We sold our home in the city and paid cash for our homestead 3 years ago. We continue to work full time jobs and homestead. My husband and I save up and only pay cash. We do all our own work, remodeling, building. Too many people want everything instantly. I just saw a short telling people where to get farm loans so they can homestead now. They also said 50 year olds are tired of farming and will often sell their farm for $500 a month. We ARE in our 50’s and it took a lifetime of saving to live this lifestyle. I’m tired of people telling us we’re lucky. We are NOT lucky! We live simply and work hard. Thank you for your video. And God Bless.
I have no Debt... Inflation because of Government Money Printing is my big problem. We have lost something like 20% purchasing power over the last 4 years.
We have become so materialistic that we "must" have the latest and greatest. I worked with people who had to have a new truck every year. They couldn't understand why I didn't do that. I always had money at the end of the month when they were broke. We paid everything off many years ago.
We are almost out of the Houston area. Slow and steady saving, no tropical vacations, old cars, but we will leave this place behind soon! Thank you for all you do with your channel.
Sounds like a Dave Ramsey show lol. I love Dave ramsey and anyone questioning their lifestyle after this should go check out his channel. And i'm with you on the jobs/education issue, the other addiction we have is to entertainment, gaming, and youtube! Young men/boys don't WANT to work and their parents are spoiling them.
Happy new year! Debt is back breaking. I paid of my car and card 2 years ago. Best thing I’ve ever done. Now I’m selling my home and buying land. Everything will be paid for except a small portion of the land loan that will be paid in 2 to 3 years. I’ve never been so excited to leave that debt lifeline chain and ball behind.
No debt here besides the mortgage. I get by with a 43 year old tractor and 13 year old pickup truck on our 54 acres. The family minivan is the newest piece of “power equipment” we have. Could I use a new tractor? Absolutely (a bigger one at that), but that wouldn’t be a financially responsible choice now. At the end of the day, I’m thankful I have a tractor that runs to work with, and a truck that has been steady and reliable.
Excellent content and so spot on. Keep up the great courageous work. I worked hard and am retired. I receive 2 pensions and savings as well as SS. We have sufficient for our needs and more. It’s been part of my plan for emergency preparedness. 1. Water storage 2. Food storage 3. Power storage 4. Fuel storage 5. Financial storage 6. Security/Communication storage 7. Medicine Storage 8. 72 hr Survival Kit- Family 9. 72 hr Rollerbag Bug Out Kit 10. Documents Storage Binder - paper and digital. I’ve also purchased an RV for Remote Bug Out with Full Solar Capabilities that I built myself with a mini version of the 10 categories that I’ve prepped and have a beautiful garden on my 4 acres in Northern Utah that work. I can sleep at night. I just harvested 35 Jumbo Cornish Cross Hens and sold 6 to pay for my chicken project and the rest for our food storage. I’m never finished with my 10 categories. Of course these are all physical. The spiritual preparation is still #1 and that’s what drives me to protect my family. Even the righteous will be on earth during the tribulation so we must prepare. God bless
, harmonize the scriptures. Pre tribulation rapture is not biblical. I will show scripture. I’m a post tribulation rapture believer. Otherwise no need to prep. There are Christians that believe that no need to prepare therefore they don’t.
You are ahead of your time. My dad use to say these very things. My dad had very eccentric ideas. I guess they worked out because I use those ideas. I don't have a debit or credit card. (Extream huh) drive older cars that are paid for and in good shape. We didn't try to force our children to go to college but votec is required before graduating high school. (Personal choice) my young adult children have careers. Do to living as we have I was a stay at home mother (I loved it till my children were older) my husband and I went to votec as children and acquired education without debt. College is great for those who could learn in that setting and are interested in learning. Just didn't work out for us. I believe in a simpler way of life. I believe in American people, we are American.
And we weren't in debt NEVER HAVE HAD A CREDIT CARD if I didn't have cash to pay for what I needed then I didn't get it, NEVER BOUGHT NOTHING THAT I DIDN'T NEED.
Congratulations, doing the same just use the card for on-line and small purchases which we pay EVERY month. We have NEVER carried debt to the next month and never will. Never paid interest and just used the cash back bonus offered which made it cheaper than cash, to each his own but it works for us, God Bless
My homestead is paid in full, I am building out of pocket and it's painfully slow, but I am not beholden to a boss or a job demanding my time everyday. Most people are not willing to endure the discomfort and simplicity that it takes to get out of debt. It's not easy but it's worth the effort.
Wow, your rates are insane. My country used to have such numbers as well, but now we are like 2% on mortgage, 4% on car. I can't say for credit cards, as I don't own one. I really like that you are trying to bring awareness to the cycle of modern slavery.
Nice talk - i really appreciate your perspective on this video. One personal cautionary tale I'll share is to make sure that everyone keeps a social network if you are going to live self-sufficiently. It is easy to cut yourself off in these situations and become disconnected from society. My father decided to build a cabin in the woods after a long career in computer programming, and work on becoming self-sufficient. The problem is that, living alone, he became completely isolated with very few neighbors and no community to connect with (rural Georgia in the mountains). This led to excessive drinking and eventually mental illness. In the end he thought that someone was out to get him, abandoned the property and....not so sure after that. Online groups are ok, but it shouldn't replace real human contact and social connections. Don't seek friends, just be a friend to others. Bring food to someone who is old or needs help. Volunteer, join a church group, anything. It is vital to our health and fulfillment in life.
To the person who complained: the world does NOT owe you a living, and everyone goes through hard times. No one, not the government, and especially not you, has the right to steal that money from them. That poor couple put in the effort to help *themselves* out of tough times. You should be following their example, not whining that you aren't getting free money. --Signed, Someone who has had it much, much worse than you
Keep speaking the truth brother. We were blessed enough to get debt free and purchase our homestead and build our new house by paying cash. In contrast I have some friends that financed their homestead. They're doing the best they can but money is very tight and purchases like a tractor and even raised garden beds (yes I know they can save by building them) are out of reach right now. Getting out of (bad) debt as Robert Kiyosaki would say, is the best thing a homesteader can do.
That’s exactly what my husband and I are trying to do after we had a step back when I couldn’t work 2 years ago and we are penny by penny paying all are collections to be able to get are own place
The only debt we have is our mortgage. We save up for our vehicles so we can pay cash. If we charge anything on our credit cards we pay it off every month. If we have a major purchase coming up we save for it. We make 1-2 extra payments per year on our mortgage so we can get it paid off in 12-15 years.
Wow. That's a lot of debt nationally. I don't carry as much debt as some, and live in the country, but where I live we are taxed so high, I cannot afford chickens or even the coop to house them in. So yes, I am paycheck to paycheck living, and praying for wisdom to make right choices. Oh, and my edit to say, retirement is not an option at this time.
No debt here! We owe no one a penny. We only have our normal utility bills which will also be ending in the very near future. Now if I could only figure out a way to pay 0 taxes!
Paused at 5:44 - Todays High School graduate has NO financial education experience - UNLESS you take finance in College, NO college graduate has Market, Finance Education - EVERYONEs attention is on Interest Rates and Credit Scores, and yes that matters, but No body today is educated on Restraint from Purchasing CRAP like TVs, IPhones, Games and subscribing to Services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Music Services, Etc. and CARS are the Worst! Last I heard, Car Debt is greater then Credit Card Debt, which is greater than Mortgage Debt - The 'Shame By Status' perception, Driven my Commercialism, Shames everyone who doesn't have the latest greatest Car, Tv, or House and THAT Drives DEBT ! - Get over the 'Shame' and Get out of Debt ! That's the biggest shame of all !
Very good points people need to really listen to what you say. God gave us another chance to get away from our accumulation phase about 20years ago and we listened. I could go on about how it happened but no need to write a book. In short we are finally happy at our 850sq ft mansion with 2 acres of land to garden and peaceful community away from the city. God Bless
I was told a long time ago 30+ years ago from my dad. And that was this. Cash is king. So that means this. Can I go by it what I have in my pocket or back account. So in a nutshell everything I have has and will be paid in cash. Cars house land. What ever I may want is paid in cash.. with that being said my house is paid for the 5 and 1/2 acres I have is paid for all my vehicles are paid for. It can be done. But you have to put the work in to do it and have the mind set of do I have the money for what I want to buy. Yes buy it. No don't buy it keep saving so you can buy it or you don't owe nothing it can be done
I live on about 24k a year. Home is paid for , I have no car note. How? NO DEBT , God has blessed me. Read the bible, one primary point , owe no man nothing. Never ever owe more than one and always pay that off before you gain another. Be patient for the things you want. I have not had a tv for 6 years, my phone is a phone. I don't need all the upgrades I have internet and a computer, why pay for it on a phone. All the things people waste money on. Then the same people cry about government waste. Your doing the same, living and spending beyond your income
I fully agree. I'm on a self imposed 4 year strategy to close down all my credit cards and pay off personal loans. It's amazing how much money you have left over for projects when you don't have those monthly interest payments. I'm also using alternative investments instead of wall street because of the wall of corruption there. I'm working at becoming a producer where I produce more than I consume. Consumer throw away society is such a waste and is appalling when you look at the amount of waste we produce!
Everyone has to do their best to get rid of debt. I knew I wanted to live rural in 2011, I had 30k debt, paid off saved 40k bought land in 2016 paid off 75k, now that I am rural in trailer to start off, by the time I am 65 I will have a lot left over to spend/build. I did not have a car for 12 years to make this work, a minimum $70k saved, even gave up parmesan cheese $4000 saved. Salary was 40k net, a 15-year journey, now life is easy, low cost, quiet, bliss. The no debt scenario causes deep restful sleep, plan, attack, enjoy.
You are correct about debt but left out one of the causes of debt and that is wage theft. Wage theft is the biggest (in terms of amount of money) Crime in America. For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer deserves his wages.”
@@CountryLivingExperience Wage Theft is when employers do not pay their employees the wages they are due. Like forcing employees to do work before clocking in or have them clock out but still make them work after. as for the Government working fine before Income taxes. The world is a whole lot different now than in 1913. Do you want to cut the military back to 160k troops as it was in 1913? What would you cut out of the budget to make ends meet or what other sources of income would you tap?
Never heard of that type of wage theft. I have held many jobs in my life and none have ever dared that type of audacity. There are laws in place to prevent that. What jobs/professions are you saying this happens in? Two questions essentially: 1. Do you not believe that there is rampant corruption in government and that they waste almost every penny they steal from the American people? 2. In terms of commandeering my wages, at what percentage would it not be theft? Last two thoughts. To say you (or government) has a claim to my property (i.e. my wages), is to say you have a claim to the labor I performed to obtain it. To say you have a claim to my labor is to say that I am your (or governments) slave. If we had a military the same size as we did in 1913 as a percentage, our current military should be 544,000 members. Our current military personnel tops 2,1000,000 members which is almost 4 times as many. Btw, we are still giving $80mil a year to the Taliban.
Debt is BAD! ALL debt is bad! Until someone stops borrowing their future to spend today is a sign of bad character! There are many who borrow all they can because they do NOT plan on paying it back! This is so sad!
We the people give to the people in the USA but the government sure don't they give to Ukraine and put our money in crap that don't help America, just being honest.
Let me correct you, yes the 1 percent of Americans are the richest in the world, but 99 are not, plus the stress level in higher in the US aka quality of life.
We sold our home in the city and paid cash for our homestead 3 years ago. We continue to work full time jobs and homestead. My husband and I save up and only pay cash. We do all our own work, remodeling, building. Too many people want everything instantly. I just saw a short telling people where to get farm loans so they can homestead now. They also said 50 year olds are tired of farming and will often sell their farm for $500 a month. We ARE in our 50’s and it took a lifetime of saving to live this lifestyle. I’m tired of people telling us we’re lucky. We are NOT lucky! We live simply and work hard.
Thank you for your video. And God Bless.
So glad you are debt free! Congrats on working so hard. Many don't understand hard work and self denial.
I have no Debt...
Inflation because of Government Money Printing is my big problem.
We have lost something like 20% purchasing power over the last 4 years.
The money printing press is killing us for sure.
We have become so materialistic that we "must" have the latest and greatest. I worked with people who had to have a new truck every year. They couldn't understand why I didn't do that. I always had money at the end of the month when they were broke. We paid everything off many years ago.
We are almost out of the Houston area. Slow and steady saving, no tropical vacations, old cars, but we will leave this place behind soon! Thank you for all you do with your channel.
Got rid of debt...theft, I mean property taxes, is another story...
God Bless
Save during the good times to live through the hard times which “WILL” come!
People accumulate so much clutter a lot of stuff you buy is junk that breaks and ends up in the land fill.
Sounds like a Dave Ramsey show lol. I love Dave ramsey and anyone questioning their lifestyle after this should go check out his channel. And i'm with you on the jobs/education issue, the other addiction we have is to entertainment, gaming, and youtube! Young men/boys don't WANT to work and their parents are spoiling them.
Happy new year! Debt is back breaking. I paid of my car and card 2 years ago. Best thing I’ve ever done. Now I’m selling my home and buying land. Everything will be paid for except a small portion of the land loan that will be paid in 2 to 3 years. I’ve never been so excited to leave that debt lifeline chain and ball behind.
No debt here besides the mortgage. I get by with a 43 year old tractor and 13 year old pickup truck on our 54 acres. The family minivan is the newest piece of “power equipment” we have. Could I use a new tractor? Absolutely (a bigger one at that), but that wouldn’t be a financially responsible choice now. At the end of the day, I’m thankful I have a tractor that runs to work with, and a truck that has been steady and reliable.
A primary goal in life is a home that is paid for! I read the book “The Richest Man in Babylon” when I was a teenager! It was an awakening for me.
Buying a copy of the book. Thank you for sharing.
Excellent content and so spot on. Keep up the great courageous work.
I worked hard and am retired. I receive 2 pensions and savings as well as SS. We have sufficient for our needs and more. It’s been part of my plan for emergency preparedness.
1. Water storage
2. Food storage
3. Power storage
4. Fuel storage
5. Financial storage
6. Security/Communication storage
7. Medicine Storage
8. 72 hr Survival Kit- Family
9. 72 hr Rollerbag Bug Out Kit
10. Documents Storage Binder - paper and digital.
I’ve also purchased an RV for Remote Bug Out with Full Solar Capabilities that I built myself with a mini version of the 10 categories that I’ve prepped and have a beautiful garden on my 4 acres in Northern Utah that work.
I can sleep at night. I just harvested 35 Jumbo Cornish Cross Hens and sold 6 to pay for my chicken project and the rest for our food storage. I’m never finished with my 10 categories. Of course these are all physical.
The spiritual preparation is still #1 and that’s what drives me to protect my family.
Even the righteous will be on earth during the tribulation so we must prepare. God bless
The righteous should be raptured before the tribulation.
, harmonize the scriptures. Pre tribulation rapture is not biblical. I will show scripture. I’m a post tribulation rapture believer.
Otherwise no need to prep. There are Christians that believe that no need to prepare therefore they don’t.
5/8 acer North Utah Rocky Mountain valley
You are ahead of your time. My dad use to say these very things. My dad had very eccentric ideas. I guess they worked out because I use those ideas. I don't have a debit or credit card. (Extream huh) drive older cars that are paid for and in good shape. We didn't try to force our children to go to college but votec is required before graduating high school. (Personal choice) my young adult children have careers. Do to living as we have I was a stay at home mother (I loved it till my children were older) my husband and I went to votec as children and acquired education without debt. College is great for those who could learn in that setting and are interested in learning. Just didn't work out for us. I believe in a simpler way of life. I believe in American people, we are American.
You have hit the nail on the head!!
We're debt free, and we love it!
That's awesome Ben. Glad y'all got out of debt.
And we weren't in debt NEVER HAVE HAD A CREDIT CARD if I didn't have cash to pay for what I needed then I didn't get it, NEVER BOUGHT NOTHING THAT I DIDN'T NEED.
Congratulations, doing the same just use the card for on-line and small purchases which we pay EVERY month. We have NEVER carried debt to the next month and never will. Never paid interest and just used the cash back bonus offered which made it cheaper than cash, to each his own but it works for us, God Bless
I love that you add scripture. Stay blessed!
My homestead is paid in full, I am building out of pocket and it's painfully slow, but I am not beholden to a boss or a job demanding my time everyday. Most people are not willing to endure the discomfort and simplicity that it takes to get out of debt. It's not easy but it's worth the effort.
Shared! Thank you for posting!
Wow, your rates are insane. My country used to have such numbers as well, but now we are like 2% on mortgage, 4% on car. I can't say for credit cards, as I don't own one. I really like that you are trying to bring awareness to the cycle of modern slavery.
Good advice. Been decluttering and organizing. Only buying what I absolutely need (food). Very liberating
Nice talk - i really appreciate your perspective on this video. One personal cautionary tale I'll share is to make sure that everyone keeps a social network if you are going to live self-sufficiently. It is easy to cut yourself off in these situations and become disconnected from society. My father decided to build a cabin in the woods after a long career in computer programming, and work on becoming self-sufficient. The problem is that, living alone, he became completely isolated with very few neighbors and no community to connect with (rural Georgia in the mountains). This led to excessive drinking and eventually mental illness. In the end he thought that someone was out to get him, abandoned the property and....not so sure after that. Online groups are ok, but it shouldn't replace real human contact and social connections. Don't seek friends, just be a friend to others. Bring food to someone who is old or needs help. Volunteer, join a church group, anything. It is vital to our health and fulfillment in life.
Great video Eric, debt is a bondage
To the person who complained: the world does NOT owe you a living, and everyone goes through hard times. No one, not the government, and especially not you, has the right to steal that money from them. That poor couple put in the effort to help *themselves* out of tough times. You should be following their example, not whining that you aren't getting free money.
Someone who has had it much, much worse than you
I'm a welder, mechanic and a plumber and can't find a job
Plumbers needed in the Detroit area. Welders needed in Texas.
You need to be in the right place at the right time.
Keep speaking the truth brother. We were blessed enough to get debt free and purchase our homestead and build our new house by paying cash. In contrast I have some friends that financed their homestead. They're doing the best they can but money is very tight and purchases like a tractor and even raised garden beds (yes I know they can save by building them) are out of reach right now. Getting out of (bad) debt as Robert Kiyosaki would say, is the best thing a homesteader can do.
That’s exactly what my husband and I are trying to do after we had a step back when I couldn’t work 2 years ago and we are penny by penny paying all are collections to be able to get are own place
Keep going. You can do it.
I really thought you would have said the price of land.
You are spot on !
Great message!! Love those Bible verses, all of them have been underlined in my Bible for years. God bless!!
Underlining is great.
I memorized them after many years of "happy go lucky" living.
Totally different way of seeing & living.
The only debt we have is our mortgage.
We save up for our vehicles so we can pay cash.
If we charge anything on our credit cards we pay it off every month.
If we have a major purchase coming up we save for it.
We make 1-2 extra payments per year on our mortgage so we can get it paid off in 12-15 years.
and property taxes. you will be free the day you die
Thank you for the download! You open my eyes❤
You're welcome
Wow. That's a lot of debt nationally. I don't carry as much debt as some, and live in the country, but where I live we are taxed so high, I cannot afford chickens or even the coop to house them in. So yes, I am paycheck to paycheck living, and praying for wisdom to make right choices. Oh, and my edit to say, retirement is not an option at this time.
I will pray for you to gain more wisdom in these matters and that God provides for you. Keep moving forward.
Amen! 🙏🏼
No debt here! We owe no one a penny. We only have our normal utility bills which will also be ending in the very near future. Now if I could only figure out a way to pay 0 taxes!
Paused at 5:44 - Todays High School graduate has NO financial education experience - UNLESS you take finance in College, NO college graduate has Market, Finance Education - EVERYONEs attention is on Interest Rates and Credit Scores, and yes that matters, but No body today is educated on Restraint from Purchasing CRAP like TVs, IPhones, Games and subscribing to Services like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Music Services, Etc. and CARS are the Worst! Last I heard, Car Debt is greater then Credit Card Debt, which is greater than Mortgage Debt - The 'Shame By Status' perception, Driven my Commercialism, Shames everyone who doesn't have the latest greatest Car, Tv, or House and THAT Drives DEBT ! - Get over the 'Shame' and Get out of Debt ! That's the biggest shame of all !
Very good points people need to really listen to what you say. God gave us another chance to get away from our accumulation phase about 20years ago and we listened. I could go on about how it happened but no need to write a book. In short we are finally happy at our 850sq ft mansion with 2 acres of land to garden and peaceful community away from the city. God Bless
I was told a long time ago 30+ years ago from my dad. And that was this. Cash is king. So that means this. Can I go by it what I have in my pocket or back account. So in a nutshell everything I have has and will be paid in cash. Cars house land. What ever I may want is paid in cash.. with that being said my house is paid for the 5 and 1/2 acres I have is paid for all my vehicles are paid for. It can be done. But you have to put the work in to do it and have the mind set of do I have the money for what I want to buy. Yes buy it. No don't buy it keep saving so you can buy it or you don't owe nothing it can be done
I live on about 24k a year. Home is paid for , I have no car note. How? NO DEBT , God has blessed me. Read the bible, one primary point , owe no man nothing. Never ever owe more than one and always pay that off before you gain another. Be patient for the things you want. I have not had a tv for 6 years, my phone is a phone. I don't need all the upgrades I have internet and a computer, why pay for it on a phone. All the things people waste money on. Then the same people cry about government waste. Your doing the same, living and spending beyond your income
Debt free. Don't leave out those that are in debt, all the tatoos.
I fully agree. I'm on a self imposed 4 year strategy to close down all my credit cards and pay off personal loans. It's amazing how much money you have left over for projects when you don't have those monthly interest payments. I'm also using alternative investments instead of wall street because of the wall of corruption there. I'm working at becoming a producer where I produce more than I consume. Consumer throw away society is such a waste and is appalling when you look at the amount of waste we produce!
Amen brother.
No spend January is a real thing. BUT the savings is exclusively for debt destruction.
Envy is not from Jesus. God rarely blesses poor attitudes.
Envy....imo, the 2nd worst venal sin.
Debt????? what is that? I have zero debt, I Own everything I have including home and cars.
you only own the 2x4's pay property taxes till the day you die.
Everyone has to do their best to get rid of debt. I knew I wanted to live rural in 2011, I had 30k debt, paid off saved 40k bought land in 2016 paid off 75k, now that I am rural in trailer to start off, by the time I am 65 I will have a lot left over to spend/build. I did not have a car for 12 years to make this work, a minimum $70k saved, even gave up parmesan cheese $4000 saved. Salary was 40k net, a 15-year journey, now life is easy, low cost, quiet, bliss. The no debt scenario causes deep restful sleep, plan, attack, enjoy.
That is an amazing testimony! Awesome work!
You are correct about debt but left out one of the causes of debt and that is wage theft. Wage theft is the biggest (in terms of amount of money) Crime in America. For the Scripture says, “You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, “The laborer deserves his wages.”
Wage theft = income tax
@@CountryLivingExperience Not to disagree with you but the Government needs money to run. How would they make up the loss of funds.
@@LittleRiverBees-or6qp Ran just fine before income taxes were implemented. What was your definition of wage theft?
@@CountryLivingExperience Wage Theft is when employers do not pay their employees the wages they are due. Like forcing employees to do work before clocking in or have them clock out but still make them work after.
as for the Government working fine before Income taxes. The world is a whole lot different now than in 1913. Do you want to cut the military back to 160k troops as it was in 1913? What would you cut out of the budget to make ends meet or what other sources of income would you tap?
Never heard of that type of wage theft. I have held many jobs in my life and none have ever dared that type of audacity. There are laws in place to prevent that. What jobs/professions are you saying this happens in?
Two questions essentially: 1. Do you not believe that there is rampant corruption in government and that they waste almost every penny they steal from the American people? 2. In terms of commandeering my wages, at what percentage would it not be theft?
Last two thoughts.
To say you (or government) has a claim to my property (i.e. my wages), is to say you have a claim to the labor I performed to obtain it. To say you have a claim to my labor is to say that I am your (or governments) slave.
If we had a military the same size as we did in 1913 as a percentage, our current military should be 544,000 members. Our current military personnel tops 2,1000,000 members which is almost 4 times as many. Btw, we are still giving $80mil a year to the Taliban.
Debt is BAD! ALL debt is bad! Until someone stops borrowing their future to spend today is a sign of bad character! There are many who borrow all they can because they do NOT plan on paying it back! This is so sad!
We the people give to the people in the USA but the government sure don't they give to Ukraine and put our money in crap that don't help America, just being honest.
important message....thanks!
Fast Food! Did I get it right? Guess I better watch the video 😉
Good clickbait, not gonna lie... great points though, 100%
Can you please explain why you think this is clickbait?
I would say selfish society. When you need a loan (x amount), your so-called "friends" disappear. I just put them to the test.
Let me correct you, yes the 1 percent of Americans are the richest in the world, but 99 are not, plus the stress level in higher in the US aka quality of life.