well in life.
This dude joined the navy and is my buddy on my ship, I was like wtf why does this name and face look so familiar. So random
God bless him!
@@priscillajimenez27: Fair skies and following seas to you and your shipmate on Memorial Day 2020.
Nice OPSEC, seaman
@@Professor_Utonium_: No serious breach. Neither vessel/station have been disclosed.
@@ltmundy1164 DiD yOu GeT tHoSe GmTs DoNe
What has his speech got to do with withholding his diploma? Continue in the same vein young man. Don't let anyone put their words in your mouth.
They're on their way out and you're just beginning. Go to all the class reunions and call them out for what they did. Don't let them forget.
Good for you kid. It can be tough to show leadership and do the right thing. God bless you and your future.
I'm a Navy Vet and it makes me proud that he is going to be a fellow ShellBack, keep expanding your horizons, by not listening to those morons you will go far.
Will someone like him go far in the navy?
@@Postmodern368 in my opinion he will go far in any field of endeavor he pursues
@@boanerges6886 Ok, what? So he's ignoring protocol and deadlines and just doing whatever he wanted and that's ok?. Did you see him rolling his eyes as he began his speech? That kind of defiance and disrespect is accepted in the Navy?
Makes me proud to be Army.
@@ratsumatra3003 A Soldier, Marine, Sailor or Airman are not drones if given an unlawful order you should be able to make a right decision and not violate your conscious and do things that are just plain wrong.
*You're (contraction of "YOU aRE")
"Your" is for possession.
Also, turn off caps lock.
@@alvallac2171 bruh
@@alvallac2171 cry more
@@alvallac2171 Good job.
It's not about Controlling a life. You can be absolutely sure that it was his mention of God that they despised & that's why they rewrote his speech. They used their position of authority to violate his First Amendment Right to Religious Freedom!
Good job young man!!! The parts of the speech played were good! First, congratulations on graduating and enlisting. And second, be proud of standing up for what’s right. You had every right to read the speech you wrote, that’s why your classmates made you their class president!
That WAS pretty Petty of them Good Job young Man and Thank you for your service My Dad was 30 years Navy
Good job young man. You showed a lot of character!
Never let anyone think or speak for you.
Best wishes for a bright future.
We need more brave young people like this man. You can tell by his voice how afraid he was, but he refused to be bullied. And you can see the weight that was lifted when his classmates cheered.
Can i just say: do you want a lawsuit? Cause that's how you get a lawsuit.
Per earlier comment but more broadly, many educators have warped into telling youth and college students what to think, not guide in how to think critically. This young man can forever hold his head high.
When are we going to learn that in high school, they have a different view of life than some of us have? It's maturity in the making. Don't stop them. We need to hear from high school people as well as hear from people our age!
They thought they could suppress him and make him ready a measly 5-sentence speech. No you can’t! I’m glad he made that decision!
School & Prison have one thing in common, it's that no matter what you do, you're never free unless when it's your time to go.
What a brave and strong man at such a young age, props to him and his family, 👏 👏 👏
It’s just a piece of paper he already graduated 🤷🏽♀️ 😂 I’m proud of him 🌟
It's not just a piece of paper, though. He has to present it when he shows up for training in the military, or to his recruiter beforehand. That dumbass move from the school admins could have cost him.
The ceremony is only that..a ceremony....the young man already graduated when he made his grades and credits
This young man showed courage and conviction and through the fact that he was senior class president showed he had also earned trust. Preparing a bland speech shows disrespect and distrust. Shame on the school administration. This man will be an asset to the US Navy and to the nation. We have to have faith in the younger generation, they will be here when weˆre no longer here. All the best, Rob in Switzerland
Outstanding young man.
It's so beautiful to witness this young man's courageous integrity.
As the son of a school teacher with a PHD in teaching and numerous masters, Fire that principal and ban him from every education field for the rest of his life. What he did was sneaky, underhanded, and downright distasteful. I hated it. It makes me genuinely angry that these kinds of people are in our education system and it needs to stop. Those in the education industry need to care for the students and teach them to be indapendent.
this shows strength of character and bravery on this young man part.
stand by what you know to be right and most times you will do the right thing. You did the right thing Marvin. Good luck in the Navy, I know you will make your country proud.
Requiring him to read a speech that he didn’t rite is a violation of freedom of speech period !
*write (different meaning)
So what happens to all those speech writers?
Marzinjedi - jeez, just what we need, another 1st Amendment expert.
@@deepsleep7822 I’ll write something on a piece of paper and then make you read it before you get what you already earned and we will see what you say about it ? Does that make any sense now ?
@@marzinjedi6437 English please - no espanol!
Well done! Dont bend over for anyone, do what's right not what's demanded!
Congratulations to this amazing young man who stood by his principles and stood against the principal who exerted authority without reason and therefore has no integrity, nor legitimacy to his reign of terror.
Great job young man!